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Dummer. ゛☀
I grow basil every year in a container on my deck, near enough to the kitchen to easily grab a few sprigs to liven up almost any culinary creation. Generally, I use it so frequently that the plant doesn’t get a chance to flower, but every so often I am remiss in its use and, voila, I end up with tiny delicate blooms on basil. The question is then, should basil be allowed to flower and if so, can you eat basil flowers?[图片]Basil Plant Flowering If your basil plant has flowered, the question of what to do depends on what you are growing the herb for. Basil is a member of the mint family, Lamiaceae, with over 40 known varieties. Most folks grow it for its aromatic and flavorful foliage, redolent of mint and clove with slight peppery notes. Although basil is most often associated with the Mediterranean or Italy, the herb actually originated in Asia — Thailand, Vietnam and parts of India — where it is often grown as a perennial. Because of this broad connection, basil can be found in almost every cuisine on the planet. Among the vast varieties of basil, Ocimum basilicum, or sweet basil, is the most commonly grown. Ocimum is derived from the Greek meaning “to be fragrant” and thus, is evocative of this plant’s delicious foliage. Basil leaves, whether sweet basil or purple, spicy Thai or citrusy lemon basil, all contain essential oils responsible for their unique flavor nuances. The foliage is easily bruised, releasing the magnificent perfume. So then, should basil be allowed to flower?[图片]Blooms on Basil So, if your basil plant has flowered, is this a good thing or a bad thing? If you are cultivating basil strictly for its leaves, it is best to remove the flowers. Pinching basil blooms back will allow all of the plant’s energy to stay focused on foliage production, creating a bushier plant with more leaves and maintaining higher levels of essential oils in the leaves. Leaving the flowers on basil plants tends to engender a straggly looking specimen with fewer leaves to harvest. That said, if you have also been remiss in pinching basil blooms, just snip them off and, as they are quite pretty, put them in a bud vase to enjoy on the window sill. Or, you can also sprinkle them on a salad or over pasta to enliven the dish because, yes, basil flowers are edible. They also make great tea! You can expect the blooms to taste similar to the leaves, but with a milder flavor.[图片]If, however, your intent when cultivating basil is for a big batch of pesto, you’ll want to pinch back the herb to encourage leaf growth. Pinch off the flower buds as soon as they emerge. Basil will usually need to be pruned every two to three weeks and it’s okay to go at it. The plant can tolerate a severe pruning which will, in fact, promote growth. Lastly, fertilize your basil sparingly, as it will actually decrease the fragrant essential oils, and harvest the leaves in the early morning when they are at their peak. Don’t overreact if the plant blossoms — just pinch back the blooms or, better yet, cut back half the foliage. Use both for dinner and the plant will double in size within a couple of weeks, healthier and bushier than before.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Basil (Ocimum basilicum) is a member of the Lamiaceae family, known for outstanding aromas, and basil is no exception. The leaves of this annual herb have a high concentration of essential oils, making it a piquant addition to many various cuisines around the globe. What is the best way of trimming or pruning back basil plant leaves?[图片]How to Trim a Basil Plant Basil is grown for its flavorful leaves, which can be used fresh or dried. However, there is no comparison and fresh is better than dried. There are a number of different varieties of basil, with the most common being Sweet Basil used to make magnificent pesto sauce. asil is a very easy herb to grow and can be started indoors in flats or outside in the garden after the danger of the last frost has passed. Plant the seed no deeper than twice the length of the seed in a sunny exposure. Basil seedlings will emerge within five to seven days and can be thinned when they have two leaves. Transplant them 12 inches apart and keep the plants consistently moist. Basil leaves are quite delicate and barely bruising the leaf releases the aroma of the essential oils, which quickly begin to dissipate. Therefore, pruning basil leaves with care is a necessity. You don’t need to prune basil plants when they are still small; wait until the herb is about 6 inches tall before trimming basil leaves. The more often you prune the basil plant, the bushier and leafier it becomes.