ハナショウブの育て方・栽培方法 育て方のポイント 栽培環境・日当たり・置き場 菖蒲園などでは、修景効果のために開花期に水を張っていることが多いのですが、水生植物ではなく、周年株元が水につかるようなところはよくありません。日当たりを好み、極端に乾燥しないところであれば、あまり場所も選ばず、水辺に近いところから、一般の草花が育つ花壇まで、幅広く育てられます。蕾が出て開花する時期に一時的に水につかるのは問題ありません。 [图片]水やり 発蕾から開花中は十分な水分を必要とします。乾燥すると花がきれいに開かず、開いてもすぐにしぼんでしまいます。鉢植えでは、容器に水をためて、鉢ごと入れておくとよいでしょう。 肥料 秋の施肥は大切で、9月から10月に株を太らせることで、翌年もよい花が咲きます。早春の芽出し肥、開花後のお礼肥も少量施しておくとなおよいでしょう。 病気と害虫 病気:ほとんどありません。 害虫:ヨトウムシ、メイガ 5月から6月は特に注意が必要です。 [图片]用土(鉢植え) 一般の草花向け培養土が利用できます。植えつけのときは、肥料分が少ないほうがよく、しっかり根づいてから肥料を施します。 植えつけ、 植え替え 植えつけ:ポット苗であれば、春から初夏、秋に植えつけは可能です。株分け苗は、開花直後が最適期です。根茎が隠れる程度の深さに植え、新芽が伸びていく方向をよく確認して、植えつけの向きを決めます。 植え替え:連作を嫌うため、植えっぱなしにして数年たつと生育が衰えてきます。開花直後に株分けして植え替え、このときに土壌改良もしておきます。鉢植えは、毎年植え直しをするのがよいでしょう。 [图片]ふやし方 株分け:花が咲き終わるころ、または秋に株を分けます。花茎の部分は枯れてなくなるので、その横にある花の咲かなかった若い芽をつけて分けます。 タネまき:秋まき(とりまき)、または春まきで苗をふやすこともできます。タネをまいて3年目ぐらいに開花します。品種が混ざらないようにするには、花がらを早めに摘み取り、株元にタネが落ちないよう注意します。 [图片]主な作業 定期的な植え替え、施肥、そして乾燥させないよう十分に水やりすることです。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Herbs are one of the easiest plants to grow and provide pollinators a place to dine while livening up our dinners. Ornamental oregano plants bring all these attributes to the table as well as unique beauty and fun trailing form. The flavor isn’t as strong as the culinary variety but it has an unmatched appearance in its colorful bracts that develop in a host of pastel hues. What is ornamental oregano? It is a peacock of the herb family with many decorative uses.[图片]What is Ornamental Oregano? Many plants that are considered herbs have long lasting greenery and bright jaunty flowers that are like a magnet to bees, moths and other insects. Growing ornamental oregano provides a subtle oregano taste to food but is more often used for its unique appearance. Many of the forms are perfect for hanging baskets or as trailing accents in a rockery. They need little specialized care and are as hardy as their more common cousins. Ornamental oregano is in the genus Origanum just like its less engaging oregano cousin that is more familiar to our spice cupboards. They are a group of disease and deer resistant plants that thrive in a variety of soils and situations. The attribute most praised about this herb is its flowery bracts, which dangle appealingly from the stems in colors of soft pink, lavender, green and burgundy. Ornamental oregano plants may be upright or trailing and some have characteristic flowers but the varieties with whorled colored bracts and silvery blue foliage are most eye catching. Ornamental oregano care is similar to care for any Mediterranean herb.[图片]Growing Ornamental Oregano in the Garden There are many varieties from which to choose if you want to try your hand at one of the ornamental oreganos. Dittany of Crete and Kent Beauty boast tiny flowers but big colorful bracts. The bracts overlap and look similar to crepe paper pinecone scales. Pilgrim is an upright form with rosy pink flowers while Amethyst Falls is another cascading plant with hot pink blooms and purple bracts. There are even some lime green forms and some with multicolored bracts. Kent Beauty was the first available in the trade but several hybrids are now common in nursery centers. Once you get your hands on one, you’ll be hooked by their unique splendor and want to try many of the other forms.[图片]How to Grow Ornamental Oregano Most of the varieties are hardy to United States Department of Agriculture zones 4 or 5, except Dittany of Crete, which is only hardy to zone 7. Choose a site with full sun for best flower and bract formation, although the plants will do fairly well in partial sun. Soil should be well worked and have good drainage. Initial ornamental oregano care should feature regular watering with moderately moist soil but after the plant is established, it prefers a slightly dry environment. Ornamental oregano is a perennial and will create a larger colony over time. In cooler regions, grow your oregano in a container and move it indoors when freezes are expected. Container plants benefit from some liquid fertilizer in spring but outdoor plants are generally fine with just a top dressing of compost.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Herbs are some of the most rewarding plants you can grow. They’re often easy to care for, they can be kept in a container, they smell amazing, and they’re always on hand for cooking. One especially popular herb is oregano. Golden oregano is a common and worthwhile variety. Keep reading to learn more about growing golden oregano herbs and caring for golden oregano plants.[图片]Golden Oregano Information Golden oregano plants (Origanum vulgare ‘Aureum’) get their name from their yellow to golden foliage that is the brightest and truest yellow in full sun and cooler weather. In the summer, the yellow leaves are covered in delicate pink and purple flowers. Is golden oregano edible? It sure is! Golden oregano is very fragrant and has the classic oregano smell and taste that is in such demand in cooking.