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[图片]种子繁殖 使用种子进行种植的话,在播种之前首先需要仔细筛选,因其种子皮质坚硬,大多数的种子都不能得到较好的发育,播种需要挑选那些颗粒发育良好、比较饱满的种子。播种最适宜的温度为20℃左右,届时将选好的种子用水浸泡后播种,之后要保证提供充足的水分,在嫩苗生长过程中要施一到两次肥料。 但是,啤酒花种子的发芽率特别低,所以一般并不会采用这种方法进行繁殖。 [图片]扦插法 地下茎扦插 这种采用地下茎进行繁殖的方法既简单又高效,目前是非常普遍的一种繁育方法。通常是在割芽时取出部分地下茎进行栽培。新的种苗一般在地下母茎的下半部分割取,这个部分的地下茎一般较为健壮饱满,成活率也高。切取的长度约为12厘米左右,至少要有两个以上对生的芽节,然后将这一部分的地下茎直接进行扦插定植。 [图片]绿枝扦插 在盛花期前,一般是六月份,从啤酒花植株上采具有对生芽节的嫩枝条作为母株直接种植,这种繁殖方法成活率非常高,也是较为常用的一种繁育方法。 芽栽法 割芽时取出带有部分根须的、饱满健壮的嫩芽,一般长度需10厘米左右,然后将嫩芽直接栽培,在培育过程中同样要注意保持土壤的湿润。 [图片]培育方式和注意事项 啤酒花的最佳繁育时间一般为4月份,盛花期在7-8月。栽培土壤最好为土质松软、肥沃、透气性较好的深厚土层。啤酒花宜凉耐寒,最佳适宜温度为14-25℃。该花十分喜光,长时间的日照可以促进它的健康生长。值得注意的是,啤酒花在生长期和过冬之前一定不能缺水,不然会对其生长造成不良的影响。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial wildflower is up to 1' tall and sprawls across the ground, producing several vine-like stems up to 4' long from a central taproot. These angular stems are light green to dull reddish purple and covered with spreading white hairs. The alternate leaves are up to 4" long, 4" across, and more or less orbicular in outline; they are palmate, usually with 5 major lobes that are cleft (sharply divided), as well as some secondary lobes and margins with coarse teeth. The leaves have hairy petioles that can easily exceed 4" in length. A pair of conspicuous green stipules are located at the base of each petiole. Each stipule has a shape that is half-ovate. From the axils of the leaves, individual flowers develop from pedicels up to 6" long. The flowers are about 1½–2½" across, consisting of 5 broad magenta petals, a columnar reproductive structure, and a whitish green to reddish green calyx. At maturity, the columnar structure expands outward slightly, revealing numerous white stamens and pinkish style-branches. The petals often become white near the center of the flower. The calyx is divided into 5 lanceolate lobes that have light-colored ridges and are quite hairy; these lobes are shorter than the petals. Underneath the calyx, there are 3 floral bracts that are similar in appearance to the calyx lobes. The blooming period occurs from late spring to late summer and lasts about 1-2½ months. There is no noticeable floral scent. The flowers are replaced by carpels that are arranged together like a ring. These carpels are flattened and reniform (kidney-shaped) with short hairy beaks. The flattened sides of the carpels are reticulated, rather than smooth. Each carpel contains a single seed. This wildflower spreads by reseeding itself. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun and mesic to dry conditions. In Illinois, this plant often grows in poor soil that contains sand, gravel, or clay. In rich cultivated soil, it will become longer than it normally does in the wild. After mid-summer, this plant gradually withers away. Range & Habitat: This non-native wildflower has naturalized in only a few scattered counties in the northern two-thirds of Illinois (see Distribution Map), where it is uncommon. It is adventive from areas further to the west or southwest of the state. Habitats include dry prairies, areas along railroads and roadsides, and abandoned fields. In these habitats, the ground vegetation is relatively low and sparse. In Illinois, Purple Poppy Mallow is often planted in flower gardens because of its attractive flowers. [图片]Faunal Associations: The flowers are cross-pollinated primarily by bees. The caterpillars of Pyrgus communis (Checkered Skipper) sometimes feed on Callirhoe spp. (Poppy Mallows). The foliage is readily consumed by mammalian herbivores, including groundhogs, deer, rabbits, and livestock. This could make the survival of local populations of this plant difficult where there is a preponderance of such animals. The taproot is edible and can be used as emergency food by humans, which means that it is probably edible to pocket gophers and other small rodents as well. Photographic Location: A flower garden in Urbana, Illinois. [图片]Comments: Purple Poppy Mallow has attractive foliage and very showy flowers that bloom for a fairly long period of time. It can be distinguished from other Callirhoe spp. in Illinois by the shape of its leaves, sprawling hairy stems, and the color of its flowers. For example, Callirhoe alceoides (Pink Poppy Mallow) has smaller flowers that are pink, rather than magenta. Another species, Callirhoe triangulata (Clustered Poppy Mallow), has leaves with a more triangular shape. A third species that is occasionally found within the state, Callirhoe digitata (Fringed Poppy Mallow), has a more erect habit with hairless stems and leaves. It is also useful to examine the carpels: While the flattened sides of the carpels of Purple Poppy Mallow have a reticulated surface, the sides of the carpels of other species in this genus are often smooth.