[图片]As soon as flowers become evident, pinch them off so the energy in the plant stays diverted to foliage growth. If the basil plant is growing vertically, pinch the leaves from the top to encourage lateral growth. Use the pinched leaves or dry them, so there’s no waste. Basil grows quickly, so even if you don’t want to use the leaves right away (gasp!), keep trimming back the plant when it gets large and bushy. To harvest basil, cut the herb back about ¼-inch above a node, 3 inches from the base of the plant. Leave a few inches of leaves on the plant after pruning. You can be quite aggressive when pruning basil plants since, as already mentioned, they are rapid growers. Even after a major cutting back, the herb will be ready for pruning again in a few weeks.[图片]To harvest basil, cut the herb back about ¼-inch above a node, 3 inches from the base of the plant. Leave a few inches of leaves on the plant after pruning. You can be quite aggressive when pruning basil plants since, as already mentioned, they are rapid growers. Even after a major cutting back, the herb will be ready for pruning again in a few weeks. Pinching or cutting back basil plants regularly encourages full, bushy plants. There is no mystery or exact science to cutting back basil plants. Trim a basil plant every two to three weeks and pinch off the flower buds as soon as you see them. Trust me, the plant loves this and it will only encourage more vigorous growth while providing you with plenty of fresh basil leaves to stretch those culinary wings.
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Dummer. ゛☀
You know it’s summer when fresh, ripe tomato and basil salad graces your dinner table. Basil is one of the warm season herbs that have a distinctive scent and flavor. Harvesting basil seeds from a favorite variety will ensure you get that same taste and cultivar. Saving basil seed is an easy, economical way to grow basil year after year. Read on for some tips on how to harvest basil seeds and ways for saving basil seed.[图片]How to Harvest Basil Seeds Basil plants are pollinated by small flying insects. The different varieties will cross pollinate, so it is important to isolate a favorite cultivar by at least 150 feet. This will prevent another variety from polluting your strain. The seeds are contained in the spent flower head. Use a fine colander for basil seed collecting, as the black seeds are very tiny. Cut off the brown and spent flower heads and let them dry for a few days in a warm, dry location. Crush the heads over the colander and pick out the old petals and any chaff. Basil seed collecting is that simple. You can also put the dried seed heads into a paper bag and shake it, then crush the bag with a rolling pin, tip the pulverized plant material into a shallow tray and blow out the chaff. You now have home-harvested basil seed which will be of the parent plant’s strain, provided they didn’t cross pollinate.[图片]How Long Do Basil Seeds Keep? Once you have the seeds, you need to store them properly. But how long do basil seeds keep? If they are properly stored, basil seeds are viable for up to five years. Label and date your seeds and rotate them so the oldest are used up first. Seeds that are completely dry and kept in a dry, dark location should be viable for years after basil seed collecting.[图片]Storing Basil Seed Place the dried seeds in a plastic bag or glass jar with a sealable lid. Put the bag or jar in the freezer for a couple of days to kill any insect pests that may be still in the plant material. Ensure there is no air in the container and store the seed in a cool, dark place. Seed viability will be affected if the seeds are exposed to more than minimal light. Label and catalogue your varieties and get ready for a bumper crop of basil. Sow the seed in flats in early spring with just a dusting of potting soil over the tiny seeds. Keep moderately moist and transplant after the first two sets of true leaves appear. Harvesting basil seeds is a quick way to preserve the delicate flavors of the herb and ensure there is a plentiful supply of pesto.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Herb growing requires a minimum of care, as the plants are normally fast growing and many of them already have some insect resistance due to the high amounts of essential oil in the leaves. Still, even these rather trouble-free plants can end up with issues. One such problem is bitter basil leaves. [图片]Bitter Tasting Basil Leaves A member of the Lamiaceae (mint) family, basil (Ocimum basilicum) is renowned for its aromatic and sweet tasting leaves. The herb is cultivated for the use of these leaves, which are high in essential oils and impart delicate flavor and aroma to a multitude of cuisines. It can be used either fresh or dried, although most people agree that dried basil doesn’t hold a candle to fresh basil. The most common basil grown is Sweet or Italian basil and is responsible for one of the great sauces of the world — pesto. However, there are many varieties of basil to choose from, imparting unique flavor such as cinnamon, anise and lemon to the evening’s menu. Since basil is usually a fairly mild, sweet tasting herb, what would cause bitter tasting basil?