但是家庭养护吗,总是需要一点人工干预,并让它们更好。 侧芽大概有两种,一种是肯定能长成,一种是大概长不成。 大概长不成的是那种经常在茎干上爆发出一些小芽(不是现存叶片的叶腋处,这种一般能长成),然后过段时间就又消失了,可以试着死马当做活马,保留一两个比较大的芽点,做一定的遮阴或给予少量的光照,不要接受太多太强烈直射光,也不要完全没有光照。 类似法师这种叶片底下一圈的侧芽,还有种是老桩茎干上长出来的,但是经常长不大。 [图片]砍头后爆出来的侧芽,一般都能带大,也不怎么需要处理下图是戴伦 [图片]能长大需要处理的也分两种,一种是从莲座底部一直冒侧芽出来的,多的时候可以一圈都是,可以将长得比较挤几个侧芽剪下来,当做枝插处理,这样有三个好处,得了新的枝插苗、让一些新的侧芽可以继续长出来(全挤在一起就没有长出来的空间了)、底部适当通风,夏天闷在一起容易出事。 蓝鸟的底部侧芽一直冒,长出一圈后,后面再长的侧芽一般就出不来了。 [图片]还一种是从植株附近一直冒出新苗的,但因为新老苗比较密集的关系,一些幼苗缺光照最终也会死亡,可以适当梳理,扒一些小苗出来,单独种植。 譬如说像唐印,不处理会继续生长,但处理下可以收获很多小唐印,而一点都不减老唐印的群生规模。 [图片]
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碧光环(小兔子) 小兔子可是说是第一代多肉“网红”了,很多人就是因为它才进了多肉“坑”,看它萌哒哒的兔子脑袋,谁能不动心 [图片]然而不少花友却把兔子脑袋养成了四不像,不要怀疑,这还是你的小兔子,只不过是长大了,它还有其他生长状态呢 1、夏季休眠 夏季小兔子休眠,这时候完全干枯像死了一样,别担心,到了秋天气温下降了,浇浇水兔耳朵又冒出来啦 2、缺水 兔耳朵长大变长不那么萌了,花友们也发现有时耳朵会垂下去,这是缺水的信号,赶紧浇点水吧。 [图片]3、剪耳朵 有些花友觉得耳朵长了太丑,那就剪掉好了(切口别忘涂点多菌灵),剪完还会再长出小耳朵哟 熊童子 胖嘟嘟的熊童子,叶片像小熊掌一样,还涂着红色指甲油~ [图片]来看看一些花友家的熊童子:叶子不饱满,小爪子也不明显,只能算是普普通通,哪里还是小熊掌? 1、养出小爪子 红红的爪尖是熊童子良好状态的表现,春秋生长季节多晒晒太阳,昼夜温差大,状态就出来了 [图片]2、养肥小熊掌 用疏松、营养充分的土:砂砾混合椰糠、腐叶土等栽种,春秋浇水要看土,土干再浇。夏季休眠期要少浇喔~ 黑法师 黑法师很酷,而且比一般多肉好养、耐晒,是新手花友的首选 [图片]然而还是有花友来求助:好好的黑法师怎么越养越单薄,这么一看,霸气全无 1、控水 平时黑法师10-15天浇一次水都行,度夏也不用担心,只要放在阴凉通风的地方就不用管啦,估计1个月浇1次水都嫌多 [图片]2、单头变多头 单头黑法师一枝独秀不太好看,春秋季节可以砍头(切口涂抹多菌灵溶液消毒),立马增生一圈小花脑袋 桃蛋 粉嫩嫩的桃蛋也是近两年的多肉新宠,最吸引人的就是它的颜色啦 [图片]但是出问题的也是它的颜色,不少花友养的桃蛋惨白惨白的,有的叶子也不圆润,根本不像蛋啦 1、上色 想维持粉嫩的颜色,就要晒太阳。冬、春、秋没有高温可以放心晒,晚上放屋里保暖。夏天桃蛋有短暂的休眠期,每天晒2-3个小时(高温时遮阴)就行 [图片]2、养胖 桃蛋叶子不紧凑,还瘪,可能是缺水了,首先选择疏松的砂质土来种,春秋每3-5天就要浇1次,夏天休眠期可少浇,冬天循环慢也可以少浇喔 山地玫瑰 因为类似玫瑰的长相,山地玫瑰也受到不少欢迎,养起来既浪漫又特别~ [图片]有些花友纳闷了,自己养的明明是“玫瑰”怎么一点玫瑰样子都没有了呢 1、生长期和休眠期 山地玫瑰在夏季(6-7月)休眠,叶片开始聚拢成玫瑰,冬季太冷也会这样喔,春秋生长季节就张开叶片,变的比较豪放啦 [图片]2、玫瑰爆盆效果 想要在生长期也保持玫瑰效果,就赶紧养爆盆吧:在夏季休眠时,放在通风阴凉位置养,控水(10-15天浇1次水),积攒营养来增生小头 特玉莲 养多肉的花友肯定都有一棵“莲花”,特玉莲算是比较特别的一款,叶片向上蜷曲、向内勾起又像一朵贡菊 [图片]然而大部分花友的特玉莲都是四仰八叉,叶子别说内勾了,数量也少,又细又长 1、避免徒长 特玉莲的叶子细长也是徒长的表现,这时候要控制浇水(5-7天浇1次),春秋时可以晒晒太阳,让叶子紧凑起来 [图片]2、缀化 特玉莲是容易缀化的品种,有些花友看不习惯的话,可以直接剪头摘叶重新扦插 黄金万年青 作为肉中生长速度最快的黄金万年青,也是养肉的花友必备的搭配好手,组合盆里养着确实增色不少 [图片]就算是这么好养活的草,也有花友把它养的蔫不拉几,看起来毫无生气 1、大水大晒 想要黄金色就多晒,夏季(32度以下)都可以尽情晒,晒晒就黄啦。打蔫是缺水了,平常2-3天浇一次水,注意不要太多不然不消化烂根给你看咧~ [图片]2、修剪 作为护盆草,长的飞快的黄金草很容易变杂乱,发现掐掉就行~
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Both watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) and cantaloupes (Cucumis melo) are members of the cucumber family, Cucurbitaceae. These annual vines with long, sprawling stems take up a large area in a garden and need lots of sunshine and warm temperatures to produce well. Honeybees pollinate the plants' flowers, but the pollen from watermelon and cantaloupes do not create hybrid fruits. [图片]Size The foremost concern in planting both cantaloupe and watermelons in the same garden bed is space. The vines of both melons spread far and will grow wherever they can to access sunlight. Plants too close together cause unnecessary competition for light, soil moisture and nutrients. Dense vegetation may also lead to humid conditions on the soil surface and increase fungal diseases. If space is an issue, modern varieties include some bush-types which mature with short vines and may be more suitable to the dimensions of your garden. Pollination