今天给大家介绍一种长相精致特别的爬藤开花植物,属于热带的花卉,而且它对环境要求比较高,不是每个地方都适合养的,它就是#绿玉藤 ,也叫翡翠葛。它的叶子长得比较普通,但是花朵让人看了就忘不了,不信来看看。 [图片]绿玉藤是一种热带观花植物,藤蔓可以牵引养成大花棚,它的茎可以长到几十米长,完全可以覆盖成一个小花园。 它的叶子阔大有亮泽,花朵是一串串蓝绿色的花朵,花色如同翡翠一般,花型则如同一个个小彩雀,它是世界上独一无二的蓝绿色爬藤花卉了,看过了就让人难以忘怀。 [图片]绿玉藤的花量会因为养护环境而不断变化,话来女国还是非常多的,一串花上面就上几十朵花,花瓣在阳光下显露出碧绿、翡翠一般的光泽,看起来是特别动人的。 虽然绿玉藤的花朵看起来像是一个个小菜雀,但是它们的花朵全部都是依靠蝙蝠授粉的,这就透露出,绿玉藤晚上也是在开花的,而且晚上的花香才更浓。 [图片](花瓣内部形态) 绿玉藤现在在我国的西双版纳公园就可以看到,而且近年来开的花朵越来越多,看起来是非常迷人的。 偏南地区才适合栽种绿玉藤,因为它喜欢常年温暖湿润的环境,温度低于15度以下都会有冻伤的可能(耐寒性极差),这样的条件还是比较苛刻的。 绿玉藤的观赏性的确时非常棒,花朵和藤能养成花墙或花棚,变成最迷人的风景。 绿玉藤养护需要温暖湿润的环境,每天保持充足的阳光,保持每天有8小时以上的直射光,栽种的土壤就选择疏松肥沃和排水好的微酸性土壤。 栽种的环境需要经常保持湿润,保持较高的环境湿度,不能让空气过于干燥,而且要保持土壤湿润。 繁殖绿玉藤一般是用茎插的方法培育,只需要一段健壮的茎,切口抹上生根粉,扦插在微润、疏松的沙质土中,土壤保持湿润,保持较高的环境湿度,温度在30度左右即可。 [图片]上面这些就是绿玉藤的叶子,看起来还是比较普通的吧,没想到它能开出那么靓丽的花朵。
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很多朋友问我有没有适合在东北露地越冬的植物,而且不能是那些长得太大的乔木或灌木,要长得比较小的,还能养成盆栽的,那么矾根就是不二之选,不过要先说明一下,矾根的品种非常多,栽种在寒冷地区的要选择特别耐寒的品种。 [图片]下面这种就是最常见的绿叶品种,能开出红色的花朵,矾根的卉长出非常长的花茎,花朵仔细看就是一个个吊起来的小铃铛,看起来是非常可爱的。 #矾根 的叶色是比较多,品种丰富,叶子上还会有斑斓的叶斑,叶子的具体形态也会不同。 [图片]矾根还有一些新品种,它们叶片的颜色是可以随着时间不断变化的,所以有人就叫它园艺的色彩师。 矾根是一种多年生的植物,非常容易栽种,特别是一些露地栽培的耐寒品种,在北方寒冷的冬天也不会冻伤,当然也有朋友说它栽种的矾根被冻死,那是选错了品种。 很多矾根品种都是极其耐寒的,在零下20多度都没能存活,如果你想要更好地保证它们的存活,可以在入冬前在矾根的植株上覆盖几厘米厚的堆肥土或泥炭土。 [图片](紫黑色的矾根) 冬季只要矾根底部的块茎不被东西,那么它就能很好存活,露地越冬的矾根可以在越冬前浇透一次入冬水,之后适当覆土保护根茎。 [图片]栽种矾根的另外一个好处就是它特别耐阴,能够适应家里或院子阴凉的环境,每天给一点点散射光就行了,给一点光矾根就能保持旺盛的生长。 另外也要注意不要将矾根种在暴晒或阳光直射的地方,它比较怕热,起码矾根已经非常耐寒了,你可不能指望它非常耐热。 栽种的土壤要选择微酸性的腐殖土,最好是用堆肥土搭配泥炭土,没有堆肥土就选择一些富含腐殖质的腐叶土或一些肥沃的营养土。 [图片]虽然我上面说到矾根非常耐寒,但在北方地区,它的叶子会枯萎,但地下的根茎还是存活的,来年春暖还能重新萌芽,所以一些新手不要看到枯叶枯萎了就以为它们死了。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Even the professionals may have trouble determining the exact water needs of a plant. The results can be disastrous due to the stress from over or under watering. Overwatering in potted plants is of the most concern, as they are in a captive habitat. Nutrients are washed away and mold or fungal issues may develop with overwatering. Under watering creates an inhospitable environment where plants can’t intake nutrients and wither or die. A few tips and tricks can teach you how to avoid overwatering of container plants for healthy, no-fuss greenery and ways of treating overwatered plants.[图片]Overwatering really is a fine line with many species of plant. While we know plants need water, even cacti, the exact amount and frequency may be something of a mystery. Container plants with too much water may experience foliage die off, rotten roots and tubers, and promotion of some pests or mold issues. All of these stress the plant and compromise its health. Potted plants that are too wet may even simply rot off at the crown or base. [图片]How to Avoid Overwatering of Container Plants An obvious method to prevent overwatering in potted plants is with the use of a moisture meter. You also need to know your plant species and its watering needs. A broad guide for plants is to keep the top few inches of soil moderately moist. When this area is dry, apply water deeply and then allow the soil to dry to the touch again, before adding more water.[图片]A low tech solution is to get your fingers grimy. Push a finger into the soil up to the second knuckle or test the bottom of the post through a drainage hole. Never let the bottom of the container rest in a pool of water unless it is an aquatic plant, and even then, drain and refill the saucer frequently to prevent fungus gnats and root rot.