[图片]Reasons for Basil Going Bitter Basil is a tender annual best grown in a sunny area with six to eight hours of direct sun exposure per day. Plant basil in well-drained soil amended with organic compost. Basil seeds can be sown directly into the garden after all danger of frost has passed or started indoors in trays to be transplanted when the seedlings have at least two leaf sets. Seeds should be barely set beneath the soil, about ¼ inch deep and lightly covered. Water the seeds in. Germination takes place within five to seven days. Thin or transplant basil seedlings so they have a space of between 6 to 12 inches between individual plants. Container grown basil needs to be watered more frequently, but garden or container grown basil should be kept moist. Feed your basil herb with an organic fertilizer.[图片]If you have followed the above instructions and still have bitter basil plants, the following causes could be to blame: Pruning The primary culprit is lack of pruning. Basil needs regular pruning or cutting back to facilitate a robust, bushy plant with plenty of aromatic leaves. Another reason for pruning is to prevent the herb from blooming. Although blooming basil has ornamental value, in culinary terms it can be a disaster. Be vigilant and, at the first sign that the plant is trying to bloom, pinch the flowers off. Basil that is allowed to flower and form seed stops producing foliage and results in bitter tasting basil leaves. Pruning can be fairly aggressive, down to just above the lowest two sets of leaves. Snip at the node, just above a pair of leaves. Aggressive pruning will prevent the plant from trying to flower as well as engendering more flourishing foliage. You can prune this severely every three to four weeks. Variety If your basil plant is bitter, another reason may just be the variety. With over 60 varieties of basil available, it is possible, especially if you are not sure of the cultivar, that you may have planted one with unexpected flavor profiles. For instance, a cinnamon basil or spicy globe basil may yield a totally unexpected flavor, especially when your taste buds were expecting sweet basil.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Most herbs thrive in sunny Mediterranean-like conditions in well-draining soil. Certainly one of the most popular herbs, basil is a tender annual in most cases. With that thought in mind, at the end of season basil harvest, can you keep the basil through winter?[图片]Will Basil Die Over Winter? As previously mentioned, basil is an annual in most cases. Specifically, sweet basil, the popular variety of basil grown for use in the most sublime pesto sauces, is an annual. There are a couple of other varieties of basil that are hardier and tend towards a perennial life cycle. Generally, the end of summer or first part of fall heralds the end of season basil harvest, but is there a way to extend basil’s life at the end of the season? You can try to keep basil through the winter. However, sweet basil is meant to live its life cycle within one year and thereafter go to seed. At the end of the season, though, you can try to keep it alive by moving potted basil indoors. Unless you are moving and growing the herb in a greenhouse, the hot temperatures and direct sunlight that basil thrives in are not usually found in the average person’s home, so be sure to provide as much light as possible; artificial lighting for 10-12 hours a day during the darker winter months. Even so, the plant may linger for a time, but it will succumb at some point. With this knowledge, it is best to be prepared to either purchase another plant or start your own from seed in the spring.[图片]Basil Care After Season Since basil’s sweet, fresh flavor is fleeting, it’s wise to have a game plan for basil care after season. That is, how are you going to utilize all that fresh basil while it’s at its peak and at the final harvest? Basil is best used fresh. That said, it is also pungent when dried. Using a dehydrator or simply preserving the foliage by air drying in a warm, dry well ventilated room for a week or so is a great way to extend the life of this herb. Once the herb has dried, remove the leaves from the stems and store the leaves either whole or ground in an airtight container away from heat and bright light. Stored in this manner, dried basil will keep for one year. A better method for storing and utilizing fresh basil leaves is by freezing the herb. Freezing basil allows you to keep the brilliant green color which complements food so beautifully, while drying the herb turns it to an unpleasant brown. Freezing your basil also results in a flavor more akin to fresh. You can freeze entire leaves in small batches in small plastic bags or chop them and place them in an ice cube tray with a bit of water. Or, mix the chopped basil with a bit of olive oil and then freeze in ice cube trays.