[图片]1、水浸法 这个相对来说挺简单的,而且成功率会高。第一步,将植株的苗茎放在阴凉的地方,大概十天。然后,把多余假鳞茎取下,放在水里,泡两三天。之后,用百分之二到五浓度的糖水,浸泡植株苗茎下方大概一厘米上下的部位。过一整天,取出来洗干净,再扦插,很容易长出根。 [图片]2、浸药法 这种方法跟上一个差不多,只不过用的是药而已。可选维生素B12溶剂,加上足够的水稀释一下。然后,将茎下的部分放进去大概五分钟,之后取出来。这样,有利于加快长根的速度。还有,也可以将它放在高锰酸钾的溶液中,百分之零点二到零点五的浓度。浸泡的时间需要长些,大概得一整天左右。除了有利于长根,还可以防止其腐烂。还可供选择的有很多,比如生根粉等,这里就不再一一介绍。 [图片]3、晾干法 首先得将苗茎切下来,然后将其放在通风的地方,待上大概五六个小时左右。等到切口差不多干燥了的时候,就可进行水培了。这样做,生出根的速度快,成活几率也高。 4、增温法 这种方法很容易理解,简单来讲就是提高温度。对于水培的植株来说,若温度高于三十五度时,根是最容易长出来的。有些专业养殖的地方,会用温床栽培,就是利用的这一种方法。若是家中养殖的有条件,也可以用这种办法试试。 [图片]
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[图片]1、光线问题 (1)具体原因:这个方面主要指的就是夏季的时候,特别是中午的强烈的光。晒得过了,它的叶子可能先是耷拉下来,再往后就可能掉下来。 (2)解决措施:出现这种情况,首先需要查看它的生活环境,是否光太强。如果是,那么就移动它的位置,或者遮光。一般来说,早上和下午晚些时候见光就可以了。若冬季,则可适当延长见光的时间。 [图片]2、温度问题 (1)具体原因:这里主要说的是夏季。温度过高了,又没有采取降温的措施,它的叶子很容易掉。 (2)解决措施:第一,通风是很重要的。第二,可以在放置它地方的四周,或者植株的叶子上喷些水。这样,也可以有效降温。 3、肥料问题 (1)具体原因:第一个可能是量太多。第二个可能是浓度过了。这两种情况都可能使得叶子掉落。 (2)解决措施:针对第一种,那么就得适当减少量,特别是温度高于二十五度时。针对第二种,就得施加薄肥,切不可太浓。 [图片]4、水分问题 (1)具体原因:若水太多,积水很严重,那么肉质根很可能烂。然后,叶子可能就会掉。 (2)解决措施:最好到土壤半干的时候再浇。并且,浇的时候也需要浇透。还有,不要让水留到叶子中间去。 5、病虫问题 (1)具体原因:病虫的种类很多,比如叶枯病、蚧壳虫等,都会导致掉叶子。 (2)解决措施:针对不同的病虫种类,喷洒相对应的药剂。 [图片]
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 1-3' tall and sparingly branched. The round stems are green to reddish green and glabrous or pubescent. At first, only basal leaves are produced, but later there are alternate leaves along the stems. These leaves are ternately compound (divided into groups of 3 leaflets) and they have long petioles that are glabrous or pubescent. Each leaflet is up to 3" long and 2" across; it is usually obovate in shape with a wedge-shaped bottom, but it divides into 3 rounded lobes. Each of these lobes is often subdivided into several secondary lobes, resembling large rounded teeth. The upper surface of each leaflet is glabrous and there may be areas with a whitish bloom. The leaflets can be sessile or stalked. The upper stems produce flowers individually or in groups of 2-3. Each flower is about 1½" long and it hangs downward from a long stalk. This flower has 5 petals, 5 petal-like sepals, and strongly exerted stamens and styles. Each petal is yellow and rounded toward the tip, but its base consists of a long nectar spur that is pale red to purplish red. The sepals are ovate in shape and they are the same color as the nectar spurs. The nectar spurs of mature flowers are erect (parallel to each other) or slightly spreading. The anthers of the stamens are bright yellow. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer and lasts about a month. There is no floral scent. Each flower is replaced by 5 pod-shaped follicles that have long beaks. Each follicle splits open along one side to release the shiny black seeds. The root system is fibrous and rhizomes are occasionally produced. Cultivation: The preference is light shade to partial sun, moist to dry conditions, and soil that is loamy, rocky, or slightly sandy. Mature plants can also tolerate full sun, although young plants require some shade from neighboring vegetation. Once it becomes established, this plant is easy to maintain. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Wild Columbine occurs occasionally in most areas of Illinois, although it is uncommon or absent in south-central Illinois (see Distribution Map). Habitats include rocky open woodlands, wooded slopes, sandy savannas, thinly wooded bluffs, partially shaded areas of cliffs, limestone glades, fens and bogs, openings in logged woodlands, and areas along railroad tracks. Occasional wildfires and other kinds of disturbance in wooded areas are probably beneficial in maintaining populations of this plant. Faunal Associations: Bumblebees and the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird visit the flowers for nectar; bumblebees may also collect pollen for their larvae. Short-tongued Halictid bees collect pollen from the flowers, but they are less effective at cross-pollination. The larvae of various insects feed on Wild Columbine, including those of Erynnis lucilius (Columbine Duskywing), Papaipema leucostigma (Borer Moth sp.), Pristophora aquiligae (Columbine Sawfly), and several Phytomyza spp. (Leaf Miner Flies). Because the foliage is toxic, it is little bothered by mammalian herbivores. [图片]Photographic Location: Along a cliff at the