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Dummer. ゛☀
When you think cactus, you generally think arid, desert plant. This is not always the case, as cacti range from many different environments. While it is true the plants in this group usually prefer soil on the dry side, they still require moisture, especially during the growing season. How often do you need to water a cactus plant? There is more to how to water a cactus than the timing. You also need the correct soil porosity, container drainage, site conditions and time of year. [图片]How Often Do You Need to Water Cactus? Cactus plants are actually quite juicy. Think of an aloe when you cut it open and the mucilaginous goo that is inside the leaves. Cactus plants actually hoard moisture in their plant cells so they have some water during extremely dry, drought-like conditions. They are remarkably tolerant to water neglect but certain signs in the leaves, pads or stems will indicate that the plant is becoming stressed due to a lack in moisture. Recognizing these signs, along with some education on your plant’s native region and climate, can help indicate the best time for watering cactus plants. There are many factors influencing the timing of watering cactus plants. Are the plants in ground or in containers? What is the lighting exposure, air temperature, soil type, size of plant, wind or draft exposure and time of year? No matter the time of year, one constant among any type of cactus is its inability to tolerate standing water. To this end, soil type is very important. Loose, well-draining soil is essential to cactus health. If the soil is porous enough, occasionally overwatering is not much of an issue, as excess will easily drain away. Heavy compact, clay soils or those with heavy amounts of organic material tend to capture water and can cause rot in cactus roots and lower stems. Plants in full sun tend to dry out more than those in lower light conditions, as do windy or drafty sites. [图片]Cactus Plant Watering Cactus plants tend to do the majority of their growth in the warmer seasons. This is when they need supplemental moisture to fuel that growth. Spring and summer plants need to be irrigated enough to avoid wrinkled leaves, pads and stems and promote new cell production, flowering and fruiting if applicable. In late fall and winter, plants are in their resting state and need just enough water to get them through the season. During this period, potting soil or in-ground soil should be allowed to dry out between watering. However, plants located just by the hot, dry air of a furnace or in full sun will dry more quickly than those in other locations and may require a bit more moisture to withstand those drying conditions. In spring and summer, plants need more moisture and average cactus plant watering should take place once per week or more frequently. This is why well-draining soil is important because any extra moisture can move away from sensitive roots. [图片]How to Water a Cactus There are several schools of thought on how to water these plants, but one fact is clear. Don’t mist desert cactus. They are not native to regions where surface moisture and humidity is prevalent. Instead, they reach deep into soil to harvest moisture left over from the rainy season. Jungle cacti are a bit different and thrive with some misting. An example of this type of cactus is the Christmas cactus. In general, most cultivated cacti will be desert denizens, so watering overhead should be avoided. Potted plants can be set in a saucer of water to intake moisture through the roots. Remove the plant from the saucer after the soil is saturated halfway up. Another method of cactus plant watering is to simply apply it to the surface of the soil. In this case, several factors influence the amount of water such as heat, direct light and planting situation. In general, a slow, deep watering is sufficient once per week. This may translate to soaking a container until moisture runs out the drainage holes or using a garden hose set low to steadily drip water to the root zone of the plant for several hours. Just remember, be sensible when watering cactus plants and find out what type you have and from whence they hail. This can make decisions on plant irrigation much easier.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Do mice eat cactus? Yes, they certainly do, and they enjoy every single bite. Cactus is a delicacy to a variety of rodents, including rats, gophers and ground squirrels. It seems that prickly cactus would discourage rodents, but the thirsty critters are willing to brave the formidable spines to get to the sweet nectar hidden beneath, especially during periods of prolonged drought. For some gardeners, rodents feeding on cactus can become a serious problem. Poison is one option, but you take the risk of harming birds and wildlife. If you’re wondering how to keep rodents away from cactus, read on for a few suggestions. [图片]How to Keep Rodents Away from Cactus Some cacti are hardy plants that can survive an occasional nibble, but in many cases, rodents feeding on cactus