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Dummer. ゛☀
Nepenthes, often called pitcher plants, are native to tropical regions in South East Asia, India, Madagascar and Australia. They get their common name from the swellings in the mid-veins of the leaves that look like small pitchers. Nepenthes pitcher plants are often grown as houseplants in cooler climates. If you own one, you may see your pitcher plant leaves turning red. There are various possible reasons for a pitcher plant with red leaves; some require fixing, some do not.[图片]Nepenthes Pitcher Plants Nepenthes pitcher plants use their pitchers to attract insects, not for pollination but for nutrition. Insects are attracted to the pitchers by their nectar secretions and coloration. The rim and inner walls of the leaf swelling are slippery, causing visiting insects to slide into the pitcher. They get trapped in the digestive fluid, and absorbed by the nepenthes pitcher plants for their nutrients. [图片]Pitcher Plant with Red Leaves The standard color for mature pitcher plant leaves is green. If you see your pitcher plant leaves turning red, it may or may not signal a problem. If the pitcher plant leaves turning red are young leaves, the coloration can be perfectly normal. New leaves often grow in with a distinct reddish tinge. If, on the other hand, you see mature pitcher plant leaves turning red, it can be a cause for concern. You can determine whether a leaf is mature or new by its placement on the vine. Read on for information about fixing a nepenthes with red leaves.[图片]Fixing a Nepenthes with Red Leaves Too Much Light Pitcher plants with red leaves can signal “sunburn,” caused by too much light. They generally require bright light, but not too much direct sun. Indoor plants can thrive with plant lights as long as they are broad spectrum and kept sufficiently far away to prevent overheating or scorching. Too much light can cause the leaves facing the light to turn red. Fix this problem by moving the plant farther from the light source. Too Little Phosphorous If your pitcher plant leaves become deep red in autumn, it can indicate inadequate phosphorus. Carnivorous nepenthes pitcher plants get phosphorus from the insects they attract and digest. These plants use phosphorus from insect meals to augment the green chlorophyll in its leaves for photosynthesis. A pitcher plant with red leaves may not have consumed enough insects to do this. One solution is to add small insects, like flies, to your mature pitchers.
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Such an AMAZING plant plus all your pictures are so Q
Dummer. ゛☀
Nepenthes (pitcher plants) are fascinating plants that survive by secreting sweet nectar that lures insects to the plant’s cup-like pitchers. Once the unsuspecting insect slides into the slippery pitcher, the plant’s fluids digest the bug in soupy, sticky liquid. There are many types of exotic pitcher plants, all surprisingly easy to grow once you learn how to meet the plant’s basic needs, including proper pitcher plant watering. Read on to learn what’s involved in watering a pitcher plant.[图片]Pitcher Plant Watering Pitcher plants like humid, boggy environments; this is the main thing to keep in mind when watering nepenthes. Feel the planting medium regularly, and water whenever the surface of the medium begins to feel slightly dry to the touch. The plant is likely to suffer if you allow the potting medium to become completely dry. How to water a pitcher plant? Watering nepenthes is actually very simple and not that different from watering any indoor plant. Just water the plant until moisture drips through the drainage hole, then allow the pot to drain thoroughly. Never let the plant sit in water. Although nepenthes like moist soil, the plants are prone to root rot in soggy, poorly-drained planting medium.[图片]Tips on Watering Carnivorous Plants Although pitcher plants (and other carnivorous plants) tolerate dry air, they frequently stop producing pitchers when the humidity drops below 50 percent. If the environment is dry, mist regularly or place the plant near a room humidifier. Placing the plant in a group with other plants also helps increase humidity around the plants. You can also increase humidity by placing the plant on a tray or plate with a layer of wet pebbles or gravel. Keep the pebbles consistently wet, but always keep the bottom of the pot above the water line. A terrarium is another option for pitcher plants in dry rooms. However, most pitcher plants do just fine in a less controlled environment.[图片]Use filtered, distilled water or rainwater instead of tap water. If you use hard water from the tap, water deeply with distilled water every two to three weeks to flush minerals from the soil. Avoid air-conditioned rooms, which tend to be much too dry for pitcher plants.