#石斛花 ,怎么可以这么漂亮? [图片]石斛花,即铁皮石斛,又名万丈须,石斛载于《神农本草经》,并被列为上品。铁皮石斛花为铁皮石斛所结的花,5~7月最茂盛,非常美丽。金钗石斛花为金钗石斛所结的花。 [图片]铁皮石斛的花呈淡黄色,共六瓣,最显著的功效就是解郁——其气清香,味轻清,善疏达,“轻扬宜畅,善走上焦”,温和养胃,能解郁。 [图片][图片][图片][图片][图片][图片][图片]
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俗话说“万物生长靠太阳”,植物对光照的依赖程度更甚一筹,但是日常花卉养护中,很多人都会出现一些误区,导致花卉晒太阳的方式不正确,从而使花卉受到伤害。 [图片]误区一:花盆方向不改变 很多花友在给花卉晒太阳时,只是草草的将花盆放置到光照适合的位置就不做理睬,却不知道,这种方法,其实对花卉的生长是有着很大的坏处的。我们都知道,植物的生长具有趋光性,当把花盆方向固定,花卉就会不自觉地向太阳照射的方向生长,长时间下来就会造成植物枝茎弯曲,影响花卉的观赏价值。 正确的做法其实很简单,只要每隔一段时间转动花盆,让植物能够均匀的享受光照,花卉自然又是直立挺拔的了,转动花盆的时间间隔,以七天左右为周期最为合适。 误区二:花卉喜光,光照越强越好 不同品种的花卉拥有不同的生长习性,有些花卉喜阴,对应的就有花卉喜阳。这也就造成了很多人产生了认知误区——喜阳的花卉就应多进行光照。于是不少花友草率的将花卉直接暴露在炎炎的烈日下,这种做法对花卉来说真的伤害不少啊。要知道即便是喜光植物,往往在经历曝晒时也会受到伤害,可能会引发植株叶片干枯、掉叶、发黑的症状。 正确的方法是,适量的接受光照,夏季光照强烈的时候,注意给植物进行遮阴,确保花卉避开阳光直射,将晒伤的植物放到阴凉通风处进行养护。 [图片]误区三:室内隔着玻璃晒太阳和室外晒太阳一样 如果是冬天的时候,植物隔着玻璃晒太阳,还是可以的,但是春天和夏天,植物生长的旺盛时期,一直隔着玻璃晒太阳,可能就会对植株的生长速度有所影响了,要知道,玻璃对紫外线具有一定的阻隔作用,波长较长的紫外线对植物的生长能够起到促进作用,并促进营养物质的吸收,因此,长期隔着玻璃晒太阳也是一个有问题的方式。 解决问题的方法很简单,在合适的天气,将窗户打开,不但能够改善这一问题,还有利于室内通风,减少细菌的滋生;有条件的朋友可以将花卉搬到室外合理接受光照,但要注意,夏季记得给花卉遮阴。 误区四:喜阴花卉不需要光照 很多花友在养殖花卉的过程中都会出现,花卉徒长、易倒伏、抗病性较弱以及叶黄叶落的现象,这种时候你可能就要在光照上找原因了。植物的生长需要进行光合作用,长时间的缺少光照会直接影响植物的生长健康。 正确做法是,喜阴的植物可以适量的接受散射光,面对徒长的植物,及时的进行修剪,另外,注意盆土的湿润程度,长时间的缺少光照,可能会引起盆内细菌滋生,因此做好盆土的通风处理和消毒清洁工作,对花卉的成长更有利。 以上四种误区,不知道爱花的你有没有中招?及时改正这些错误的做法,认真的关照养殖的花卉,相信花卉们会感受到的,也就会继续为你绽放美丽了!
