Dummer. ゛☀
False Peyote (Ariocarpus fissuratus) is a small cactus that grows only a few centimeters in height and about 4-6 inches in diameter. Its nodes end in pointed triangles, giving the cactus a star-like appearance. The flowers are pink-violet in color. These little cacti are often mistaken for rocks in the stony desert in which they grow and are therefore difficult to find. Ariocarpus fissuratus is found only in New Mexico, northern Mexico and southwest Texas.
Traditional Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus is usually referred to as false or dangerous Peyote, and has been known in the Americas since pre-Columbian times. This cactus was very possibly used as a Peyote substitute when Peyote was unavailable. The Huichol strongly warn against consuming Ariocarpus fissuratus, and associate it with dark sorcery. They believe that those individuals who do not properly purify themselves at the start of the Peyote hunt pilgrimage by admitting all of their sexual encounters outside of marriage may mistake Ariocarpus fissuratus for real Peyote, the consumption of which will result in a deliriant-hallucinogenic state. The Tarahumara, meanwhile, consider they to be even more powerful than Peyote.
Medicinal Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus, and the related Ariocarpus retusus may have been used to treat malaria by some peoples in Mexico. The related Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus is used as an external medicine to treat wounds. Certain reports of the consumption of Ariocarpus fissuratus also mention that it has strong narcotic pain-killing properties.
Traditional Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus is usually referred to as false or dangerous Peyote, and has been known in the Americas since pre-Columbian times. This cactus was very possibly used as a Peyote substitute when Peyote was unavailable. The Huichol strongly warn against consuming Ariocarpus fissuratus, and associate it with dark sorcery. They believe that those individuals who do not properly purify themselves at the start of the Peyote hunt pilgrimage by admitting all of their sexual encounters outside of marriage may mistake Ariocarpus fissuratus for real Peyote, the consumption of which will result in a deliriant-hallucinogenic state. The Tarahumara, meanwhile, consider they to be even more powerful than Peyote.
Medicinal Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus, and the related Ariocarpus retusus may have been used to treat malaria by some peoples in Mexico. The related Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus is used as an external medicine to treat wounds. Certain reports of the consumption of Ariocarpus fissuratus also mention that it has strong narcotic pain-killing properties.
Miss Chen
La Acacia Bola es un árbol que pertenece a la familia Leguminosas, género Robinia, especie pseudoacacia, variedad Umbraculifera.
Sus principales características son:
Altura: de 4 a 6 metros.
Diámetro: de 3 a 5 metros.
Crecimiento: rápido.
Suelo: se adapta a todos los tipos.
Temperatura: resiste bien el frío.
Transplante: muy buena tolerancia.
Uso: ornamental.
Origen: Estados Unidos.
La Acacia Bola es un pequeño árbol de follaje caduco, copa compacta y globosa.
Las hojas son de color verde claro y las ramas no presentan espinas. Su principal atractivo radica en la copa redondeada y el follaje denso.
Éste árbol rústico crece en todo tipo de suelos, auqnue prefiere los bien drenados, y presenta una buena tolerancia al frío.
La Acacia Bola se cultiva como ornamental. Crece por injertos sobre pie franco o por estacas.
Suele utilizarse en el arbolado de calles y jardines pequeños.
Sus principales características son:
Altura: de 4 a 6 metros.
Diámetro: de 3 a 5 metros.
Crecimiento: rápido.
Suelo: se adapta a todos los tipos.
Temperatura: resiste bien el frío.
Transplante: muy buena tolerancia.
Uso: ornamental.
Origen: Estados Unidos.
La Acacia Bola es un pequeño árbol de follaje caduco, copa compacta y globosa.
Las hojas son de color verde claro y las ramas no presentan espinas. Su principal atractivo radica en la copa redondeada y el follaje denso.
Éste árbol rústico crece en todo tipo de suelos, auqnue prefiere los bien drenados, y presenta una buena tolerancia al frío.
La Acacia Bola se cultiva como ornamental. Crece por injertos sobre pie franco o por estacas.
Suele utilizarse en el arbolado de calles y jardines pequeños.
Miss Chen
Este arbusto, que en realidad es un árbol, no es un laurel (Laurus nobilis) sino como su nombre científico indica, Prunus laurocerasus, una rosácea. Es originario de Asia Menor y en condiciones ideales puede llegar a alcanzar los 6 metros de altura. Se usa en las zonas templadas de Europa como planta ornamental, para setos sobre todo. Su follaje es espeso, perenne y de color verde intenso.