Shady Rest Nature Preserve in Piatt County, Illinois. Comments: This is the only Aquilegia sp. (Columbine) that is native to Illinois. Other species in this genus occur in the Western states. The flowers of Wild Columbine are colorful and attractive, and the foliage is attractive as well. The cultivated Columbines that are sold by nurseries usually have Aquilegia vulgaris (European Columbine) as one or both of the parents. European Columbine rarely escapes from cultivation. It can be distinguished from Wild Columbine by spreading nectar spurs and weakly exerted stamens. While the flowers of Wild Columbine are always some shade of red, the flowers of cultivated Columbines are often other colors, including pink and blue.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This terrestrial orchid develops a single basal leaf during the fall that persists through the winter until the flowering period beginning in late spring. This basal leaf is 3½-8" long and 1-3" across; it is broadly elliptic or oblong-ovate in shape and smooth along the margins. The orientation of the basal leaf is ascending to horizontal with the ground. The upper leaf surface is dark green with fine white veins and glabrous; the veins are parallel to each other. The lower leaf surface is green, purplish green, or dull purple. At the base of the leaf, there is a short petiole that pokes above the ground surface. This basal leaf originates from the oldest corm of the root system. During the late spring or early summer, the basal leaf withers away and a raceme of flowers about 6-20" tall is sometimes produced. Each raceme will have about 8-16 flowers; they are laxly distributed along the flowering stalk. A large majority of plants fail to produce flowers during any given year, either because they are too small and immature, or environmental conditions are unfavorable. [图片]The flowering stalk is pale green or pale purplish green, terete, and glabrous; it is surrounded by a tight basal sheath toward its base. The flowers are about ¾-1" long and a little less across, consisting of 3 sepals, 3 petals, and the reproductive organs; nectar spurs are lacking. The sepals spread outward from the center of the flower to a greater or lesser degree, and they are more or less equally spaced from each other. These sepals are narrowly oblanceolate or narrowly oblong, pale green or pale yellow, becoming purplish toward their tips. The two upper petals are narrowly oblanceolate or narrowly oblong and colored similarly to the sepals; these petals are adjacent to each other, functioning as a protective hood over the reproductive organs. The lower petal is the lip of the flower; it is oblanceolate or obovate and primarily white with speckles of purple or magenta. The lip is depressed in its center and its margins are elevated and undulate. The relatively stout pedicels of the flowers are about ¾" long, while the floral bracts are less than ¼" long and early-deciduous. The blooming period lasts about 2-3 weeks (late spring to early summer) and the flowers lack noticeable fragrance. In the absence of insect pollination, they are self-fertile. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by seed capsules about ¾-1" long that are broadly ellipsoid in shape with multiple narrow ridges along their sides. These capsules nod downward from their pedicels along the raceme; later in the year, they split open to release abundant tiny seeds. These seeds are easily distributed to new areas via wind currents. [图片]The root system consists of 1-4 bulbous corms that are connected by slender rhizomes. These corms are up to 1" across and individually they can persist for 2 years. On a healthy plant, a new corm is produced each year. Fibrous roots originate from the bases of the corms. Small colonies of clonal plants can develop from the spread of these corms. Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight during the fall, winter, and spring; light levels during the summer are unimportant because live leaves are not present during this time of year. Significant photosynthesis can occur in temperatures that are only slightly above freezing. The root system of this orchid benefits from (and may require) a symbiotic relationship with compatible mycorrhizal fungi. Otherwise, this orchid may fail to flourish. It can be slowly propagated by separating its corms to establish new plants. Propagation by seed is very difficult and rarely successful. A moist to mesic loamy soil with abundant organic material is preferred. Soil pH can vary from mildly acidic to neutral. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Putty-Root Orchid is occasional toward the southern tip of Illinois, while in the rest of the state it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). In spite of its lack of abundance, this is one of the more common orchids within the state. Habitats include rich mesic woodlands, wooded areas (e.g., terraces) above streams, damp depressions in upland rocky woodlands, the bottoms of sandstone canyons, areas near the bases of wooded slopes, and the bottoms or lower slopes of ravines. The Putty-Root Orchid is specifically adapted to deciduous woodlands where such canopy trees as Sugar Maple (Acer saccharum) and American Beech (Fagus grandifolia) are present. It is found in above average to high quality natural areas. Such invasive species as Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) and Japanese Stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum) present a significant threat to maintaining populations of this orchid within the state should they continue to spread. Faunal Associations: Various bees are likely pollinators of this orchid. A Halictid bee, Lasioglossum oblongum, has been observed visiting the flowers. Such insects are lured to this orchid's flowers by deception, as no nectar is present to reward such floral visitors. There is a potential risk of White-tailed Deer browsing on the flowering stalks and basal leaves, but more specific information about this is currently unavailable. Photographic Location: A hilly woodland in east-central Illinois; the photographed orchid was located at the base of a wooded slope on a terrace above a stream. [图片]Comments: The flowers of this orchid are reasonably attractive, although their muted colors can make them difficult to spot in a woodland. The basal leaf is also attractive, which persists during the winter while disappearing during the summer! This odd characteristic takes advantage of the greater amount of light that is available when deciduous trees are leafless. In the past, a mucilaginous substance was obtained from the bulb-like corms that could be used to repair pottery and crockery, hence the name 'Putty-Root.' Another common name of this orchid is 'Adam-and-Eve,' which refers to the pair of corms that are connected together by a slender rhizome in the root system. The range of the Putty-Root Orchid partially overlaps a similar species, the Cranefly Orchid (Tipularia discolor), and it is possible to confuse these two species. The flowers of Putty-Root Orchid lack nectar spurs, while the flowers of Cranefly Orchid have nectar spurs that are long and slender. The racemes of the latter orchid tend to have more flowers (12-30) and these flowers are more white than those of the Putty-Root Orchid. There are also differences in the appearance of their basal leaves. The basal leaf of Putty-Root Orchid has white veins on a dark green background, while the basal leaf of Cranefly Orchid lacks white veins. The basal leaf of this latter orchid is also shaped differently (a little shorter and more wide) and its underside is usually a deeper shade of purple.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial wildflower is 4-8" tall. A non-flowering plant produces a whorl of trifoliate basal leaves on slender stems; each basal leaf typically has 3 leaflets on a long slender petiole. The basal stems are light green to reddish purple, unbranched, terete, and hairless; the stems of flowering plants are similar. Individual leaflets are up to 1½" long and 1" across; they are obovate or broadly oblong in shape. The outer margin of each leaflet has 3 blunt lobes, otherwise the margins are usually smooth. Sometimes there are 1-2 blunt teeth along the outer margin of a leaflet. The upper surface of each leafletFlowers is medium green to purplish green and hairless, while the lower surface is pale green and hairless. A reticulate network of veins is conspicuous on the lower surface. At the base of each leaflet, there is a slender stalk (petiolule) about ¼" long. Toward the middle of its stem, a flowering plant sometimes produces a whorl of cauline leaves that resembles the whorled basal leaves. At its apex, this stem terminates in a whorl of trifoliate leaves or simple leaflets (sometimes including a combination of the two). These terminal leaves and leaflets resemble the leaves and leaflets of the basal and cauline leaves. Immediately above the terminal leaves or leaflets is a loose umbel of 1-5 flowers. The slender pedicels of the flowers are up to 1½" long. The diurnal flowers are ½–1" across; the central flower is usually a little larger in size than any lateral flowers. Each flower has 5-10 petal-like sepals, a dense cluster of small green pistils in the center, and a ring of conspicuous stamens. The petal-like sepals are white or pinkish white, while the stamens have white filaments and yellow anthers. There are no true petals. The blooming period occurs from mid- to late spring for about 3 weeks. Each flower is replaced by a cluster of 4-15 achenes. Each achene is about 1/3" (8 mm.) in length, terminating in a slightly hooked beak. Inside each achene, there is a single seed. The root system consists of fibrous roots; the upper roots near the base of a plant are somewhat fleshy and swollen. This wildflower spreads by reseeding itself. Cultivation: Rue Anemone is best planted under deciduous trees. It prefers dappled sunlight during the spring, but tolerates considerable shade later in the year. Moisture levels should be mesic to slightly dry, and the soil should contain loose loam and rotting organic material. Most growth and develop occurs during the spring; it is not aggressive. Range & Habitat: Rue Anemone is occasional throughout Illinois (see Distribution Map), where it is native. Habitats include mesic to dry deciduous woodlands, wooded slopes, and thinly wooded bluffs. This wildflower is usually found in above-average to high quality woodlands where the original ground flora is largely intact. Faunal Associations: The flowers offer only pollen as a reward to insect visitors. Typical floral visitors include various bees, Syrphid flies, and bee flies (Bombyliidae); the bees usually collect pollen, while the flies feed on pollen. Some of these insects explore the showy flowers for nectar in vain. Honeybees, little carpenter bees (Ceratina spp.), cuckoo bees (Nomada spp.), mason bees (Osmia spp.), Halictid bees, and Andrenid bees have been observed as visitors to the flowers. Because the foliage is toxic and relatively inconspicuous, it is usually ignored by mammalian herbivores. [图片]Photographic Location: Near the top of a wooded slope in Vermilion County, Illinois. Comments: Rue Anemone (Anemonella thalictroides) is one of many showy wildflowers that develop in deciduous woodlands during the spring. Both the flowers and foliage are quite attractive. Because the flowers move around easily in the wind, it is sometimes called 'Windflower.' Another scientific name of this species is Thalictrum thalictroides. Rue Anemone resembles Enemion biternatum (False Rue Anemone), but its flowers have more petaloid sepals (typically 6-9), while the flowers of False Rue Anemone have only 5 petaloid sepals. Furthermore, its leaves and flowers are arranged in whorls to a greater extent than those of False Rue Anemone. While Rue Anemone is sometimes assigned to the Thalictrum genus, other Thalictrum spp. in Illinois are much larger plants with wind-pollinated dioecious flowers. The leaflets of these species are similar to those of Rue Anemone, however their flowers are quite distinct.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial wildflower is about 2-4' tall; in open areas, it usually branches and has a bushy appearance. The stems are light green, terete, glabrous, and glaucous. The alternate leaves are up to 6" long and 2½" across; they are ovate to narrowly ovate, smooth along the margins, and usually hairless. The upper surface of each leaf is bright green, and glabrous, while the lower surface is pale green. Rarely, the lower surfaces of the leaves are pubescent. Each leaf has a slender petiole up to 1" long. The upper stems terminate in compact panicles of flowers. Each flower spans ½–¾" across, consisting of a tubular corolla with 5 widely spreading lobes and a very