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#鸡冠花 属一年草本植物,夏秋季开花,花多为红色,呈鸡冠状,故称鸡冠花。 [图片]鸡冠花的品种多,株型有高、中、矮3种;形状有鸡冠状、火炬状、绒球状、羽毛状、扇面状等;花色有鲜红色、橙黄色、暗红色、紫色、白色、红黄相杂色等;叶色有深红色、翠绿色、黄绿色、红绿色等极其好看,成为夏秋季常用的花坛用花。另外具有很高的药用价值。 [图片]鸡冠花因其花序红色、扁平状,形似鸡冠而得名,享有“花中之禽”的美誉。高型品种用于花境、花坛,还是很好的切花材料,切花瓶插能保持10d以上。也可制干花,经久不凋。 [图片]鸡冠花花语:真爱永恒。 鸡冠花生长于秋天,当夏天的热情被秋风萧瑟所代替,人们心情日渐忧郁时,鸡冠花如似火的绽放着,火红般的颜色、花团锦簇,人们因此赋予它“真爱永恒”的花语。 [图片]古人吟咏叹赏鸡冠花,大多从色彩和形象入手。如 唐代罗邺诗云:“一枝浓艳对秋光,露滴风摇倚砌旁。晓景乍看何处似,谢家新染紫罗裳。” 宋代赵企诗云:“秋光及物眼犹迷,着叶婆娑拟碧鸡。精彩十分佯欲动,五更只欠一声啼。” 元人姚文奂:“何处一声天下白,霜华晚拂绛云冠。五陵斗罢归来后,独立秋亭血未干。” 明代解缙:“鸡冠本是胭脂染,今日如何浅淡妆?只为五更贪报晓,至今戴却满头霜。” 清人张邵:“斗风有胄红缨乱,啼月无声翠羽垂。” [图片][图片][图片][图片][图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Iron chlorosis affects many kinds of plants and can be frustrating for a gardener. An iron deficiency in plants causes unsightly yellow leaves and eventually death. So it is important to correct iron chlorosis in plants. Let’s look at what does iron do for plants and how to fix systemic chlorosis in plants.[图片]What Does Iron Do for Plants? Iron is a nutrient that all plants need to function. Many of the vital functions of the plant, like enzyme and chlorophyll production, nitrogen fixing, and development and metabolism are all dependent on iron. Without iron, the plant simply cannot function as well as it should.[图片]Symptoms for Iron Deficiency in Plants The most obvious symptom of iron deficiency in plants is commonly called leaf chlorosis. This is where the leaves of the plant turn yellow, but the veins of the leaves stay green. Typically, leaf chlorosis will start at the tips of new growth in the plant and will eventually work its way to older leaves on the plant as the deficiency gets worse. Other signs can include poor growth and leaf loss, but these symptoms will always be coupled with the leaf chlorosis.[图片]Fixing Iron Chlorosis in Plants Rarely is an iron deficiency in plants caused by a lack of iron in the soil. Iron is typically abundant in the soil, but a variety of soil conditions can limit how well a plant can get to the iron in the soil. Iron chlorosis in plants is normally cause by one of four reasons. They are: Soil pH is too high Soil has too much clay Compacted or overly wet soil Too much phosphorus in the soil Fixing Soil pH That Is Too High Have your soil tested at your local extension service. If the soil pH is over 7, the soil pH is restricting the ability of the plant to get iron from the soil. You can learn more about lowering soil pH in this article. [图片]Correcting Soil That Has Too Much Clay Clay soil lacks organic material. The lack of organic material is actually the reason that a plant cannot get iron from clay soil. There are trace nutrients in organic material that the plant needs in order to take the iron into its roots. If clay soil is causing iron chlorosis, correcting an iron deficiency in plants means working in organic material like peat moss and compost into the soil. [图片]Improving Compacted Or Overly Wet Soil If your soil is compacted or too wet, the roots do not have enough air to properly take up enough iron for the plant. If the soil is too wet, you will need to improve the drainage of the soil. If the soil is compacted, oftentimes it can be difficult to reverse this so other methods of getting iron to the plant is usually employed. If you are unable to correct the drainage or reverse compaction, you can use a chelated iron as either a foliar spray or a soil supplement. This will further increase the iron content available to the plant and counter the weakened ability of the plant to take up iron through its roots.[图片]Reducing Phosphorus in the Soil Too much phosphorus can block the uptake of iron by the plant and cause leaf chlorosis. Typically, this condition is caused by using a fertilizer that is too high in phosphorus. Use a fertilizer that is lower in phosphorus (the middle number) to help bring the soil back in balance.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Getting a plant to flower can sometimes seem like a daunting task. If you find that you have no flowers on a plant, the cause is usually related to a number of issues that include anything from a plant’s age to environmental and cultural factors, as well as poor pruning methods. When a plant does not bloom, this normally indicates that there are other issues causing problems.[图片]Common Reasons Why a Plant Does Not Bloom There are numerous reasons why plants may not flower. Here are the most common reasons for non-flowering in plants: Age – In many cases, a plant is simply too young to bloom. In fact, it can oftentimes take up to two or three years for some plants to mature, and others may take even longer to bloom. Flowering can also be altered on grafted plants, depending on the age and type of rootstock used. In addition, some plants, like many fruit trees, only flower every other year. Environmental/Cultural issues – Sometimes when you have plants not flowering, it’s due to environmental or cultural issues. For instance, light can play a huge factor in whether or not a plant will bloom. Some plants, like poinsettia, require prolonged periods of darkness to induce flowering. Most, however, need at least six to eight hours of sunlight before blooming takes place.[图片]Temperature – Temperature also affects blooming. Low temperatures can quickly damage or kill flower buds, resulting in no flowers on a plant. In some cases though, a plant needs to go through a cold period to provoke flowering. This is true of many spring-flowering bulbs, such as tulips. In addition, the bloom cycle can be disrupted by extremes in temperature, moisture levels, humidity, and winds. Poor pollination – A lack of adequate pollinators can inhibit both flower and fruit production. Oftentimes, weather can be a factor here, as windy, cold, or wet weather can limit bee activity resulting in poor pollination. Hand pollinating plants can help as can encouraging additional pollinators to the area.