[图片]What Plants Like it Wet and Which Like it Dry Broadly speaking, even moisture is the best option for many container plants. Low Moisture Plants Cacti and succulents should have dry periods in the winter when active growth is not occurring but need moderate water during the growing season. Examples of other low moisture plants are: Aloe Bromeliads Cast iron plant Ponytail palms Spider plants Moderate Watering Needs[图片]Tropical plants and understory specimens will need moderate water and high humidity. These include: Philodendron Figs Dragon trees Bird of paradise You can increase humidity with misting or by placing the pot on a saucer filled with pebbles and water. High Moisture Plants Extreme moisture needs are found in plants like: African violet Lipstick plants Maidenhair ferns Dieffenbachia Treating Overwatered Plants[图片]There are some ways to save overwatered plants. Changing the soil to a grittier mix with better drainage may help. Check the drainage holes at repotting and ensure they are open. Use containers that help evaporate excess moisture, such as terra cotta and unglazed containers. Remove the plant from its growing medium and rinse the roots to get off any fungal spores that may be forming. Then dust the roots with a fungicide and repot. Move your plant to a shady location, as plants in shade use less water and you can let it dry out a bit. After a few weeks, move it back to its preferred lighting level. Sometimes you simply can’t save potted plants that are too wet. Container plants with too much water need to be treated as soon as possible, as the longer the situation continues, the less likely there is to be a full recovery.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Plants that become leggy or floppy tend to fall over, produce less flowers and create an untidy spindly appearance. There are a couple of reasons why plants are tall and leggy. Leggy plant growth may be the result of too much nitrogen or even low light situations. It is also just simply common to some species. Learn how to keep plants from getting leggy and have bushier, more bountiful flora.[图片]Why Do Mature Plants Become Spindly? Plant growth is unpredictable in most cases. Legginess in plants is often the result of perfect growing conditions which allows them to add on too much greenery before the plant has adequate dimension and strength in stems and roots. The result is a floppy, leggy plant growth. You can prevent this to some extent with a little manual grooming and the proper fertilizing program. [图片]Plants that die back in winter and come again in spring experience a rapid growth spurt in perfect weather conditions. Sometimes that makes the stems and branches slender and weak, while the fast growth stacks up on the terminal end. Other reasons for leggy plant growth include improper lighting. In low light situations, the plants are stretching for sunlight to produce important plant sugars. This results in overly tall, spindly plants.[图片]Also, plants that receive high nitrogen fertilizers early in spring will get a jump on growth. The excess nitrogen can cause a spike in greenery development that exceeds the plant’s ability to become girthy. Plants are tall and leggy and often produce poorly.[图片]How to Keep Plants from Getting Leggy Make sure you situate plants where they get adequate light to keep them from stretching towards the sunshine. Pinch back the tip growth of plants, like petunias, to force bushiness and more stems which means more flowers. Most annual flowers and some perennials flourish with this treatment. Indoor houseplants that are in dimmer lighting can be forced to bush with this treatment and herbs respond very favorably to pinching. You can prevent legginess in plants by early season pruning. It enhances thicker growth and sturdier branches.[图片]Care and Its Effect on Leggy Plants Cultural care is a crucial to keeping plants compact and strong. Provide proper levels of moisture and drainage, lighting and nutrition. Avoid high nitrogen fertilizers, except on turf grass. Most plants need balanced macro-nutrients such as an 8-8-8. Flowering plants need plant food with a higher middle number, which indicates phosphorus and promotes flowers and fruit. The first number is nitrogen and promotes leaf growth and green cell formation.