[图片]1、肥料选择 虎头茉莉很好,但有一个缺点就是它很容易受伤,所以悉心照料它总是没错的,我们给它施肥是需要一定的根据的,也就是说我们要根据它的生活习性来进行追肥这一项工程。它本身是一种喜欢酸性的植物,所以我们给它施肥的时候要综合这一特点,给予它微酸性的无机肥料比如说一些淘米水或者面的汤等。除此之外,我们还要使用复合肥,在开花的时候要用一些骨粉和磷肥,除此之外,人粪尿也是能够在开花的时候使用,不过如果没条件的话就不用强求了。而第一次开花之后需要用肥给它一些养料,这时候我们就需要用到豆饼了。 [图片]2、使用间隔 如果想要一个健康的花的话,一般是需要长期进行肥料的处理的,所以我们需要每一周都给它浇肥,这样子才能够最大程度地保证它的健康。在花开得非常茂盛的时候,我们也要给它施肥,平均的频率是在四周一次。 [图片]3、注意事项 在盛花期浇水的时候我们并不应该吝啬,只给它非常少的肥料,而是需要每一次都给它大量的肥料以及大量的水分。如果没有其他事情的话,我们就要在上午浇水,下午施肥,这样子搭配恰到好处,当然第二天我们还是要解水的,这样才能够让它好好吸收这一些养分。当然,虽然我们要使用很多肥料,但是肥料又不能太浓,我们在每周用的矾肥水是需要肥料只占十一分之一,平时的话浇水之前最好把土松一松,而且浇水的过程要注意一下盆土的湿度。
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[图片]种子的获得 虎眼万年青的种子在哪?许多朋友都不太了解。其实,在它的球状根茎外部,我们可以看到以各个凸起的“豆子”,这个就是它的种子了。 种子会由小及大,排列在它的球茎外部。等到种子长到和1毛钱硬币差不多大的时候,就已经成熟了,可以用于种植新株了。 [图片]培植土的选择 在选择培植土时要注意尽量选择虎眼万年青喜欢的培植土,这样不但利于它的生长,也能让成株更加具有观赏性。 应尽量选择肥力高,腐质多的培植土栽培它。足够的肥力和腐殖质是它健康生长的前提。 虎眼万年青种子的出芽过程需要氧气的支持,这要求我们在挑选培植土时要选用通气顺畅的培植土,不能选择过于粘重的培植土。 它喜欢湿润的泥土环境,应注意选择保水能力强的培植土。在这样的培植土里,它一定会生长得更加的迅速。 在下种前最好对培植土进行消毒,并施加一些基肥,这有利于它更加茁壮的生长。 [图片]种植的方法 将处理好的培植土倒入一个口径适中,深度适宜的花盆中。用铲子将土表铲平。 将种子轻轻放到土面上,注意轻拿轻放,不要损伤种子。 再用培植土盖于种子之上,注意覆盖土的厚度要适中,不能太薄也不能太厚。如果盖得太薄,长成的植株根部可能会暴露在空气中,影响植株对营养的吸收;如果盖得太厚,泥土的重量会阻碍种子正常萌发,影响种子正常发芽。 还需要向盆里浇一些水,保证培养土的湿度足够,给种子一个好的发芽环境。 最后还要把花盆移动到一个比较阴暗的室内,但不能完全不见光。 [图片]
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[图片]一、叶斑病 在虎耳兰的生病周期中最常见的疾病就是叶斑病,得了叶斑病的虎耳兰会严重影响植物的叶片,使其逐渐发黄,最终导致枯萎。有时会导致叶片的畸形发育、或者不开花等。降低植株的正常生长以及植物的美观性。 [图片]造成原因 当虎耳兰有此状况时,就说明植株成长环境不适宜。可能是肥料、水分不适宜引起的。 解决措施 那么虎耳兰得了此病该如何救治呢?我们可以按时按量的为植物施肥,具体时间为每三个月一次。 光照:虎耳兰对光照的需求量很大,除了夏季,其他季节均需要加强光照,若阳光不足,可导致叶片过薄,甚至威胁植物的健康。 温度:虎耳兰的日间温夜为二十度左右、夜间为十度左右。夏季可适当遮蔽阳光。 浇水:虎耳兰无需勤浇水,当表土干燥才需浇水,水分过多会造成水分无法排除,根部长期泡在水中将导致植物腐烂。当盆中的土没有水分时,则影响叶片正常生长发育甚至开花。虎耳兰在冬季会有短暂的休眠,在此期间我们应减少浇水。如果植株附近的空气过于干燥,可通过借助工具喷壶进行喷水,一天喷几次。 [图片]二、冻害引发的病害 虎耳兰喜好光照强烈、温度较高并且具有良好通风的环境。所以务必谨记不可将虎耳兰放置在寒冷潮湿的环境中。一旦空气过为寒冷,或者在冬季的室外,就会引起冻害。虎耳兰的叶子经过低温的冻害会影响植物的正常作用,从而逐渐腐烂、枯萎、掉落,最终枯死。 解决方法 当植物出现征兆时,我们可以将植物放到阳台或者光线充足的窗台,给植物提供充足的阳光,想要植物茁壮成长,还可为盆栽搭一个保温棚,来长久维持合理的温度。
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[图片]一、取种时间 1、虎舌红的挂果期很长,基本上是全年有果,所以优质种子的获取也是比较便利的。如果播种时不使用购买的种子,可以自己动手采种,时间大约是秋季10月中旬左右。在这个时候采取完全成熟的种子,既能获取发芽率高的种,也可以减轻母体的负担,有利于母体储存营养为越冬做准备。 2、也可以在第二年的初夏四五月份采摘,这样可以加快母体的生长速度。 [图片]二、前期处理 1、采取后的种子可以直接播种; 2、也可以对种子进行催发,等到种子有芽后再种,提高出苗率。选择细沙,浸湿,用手握住沙子,湿润程度能达到松手还能散落的程度,然后按照一份种子三份湿沙的比例放在室内保存。保存时要摊开,不要全部铺平,保持三四公分厚度即可。要储藏在通风阴凉的地方,同时还要防止老鼠啃食,经常翻土并喷水,最好将湿度保持一致。这时候会发现种子陆续发芽,出芽有一般超过0.3公分的时候就可以播种了。 2、另一种方法:将采收下来的种子在阴凉通风的地方放置三天,这样可以促使种子进一步发育成熟。取回种子,用清水冲刷掉果肉果皮部分,按照上一种方法中的种沙比例保存。 [图片]三、播种方法 1、选择一块含有混合基肥的比较肥沃的土地,用田园土也可以, 进行修正,翻土,使土质变细,不要有杂质石块,将其修整成苗床。苗床的高约12公分,宽约1米。 2、将种子种上,上面盖上0.2公分的碎木屑,种子之间的距离不要太紧密,间隔5公分。用板子轻轻按压。 3、用喷壶进行给水,温度保持在12到30度之间就可以,一个月左右幼苗长出叶片。
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[图片]一、扦插繁殖 1、从夏到秋,虎舌红的枝条都可以用来繁殖。操作时间主要集中在五月到九月,因为温度较高,约为20到30度。对枝条的要求也不是很严格,只要是健康无病害,生长势头旺盛的就可以。可以将主枝干或者侧边的枝条剪下进行短切改造,修剪掉部分叶子,只留下较少的叶子,这样可以减少水分的蒸腾,枝条长度在6公分左右就可以。 2、准备插入土中的一段应该在尾部两边各切一刀,加大与水分土质的接触面,将修剪后的枝插在盆里,遮阴处理,谁不需要太多,保持土面湿润就可以。完成后就注意管理,大约二十天到一个月左右生出根,就可以成活了。 [图片]二、根系繁殖 1、长势良好的母体生出的根都是延伸的比较优良的,从中选择粗壮的根,将它分成几段,或者选择从根部生出的小苗,朝下或者平着放到营养土中,没入土中两公分左右,大约两个周会长出枝条,长势稳定之后就可以换盆了。 2、新盆中的土可以用腐叶土、砂质土、塘泥混合制作,移植的时候注意保护根部,中小盆一盆最好只种一棵,大盆可以尝试中三株。 [图片]三、种子繁殖 用种子播种应该选择早晚温差比较小的时间段,如春末夏初,气温回升的三五月份。种植之前要先将种皮挫磨,在27度左右的温水中浸泡几个小时,进行催芽处理。催芽三四天之后种子会萌发出新芽了。将发出新芽的种子种在土壤稀疏松软的土质种,最好是用砂质土、泥炭、腐叶土混合后做培养土,覆土一公分。将水浇透即可。 [图片]