can be deadly, so cactus plant protection is necessary. Here are a few tips for protecting cactus from rodents:Fencing: Surround your cactus with wire fencing. Bury the fencing at least 4 to 6 inches into the soil to discourage rodents from digging under. Covers: If rodents are a problem at night, cover cacti every evening with a metal garbage can, bucket, or empty nursery container. Mint: Try surrounding your cacti with mint, as rodents don’t appreciate the powerful aroma. If you’re worried that mint may become too aggressive, place potted mint plants near your cactus. Pets: Cats are rodent-control experts, especially when it comes to eradicating mice and other small critters. Certain dogs, including Jack Russell Terriers, are also good at catching rodents and other vermin. Repellants: Some gardeners have good luck by surrounding cactus with the urine of predators such as wolf, fox or coyote, which is available at most garden supply stores. Other repellants, such as hot pepper, garlic or onion spray, seem to be temporary at best.[图片]Poison: Be extremely careful if you decide to use poison as a means of protecting cactus from rodents. Avoid poison at all costs if you have young children or pets, and keep in mind that poison can also kill birds and other wildlife. Lastly, remember that poisoned animals often seek shelter to die, which means they may breathe their last breath inside the walls of your home. Trapping: This, like poison, should be a last resort and doesn’t work as well as you might expect. Often, trapping an animal creates a vacuum that is quickly replaced by another animal (or several). Live traps may be an option, but check with your Department of Fish and Wildlife first, as relocating rodents is illegal in many areas. (Consider your neighbors!)
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Dummer. ゛☀
Occasionally, mature cactus plants have to be moved. Moving cacti in the landscape, especially large specimens, can be a challenge. This process poses more danger to you than the plant due to the spines, thorns and other dangerous armor most of these plants possess. Transplanting a cactus can be done at any time of the year, but the best time is in cool weather. Some tips on how to transplant a cactus without harm to you or the plant will follow. [图片]Before Moving Cacti in the Landscape Mature cactus plants can get quite large and require professional assistance to minimize plant damage. If you are determined to take on the process yourself, consider site preparation, have several extra hands available and prepare the plant carefully to avoid harming pads, limbs and causing yourself and your helpers any pain. Only transplant healthy specimens that will have the best chance of re-establishing. A word of caution: wild cactus cannot be harvested legally in most areas, so this information applies to cultivated cacti in the landscape only. Preparation is crucial when moving a cactus plant. Mark the plant so you can situate it in the same orientation in which it is growing. Plants with large pads should be swaddled in an old blanket or something that will cushion the limbs while giving you protection from the spines. [图片]How to Transplant a Cactus Begin by digging a trench around the plant 1 to 2 feet away and about 18 inches deep. Then start prying around the plant gently. Cactus roots are usually near the surface but are delicate, so be careful during this process. Once you have excavated the roots, use the shovel to pry out the plant. Wrap a large garden hose around the plant and lift it out of the hole. If the plant is large, you may need more than two people, or even a vehicle for pulling. Successfully transplanting a cactus requires careful new site preparation. The cactus roots should air dry for a few days before installing the plant in its new location. During this time, assess the soil and amend as needed. In sandy locations, add 25% compost. In areas with rich or clay soil, add pumice to help assist with drainage. Dig a shallow, wide hole that is the same size as the original planting site. Orient the cactus at the same exposure it experienced in the old planting location. This is one of the more crucial details because it will prevent or minimize sunburn. Carefully lift the plant and settle it in the correct orientation in the prepared hole. Backfill around the roots and tamp down. Water the plant deeply to settle the soil. Some special care is required for several months after moving a cactus plant. Water the plant twice per week for a month unless nighttime temperatures drop below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 C.). In this case, do not water unless up to 4 months have gone by without precipitation. If transplant takes place in spring or summer, cover the plant with shade cloth to prevent burning. Keep the cloth in place for 3 to 4 weeks as the plant re-establishes and adapts to its new conditions. Large plants over 5 feet in height will benefit from staking. After a month, diminish watering frequency to every 2 to 3 weeks in summer and 2 to 3 times during winter. Watch for signs of stress and address each symptom individually. Within a few months, your plant should be well established and on its way to recovery from the moving process.