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 2-4' tall, branching occasionally. It forms a rosette of basal leaves, which usually wither away prior to the blooming period. These basal leaves may be triangular-cordate or palmately lobed. The slender stems are usually glabrous and glaucous; the lower central stem is often terete (furrowed along all sides), while the upper stems are round in circumference. The alternate leaves are up to 5" long and 6" across (excluding their petioles), becoming smaller as they ascend the stems. Each of these leaves is deeply divided into palmate lobes, which are often deeply divided into secondary lobes. The leaves are usually glabrous and glaucous like the stems; their petioles are up to 6" long. The upper stems terminate in one or more flowers on long peduncles (flowering stalks). Each flower is 1-2" across, consisting of 5 magenta petals, 5 green sepals, and a central column of stamens and styles. The outer edge of each petal is slightly fringed and truncate, while the sepals are triangular-ovate with pointed tips. There are no floral bracts underneath the sepals. The blooming period occurs during the summer and lasts about 2 months. There is no floral scent. Each flower matures into a whorl of flattened seeds. Each seed is rectangular, reticulated and pitted along the sides, with little or no pubescence. The root system consists of a woody taproot that is often swollen at the base. This plant spreads by reseeding itself. Cultivation: The preference is full sun and mesic to dry conditions. Poor soil containing sand, gravel, or clay is preferred, as this reduces competition from neighboring plants. This plant has a tendency to lean over while in bloom, especially if the soil is too moist and rich. Range & Habitat: The Fringed Poppy Mallow is an uncommon plant that has naturalized in only two or three counties in Illinois (Peoria and Dupage). The webmaster has observed this species at a prairie restoration in Champaign County (see Distribution Map). The Fringed Poppy Mallow is native to the southern Great Plains, where it is more common. Habitats include upland areas of sand prairies, gravel prairies, savannas with scant ground vegetation, and abandoned fields. This species may appear unexpectedly in a prairie restoration as a result of contaminated seed. In Illinois, it is not aggressive. [图片]Faunal Associations: Bees are probably the most important visitors of the flowers. Deer, rabbits, and other mammalian herbivores eat the foliage of Poppy Mallows readily. Rabbits often eat the lower leaves of the Fringed Poppy Mallow (including the lower leaves of the photographed plant), while deer occasionally chomp off the upper half of the foliage. Photographic Location: A restored prairie at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: Among the few Callirhoe spp. (Poppy Mallows) that occur in Illinois, the Fringed Poppy Mallow is the tallest. It is a lanky plant with slender stems and finger-like foliage. Some Callirhoe spp. have floral bracts underneath the sepals of each flower; these floral bracts have a leafy or papery-membranous appearance. However, the Fringed Poppy Mallow lacks such bracts. It is also rather distinctive because of the fringed outer edge of its petals, which becomes more pronounced as the flowers mature. Other Poppy Mallows have flowers with unfringed petals.