Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Primula vulgaris Huds. [图片]Common Names English Primrose, Common Primrose, Wild Primrose Synonyms Primula acaulis, Primula veris var. acaulis Scientific Classification Family: Primulaceae Subfamily: Primuloideae Genus: Primula [图片]Flower Color: Typically pale yellow Bloom Time: Late winter or early spring Description Primula vulgaris is a perennial growing up to 12 inches (30 cm), with a basal rosette of leaves which are more-or-less evergreen in favored habitats. The leaves are up to 10 inches (25 cm) long and up to 2.2 inches (6 cm) broad, often heavily wrinkled, with an irregularly crenate to dentate margin, and a usually short leaf stem. The delicately scented flowers are up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) in diameter, borne singly on short slender stems. The flowers are typically pale yellow, though white or pink forms are often seen in nature. [图片]How to Grow and Care Potted indoor Primula are a delightful way to usher out winter or welcome in the spring. They are available in a wide range of striking colors, forming a mass of flowers. Most people prefer the taller, upright delicate Primulas indoors, but even a pot of common Primula is a nice addition. Extend the flowering season by pinching off dying buds. After the plant has done blooming, consider moving it outside. While inside, do not overwater; wilting even though the plant is getting water is a sign of root rot. It’s unlikely you’ll be repotting your potted Primula. If you do, make sure not to bury them too deep—burying too deep is a prime reason Primula succumb. Bury the plants so the top of the root ball is slightly elevated above the level of the surrounding soil. Never pile soil up around the stem of a flowering plant. They are propagated from seed, which are sown directly in soil or potting media. Most pots of indoors Primula are purchased as flowering plants, destined to be set atop a desk, sill, or table until they’re done flowering. Origin Native to western and southern Europe (from the Faroe Islands and Norway south to Portugal, and east to Germany, Ukraine, the Crimea, and the Balkans), northwest Africa (Algeria), and southwest Asia (Turkey east to Iran).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Primula veris ‘Sunset Shades’ [图片]Common Names Cowslip ‘Sunset Shades’, Cowslip Primrose, Cowslip, St. Peter’s Keys, Palsywort, Tisty-Tosty, Cowflops, Culver Keys Scientific Classification Family: Primulaceae Subfamily: Primuloideae Genus: Primula [图片]Flower Color: Red and orange-yellow Bloom Time: Spring Description Primula veris ‘Sunset Shades’ is a semi-evergreen, clump-forming perennial, up to 4 inches (10 cm) tall at maturity, extending to 8 inches (20 cm) tall with the flowers, with rosettes of stalked, oblong to ovate, mid-green leaves and upright stems bearing umbels of nodding, red-edged, orange-yellow, sweetly fragrant flowers in spring. [图片]How to Grow and Care Potted indoor Primula are a delightful way to usher out winter or welcome in the spring. They are available in a wide range of striking colors, forming a mass of flowers. Most people prefer the taller, upright delicate Primulas indoors, but even a pot of common Primula is a nice addition. Extend the flowering season by pinching off dying buds. After the plant has done blooming, consider moving it outside. While inside, do not overwater; wilting even though the plant is getting water is a sign of root rot. It’s unlikely you’ll be repotting your potted Primula. If you do, make sure not to bury them too deep—burying too deep is a prime reason Primula succumb. Bury the plants so the top of the root ball is slightly elevated above the level of the surrounding soil. Never pile soil up around the stem of a flowering plant. They are propagated from seed, which are sown directly in soil or potting media. Most pots of indoors Primula are purchased as flowering plants, destined to be set atop a desk, sill, or table until they’re done flowering.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Primula veris L. [图片]Common Names Cowslip, Common Cowslip, Primevère Officinale (French), Echte Schlüsselblume (German), Wiesen-Schlüsselblume (German), Pervocvet Vesennij (Transliterated Russian), Gullviva (Swedish) Synonyms Primula officinalis Scientific Classification Family: Primulaceae Subfamily: Primuloideae Genus: Primula [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Spring Description Primula veris is a semi-evergreen perennial plant, up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall and wide, with a rosette of leaves up to 6 inches (15 cm) long and up to 2.4 inches (6 cm) wide. The deep yellow, bell-shaped, fragrant flowers are produced in spring, in clusters of up to 30 blooms, together on a single stem. Each flower is up to 0.6 inch (15 mm) in width. [图片]How to Grow and Care Potted indoor Primula are a delightful way to usher out winter or welcome in the spring. They are available in a wide range of striking colors, forming a mass of flowers. Most people prefer the taller, upright delicate Primulas indoors, but even a pot of common Primula is a nice addition. Extend the flowering season by pinching off dying buds. After the plant has done blooming, consider moving it outside. While inside, do not overwater; wilting even though the plant is getting water is a sign of root rot. It’s unlikely you’ll be repotting your potted Primula. If you do, make sure not to bury them too deep—burying too deep is a prime reason Primula succumb. Bury the plants so the top of the root ball is slightly elevated above the level of the surrounding soil. Never pile soil up around the stem of a flowering plant. They are propagated from seed, which are sown directly in soil or potting media. Most pots of indoors Primula are purchased as flowering plants, destined to be set atop a desk, sill, or table until they’re done flowering. Origin Native to Europe and Asia.