[图片]Once frozen, remove the cubes of basil and store in airtight containers in the freezer for future use. You can also make some fabulous pesto sauce and freeze it in batches. Frozen basil will last the same as dried, about one year. However, if you decide to store your basil for the post harvest season, do it! I miss the fresh aroma and tender flavor of fresh picked basil during the winter. There really is nothing like it, and I pine for spring when I can cultivate it again.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Arguably one of the most popular herbs, basil is a tender annual herb native to the southern regions of Europe and Asia. Just as with most herbs, basil thrives in sunny locations that receive at least six to eight hours of light per day. Since this is critical when growing basil, you may wonder, “Does basil like cold weather?” Read on to learn more.[图片]Does Basil Like Cold Weather? Basil is an easy and popular herb to grow, especially common or sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum). This member of the mint family is grown for its sweetly scented leaves used either fresh or dried that compliment a variety of foods. A member of the mint or Lamiaceae family, basil is usually grown as a tender annual. Generally, its growth cycle doesn’t include overwintering; rather it dies down and the hard seeds wait in the ground over winter and then germinate during the spring thaw. When temperatures dip, basil suffers cold damage almost immediately in the form of blackened leaves. Therefore, basil and cold weather do not gibe. If, however, you are the lucky owner of a greenhouse or live in a region where temps may dip but long hours of sun prevail, it is possible to try and over winter your basil baby indoors.[图片]Basil Cold Hardiness The cold tolerance of basil begins to suffer when the mercury drops into the 40’s but really affects the plant at 32 degrees F. (0 C.). The herb may not die, but basil cold damage will be in evidence. Keep in mind the cold tolerance of basil and wait until overnight lows are above 50 degrees F. (10 C.) before setting out transplants. If you set them out prior to temps in the 50’s, you’ll either have to dig them back up or cover them to protect this tender herb from cold snaps. It is also advisable to mulch 2-3 inches of grass clippings, straw, compost or ground up leaves around the basil plants. This will aid in retaining moisture and retarding weeds, but also protect the plant a bit in the event of a sudden, short cold snap. You can also cover the tops of the plants, down to the soil to help trap heat. If the cold snap really drops the mercury, a string of Christmas lights beneath the covered basil plants will help retain some heat under their covering. There may be some minor basil cold damage, but the plants will likely survive.[图片]Basil and Cold Weather Once the mercury falls into the 50’s and it seems that it is likely to continue to dip, make a plan for the basil plants. You may just choose to harvest as many leaves as possible and dry or freeze them. Or, if there is plenty of sunshine during daylight hours and temps are over 50 degrees F. (10 C.) but dip down at night, leave the basil outside during the day and then move it indoors at night. This is a temporary situation and will prolong the life of the plant, but it will eventually expire as temperatures continue to drop. Lastly, you may want to try to get the basil to survive the winter so you will have fresh leaves year round. In this case, you will need to pot the basil and bring it inside. Remember, basil requires lots of light — six to eight hours of direct sun or ten to 12 hours under artificial light. Also, basil is still an annual and as such, it will eventually flower and die, even when brought indoors. That is its life cycle. Additionally, if you do not have the light or space to try and over winter the herb, you can take tip cuttings from the basil and root them in small containers kept on the windowsill. You’ll have to keep an eye on the cuttings, as they tend to grow towards the light and may come in contact with a frosty window, which will result in blackened leaves.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Basil is a sun-loving herb valued for its bright green foliage and distinctive flavor. Although basil is usually easy to get along with, it can develop droopy leaves that can ultimately shorten the life of the plant. Read on to learn more about why your basil is starting to wilt and what can be done about it.[图片]Why Does Basil Wilt? Healthy basil plants require at least eight hours of sunlight every day, well-drained soil, and enough space to allow for plenty of air circulation. If you are meeting the plant’s basic needs and your basil plant keeps falling over anyway, there may be a more serious problem. Fusarium Wilt Basil plant droop that appears suddenly on young plants is often caused by fusarium wilt, a fungal disease that causes stunted growth and droopy, wilted or yellow leaves. The first signs of trouble are decreased growth and leaves with a cupped appearance. Eventually, leaves may drop from the plant. Fusarium wilt is difficult to manage and can remain in the soil for eight to 12 years. If you suspect your plant is infected with fusarium, you’ll probably have to start fresh with a new plant in a completely different location. Prevention is the best solution for fusarium wilt. Purchase healthy, disease-resistant plants. If you plant basil seeds, be sure the package indicates the seeds are fusarium tested.