Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La azofaifa es una especie vegetal originaria del sur y del este del continente asiático. Pertenece a la familia de las ramnáceas lo que se nota en los pinchos que presentan sus múltiples ramificaciones. Esto le ha servido para protegerse de los depredadores y llegar hasta nuestros días. Se conoce también con los nombres de azufaifo, azofeifa, azofaifo o jujube. Su nombre es de origen árabe y se ha ido modificando al entrar en contacto con otras lenguas y dialectos. Se trata de una planta de hojas caducas que puede alcanzar los diez metros de altura, auque lo habitual es que sus ejemplares tengan entre dos y tres metros. La azofaifa tiene una gran ductilidad y se adapta bien a las condiciones más extremas, incluso a la falta de agua y a los suelos pobres. El color de sus hojas es verde adoptando desde el verde brillante y amarillento hasta el más intenso. [图片]Florece con la llegada del calor. Sus flores son pequeñas y poco llamativas, de color amarillento o blanquecino dependiendo de la variedad (hay hasta cuatrocientas diferentes). Su fruto es la azufaifa, también conocida como azofeifa, jínjol o guínjol. Tiene forma ovalada y pequeño tamaño, y un hueso. Su forma recuerda a una aceituna aunque su color es parduzco y su gusto al de una manzana. Se consume tanto fresco como seco, y posee grandes dosis de azúcares y almidón. [图片]Entre las múltiples aplicaciones de la azofaifa se encuentran las medicinales. Así: Sus raíces se emplean para preparar una infusión contra la fiebre. Sus frutos en los tratamientos de enfermedades respiratorias o para aumentar el sistema inmunitario. Las hojas, como antipirético y astrigente. Las semillas como sedantes y narcóticos en tratamientos de insomnio, estrés nervioso y estrés. [图片]Si queremos plantar azofaifa en maceta o jardín debemos tener en cuenta las siguientes premisas: La azofaifa se adapta bien a cualquier tipo de suelo, incluso los que se encuentran en zonas costeras. Eso sí, debe ser un terreno drenado y profundo para ofrecer buenos frutos y crecer vigorosamente. Podemos obtener ejemplares a partir de semillas o de estacas. También se pueden utilizar esquejes procedentes de raíces. Debemos regarla regularmente, pero tampoco en exceso. Puede estar al sol, pues resiste bien las altas temperaturas. Su crecimiento es muy lento y requiere armarse de paciencia antes de poder disfrutarla. Podemos podarla para adaptarla al espacio que queremos que ocupe. Esta intervención debe realizarse cuando llegan las bajas temperaturas. Incluso su madera es muy apreciada y con ella se construyen instrumentos musicales de viento en muchos puntos del planeta.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La adelfa es un árbol pequeño, de hoja perenne, que se utiliza en muchas construcciones públicas dado que no necesita muchos cuidado y resiste bien el cambio de condiciones climáticas en el exterior. Su uso es habitual en las medianas de las autovías, en los límites de parques y paseos, y en jardineras de gran tamaño. La adelfa también se conoce con el nombre de laurel de flores o rosa laurel y es originaria de la cuenca mediterránea, aunque hoy se puede encontrar en todo el mundo. Puede alcanzar los seis metros de altura, aunque lo habitual es encontrarlo formando un arbusto de metro o metro y medio de altura. A pesar de esta cotidianeidad, la adelfa es una planta venenosa. De hecho, en España la venta al público de esta planta está prohibida y su uso y comercialización se restringe al ámbito farmacéutico y a la investigación. De hecho, en la actualidad se está probando su eficacia en medicamentos contra en cáncer. [图片]Adelfa La adelfa florece durante el verano aunque si el clima es benigno sus flores se mantendrán durante todo el año. Sus flores son especialmente bellas y poseen una fragancia penetrante. Destacan por su voluptuosidad y sus colores llamativos. Los tonos más habituales son: blanco, amarillo, naranja, rojo y rosa. Esto le sirve para atraer a los insectos, provocar su polinización y producir frutos. [图片][图片]Los frutos de la adelfa son alargados y están protegidos por una piel dura en forma de vaina que alberga las semillas de la planta. Su reproducción puede realizarse empleando semillas o esquejes. También puede reproducirse a través de tocón y de raíces que afloran al exterior. [图片][图片]La adelfa crece de manera rápida, sin importarle el tipo de suelo en el que se halle. Sus raíces son muy profundas y gracias a ello siempre encuentra agua con la que poder hidratarse, por lo que la sequía no le afecta. La adelfa: un árbol cotidiano muy venenoso Si vamos a plantar adelfas en macetas debemos tener en cuenta las siguientes indicaciones: Durante el verano, seleccionar un esqueje que tenga una longitud de entre doce y quince centímetros. Al cortarlo de la planta debemos hacer un trazo oblicuo. Las mejores estacas son las que se obtienen de una vara en la que el corte se ha hecho bajo un nudo. Meter el