Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial wildflower is 3-7' tall. The stems are light green and hairless, while the large compound leaves are bipinnate or tripinnate with 10 or more leaflets. Usually 3 or 5 leaflets are grouped together in the ultimate partitions of each compound leaf. Individual leaflets are up to 4" long and 3" across; they are medium green, glabrous, and lanceolate to broadly ovate in shape. The margins of these leaflets are coarsely toothed; the terminal leaflets are often shallowly to deeply cleft. Each plant produces one or more panicles of racemes about 1-3' long. These panicles are very narrow and produce only a few secondary racemes around the central raceme. The racemes are narrowly cylindrical in shape and erect; they are densely covered with flowers, buds, and fruits (follicles) in varying stages of development (buds on top, flowers in the middle, and fruits below). Individual flowers span about 2/3" across and they are completely white, consisting of about 24 stamens, a single pistil, and insignificant sepals that drop early. The slender stamens are long and conspicuous, while the pistil has a short curved tip. Each flower has a short pedicel. The blooming period occurs during early to middle summer and lasts about 1½ months. The flowers have an odd unpleasant scent. Each flower is replaced by a small follicle about 1/3" long; this follicle hasDistribution Map a beak that is very short and usually curved. Each follicle splits open along one side to release several seeds; these seeds are fairly smooth (not conspicuously scaly). The root system is rhizomatous and fibrous. Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, mesic conditions, and a rich loamy soil with abundant organic material. This plant requires plenty of space. Range & Habitat: The native Black Cohosh is rare in Illinois and state-listed as 'endangered.' It has been found in only a few counties in northern and southern Illinois. At some of these localities, Black Cohosh is probably extirpated because it hasn't observed since the late 19th century. At other localities, the population consists of plants that have been introduced. Habitat includes mesic deciduous woodlands (where Sugar Maple is often dominant) and the bases of bluffs along rivers. In Illinois, Black Cohosh is more common in flower gardens than the wild; it is also more common in natural areas further to the east, including the Appalachian mountains. Faunal Associations: The flowers provide both nectar and pollen to insect visitors. Unfortunately, these insects are largely unknown, in part because Black Cohosh is uncommon in Illinois and neighboring states. The caterpillars of the butterfly Celastrina neglecta major (Appalachian Azure) feed exclusively on Black Cohosh; however, this insect doesn't occur in Illinois. It is doubtful that mammalian herbivores feed on this wildflower to any significant degree because the foliage is toxic. Photographic Location: A flower garden at The Arboretum in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: This is one of the largest woodland wildflowers. Black Cohosh is attractive as a wildflower in part because it produces showy spikes of white flowers during the summer, when there is little else in bloom in wooded habitats. For this reason, it's a pity that this species isn't more common within the state. There are two other species that Black Cohosh can be confused with. One of them, Cimicifuga rubifolia (Appalachian Bugbane), has leaflets up to 10" long and across that often display a maple-leaf shape; it also has fewer than 10 leaflets per compound leaf. [图片]In contrast, Black Cohosh has smaller leaflets (up to 4" long and 3" across) and there are usually more than 10-20 leaflets per compound leaf. Another species, Cimicifuga americana (American Bugbane), has foliage that is nearly identical to that of Black Cohosh. However, American Bugbane has several pistils in the center of each flower, while Black Cohosh has only a single pistil per flower. Similarly, American Bugbane produces its follicles in clusters (one for each pistil), while Black Cohosh produces its follicles individually.