Closely related vegetable vines like pumpkins, gourds and squashes cross-pollinate each other's flowers and can yield awkward, inconsistent hybrid fruits. Watermelons and cantaloupes do not cross-pollinate each other. However, according to Virginia Cooperative Extension, you should expect different varieties of cantaloupes, honeydews and muskmelons to cross-pollinate each other within close range in the garden. Depending on genetics, this may lead to fruits with variable fruit qualities that aren't always desirable. Disease and Pest Concerns Since watermelons and muskmelons are susceptible to many of the same pests and diseases, growing both crops in a garden bed may be problematic. For example, if the watermelon is attacked by stem borers and not treated, the pest can quickly spread and harm nearby cantaloupe vines. Potential disease problems exist, including threats from alternaria blight, bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, leaf spot and powdery and downy mildews. Cucumber beetles, squash vine borers, pickleworms and squash bugs also attack both plants. Cucumber beetles tend to spread the bacterial wilt disease around the garden. [图片]Growing Tips Watermelons and cantaloupes can grow and produce well in the same spacious garden bed. If the gardener remains conscientious about monitoring for weeds, disease and insect pests, any potential major cultural problems can be avoided or treated. Encourage a chemical-free garden so honeybees and bumblebees pollinate the melon flowers. Also consider placing developing melon fruits on a piece of scrap plywood to keep them from resting directly on the moist garden soil. This prevents rot and can assist in limiting access of insects to the ripening fruits.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If you enjoy vegetable gardening, you can grow more in less space if you plant certain crops on a trellis. Many types of vining plants grow well when trained onto a trellis, which keeps vegetables off the ground, evenly exposes the entire plant to sun and makes harvesting easier by eliminating the need to bend over when picking the crop. Vining Plants [图片]Plants that are tendril-producing vines attach readily to a trellis, although gently winding young vines around the support can help get them started. These types include traditional, vining varieties of peas (Pisum sativum), which grow as annuals in all parts of the United States. Peas do best in cool spring weather and produce a crop in seven to ten weeks. If you like green beans, choose vining pole beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), growing them on a trellis for a crop of free-hanging, straight beans easy to see among the vines. Pole beans are annual plants that twine readily as vines lengthen and yield two or three times as many beans as shorter, bush varieties of beans. Heavy Producers [图片]Plants that produce many fruits during the season can also benefit from trellising, which helps support the heavy crop. Most types of cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) do well on a trellis, with