Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Commelinaceae
Stems - To +50cm tall, simple, from thickened roots, herbaceous, glabrous to hirsute, glaucous, somewhat succulent.
Leaves - Alternate, sheathing at base, to -30cm long, +/-4cm broad, glaucous above and below (less so above), glabrous, ciliate margined, narrowly lanceolate.

Inflorescence - Terminal, bracteate, umbellate cymes of +/-15 flowers. Pedicels +/-3cm long, glandular pilose, strongly recurving in fruit.
Flowers - Petals 3, white to pink or lilac, glabrous, broadly ovate, +/-2cm long and broad, distinct. Stamens 6. Filaments 3mm long, white, with dense multicellular hairs attached mostly in lower half, (hairs longer than filament). Anthers yellow, 2mm broad, 1mm long. Style 1, glabrous, 2-3mm long. Ovary superior, 3-locular, (one ovule per locule), with erect gland-tipped hairs on summit. Sepals 3, ovate, acute, glandular pilose externally, glabrous internally, +/-8mm long, 4mm broad, free, accrescent.

Flowering - April - May.
Habitat - Slopes, woods, bluff ledges.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This is a nice plant because it's not the usual T. ohiensis, which, while striking, is very common.
T. ozarkana can have variably colored flowers. I also photographed this pinkish-lilac colored flower:

The stems are typically glabrous but the white flowered plants shown above all had hirsute stems. In the "Flora of Missouri" Steyermark writes that he found plants with hirsute (densely pubescent) stems in Taney County, which is where these photographs were taken. Julian Steyermark was the man.
The plant can be found in rich, rocky areas of the habitats mentioned above.
Stems - To +50cm tall, simple, from thickened roots, herbaceous, glabrous to hirsute, glaucous, somewhat succulent.
Leaves - Alternate, sheathing at base, to -30cm long, +/-4cm broad, glaucous above and below (less so above), glabrous, ciliate margined, narrowly lanceolate.

Inflorescence - Terminal, bracteate, umbellate cymes of +/-15 flowers. Pedicels +/-3cm long, glandular pilose, strongly recurving in fruit.
Flowers - Petals 3, white to pink or lilac, glabrous, broadly ovate, +/-2cm long and broad, distinct. Stamens 6. Filaments 3mm long, white, with dense multicellular hairs attached mostly in lower half, (hairs longer than filament). Anthers yellow, 2mm broad, 1mm long. Style 1, glabrous, 2-3mm long. Ovary superior, 3-locular, (one ovule per locule), with erect gland-tipped hairs on summit. Sepals 3, ovate, acute, glandular pilose externally, glabrous internally, +/-8mm long, 4mm broad, free, accrescent.

Flowering - April - May.
Habitat - Slopes, woods, bluff ledges.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This is a nice plant because it's not the usual T. ohiensis, which, while striking, is very common.
T. ozarkana can have variably colored flowers. I also photographed this pinkish-lilac colored flower:

The stems are typically glabrous but the white flowered plants shown above all had hirsute stems. In the "Flora of Missouri" Steyermark writes that he found plants with hirsute (densely pubescent) stems in Taney County, which is where these photographs were taken. Julian Steyermark was the man.
The plant can be found in rich, rocky areas of the habitats mentioned above.

just took this picture of my #purslane (12:35am) - shes all closed up & sleeping . #succulent #weed


I new added a "Unknown succulent, Cori" in my "garden"

stureburk:@Abby Gill Thank you :) It felt necessary when they started to grow at different rates.
Abby Gill:Very cute, I love how you give your plants their own unique names.

not sure what kind of succulent I have! any help is appreciated!

Nyes:For me it looks more like some kind of sedum nussbaumerianum.
plantlady8:@Dan thanks!
Dan:Looks like some sort of jade plant

we recently brought this succlent home from thr green house where it was very warm and humid and is now living on the window sill. It was watered two days ago. what type of succulent is this?


Does anyone know what succulent this is? Tia!

Abby Gill:Looks like some type of echeveria, maybe glauca.
sarajordan2993:looks like a type of echeveria - not 100% sure of the exact kind