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Create gorgeous displays while protecting tulip (Tulipa) bulbs from predators and the elements by growing them in containers. Tulips are perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, although they don't always come back year after year. Container-grown plants can be interspersed with other in-ground landscaping or used as a focal point in the garden or an entryway. The same technique also works for forcing tulip bulbs to bloom indoors to give a bright, spring-like flair to winter decor. Choosing a Pot [图片]One of the most important factors when choosing a pot is to make sure it has drainage holes in the bottom to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged. Size is also crucial. Look for containers at least 15 inches high with a diameter of 18 inches or more. The container can be simple or ornate. Choose your favorite type of pot, whether it's made of terra cotta, stone, clay or plastic. As long as it is big enough to accommodate the bulbs, any flowerpot can work. Choosing Bulbs [图片]Stay with one hue or intersperse tulips with different flower colors, depending on your preference. Maximize the visual impact of blooms by planting tulip varieties that have similar bloom times such as Single Early and Fosteriana, both early bloomers. For a longer blooming season, plant varieties with staggering bloom times. For example, pair early-bloomers such as Double Early with mid-season bloomers such as Triumph and late bloomers such as Parrot and Viridiflora. If you're choosing tulips to force indoors, select shorter varieties such as Tulipa humilis, which tend to force more easily, according to the National Gardening Association. Start the forcing process in October for flowers in late December or start in late fall for flowers in mid-winter. Planting Tulip Bulbs [图片]Mix a general granular fertilizer, such as a 5-10-10 formula, into potting soil. Plant each bulb two to three times as deep as the bulb's height, placing them close together in a circular pattern without letting the bulbs touch. Cover the bulbs with potting mix and water the pot thoroughly. Place the pot in a protected, unheated spot such as an unheated garage to chill the bulbs while keeping them above freezing. In early spring, water the pots lightly. Move the potted tulips to their intended location once the bulbs begin sprouting above the soil's surface. Maintain even soil moisture during the growing season. If you're forcing the bulbs, plant them right below the soil's surface so you can still see the tips of the bulbs. Forcing Tulips [图片]To force potted tulips to flower, first chill the unplanted bulbs for six weeks in a paper bag placed in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator. Then, plant them in the pot and place it in a dark room that's approximately 55 F for one month before moving them to a warmer, sunny spot to bloom. Alternatively, place potted bulbs in a dark room for eight to 16 weeks, maintaining temperatures of 32 to 50 F. Once the bulbs start growing sprouts, move the pots into a room that has bright, indirect light and temperatures of 50 to 65 F for two weeks. Once the shoots reach heights of 2 inches, move the pot to flower in a sunny area with temperatures of approximately 68 F during the day and 60 F at night.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Primula auricula L. [图片]Common Names Auricula, Auricula Primrose, Mountain Cowslip, Bear’s Ear Synonyms Aretia auriculata, Auricula hortensis, Auricula lutea, Auricula-ursi auricula, Primula alpina, Primula lutea Scientific Classification Family: Primulaceae Subfamily: Primuloideae Genus: Primula [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Late winter or early spring Description Primula auricula is an evergreen perennial growing up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall and up to 10 inches (25 cm) wide. The leaves are obovate and stalkless, with a cartilaginous edge, all growing in a basal rosette, and sometimes covered in a mealy white bloom. The yellow flowers grow in clusters on up to 8 inches (20 cm) long stalks. [图片]How to Grow and Care Potted indoor Primula are a delightful way to usher out winter or welcome in the spring. They are available in a wide range of striking colors, forming a mass of flowers. Most people prefer the taller, upright delicate Primulas indoors, but even a pot of common Primula is a nice addition. Extend the flowering season by pinching off dying buds. After the plant has done blooming, consider moving it outside. While inside, do not overwater; wilting even though the plant is getting water is a sign of root rot. It’s unlikely you’ll be repotting your potted Primula. If you do, make sure not to bury them too deep—burying too deep is a prime reason Primula succumb. Bury the plants so the top of the root ball is slightly elevated above the level of the surrounding soil. Never pile soil up around the stem of a flowering plant. They are propagated from seed, which are sown directly in soil or potting media. Most pots of indoors Primula are purchased as flowering plants, destined to be set atop a desk, sill, or table until they’re done flowering. Origin Native to central Europe, including the western Alps, Jura mountains, the Vosges, the Black Forest and the Tatra Mountains.