some varieties producing vines that can be up to 6 feet high. Cucumbers grow as annuals and thrive in warm weather for good production. Indeterminate types of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) also do especially well on a trellis because they keep growing and producing until fall, with some vines becoming up to 6 feet high. Also annual plants, indeterminate tomatoes often produce large clusters of heavy fruit, so growing them on a trellis provides extra support while giving the entire plant good sun exposure. Use soft ties to attach tomato stems gently but securely to the trellis. Other Vegetables [图片]You can also use a trellis to grow any plant that has fruit smaller than a volleyball, or less than 8 1/2 inches in diameter, and weighs under about 3 pounds. For example, some varieties of summer squash (Cuccubita pepo) can thrive on a trellis -- use soft ties to attach smooth-stemmed varieties that lack tendrils. Smaller fruited varieties of winter squash (Curcubita moschata), such as the acorn type, are also appropriate choices for trellis-growing. If you see an especially large squash on one of these vines, use some netting or nylon cloth to construct a small "hammock" for support, tying the ends of the hammock to the trellis. Both summer and winter squash grow as annuals throughout the United States. Trellis Types and Plant Choices [图片]To construct a trellis, select two sturdy supports, such as 6-foot metal or wood stakes, spaced about 5 or 6 feet apart and pounded 1 foot deep into the ground. For a wider trellis, add a third stake, dividing the trellis' width into two sections, with the third stake in the middle. Suspend a 5-foot high length of plastic mesh or chicken wire between the stakes, or attach a length of wire across the tops of the stakes and tie 5-foot lengths of sturdy twine or wire at intervals along this vertical wire, allowing these to hang down to the ground. Once you've planted vegetables along the trellis, check young plants every few days and gently weave the growing tips into the mesh or around the wires as needed. When purchasing seeds or plants, check labels and only choose vining types, instead of nonvining, bushy varieties that won't grow well on a trellis.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Most garden vegetables prefer well-drained loamy soil with a neutral pH. However, in many parts of North America, especially the Appalachian Mountains and other hilly regions, good drainage can be difficult to find. Clay soils produce stunted growth and encourage fungal diseases, such as root rot. Amending your soil with additives or choosing vegetables that grow well in this type of soil increase your chances of a healthy, productive garden. [图片]Potatoes According to the English Gardening website, potatoes are a traditional crop for breaking up clay soils. These plants grow in a wide range of soils, although they prefer gardens high in organic matter with a relatively acid pH. Adding compost or other organic material improves potato yields and ashes or peat decreases pH, since alkaline soils