[图片]If plants are naturally on the tall side, provide supports and an early season infusion of a plant food with a higher last number. That is potassium, which enhances root growth and overall plant health.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Phototoxicity in plants can rise from a number of factors. What is phototoxicity? It is anything chemical which causes an adverse reaction. As such, it can stem from pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and other chemical formulations. The plant’s response varies from discolored leaves all the way to death. The sensitivity can go both ways, however, since some plants are phototoxic to humans and can cause injury.[图片]What is Phototoxicity? Phototoxicity in plants usually occurs in those that are overly sensitive to chemicals. It can also occur when tank mixed chemicals are applied in hot weather or when an adjuvant or solvent is added to the tank mixture. Stressed plants are also more prone to sensitivity than those that are well watered and healthy. [图片]Phototoxicity can exist as a response to an external condition or as a defense to an external condition. As a response, it is manifested when chemicals contact the plant and cause it to become ill or damaged. As a defense, the plant releases its own chemicals, which can make the intruder or predator ill. This dual effect is not found in all plants but some are more sensitive to chemicals than others. For instance, ferns, palms, English ivy, and poinsettias are all extremely sensitive to chemicals. Still other plants are sensitive to only certain chemicals.[图片]Phototoxicity Symptoms in Plants Plants that are phototoxic in the sense that they are sensitive to chemicals often have specific formulas to which they are vulnerable. Stone fruits have a problem with copper, which is a component of Bordeaux mix, often applied to combat fungal diseases. It causes russeting in apples and can stunt the leaves. Copper also causes issues in cucurbit crops. Zinc sulfate has the potential to defoliate fruit trees. Sulfur causes burns on roses, some ornamental plants and cucurbit crops.[图片]Insecticides and herbicides that are mixed improperly, applied at the incorrect rate or have been mixed in a contaminated container can do a range of damage to many different plants. Plants That are Phototoxic to Humans Plants may release chemicals of their own as defense. These chemicals can harm humans. Usually the phototoxicity symptoms will be topical. Wild parsnip looks very much like its cultivated cousin but has phototoxicity which can cause burns. Contact with the plant and then subsequent exposure to the sun will cause a fiery sting in the contact area.[图片]Mayapples have a similar defense mechanism and should not be touched. All parts of this plant are poisonous. Even common garden plants can have mild phototoxicity and should be handled carefully. Wash your hands after handling or harvesting any of the following (wearing gloves is helpful too): Dill Celery Carrots Coriander Angelica Rue Parsley Anise Fennel Lovage[图片]Treatment for Phototoxicity If you come in contact with a phototoxic plant, wash the area and apply a topical cream such as cortisone or a paste of baking soda and water. Plants that experience phototoxic symptoms should be rinsed off but usually the damage has already been done. To minimize the risk, always follow directions and apply chemicals on a cool, cloudy day. Use less toxic options like baking soda, phosphate salts, horticultural oils and soaps, and beneficial bacteria or insects.[图片]Treatment for phototoxicity in a small area of a plant may involve simply lopping off the stem to prevent the damage from interfering with the rest of the plant. Providing adequate water and good general care will usually rally the plant over time and reduce the chance of permanent injury.