Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Flowering annuals grown in containers add color to an apartment terrace, a garden patio or any other outdoor spot. When choosing plants for potting, add some zinnias (Zinnia elegans) for blossoms that keep coming all season long. Zinnias grow as annuals in all parts of the United States and come in many different sizes, with flowers in varied shapes and vivid colors. Growing them in pots is easy, requiring only a little care at the start and some tidying during the season. Getting Started [图片]Zinnias are easy to start from seed, because their seeds are large and easy to handle, and they usually germinate quickly. Start seeds indoors about six weeks before the last spring frost, sowing them in a moistened, soilless mixture in flats or small pots. Cover them with mix to a depth of about 1/4 inch and keep them lightly moist until seedlings sprout; keep in a sunny spot at room temperature until you're ready to transplant them into larger containers. You can also start by purchasing seedlings at a garden center or nursery, but don't buy them more than a day or two before you're ready to plant, so they're in top shape when they go in the ground. Choose compact, well-branched plants with flower buds and healthy, bright green leaves that aren't discolored. If you can't plant immediately, water the seedlings and keep them in a shady spot until you're ready. Plant seedlings in outdoor containers any time after danger of frost has passed. Potting and Planting [图片]Zinnias grow well in any type of container, including plastic or clay pots, wooden half-barrels, a windowbox or a hanging basket, but choose a container that has at least one drainage hole to help prevent fungal growth in the soil. Disinfect a previously used container to kill disease organisms or pests before using by soaking it in a solution that's 1 part bleach to 9 parts water for 10 minutes, then clean it with water that contains a little dish detergent, and rinse well. Zinnias come in many sizes, from varieties that grow 2 feet tall to dwarf cultivars only 6 inches high. You can plant any of these in a container. As they all spread to about 1 or 1 1/2 feet, a good rule of thumb for spacing is to set one zinnia in a 6-inch pot, three plants in a 10-inch pot and up to five zinnias in a 14-inch pot. Soil, Sun, Water and Fertilizer [图片]Plant zinnias in any commercial potting mix, or make your own. For example, for two 14-inch containers, combine 2 1/2 gallons peat moss, 2 1/2 gallons perlite, 1 1/4 gallons compost, 2 cups fine sand and 1/2 cup ground limestone. Don't use garden soil, which can harbor pests or disease-causing organisms. Plant seedlings to the same level as they were in their original pot and water them in well. Keep zinnias in a sunny location that gets at least four hours of sun daily -- more sun means more flowers -- and water whenever the top inch or two of soil feels dry to the touch. Let the pot drain after watering and never keep it in a water-filled saucer. To keep flowers coming all season, fertilize the pot weekly, using a water-soluble, 5-10-5 formula diluted at a rate of 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water, but check your product label for additional directions. Trimming and Possible Problems [图片]Zinnias continue producing new flower buds until plants dieback in the fall. But you can help keep the plants full of blooms and tidy by trimming off flowers as they fade -- called deadheading. This also helps promote new branching behind the old flower, keeping the plant bushy. Using sharp shears, cut off the stem just behind the old flower but in front of any new shoots that may be growing on the stem. Clean your blades with rubbing alcohol between cuts to prevent spread of plant disease. Zinnias are usually free of any pest problems, but they are susceptible to several fungal problems, including powdery mildew which causes a white powder to accumulate on leaves that eventually wilt and dry up. This is best prevented by keeping the container in a spot with good air circulation and watering only at the plant's base, keeping foliage dry.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Sunflowers (Helianthus annuus cvs.) don't just come in yellow anymore. The introduction of new cultivars offers gardeners a variety of options for color, flower shape and mature plant size, including several with purple petals. All cultivars, however, have similar growing requirements. [图片]Sunflower Types About 50 species of sunflowers exist in the Helianthus genus. Thirty-eight of these are perennial, but annual sunflowers are the ones most often grown in the home garden. Sunflower colors range in hue from the traditional golds and yellows, to white, rose, red, purplish burgundy and chocolate brown. Annual sunflower varieties with dark burgundy-purple petals include "Chianti" and "Claret." The variety "Ruby Moon" offers two-tone burgundy petals with creamy white tips. Best Locations As their name suggests, sunflowers require full sun. Ideally, plant sunflowers in locations with six to eight hours of direct sunlight every day. Sunflowers thrive in fertile, well-drained soil. Amend soils that drain poorly or lack sufficient nutrients by spreading a 2- to 3-inch layer of plant-based organic matter or a 1-inch layer of well-composted manure over the surface. Work this