El laurel cerezo o lauroceraso florece a finales de la primavera con unas flores pequeñas arracimadas en las axilas de las hojas. En otoño maduran sus frutos, unas drupas de color púrpura o marrón parecidas a las cerezas y agrupadas en racimo. Aunque la planta es tóxica, los frutos son comestibles a excepción de la semilla que también es venenosa. En homeopatía se usa su tintura como calmante del sistema nervioso.
Se cultiva en primavera o en otoño y admite todo tipo de suelo, siempre que no sea demasiado calizo. Ha de plantarse en un lugar donde reciba sol directo o a la sombra si no es muy pronunciada. Hay que regarlo según sus necesidades durante los primeros años de su plantación. Una vez instalado su mantenimiento se reduce a una poda intensa en primavera y otra en otoño, si hacemos podas ligeras corremos el riesgo de que con el tiempo el centro del arbusto pierda follaje.
Al final del verano le brotan esquejes del tronco que se pueden aprovechar para la reproducción. Elegiremos los más robustos y sanos y los cortaremos por debajo de una hoja y con una longitud de 15 o 20 cm. Quitaremos las hojas del extremo inferior y plantaremos en un recipiente que contenga una mezcla de substrato y arena. Mantendremos en lugar protegido, pero con mucho sol, hasta la primavera siguiente.
El laurel cerezo o lauroceraso florece a finales de la primavera con unas flores pequeñas arracimadas en las axilas de las hojas. En otoño maduran sus frutos, unas drupas de color púrpura o marrón parecidas a las cerezas y agrupadas en racimo. Aunque la planta es tóxica, los frutos son comestibles a excepción de la semilla que también es venenosa. En homeopatía se usa su tintura como calmante del sistema nervioso.
Se cultiva en primavera o en otoño y admite todo tipo de suelo, siempre que no sea demasiado calizo. Ha de plantarse en un lugar donde reciba sol directo o a la sombra si no es muy pronunciada. Hay que regarlo según sus necesidades durante los primeros años de su plantación. Una vez instalado su mantenimiento se reduce a una poda intensa en primavera y otra en otoño, si hacemos podas ligeras corremos el riesgo de que con el tiempo el centro del arbusto pierda follaje.
Al final del verano le brotan esquejes del tronco que se pueden aprovechar para la reproducción. Elegiremos los más robustos y sanos y los cortaremos por debajo de una hoja y con una longitud de 15 o 20 cm. Quitaremos las hojas del extremo inferior y plantaremos en un recipiente que contenga una mezcla de substrato y arena. Mantendremos en lugar protegido, pero con mucho sol, hasta la primavera siguiente.
Dummer. ゛☀
False Peyote (Ariocarpus fissuratus) is a small cactus that grows only a few centimeters in height and about 4-6 inches in diameter. Its nodes end in pointed triangles, giving the cactus a star-like appearance. The flowers are pink-violet in color. These little cacti are often mistaken for rocks in the stony desert in which they grow and are therefore difficult to find. Ariocarpus fissuratus is found only in New Mexico, northern Mexico and southwest Texas.
Traditional Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus is usually referred to as false or dangerous Peyote, and has been known in the Americas since pre-Columbian times. This cactus was very possibly used as a Peyote substitute when Peyote was unavailable. The Huichol strongly warn against consuming Ariocarpus fissuratus, and associate it with dark sorcery. They believe that those individuals who do not properly purify themselves at the start of the Peyote hunt pilgrimage by admitting all of their sexual encounters outside of marriage may mistake Ariocarpus fissuratus for real Peyote, the consumption of which will result in a deliriant-hallucinogenic state. The Tarahumara, meanwhile, consider they to be even more powerful than Peyote.
Medicinal Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus, and the related Ariocarpus retusus may have been used to treat malaria by some peoples in Mexico. The related Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus is used as an external medicine to treat wounds. Certain reports of the consumption of Ariocarpus fissuratus also mention that it has strong narcotic pain-killing properties.
Traditional Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus is usually referred to as false or dangerous Peyote, and has been known in the Americas since pre-Columbian times. This cactus was very possibly used as a Peyote substitute when Peyote was unavailable. The Huichol strongly warn against consuming Ariocarpus fissuratus, and associate it with dark sorcery. They believe that those individuals who do not properly purify themselves at the start of the Peyote hunt pilgrimage by admitting all of their sexual encounters outside of marriage may mistake Ariocarpus fissuratus for real Peyote, the consumption of which will result in a deliriant-hallucinogenic state. The Tarahumara, meanwhile, consider they to be even more powerful than Peyote.
