Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Euphorbia polygona Haw.[图片]Common Names African Milk Barrel Synonyms Euphorbia polygona var. polygona Scientific Classification Family: Euphorbiaceae Subfamily: Euphorbioideae Tribe: Euphorbieae Subtribe: Euphorbiinae Genus: Euphorbia[图片]Description Euphorbia polygona is a spiny dioecious spurge with simple or basally clumping stems of glaucous grey-green with beautiful “heads” of dark purple flowers. The stem is up to 5 feet (1.5 m) and up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter. The fruit is up to 0.2 inch (6 mm) in diameter, globose, subsessile with dense grey hairs.[图片]How to Grow and Care Euphorbias are very easy to care for. They require a little pampering to become established, but once they are, they are self-sufficient. In fact, more die from too much care and watering than from neglect. Euphorbias need well-draining soil and lots of sunlight. They are not particular about soil pH, but they cannot tolerant wet soil. Unlike most succulents, Euphorbia does not handle long periods of drought well. It may need weekly watering during the summer. Water whenever the soil is dry several inches below the surface. Water deeply, but don’t let them sit in wet soil, which can cause root rot. Add some organic matter or fertilizer to the planting hole. If you are growing them in containers or your soil is poor, feed with a half-strength fertilizer monthly. Euphorbia can be grown from seed, but they can be difficult to germinate (or even find). It is usually propagated by cuttings. This can be tricky, because of the exuding sap.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Sedum adolphii Raym.-Hamet[图片]Common Names Adolph’s Sedum, Golden Sedum Scientific Classification Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Sedeae Subtribe: Sedinae Genus: Sedum[图片]Description Sedum adolphii is a lovely high colored tender succulent, up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. It is a rangy creeper, developing casual rosettes of football shaped yellow green leaves, up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm) long. Only when grown in the sun do they take on the orange-red highlights that make it a visual delight. As rosettes age they produce new leaves at the center, shedding the oldest that drop off and root where conditions are right. It blooms in spring with small cream colored flower heads produced at the tips.[图片]How to Grow and Care When growing Sedum, keep in mind that Sedum plants need very little attention or care. They will thrive in conditions that many other plants thrive in, but will do just as well in less hospitable areas. They are ideal for that part of your yard that gets too much sun or too little water to grow anything else. A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer.[图片]Sedum is easily planted. For shorter varieties, simply laying the plant on the ground where you want it to grow is normally enough to get the Sedum plant started there. They will send out roots from wherever the stem is touching the ground and root itself. If you would like to further ensure that the plant will start there, you can add a very thin covering of soil over the plant. For taller Sedum varieties, you can break off one of the stems and push it into the ground where you would like to grow it.[图片]Origin Native to the Cape region of South Africa.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Aloe africana Mill.[图片]Common Names African Aloe, Spiny Aloe, Uitenhage Aloe Synonyms Aloe angustifolia, Aloe bolusii, Aloe perfoliata var. africana, Aloe pseudoafricana, Pachidendron africanum, Pachidendron angustifolium Scientific Classification Family: Xanthorrhoeaceae Subfamily: Asphodeloideae Genus: Aloe[图片]Description Aloe africana is a solitary, often unbranched, small, tree-like Aloe, usually up to 6 feet (1.8 m) but sometimes taller with rosettes densely crowded with gracefully arching 2 foot (60 cm) long lance-shaped thick grayish blue-green leaves that have prominent sharp red teeth along the margins and in a row running along the middle of the lower surface with older leaves skirting the trunk. Flowering on this species can happen at other times but most often in mid-winter to early spring (January-March) with an unbranched to fewbranched up to 3 foot (90 cm) inflorescence of erect long-tapering terminal spikes of flowers that are orange in bud and turn yellow just prior to opening from the bottom of the spike upwards. The individual flowers are held in a downward inclination but uniquely turn upwards towards the tips, making identification of this species quite easy.