short calyx with 5 triangular teeth. The corolla is mostly pale blue and its lobes are narrow and star-like. Near the base of each lobe, there is a small patch of white or pale yellow. The narrow throat of each corolla is guarded by a ring of white hairs that face inward (probably to keep out ants & other nectar thieves). The branches of the panicle are green and hairless, becoming dark brown or black with age. The blooming period occurs from mid-spring to early summer and lasts about a month. There is no noticeable floral scent. Each fertilized flower is replaced by a pair of cylindrical follicles that are about 4-5" long. The follicles are glabrous and erect to ascending. Each follicle contains a a single row of small cylindrical seeds; it splits along one side to release them. The root system consists of a taproot. This wildflower spreads by reseeding itself. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun to light shade and moist conditions. Different soil types are tolerated, including those that contain clay-loam, rocky material, or sand. The foliage is rarely disfigured by herbivores or disease. More flowers are produced if there is some exposure to the sun. Range & Habitat: The native Bluestar is occasional in southern and western Illinois; it is absent elsewhere (see Distribution Map). Habitats include rocky woodlands, shaded rocky ravines, gravelly seeps, borders of streams, limestone glades, and moist sandy meadows. Because of its attractive foliage and flowers, Bluestar is occasionally cultivated in gardens, from which it can escape. This is the only native Amsonia sp. in Illinois; other species in this genus are native to areas south of Illinois. [图片]Faunal Associations: The nectar of the flowers attracts the Ruby-throated Hummingbird and various long-tongued insects. These insect visitors include the Large Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa virginica), Hummingbird moths (Hemaris spp.), and various butterflies. An aphid, Macchiatiella rhamni, uses Bluestar as a summer host (Hottes & Frison, 1931). Because the foliage contains a white latex that is toxic, it is avoided by mammalian herbivores. Photographic Location: A wet prairie at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois. [图片]Comments: The star-like flowers are a heavenly shade of light blue and the foliage is an attractive bright green. No other native plant in Illinois resembles this species. The closest relatives of Bluestar in Illinois are Apocynum cannabinum (Common Dogbane) and Apocynum androsaemifolium (Spreading Dogbane). These latter two species have white to pinkish white flowers that are bell-shaped and smaller in size. While Bluestar has alternate leaves, Common Dogbane and Spreading Dogbane have opposite leaves. Sometimes other Amsonia spp. (Bluestars) are occasionally cultivated in gardens. They differ from the Bluestar that is described here by the shapes of their flowers and leaves. Another common name of Amsonia tabernaemontana is Blue Dogbane.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant produces basal leaves 4-9" long and 1½-3½" across on short petioles (usually 2-3 per bulb). The basal leaves are ovate-oval to ovate-elliptic, light to medium green, hairless, and smooth along the margins. Their petioles are reddish, hairless, and wrapped in a basal sheath below. These leaves develop during the spring and wither away by early summer. During early to mid-summer, there develops a naked flowering stalk about ½-1½' tall. This stalk is terete, glabrous, and reddish to pale green; at its base, there is a papery sheath. The stalk terminates in a single rounded umbel of flowers spanning 1-2" across; there are typically 20-40 flowers per umbel. At the base of this umbel, there is a pair of deciduous bracts. Each flower is about ¼" across, consisting of 6 white to translucent white tepals, a light green to pale yellow ovary, 6 stamens with pale yellow anthers, and a single white style. At the base of each flower, there is a slender pedicel that is white to greenish white. The blooming period occurs during the summer and lasts about 2 weeks. Both the flowers and foliage exude an onion-like odor. After the blooming period, the ovary of each flower matures into a 3-celled seed capsule; each cell contains a single globoid seed that becomes black at maturity. The root system consists of an ovoid bulb with fibrous roots at its base. Offsets often develop, producing clonal colonies of plants. Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight during the spring when the basal leaves develop, while during the summer considerable shade is tolerated as the basal leaves have withered away. The soil should consist of a rich loose loam with abundant organic matter, while moisture levels should be more or less mesic. It is easiest to introduce new plants into an area by dividing and transplanting the bulbs during the fall. Range & Habitat: The native Wild Leek occurs occasionally in central and northern Illinois, while in the southern section of the state it is rare or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitats include mesic deciduous woodlands and wooded bluffs. The presence of this species is a sign that the original flora of a woodlands is still in intact. An introduced species, Alliaria petiolata (Garlic Mustard), can shade out the basal leaves of Wild Leek during the spring, causing the latter to decline in abundance. [图片]Faunal Associations: The flowers attract various kinds of bees, including Halictid bees, masked bees (Hylaeus spp.), honeybees, bumblebees, and mason bees. These insects suck nectar or collect pollen. To a lesser extent, the flowers are visited by Syrphid flies, which suck nectar or feed on pollen. Occasionally, the maggots of some flies feed on the bulbs of some Allium spp. (Onions), although not necessarily Wild Leek; these species include Delia antiqua (Onion Maggot), some Eumerus spp., and some Tritoxa spp. The plant bugs, Lindbergocapsus ainsliei and Lindbergocapsus allii, also feed on Allium spp. (Onions). Another species, Thrips tabaci (Onion Thrips), sucks juices from the foliage. Deer and other mammalian herbivores rarely browse on the foliage of Wild Leek. Photographic Location: A mesic deciduous woodlands at Busey Woods in Urbana, Illinois. [图片]Comments: This woodland wildflower is somewhat unusual because its foliage has withered away by the time the flowers bloom. Both the foliage and flowers are attractive; the latter help to brighten the gloomy corners of woodlands during the summer. Wild Leek has the widest basal leaves (1½–3½" across) of any Allium sp. in the state. A similar species, Allium burdickii (which is also called 'Wild Leek'), has basal leaves that are about ½-1½" across. Other wild Allium spp. have leaves that are narrow and strap-like (less than ½" across). Wild Leek has about 20-40 flowers in each umbel, while Allium burdickii has 10-20 flowers in each umbel. Wild Leek has reddish leaf petioles and flowering stalks that are often reddish at the base, while the petioles and stalks of Allium burdickii are light green throughout. This latter species is restricted to wooded areas in NE Illinois and it is less common.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
提起仙人掌首先想到的是它那满身的刺,给人一种“只可远观、不可亵玩焉”的感觉。它原是生长在沙漠地区的植物,现在却被很多人喜爱,培育成盆栽植物。但其实仙人掌的价值非常高,除了观赏外,还有很多你意想不到的作用,一起来看一看吧。 [图片]1、防辐射 我们最熟悉的仙人掌一个作用就是防辐射,所以我们会把它放在电脑旁边。仙人掌是在日照很强的地方生长,所以吸收辐射的能力特别强,在电脑旁放置一二盆仙人掌,可以帮助人体尽量少地吸收计算机所释放出的辐射。 2、室内绿化 仙人掌呼吸多在晚上比较凉爽、潮湿时进行,呼吸时吸入二氧化碳,释放出氧气, 被称为夜间“氧吧”;另外仙人掌还是吸附灰尘的高手,在室内放置一个仙人掌,特别是水培仙人掌,可以起到净化环境的作用。 3、食物 很多人认为仙人掌只是作为观赏植物的,没什么用途,其实不然,很多仙人掌类植物的果实,不但可以生食,还可酿酒或制成果干。仙人掌历来是美洲传统的食品,是人们日常生活中不可缺少的一种特色蔬菜和水果,人们将仙人掌洗净切碎后煮在汤中、或是架在炉上烤制、或是做成饼馅、或是直接将新鲜的仙人掌腌制,还有的用仙人掌来酿酒。在墨西哥的市场上,一些片状仙人掌的嫩茎,可作为蔬菜出售,仙人掌可以吃。 4、保健养生 仙人掌含有丰富的矿物质、蛋白质、纤维素和钙、磷、铁、维生素C、维生素B,能帮助消除人体内多余的胆固醇,起到降低血糖、降低血脂、降血压之功效,有清热解毒,排毒生肌,行气活血等保健作用。种植食用型仙人掌生产成本低,不需农药和化肥,无污染,属于绿色有机食品。 [图片]5、药用 仙人掌具有比较实用的药用价值,可以清热解毒,散瘀消肿,健胃止痛,镇咳。而且用于胃、十二指肠溃疡,急性痢疾,咳嗽;外用治流行性腮腺炎,乳腺炎,痈疖肿毒,痔疮,蛇咬伤,烧烫伤有特效。另外每天食用一片菜用仙人掌,就能消除体内多余的胆固醇、脂肪和糖分,从而抑制动脉硬化和肥胖病,起到行气活血、清热解毒和促进新陈代谢的作用。 【药用方法】以全株入药。四季可采。鲜用或切片晒干。 【性味】性寒,味苦、涩。 【归经】入心、肺、胃三经。 【功能主治】清热解毒,散瘀消肿,健胃止痛,镇咳。用于胃、十二指肠溃疡,急性痢疾,咳嗽;外用治流行性腮腺炎,乳腺炎,痈疖肿毒,蛇咬伤,烧烫伤。 【注意事项】刺内含有毒汁,人体被刺后,易引起皮肤红肿疼痛,瘙痒等过敏症状。 6、防盗 在家居安全防范上,仙人掌是很好的一个帮手,仙人掌浑身都是刺,种植在阳台、窗台等地方可以起到一定的防盗作用,至少小偷不会那么方便的从种植仙人掌的阳台窗台进入房子里面。 7、风水化煞 仙人球是带刺植物,仙人球的摆放在风水学上有一定的讲究。在风水学上,仙人球是带邪气的植物,不能太靠近身体,否则会对气场有排斥。因此仙人球最好放在阳台的位置;如果放在办公室,虽有防止小人是非、增强抵御能力的作用,但有时也会对自己造成反煞;卧室是气场融合的地方,因此仙人球最不应该放在卧室,否则容易有是非口角发生,产生气场排斥。 了解了以上仙人掌的七大作用后,大家是不是觉得虽然仙人掌浑身是刺没有什么“颜值”但实际上却全身是宝!
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