Medicinal Uses
Ariocarpus fissuratus, and the related Ariocarpus retusus may have been used to treat malaria by some peoples in Mexico. The related Ariocarpus kotschoubeyanus is used as an external medicine to treat wounds. Certain reports of the consumption of Ariocarpus fissuratus also mention that it has strong narcotic pain-killing properties.
Dummer. ゛☀
There are over 400 species of tropical Passion Flowers (the genus Passiflora) with sizes ranging from 0.5 inch to 6 inches (1.3 to 15 cm) across. They are found naturally from South America through Mexico. Early missionaries to these regions used the distinctly colored patterns of the flowers parts to teach about the passion’of Christ; hence the name.
Growing Conditions and General Care
Their vibrant colors and heady fragrance make the Passion Flower a welcome addition to any garden. Unfortunately, because of its origins, most species of Passion Flower plant can’t overwinter in many gardens in the United States, although there are a few that will survive up to USDA plant hardiness zone 5. Most varieties will grow in Zones 7-10.
Because they are vines, the best place for growing Passion Flower is along a trellis or fence. The tops will be killed off during winter, but if you mulch deeply, your Passion Flower plant will return with new shoots in the spring. Since growing Passion Flowers can reach 20 feet (6 m) in a single season, this die back will help keep the vine under control.
Tropical Passion Flowers need full sun and well drained soil. Two applications of a well-balanced fertilizer per year, once in early spring and one in midsummer is all the Passion Flower care you’ll need.
If you live in an area where winters are too harsh for tender Passion Flower care, don’t despair. Growing Passion Flowers indoors is as easy as finding a big pot and a window with bright light. Plant your vine in a rich commercial indoor potting soil and keep it uniformly moist, not wet.
Move your plant outdoors after all danger of frost is past and let your vine run wild. Come fall, cut back the growth to a reasonable height and bring it back indoors. Knowing how to grow Passion Flower is all it takes to bring a little of the tropics to your patio or porch.
Growing Conditions and General Care
Their vibrant colors and heady fragrance make the Passion Flower a welcome addition to any garden. Unfortunately, because of its origins, most species of Passion Flower plant can’t overwinter in many gardens in the United States, although there are a few that will survive up to USDA plant hardiness zone 5. Most varieties will grow in Zones 7-10.
Because they are vines, the best place for growing Passion Flower is along a trellis or fence. The tops will be killed off during winter, but if you mulch deeply, your Passion Flower plant will return with new shoots in the spring. Since growing Passion Flowers can reach 20 feet (6 m) in a single season, this die back will help keep the vine under control.
Tropical Passion Flowers need full sun and well drained soil. Two applications of a well-balanced fertilizer per year, once in early spring and one in midsummer is all the Passion Flower care you’ll need.
If you live in an area where winters are too harsh for tender Passion Flower care, don’t despair. Growing Passion Flowers indoors is as easy as finding a big pot and a window with bright light. Plant your vine in a rich commercial indoor potting soil and keep it uniformly moist, not wet.
Move your plant outdoors after all danger of frost is past and let your vine run wild. Come fall, cut back the growth to a reasonable height and bring it back indoors. Knowing how to grow Passion Flower is all it takes to bring a little of the tropics to your patio or porch.
学名:Camassia leichtlinii
科名 / 属名:ヒアシンス科 / カマッシア属
学名:Camassia leichtlinii
科名 / 属名:ヒアシンス科 / カマッシア属
Dummer. ゛☀
LIGHT: Abutilons bloom freely provided they receive 6-8 hours of direct sun. A south-facing window is usually ideal.
TEMPERATURE: Day and night temperatures above 65°F are fine year round. Avoid putting plants in the path of cold drafts.
WATERING: Water when the top ½ inch of the potting mix is dry to the touch.
FERTILIZER: Feed every 2 weeks with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (such as 20-20-20) mixed at ½ strength. A fertilizer designed to promote blossoms (formula 10-30-20) may be used instead..
CONTINUING CARE: Abutilons are vigorous growers. To keep your plant compact and bushy, prune back long stems with pruning shears, cutting just beyond the point where a leaf joins a stem. Prune just enough to give a pleasing overall shape; if you remove too much growth, you may prevent the plant from setting flower buds. Repot your plant into a slightly larger pot in spring.