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[图片]土壤的选择 要种植一种花,首先要为它选择一个良好的基质。选择虎颜花的栽培土时要注意它的习性,这样选出来的培养土可以让它更好的生长。 它喜欢阴湿的生长环境,所以挑选栽培土时最好选用具有一定保湿能力的培养土。这样的培养土可以提供它湿度较大的生长环境,利于它的健康发育。 选用含有腐质的培养土可以提供它更多的营养用于生长发育,帮助它生长的更好。 尽量选择有较好通气能力的培养土可以帮助种子尽快发芽。 [图片]播种的时间 虎颜花的花期在11月下旬,果期在3~5月。在果子成熟后可以从中收集到种子用于种植。最好随采随播,不要让种子在外界放太久。 一是因为若是种子在外界放的太久可能会降低种子的出芽率。二是因为3~5月刚好是春暖花开的时节,种子在此时入土会有相对较好气候条件发育生长。 [图片]播种的方法 首先要处理培养土。虎颜花喜肥,在播种之前需要提前在培养土中加入一些有机肥或是动物粪便作为基肥,保证营养充足。 挑选一个尺寸适中的花盆,将处理好的培养土放入花盆中理平,约九分满。再用水壶向盆中浇水,保证花盆里的培养土足够湿润。 然后将种子放入土表。要注意保持种子之间距离适中,不能太大或者太小。若是种距太大,可能会使长好的成株分布过于零散,影响观赏;若是种距太小,可能会使长好的植株过于茂密,盆中的资源可能不足以支持它们全部健康生长。 之后用一层薄土盖在撒好的种子上。注意覆盖的土不能太厚,盖过种子1cm即可。 最后将种好的种子放到半阴的环境中按时浇水等待发芽即可。 [图片]
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial orchid is 1-3' tall and unbranched. The central stem is light green and glabrous. Along this stem, there are 2-5 alternate leaves up to 8" long and 2" across; these leaves become smaller in size as they ascend the stem and they are held more or less upright. The leaf blades are light to medium green, lanceolate-oblong to narrowly ovate, and smooth along their margins; their veins are parallel. The central stem terminates in an elongated raceme of flowers about 3-8" long and 2½" across. Racemes of Flowers The flowers are arranged somewhat densely all around the central stalk of the raceme, blooming from the bottom to the top. The flowers are usually bright rose-purple and less often pale rose-purple. Each flower is about 1" long and ¾" across, consisting of 3 petal-like sepals, 3 petals, the reproductive organs, and a nectar spur in the back (about 1" long) that nods downward. The upper sepal and two upper petals (about ¼" long) form a small hood (upper lip) above the reproductive organs. The lowest petal forms the lower lip of the flower (about ¾" long); it is deeply divided into 3 fan-shaped lobes that are barely fringed along their lower margins. The central lobe of the lower lip is larger than the lateral lobes; it usually has a small narrow notch in the middle of its lower margin. The lower sepals are about 1/3" long and form the sides of the flower; they extend further back than either the hood or the lower lip. Each flower has a stout ascending pedicel about 1" long. At the base of each pedicel, there is an ascending small bract (about ¾" long) that resembles a narrow leaf. The blooming period occurs during mid- to late summer and lasts about 3 weeks. Fertile flowers are replaced by erect seed capsules about ½–¾" long that are ellipsoid in shape. The capsules split open to release numerous tiny seeds that are dispersed by the wind. The root system consists of fleshy fibrous roots. Cultivation: The preference is full sun to light shade, moist conditions, and a slightly acidic soil that contains loam, silt, or gravel. Because the root system forms a symbiotic relationship with underground fungi, individual plants are difficult to transplant. During some years, this orchid may fail to flower. Range & Habitat: Purple Fringeless Orchid is uncommon in southern and SE Illinois, while in other areas of the state it is absent. This is a native wildflower of Illinois. Habitats include moist meadows and prairies, prairie swales, openings in floodplain woodlands, swamps, moist thickets, gravelly seeps, streambanks, poorly drained fallow fields, and ditches. This