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A pitcher plant isn’t for gardeners who like to take home an interesting plant, set it on the windowsill, and hope they remember to water it now and then. It’s a plant with specific needs, and it lets you know with alarming clarity when those needs aren’t being met. This article explains what to do when you find your pitcher plant’s leaves turning black.[图片]Why are Pitcher Plants Turning Black? When pitcher plant (Nepenthes) leaves are turning black, it is usually the result of shock or a sign that the plant is going into dormancy. Something as simple as a change in conditions the plant experiences when you bring it home from the nursery can cause shock. A pitcher plant can also go into shock when any of its needs aren’t being met. Here are some things to check: Is it getting the right amount of light? Pitcher plants need at least 8 hours of direct sunlight every day. It will thrive outdoors in hot, humid climates. Does it have enough water? Pitcher plants like to be thoroughly wet. Set the pot in a shallow dish and keep an inch or two of water in the dish at all times. Not just any water will do. Pitcher plants need filtered or purified water. Are you feeding your plant? If you set it outside, it will attract its own food. Indoors, you’ll have to drop a cricket or mealworm down the pitcher from time to time. You can buy crickets and mealworms at a bait shop or a pet store.[图片]Here’s another tip to help you avoid shock (and black pitcher plant leaves): leave it in the pot it came in. It will be fine for a few years. Transplanting a pitcher plant into a new pot is an advanced skill, and you should take lots of time to get to get to know your plant first. If the pot is unattractive, set it inside another pot. Dormant Pitcher Plant with Black Leaves You may occasionally see dormant pitcher plants with black leaves, but it’s even more likely that the plant is dead. Pitcher plants go dormant in fall. First, the pitcher turns brown and may die back to the ground. You may also lose some leaves. It’s hard for beginners to tell the difference between dormancy and death, but remember that tinkering with the plant and sticking your finger into the soil to feel the roots can kill it. It’s best to just wait it out and see if the plant comes back.[图片]You can help your plant survive dormancy by keeping it cool and giving it lots of sunlight. You can leave it outdoors if your winters are mild—just remember to bring it in if a frost threatens. Providing cool, well-lit conditions in cold climates is more of a challenge, but if all goes well, you’ll be rewarded with flowers in the spring.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Pitcher plants have the appearance of an exotic, rare plant but they are actually native to parts of the United States. They grow in parts of Mississippi and Louisiana where soils are poor and nutrient levels must be acquired from other sources. The plants are carnivorous and have fleshy funnels or tubes that function as traps for insects and small animals. Growing pitcher plants as indoor plants is common, but raising them outdoors requires a little know-how. Learn how to grow a pitcher plant for an interesting conversation piece in the home interior or exterior garden.[图片]Types of Pitcher Plants There are around 80 types of pitcher plants found in the genus names Sarracenia, Nepenthes and Darlingtonia. Not all of these are suitable for outdoor growing, as Nepenthes are tropical pitcher plants, but purple pitcher plant (Sarracenia purpurea) has a zonal tolerance of 2 to 9 and is exceptionally adaptable to a wide range of areas. The northern pitcher plant is another name for the purple type and grows wild in Canada. It is suited for temperate to cool regions. Yellow pitcher plant (Sarracenia flava) is found in Texas and boggy parts of Florida. Parrot pitcher (Sarracenia psittacina) and the green spotted pitcher (syn. yellow pitcher plant) are warm season plants. Both are found on the endangered species list and are not available for sale. They should not be harvested from the wild either. Cobra pitcher plants (Darlingtonia californica) are native only to extreme northern California and southern Oregon. They are also more difficult to grow. Growing pitcher plants should start with a species that is native to your region or adaptable to the climate where you live. [图片]How to Grow a Pitcher Plant Growing pitcher plants is easy as long as you pay attention to some key items. Pitcher plant’s unusual shape and carnivorous habit are the result of nutrient deficiencies in their native soil. The regions where they grow are nitrogen deprived so the plant catches insects to harvest their nitrogen. Growing pitcher plants outdoors and pitcher plant care starts with the site and soil. They do not need rich organic soil but do need a medium that drains well. Potted pitcher plants need to be in well-drained soils. Use any type of pot for indoor plants and provide a low fertility mixture in which the plants will grow. For instance, the potted pitcher plant thrives in a mixture of peat moss, bark and vermiculite. The pot can be small and they can even do well in a terrarium. Outdoor specimens live in slightly acidic soils. Pitcher plants must be kept wet and can even grow in water gardens. The plants need boggy, moist soil and will perform well at the margins of a pond or bog garden. Pitcher plants thrive in full sun to light shade.