[图片]Growing Golden Oregano Plants Growing golden oregano herbs is especially good for container and small space gardening, since the plants tend to spread out less vigorously than other varieties of oregano. Caring for golden oregano is very easy. The plants need full sun, but they will grow in virtually any type of soil. They prefer moderate watering and can withstand drying. They are hardy in USDA zones 4 through 9 and will stay evergreen in the warmer zones. While less prone to spread than other oregano varieties, they are still vigorous plants that can grow to 3 feet in height and spread to 12 feet in width.[图片]Golden oregano plants can be trimmed at any time for cooking, but it’s useful to cut them back drastically in early summer to keep them low to the ground and contained. Dry and store your early summer clippings to have homegrown oregano on hand all year long.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Many different varieties of oregano find uses in cuisines from around the world. Some of these varieties have quite different flavors from the familiar oregano found in Italian herb blends. Trying different kinds of oregano is a great way to add interest to your garden and your cooking.[图片]Common Types of Oregano True oregano plant varieties are members of the Origanum genus within the mint family. There are several other plants known as “oregano” that are used in international cooking but are not members of this genus. Since oregano can be grown indoors, outdoors in containers, or in the ground, and since different kinds of oregano are suited for different climates, you can enjoy homegrown oregano no matter where you live. Origanum vulgare: This is the species most commonly known as oregano. Its best-known variety is Greek oregano (Origanum vulgare var. hirtum). Sometimes known as true oregano or Italian oregano, this is the familiar herb used on pizzas and in tomato sauces. Outdoors, it does best in zones 5 to 10 and should be planted in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Many other varieties of common oregano are available. For example, Golden oregano (Origanum vulgare var. aureum) is an edible variety with gold-colored foliage. Marjoram (Origanum majorana) is commonly used in Southern European and Middle Eastern recipes. Its flavor is similar to that of Greek oregano, but milder and less spicy.[图片]Syrian oregano (Origanum syriacum or Origanum maru) is often used in za’atar, a Middle Eastern spice mixture, along with ground sumac and sesame seeds. It is a perennial plant usually harvested in the wild, but it can be grown in a container or outdoors in warm, dry climates. There are also ornamental oreganos like Origanum “Kent Beauty” and Hopley’s Purple Oregano. Hopley’s Purple Oregano is a variety of Origanum laevigatum used both as a fragrant ornamental plant and for its edible leaves, which have a milder flavor than Greek oregano. It is well-suited for hot and dry climates. Then there are those “oreganos” that are not true oregano plant varieties, because they are not members of the Origanum genus, but have similar culinary uses to true oreganos.[图片]Other “Oregano” Plant Varieties Mexican oregano or Puerto Rican oregano (Lippia graveolens) is a perennial shrub native to Mexico and the Southwestern United States. It is a member of the verbena family and has a bold flavor reminiscent of a stronger version of Greek oregano. Cuban oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus), also known as Spanish thyme, is a member of the mint family. It is used in Caribbean, African and Indian cuisine. Poliomintha longiflora, also in the mint family, is known as Mexican bush oregano, Mexican sage, or rosemary mint. It is a very aromatic edible plant with tube-shaped purple flowers.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is an easy-care herb that can be grown indoors or out in the garden. As it is native to hot, arid regions, the oregano plant is perfect for growing in areas prone to drought. This herb also makes an exceptional companion plant for garden vegetables, repelling insect pests that commonly affect beans and broccoli. Let’s look at how to grow oregano in your garden.[图片]How to Grow Oregano Plant Growing oregano is easy. Oregano can be grown from seeds, cuttings, or purchased container plants. Seeds should be started indoors prior to your region’s last expected frost. There’s no need to cover oregano herb seeds with soil. Simply mist them with water and cover the seed tray or container with plastic. Place this in a sunny location such as a window to germinate. Oregano seeds usually germinate within about a week or so. Once the seedlings have reached approximately 6 inches tall, the plants can be thinned down to about a foot apart. Oregano plants can be set out or transplanted in the garden once the risk of frost has passed. Locate oregano in areas receiving full sun and in well-drained soil. Established plants do not require much attention. In fact, these drought-tolerant herbs need watering only during excessively dry periods. Oregano doesn’t need to be fertilized either, as these hardy plants can typically take care of themselves. For optimal flavor (if growing oregano for kitchen use) or more compact plant growth, flower buds can be pinched out as they begin to bloom.