in to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. Planting Sunflowers Most sunflowers grown in a home garden are started from seed. To direct-sow outside, plant seeds 1 to 2 inches deep and 6 inches apart in the spring after the threat of frost in your area has passed and soil temperatures reach 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Cover the planting with netting until seeds germinate if birds begin scavenging them. You can also start sunflower seeds indoors. They don't recover well when transplanted, so start seeds in biodegradable containers you can just pop in the ground. [图片]Ongoing Care Feed sunflower plants sparingly. Excess fertilizer results in weak, leafy growth and few flowers. A slow-release fertilizer with a balanced N-P-K ratio, such as 14-14-14, applied once in midsummer works well. Scatter the fertilizer over the bed at a rate of 1/4 pound per 10 square feet, or as indicated on the packaging, and gently work it into the top 1 to 3 inches of soil. Once established, sunflowers are very tolerant of drought. If you plan to harvest the edible seeds, though, watering the plants at the first sign of wilting encourages good seed development. In the absence of rain, water at least once a week to soak the soil and encourage deep root systems that keep plants from blowing over in the wind.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Brightly colored zinnias are a welcome sight in summer gardens. Once the weather warms up, zinnias are easy to grow in sunny flowerbeds and borders. They are attractive whether grown en masse or in clumps of three, five or seven plants in a mixed border. Not only are they easy to grow, they have a long vase life too, making them a favorite among veteran gardeners. [图片]Culture [图片]Zinnias are annuals. The first frost of fall kills them, and gardeners must plant them anew in late spring. Gardeners may sow seeds directly in well-drained soil outdoors after the last frost of spring. Succession plantings every two to three weeks will ensure a long season of vivid color. Zinnias transplant well, so you can also start seeds indoors in peat pots or trays in cool weather and move seedlings outdoors when temperatures rise. Varieties [图片]Flowers can be single or double, like this double yellow pincushion variety. Zinnias are diverse. They range in size from dwarf, compact plants, just 6 inches in height, to stately giants 4 feet tall. Flower forms can vary from dense, pincushion blooms to single, airy blossoms that resemble daisies. White varieties exist, but zinnias are generally known for their vivid colors in shades of pink, orange, red and yellow. Their intense colors attract butterflies, bees and hummingbirds. Challenges [图片]Zinnias are not problem-free. Leaves are susceptible to white powdery mildew, so gardeners should plant zinnias with sufficient space between them to allow for good air circulation. Leaf spot, root rot, blight and botrytis are the most common zinnia diseases. The gardener should remove any affected foliage at the first sign of trouble and dispose of leaves in the trash, not the compost bin. Cutting Zinnias do well in a vase or an arrangement. To extend the vase life of cut zinnias, cut them early in the morning and dip the cut stems in water as soon as possible. Remove all of the foliage from the portion of the stem that will be underwater in the vase, and chill the flowers in the refrigerator. Let them soak the water in and cool off for at least an hour before arranging them.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
While most summer-blooming annuals require several hours of bright sunlight every day, impatiens are one of few annuals that thrive with little light. Although impatiens are low-maintenance plants, proper watering is critical as impatiens have fleshy stems that wilt when the plants become too dry. Without water, impatiens become stressed and blooming decreases. [图片]Soil Drainage Impatiens thrive in moist soil, but it's critical that the soil drains well. Although impatiens wilt in dry soil, they may rot and die in wet, soggy soil. Proper drainage is just as important for impatiens planted in containers. Containerized impatiens must be planted in a pot with a drainage hole. Use a good quality, peat-based potting mixture, as good quality potting soil retains water longer than poor quality potting soil. Improve drainage by using a mixture of half potting soil and half perlite. Watering Impatiens in Flower Beds As a general rule, impatiens planted in flower beds benefit from watering once every week. Water deeply enough to saturate the roots. During periods of hot, dry weather, impatiens may need water more frequently. If the top of the soil feels dry or if the plant begins to wilt, water immediately. Impatiens do best when watered at the base of the plant so the foliage remains dry. If you use a sprinkler, water in the morning so the foliage has plenty of time to dry before evening. If foliage is wet during the cooler evening hours, the plant is more susceptible to fungal disease and other problems caused by excessive moisture. Impatiens in Containers Impatiens planted in pots require water more frequently, as potting soil in containers dries quickly. Check the impatiens daily and water whenever the top of the potting soil feels dry. During hot, dry weather, impatiens may require water twice