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Oependiendo de cada especie de planta medicinal, se recolectan determinadas partes de la misma, aunque algunas, por la diversificación de las sustancias activas, se aprovechan en su totalidad Las partes susceptibles de recoger son las siguientes: brotes (gemma), hojas (folium), partes leñosas (lignum), cortezas (cortex), flores (flos), estigmas (stigma); frutos (fructus), bayas (bacca), Tallos (caulis), pedúnculos (estipes), semillas (semen), raices (radix), tubérculos (tuber), rizomas (rhizoma), bulbos (bulbus), jugos (sucus), ramas (herba), resinas (resinae). Hojas Las hojas se recolectan al comienzo de la floración, momento en que contienen mayor cantidad de sustancias activas. Se deben elegir siempre las suculentas y jóvenes, ausentes de manchas, las cuales son siempre sospechosas de alguna enfermedad viral; igualmente, enteras, sin daños y carentes de insectos. [图片]En la ajedrea se aprovechan preferentemente las hojas y tallos No es conveniente desproveer a la planta de todas las hojas, ya que son los órganos que necesita para la asimilación, permitiendo de esta forma tener siempre una producción asegurada. Durante la recolección o previo a su secado, no se deben amontonar o arrugar las hojas, pues muchas especies se deterioran o requeman fácilmente, como las hojas de malva, llantén, fresa o grosellero; otras como las hojas de la digital pierden incluso los glucósidos que contienen. El secado de las hojas hay que realizarlo en capas finas y evitando el sol intenso; esto es especialmente importante en las plantas con alto contenido en aceites esenciales. Flores Las flores pueden ser simples o agrupadas en inflorescencias. Se pueden presentar en racimos, umbelas, espigas, cabezuelas, panículas, cimas, etc. Se deben recoger con tiempo seco y cuando se encuentren totalmente abiertas, preferentemente alrededor del mediodía. En algunas plantas se recolectan solamente determinadas partes de la flor, como los pétalos de la malva y adormidera. [图片]En la arnica se aprovecha especialmente la flor, aunque el rizoma también tiene aplicaciones medicinales Las flores son en su mayoría muy sensibles a requemarse, por ello deberán evitarse las envolturas plásticas para su transporte, las cuales impiden la transpiración. El color y perfume característico de las flores debe permanecer tras el secado y durante el almacenamiento, en caso contrario será necesario sustituirlas. Raíces y rizomas Las raíces, o partes subterráneas de las plantas, presentan formas variadas: fasciculadas, cónicas, cilíndricas, y pueden ser simples o ramificadas. Por su parte, el rizoma es la parte del tallo subterráneo de donde nacen las raíces. Para recolectar las raíces es necesario esperar, por lo general, a que la planta haya entrado en periodo vegetativo, momento en que poseen mayor cantidad de sustancias activas; aunque dependiendo de la especie, también se recolectan en primavera. Las plantas vivaces se recolectan a partir del segundo año, y en las bianuales a partir del primero. [图片]De la acedera redonda se aprovecha solamente el rizoma Antes del secado hay que proceder a una limpieza de raíces y rizomas; para ello se lavarán con abundante agua, eliminando tierra y otros restos. No se deben utilizar cepillos para esta labor, pues determinadas especies, como la valeriana, sufren una pérdida de aceites esenciales contenidos en la epidermis. El secado consiste en una deshidratación de las partes recolectadas antes de su almacenamiento; para evitar los mohos, podredumbres o enfermedades a los que quedarían expuestas. Algunas especies necesitan fermentar previamente, ejemplo de la genciana, malvavisco o ruibarbo). Para el secado se cortan las raíces más