PROBLEM: If pests appear, flush plant with water to wash them off; if they persist, spray with insecticidal soap.
Growing Standards: A standard is a woody plant trained to a long, single stem. The stem is crowned with a round head of foliage and flowers. This arrangement is beautiful but also unnatural, requiring a bit of effort on the part of the gardener to prevent gravity and the unrepressed inclinations of the plant from undoing the horticulturist's handiwork.
Staking a Standard: To keep your standard standing, put it out of reach of strong winds and support it with a stake that has a diameter at least as large as the stem's and long enough that when plunged into the pot or the ground it just reaches inside the head. Fasten the standard to the stake at several points with garden twine or green plastic tie tape looped in a figure-eight around stem and stake. Check the ties periodically during the growing season and loosen them if they constrict the outward growth of the stem.
Pruning, fertilizing, and repotting: Maintain the shape of the head with selective pinching of the new shoots (overzealous pinching will prevent the formation of flower buds). Pinch each shoot between thumb and forefinger or cut with pruning shears. Do not shear the plant as though it were a hedge. Fertilize standards grown in pots as you would other pot-grown plants. If you find that a standard in a container dries out quickly after watering, the plant probably needs a larger pot. Lift it from its current pot, make four deep vertical cuts in the root ball, and place it in a new pot that is 2in wider and taller than the old one, filling in around the root ball with fresh potting mix. Water thoroughly after repotting.
Overwintering a standard: Most standards require special care to overwinter. In cold winter climates, bring standards of Abutilon, Anisodontea, Fuchsia, Heliotrope, Lantana, and Rosemary indoors before frost and place them in an east- or west-facing window in a cool room. Water just enough to keep plants from drying out completely, and do not fertilize while plants are in this not-quite-dormant period. Set back outdoors in spring when nighttime temperatures remain consistently above 55°F.to bloom too early.
TEMPERATURE: Day and night temperatures above 65°F are fine year round. Avoid putting plants in the path of cold drafts.
WATERING: Water when the top ½ inch of the potting mix is dry to the touch.
FERTILIZER: Feed every 2 weeks with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer (such as 20-20-20) mixed at ½ strength. A fertilizer designed to promote blossoms (formula 10-30-20) may be used instead..
CONTINUING CARE: Abutilons are vigorous growers. To keep your plant compact and bushy, prune back long stems with pruning shears, cutting just beyond the point where a leaf joins a stem. Prune just enough to give a pleasing overall shape; if you remove too much growth, you may prevent the plant from setting flower buds. Repot your plant into a slightly larger pot in spring.
PROBLEM: If pests appear, flush plant with water to wash them off; if they persist, spray with insecticidal soap.
Growing Standards: A standard is a woody plant trained to a long, single stem. The stem is crowned with a round head of foliage and flowers. This arrangement is beautiful but also unnatural, requiring a bit of effort on the part of the gardener to prevent gravity and the unrepressed inclinations of the plant from undoing the horticulturist's handiwork.
Staking a Standard: To keep your standard standing, put it out of reach of strong winds and support it with a stake that has a diameter at least as large as the stem's and long enough that when plunged into the pot or the ground it just reaches inside the head. Fasten the standard to the stake at several points with garden twine or green plastic tie tape looped in a figure-eight around stem and stake. Check the ties periodically during the growing season and loosen them if they constrict the outward growth of the stem.
Pruning, fertilizing, and repotting: Maintain the shape of the head with selective pinching of the new shoots (overzealous pinching will prevent the formation of flower buds). Pinch each shoot between thumb and forefinger or cut with pruning shears. Do not shear the plant as though it were a hedge. Fertilize standards grown in pots as you would other pot-grown plants. If you find that a standard in a container dries out quickly after watering, the plant probably needs a larger pot. Lift it from its current pot, make four deep vertical cuts in the root ball, and place it in a new pot that is 2in wider and taller than the old one, filling in around the root ball with fresh potting mix. Water thoroughly after repotting.
Overwintering a standard: Most standards require special care to overwinter. In cold winter climates, bring standards of Abutilon, Anisodontea, Fuchsia, Heliotrope, Lantana, and Rosemary indoors before frost and place them in an east- or west-facing window in a cool room. Water just enough to keep plants from drying out completely, and do not fertilize while plants are in this not-quite-dormant period. Set back outdoors in spring when nighttime temperatures remain consistently above 55°F.to bloom too early.