[图片]Harvesting Oregano Herb Oregano herb plants are commonly used for cooking. Plants can be harvested anytime once they have reached 4 to 6 inches tall. Harvesting oregano leaves as flower buds form will often yield the best flavor. Harvest oregano leaves in the morning hours once dew has dried. Oregano leaves can be stored whole, placed in freezer bags and frozen. They can also be dried in a dark, well-ventilated area and stored in airtight containers until ready to use.[图片]Oregano plants should be cut back to the ground and covered with a layer of mulch for over wintering outdoors. Container grown plants can be brought inside for growing oregano indoors year round. Now that you know how to grow oregano, you can add this tasty herb to your herb garden and enjoy it!
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Many people don’t realize that a mustard seed plant is the same plant as a mustard greens plant (Brassica juncea). This versatile plant can be grown as a vegetable and eaten like other greens or, if allowed to flower and go to seed, mustard seeds can be harvested and used as a spice in cooking or ground into a popular condiment. Learning how to grow mustard seeds is easy and rewarding.[图片]How to Plant Mustard Seed Mustard seed plants are normally grown from seed but can be grown from purchased seedlings as well. When selecting mustard seeds for planting, any mustard plant grown for greens can also be grown for mustard seed. Plant the mustard seed about three weeks before your last frost date. Since you’ll be harvesting the mustard seed, there’s no need to use succession planting like you do with mustard greens. Plant your mustard seeds about an inch apart. Once they sprout, thin the seedlings so that they are 6 inches apart. Mustard plants grown for seed are planted further apart than plants grown for just leaves as the mustard plant will be getting much larger before it flowers. If you are planting purchased mustard seedlings, plant these 6 inches apart as well.[图片]How to Grow Mustard Seeds Once mustard seed plants start growing, they need little care. They enjoy cool weather and will bolt (flower) quickly in warmer weather. While this may seem like a great thing if you are looking to grow mustard seeds, it is not. Mustard plants that bolt due to warm weather will produce poor flowers and seeds. It’s best to keep them on their normal flowering cycle to be able to harvest the best mustard seeds. Mustard seed plants need 2 inches of water a week. Normally, during cool weather, you should get enough rainfall to supply this, but if you don’t, you’ll need to do additional watering. Mustard seed plants don’t need fertilizer if they have been planted in well amended garden soil, but if you’re unsure if your soil is nutrient rich, you can add a balanced fertilizer to the roots once the plants are 3 to 4 inches tall.[图片]How to Harvest Mustard Seeds The mustard plants will eventually flower and go to seed. The flowers of mustard seed plant are generally yellow but some varieties have white flowers. As the mustard flower grows and matures, it will form pods. Watch for these pods to start to turn brown. Another sign that you are nearing harvest time will be that the leaves of the plant will start to yellow. Be careful not to leave the pods on the mustard seed plant for too long as they will burst open when fully ripe and the mustard seed harvest will be lost. The next step in harvesting mustard seeds is to remove the seeds from the pods. You can do this with your hands, or you can place the flower heads in a paper bag and allow them to finish maturing. The pods will open on their own in one to two weeks and a gentle shake of the bag will shake loose most of the mustard seeds. Mustard seeds can be used fresh, but like other herbs and spices, if you plant on storing them long term, they will need to be dried.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Originating from Eurasia, motherwort herb (Leonurus cardiaca) is now naturalized throughout southern Canada and east of the Rocky Mountains and more commonly deemed a weed with a rapid spreading habitat. Motherwort herb growing commonly occurs in neglected gardens, open woods, floodplains, riverbanks, meadows, fields, riverbanks, and along roadsides; really just about anywhere. But what is motherwort besides a rather invasive plant? Keep reading to find out.