grandes en sentido longitudinal y se exponen a calor natural siempre que sea posible; estarán listas para su almacenamiento cuando se tornen quebradizas, fáciles de romper al torcerlas. Antes de almacenar hay que asegurarse de la ausencia de insectos. Sumidades Las sumidades son los pedúnculos foliados de las plantas, en ocasiones floridas. Se recogerán siempre las partes más frescas y jóvenes; si son muy largas se tomarán unos 20 cm. de los extremos de las ramas; si son partes rastreras se deberán lavar convenientemente para eliminar la tierra e impurezas adheridas. [图片]En la borraja se aprovechan las sumidades floridas (herba boraginis), además de flores y hojas Para su corte se utilizarán navajas o tijeras de jardinero, evitando partirlas, que les perjudican notablemente. Dejar siempre las raíces en tierra para asegurar su regeneración.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
We all dream of a lush green garden or flower beds. Unfortunately, sometimes nature does not always comply with this dream. It can start with just a few leaves dropping off a plant or two, then the next thing you know, you’re looking at nothing but bare branches and stems in your garden. There can be many reasons for this defoliation of plants. Read on to learn what causes defoliation and the effects of defoliation in the garden.[图片]What Causes Defoliation? Defoliation is defined as a widespread loss of leaves or stripping of leaves on a plant. There are many things that can cause this, such as grazing animals like deer or rabbits, insect infestation, disease or chemical run off from herbicides.[图片]If your plant is suddenly losing all its leaves, you should check it over thoroughly. Look for signs of chewing from animals or insects as well as signs of disease like spots, blisters, mildews and molds. Also, think about any chemical treatment that has been done near the plant. If the plant losing its leaves is a tree, you may want to call a certified arborist to diagnose it.[图片]Effects of Defoliation Plants have most of their photosynthesis cells in their leaves. Therefore, defoliated plants are not able to convert sunlight into energy. The effects of defoliation can cause stunted or malformed plants and even death to the plant. Woody plants can often tolerate defoliation better because they store reserve energy in their trunks and branches; however, repeated defoliation can lead to their demise as well.[图片]Treating Defoliated Plants in the Garden After inspecting your defoliated plants, you may have a good idea of what is causing the lack of leaves. If you suspect it is animal damage, there are animal deterrent products you can try. I make a homemade rabbit deterrent by boiling garlic, onions, cloves, cinnamon, crushed red pepper and marigolds in water. I then strain this mixture and spray the infused water all around areas where rabbits seem to frequent. This homemade remedy, like store bought products, works for a while but need to be reapplied. In cases where animals have killed the entire plant or just won’t leave it alone, you may need to replace the plant with a deer resistant plant.[图片]If you see insects eating the foliage off your plants, select the proper insecticide for the insect you are seeing. Be sure to thoroughly spray the plant, getting the undersides of any remaining leaves. Some insecticides are systemic, meaning you can just water them in at the plant base and the plant will suck them up, protecting the whole plant from the inside out. Disease is a harder cause of defoliation to diagnose. Usually, you will see brown or black spots, streaking on the stems, deformed leaves or stems, or a powdery or fuzzy substance on the plant. Try copper fungicide to treat disease. There are also products for ornamental shrubs that have insecticide and fungicide in one product.