orchid benefits from disturbance that reduces overhead trees and other kinds of competing vegetation. It is often found in seasonal wetlands that are flooded during the spring, but dry out during the summer. Faunal Associations: The nectar of the flowers attracts primarily large butterflies and Sphinx moths. The following floral visitors of Purple Fringeless Orchid have been observed: Danaus plexippus (Monarch), Papilio glaucus (Tiger Swallowtail), Papilio troilus (Spicebush Swallowtail), Speyeria cybele (Great Spangled Fritillary), Epargyreus clarus (Silver-Spotted Skipper), Amphion floridensis (Nessus Sphinx), Hemaris diffinis (Snowberry Clearwing), Hemaris thysbe (Hummingbird Clearwing), and Hyles lineata (White-Lined Sphinx). Various mammalian herbivores (deer, rabbits, cattle, etc.) sometimes browse on the foliage and flowers of this and other orchids. It may be necessary to place wire cages around individual plants or erect fences to prevent the destruction of local orchid populations by these animals. Photographic Location: A prairie in Fayette County, Illinois. The photograph of the flowering plant was taken by Keith & Patty Horn (Copyright © 2009). Comments: When this orchid is in full bloom, it is very eye-catching and beautiful. The only other species in Illinois that are even remotely similar, viz. Platanthera psycodes (Purple-Fringed Orchid) and Platanthera grandiflora (Large Purple-Fringed Orchid), have rose-purple flowers with strongly fringed lower lips. Because these latter orchids are found only in the northern section of the state, their ranges do not overlap with the more southern range of the Purple Fringeless Orchid.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is about 1-2' tall, forming a single central stem with occasional short side stems. The alternate light green leaves are up to 6" long and 1½" across, and become smaller in size as they ascend the stem. They are lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate, and sparsely distributed overall. The lowest leaves clasp the stem, while the middle and upper leaves are sessile or have short petioles. They have smooth edges and texture, with faint parallel veins. Blooming Plant in Prairie The central stem terminates in a raceme of flowers, often with a half-dozen or more blooming at the same time. One or two smaller sides stem may each produce racemes of flowers as well. Each flower is about 1½" long and 1" across, consisting of 3 greenish white sepals and 3 white petals. The upper sepal and two upper petals form a hood over the pollen- and nectar-bearing organs of the flower. The lateral sepals are similar in shape, but spread outward. The large white lower petal, or lip, is divided into 3 parts and heavily fringed. There is a long nectar spur that arches downward from the back of the flower. During the day, the flowers have a slight fragrance, which probably becomes stronger at night. The blooming period occurs during early to mid-summer, and lasts about a month. There is a dense cluster of roots that are fleshy and tuberous. They form a symbiotic relationship with endomycorrhizal bacteria, and rarely form offshoots. The tiny seeds are easily carried aloft by the wind, and can travel a considerable distance. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun to light shade, and moist conditions. The soil should be high in organic matter, preferably with a little sand, and the pH should be mildly acid to neutral. However, this orchid is more robust than most and will tolerate conditions that deviate somewhat from the above. Germinating the tiny seeds normally requires the presence of an appropriate fungus, which they invade. Artificial techniques have been developed to speed up the propagation of orchids. Large transplanted plants from a specialist nursery are the easiest to handle and have the best survival rate, but they are expensive, if available at all. Range & Habitat: The Prairie White-Fringed Orchid occurs in scattered counties of central and northern Illinois (see Distribution Map), where it is native. Only small, local populations of this rare plant exist in high quality habitats. It is listed as 'endangered' by the state of Illinois, and is considered 'threatened' by the U.S. government. Habitats include moist to mesic black soil prairies, sand prairies, thickets, pot hole marshes, and fens. At one time, this orchid was far more common, and hundreds of plants could be observed blooming in prairie habitat, particularly near the Chicago region. Habitat destruction and over-collection brought this joyful abundance to an end. [图片]Faunal Associations: Various species of Hawkmoths pollinate the flowers. While seeking the copious nectar, a moth may acquire some pollen on its head, which is then carried to the next plant in bloom. One observed visitor of this orchid is Xylophanes tersa (Tersa Sphinx). Mammalian herbivores will readily consume this plant if they encounter it, including rabbits, deer, and livestock. It may be necessary to protect this plant with a wire cage where such animals are present. Photographic Location: A prairie in east-central Illinois. Comments: This is one of the most beautiful wildflowers in a prairie. Rejoice should you discover one or two plants in bloom. There is a slightly larger orchid, Platanthera praeclara, with a similar appearance, that occurs in prairies west of the Mississippi River.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial orchid is 1-2½' tall and unbranched. The central stem is light green, terete, glabrous, and somewhat stout. There are 2-5 alternate leaves along each stem, developing from sheaths. They are 2-8" long and ½–2" across, becoming smaller as they ascend the central stem. The light to medium green leaf blades are elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or lanceolate-oblong in shape and smooth along their margins; their veins are parallel. In relation to the stem, the leaf blades are nearly erect and slightly spreading. The central stem terminates in a narrow raceme flowers about 3-8" long. The whitish or yellowish green flowers are arranged all around the central stalk of the raceme on ascending stout pedicels about 1" long. At the base of each pedicel, there is a linear-lanceolate bract about ¾" long. Raceme of Flowers Each flower is about ¾" long and across, consisting of 3 petals, 3 sepals, a nectar spur, and reproductive organs. The upper sepal and upper 2 petals (about ¼" long) form a small hood (upper lip) over the reproductive organs and nectary opening. The upper sepal is broadly oblong in shape, while the upper 2 petals