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tulips signal the arrival of spring with their bright colors and profuse blooms. Left to their own devices, they may spread to a wider area, but they may also become overcrowded and cease to bloom. Tulips must be divided on a regular basis to keep them bright and vibrant. [图片]Step 1 Transplant tulips in mid-summer or fall after the foliage has died back. Once tulips bloom, it is vital that you allow them to grow undisturbed until the leaves turn yellow and eventually die. This is the period of time when the plant is working hard to store enough energy to live through the winter and be ready to bloom again in the spring. Disturbing them before they have had adequate time to store energy may cause next year's blooms to suffer and may even kill tulips off altogether. Step 2 Dig deeply around the perimeter of your tulip bed to determine the depth of the bulbs and the extent of the roots. When you lift your bulbs from the soil, you want to do so without disturbing or damaging the root system and bulbs. Step 3 Lift bulbs with a spade and and gently shake loose soil from the roots. Be careful not to damage the roots in the process. Step 4 Prepare a bed of loose soil for your tulips that is at least 10 to 12 inches deep. Add compost or other organic matter to the existing soil and work it in well. [图片]Step 5 Dig a hole at least 8 inches deep for each tulip bulb. Add plenty of peat moss to improve drainage and to retain moisture. Step 6 Add a low nitrogen bulb food and work it into the soil. Some tulip growers prefer to add the bulb food to the top of the soil after planting the bulbs and working it into the top two inches of soil. Step 7 Plant your tulip bulbs to a depth of 8 inches and cover with soil. Firm the soil down with your hands and water throughly. Step 8 Consider planting some of your tulip bulbs in the original bed when you transplant them. If they do not do well in the new location, you will still have some tulips that will produce well until the others grow accustomed to their new location. Step 9 Keep the bed moist for the next few weeks to give your new bulbs a good start.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce [图片]Common Names Angular Solomon’s Seal, Scented Solomon’s Seal, Aromatic Solomon’s Seal, Solomon’s Seal Synonyms Convallaria odorata (basionym), Polygonatum japonicum, Polygonatum officinale Scientific Classification Family: Asparagaceae Subfamily: Nolinoideae Genus: Polygonatum [图片]Flower Color: White and green Bloom Time: Spring Description Polygonatum odoratum is a herbaceous perennial up to 33 inches (85 cm) tall and up to 12 inches (30 cm) wide, with alternate, simple leaves on arching stems. The scented tubular flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs), white in color, with green tips, borne in spring and hanging from the underside of the stems. [图片]How to Grow and Car Plants are usually started by transplants or rhizomes. Seeds of Polygonatum can take up to 2 years to sprout, so you will get some seeding in established plantings. Solomon’s Seal like a rich organic soil with a pH in the acidic to neutral zone. They need some shade to truly thrive. Damp shade is even better, although once established, they are quite drought tolerant. Plants can be started in the spring or fall. Plant only 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) deep and about 2 to 3 inches (5 to 7.5 cm) apart. Solomon’s Seal seldom needs division. It takes several years before a clump is large enough to divide for propagation purposes. When ready, divide in early spring or fall and leave several buds on each division, for the best success. The rhizomes can be divided even further, but it will take longer for them to become established. Another option is to remove and plant just the offsets at the out edges of a clump. Origin Native to Europe, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Russian Far East, China, Mongolia, Korea and Japan.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Type of Flower [图片]Tulips are a great flower that can grow in a wide range of environments and still reproduce each year. Because of this quality they are called perennials, a flower that will come back year after year. There are a few ways in which this plant can be reproduced to create even more plants to spring up each year or they can simply be planted like normal and will still come out each year without much maintenance. Planting The basic planting of the tulip is the same no matter which way you decide you would like your flowers to reproduce with one difference: the depth that the bulb is planted. For both ways, the soil needs to be prepared by removing rocks and weeds and loosening up the soil. Then add organic material and fertilizer and bone meal. Each bulb should be planted about 6 to 8 inches apart. The one major difference is if you wish to have the original bulb reproduce new bulbs, then the original bulb should be planted about 3 inches deep. If you wish to have the same flower reproduce each year without maintenance, then plant the bulb about 8 inches deep. Little Maintenance When the bulb is planted deeper, it is less likely to try to produce bulbettes, similar to offspring of the flower. When the tulip produces these bulbettes, it takes all the energy from the main bulb, making it