植えつけ、 植え替え
植えつけ、 植え替え
Dummer. ゛☀
The Prickly Pear Cactus (Opuntia sp.) thrives in hot, dry desert areas, growing 3 to 20 feet (0.9 to 6 m) tall, depending on the variety and growing conditions. It spreads to cover 3 to 15 feet (0.9 to 4.5 m). The leaves and fruit are edible once the spines are removed. Leaf pads are eaten as a vegetable. Fruit are eaten raw and used to make juice, jelly and candy.
Prickly Pear Cactus is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 3b through 11. Once established, Prickly Pear Cactus are easy to care for and tolerate drought for two or three weeks.
Fill small pots or a seed tray with cactus soil. Break up any lumps in soil. Water the soil thoroughly and allow to drain.
Sow the seeds in the late spring when night temperatures consistently reach above 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius). Rub the Prickly Pear Cactus seeds against a piece of sandpaper to scratch the seed coat. Scratched seeds germinate faster and more reliably than untreated seeds.
Plant one seed per pot or plant seeds 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart in seed trays. Press the seed into the soil and cover with a fine layer of soil, barely 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick.
Mist the soil surface with a fine spray of water. Cover the tray with the plastic lid or put individual pots in plastic bags. Cut a small hole in the plastic to create a vent.
Place the pots or tray in a sunny window or under artificial lights. Check the soil daily for moisture and temperature. Ideal soil and air temperatures for prickly pear cactus is 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). If heat builds up under the plastic, move the container or open the vent further to release excess heat. Water the soil as needed with a fine mist, keeping the soil moist but not wet.
Inspect the seedlings daily. Cactus that turn yellow need more light. Brown or red cactus are receiving too much light.
Transplant the seedlings into larger pots or outside once the roots are well-developed. Place the transplants in full sun spaced 24 to 36 inches (60 to 90 cm) apart. Keep the soil moist for the first two weeks or until the plant has adjusted to its new location. Increase the time between watering once the cactus are established, allowing the soil to dry out slightly.
Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 to encourage pad growth. If you prefer to encourage flowers and fruit, use a low-nitrogen fertilizer such as 0-10-10.
Harvest Prickly Pear Cactus seeds from the ripe fruit of a Prickly Pear Cactus. Wash the seeds to remove all pulp, and dry them on a paper towel in a warm place for a week or two until completely dry. Store seeds in an air-tight container in a cool, dark place until ready to plant the following spring.
Prickly Pear Cactus earn their name. Wear gloves and handle the plants carefully, the spines are sharp and cause painful irritation.
Prickly Pear Cactus is hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 3b through 11. Once established, Prickly Pear Cactus are easy to care for and tolerate drought for two or three weeks.
Fill small pots or a seed tray with cactus soil. Break up any lumps in soil. Water the soil thoroughly and allow to drain.
Sow the seeds in the late spring when night temperatures consistently reach above 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7 degrees Celsius). Rub the Prickly Pear Cactus seeds against a piece of sandpaper to scratch the seed coat. Scratched seeds germinate faster and more reliably than untreated seeds.
Plant one seed per pot or plant seeds 1 inch (2.5 cm) apart in seed trays. Press the seed into the soil and cover with a fine layer of soil, barely 1/8 inch (3 mm) thick.
Mist the soil surface with a fine spray of water. Cover the tray with the plastic lid or put individual pots in plastic bags. Cut a small hole in the plastic to create a vent.
Place the pots or tray in a sunny window or under artificial lights. Check the soil daily for moisture and temperature. Ideal soil and air temperatures for prickly pear cactus is 70 degrees Fahrenheit (21 degrees Celsius). If heat builds up under the plastic, move the container or open the vent further to release excess heat. Water the soil as needed with a fine mist, keeping the soil moist but not wet.
Inspect the seedlings daily. Cactus that turn yellow need more light. Brown or red cactus are receiving too much light.
Transplant the seedlings into larger pots or outside once the roots are well-developed. Place the transplants in full sun spaced 24 to 36 inches (60 to 90 cm) apart. Keep the soil moist for the first two weeks or until the plant has adjusted to its new location. Increase the time between watering once the cactus are established, allowing the soil to dry out slightly.