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This plant is a summer annual about 6-20" tall that branches frequently; large specimens can be as wide as they are tall, resembling a tumbleweed in shape. The rather stout stems are light green, terete to slightly angular, and glabrous. Alternate leaves occur along these stems that are 1-2" long and ¼-½" across; they are medium green, glabrous, and oblanceolate with margins that are coarsely crenate, shallowly lobed, or undulate. Small upper leaves often have smooth margins. The leaves are slightly succulent with a thick texture. The upper stems terminate in racemes of flowers about 2-10" long. Individual flowers are up to ¼" across, consisting of 4 lavender to white petals, 4 green sepals, 6 stamens, and a pistil with a single style. The oblong-lanceolate sepals are about ¼" long and glabrous, while the oblong petals spread widely during the short period when a flower is in bloom. The ascending pedicels are green and glabrous. The blooming period occurs from mid-summer into the fall, lasting about 3 months. Only a few flowers are in bloom at the same time toward the apex of the racemes. The flowers are replaced by elongated seedpods (silicles) about ½-¾" long. Each seedpod has a lower segment (up to ¼" long) that is ovoid-cylindrical in shape, and an upper segment (up to ½" long) that is lanceoloid with a long tapering beak. Between these two segments, the seedpod is slightly constricted. The upper segment contains a single seed, while the lower segment contains either a single seed or none. At maturity, the upper segment of each seedpod becomes detached from the lower segment, while the lower segment persists on the dried remains of the plant. The upper segment can float on water, and it is often carried off by the waves of the lake or sea. Eventually, the upper segment is deposited at another beach, thereby introducing its seed to a new area. The seed of the lower segment usually germinates in proximity to its mother plant, colonizing the same beach. Cultivation: The preference is full sun, moist to dry-mesic conditions, and very sandy soil. This plant also adapts to gravelly or rocky shorelines. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Sea Rocket is a rare plant in Illinois that is state-listed as 'threatened.' Its distribution is restricted to the shoreline of Lake Michigan in the NE section of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats consist of sandy beaches and, to a lesser extent, gravelly or rocky shorelines. Outside of the state, Sea Rocket can be found along the shore lines of other Great Lakes (except the northernmost areas); a closely related subspecies of Sea Rocket is also found along the Atlantic coast. Faunal Associations: Very little is known about floral-faunal relationships for this plant. Similar to other flowering plants in the Mustard family, Sea Rocket's flowers are probably cross-pollinated by small bees, flies, beetles, and small to medium-sized butterflies. There is a native flea beetle, Phyllotreta chalybeipennis, that feeds primarily, if not exclusively, on the foliage of Sea Rocket: its larvae form mines through the leaves. Other flea beetles that feed on the foliage of this plant include Phyllotreta crucifera (introduced from Europe), Phyllotreta punctulata, and Phyllotreta striolata (Clark et al., 2004). Larvae of a moth, the Rubbed Dart (Euxoa detersa), also referred to as the Sandhill Cutworm, feed primarily on the underground parts of Sea Rocket and many other plants in sandy areas (Covell, 1984/2005). [图片]Photographic Location: A sandy beach at Indiana Dunes State Park in NW Indiana. Comments: This member of the Mustard family is quite unique and easy to identify: it has slightly succulent leaves and unusual seedpods with 2 segments. Sea Rocket is a pioneer species of sandy beaches, colonizing areas that only a few plant species can tolerate. Because its succulent leaves can store water, it is able to withstand the desiccating effect of sunlight and sand. The root system helps to bind and stabilize the sand, while the decayed remnants of foliage add organic material and nutrients to the impoverished soil. This enables other plants to colonize the beach, beginning the process of ecological succession.