daily. Never allow the potting soil to dry completely. [图片]Sunlight Impatiens don't do well in full sunlight, nor do they thrive in full shade. Locate impatiens where the plants are exposed to morning sunlight. Alternatively, plant impatiens in partial shade or filtered light. Avoid placing impatiens in afternoon sunlight, as the intense light will fade the colors and may harm the plant. The brighter the sunlight, the more water is required. Maintenance Cut impatiens stems down to about 3 to 4 inches if plants begin to look spindly during midsummer. Pinching removes unattractive foliage and produces a flush of new growth that lasts until the end of the blooming season. Fertilize impatiens in a flower bed every month, using a general purpose water-soluble fertilizer. Alternatively, mix a time-release fertilizer into the soil at planting time. Use a water-soluble fertilizer for containerized impatiens every other week. Apply fertilizer according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Marigolds are annual flowering plants. Native to Mexico, marigolds prefer full sun and well-drained soil. Marigolds are related to asters and grow easily from seed or transplanted bedding plants. These plants bloom in summer with colors in shades of yellow, orange and red with solid, bi-color and striped flowers. Choose varieties from 6 to 36 inches in height. Cut back marigolds to encourage healthy foliage and prolific flowering. [图片]Pinching Pinch back young marigolds in spring and early summer. When the plants are 6 to 8 inches tall, pinch or cut back foliage tips and new buds to encourage branching. The plant puts out lateral branches and buds. This branching creates bushier foliage and more flower buds. This technique turns leggy growth on young plants into more compact and sturdy plants. When a plant has many flower buds, pinch off some buds to divert energy to the remaining buds for larger flowers. Deadheading Tidy up your marigolds by deadheading during the growing season. Cut back dead or fading flowers. After a flower passes its peak bloom, it shrivels and dries into a seed head. Removing dead flower heads encourages more blooms. Pinch off each head individually or cut back the head and stem down to the foliage. Marigolds bloom profusely from spring through autumn when they are deadheaded or frail buds are removed. At the same time, trim off any dead, diseased or discolored foliage. [图片]Shearing Shear your marigolds in mid-summer. When marigolds look bedraggled or fatigued, revitalize them by cutting off flowers and foliage. Cut back up to one-third of the plant. Pinch off leaves and flowers on dwarf marigolds. Use hand shears or clippers for clean cuts on other marigold varieties. Remove the tired or old growth so that the plant puts its energy into new foliage and flowers. Fertilize lightly with a balanced plant food and water the plant after shearing. Your marigolds may look ragged for a week or two after this shearing, but the plant benefits from the mid-season boost. Pest Control Cut back French marigolds in autumn to fight root knot nematodes. Nematodes are soil-dwelling parasites that attack plant roots and harm plants. Dwarf or French marigolds give off natural compounds that are toxic to the nematodes. The marigold compounds are most effective after several months in the soil. Some gardeners plant French marigolds around vegetable beds in the spring. The marigolds mature and expand their roots during summer. In autumn, the foliage is cut back and the roots are chopped or cultivated into the soil for added nematode control.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Marigolds (Tagetes sp.) are an easy-to-care-for, colorful annual, often used for borders, containers and color massing. Nearly all marigolds bloom heartily from early summer until the first hard frost, according to the Clemson Cooperative Extension, preferring full sun and healthy, well-draining soil. Other plants grow well with marigolds. There are several ways to select plants that grow well with marigolds. [图片]Companion Planting Perhaps the best-known example of companion planting is the Native American method of planting corn, beans and squash together. These "three sisters" complement and protect each other, making all three plants thrive in the same location. Marigolds are widely used in companion planting and are thought to deter many pests. According to the Alabama Cooperative Extension System, marigolds help keep nematodes, whiteflies, Mexican bean beetles and tomato hornworms at bay. Marigolds make a fine companion for any plant plagued by these pests, including tomatoes, corn, potatoes, beans, and hot-house and greenhouse plants. Complimentary Colors Another way to select plants to place beside marigolds is choosing those of a complementary color. As the DePaul University explains it, in art theory, a complementary color is one that shares no color with its complement. For example, green complements red because it's made of blue and yellow while red is not. Following this theory, yellow and orange marigolds "pop" beautifully alongside blue and purplish flowers like bachelor buttons, alliums, asters, anemones, bluebells, columbine, delphinium, hydrangea, iris, pansies, phlox, salvia, violets and veronica. [图片]Plants with Height Because marigolds are short plants growing 6 inches to 4 feet tall, according