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This wildflower has evergreen leaves and semi-woody stems. The entire plant, including the inflorescence, is about 6-10" tall. Plants without an inflorescence are only 3-5" tall. The central stem of each plant is red to brown, unbranched, glabrous, and more or less terete. One or two pairs of smaller opposite leaves occur near the base of the stem, while a single whorl of three larger leaves occur at the base of the inflorescence. The leaves are 1-3" long, ¼–1" across, rather leathery in texture, and glabrous; they are lanceolate to ovate in shape, while their margins have widely spaced dentate teeth. The upper leave surface is dark green, except in areas along the veins, where it is white; this provides the upper leaf surface with a pinnately striped appearance. The lower leaf surface is light green. The petioles of these leaves are short and slender. On fertile plants, the stem terminates in an inflorescence consisting of a nodding umbel, or nodding umbel-like cyme, of 2-5 flowers on a long unbranched peduncle (flowering stalk). Sometimes the inflorescence produces only a single nodding flower. The erect peduncle is pinkish red to light brown, relatively stout, terete, and short-pubescent; the pedicels of individual flowers are similar, except they are shorter (about 1" long) and strongly recurved, holding the flowers face-down. Each flower is about ½–¾" across, consisting of 5 white petals, 5 light green sepals, 10 stamens, and a green pistil. The petals are oval in shape and concave toward the face of the flower. The sepals are oval-ovate in shape and less than one-half of the length of the petals. The stamens have showy light pink anthers and very short filaments; the anthers are bifurcated, releasing pollen from round pores at their tips. The pistil consists of a superior ovary, a short style, and large stigma (all green). The ovary is subgloboid in shape and slightly 5-lobed. The style has a short obconic shape with a broad flat tip and even broader base. The stigma is dome-shaped and wider than the style. The blooming period occurs from late spring to early summer, lasting about 2 weeks. The flowers are fragrant. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by seed capsules that are about 8 mm. (1/3") across and dark brown at maturity; they have the same shape as the ovary. The sepals persist underneath these seed capsules. When these capsules split open from above, they release many fine seeds. The root system consists of brown fibrous roots and underground white stolons; the latter are long and slender. Clonal plants are often produced from the stolons. Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to medium shade, dry-mesic conditions, and an acidic soil containing some rocky material or sand. Growth and development are relatively slow. The seeds are difficult to germinate, although new plants can be created by dividing the root systems of older plants. In order to flourish, however, the presence of an appropriate mycorrhizal fungus in the soil may be required. Range & Habitat: Striped Wintergreen is a rare native plant in Illinois, where it is state-listed as 'endangered.' It has been found in only two counties (Cook County and Pope County) within the state; see the Distribution Map. At the present time, it may be extirpated from Cook County because of development. Illinois lies along the NE range-limit of this plant; it is more common in mountainous areas further to the east and southeast. In Illinois, habitats consist of rocky upland woodlands and sandy upland woodlands; the latter habitat occurs along Lake Michigan. In these habitats, oaks (Quercus spp.) are usually the dominant canopy trees. Outside of Illinois, this plant is often found in mixed woodlands and coniferous woodlands. Striped Wintergreen is restricted to high quality natural areas in Illinois. [图片]Faunal Associations: The flowers are cross-pollinated primarily by bumblebees; honeybees also visit the flowers (Standley et al., 1988). These insects obtain nectar from the flowers. The foliage of Striped Wintergreen is regarded as toxic to sheep (Schaffer, 1904), and White-tailed Deer usually avoid it when there are better sources of food (Rawinski, 2016). Photographic Location: A wooded area in the southern Appalachian mountains. The photographs were taken by Paul Showers (Copyright © 2016). Comments: Both the foliage and flowers are quite ornamental. In Illinois, the closest relative of Striped Wintergreen is Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata). This latter plant can be distinguished by its leaves: 1) they are oblanceolate in shape, 2) the margins of its leaves are more finely and abundantly toothed, and 3) its leaves lack the white markings that are found on the leaves of Striped Wintergreen. The inflorescence of Pipsissewa also tends to have more flowers (4-8) than the inflorescence of Striped Wintergreen. The common name, 'Wintergreen,' refers to the evergreen leaves, as the leaves of Striped Wintergreen do not possess a mint-like fragrance. Thus, Striped Wintergreen should not be confused with another low-growing semi-woody plant, Wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens). In addition to the fragrance of its leaves, this latter plant differs by its white bell-shaped flowers, red berries, and toothless leaf margins. Other common names of Chimaphila maculata are Spotted Wintergreen, Spotted Prince's Cone, Striped Prince's Cone, Spotted Pipsissewa, and Striped Pipsissewa.