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is 1-3½' tall and unbranched, except near the apex where the flowering stems occur. The stems are round and covered with fine white hairs. They are initially green, but often become brown with age. The alternate leaves are up to 4" long and 1½" across. They are sessile against the stem toward the top, but have short petioles near the bottom. These leaves are lanceolate, smooth or sparingly dentate, grey- or yellow-green, and finely pubescent. The smaller leaves near the flowerheads are much reduced in size and linear. Sometimes there are small leaves appearing in the upper axils of the larger leaves along the central stem. [图片]The upper stems terminate in small corymbs of flowerheads. These flowerheads consist of 7-21 small creamy white florets. A floret is narrowly tubular with 5 small lobes and a protruding divided style. Each flowerhead is subtended by a cylinder of narrow green bracts; it is a little less than ½" long. The blooming period occurs during late summer or early fall, and lasts about a month. The achenes are long and cylindrical, grey or light brown, and have tufts of white hair (or sometimes tawny hair). These tufts of hair are often more striking in appearance than the flowers. Seed distribution is provided by the wind. The root system consists of a central taproot that can run deep into the ground. Sometimes, this plant will tiller at the base, sending up multiple stems from the taproot. However, it doesn't reproduce vegetatively by means of rhizomes, unlike many other prairie plants. Cultivation: The preference is full sun and dry conditions; a little shade is also tolerated. This plant prefers poor soil that contains too much clay, sand, or gravel, and it can thrive on slopes. Its toleration of drought is better than most plants in the tallgrass prairie. The leaves may turn yellow and start to shrivel away toward the end of the year, but this is normal. This plant doesn't spread aggressively. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native False Boneset occurs occasionally in central and northern Illinois; in many areas of southern Illinois, it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitat includes dry upland areas of black soil prairies, gravel prairies, dolomite prairies, clay prairies, hill prairies, bluffs, limestone glades, open woodlands, and sandy savannas. False Boneset doesn't form large colonies, but is more likely to occur as sporadic plants. In moist areas with rich soil, it has trouble competing with taller, more aggressive forbs and grasses. Faunal Associations: Bumblebees, leaf-cutting bees (Megachile spp.), Halictid bees, and other bees visit the flowerheads for nectar and pollen (Mitchell, 1960/1962; Moure & Hurd, 1987). Butterflies, skippers, and probably other insects visit the flowerheads for nectar and/or pollen too. The caterpillars of some flower moths feed destructively on the flowerheads and developing seeds; they include such species as Schinia trifascia (Three-lined Flower Moth), Schinia oleagina (Oleagina Flower Moth), and Schinia grandimedia (False Boneset Flower Moth). The last moth occurs in areas that lie mostly west of Illinois. Other insects feeders include Lygus lineolaris (Tarnished Plant Bug) and other polyphagous stink bugs, Aphis coreopsidis (an aphid), and larvae of a Noctuid moth, Dichagyris grotei (Panzer, 2000; Vestal, 1913; Hottes & Frison, 1931). In addition, such grasshoppers as Melanoplus confusus (Little Pasture Grasshopper), Melanoplus differentialis (Differential Grasshopper), Melanoplus keeleri (Keeler's Grasshopper), and Melanoplus discolor (Contrasting Spur-throated Grasshopper) feed on False Boneset. The last grasshopper is monophagous on this plant, although it occurs in areas that lie west of Illinois (Campbell et al., 1974; Joern, 1985; Brust et al., 2008). Mammalian herbivores browse on False Boneset occasionally when little else is available, but its foliage is bitter and overall food value is low. In pastures, False Boneset is considered an 'increaser' because livestock are not particularly fond of it. Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: False Boneset is similar in appearance to Tall Boneset (Eupatorium altissimum). However, the former plant has alternate leaves along its stems with only one conspicuous vein, while the latter has opposite leaves with three conspicuous veins. An older scientific name for False Boneset is Kuhnia eupatorioides.