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Cacti seem to be hardy and fairly resistant to problems, but fungal diseases in cactus can be a major issue. An example of this is anthracnose fungus in cactus. Anthracnose on cactus can decimate an entire plant. Is there any effective cactus anthracnose control? Read on to find out about treating anthracnose in cactus. [图片]Anthracnose on Cactus Anthracnose is caused by a fungus (Colletotrichum spp.) and afflicts many plant species. Anthracnose fungus in cactus affects several types of cacti: Cereus Echinocactus Mammillaria Opuntia (prickly pear) The first signs of infection are dark, water soaked lesions on stems, leaves or fruit. Soon, the interior of the lesions becomes covered with a pink, jelly-like mass of spores. Within a few days of infection, the pink gelatinous spores enlarge and eventually the plant tissue hardens and dries out. Agaves are also often afflicted, most often in the fall when the weather is wet. This fungal disease in cactus overwinters in and on seeds, soil and garden detritus. Wet, cool weather encourages development. Moist, warm temperatures of between 75 and 85 F. (24 and 29 C.) cause an increase in the growth of spores that are then spread via rain, wind, insects and gardening tools. [图片]Treating Anthracnose in Cactus Once the plant is afflicted with anthracnose, there is no optimal cactus anthracnose control. Obviously, infected leaves (cladodes) can be removed but may not stop the progression of the infection. Use a knife that is disinfected before each cut. Disinfect by dipping the knife in one part bleach to four parts of water. In greenhouses, soil should be removed from areas of infected plants. All tools and pots need to be thoroughly disinfected. An application of copper fungicide, Maneb, Benomyl or Dithane may aid in destroying any remaining fungi. Be sure to completely destroy any infected parts or complete plants so they do not infect other areas. Practice good garden sanitation by removing any rotting plant debris immediately. Water plants at the base to avoid splashing and spreading spores. Keep tools disinfected.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Cacti are considered to be pretty tough specimens, but even so they are susceptible to a number of diseases and environmental stress. A fairly common problem occurs when a cactus becomes yellow, often on the most sun exposed side of the plant. This makes one wonder “can a cactus plant get sunburned.” If so, is there a cactus sunburn treatment? Read on to find out about sunburn of cactus and how to save a sunburned cactus. [图片]Can a Cactus Plant Get Sunburned? Cacti come in a myriad of shapes and sizes and are almost irresistible to collect to the plant lover. When most of us think of cacti, we think of them thriving in scorching desert environments, so the natural conclusion is to provide them with conditions that mimic that setting, but the fact is that cacti are found in a variety of climates. Some species are found in tropical regions and every habitat in between. Unless you are well-versed in cacti, chances are good that you may not be aware of the region and conditions that your new cactus baby would ordinarily thrive in. A yellowing of the plant’s epidermis is telling you that it isn’t happy with its current conditions. In other words, it sounds like a case of sun scorch or sunburn of cactus. Another reason for sunburn on cacti is that they are often initially raised in a greenhouse where conditions are kept at a pretty consistent level of light, heat and moisture. When you bring the cactus home and plunk it outside in a hot, sunny area, imagine the plant’s shock. It hasn’t been used to direct sunlight or sudden temperature changes. The result is a sunburned cactus that first shows signs of yellowing and, in extreme cases, the skin turns white and soft, indicating the eventual demise of the plant. Interestingly, cacti do have ways of dealing with intense heat and sunlight. Some varieties develop additional radial spines to protect the sensitive dermis while others produce more fur to protect the tender outer skin of the plant. The problem is if you suddenly introduce them to these more extreme conditions, the plant doesn’t have time to provide itself with any protection. That’s when some type of cactus sunburn treatment needs to be implemented. [图片]Caring for Sunburned Cactus If you can catch the problem before the epidermis is scorched white, you may be able to save the poor plant. Here’s how to save a sunburned cactus. Caring for sunburned cactus obviously means you need to get it out of the hot sun. If you notice any yellowing on the cactus and it is in full sun, move it, even if you have to move it in and out of the sun from day to day. Of course, this is really only feasible if the plant is in a pot and of a size that is physically possible to move. If you have a really large cactus that you suspect