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This annual plant is about ½–4' tall. Medium to large plants (greater than 1½' tall) branch occasionally, while small plants (less than 1½' tall) are often unbranched. The central and lateral stems are hairless. Alternate leaves are up to 6" long and 4" across; they are ovate or deltoid-ovate with 2-4 large teeth along their margins. These teeth are pointed and widely spaced. The uppermost leaves are moreFlowering Plants narrow and may have only 0-1 teeth along their margins. The widely spreading leaves are medium to dark green and hairless; they are not white-mealy on their undersides. The leaf tips are pointed, while their bases are truncate or slightly indented. The slender petioles are up to 1" long. The central stem and upper lateral stems terminate in panicles of sessile clustered flowers. In addition to these, there are usually secondary panicles that develop from the axils of the upper leaves. The branches of these panicles can be hairless or conspicuously hairy. Individual flowers are green or greenish white and only 1/8" (3 mm.) across, consisting of 5 sepals, 5 stamens, and a flattened ovary with a pair of tiny styles at its apex. There are no petals. The sepals are ovate and slightly keeled. The blooming period can occur from late spring into the fall. On an individual plant in bloom, the flowers are at different stages of development. Pollination is by wind. The persistent sepals only partially cover the developing seeds; there is only one seed per flower. Each seed is covered with a thin membrane that is easily removed. Individual seeds are flattened, circular in circumference, and shiny black; they are 1.5–2.0 mm. across. The root system consists of a taproot. This plant spreads into new areas by reseeding itself. Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight to medium shade and mesic to dry conditions. While this plant is usually found on rocky ground, it will adapt to ordinary garden soil. Depending on the fertility of the soil and moisture conditions, the size of individual plants can vary considerably. Range & Habitat: Maple-Leaved Goosefoot is uncommon to occasional in most areas of Illinois, except in the east-central section of the state, where it is rare or absent (see Distribution Map). This is a native plant. Habitats include rocky upland woodlands, shaded or semi-shaded ledges of cliffs, bottoms of thinly wooded bluffs, recently logged or burned woodlands, woodland openings, shaded to semi-shaded areas of rocky glades, thickets, and fence rows. Maple-Leaved Goosefoot is often found in high quality habitats, but it also occurs in disturbed areas. This is one of the less weedy Chenopodium spp. Faunal Associations: Little is known about floral-faunal relationships for this unusual woodland plant, although several moths, skippers, and leaf beetles are known to feed on Chenopodium spp. primarily in weedy open areas. The Bobwhite and several sparrows eat the seeds of these species, while White-Tailed Deer occasionally browse on the foliage. [图片]Photographic Location: Ledge of a sandstone cliff at the Portland Arch in west-central Indiana. Comments: Maple-Leaved Goosefoot (Chenopodium simplex) has very distinctive leaves, which makes it is easy to recognize. These leaves are usually larger in size than those of many other Chenopodium spp., and they usually have 1-4 pairs of widely spaced large teeth. Other Chenopodium spp. have leaves with smaller teeth or their leaves lack teeth altogether. Unlike Maple-Leaved Goosefoot, these latter species often have white-mealy leaf undersides, white-mealy upper stems, and/or white-mealy sepals. They are usually found in sunny disturbed areas rather than woodlands. The American species, Maple-Leaved Goosefoot (Chenopodium simplex), closely resembles a European species with the same common name, Chenopodium hybridum (Maple-Leaved Goosefoot), but it has a different number of chromosomes. The American species is sometimes referred to as Chenopodium gigantospermum, which refers to its relatively large seeds for species in this genus.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial wildflower is 1-3' tall and unbranched. The erect central stem is light green to pale purple, terete, glabrous, and often glaucous. A non-flowering plant has a single compound leaf at the apex of this stem, while a flowering plant has two compound leaves. The lower compound leaf of a flowering plant is located toward the middle of the central stem, where it is divided into a whorl of 3 compound leaflets. Each compound leaflet is ternately divided into 9 simple subleaflets that are arranged in groups of 3 (2 lateral groups and a terminal group). Less often, a compound leaflet may be divided into 15 simple subleaflets that consist of 2 additional lateral groups. The basal stalks (petiolules) of the compound leaflets are long and ascending; they are light green and glabrous. The