are linear to linear-oblong. The 2 lateral sepals (about ¼" long) are broadly oblong and usually curve backward from the front of the flower. The lower petal forms a lower lip that is deeply divided into 3 fan-shaped lobes. The lateral lobes and usually the central lobe are deeply fringed; less often, the central lobe is shallowly divided into 2-3 smaller lobes. The fringed lower lip may be more white than other parts of the flower. At the back of the flower, there is a narrowly cylindrical nectar spur about ¾" long that nods downward. The blooming period occurs during mid-summer and lasts about 3 weeks. The flowers are often fragrant, especially at night. Fertile flowers are replaced by narrowly ellipsoid seed capsules about ¾" long. The seed capsules split open to release numerous tiny seeds, which are distributed by the wind. The root system consists of fleshy fibrous roots. Sometimes, vegetative offsets develop a short distance from the mother plant. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, moist conditions, and an acidic soil containing sand, silt-loam, peaty material, or some gravel. Like other orchids, this species requires the appropriate endomycorrhizal fungus in the soil for proper growth and development. It can be difficult to transplant successfully. Range & Habitat: The native Green-Fringed Orchid has been found in most areas of Illinois, particularly the NE section of the state; it is relatively uncommon. Habitats include moist prairies and sand prairies, sandy swamps, moist open woodlands, shrubby bogs, acidic gravelly seeps, low areas along streams, sandy fields, powerline clearances, and ditches. Green-Fringed Orchid is more likely to appear in degraded areas than many other orchids, although it also occurs in higher quality habitats. Faunal Associations: The flowers are pollinated primarily by moths, including Noctuid moths and Sphinx moths. Such species as Anagrapha falcifera (Celery Looper Moth), Allagrapha aerea (Unspotted Looper Moth), and Hemaris thysbe (Hummingbird Clearwing) have been observed sucking nectar from the flowers. Mammalian herbivores (deer, rabbits, cattle, etc.) sometimes enjoy a gourmet meal by browsing on the foliage and flowers of this and other terrestrial orchids. Photographic Location: A prairie in Fayette County, Illinois. The photograph of the flowering plant was taken by Keith & Patty Horn (Copyright © 2009). Comments: Because of its greenish flowers, this orchid doesn't stand out from the background to the same extent as more colorful orchids in its genus. However, it has a delicate beauty that is peculiarly its own. While there are many orchids in the Midwest that have greenish flowers, this orchid is the only one with a deeply fringed lower lip. Compared to the similar Platanthera leucophaea (Prairie White-Fringed Orchid), the Green-Fringed Orchid has a lower lip with more narrow and insubstantial lobes (this applies particularly to the central lobe). Other species in this genus, e.g. Platanthera blephariglottis (White-Fringed Orchid) and Platanthera ciliaris (Orange-Fringed Orchid), have fringed lower lips that are not divided into major lobes. Thus, not only color, but also subtle differences in floral structure, are important in the identification of an orchid species in this interesting genus.