[图片]How to Grow and Care Aloe is a very forgiving plant, and a well-grown Aloe can be quite beautiful. As with all succulents, it’s essential that Aloe is never allowed to sit in stagnant water, and the plant should be carefully monitored to watch for signs of overwatering. Water generously in the summer and nearly cease watering in the winter. Do not let water stand in the rosettes. Prefers warmer temperatures of 70ºF/21ºC to 80ºF/27ºC, but will survive down to 40ºF/4.5ºC.[图片]Aloe are not particularly fast-growing and will only rarely need repotting. Repot plants in the spring that are tipping over their pots or have ceased growing. Use a fast-draining potting mix with one-third sand or pebbles. During repotting of a larger plant, it is possible to carefully divide the root ball.[图片]Origin Native to South Africa (Eastern Cape).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Trichodiadema densum Schwantes[图片]Common Names Miniature Desert Rose, African Bonsai Synonyms Mesembryanthemum densum, Mesembryanthemum barbatum Scientific Classification Family: Aizoaceae Genus: Trichodiadema[图片]Description Trichodiadema densum is not a cactus but could be mistaken for one; its leaves are succulent and end in a circle of stiff hairs, giving the plant a similar appearance to some species in the cactus genus Mammillaria. It is a compact, mat-forming perennial short shrub, up to 4 inches (10 cm) high, with woody stems and thick fleshy roots. The green succulent leaves are up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) long and each tipped with a crown of white hairs. The daisy-like flowers are vivid carmine pink up to 2 inches (5 cm) in diameter, opening in the morning and closing later in the day. The flowers appear from autumn through to spring.[图片]How to Grow and Care The basics of Mesemb care are very simple, with free-draining soil, plenty of sun and ventilation, and regular light watering in the right season. Yet the difficulties are endless, trying to adapt to the mesembs’ own adaptability and to follow their growth habits in your particular conditions. Mesembs require a loam-based compost with the addition of extra drainage material such as horticultural grit or perlite. They all like good light conditions and plenty of ventilation.[图片]Some are relatively cold-hardy and can even survive mild winters outside. Most will survive temperatures down to freezing point. There are some Mesembs which begin to grow in the autumn as the temperature drops and the days get shorter. Because different genera within the Mesemb family have different growing conditions, care mast be taken with watering.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
1. You can only use Aloe vera on the skin as it helps with skin problems. Fact: You can drink Aloe vera. You can also put it on the inside of your mouth to get rid of sores and mouth ulcers. Drinking it is very beneficial to your health. It is very good for controlling blood sugar as well.[图片]2. Aloe is only good for sunburn. Fact: Aloe vera is good for all sorts of illnesses. Yes it is good for sunburn, but it has a lot of other uses as well. 3. You have to have an illness to drink Aloe vera. Fact: Anyone can drink aloe. Even if you are completely healthy. In fact aloe helps to boost your immune system so you are less likely to catch colds and flu. 4. The best way to use Aloe vera is fresh from the plant.[图片]Fact: Aloe fresh from the plant goes off very quickly. You would have to use it immediately in order to get the benefits. Aloe products that have been processed are designed to last longer. 5. The whole leaf is better than just the inside. Fact: The rind of the plant does not make any difference to the effectiveness of the Aloe. 6. Powdered and Aloe capsules are just as good as the drink. Fact: Powdered and aloe capsules have been over processed. Some of the goodness is in the liquid part of the plant. 7. You should see results quickly when drinking Aloe.[图片]Fact: Like all natural products it takes a while to feel the benefits. You will have to take it for at least 2 months to notice any difference. 8. All Aloe plants are the same. Fact: There are several different species of Aloe. Some of them have no healing properties at all. The Aloe vera plant is the one that needs to be used. 9. Aloe vera tastes disgusting. Fact: It is an acquired taste. There are several different flavours of Aloe vera on the market and there should be one that will suit your taste-buds. Also once you drink it you will find that it starts to taste better.[图片]10. All brands of Aloe vera juice work in the same way. Fact: You will need to check the ingredients list on the bottle to see how much Aloe vera it actually contains. If Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) is the first ingredient on the list you can be sure that you will get the benefits. If Aloe vera is too far down the list, you might as well just drink water as you will hardly get any benefits at all.
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