subleaflets are 1-3" long and ¾-2" across (or occasionally wider); they are broadly ovate-oblong to obovate-oblong in shape and smooth along their margins, terminating in 2-5 cleft lobes with blunt tips. The upper surface of the subleaflets is glabrous and either gray-green, yellowish green, or medium green, while the lower surface is pale green and glabrous. The slender basal stalklets of the subleaflets are light green and glabrous. The upper compound leaf of a flowering plant is located under the inflorescence. This compound leaf resembles the lower compound leaf, except its 3 compound leaflets are smaller in size because they have only 3 subleaflets each. On a flowering plant, the central stem terminates in a floral panicle about 1-3" long that is rounded or elongated; each panicle usually has 5-30 flowers (rarely more). Individual flowers are about 1/3" (8 mm.) across, consisting of 6 petaloid sepals, insignificant petals, 6 stamens, and an ovoid ovary with a beak-like style. Depending on the local ecotype, the oblanceolate sepals are greenish yellow, greenish brown, or greenish purple. Underneath each flower, there are 3-4 green bractlets that resemble sepals. The branching stalks of the panicle are light green, glabrous, and ascending. The blooming period occurs from mid- to late spring before the leaves have fully developed. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by berry-like seeds that are about 1/3" across, globoid in shape, glabrous, and glaucous. These seeds are initially green, but they later become bright blue at maturity during the summer. The seed coat is fleshy and contains carbohydrates. The root system is rhizomatous and fibrous. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight during the spring, followed by light shade during the summer, at a location that has average moisture levels and fertile loamy soil. The soil should also contain abundant organic matter from decaying leaves and other plant materials, as typically occurs underneath trees. The large seeds are difficult to germinate. However, once it becomes established at a favorable site, Blue Cohosh is long-lived. Range & Habitat: The native Blue Cohosh occurs occasionally in central Illinois, northern Illinois, and the Shawnee Hills of southern Illinois. In other areas of southern Illinois, this wildflower is uncommon or absent. Habitats include rich mesic woodlands, bluffs, and wooded slopes of large ravines. This relatively conservative wildflower can be found in woodlands dominated by either oaks or maples where the native ground flora is still intact. Faunal Associations: Both pollen and nectar are available as floral rewards to insect visitors. These visitors include miscellaneous flies (Syrphid, Tachinid, Muscid, etc.), parasitoid wasps (Braconid, Ichneumonid, etc.), small Halictid bees (Lasioglossum spp., etc.), and bumblebees (Robertson, 1929; Hannan & Prucher, 1996). Apparently, very few insects feed destructively on the foliage and other parts of Blue Cohosh. Caterpillars of the moth Clepsis melaleucana (Black-Patched Clepsis) and the plant bug Metriorrhynchomiris dislocatus have been observed to feed on this plant (Covell, 1984/2005; Knight, 1941). Both of these insects are polyphagous. Among vertebrate animals, both the White-Footed Mouse and Woodland Deer Mouse feed on the berry-like seeds of Blue Cohosh (Hamilton, 1941). However, because of the bright blue coloration of the fleshy seed coats and their carbohydrates, woodland birds are probably the primary dispersal agents of the seeds, which are known to be toxic to humans. Because the bitter-tasting foliage of this wildflower contains toxic glycosides and alkaloids, it is rarely eaten by White-Tailed Deer and other mammalian herbivores. Photographic Location: A wooded bluff in Vermilion County, Illinois. [图片]Comments: Generally the subleaflets (or simple leaflets) of Blue Cohosh are remarkably similar in appearance to those of Meadow Rue species (Thalictrum spp.), except they are often grayish green or yellowish green and tend to have more terminal lobes (2-5) than the latter. However, the flowers and berry-like seeds of Blue Cohosh are quite different from those of Meadow Rue species, and they belong to separate plant families. In addition to the typical variety of Blue Cohosh that is described here, there is also a more eastern variety of this wildflower that is referred to as Giant Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides giganteum). Thus far, Giant Blue Cohosh has not been found in Illinois. It differs from the typical Blue Cohosh in having slightly larger flowers (about ½" across) that are deep mauve or purple; these flowers bloom about two weeks earlier before its foliage has unfolded. The subleaflets of Giant Blue Cohosh are slightly larger in size as well. It is often classified as a distinct species, Caulophyllum giganteum.