Fertilize with a balanced fertilizer such as 10-10-10 to encourage pad growth. If you prefer to encourage flowers and fruit, use a low-nitrogen fertilizer such as 0-10-10.
Harvest Prickly Pear Cactus seeds from the ripe fruit of a Prickly Pear Cactus. Wash the seeds to remove all pulp, and dry them on a paper towel in a warm place for a week or two until completely dry. Store seeds in an air-tight container in a cool, dark place until ready to plant the following spring.
Prickly Pear Cactus earn their name. Wear gloves and handle the plants carefully, the spines are sharp and cause painful irritation.
#巴西木 的繁殖方法最常见的就是扦插方法,扦插方法也分两种:柱状扦插与细枝扦插。
Miss Chen
El granado es un arbusto o árbol pequeño que alcanza como mucho unos 6 metros de altura, aunque por lo general se queda en 2 metros más o menos. Su fruto, la granada, es una rica fruta, sabrosa, dulce y con grandes propiedades para la salud. Veamos pues los pasos y conocimientos que precisamos para el cultivo del granado en maceta.
Es una planta resistente y fácil de cultivar incluso en maceta. El suelo debe ser margoso, que es el compuesto por arcilla, limo y arena, y rico en humus. Hay variedades de granados enanos que nos darán muy buen resultado para el cultivo en maceta. La variedad ‘Nana’ es de las más interesantes, crece de forma compacta y tiene una densa floración. La variedad ‘Provence’ es muy parecida pero tolera mejor el frío, hasta -15ºC. También existen variedades ornamentales que no producen fruto como la ‘Flore Pleno’ y la ‘Madame Legrelle’ pero tienen fantásticas floraciones, en rojo la primera y en un rico tono salmón la segunda.
La localización para el granado debe ser la más soleada de que dispongamos en nuestro espacio de cultivo. Cuando las temperaturas bajen mucho, si vivimos en lugares de inviernos muy fríos, debemos resguardarlo en el interior de la casa. Si lo ponemos cerca de una ventana se encontrará a sus anchas. Sobre todo en las épocas de crecimiento hemos de regar con frecuencia y abundantemente, el suelo no debe secarse del todo entre riegos. En invierno reduciremos notablemente el aporte hídrico.
La poda es indispensable para darle a nuestro granado la forma deseada, el mejor momento es cuando haya pasado el riesgo de heladas. Hemos de podar las ramas débiles y las secas, así como las que hayan crecido demasiado, aumentando así la cantidad de flor que producirá el arbusto. El granado es bastante resistente a las plagas, hay que vigilar la mosca de la fruta que suele atacarlo fácilmente. Un problema muy común es el agrietado de la fruta, se produce por fluctuaciones importantes en el grado de humedad del suelo durante la fructificación.
Es una planta resistente y fácil de cultivar incluso en maceta. El suelo debe ser margoso, que es el compuesto por arcilla, limo y arena, y rico en humus. Hay variedades de granados enanos que nos darán muy buen resultado para el cultivo en maceta. La variedad ‘Nana’ es de las más interesantes, crece de forma compacta y tiene una densa floración. La variedad ‘Provence’ es muy parecida pero tolera mejor el frío, hasta -15ºC. También existen variedades ornamentales que no producen fruto como la ‘Flore Pleno’ y la ‘Madame Legrelle’ pero tienen fantásticas floraciones, en rojo la primera y en un rico tono salmón la segunda.
La localización para el granado debe ser la más soleada de que dispongamos en nuestro espacio de cultivo. Cuando las temperaturas bajen mucho, si vivimos en lugares de inviernos muy fríos, debemos resguardarlo en el interior de la casa. Si lo ponemos cerca de una ventana se encontrará a sus anchas. Sobre todo en las épocas de crecimiento hemos de regar con frecuencia y abundantemente, el suelo no debe secarse del todo entre riegos. En invierno reduciremos notablemente el aporte hídrico.
La poda es indispensable para darle a nuestro granado la forma deseada, el mejor momento es cuando haya pasado el riesgo de heladas. Hemos de podar las ramas débiles y las secas, así como las que hayan crecido demasiado, aumentando así la cantidad de flor que producirá el arbusto. El granado es bastante resistente a las plagas, hay que vigilar la mosca de la fruta que suele atacarlo fácilmente. Un problema muy común es el agrietado de la fruta, se produce por fluctuaciones importantes en el grado de humedad del suelo durante la fructificación.
植えつけ、 植え替え
植えつけ、 植え替え