[图片]Care of Pitcher Plants Caring for pitcher plants is minimal. The best temperature for pitcher plants that are grown inside is between 60 and 70 F. (16-21 C.). Indoor plants should be fertilized at the start of the growing season with a good orchid food and every month until fall. Most of the plant’s nutrient needs come from the insects they catch in the pitcher shaped organs. Because of this, the care of pitcher plants outdoors does not require much fertilization. Outdoor plants will naturally lose some of the pitcher shaped leaves. Cut them off as they die back. New leaves will form from the rosette base. Pitcher plant care also includes protecting plants in the ground from freezes by mounding mulch around the base of the rosette.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The piggyback plant is a notoriously easy to care for houseplant. A native to western North America, the piggyback plant can be found from northern California on into Alaska. Piggyback plant care is minimal whether grown out in the garden or indoors.[图片]Piggyback Houseplant Info The piggyback plant’s scientific name, Tomiea menziesii is derived from its botanical discoverers—Dr. William Fraser Tokmie (1830-1886), a Scottish physician working for the Hudson Bay Company at Fort Vancouver, and his colleague, Dr. Archibald Menzies (1754-1842), a naval surgeon by trade and botanist who was a great collector of North American plants. A novel feature of the piggyback plant is its means of propagation. Its common name may give you a hint. Piggybacks develop buds at the base of each leaf where it meets the leaf stalk (petiole). New plants develop a “piggyback” style off the parent leaf, forcing it to bend under the weight and touch the ground. The new piggyback will then develop roots and become a new separate plant. To propagate at home, simply push a leaf into some soil medium where it will easily root. [图片]Growing a Piggyback When the piggyback is found in its natural habitat, it is an evergreen that prefers moist cool areas protected from overly bright sunlight. This tiny plant (under a foot in height) is amazingly resilient and does well as a perennial in many zones planted in a shady location. The piggyback plant has an astounding tendency to spread outdoors and soon creates a significant ground covering. The stems of this plant grow below or just at the surface of the soil. The star-shaped leaves seem to spring from the soil medium. Grown outside, the evergreen leaves tend to become somewhat straggly looking by spring, but new foliage rapidly fills in. The usual piggyback plant has pleasing light green leaves, but the variety Tolmiea Menziesii variagata (Taff’s Gold) has mottled hues of yellow and green creating a mosaic of patterns. Piggyback blooms are tiny purplish blossoms that flower on tall stalks, which shoot up from the foliage. The piggyback does not usually bloom when used as a houseplant but will make lovely dense hanging or potted plants.[图片]How to Care for Piggyback Indoors Whether using piggyback plants in a hanging basket or pot, place them in an area of indirect bright, moderate or low light. An east or west exposure is best. Keep the soil evenly moist. Check daily and water only when necessary. Do not let your piggyback houseplant sit in water. Fertilize piggyback plants each month between May and September with a liquid fertilizer, following the instructions of the manufacturer. Thereafter, feed the piggyback every six to eight weeks for the remainder of the year. In May, you can move the plant outside for the summer, making sure to bring it back inside in early September. This extremely tolerant plant will survive an array of temperatures, but prefers a temperature above 70 F. (21 C.) during the day and 50 to 60 F. (10-16 C.) at night. Lastly, while the piggyback can survive almost any condition that would kill most other plants, it’s no match for deer. Deer find the piggyback plant delicious; however, they usually only munch on them when other food is scarce. This is another reason why growing a piggyback plant indoors is preferable.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Growing Persian violet indoors can add a splash of color and interest to the home. These easy to care for plants will reward you with beautiful blooms when given optimal conditions. Read on for more about Persian violet plant care.