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[图片]一.造成的原因: 1光照不足。这种植物的确非常喜欢光照,这是源于原产地墨西哥的气候造成的。在充足的太阳光的抚育下,这种植物能够进行它所需要的生物作用,吸收阳光的同时展现出迷人的粉色,而且还能使得植株能够爆盆,紧紧凑凑地长在一起,不会造成徒长的情况。 2水量控制不好。浇水量过多,虽然这种植物的生长期间需要水分,但是如果水分太多,没有相匹配的阳光满足它的要求,它就只会长成瘦瘦长长的样子,并不能满足观赏者的观赏要求。 二.解决方法: 1给它大量的光照,在天气允许的状况下一定要给它多多晒太阳,只有充足的光照才能让它满满地爆盆,如果只是控制了水分,并没有给它大量的光照,这样的种植方式只会让它的植株越来越小甚至会死掉,在阳光充足的地方养育它才是阻止它只会徒长的关键。 2适当的水分。浇水量大会让它徒长,如果浇水量太少,它只能长得很慢,所以说水分的控制对于它的成长来说也很重要。要养育它,只能在满足水分的同时增加光照。依据种植地方的气候进行浇水,成长的时候基本上是维持在一个星期或者两个星期一次就好。 [图片]三.这种植物养育注意的地方: 1控制温度,成长环境的温度不可以比30度还要高,但是如果温度高达30度的话,可以给它控制水分。 2控制湿度,不能太干,太干会造成植株的干枯,太湿又会导致植物的黑化腐烂。 3.满足光照所需,一定要给它充足的光照,不然这种植物的徒长只会成为一种常态,要让他满满当当地爆盆又不会长成瘦瘦长长的样子,一定给它要多晒太阳。
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[图片]一、平时浇水的方法 新玉缀不属于那种喜肥喜水的植物,过多的水会影响它的生长,会导致它长得太快或者长得太慢。 一般情况下,新玉缀最喜欢的环境湿度大约为百分之五十左右。保证湿度的同时需要保证土壤不能缺水,如果你看见盆内土壤开始干燥,就应该浇一些水,但是不要浇的太多,一般每隔一个月左右就需要把盆浇透一次。 如何判断是否浇透,主要是看花盆的底孔有没有开始滴水,如果滴水则说明已经浇透水。浇水的时候要注意不能浇到叶片上,因为这样容易因为积水过久造成叶片腐烂,此外盆底不允许有积水,防止根部腐烂。 [图片]二、夏季浇水事项 夏季气温比较高,所以水分蒸发的比较快,相对而言,盆内的泥土也会干燥的比较快。 这个时候应该要增加浇水频率,一是为了给它降低温度,让其保持一定的凉爽度,二是为了保证周围空气不会太干,保持相应的湿度,这样它才会生长得更好。 但要注意的是,不要在夏季太阳阳光正足的时候对新玉缀浇水,这样反而会加速土壤和植株体内的水分蒸发,起到相反的效果,影响其正常的生长发育。 [图片]三、冬季和休眠期浇水事项 冬季和休眠期的新玉缀生长会变缓,新陈代谢也不会太快,所以这个季节对水的要求不会太高,所以不要浇过多的水。 这个季节应该是尽量保持盆内相对干燥,但不要过于干燥,勤浇水但不要浇太多水,保持微微的湿度就可以。 如果浇水过多容易积水,这样会导致根部吸收不了太多水而存积,容易使根部腐烂,严重的可能会危害新玉缀的正常发育导致生长停滞而死亡。 [图片]
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[图片]一、新玉缀叶子出现这褶皱原因 1、刚换盆的原因 多肉是经常需要换盆的,因为多肉如果在一个盆里长得时间太长,根系很会容易坏死和腐烂,这样对多肉的生长十分不利,所以修根换盆是促进它们生长的一个有效手段。换盆时,它无法从外界吸收养分,所以很容易就会多吸收叶片的营养,这样叶片就会有点萎缩。 2、新玉缀根部有问题 大部分的叶片萎缩问题,可能是因为根部出现了一些损伤。因为不管是哪一种植物,根部算是植物营养来源的血管,所以如果根部出现了问题,就会反映在植物的某一个部位,比如茎,叶子,果实等等。所以当新玉缀的根部出现了问题,就会影响整个植株的生长发育,可能第一个就是体现在了叶子上。叶子由于营养供给不足,就会出现褶皱的现象。 [图片]3、盆内缺水 虽然多肉性的植物不能经常给予水分,但是也不能缺水,否则会导致新玉缀的叶片出现褶皱,根部有时候也会比较干,看起来没有厚实感。 