less likely to flower the next year since its nutrients are taken away. Also keep in mind if the tulip begins in a pot, it is less likely to reproduce the next year, so it is best to take the bulb out after it flowers and plant it into the ground before summertime hits. This way the bulb can regenerate itself over the winter, so next year it will come back out in bloom. When replanting the bulb, cut away any extra bulbettes. If the small bulbettes are left, the main bulb will not flower the next year and the small bulbettes will take two to three years to flower. [图片]High Maintenance With shallow planting, the main bulb will produce the bulbettes that can be dug up and split off the main plant and then replanted elsewhere to then reproduce. Each year when the tulip flowers and then dies off, the energy is then sent downward to the main bulb to store energy and produce the bulbettes. The tulip will produce about two to three bulbettes per year. After the flower has died, wait about a month and a half to then dig up the bulbettes to then either store in a cold dry place or replant in another location. Keep in mind they will probably not produce a flower the next year, but the year after. Seeding After the tulip flowers and then dies off, if you wish to have the flower reproduce the bulbettes or reproduce on its own, then the foliage should be left, but the old head for the flowers should be cut off. If left the plant will send wasted energy and nutrients to the head to produce seeds. If you would like the seeds to be produced, then leave the heads and after about three weeks, you'll see a swelling on the stem where the flower was. Cut this swelling and remove the seeds, then plant the seeds to grow in another location. Keep in mind these will take longer to reproduce.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tulips (Tulipa spp.) poking their heads out of the soil is one of the first signs that spring has arrived, and the brightly colored blooms don't disappoint in the weeks that follow. Hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 10, most tulips are perennial, and they'll bloom again next spring if you take proper care of them once they're done blooming this year. [图片]As Blooms Fade Once the tulip blooms have started to wilt and droop, gently pluck the remaining petals from the stem. If you prefer, cut off the dead flowers, as well as 1 to 2 inches of the stem. Don't, however, pull or snip off the plants' leaves. Allow the leaves to die back on their own, because even though the flower is gone for the year, the roots of the plant still rely on photosynthesis from the leaves to feed the plant. Deadheading the blooms prevents the plant from developing seeds and directs the plant's energy back into the bulb. To prevent disease, always use disinfected pruning tools when cutting any portion of the tulip. After the Stems Turn Yellow If you don't like the way the dying leaves and stems look, plant other flowers or foliage around the tulips to disguise the unsightliness. After the leaves have turned yellow and died back on their own, gently remove them from the stem. If the stems have wilted or turned yellow or brown, snip them off at ground level. Don't be tempted to do this too soon, however, or it could inhibit the tulips from returning next year. In cooler areas that experience frost and snow, cover the tulip bed with 2 to 4 inches of organic mulch like straw to protect the bulbs over winter. Use the same amount of mulch in warmer zones to preserve moisture in the soil. Water Properly As long as the stems of the tulips are green, you need to water them regularly. Until the stem dies, the bulb is storing up energy for the winter and water is necessary for this process. While there isn't a specific guideline regarding how much to water the tulips once they've bloomed, it's a good idea to give them a thorough watering every few days, especially if your area is experiencing a dry spell and make sure to continue watering during dry weather conditions throughout fall. Apply enough water to saturate the soil to a depth of approximately 6 inches to reach the tulip roots. [图片]Divide and Fertilize Older plants might need to be divided after they bloom to encourage them to return the next spring and to alleviate overcrowding that creates smaller bloom size. In warm areas of USDA zones 8 through 10, tulip bulbs require lifting and storing for six to eight weeks in the refrigerator inside a paper bag. Don't store the bulbs next to ripening fruit where the ethylene gas destroys the flower bud developing inside the bulb. When lifting and replanting, dig up the older bulbs and remove the largest "daughter" bulb. Replant each daughter 6 to 8 inches deep and spacing each bulb 5 inches apart, keeping in mind that tulips thrive in full sun. Fertilizing is usually recommended while the tulips are blooming, but you should also plan to fertilize if you divide the bulbs after they bloom. When blooming starts to occur, incorporate 2 pounds of 5-10-5 or 5-10-10 fertilizer per 100 square feet into the soil. Incorporate the fertilizer into the top inch of soil and wash it off any portion of the tulip it touches. The same type of balanced fertilizer can be applied right after you divide and replant the bulbs. When adding fertilizer to the planting hole, be sure to cover the fertilizer with approximately 1 inch of soil and do not allow the bulb to have direct contact with the fertilizer so the bulb isn't damaged or burned.
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