lead to potato scab disease. Potatoes reduce compaction in your clay-soil garden, making the environment friendlier for other vegetables. Avoid early varieties, as clay soils stay colder in spring than other soil types. [图片]Peas These plants grow well in just about any soil from clay to sand, as long as they have adequate drainage. They prefer slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soils with pH from pH 6 to pH 7.5. However, they will grow in soils with stronger acidity or alkalinity. Avoid overwatering when growing peas on clay, as too much water encourages wilt and root rot diseases. After harvest, cut the plants at soil level, leaving the roots in the ground to add nitrogen and organic material to the soil. This improves drainage and soil quality. [图片]Cabbage Cabbage and other members of the Brassica family grow well in soils ranging from loam to silty clay. They tolerate intermediate levels of salt, which sometimes build up in clay soils after extensive fertilizer use. They grow best in the cool season. As with potatoes, choose cabbages and cabbage relatives that grow during the late spring and summer, as clay soils often remain too cold for early planting. Considerations Even plants that do well in clay soil prefer good drainage and high fertility. Amending your clay-based soil makes it friendlier to clay-loving garden vegetables and improves yield. Adding organic materials, such as compost, manure and peat, gives your soil better nutrition and reduces the chance of water pooling. Include grass clippings, dead garden plants and organic yard waste in the fall to compost over the winter. Avoid adding sand, since the result actually compacts more easily and firmly than clay alone.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Dozens of bell pepper varieties in an array of colors can be grown in your home vegetable garden each summer. Bell peppers can can grow in all U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones and tolerate a variety of climatic conditions. However, because they are a warm-season vegetable, they do best with a long growing season, the Iowa State University Extension reports. Regular applications of fertilizer can benefit the plants, bettering your odds for a healthy harvest. [图片]Before Planting Pre-treat the soil where you will plant bell peppers with a 5-10-5 fertilizer. Apply 2 to 3 pounds for every 100 square feet of garden space, the Iowa State University Extension advises. Alternately, have your soil tested prior to planting to see what specific needs your soil has and whether it would benefit from a different fertilizer. After Transplanting Once you transplant pepper plants outdoors, treat them with water-soluble fertilizer. The Iowa extension recommends using a water-soluble fertilizer or making your own solution by mixing 2 tbsp. of a 10-10-10 fertilizer in 1 gallon of water. Each plant should receive between 1 and 2 cups of the fertilizer. [图片]After Fruiting As your bell peppers grow, they will need at least one more fertilizer application. Wait until the plants set their first young