[图片]Motherwort Plant Info Motherwort plant info lists its other common names of cowthwort, lion’s ear, and lion’s tail. Motherwort herb growing in the wild appears as a sturdy stemmed perennial of up to 5 feet tall with pink to pale purple clustered flowers of six to 15 axils, or spaces between the leaf and stem, and prickly sepals. Like other members of the mint family, the foliage, when crushed, has a distinct odor. Flowers appear from July through September. Motherwort prefers moist, rich soils and hails from the mint family, Labiatae, with the same growing propensity of most mints too. Motherwort herb growing occurs via seed reproduction and spreads through rhizomes to form large colonies. Although shallow, the root system is very extensive. Motherwort herbs may occur in either sun or dense shade, and as mentioned in a plethora of areas. It is also extremely difficult to eradicate. Attempts to control rampant motherwort plants may include improving soil drainage and mowing close to the ground each time the shoots erupt from the soil.[图片]Motherwort Uses The genus of motherwort’s botanical name of Leonurus cardiaca, is descriptive of its ragged edged leaves, which resemble the tip of a lion’s tail. The species name of ‘cardiaca’ (meaning “for the heart”) is in reference to its early medicinal use for heart ailments – stimulating the heart muscle, promoting blood circulation, treating arteriosclerosis, dissolving blood clots and treating rapid heartbeat. Other motherwort uses are purported to be remedial for nerves, dizziness and “disorders of women” such as menopause and following childbirth. Motherwort herb growing is said to bring on scanty or absent menstruation and to relieve water retention, PMS, and stress or tension resulting from painful menstruation. Motherwort is prepared as either a tincture or tea for relief from any of these ailments. A caution regarding motherwort is that it contains lemon scented oil, which can cause photosensitivity if eaten and also contact dermatitis in susceptible individuals.[图片]How to Care for Motherwort Plants Provided that after reading my repeated commentary regarding how invasive motherwort is, you still wish to grow your own, the “how to” care for motherwort is very simple. Motherwort is an extremely hardy weed or herb, depending upon who you ask and only requires sun to light shade, most any soil type and enough water to keep moist. Motherwort herb growing will occur and steadily increase with seed broadcasting. Once the herb has laid roots, continued growth of the motherwort colony is guaranteed, and then some! Last warning, motherwort herb is a prolific and unbridled easy-to-grow plant with a propensity to take over the garden – so gardener beware. (That said, you may be able to control its rampant growth by growing the herb in containers much like its cousin the mint plant.)
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
What is Mexican tarragon? Native to Guatemala and Mexico, this perennial, heat-loving herb is grown primarily for its flavorful licorice-like leaves. The marigold-like flowers that show up in late summer and autumn are a delightful bonus. Most commonly called Mexican marigold (Tagetes lucida), it is known by a number of alternate names, such as false tarragon, Spanish tarragon, winter tarragon, Texas tarragon or Mexican mint marigold. Read on for all you need to know about growing Mexican tarragon plants.[图片]How to Grow Mexican Tarragon Mexican tarragon is perennial in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. In zone 8, the plant is usually nipped by frost, but grows back in spring. In other climates, Mexican tarragon plants are often grown as annuals. Plant Mexican tarragon in well-drained soil, as the plant is likely to rot in wet soil. Allow 18 to 24 inches between each plant; Mexican tarragon is a large plant that can reach 2 to 3 feet tall, with a similar width. Although Mexican tarragon plants tolerate partial shade, the flavor is best when the plant is exposed to full sunlight. Keep in mind that Mexican tarragon may reseed itself. Additionally, new plants are generated whenever the tall stems bend over and touch the soil.[图片]Caring for Mexican Tarragon Although Mexican tarragon plants are relatively drought tolerant, the plants are bushier and healthier with regular irrigation. Water only when the surface of the soil is dry, as Mexican tarragon won’t tolerate consistently soggy soil. However, don’t allow the soil to become bone dry. Water Mexican tarragon at the base of the plant, as wetting the foliage may lead to various moisture-related diseases, especially rot. A drip system or soaker hose works well.[图片]Harvest Mexican tarragon plants regularly. The more often you harvest, the more the plant will produce. Early morning, when the essential oils are well distributed through the plant, is the best time to harvest. Mexican tarragon requires no fertilizer. Pests are generally not a concern.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you are lucky enough to live in a neighborhood populated by Caribbean or South American grocers, have lived or visited those areas, or are yourself from the tropics or South America, then you may be familiar with malanga root uses. Everyone else is probably saying “what is a malanga root?” Read on to find out more malanga plant info and about growing malanga roots in the garden.