[图片]What is a Persian Violet? Persian violet (Exacum affine), or Exacum Persian violet, is an attractive perennial with bluish or white star-shaped flowers and shiny green leaves. These plants can be grown indoors, but they also flourish outdoors in USDA plant hardiness zones 5-11. This violet is usually purchased in full bloom and the flowers are evenly spaced over a rounded ball of foliage. The Persian violet blooms for about three or four months; after that, it can be difficult to get it to bloom again. A good thought to have with this plant is to enjoy it while you can! [图片]Growing Persian Violets Indoors The care of Persian violet houseplants is relatively easy. The best thing to do is to buy a plant that has many unopened buds. This way, you will get to enjoy each blooming flower. The Persian violet loves bright light, but not direct light, so it would be best to keep the plant near a window. They enjoy cooler rooms and higher humidity. Doing this will keep the flowers blooming for three to four months. Keep the soil moist and be careful not to water it too much; this will cause rotting of the roots. Root rot is the most common problem with these plants. If it should happen, you will have to discard the plant. A sign that your Persian violet has root rot is wilting of the leaves. If you leave dried flowers on the plant, they will start to create seeds. Should this happen, it will shorten the life span of the plant. To avoid this, pop off the dead flower heads as soon as you notice them.[图片]Persian Violet Plant Care After Blooming Once your Persian violet has lost all its blooms and the foliage turns yellow, it is moving into the dormant stage. Stop watering the plant and place it in a cool room with moderate light. The leaves will eventually dry out. Complete drying takes approximately two months. When this happens, remove the tuber and transplant it in a pot that is one size bigger. Fill the pot with peat moss potting mixture and place the tuber in the soil so that the top half sticks out. Do not water the tuber until leaves appear next season. When you see new growth, place your Persian violet near a window. The plant should bloom again, but the flowers may be smaller and you may get fewer of them.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The Peperomia houseplant is an attractive addition to a desk, a table or as a member of your houseplant collection. Peperomia care is not difficult and Peperomia plants have a compact form that lets them occupy a small space wherever you choose to place them.[图片]Types of Peperomias More than 1,000 types of Peperomias exist, but not all are cultivated and grown for distribution to the public. Plant collectors may have an unusual variety, as may arboretums or indoor displays at botanical gardens. Several types of Peperomia houseplants can brighten your indoor displays. Following are some of the most widely available types of Peperomias: Heart shaped leaves and foliage texture similar to a waffle make growing a Peperomia like Peperomia caperata a pleasure. The attractive leaves and stems may have a silvery or burgundy tint peeking through the green. The watermelon Peperomia, P. argyreia, has silver stripes with elliptical shaped leaves. Both this and the previous Peperomia plant reach only 8 inches in height and width if planted in a container large enough to allow for root development. Plants have a mounding habit with draping leaves. Peperomia obtusifolia, the baby rubber plant, has a more upright demeanor. Some of these types of Peperomias have solid green, shiny leaves, while others are variegated with gold and white coloration. P. obtusifolia `Minima’ is a dwarf specimen, reaching about half the size of the standard. [图片]Peperomia Care When growing a Peperomia, locate the plant in a medium to low light situation away from direct sun. You may also grow Peperomia plants under fluorescent lighting. Grow Peperomia plants in a light houseplant mixture with perlite or coarse gravel included to allow roots to receive air circulation necessary for the health and development of your plant. If your peperomia plants are wilting, in spite of regular watering, the plant is likely not getting enough oxygen to the roots.[图片]Water Peperomia houseplants sparingly and allow the soil to dry as deep as 5 inches between waterings. Fertilize occasionally with a balanced houseplant food after watering. Leach the plant in summer by flushing with water to remove the salts left behind by fertilization. Repot Peperomias in spring, but keep pots small unless you are growing Peperomia as part of a container combination.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The peace lily is an ornamental plant generally sold for the home interior. It produces a white spathe or flower, which is forced by commercial growers to make it more appealing at market. Once the spathe is gone, you are left with lovely glossy green leaves, but what if you want that flower back. Often, a peace lily won’t flower no matter how you care for it. This can be frustrating but there is a very good reason for this condition.