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我一直以为#芦荟 只是阳台或室内的小盆栽,养着能长到1米多高已经是非常了不起了,但是没想到别人的芦荟能够长成一片小丛林,而且全部都开花了,花朵像是火焰一般,高高耸立,想要不注意它都不行了。 [图片]有花友看到这么多芦荟,就想着掰一些用来美容护肤,这么多不知道要用多久。芦荟虽然有美容或治疗烧伤晒伤的功效,但是并不是每个人都适合的,一些皮肤敏感的人就不能随便用芦荟,不然就会过敏了。 而另外一些人则将芦荟的叶片当菜来吃,不过大部分还是用于化妆护肤之类的额。 芦荟就是一种常见的多肉植物,在温暖干燥的地方就像野草一样好养,常年温暖的地方,露地栽培也是完全没有问题的。 [图片]不过栽种芦荟还是需要一定的环境条件的,至少要有排水良好的沙质土,不能种在粘重的土壤上面,养护最低温度保持在5度以上,可以有短暂的低温,但也不能低于0度。 芦荟的品种是非常多的,像下面这些丛生的品种一般是被叫做是龙爪,也有叫木立芦荟的,长了几年之后,它就会长出木质化的茎,而且还能不断长高。 [图片]夏天到来的时候,芦荟就会长出浅红色的茎,慢慢结出红色的花朵,也有一些芦荟是开黄色花的。 芦荟的叶片上有小小的软质小刺,叶缘在长日照和有温差的环境下,叶缘就会变成红色,这就是光照过足的现象了。 [图片]地栽养护的芦荟基本是不用管理的,保持长日照和直射光,保持温暖干燥的环境,排水沟挖好,加上疏松排水好的沙质土,基本就没有什么养护的问题了。 而在一些常年阴雨天较多的地方,最好就选择盆栽养护了。 芦荟大部分都是亚热带的植物,在偏南地区可以露地栽培,北方就只能盆栽养护,放在户外夏天的时候要适当遮阴,不然叶子也容易晒伤,看到叶片开始变红,就要适当减少光照,搬到遮阴处了。 [图片]养护芦荟一定要避免频繁浇水,因为它是一种多肉植物,对水分的需求是比较少的。而且栽种的花盆一定要排水好,土壤就选择疏松透气和排水良好的沙质土,土壤可以添加3等分的河沙,盆底再铺上碎瓦片,这样基本就能避免盆土积水了。 有些朋友将芦荟养在室内,也注意不能养在完全遮阴处,起码要保证光线明亮,而且环境要适当通风,空间不宜过于密闭,浇水的频率更是要减少。 [图片]芦荟喜欢常年微干的土壤,经常浇水是养不好芦荟的,而且冬季温度低的时候,还要断水,不然就容易烂根。 平常一定要等盆土干透之后再进行浇水,每次浇水浇透。 养护芦荟盆栽是不用怎么施肥,芦荟对肥料的需求也不高,经常施肥也很容易挂掉的,只需要在春末夏初的时候适当给一点平均肥就足够了。 [图片]其他的养护注意事项比较少,芦荟是属于粗养型的植物,不用经常管理,粗放养护反而会长得更好,也不用经常换盆,3~5年换一次盆都没有关系,想要繁殖的时候就等换盆时,将它的侧株连带根系剪下来,侧株移栽到新的盆土中,很容易存活,1周后慢慢见光给水就行了。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
On an early spring night, I was sitting in my home chatting with a neighbor who had stopped by. For several weeks, our Wisconsin weather had fluctuated dramatically between snow storms, heavy rains, extremely cold temperatures and ice storms. That night we were experiencing a pretty nasty ice storm and my thoughtful neighbor had salted my sidewalk and driveway as well as his own, so I invited him in to warm up with a cup of hot chocolate. Suddenly, there was a loud cracking, then crashing noise outside.[图片]As we opened my door to investigate, we realized we couldn’t open the door wide enough to get out because a very large limb of the old silver maple in my front yard had come down just inches from my door and home. I was all too aware that if these tree branches had fallen in just a slightly different direction, it would have crashed right through my son’s bedroom upstairs. We had gotten very lucky, ice damage on large trees can cause severe damage to homes, cars, and power lines. It can also damage plants. Read on to learn more about caring for plants after an ice storm.[图片]Ice Covered Trees and Shrubs Ice covered trees and shrubs is just a normal part of winter for many of us in cooler climates. When winter temperatures stay consistently cold, ice on plants is not usually something to worry about. Most ice damage to trees and shrubs occurs when there is extreme fluctuations in the weather.[图片]Repetitive freezing and thawing often cause frost cracks in the trunks of trees. Frost cracks in maple trees are quite common and usually do not harm the tree. These cracks and wounds usually heal on their own. Using pruning sealer, paint or tar to cover wounds on trees actually just slows down the trees natural healing process and is not recommended.