esqueje en agua con algún tipo de enraizante (mejor si éste se ha obtenido de manera natural). Deberemos utilizar un fertilizante para mantener alimentadas las raíces ya que en maceta no van a encontrar la hidratación y los nutrientes que requieren. La maceta no debe ser muy grande y para sostener la planta utilizaremos un sustrato universal sin más propiedades que las básicas. Eso sí, la maceta debemos colocarla en una zona bien iluminada y donde la temperatura sea constante y ronde los 20 ºC. No debemos regarla en exceso incluso en verano. Como se trata de una planta de exterior, durante el resto del año le bastará con el agua de la lluvia para saciar su sed. No suele ser el blanco de muchas plagas, pero son especialmente sensibles a los pulgones y a las conchinillas. Si detectamos la presencia de alguna de ellas debemos actuar con rapidez, utilizando los remedios más apropiados para cada caso y eliminando aquellas partes de la planta que se hayan visto más afectadas para que no infecten al resto. [图片][图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Passiflora caerulea L. [图片]Common Names Blue Passion Flower, Blue Crown Passion Flower, Common Passion Flower, Hardy Passion Flower, Passion Vine Synonyms Passiflora loureiroi, Passiflora selloi Scientific Classification Family: Passifloraceae Genus: Passiflora [图片]Flower Color: White and blue or violet Bloom Time: Mid summer to early fall Description Passiflora caerulea is a woody vine capable of growing up to 65 feet (20 m) high where supporting trees are available. The leaves are alternate, palmately, five-lobed, like a spread hand (sometimes 3 or 7 lobes), up to 7 inches (18 cm) long and wide. The base of each leaf has a flagellate-twining tendril up to 4 inches (10 cm) long, which twines around supporting vegetation to hold the plant up. The flower is complex, up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter, with the 5 sepals and petals similar in appearance, whitish in color, surmounted by a corona of filaments, then 5 greenish-yellow stamens and three purple stigmas. The fruit is an oval, orange-yellow berry up to 2.4 inches (6 cm) long and up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) in diameter, containing numerous seeds. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 6a to 10b: from −10 °F (−23.3 °C) to 40 °F (+4.4 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Their vibrant colors and heady fragrance make the Passion Flower a welcome addition to any garden. Unfortunately, because of its origins, most species of Passion Flower plant can’t overwinter in many gardens in the United States, although there are a few that will survive up to USDA plant hardiness zone 5. Most varieties will grow in Zones 7-10. Because they are vines, the best place for growing Passion Flower is along a trellis or fence. The tops will be killed off during winter, but if you mulch deeply, your Passion Flower plant will return with new shoots in the spring. Since growing Passion Flowers can reach 20 feet (6 m) in a single season, this die back will help keep the vine under control. Tropical Passion Flowers need full sun and well drained soil. Two applications of a well-balanced fertilizer per year, once in early spring and one in midsummer is all the Passion Flower care you’ll need. Origin Native to South America (Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Papaver rhoeas L. [图片]Common Names Common Poppy, Corn Poppy, Corn Rose, Field Poppy, Flanders Poppy, Red Poppy, Red Weed, Shirley’s Poppy, Yu Mei Ren (Transcribed Chinese), Coquelicot (French), Klatsch-Mohn (German), Hina-Geshi (Japanese Rōmaji), Gaeyanggwibi (Transcribed Korean), Amapola (Spanish), Kornvallmo (Swedish), Klatschmohn (German); Közönséges Pipacs (Hungarian); Mak Vlčí (Slovakian) Synonyms Papaver commutatum, Papaver insignitum, Papaver intermedium, Papaver rhoeas var. strigosum, Papaver rhoeas subsp. strigosum, Papaver roubiaei, Papaver strigosum, Papaver tenuissimum, Papaver trilobum, Papaver tumidulum Scientific Classification Family: Papaveraceae Subfamily: Papaveroideae Tribe: Papavereae Genus: Papaver [图片]Flower Color: Red Bloom Time: Spring to beginning of autumn Description Papaver rhoeas is a variable, erect annual, up to 2.5 feet (75 cm) tall, forming a long-lived soil seed bank that can germinate when the soil is disturbed. In the northern hemisphere it generally flowers in late spring, but if the weather is warm enough other flowers frequently appear at the beginning of autumn. The flowers are large and showy, up to 4 inches (10 cm) across, with four petals that are vivid red, most commonly with a black spot at their base. The flower stem is usually covered with coarse hairs that are held at right angles to the surface. The capsules are hairless, obovoid in shape, less than twice as tall as they are wide, with a stigma at least as wide as the capsule. [图片]How to Grow and Care Plant Corn Poppy seeds directly on top of cultivated soil. In