of sunburn or the cacti reside in the garden proper, try using shade cloth at least during the hottest part of the day. Keep the cacti consistently watered. If other plants are shading the cacti, be judicious when pruning. If you want to move your cacti around, only do so during cool weather to allow them to acclimate slowly and build up some immunity to the hot summer sun. Gradually introduce cacti to outdoor conditions if you move them inside during the winter and then outside for the summer. [图片]Is Sunburn and Sunscald of Cactus the Same? Although ‘sunburn’ and ‘sunscald’ sound like they might be related, this isn’t the case. Sunscald refers to a disease called Hendersonia opuntiae. It’s a common disease, particularly on prickly pear cactus. Symptoms of sunscald are more localized than sunburn and appear as disparate spots that gradually take over an entire cladode or arm of the cactus. The cladode then turns a reddish-brown and dies. Unfortunately, there is no practical control for this disease.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The rubber tree is a large houseplant and most people find it is easy to grow and care for indoors. However, some people ask about growing outdoor rubber tree plants. In fact, in some areas, this plant is used as a screen or patio plant. So, can you grow rubber plant outside? Read more to learn about taking care of a rubber plant outside in your area.[图片]Can You Grow Rubber Plants Outside? Gardeners in USDA Hardiness Zones 10 and 11 can grow the plant outdoors, according to most rubber plant information. Outdoor rubber tree plants (Ficus elastica) may grow in Zone 9 if winter protection is offered. In this area, outdoor rubber tree plants should be planted on the north or east side of a building for protection from the wind. When the plant is young, prune it to a single trunk, as these plants tend to split when caught in the wind. Rubber plant information also says to plant the tree in a shady area, although some plants accept light, dappled shade. Thick, glabrous leaves burn easily when exposed to sunlight. Those living in tropical zones outside of the United States can grow outdoor rubber tree plants easily, as this is their native environment. In the wild, outdoor rubber tree plants can reach 40 to 100 feet in height. When using this plant as an outdoor ornamental, pruning limbs and the top of the plant make it sturdier and more compact.[图片]Rubber Plant Information for Northern Areas If you live in a more northern area and want to grow outdoor rubber tree plants, plant them in a container. Taking care of a rubber plant growing in a container can include locating them outdoors during seasons of warm temperatures. Optimum temperatures for taking care of a rubber plant outdoors are 65 to 80 F. (18-27 C.) Outdoors, plants acclimated to cooler temperatures should be brought indoors before temperatures reach 30 F. (-1 C.).[图片]Taking Care of a Rubber Plant Outdoors Rubber plant information suggests plants require deep watering and then allow the soil to dry out almost completely. Some sources say containerized plants should be allowed to dry out completely between waterings. Still other sources say the drying of the soil causes leaves to drop. Keep an eye on your rubber tree growing outdoors and use good judgment on watering, depending on its location.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is a distinctive plant easily recognized by its upright growth habit and thick, glossy, deep green leaves. Rubber plant thrives outdoors in USDA plant hardiness zones 10 and 11, but it is grown as an indoor plant in most climates. Although the plant is relatively trouble-free, it can fall prey to various pests and diseases that can cause leaf curl on rubber plants. What causes rubber plant leaves to curl? There are several possible reasons.[图片]Why Do Rubber Tree Leaves Curl? Below are some of the most common reasons for leaf curl on rubber plants: Chemical exposure – Rubber plants are susceptible to gas fumes, pesticides and other chemicals, even when toxicity levels are indiscernible by humans. Similarly, contaminants in garden soil or potting soil may cause leaf curl on rubber plants. Repotting in fresh soil may be necessary. Improper watering – Both over- and under-watering can cause leaf curl on rubber plants. Allow the soil to dry slightly between watering, then water deeply, using room temperature water, until water leaks through the drainage hole. If the soil feels moist, wait another day or two before watering. Even less water is needed during fall and winter, but don’t allow the soil to become bone dry. Low humidity – Indoor rubber tree plant leaves curling may be a result of dry indoor air. A humidity tray can raise the moisture level around the plant. To make a humidity tray, place a layer of gravel or pebbles in a shallow tray or dish, then set the pot on the pebbles. Add water to the tray to keep the pebbles consistently wet, but don’t allow the bottom of the pot to touch the water, as moisture can leach up the drainage hole and rot the plant.