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This is an unbranched perennial plant about 1-2' tall. Side stems may develop from upper leaf axils if the central stem is damaged. This stout central stem is 4-angled and it is covered with short white hairs that are usually appressed. The opposite leaves are up to 3½" long and 1½" across. They are broadly oblong to lanceolate in shape, and have smooth, slightly ciliate margins. The lower leaves have short stout petioles, while the upper leaves are sessile. They have deep pinnate venation and are covered with a white pubescence. The upper half of the central stem is perforated by whorled clusters of flowers. Each cluster of flowers is about 2-3" across and in the shape of a flattened sphere, with the flowers arranged in circular rows. The flowers are white, light pink, or lavender, and individually slightly less than ½" long. There are two prominent lips, with small purple spots on the lower one, and fine hairs in the back. The blooming period occurs during early summer and lasts about a month. Neither the flowers nor the leaves have a noticeable scent. The root system consists of a taproot, which forms offshoots occasionally by means of short rhizomes. The seeds are quite small, and distributed by the wind to some extent. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, and mesic to dry conditions. The soil can contain significant amounts of loam, clay, or gravel; limestone and a high pH are tolerated. The foliage can be affected by the usual diseases that attack other mints, and often appear rather ragged by mid-summer. This plant has greater tolerance to drought than most other members of Mint family. Range & Habitat: Downy Wood Mint occurs occasionally in scattered counties in Illinois – it has been reported most often from counties in the NE and west-central areas of the state (see Distribution Map). This plant is native to Illinois. Habitats include mesic to dry black soil prairies, dolomite prairies, thickets, savannas, limestone bluffs, and limestone glades. Faunal Associations: The flowers attract long-tongued and short-tongued bees, bee flies, Syrphid flies, butterflies, and skippers. The numerous bee visitors include honeybees, bumblebees, Anthophorine bees, little carpenter bees, leaf-cutting bees, Halictine bees, masked bees, and others. The small seeds are unlikely to be of much interest to birds, nor is the foliage an attractive source of food to mammalian herbivores. Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at Loda Cemetery Prairie in Iroquois County, Illinois. Comments: This plant can be easily confused with some of the weedier Eurasian mints, but should not be destroyed because it is not particularly common in Illinois. Notwithstanding its common name, Downy Wood Mint occurs in open areas more often than woodlands, unlike other members of the genus, such as Blephilia hirsuta (Hairy Wood Mint). The stems of the latter species have long spreading hairs, while the stems of Downy Wood Mint usually have short appressed hairs. Other common names for Blephilia ciliata are 'Ohio Horsemint' and 'Pagoda Plant.'
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]朝鲜族对桔梗特别有感情。在朝鲜、韩国、日本把桔梗当作食用蔬菜十分普遍。韩国人素有食用鲜桔梗的习俗,韩国超级市场等处常有小包装的保鲜、冷藏或腌制桔梗出售,把它当作是餐桌上必不可少的一种菜肴。韩国过去曾大量地栽培和加工过桔梗,但精明的韩国人发现我国的桔梗质优价廉,因而转向从我国大量进口桔梗,并把它加工成药菜产品销往日本、美国及其他国家和地区,获利匪浅。桔梗原产我国,各地都有野生。我国的许多地区也用桔梗根制作腌菜,颇具风味,并深得人们的喜爱。此外,桔梗可酿酒、制粉做糕点,种子可榨油食用。桔梗花中一种药味花,颜色鲜蓝,形如悬钟,既是6~9月间的一种美丽花卉,又是变种常用的中药。吉林延边地区朝鲜族人民还把桔梗花的嫩叶作蔬菜食用。《中国花经》把它列入珍稀花卉类。 [图片]1.放卧室里好吗 答案是肯定的,它是允许放在卧室里面养的。 桔梗花又被叫做铃铛花,植株的高度大约有70厘米,人工进行培植的话,高度可以达到1米。它的花朵颜色非常的多样,有紫蓝色、翠蓝色和净白等多种的颜色。花姿看起来非常的宁静高雅,花色也是娇而不艳。如果把它放在房间里面,让人瞬间感觉清新爽目,给人一种宁静、幽雅、淡泊、舒适的享受,所以是可以放在卧室里面的。 2.桔梗花的主要价值 园林价值:在园林中,桔梗花被广泛的运用到园林之中。因为它花形非常的美丽,所以受到很多人的注目。另外它还可以被作为优美的切花,一枚桔梗,可以很好的增添插花的效果,所以它的运用真的是非常广泛。当然也有很多人可以做成盆栽花或者种植在花坛里面,也是别有一番滋味的。 药用价值:其实它还是一种很不错的中药。它的根可以治疗感冒咳嗽和祛痰助消化,嫩的根还可以用来食用。一般都是在桔梗花生长期2到3年的时候,一般都是在秋天快结束或者是春天萌芽之前就可以进行采挖。我们把它的根条挖取出来,然后把它的泥土给清理干净,然后再洗掉,趁它还是新鲜的时候,用碗片或者是竹片把它的外皮给刮去了,然后再去晒干了,就可以成为一种很不错的中药。所以在临床上研究表明,它是可以治疗很多种病症的。但是需要注意的是,在使用的时候,一定要注意用量了,如果量太大的话,就会导致恶心呕吐,另外因为它有溶血的作用,所以用药千万要慎重,一定不要自行使用。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]网纹草为多年生常绿草本。植株低矮,呈匍匐状蔓生,高约5~20厘米。叶十字对生,卵形或椭圆形,茎枝、叶柄、花梗均密被茸毛,其特色为叶面密布红色或白色网脉。匍匐茎节易生根。红色叶脉纵横交替,形成网状。顶生穗状花序,花黄色。 [图片]一、网纹草的毒性如何 说起网纹草可不可以放在卧房里来养,就是担心网纹草的毒性,会不会对人的身体造成伤害罢了。 这一点是完全不用担心的,因为网纹草是没有任何毒性的。现实生活中,确实有很多植株是有毒的,但是只要不食用,不光是网纹草,大多数植物都是不会因为有毒而给人体造成伤害的。 二、晚上能放卧室吗 大家都知道,晚上,房间开灯时,网纹草就会光合与呼吸同时作用,没有灯光时,它就只能进行呼吸作用。基本上,一棵网纹草一晚呼吸出来的气体是不会对室内空气成分有什么影响的,但是如果卧房植物较多,同时光线不是很好,二氧化碳气体的含量就会比多一点,人就会觉得不舒服。所以说,在晚上,将网纹草放在卧室里是可以的,但是要注意,卧室里的植物不要太多了。 三、刚刚翻新的卧室能养吗 新装的房屋中,无论是地板、门窗,都有大量的物质是对身体不好的,而网纹草可以搞定空气里的苯等杂质,摆放在卧室中可以让空气变干净,让人们提早住进卧室。将它放在房间里的任意角落,都没有任何问题。种植在室内,会显得整个室内生机盎然。 综上,耐阴且容易照顾的网纹草在卧房里生活,绝对没问题!
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