[图片]Root Rot Root rot is another common reason for droopy basil plants. Rot is a water-borne disease generally caused by improper irrigation or poorly drained soil. Let the soil dry slightly between watering, but don’t allow it to become bone dry. If the basil is in a pot, ensure the plant drains thoroughly after watering and never let the pot stand in water. Leaf Spot If your basil plant is starting to wilt and you notice brown, water-soaked spots on the leaves, it may be infected by various fungal diseases known as leaf spot. Remove affected leaves at the first sign of infection. To prevent the disease, water at the base of the plant and never use a sprinkler or spray attachment. If the disease isn’t serious, a fungal spray may help.[图片]Pests Aphids, spider mites and other insects can suck the sap from aphids, which may cause droopy leaves. Most sap-sucking insects are easily removed by spraying the leaves with an insecticidal soap spray. Use the spray strictly according to directions. Never spray the plant when the sun is directly on the foliage, or when temperatures are above 90 degrees F./32 degrees C.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you’re tempted to toss a handful of fertilizer at your basil plant in hopes of creating a full, healthy plant, stop and think first. You may be doing more harm than good. Basil plant feeding requires a light touch; too much fertilizer may create a big, beautiful plant, but the quality will be badly compromised, as fertilizer decreases the all-important oils that give this herb its distinctive flavor and aroma.[图片]Fertilizing Basil Plants If your soil is rich, your plants may do just fine with no fertilizer at all, or you can dig an inch or two of compost or rotted animal manure into the top 6 to 8 inches at planting time. If you think the plants need a little extra help, you can use a very light application of a dry fertilizer once or twice during the growing season. The best fertilizer for basil is any good quality, balanced fertilizer. If you’re wondering when to feed basil growing in containers, the answer is once every four to six weeks for indoor plants and every two to three weeks for basil in outdoor pots. Instead of a dry fertilizer, use a water-soluble fertilizer mixed at half strength. You can also use an organic fertilizer such as fish emulsion or liquid seaweed. Mix and apply the fertilizer according to label recommendations.[图片]How to Fertilize Basil To feed in-ground basil using a dry fertilizer, sprinkle the fertilizer lightly on the soil around the plants, then scratch the granules into the soil with a spade or garden fork. Be careful not to get the dry fertilizer on the leaves; if you do, rinse it immediately to prevent burning. Water the plant deeply to prevent damage to the roots and to distribute the fertilizer evenly throughout the root zone. For containerized basil plants, simply pour the diluted, water-soluble fertilizer onto the soil at the base of the plant.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Basil is a wonderfully versatile annual herb that is native to southern Asia and the islands of the South Pacific. As with other herbs, basil is easy to grow and with ideal conditions quite prolific. Even so, basil plants can have a number of issues; among these are basil plants with woody stems. If you have basil stems turning into wood, read on to learn about troubleshooting woody stems in basil.[图片]How to Avoid Basil with Woody Stems Basil, Ocimum basilicum, is a member of the Lamiaceae or mint family. Basil is grown primarily for its tender, young leaves which are used either fresh or dried in Asian and European foods. Proper planting and ongoing care of basil gives it the best chance to flourish and avoid disease and pests. Basil, like most herbs, likes lot of sunshine, at least six to eight hours per day. Propagation by seed is simple. You can direct sow into the garden after all danger of frost has passed or start seeds early indoors (six to eight weeks prior to planting outside). Sow the seeds evenly and cover them with ¼-inch of well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0-7.5. Within five to seven days, you’ll see the seedlings begin to emerge. Keep the seedlings moist but not drenched or they may develop a fungal disease called damping-off. When the seedlings have two or three pairs of leaves, thin them or transplant them 6-12 inches apart. Mulch around the plants with grass clippings, straw, compost or ground leaves to help retain moisture and retard weeds.