[图片]Pests – Small insects, such as aphids, spider mites and scale, may be what causes rubber tree leaves to curl. Inspect the plant carefully, especially the undersides of leaves and the points where leaves meet the stems. Most pests are easily controlled by spraying with insecticidal soap spray. Commercial products are best because they are carefully formulated for use on plants. If you make your own spray, a mild solution is best. Be sure soap is free of color, fragrance and other additives that may harm the plant. Don’t spray the plants during hot weather or when the sun is directly on the leaves. Environmental changes – A temperature change or a sudden move to another room may be responsible for a rubber plant with curling leaves. Watch out for excessive heat and cold, and protect the plant from drafts and cold windows. Rubber plants prefer bright, indirect light. Hot afternoon light may be too intense.[图片]Cleaning products – Avoid commercial leaf shine products, which can clog the pores and cause leaf curl on rubber plants. A moist cloth safely removes dust and keeps leaves shiny.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you’ve grown a rubber tree plant (Ficus elastica), especially the burgundy type, and noticed what appears to be a beautiful flower unfurling, you might begin to wonder if rubber plant blooms or if this is your imagination. Find out in this article.[图片]Does Rubber Plant Flower? Yes, rubber plant is capable of producing flowers and, subsequently, small fruits. It is a species of fig, after all, related to the figs that are grown commercially to produce the filling in your Newtons. But popular houseplant species such as rubber trees and their cousins, the weeping figs (Ficus benjamina), rarely bloom or yield fruits. Actual rubber plant blooms are small, greenish and insignificant; they also are unlikely to occur on a rubber plant growing indoors in a container or even one growing outdoors in warm temperate to semi-tropical conditions.[图片]What is the Red Sheath on Ficus? As colorful as any flower, the red sheath on ficus may be an eye-catching addition to gardens indoors or out, but it is not a blossom or even the beginning of rubber plant blooms. Truth be told, a flowering rubber tree plant would be less likely to attract attention than one in the process of putting forth new growth that emerges from a burgundy to bright red sheath on ficus. The red sheath on ficus develops when a plant is actively growing and putting forth new leaves, most typically in spring and summer on healthy plants. Not all varieties of rubber plant wrap their developing foliage in red, but widely available cultivars such as ‘Rubra’ and ‘Burgundy’ produce their new growth from a bright to deep red sheath and also have reddish leaf veins and stems. After a new leaf emerges, the sheath typically turns brown and shrivels up.[图片]Whatever the predominant color(s) of your rubber plant’s foliage—cultivars with white, pink, cream, and gold variegation are available, too—keep it looking its best by following a few simple guidelines: Give it a spot where it receives bright, indirect light. Wipe the leaves occasionally with a damp cloth to remove dust from the broad smooth surfaces. Keep the soil evenly moist during the growing season but avoid overwatering that will cause the leaves to drop. During the fall and winter, allow the upper inch of growing medium to dry out between waterings. Rubber plants require good drainage but are otherwise easy-to-grow, attractive foliage plants. You may not have a flowering rubber tree plant, but you can enjoy rubber tree’s colorful foliage for years with just a modest amount of care.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Ficus plants are commonly sold as houseplants. One of the more striking due to its glossy leaves, is the rubber tree plant. These are fairly easy to care for but dislike being moved and are fussy about water. Rubber plant watering must provide matching moisture to what the plants would find in their native Southeast Asian habitat. However, in the home interior this may be difficult to achieve unless you are vigilant or use a plant moisture meter. Learn to know signs for when to water a rubber tree plant, so your Ficus is happy and healthy.[图片]How Much Water Do Rubber Tree Plants Need? Ficus are a large genus of tropical to semi-tropical plants, many of which are perfect for the home interior. The rubber plant produces a perfect home sized tree and is adaptable to indoor growing. Water requirements for rubber plants are consistently moist but never soggy. Soggy plants can get root rot, soil gnats and other problems. Dry soil causes leaves to drop and reduces the overall health and growth of the plant. Getting rubber plant watering right will ensure beautiful leaves and maximum growth. Rubber plants are rainforest specimens. As such, they are adapted to plentiful water. But as with most plants, excess or standing water can be detrimental to their health. So how much water do rubber tree plants need?