[图片]Peace Lily Facts Peace lilies are members of the same family as philodendrons, both of which are Aroids. They are very popular tropical houseplants. Peace lily’s flower is especially appealing set amongst the dark green leaves. It lasts for at least a month but then eventually fades and dies. A peace lily never flowers until it is mature. Professional growers know how to get a peace lily plant to bloom on command. They use a natural plant hormone to stimulate the plant into production. [图片]It is not uncommon to find a peace lily not blooming, even when it is a healthy plant. They are native to the tropical Americas and found in dense forests where dappled sun is the chief source of light. They need humus rich soil and moderate moisture. The optimum growing conditions are between 65 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit (18-30 C). Warmer conditions encourage blooming. The white spathe is actually not the flower but a modified leaf that encloses the actual flowers, which are tiny and insignificant. A peace lily won’t flower unless it is moist and warm enough with gentle lighting. When Do Peace Lilies Flower? Peace lilies are sold with a flower or spathe. It is an attractive feature, rising up creamy white from the center of the arching sword-like foliage. They are forced to bloom with gibberellic acid, a natural plant hormone that stimulates cell division and elongation. The plants used to be raised to maturity and natural flowering before the appearance of gibberellic acid. The process could take up to a year before there were sellable plants. Your plant is usually not mature when it comes from a commercial grower today. That means it is not old enough to flower naturally. Additionally, site conditions need to be ideal and the plant needs to be fertilized. When do peace lilies flower? They naturally flower in spring or early summer.[图片]How to Get a Peace Lily Plant to Bloom Your best chance if your peace lily never flowers is to check that you are giving it the correct cultivation. It needs well-draining potting soil, rich in organic matter. Water the plant two or three times per week. It is bet to use distilled water, as these plants can be sensitive to some minerals and chemicals found in tap water. Try feeding your plant a balanced houseplant fertilizer every 2 to 3 months. Keep the plant in a low light situation out of direct sunlight, but bright enough you could read a book. Gradually move the plant to brighter light if it is in a very dark room. This could spur a peace lily not blooming to flower just by virtue of more candles of light.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The peace lily (Spathiphyllum wallisii) is an attractive indoor flower known for its ability to thrive in low light. It usually grows between 1-4 feet (.3-1.2 m.) in height and produces pale white flowers that give off a pleasant fragrance and last a long time. Sometimes, however, peace lilies suffer from browning or yellowing leaves. Keep reading to learn about what causes peace lily leaves to turn yellow and how to treat it.[图片]Reasons for Peace Lilies with Brown and Yellow Leaves Normally, peace lily leaves are long and dark green, emerging directly from the soil and growing up and out. The leaves are strong and oval shaped, narrowing to a point at the tip. They are durable, and often the biggest problem they encounter is that they collect dust and need to be wiped off periodically. Sometimes, however, the edges of peace lily leaves turn a sickly yellow or brown color. The root of the problem is almost definitely water related. This browning can be caused by too little or too much watering.[图片]There is a good chance, however, that it is due to a buildup of minerals. Since peace lilies are primarily kept as houseplants, they are almost always watered with tap water. If you have hard water in your house, it may be accumulating too much calcium in your plant’s soil. Conversely, this mineral buildup is just as likely if you use a water softener. Some minerals are good, but too many can build up around your plant’s roots and slowly suffocate it.[图片]Treating a Peace Lily with Brown Tips Spathiphyllum leaf problems like this can normally be cleared up fairly easy. If you have a peace lily with brown tips, try watering it with bottled drinking water. First, flush the plant with lots of bottled water until it runs out of the drainage holes. The minerals will bond with the water and wash away with it (if you can see white deposits around the drainage holes, mineral buildup is almost definitely your problem). After this, water your peace lily like normal, but with bottled water, and your plant ought to recover just fine. You can also snip out unsightly brown/yellow leaves.
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