[图片]Water the basil every seven to 10 days, depending upon rainfall. If the plants are in containers, they may need additional water. Lightly fertilize basil with a 5-10-5 food once or twice at the rate of 3 ounces for every 10 feet of planting space. Use a liquid fertilizer at half the recommended strength every four to six weeks for indoor basil and every three to four weeks for basil that is grown outside in containers. Follow all of the above and you should have an abundance of lovely, aromatic basil leaves to harvest. But what happens if you start getting woody basil plants?[图片]Troubleshooting Woody Stems in Basil Basil, unlike some plants, actually loves to have a little taken off the top. You can harvest as soon as the plant is a few inches tall. Snip young leaves or, if you are harvesting an entire stem, cut above a pair of leaves. This encourages new growth at the cut which should be visible within a week. Keep trimming the basil throughout the growing season to encourage growth. If you can’t use the basil immediately, hang stems to dry or freeze the basil in ice cube trays for later use. Puree the basil with either a little water or olive oil, put the puree in the tray, freeze, and then pop them out and store the cubes in the freezer in an airtight container for later use. The important thing is to keep pruning your basil. If you don’t, the plant will flower and form seed which, in turn, causes the stems to become woody. The leaves will turn bitter as well. If you’re growing the basil as an ornamental for its attractive foliage and flowers, then you probably don’t care if the basil stems are turning into wood. If, however, you love those succulent young leaves, keep snipping. Old stems that have not been cut back also turn woody just as a plant that has been allowed to flower. Do keep in mind that basil is an annual. You can extend its life a bit by bringing the plant inside when the weather begins to get cold, but it will eventually die. Woody basil plants simply mean that the plant is protecting itself from the dipping temps. If you bring it inside, give it plenty of light. Production will slow in the winter, but you should still be able to harvest some delectable fresh basil leaves to enliven your winter meals.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Versatile and easy to grow, basil is an attractive culinary herb valued for its aromatic leaves, which are used either dry or fresh. Although basil is usually grown as an annual, it is suitable for growing year round in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and above. Although the herb is relatively trouble-free, it is susceptible to certain pests and diseases that can cause yellowish leaves on basil plants.[图片]What Causes Basil Leaves to Turn Yellow? There are a number of reasons for a basil plant turning yellow, and determining the reason isn’t always easy. Improper watering – Root rot, a result of too much water, is one of the most common reasons for yellow leaves on basil plants. Water basil only when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil is dry, and remember that slightly dry soil is healthier than soggy soil. As a general rule, one deep watering every seven to 10 days is adequate. If you grow basil in a container, be sure the pot has at least one drainage hole. Fungal disease – Although several fungal diseases can cause yellow leaves on basil plants, downy mildew is one of the most common. Downy mildew is a fast-spreading fungus recognized by yellowish basil leaves and a fuzzy, gray or brown growth. If you catch the problem early, you may be able to stop the spread by clipping affected growth. However, badly affected plants should be removed and disposed of carefully. [图片]Growing conditions – Chilly temperatures are another reason for yellowish basil leaves. Basil prefers daytime temps above 70 F. (21 C.). Nighttime temperatures should be above 50 F. (10 C.) Lack of sun is yet another common cause of yellowish basil leaves. Basil prefers bright sunlight for six to eight hours per day. Basil grown indoors will likely need artificial light during the winter, ideally for 10 to 12 hours per day. Aphids – Aphids are tiny pests that suck the juice from tender foliage, thus causing yellow leaves on basil plants. Look for aphids on the undersides of leaves and on the joints of stems and leaves. Aphids are easy to control with insecticidal soap, but be careful not to apply the soap when the sun is directly on the leaves or on hot days, as the soap can scorch the plant.[图片]Root knot nematodes – These small, soil-dwelling pests can cause yellowish basil leaves and small galls on the roots. The best recourse is to harvest the plant and use the healthy leaves. Next time, plant resistant varieties in soil not affected by nematodes. Lack of nutrients – Basil is a hardy plant that does well in poor soil, but it still requires nutrients in order to thrive. Fertilize basil regularly to prevent yellowish basil leaves, using an all-purpose balanced fertilizer.
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