mild climates, plant the seeds in late fall or early spring when soil temperatures are between 60 and 70 ºF (15 and 21 ºC). Corn Poppies thrive in full sunlight and rich, well-drained soil. If the soil is poor, incorporate 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of compost or manure prior to planting. Water Corn Poppies when the top of the soil feels dry. Saturate the root zone thoroughly, as shallow waterings promote a shallow root system. For best results, water by hand with a hose or use a drip system to keep the foliage as dry as possible. If you use a sprinkler, water early in the day so the foliage has time to dry before evening. Soggy soil and damp foliage place the plant at risk of rot and fungal diseases. Spread 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of mulch around the plants in the spring. An organic mulch such as shredded leaves or dry grass clippings keeps the roots cool, conserves moisture and prevents the growth of weeds. Apply a balanced liquid or granular fertilizer if newly emerging foliage has a yellowish appearance. Use the fertilizer in accordance with label recommendations. As a general rule, Poppies require no supplemental fertilization if granular fertilizer or compost are incorporated into the soil at planting time. Origin Native to Europe.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Papaver cambricum L. [图片]Common Names Welsh Poppy, Yellow Poppy Synonyms Meconopsis cambrica, Argemone cambrica, Cerastites cambricus, Papaver flavum, Papaver luteum, Stylophorum cambricum Scientific Classification Family: Papaveraceae Subfamily: Papaveroideae Tribe: Papavereae Genus: Papaver [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: From mid-spring through fall Description Papaver cambricum is an attractive, perennial, flowering plant up to 1.5 feet (45 cm) tall, with numerous silky, lemon yellow flowers, up to 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) across. The flowers are borne in abundance on branched stems from mid-spring through fall. [图片]How to Grow and Care Plant Corn Poppy seeds directly on top of cultivated soil. In mild climates, plant the seeds in late fall or early spring when soil temperatures are between 60 and 70 ºF (15 and 21 ºC). Corn Poppies thrive in full sunlight and rich, well-drained soil. If the soil is poor, incorporate 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) of compost or manure prior to planting. Water Corn Poppies when the top of the soil feels dry. Saturate the root zone thoroughly, as shallow waterings promote a shallow root system. For best results, water by hand with a hose or use a drip system to keep the foliage as dry as possible. If you use a sprinkler, water early in the day so the foliage has time to dry before evening. Soggy soil and damp foliage place the plant at risk of rot and fungal diseases. Spread 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) of mulch around the plants in the spring. An organic mulch such as shredded leaves or dry grass clippings keeps the roots cool, conserves moisture and prevents the growth of weeds. Apply a balanced liquid or granular fertilizer if newly emerging foliage has a yellowish appearance. Use the fertilizer in accordance with label recommendations. As a general rule, Poppies require no supplemental fertilization if granular fertilizer or compost are incorporated into the soil at planting time. Origin Native of damp, rocky sites in upland areas of Western Europe from the British Isles to the Iberian Peninsula.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Grammatophyllum speciosum Blume [图片]Common Names Tiger Orchid, Giant Orchid, Sugar Cane Orchid, Queen of the Orchids Synonyms Grammatophyllum fastuosum, Grammatophyllum giganteum, Grammatophyllum macranthum, Pattonia macrantha Scientific Classification Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Epidendroideae Tribe: Cymbidieae Subtribe: Cymbidiinae Genus: Grammatophyllum [图片]Flower Color: Yellow with maroon or dark red spots Bloom Time: Only once every 2 to 4 years Description Grammatophyllum speciosum is an epiphytic and occasionally a lithophytic plant, forming spectacular root bundles. Its cylindrical pseudobulbs can grow up to 8.2 feet (2.5 m) long. Each raceme can grow up to 10 feet (3 m), bearing up to eighty flowers, each up to 4 inches (10 cm) wide. The flowers are yellow colored with maroon or dark red spots. These flowers are remarkable, since the lowest flowers have no lip and these flowers function as osmophores for the entire inflorescence and continue to emit chemical scent to attract pollinators as flowers open in succession. It blooms only once every 2 to 4 years. This orchid can, however, remain in bloom for up to two months. It is listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s tallest orchid, with specimens recorded up to 25 feet (7.6 m) in height. [图片]How to Grow and Care Grammatophyllums grow well in moderate light intensity. Morning