[图片]Malanga Plant Info Malanga is very similar to taro and eddo, and can be easily confused with them. In fact, in some areas, malanga root is called eddo, as well as yautia, cocoyam, coco, tannia, sato-imo and Japanese potato. The plant is grown for its tubers, or belembe or calalous, which are used in a variety of dishes. What is a Malanga Root? In North America, malanga is more commonly referred to as “elephant ear” and is generally grown as an ornamental. At the base of the plant is the corm or tuber around which radiate smaller corms. The plant’s foliage can grow up to five feet long with huge leaves that look much akin to elephant ears. The young leaves are edible and used like spinach. The corm or tuber is earthy brown, looks kind of like big yam and can range from anywhere between ½ to 2 pounds in size. The exterior hides the crisp interior yellow to reddish flesh.[图片]Malanga Root Uses In South America and other tropical regions, malanga tubers are commonly cultivated for use in the cuisines of those regions. The flavor is like a starchy nut. The tuber is high in calories and fiber along with riboflavin and folate. It also contains a modicum of iron and vitamin C. It is often ground into flour but is also stewed, grilled, and sliced and then fried. For people with food allergies, malanga flour is an excellent substitute for wheat flour. This is because the starch grains contained in malanga are smaller, thus more easily digestible which reduces the risk of allergic reaction. As mentioned, the young leaves are also edible and are often used in stews and other dishes. In Cuba and Puerto Rico, malanga features prominently in such dishes as alcapurrias, mondongo, pastels and sancocho; while in the Caribbean, the young leaves are integral to the famous callaloo. Basically, malanga root can be used anywhere you would use a potato, yam or other root veggie. As with most other species of Araceae, malanga root contains calcium oxalate and saponin, whose bitter taste and toxic effects are cancelled out during cooking. When the root is cooked, it softens and is ideal for use as a thickener and to make creamy dishes. The root is also often cooked down and mashed as potatoes for a creamy side dish. Malanga can be peeled, grated and then mixed with flour, egg, and herbs to make fritters. Fresh malanga root can be kept at room temperature for a few weeks and even longer if kept in the refrigerator.[图片]Growing Malanga Roots There are two different malangas. Malanga blanca (Xantyosoma sagittifikium), which is grown on dry land, and malanga Amarillo (Colocasia esculenta), which is grown in boggy areas. Malanga plants need full sun, temperatures above 68 degrees F. (20 C.) and damp, but well-draining soil with a pH of between 5.5 and 7.8. Propagate by planting the entire main tuber or secondary tubers of just a piece of the main tuber. If you are using seed pieces, cure them first by dipping them into a fungicide and then allow to air dry for 2 hours. Plant 3-4 inches deep in rows spaced 72 inches apart. Use an organic mulch to retain moisture and apply a 10-20-20 fertilizer, three times. Feed the plant first at 2 months and thereafter at 5 and 7 months.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Most people think of licorice as a flavor. If asked to come up with licorice in its most basic form, you might very well pick those long, ropy black candies. But where does licorice come from? Believe it or not, licorice is a plant, known for its strong and sweet flavor. Keep reading to learn more about growing licorice and licorice plant care.[图片]Licorice Plant Information What is a licorice plant? Related to peas and beans, licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a flowering perennial that grows to about 5 feet tall. Its scientific name, Glycyrrhiza, comes from the Ancient Greek words glykys, meaning “sweet,” and rhiza, meaning “root.” Just like the name suggests, the part of the plant that contains that distinctive flavor is its extensive root system. Native to Eurasia, it has a long history of use from China to Ancient Egypt to Central Europe both as a sweetener (it is 50 times sweeter than sugar) and as a medicine (even today it is widely used in throat lozenges). To harvest the plants, the roots are dug up and squeezed of their juice, which is boiled down to an extract.[图片]Licorice Plant Care Can you grow licorice plants? Absolutely! Licorice is very common in the wild in Eurasia and parts of North America, but it can also be cultivated. You can either plant seeds in a greenhouse in the fall, transplanting them outdoors in spring, or (and this is much easier) divide the rhizome of an older plant in the spring. Just make sure that each section of rhizome has a bud attached to it.[图片]Licorice plant care is not difficult. The plants like alkaline, sandy, moist soil. Cold hardiness varies greatly from species to species (American licorice is the toughest, hardy down to zone 3). Licorice plants are slow to get established, but once they get going, they can become aggressive. Keep your plant in check by harvesting its rhizomes regularly.
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