二、应对方法 1、换盆应对方法 如果是刚换盆的原因,可以让新玉缀多缓两天,适应一下新的环境。将水、土壤、肥料都供给好,它就会逐渐适应新的生长环境,叶子褶皱现象也会逐渐消失。 2、根部应对方法 如果确定是根部出现了问题,则应该及时采取对策,将会坏掉的根去除,加强肥料供给,保证充足的营养,慢慢的新玉缀就会将自己调整到最好的状态。 3、缺水应对方法 可以摸一下盆土,先确定是否是缺水的问题,如果真的是这个原因,则需要及时浇水,而且不能浇的太多,而且在日后的照料过程中,要时刻观察,切勿让它再次出现缺水状况,造成损伤。 [图片]
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[图片]一、空气太干 想要种植散尾葵首先要了解好它的生长习性。散尾葵喜欢温润的生长环境,要勤通风,并且保持半阴凉的状态,而且散尾葵耐寒程度及其弱,所以比较娇贵。因此如果生长环境过于干燥,则会造成散尾葵缺水,整体供水不足容易造成叶子的整体发黑。 所以在养散尾葵的时候,应保持每日往叶子和周围生长环境喷洒水大概4次左右,一次方法来提高生长环境的湿度。需要注意的是,散尾葵有休眠期,在休眠期不要浇水。 [图片]二、日照太强 散尾葵喜欢在半阴凉的环境中生长,过多的太阳直晒容易导致叶面发黄干枯,继而会造成整体变黑. 所以在成长期间,一定要避免过多的太阳直射,应把散尾葵放置在阴凉处。 [图片]三.盆土太湿或太干 散尾葵喜湿,所以培养土不易过于干燥,应及时供给充足的水,若长期在干土中生长,也是会造成黑叶的现象。但是盆中土过湿也不好,这样会影响根系的生长,容易影响根部的吸水能力导致缺水从而使散尾葵叶面变黑。 [图片]四.施肥太多 不管是什么样的植物,在进行施肥时都要有一个度,不是施肥越多植物长得越旺盛。往往过多或者浓度高的肥料容易造成根部反渗透现象从而导致散尾葵整体缺水,轻则焦叶黑叶,严重的时候可能导致散尾葵死亡。 这几种情况很容易避免,在平时照料植物的时候,勤观察,勤养护,让植物在一个好的环境中生长。 希望大家都能养出绿油油的散尾葵哦。
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[图片]1.白粉病 它很可能在叶片、叶柄和嫩梢以及花蕾上面发病。在成叶上面生出来一些不规则的白粉状斑点,然后病叶子就会从叶子尖上面,或者是叶子边上开始慢慢的变成褐色,这样子就会最终让整个叶子慢慢干枯脱落。如果是嫩叶子不小心感染上了,就会逐渐扩大,边缘上面也开始不明显了,嫩叶子的正反两面就会生出来白色的粉斑,之后就会盖满上整个叶子。叶片也开始变成淡灰色或者是紫红色。如果是叶柄染上的话,它的节间就开始缩短,茎部也开始变细,还有些病梢上面也会出现干枯,然后覆盖满白粉。如果是花蕾染病,就会让花梗变得畸形,严重直接死掉。 防治方法:选一些抗制白粉病的品种。在冬天修剪的时候,一定要注意把那些病枝、病芽都剪去。在发病初期的时候,可以少施加一点氮肥,多增加一点磷钾肥,这样就可以提高它的抗病力。另外还要注意在下雨之后及时的排水,防止湿气长时间停留,这样就可以减少病害的发生了。 2.黑斑病 发病的话,一般都是侵害它的叶片、叶柄和嫩梢上面,叶子刚开始发病的时候,在正面就会出现一些紫褐色至褐色的小点,等扩大之后就会成为一些圆形或者不定形的黑褐色病斑。 防治方法:我们就可以选择一些多菌灵或者达克宁等一些药物,然后对它的发病地方进行喷洒就可以了。 [图片]3.炭疽病 产生的斑点一般都是在叶子边上,形状近似半圆状,斑点的边上颜色是深褐色的,到了中间会相应成褐色至浅褐色,以后就会在病斑上面生出来多数的黑色小点。这种病菌一般可以在病落叶上面过冬。在比较温暖、潮湿的环境下面,孢子萌发起来就会侵害叶片。 防治方法:可以在秋末冬初的时候进行及时的清理,把那些病落叶给收集起来,然后统一烧掉。还要加强保护,适当的给予修整。对较密集的枝叶进行处理,保持通风顺畅确保下面的枝叶接受光照。或者使用一些药物也是可以的。 [图片]
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