sun is best, until about noon. Observation of the leaf structure can be your best guide to the correct light conditions for which a type is particularly suited. Lime green colored foliage is an indication of proper light. Dark green foliage, while very attractive, is not conducive to the plant reaching it’s full blooming potential. Yellow colored foliage indicates too much light. In very mild climates, most members of this can be grown out of doors, with protection from the hot summer sun, and the colder nights of winter. The ideal annual temperature range for most members of the genus Grammatophyllum are 75 to 85 °F (24 to 30 °C) during the day and 55 to 60 °F (13 to 16 °C) at night. Plants will tolerate temperatures to 45 °F (10 °C) and up to 100 °F (38 °C) for short periods. At higher temperatures, air circulation and humidity must be increased or damage can occur. Origin Native to New Guinea, Indonesia, Malaysia and Philippines, growing in crotches of large trees on exposed areas of the lowland tropical rainforest.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Grammatophyllum scriptum (L.) Blume [图片]Common Names Bell Orchid, Written Grammatophyllum Synonyms Epidendrum scriptum (basionym), Cymbidium scriptum, Epidendrum papilionaceum, Gabertia scripta, Grammatophyllum boweri, Grammatophyllum celebicum, Grammatophyllum leopardinum, Grammatophyllum seegerianum, Vanda scripta Scientific Classification Family: Orchidaceae Subfamily: Epidendroideae Tribe: Cymbidieae Subtribe: Cymbidiinae Genus: Grammatophyllum [图片]Flower Color: Green with dark brown Bloom Time: Summer Description Grammatophyllum scriptum is a well-known species of orchid, with pseudobulbs up to 8 inches (20 cm), from which originate 3 to 4 stout leaves up to 3.3 feet (1 m) long. The flowers are generally up to 1.8 inches (4.5 cm) wide, green with dark brown markings and held in racemes of up to 150 blooms. [图片]How to Grow and Care Grammatophyllums grow well in moderate light intensity. Morning sun is best, until about noon. Observation of the leaf structure can be your best guide to the correct light conditions for which a type is particularly suited. Lime green colored foliage is an indication of proper light. Dark green foliage, while very attractive, is not conducive to the plant reaching it’s full blooming potential. Yellow colored foliage indicates too much light. In very mild climates, most members of this can be grown out of doors, with protection from the hot summer sun, and the colder nights of winter. The ideal annual temperature range for most members of the genus Grammatophyllum are 75 to 85 °F (24 to 30 °C) during the day and 55 to 60 °F (13 to 16 °C) at night. Plants will tolerate temperatures to 45 °F (10 °C) and up to 100 °F (38 °C) for short periods. At higher temperatures, air circulation and humidity must be increased or damage can occur. Origin Native to south east Asia and is found in low-lying coastal areas.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Gloriosa superba ‘Greenii’ [图片]Common Names Gloriosa Lily, Climbing Lily Synonyms Gloriosa greenii Scientific Classification Family: Colchicaceae Genus: Gloriosa [图片]Flower Color: Yellow-green Bloom Time: Summer Description Gloriosa superba ‘Greenii’ is a deciduous, summer-growing climber up to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, with tuberous roots. The slender stems are produced annually and are upright to scrambling and can grow up to 13.3 feet (4 m) long. Tubers sprout in spring, and a tuber sends up 1 to 6 stems. The leaves are shiny, bright green and are tipped in a tendril, which will cling to anything it touches. The stems die back in late summer and the tubers are dormant during winter. The showy flowers are exotic yellow-green and are borne in summer. They are borne on long pedicels on the upper parts of the stems. [图片]How to Grow and Care Select a location that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day. In southern climates, a location that allows the vines to grow in full sun while the roots of the plant remain shaded is the best location for growing a Gloriosa Lily plant. Some protection from afternoon sun may be needed as well. Prepare the soil by tilling to a depth of 8 inches (20 cm) and amending with generous amounts of organic matter such as peat moss, compost or well-rotted manure. Organic matter improves both drainage and aeration and provides a slow-release fertilizer to your Gloriosa Lilies. Erect a 6-to 8-foot (1.8 to 2.4 m) trellis for your Gloriosa Lilies prior to planting. Check that it is secure and will not topple under the weight of the growing Gloriosa Lilies. Origin Garden origin.