peppers before applying fertilizer, the University of Illinois Extension reports. Use the same fertilizer you applied after the plants were set in the soil and repeat every three or four weeks. Always follow manufacturer's directions carefully to ensure you don't apply too much. Application Technique When fertilizing bell peppers and many other garden vegetables, side-dress the plants to prevent damage to the stems and leaves. To do this, apply fertilizer to the soil several inches away from the plant stem, Fort Valley State University recommends. Water the plants thoroughly afterwards, so the fertilizer incorporates into the soil.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Baby broccoli, often referred to as broccolini, is similar in appearance to a young broccoli plant that has long shoots. Featuring an asparagus-like flavor, this vegetable was developed by crossing Chinese kale and broccoli. It contains high levels of bitamins A and C, iron, fiber and potassium. By growing baby broccoli at home, gardeners can maintain a regular supply of this uncommon vegetable. Although growing baby broccoli in the garden is similar to growing regular broccoli, it requires more personal attention in order for the plant to produce sweet, long and tender shoots. [图片]Step 1 Begin sowing the baby broccoli seeds two or four weeks before the last frost. Baby broccoli is a member of the crucifer family. Members of this family thrive in cooler weather conditions and may perform slow or die altogether if subjected to the hot weather of midsummer. Step 2 Fill 4-inch peat containers with seed starter mix. Pour water into the peat containers until the starter mix is damp. Create a hole 1/4- to 1/2-inch deep in each peat container with your little finger. Step 3 Drop one baby broccoli seed into each hole and cover with surrounding starter mix. Drape plastic wrap over all the peat containers to create a makeshift greenhouse. Step 4 Move the baby broccoli to a flat surface and place a grow light above the peat containers. Keep the grow light turned on for 12 to 14 hours every day. [图片]Step 5 Lift the plastic wrap and moisten the starter mix until damp two or three times weekly. Remove the covering when the baby broccoli seeds begin to grow through the starter mix. Step 6 Transplant the baby broccoli to the garden immediately following the last frost. Keep the baby broccoli in their peat containers to avoid distressing the roots. Plant the baby broccoli 12 inches apart. Step 7 Pinch the center bloom of the baby broccoli plants as it begins to grow. If allowed to grow, the center bloom will inhibit the edible side shoots from properly growing. Continue to pinch off the center bloom throughout the growing season since it will keep trying to grow back.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