[图片]Quick growing, softer wood trees like elm, birch, poplar, silver maple and willows can be damaged by the extra weight of ice after an ice storm. Trees that have two central leaders that join in a V-shaped crotch, oftentimes will split down the middle from heavy snow, ice or wind from winter storms. When shopping for a new tree, try to purchase medium hardwood trees with one single central leader growing up from the middle.[图片]Juniper, arborvitae, yews and other dense shrubs can also be damaged by ice storms. Many times, heavy ice or snow will split dense shrubs down the middle, leaving them looking bare in the middle with growth in a donut shape around the shrubs. Tall arborvitaes can arch right over towards the ground from heavy ice, and even snap in half from the weight. [图片]Dealing With Ice on Plants After an ice storm, it’s a good idea to inspect your trees and shrubs for damage. If you see damage, arborists suggest a 50/50 rule. If less than 50% of the tree or shrub is damaged, you may be able to save the plant. If more than 50% is damaged, it’s probably time to plan for the plant’s removal and research sturdier varieties as a replacement. [图片]If a tree damaged by ice is near any power lines, contact your utility company immediately to deal with it. If a large older tree is damaged, it is best to get a certified arborist to do any corrective pruning and repairs. If ice damaged trees or shrubs are small, you can do corrective pruning yourself. Always use clean, sharp pruners to cut damaged branches off as close to the base as possible. When pruning, never remove more than 1/3 of the tree or shrub branches. [图片]Prevention is always the best course of action. Try not to purchase weak, softwood trees and shrubs. In the fall, use pantyhose to tie shrub branches up to each other to prevent the shrubs from splitting. Whenever possible, brush off large deposits of snow and ice from smaller trees and shrubs. Shaking off tree branches covered in icicles can cause personal injury though, so use caution.
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不知道朋友们发现没,无论是什么品种的植物,盆栽养护几年之后,花朵一次开得比一次小,有的索性就不开花了,那么我们要怎么改善这种情况呢,下面就一起来看看老园丁的处理方法。 [图片]养护开花植物有一个常识,想要多开花,就要让植物多长分枝,如果想要开更大的花,就要适当疏蕾。 [图片]盆栽养护的植物养分是非常有限的,而植物开花又是需要特别多的养分,如果养花不学会及时补充养分,那么植物就很容易出现缺肥的状况。 盆栽花卉刚买回来的时候通常是有大花苞,刚买那次卖家肯定是给植物补充了足够的养分,不过一般不是速效型的肥料,肥力很快就挥发了。 [图片]想要这株植物继续开花,就要薄肥勤施,保证土壤的肥力充足,这样才能让植物获取更多的养分,从而促进开花,而且要以磷钾肥为主,不能给太多的氮肥。 其次,除了保证土壤的肥力充足,改善植物的养护环境也是非常关键的,很多植物搬到家里就开始掉蕾或掉叶子,就是因为环境变化,植物就要消耗很大的养分来适应环境,而这些养分就要从叶子和花蕾上获取了。 [图片]养什么花之前都要了解它们对环境条件的要求,保证适宜的光照、温度和湿度,夏季适当遮阴,冬季保暖,另外就是注意不要频繁搬动植物,养在一个适宜的地方之后就安心养护。 [图片]开花期间要及时摘掉一些残花,花谢后要及时剪掉,避免过多的养分消耗。 另外如果不是聚花型的植物,如果萌发太多的花芽,就可以适当进行疏芽,适当去掉一些长得较弱的花芽,这样可以让养分更多去促进健壮的花芽生长。 另外就是注意在花期之前适当补充磷钾肥,保证植物有充足的养分开花,避免给太多的氮肥,不然就光长叶子不开花了。
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