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Gloriosa superba L. [图片]Common Names Flame Lily, Climbing Lily, Creeping Lily, Glory Lily, Gloriosa Lily, Tiger Claw, Fire Lily Synonyms Eugone superba, Methonica superba, Gloriosa angulata, Gloriosa cirrhifolia, Gloriosa doniana, Gloriosa nepalensis, Gloriosa rockefelleriana, Gloriosa rothschildiana, Gloriosa verschuurii, Gloriosa virescens var. petersiana, Methonica doniana, Methonica gloriosa, Methonica petersiana, Methonica plantii, Methonica senegalensis Scientific Classification Family: Colchicaceae Genus: Gloriosa [图片]Flower Color: Yellow and orange-scarlet, ageing a deeper shade of orange-red to purple Bloom Time: Summer Description Gloriosa superba is a deciduous, summer-growing climber up to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall, with tuberous roots. The slender stems are produced annually and are upright to scrambling and can grow up to 13.3 feet (4 m) long. Tubers sprout in spring, and a tuber sends up 1 to 6 stems. The leaves are shiny, bright green and are tipped in a tendril, which will cling to anything it touches. The stems die back in late summer and the tubers are dormant during winter. The showy flowers are borne in summer and are usually bi-colored yellow and orange-scarlet, ageing a deeper shade of orange-red to purple. There is also a pure yellow form. The flowers are borne on long pedicels on the upper parts of the stems. [图片]How to Grow and Care Select a location that receives six to eight hours of direct sunlight a day. In southern climates, a location that allows the vines to grow in full sun while the roots of the plant remain shaded is the best location for growing a Gloriosa Lily plant. Some protection from afternoon sun may be needed as well. Prepare the soil by tilling to a depth of 8 inches (20 cm) and amending with generous amounts of organic matter such as peat moss, compost or well-rotted manure. Organic matter improves both drainage and aeration and provides a slow-release fertilizer to your Gloriosa Lilies. Erect a 6-to 8-foot (1.8 to 2.4 m) trellis for your Gloriosa Lilies prior to planting. Check that it is secure and will not topple under the weight of the growing Gloriosa Lilies. Origin Native to much of Africa and Asia, but it is known worldwide as an ornamental plant, a medicine, a poison, and a noxious weed.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Geum triflorum Pursh [图片]Common Names Prairie Smoke, Three-flowered Avens, Old Man’s Whiskers Synonyms Geum triflorum var. triflorum, Geum triflorum f. triflorum, Erythrocoma grisea, Erythrocoma triflora, Geum ciliatum var. griseum, Sieversia grisea, Sieversia triflora Scientific Classification Family: Rosaceae Subfamily: Rosoideae Tribe: Colurieae Genus: Geum [图片]Flower Color: Cream to yellowish and red Bloom Time: Spring Description Geum triflorum is a perennial herbaceous plant with pinnately divided leaves with 7 to 17 primary leaflets. There are also a few smaller secondary leaflets inserted between some of the primary leaflets. They are arranged in a rosette at ground level and are semi-evergreen. Some basal leaves remain over the winter and often turn reddish purple. The flowers bloom in spring. They appear on short reddish purple-tinged stems up to 16 inches (40 cm) tall and are arranged in umbels of 3–5 flowers. At the base of the umbel are leaflike green to reddish purple bracts. While blooming, the flowers nod downwards and remain mostly closed and bud-like, except for a tiny opening at the bottom. The five petals are cream to yellowish, suffused with pink or purple, but are mostly covered by the five red sepals. Between the sepals are five narrow bractlets. Pollinated flowers turn upwards and open up. The pistils in the middle of the flower develop into heads of seeds with long fuzzy hairs that point upwards. [图片]How to Grow and Care Geums flower best in a sunny position with average garden water. However, in really hot climates, afternoon shade is essential to keep the plants from being scorched. Good drainage is also important, as Geum is subject to root rot in wet conditions. Otherwise, they are very adaptable to different soil types. Geum is easily grown by seed sown indoors six to eight weeks before the average date of last frost. However, improved cultivars are readily available in garden centers, so most gardeners choose to start them as transplants. Plant them in good garden soil that has been enriched with compost. They are not considered drought-tolerant and will need weekly water throughout their life. It’s important to note that Geums are short-lived perennials that require division every few years to renew the patch. Otherwise, they will naturally decline and disappear. Geums are generally grown as a front of the border plant, where their low foliage and bright flowers make a cheerful edging to flower beds. Since it is a small plant, masses of one variety are very effective, though they can also be interspersed with other small-statured annuals and perennials for a cottage garden look. Geums are also excellent in potted arrangements and make great cut flowers. Origin Native to North America (from northern Canada to California and east to New York).
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