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is up to 4' tall and unbranched, except near the inflorescence. The central stem is strongly four-angled and hairless. The opposite leaves are up to 5" long and 1½" across. They are sessile, hairless, lanceolate or oblanceolate, and have sharply-pointed widely-spaced teeth along the margins. The inflorescence consists of tall spikes of flowers at the ends of the upper stems. A spike is up to 10" long and consists of 4 rows of densely packed horizontal flowers or their buds. The tubular flowers are white, lavender, or purplish pink, and they often have dots, fine stripes, or swirls of a slightly darker color. Each flower is about 1" long, has 2 lips, while 4 purple anthers are visible near the upper lip. This upper lip is a broad hood, while the lower lip is divided into 3 lobes – the larger central one functioning as a landing pad for insects, which is accompanied by 2 smaller side lobes. The flowers have no scent. The blooming period occurs during late summer to early fall, and lasts about 1½ months. Each flower produces 4 sharply angled, dull brown seeds. The root system consists of a central taproot and rhizomes. The latter promote the spread of this plant vegetatively. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, and moist to average conditions. Growth is best in rich loamy soil, but it can contain some gravel or clay. During droughts, the lower leaves may turn yellow and fall off the stem. Otherwise, the foliage has fewer problems than most mints. This plant is easy to grow if the site is not too dry. At moist sites, it sometimes spreads aggressively. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Obedient Plant occurs occasionally in scattered counties throughout Illinois (see Distribution Map). It is less common in the western and southern portions of the state. Habitats include moist to mesic black soil prairies, thickets, openings in woodland areas and along woodland borders, moist meadows along rivers and borders of lakes, seeps, limestone glades, and open moist areas near railroads. Faunal Associations: Bumblebees are the most important pollinators of the flowers. Occasionally, other long-tongued bees and the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird may visit the flowers. These visitors seek nectar from the flowers. Like other members of the Mint family, the Obedient Plant is probably not a favored source of food for mammalian herbivores. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at a prairie of Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois, and at the Loda Cemetery Prairie in Iroquois County, Illinois. Comments: This plant is often grown in flower gardens, and some populations may represent escaped plants from cultivation. Usually, the horticultural forms are more rosy pink or purple in appearance than native wild populations, which are usually white with light pink or purple tints. Because the individual flowers stay in place when moved, one common name is 'Obedient Plant,' as used here. Another name is 'False Dragonhead' on account of the fancied resemblance to a European plant by that name. While this is a pretty plant, its ecological value to birds, mammals, and insects is fairly low.
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