[图片]Nutrient imbalance – Too much nitrogen can result in lush, green growth but too much can also reduce flowering. Too little phosphorus can also be the cause for plants not flowering. Improper pruning – Pruning is another factor. If not pruned correctly or at the appropriate time, especially with plants that bloom on new wood, flowering can significantly be reduced.[图片]Getting a Plant to Flower While we cannot control things like age or weather, we can fix factors such as light, fertilizer, and pruning. For example, if your plant is not blooming because it is not getting enough light, you can simply move it to a more appropriate location. If too much nitrogen is to blame, back off fertilizing and wash away excess nitrogen by soaking the plant with water. Then resume fertilizing with a bloom-boosting fertilizer that increases phosphorus.[图片]Learning how and when to prune plants will not only keep them healthy and attractive but will also prevent bud formation from being disturbed. While it can no doubt be disconcerting when a plant is not blooming, a little patience may be in order, especially when Mother Nature is to blame. Otherwise, becoming familiar with the most common causes that inhibit flowering can help with alleviating any future problems.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
When the weather suddenly skyrockets with temperatures above 85 F. (29 C.), many plants will inevitably suffer from ill effects. However, with adequate care of outdoor plants in extreme heat, the effects of heat stress on plants, including vegetables, can be minimized.[图片]How Plants Cope with Heat So how do plants cope with heat once temperatures begin to soar? While some plants, like succulents, are well equipped with handling heat by conserving water in their fleshy leaves, the majority of plants do not have this luxury. Therefore, they will normally suffer from the in heat some way or other. Generally, heat stress of a plant will show itself by wilting, which is a sure sign that water loss has taken place. If this is ignored, the condition will worsen, as the plants will eventually dry up, turning a crunchy brown before dying. In some cases, yellowing of the leaves may occur.[图片]Heat stress of a plant can also be recognized by leaf drop, especially in trees. Many plants will actually shed some of their foliage in an attempt to conserve water. In excessively hot weather, many vegetable crops have difficulty producing. Plants like tomatoes, squash, peppers, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, and beans will usually drop their blossoms in high temps, while cool-season crops, like broccoli, will bolt. Blossom end rot is also common during hot weather and most prevalent in tomatoes, peppers, and squash.[图片]How to Care for Plants in Hot Weather The care of plants and flowers in hot weather is pretty much the same with exception to container plants, or those that have been newly planted. Of course, additional watering is a given, with new and potted plants requiring even more irrigation. In addition to watering more often, mulching plants can help conserve moisture and keep plants cooler. The use of shade covers, especially on vegetable crops, may be helpful as well.[图片]Container plants will require daily watering, even twice a day in high temperatures. These plants should be given a thorough soaking until water can be seen coming out from the drainage holes. Placing water granules in pots also helps. As these will gradually soak up excess water, in times of dryness, the granules will slowly release some of this water back into the soil. Moving potted plants to a shadier location during the heat of the day is also recommended.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Odd little bumps on leaves and funny protuberances on your plant’s foliage may be a sign of pest, bacterial or fungal problems. These galls may look like they are hurting the plant’s health, but leaf galls on plants are actually harmless. There are nearly as many types of galls as there are causes. Leaf gall identification is tricky, as many galls look similar. Galls are often named after their tree species and may be confined to one family or genus of plant. [图片]Causes for Leaf Galls on Plants Leaf galls on plants are usually the result of mites and other sucking insects that make their homes under the plant tissue. Their feeding activities cause some galls, while chemicals secreted during egg growth in saliva or even excretions, may cause the changes to plant tissue. These changes may not be limited to bumps on leaves. Flowers, fruits, and even roots can develop these changes in tissue. Leaf galls are also sometimes found on stems and trunks. Other causes for galls are fungal and bacterial diseases.[图片]What Does Leaf Gall Look Like? When it come to leaf gall identification, even the most experienced gardener may wonder, what does leaf gall look like? The appearance is generally recognized as a bump, peak or scabby area of plant flesh. They are firm to the touch and they may be thickly coating a plant, found singly or in pairs. Leaf galls on plants might be green and match the plant material. They might also be bright pink or red and resemble large pimples.[图片]Many galls are named for their appearance. There are blister, bud, nipple, pouch and roly-poly galls to name a few. Other galls are named for the plant affected, such as oak tree galls. Still other galls get their name from the area affected. These are bud, flower, leaf, twig and root galls. Galls aren’t necessarily bad for your plants but they can mar the appearance of prize and ornamental specimens. In these cases, it is important to know how to treat leaf gall.