to the West Virginia Extension Service, they also work well in front of taller plants. Marigolds, particularly taller varieties, help hide unattractive, bare stems and add interesting layers to the garden. From this point of view, iris, morning glories, lavender, baptisia and clematis or any vine are excellent choices. Marigolds also do a nice job of covering the soil in a pot containing taller plants like dwarf trees. Fill in Plants Planners use marigolds to cover up the location of spring-blooming plants, especially those that die back completely after blooming, as many spring bulbs, such as hyacinths, tulips, daffodils, crocus and scilla. If planted when the spring bloomers begin dying back, marigolds help hide the dying plants and offer more green foliage to the garden. Rarely do marigolds need fill in plants themselves, since most varieties bloom until late fall.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Few annuals are as dependably cheerful as marigolds (Tagetes patula). Easy to grow and long-blooming, these reliable plants start flowering in early summer and continue until frost if their old blooms are snipped. They also attract butterflies and hummingbirds into the garden. Marigolds grow best if watered deeply at least once a week. [图片]About Marigolds Native from New Mexico south to Argentina, marigolds have been a staple in flower gardens for generations. Their height ranges from 6-inch miniatures to 4-foot bushes. These fragrant annuals are easy to grow from seed, but many gardeners buy started plants in garden centers in the spring. The flowers come in yellow, orange, red, cream and bicolored varieties. Small marigolds can be grown in pots or used for edging, while the taller varieties make good cut flowers. [图片]Marigolds grow and flower best in full sun in moist, rich soil with good drainage. The plants tolerate light drought but flowering is diminished. If you're growing marigolds in pots, use a good-quality potting soil, not garden soil, which is too heavy and dense for good container gardening. Deadhead marigolds -- cut off their spent flowers -- to keep them blooming until frost and to improve their appearance. Fertilize them regularly, following the package directions for the proper amount to apply. Watering New Plants Water marigolds well immediately after planting them in the garden, both to settle the soil and to hydrate the roots. Keep the soil around the roots moist but not soggy until the plants are established. This usually takes 10 to 12 days. [图片]Established marigolds in garden beds need a good soak once each week. Give them enough water so that the soil is moist to a depth of 6 to 8 inches. If the weather is unusually hot or windy, they'll need extra water. Water marigolds in pots when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil is dry. If your marigolds stop flowering in hot weather, give them some extra water, which often restarts flower bud formation. Fertilizer Precaution Applying fertilizer to the dry roots of any plant, including marigolds, makes the plant vulnerable to chemical burns from the fertilizer. Always water your plants well the day before you fertilize. This applies to any kind of fertilizer, including water-soluble ones.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The scientific name of this orchid - ericetorum - refers to the fact that it is frequently associated with heather. In Britain it is more commonly found in western parts of the country, and we have seen and photographed this orchid in West Wales and in western Scotland where Cross-leaved Heath Erica tetralix is very common. This subspecies of Dactylorhiza maculata is more particular in its habitat requrements than Heath Spotted-orchid, which will sometimes occur on more alkaline substrates along with the Common Spotted-orchid Dactylorhiza fuchsii. This territorial cross-over can create difficulty in accurate separation of Heath Spotted-orchid from Common Spotted-orchid.Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorum, in contrast, occurs only on very acidic substrates so there should be no chance of it being confused with Common Spotted-orchid - although there is still the distinct possibility of confusion when trying to separate it from the more commonly-encountered Heath Spotted-orchid. [图片]Description The main differences between Heath Spotted-orchid and Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorum are that the leaves of the latter are somewhat narrower and more sharply pointed and the flower lips are marked with dots and streaks rather than with loops. [图片]Distribution This orchid is reported throughout western Europe, but it is possibly more common in parts of Britain and in particular in West Wales and western Scotland. Habitat Peat heathland, of which there is so much in Scotland in particular, is a very good place to look for this orchid, but do beware of the midges, which reach their peak abundance at the same time as this orchid and inhabit the same places. [图片]Flowering times The flowering season of Dactylorhiza maculata subsp. ericetorum is later in the far north of Scotland than in West Wales. In Wales it can be seen in flower from June onwards, but in Scotland a visit in late July and August is a better bet for finding this orchid.