[图片]The first step is to ensure the container the plant is in has adequate drainage holes. Also, make sure the potting medium has some peat, vermiculite or perlite in it. Peat holds water and air, increasing porosity. Vermiculite has the same purpose while a calcined clay perlite improves moisture and nutrient holding abilities of the soil medium. Use a dish under the plant that is lined with pebbles to catch excess moisture but keep the roots from sitting in water. This will evaporate gradually increasing humidity around the rubber tree. Never allow a container to sit in a saucer or dish without rocks. Roots sitting in soil will deteriorate and the plant will suffer.[图片]When to Water a Rubber Tree Plant The obvious answer is when the plant is dry but there is more to it than that. Even indoor plants respond to light and temperature changes. In winter, plants get less daylight and feel cold. They go into a sort of hibernation until more sunlight is available. Therefore, during winter you can cut watering in half. However, plants that are positioned near a fireplace or furnace will have their potting soil dry out much more quickly. In any case, if the top few inches of soil are dry, it is time to water. You may opt for a water meter or simply insert your finger into soil. Most water meters should read a 4 at optimum moisture levels. Rubber plants need to be checked weekly during the growing season. A good sign that you are overwatering is yellow leaves. At the first sign of yellowing, decrease watering slightly and healthy green, glossy leaves appear. Prior to watering, allow tap water to sit for a few hours to allow chlorine to evaporate and the water to come to room temperature. This causes less shock to the plant than icy water. When watering a rubber plant, drench the soil completely until excess moisture runs out the drainage holes. This will not only water the roots but leach out any built-up salts from fertilizing. Allow the top few inches of soil to dry out between each watering.
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Dummer. ゛☀
If you’re looking up how to repot rubber tree plants, you probably already have one. Whether you have the variety ‘Rubra,’ with dark green leaves and light-colored mid-veins, or ‘Tricolor,’ with variegated leaves, their needs are essentially the same. Rubber plants don’t mind being grown in pots because they originate in Southeast Asian rainforests where, like most rainforests, the soil layer is very thin and plants typically don’t root as deeply as those in temperate forests. Keep reading to learn more about rubber tree plant potting.[图片]When Does Rubber Plant Need a New Pot? If your rubber plant is still small and/or you don’t want it to grow much or to grow slowly, your plant may only need a little top dressing. If this is the case, simply scrape off the top half inch to inch (1.2 to 2.5 cm.) of soil and replace it with an equal layer of potting soil, compost, or another medium that contains slow-releasing nutrients. However, there will come a time when it is necessary to provide new space as well as nutrients to maintain the health and growth of your rubber tree plant. Potting it up is especially necessary if the rootball appears to be girdled, or growing around the sides of the pot. This tells you that you’re a bit past due for upgrading your plant to a bigger pot.[图片]Repotting a Rubber Plant Pick a pot that is somewhat larger than your current one without being excessively bigger. Usually increasing the pot size by 3 to 4 inches (8-10 cm.) in diameter is sufficient for a large potted plant. If you use a pot that is too much larger than the current rootball, the soil may stay wet for too long after watering because there are no roots in the added soil to draw out the water, which can lead to root rot. This is also a good time to consider the plant’s growth since the last time it was put in a pot. When repotting a rubber plant that has gained a lot of top growth, you may need to choose a heavier pot or weigh down the pot by adding some sand to the growing medium to prevent tipping over, especially if you have children or animals that may occasionally pull on the plant. If you do use sand, be sure to use a coarse builder’s sand and not a fine child’s play sand. You’ll need the mix to contain a good amount of fertility in order to support the growth of the rubber plant for the next few months. Compost and potting soil both contain a good mix of slow-releasing nutrients that will help your rubber plant to thrive.[图片]How to Repot Rubber Tree Plants Once you have everything you need for repotting your rubber plant, it’s time to change pots. Remove the plant from its current pot and tease the roots some. This is also a good time to inspect the roots and perform any necessary root pruning. Add a fair amount of your soil medium to the base of the new pot. Situate the rubber plant on top of this, adjusting as needed. You want the surface of the root ball just below the rim, and simply fill in around and over the root ball with soil. Be sure to leave about an inch (2.5 cm.) or so of space from the rim of the pot for watering.
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