[图片]How to Treat Leaf Gall It is easier to prevent leaf galls than to treat them once they are there. In fact, treatment is not recommended, as the galls are doing no harm and any chemical formulation used could actually do more harm than good. Before you ever see bumps on leaves or other plant parts, spray with a miticide to prevent galls on ornamental plants. Horticultural oils and some insecticides will be effective but not after the mites are under the surface of the plant. Don’t use broad spectrum insecticides, which will harm potential predators of the gall mites.[图片]Give the plant good and appropriate care to encourage good health. Reduce the chance of injury to plant stems and trunks which could encourage the introduction of insects, fungal or bacterial diseases. The most fool proof way to avoid galls is to choose plants that are resistant to the most prevalent varieties in your zone.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
In many parts of the country, gardeners have considerable anxiety when summer temperatures rise, especially when they rise in combination with low rainfall amounts. While some vegetables suffer more than others, all feel some degree of stress with rising temperatures. Dealing with heat stress can be frustrating for gardeners, so it’s important to find ways for protecting plants in scorching temps. Keep reading to learn more about how to protect vegetables in hot weather.[图片]Continued exposure to high temperatures can cause leaf scorch, leaf drop and even leaf sunburn. In addition, high temperatures interfere with photosynthesis and can cause a buildup of toxins in plants. Plants that are stressed because of the heat may develop misshapen or bitter fruit. Gardeners need to know how to protect vegetables in hot weather in order to avoid irreversible damage.[图片]Protecting Plants in Scorching Temps One of the most popular ways of protecting plants in the summer heat is by using a shade cloth for gardens. A simple garden shade cloth can be strung between supports or a more elaborate structure can be constructed in areas that are prone to oppressive heat. Trellises and pergolas can also help create shade to protect plants during the hottest time of the day.[图片]In addition, providing plenty of water during times of high heat is useful in dealing with heat stress. It is best to use a drip irrigation system and check this regularly to be sure that all plants are being fed an adequate supply of water. A misting system is also useful and helps reduce plant tissue temperature. Keeping plants well hydrated gives them the ammunition that they need to fight off the stress caused by scorching temperatures. You should provide mulch around plants to help with moisture retention as well when protecting plants in scorching temps.[图片]Healthy Plants Do Best When Dealing with Heat Stress One of the best ways to protect your plants from extremely high temperatures is to be sure that you provide all of the nutrients necessary for them to be healthy. Rich organic soil, organic fertilizer, plenty of water and lots of TLC will keep your veggie garden ready to stand when the high temperatures hit.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The beauty of flower color hides an extraordinarily complex process of pigmentation and light reflection. Flower color draws pollinators and allows us to create captivating gardens full of vibrancy and flair. However, sometimes we experience fading flower color. Something happens that causes the once vibrant color of a flower to dampen. Although this may seem rather perplexing at first, there are many reasons for a flower losing color.[图片]Why are My Flowers Fading? You may be asking “why are my flowers fading?” Some flowers are acutely sensitive to heat and extreme sun. Too much exposure to sun or heat drains the flowers of their bright colors. Many flowers prefer morning sun and filtered afternoon light. Other causes of faded flower color include the fact that flowers generally fade after pollination. Once pollinated, flowers no longer need to attract their pollinating suitors and, thus, begin to fade.[图片]Flowers may also change colors or fade when they are stressed. This can happen if a plant has just been transplanted. Give the plant some time to adapt to its new location before becoming overly anxious. Some bulbous plants, such as daffodil and gladiolus, tend to fade with age. This is one reason why gardeners will dig up old bulbs and replace them with new ones. Finally, soil acidity may be responsible for altering or fading flower color. A popular example of this phenomenon occurs with hydrangeas that seem to be particularly sensitive to the amount of acid in the soil.[图片]How to Fix Color Fading in Flowers Paying particular attention to the growing requirements of flowers will help keep their colors from fading. Move plants that appear to be planted in a spot where they are unhappy. Many times fading is normal and is part of the natural progression of a plant. Although science cannot always explain why flower color fades, it is clear that flowers, like humans, have a lifespan and often as they near the end of their lifespan they tend to produce less vibrant blooms than they did at the beginning of their life.[图片]If you experience flower fading and your plant is not stressed, just accept it as part of evolution of your garden and don’t try to fix something that really is not broken.
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