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Syringa vulgaris (lilac or common lilac) is a species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae, native to the Balkan Peninsula, where it grows on rocky hills.This species is widely cultivated as an ornamental and has been naturalized in other parts of Europe (including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy), as well as much of North America. It is not regarded as an aggressive species, found in the wild in widely scattered sites, usually in the vicinity of past or present human habitations. [图片]Description S. vulgaris is a large deciduous shrub or multistemmed small tree, growing to 6–7 m (20–23 ft) high, producing secondary shoots ("suckers") from the base or roots, with stem diameters up to 20 cm (8 in), which in the course of decades may produce a small clonal thicket.[7] The bark is grey to grey-brown, smooth on young stems, longitudinally furrowed, and flaking on older stems. The leaves are simple, 4–12 cm (2–5 in) and 3–8 cm broad, light green to glaucous, oval to cordate, with pinnate leaf venation, a mucronate apex, and an entire margin. They are arranged in opposite pairs or occasionally in whorls of three. The flowers have a tubular base to the corolla 6–10 mm long with an open four-lobed apex 5–8 mm across, usually lilac to mauve, occasionally white. They are arranged in dense, terminal panicles 8–18 cm (3–7 in) long. The fruit is a dry, smooth, brown capsule, 1–2 cm long, splitting in two to release the two-winged seeds. [图片]Cultivation The lilac is a very popular ornamental plant in gardens and parks, because of its attractive, sweet-smelling flowers, which appear in early summer just before many of the roses and other summer flowers come into bloom. In late summer, lilacs can be attacked by powdery mildew, specifically Erysiphe syringae, one of the Erysiphaceae.No fall color is seen and the seed clusters have no aesthetic appeal. Common lilac tends to flower profusely in alternate years, a habit that can be improved by deadheading the flower clusters after the color has faded and before seeds, few of which are fertile, form. At the same time, twiggy growth on shoots that have flowered more than once or twice can be cut to a strong, outward-growing side shoot.[图片]It is widely naturalised in western and northern Europe.In a sign of its complete naturalization in North America, it has been selected as the state flower of the state of New Hampshire, because it "is symbolic of that hardy character of the men and women of the Granite State".Additional hardiness, for Canadian gardens, was bred for in a series of S. vulgaris hybrids by Isabella Preston, who introduced many of the later-blooming varieties, whose later-developing flower buds are better protected from late spring frosts; the Syringa × prestoniae hybrids range primarily in the pink and lavender shades.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Lilium (members of which are true lilies) is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants growing from bulbs, all with large prominent flowers. Lilies are a group of flowering plants which are important in culture and literature in much of the world. Most species are native to the temperate northern hemisphere, though their range extends into the northern subtropics. Many other plants have "lily" in their common name but are not related to true lilies.[图片]Distribution and habita The range of lilies in the Old World extends across much of Europe, across most of Asia to Japan, south to India, and east to Indochina and the Philippines. In the New World they extend from southern Canada through much of the United States. They are commonly adapted to either woodland habitats, often montane, or sometimes to grassland habitats. A few can survive in marshland and epiphytes are known in tropical southeast Asia. In general they prefer moderately acidic or lime-free soils. [图片]Ecology Lilies are used as food plants by the larvae of some Lepidoptera species including the Dun-bar. [图片]Cultivation Many species are widely grown in the garden in temperate and sub-tropical regions. They may also be grown as potted plants. Numerous ornamental hybrids have been developed. They can be used in herbaceous borders, woodland and shrub plantings, and as patio plants. Some lilies, especially Lilium longiflorum, form important cut flower crops. These may be forced for particular markets; for instance, Lilium longiflorum for the Easter trade, when it may be called the Easter lily. Lilies are usually planted as bulbs in the dormant season. They are best planted in a south-facing (northern hemisphere), slightly sloping aspect, in sun or part shade, at a depth 2½ times the height of the bulb (except Lilium candidum which should be planted at the surface). Most prefer a porous, loamy soil, and good drainage is essential. Most species bloom in July or August (northern hemisphere). The flowering periods of certain lily species begin in late spring, while others bloom in late summer or early autumn.They have contractile roots which pull the plant down to the correct depth, therefore it is better to plant them too shallowly than too deep. A soil pH of around 6.5 is generally safe. The soil should be well-drained, and plants must be kept watered during the growing season. Some plants have strong wiry stems, but those with heavy flower heads may need staking.
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