鹿角苔又名叉钱苔,是一种广泛分布于世界各地用于水族箱装饰的浮苔科植物,鹿角苔大多用来营造森林里藓苔的感觉;修剪时,采取斜角方式下手并避免破坏叶端生长点,大多数都采用分叶繁殖的方式进行培育。鹿角苔是一种水生植物,如何种植鹿角苔,接下来就为大家详细的介绍一下,想要种植鹿角苔的朋友可以做个参考。 [图片]鹿角苔怎么种 鹿角苔主要有普通和迷你之分,它的外形呈现Y字形,从叶端还会冒出一颗颗气泡,晶莹剔透幻化成美人鱼的祝福。因此,鹿角苔也成为人们非常喜爱的一种水草。特别是大面积的鹿角苔冒出大量的气泡时,场面是非常壮观而美丽的。鹿角苔的栽培和种植需要强光和充足的二氧化碳。 鹿角苔不喜欢盐软水。它们更适合生长在温度15-30摄氏度、水质5-15DH,PH值在6.0-8.0之间的水域环境中。鹿角苔由于没有根部,所以它们会像海绵状漂浮起来,因此在种植的时候,需要用细网或黑线将其固定在不同形状的石块上,或是整个网在大块沉木上。在修剪的时候,应该采取斜角方式下手并避免破坏叶端生长点。鹿角苔是以分叶的方式繁殖,而且种植这种水草一般是用来营造森林里藓苔的感觉。 [图片]外观和鹿角苔相似,不过生长高度比较底,叶片也比较小。体积小巧的优点往往能营造出较为细腻的感觉,非常适合用来营造绿地的效果。修剪方式和鹿角苔相同。提供合适的光照,进行旺盛的光合作用时,会在顶端冒出无数的小气泡。 以上就是小编为您介绍的鹿角苔怎么种,希望能够帮助到您。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
鸟巢蕨为较大型的阴生观叶植物,悬吊于室内也别具热带情调,植于热带园林树木下或假山岩石上,盆栽的小型植株用于布置明亮的客厅、会议室及书房、卧室。鸟巢蕨是有效的空气清新器,大型繁茂的绿色叶片,通过光合作用,吸收二氧化碳,放出大量氧气,使封闭的室内空气变的清新。鸟巢蕨的可食用部位是其嫩芽。鸟巢蕨采摘后,用清水冲洗干净,然后放入开水中略微焯一下,捞出后过掉水,加入各种调味料凉拌,或同其他食材一同炒菜。 那么,鸟巢蕨的养殖方法有哪些呢?下面来看看吧。 [图片]一、鸟巢蕨的养殖方法 气温高时可以浇水浇的勤些,每天或隔日进行,气温低的环境条件下,可3~5天进行一次,一定要灵活!气温在15~26℃之间可以浇灌稀薄的肥水,对生长极为有利。 注意:鸟巢蕨喜温暖湿润的环境,不耐高温与寒冷,高于30℃时要多喷水、多通风!喜高湿环境,不耐干燥!请勤喷水增加空气湿度!另外,虽然鸟巢蕨耐荫性比较强,但也需要有散射的光照生长才更好!不要长期放在无光照处哦!当然,阳光强烈时也要防止曝晒! 1.栽植盆栽鸟巢蕨土壤以泥炭土或腐叶土最好。生长2-3年靠栽巢蕨,株形开张,根部挤满盆架,可从盆内脱出,去掉部分残根和基部枯萎的孢子叶,取出于株,分别重新栽植上盆。春季换盆时,应在盆中添加腐叶土和苔藓,并加少许碎石。 2.温度与光照鸟巢蕨生长适宜温度为22-27℃,夏季要进行遮荫,或放在大树下疏荫处,避免强阳光直射,这样有利于生长,使叶片富有光泽。在室内则要放在光线明亮的地方,不能长期处于阴暗处。冬季要移入温室,温度保持在16℃以上,使其继续生长,但最低温度不能低于5℃。 3.浇水与施肥夏季高温、多湿条件下,新叶生长旺盛需多喷水,充分喷洒叶面,保持较高的空气温度,对孢子萌发有利。随着叶片的增大,叶片常盖满盆中培养土,浇水务必浇透盆,才可避免植株因缺水而造成叶片干枯卷曲。 鸟巢蕨可用孢子播种和分株繁殖。孢子繁殖作为商品化批量生产已得到广泛应用。一般的可用分株繁殖。植株生长较大时,往往会出现小型的分枝,可在春末夏初新芽生出前用利刀慢慢地把需要分出的植株部切离,再分别栽植即可。鸟巢蕨产生的分枝较少,少用常见的分离子株的办法分株,通常将生长健壮的植株在春末从基部分切成2-4块,并将叶片剪短1/3-1/2,使每块带有部分叶片和根茎,然后单独盆栽成为新的植株;盆栽后放盆栽后放在温度20以上半阴和空气湿度较高地方养护,以尽快使伤口愈合。盆中栽培基质稍湿润,不可太湿,否则容易腐烂。待新叶生出后可逐渐恢复原来的形状。 [图片]二、鸟巢蕨叶子发黄 鸟巢蕨叶子发黄叶子发黄的原因有很多,在主要的就是养护不当。只有对症下药,精心养护,才能彻底解决鸟巢蕨叶子发黄 鸟巢蕨叶子发黄原因 鸟巢蕨常附生于雨林或季雨林内树干上或林下岩石上,而且不耐强光,属于阴生植物,如果光照过强,鸟巢蕨的叶子就会发黄。可能由于生长环境和养护不当等原因,也会造成鸟巢蕨叶子发黄。特别是在北方,空气干燥,而且光线强烈,鸟巢蕨会出现叶边干枯,叶片干裂的情况。 鸟巢蕨叶子发黄解决方法 知道原因,就可以知道如何避免鸟巢蕨叶子发黄了。首先要尽量保证养护环境的阴湿,可以放在背阴的地方养护,不要放在阳台窗台等光线明亮处,特别是夏季要绝对避免阳光直射,经常给喷水,以保证湿度,喜阴并不代表可以无限制浇水,保证养殖鸟巢蕨基质潮湿就可以了!还要了解鸟巢蕨的生长习性,了解了鸟巢蕨的习性,根据习性调节养花习惯就可以避免鸟巢蕨叶子发黄了。 三、鸟巢蕨的作用 1、鸟巢蕨的作用之观赏价值 蕨类植物,近年在观叶植物中可谓是一枝独秀,深受人们的喜爱。国际上流行用其来制作大型悬吊或壁挂盆栽,用于宽敞厅堂作吊挂装饰,或将单丛的鸟巢蕨分别附生固定于一段树干的不同高度部位,形成粗壮的古树模样,摆放于大厅或走廊上犹如古树列队。用鸟巢蕨装饰的室内,别具一番独特的热带风光情调,更可增添几分生动的自然野趣。给人以极大的视觉享受,有着很强的观赏价值。 2、鸟巢蕨的作用之装饰家居 鸟巢蕨为较大型的阴生观叶植物,株型丰满、叶色葱绿光亮,潇洒大方,野味浓郁,深得人们的青睐。悬吊于室内也别具热带情调,植于热带园林树木下或假山岩石上,可增添野趣,盆栽的小型植株用于布置明亮的客厅、会议室及书房、卧室,也显得小巧玲珑、端庄美丽。 3、鸟巢蕨的作用之净化空气 据说,鸟巢蕨放在房里可能要比其他植物释放氧气。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
食虫草原产于热带,喜高温多湿的半阴环境。生长适温为25℃~30℃,在生长季节要经常喷水以保持周围的高湿环境。种子中国提醒您:冬季在室内应放在向阳处,室温不低于16℃,就能安全越冬。栽培土壤以疏松、肥沃的腐叶土或泥炭土为好。食虫草宜用吊盆栽植,使其叶笼捕虫器自然下垂,以显示其绚丽的风采。 [图片]食虫草种植生长在偏酸性且低营养的土壤中,通常为泥炭、白沙、砂岩或火山土壤。食虫草原产于热带,喜高温多湿的半阴环境。生长适温为25℃~30℃,在生长季节要经常喷水以保持周围的高湿环境。 食虫草的生长适温为25~30℃,3~9月为21~30℃,9月至翌年3月为18~24℃。冬季温度不低于16℃,15℃以下植株停止生长,10℃以下温度,叶片边缘遭受冻害。 食虫草对水分的反应比较敏感。食虫草在高湿条件下才能正常生长发育,生长期需经常喷水,每天需4~5次。如果温度变化大,过于干燥,都会影响叶笼的形成。 食虫草对生长环境和条件的要求多种多样。因为杂交种具有更强的适应力,所以很难用几句话概括完所有的纯种和杂交种的生活习性。种植时可以应食虫草的需要来改善环境。将种植环境中不适宜食虫草生长的环境加以改善。 食虫草的笼子是一种变态叶,因此它像其他植物的叶子一样也会衰老枯死。一般来说,适宜条件下每个笼子可以存活若干个月。当它已经枯萎时,可以将它剪去,使得整株看起来更漂亮,但这纯粹是为了好看,而与植株的健康无关。 [图片]冬季在室内应把食虫草放在向阳处,室温不低于16℃,就能安全越冬。栽培土壤以疏松、肥沃的腐叶土或泥炭土为好。食虫草宜用吊盆栽植,使其叶笼捕虫器自然下垂,以显示其绚丽的风采。 食虫草美丽的叶笼具有极高的观赏价值。在欧美等地,作为室内盆栽观赏已很普遍。在中国许多大中城市的花卉市场上,也能见到捕虫草的风姿。用它点缀客厅花架、阳台和窗台,或悬挂于庭园树上和走廊旁,优雅别致,趣味盎然。
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