Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Widely distributed throughout North America, the cabbage looper (Trichoplusia ni) is a common and destructive pest most often found on cabbage-family, or cole crops. The larger its larvae grow the more damage they do. In the larval stage, cabbage loopers eat three-times their body weight in plant material a day, doing the most harm during the last few days of their development.[图片]Loopers, commonly known as inch worms, are most easily recognized by their unique method of movement in which they double up or “loop” as they inch along. This characteristic trait comes from the absence of legs at the looping segments. The six-legged looper could use the eight that other leaf worms have. Larvae are large (1-1/2 inch long), pale green caterpillars with a narrow white stripe along each side and several narrow lines down the back. Adults are night-flying, gray moths (1-1/2 inch wingspan) with a silvery, V-shaped spot in the middle of each dusky forewing. Discerning cabbage loopers from the larvae of garden webworms, diamond back moths, and other inch worm type larvae is not critical to their mangement. The same integrated pest management practices work on them all.[图片]Life Cycle Pupae spend winter attached to host plants or in nearby garden debris. Moths emerge in the spring and become widely dispersed including north into areas too cold for winter survival. The moths deposit pale green, domed eggs on the plants. The eggs hatch in 3 or 4 days. The destructive larval stage reaches full development in 2-4 weeks. They pupate in thin silk cocoons attached to the stems or undersides of leaves, and adults emerge within 10 days. Loopers as far north as Canada will go through two to three generations in a year and several generations per year are possible in warmer areas.[图片]Damage Cabbage loopers occur as far south as Mexico and are established in commercial fields with insufficient rotation there and in the U.S. They mainly attack cabbage crops including broccoli, cauliflower and kale. Young larvae eat only from the bottom of leaves. Older larvae chew large, irregular holes in the leaves of many plants. Loopers bore into the center of cabbage heads leaving behind masses of wet, slimy fecal matter. Once established, loopers are difficult to get rid of. In addition to cruciferous plants, cabbage loopers will also attack lettuce, spinach, celery, cucumbers, and tomatoes. Each year, large amounts of pesticides are targeted at loopers on commercial fields, causing serious degradation of water and soil. Cabbage Looper Control Cabbage looper damage becomes ruinous at some point. Many gardeners tolerate a single tunnel into a cabbage (PDF) or irregular scars on their Brussel sprouts. This kind of damage may be unavoidable in the organic garden. But it’s important to take action at that point before eggs hatch and a second generation prepares to make slaw of what’s left. And an ounce of prevention? Well, you know what it’s worth.[图片]Keep a close, frequent eye on your cabbage plants, both outside and under leaves. Pick off the hungry, inching larvae and brush off eggs before they start an outbreak. The larvae can be drowned in a jar of soapy water for easy disposal. Cabbage looper larvae are easy, visible targets for predators. Take advantage of its many natural enemies by encouraging birds and beneficial insects to your garden. Certain herbs, including parsley, dill, fennel, coriander and sweet alyssum, attract the kinds of insects and other creatures that prey on worms.[图片]Use pheromone traps to signal the arrival of moths to your garden. Cover plants with floating row covers to keep migrating moths from landing and laying eggs. This can make a significant difference if timed correctly. Wasps are the looper larvae’s biggest enemy. Release trichogramma wasps to destroy eggs. The natural, soil dwelling bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt-kurstaki is particularly effective on inch worms of all types. Use easily applied spray to hit worms and protect the leaves at the first signs of damage. BTK sprays do not harm honey bees or birds and are safe for use around pets and children.[图片]Spinosad, another biological agent derived from fermentation, is also very effective. It’s the active ingredient in Monterey Garden Insect Spray, a product classified as organic by the U.S.D.A. National Organic Program and listed for organic use by the Organic Materials Review Institute. Other botanical insecticides, like Safer’s Tomato & Vegetable Insect Killer or Pyrethrin Spray, can be used as a last resort. After harvest, bury spent cole crops to destroy cocoons before adults emerge in spring.[图片]Rotating cabbage crops in a family sized garden is a good idea but not necessarily effective in preventing loopers on your plants. The night flying moths disperse widely and will find your vegetables no matter how far you’ve moved them. That’s why floating row covers to keep moths from landing on leaves and depositing eggs, are a good idea.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Blister beetles are a common field and garden pest best known for the welt-raising secretion they release when injured or crushed. The secretion contains a blistering agent known as catharidin, a substance used to treat the lesions caused by pox virus. Catharidin is so effective at destroying tissue that it’s used in wart removal products.[图片]Catharidin is toxic if swallowed. It persists in dead beetles long after the hay they infested has been dried and baled. Horses are particularly susceptible to the poisoning. Depending on the type of beetle, as little as four to six grams of dead insects can be lethal. Humans who ingest the pest can expect severe damage to the urinary tract and gastrointestinal lining. Keep an eye on children who put things in their mouth if blister beetles may be present. In addition to the threat presented by its toxicity, the beetle does damage to both garden and commercial plants, consuming a variety of leaf crops, plant blossoms, landscape flowers and hay crops.[图片]Proper identification of blister beetles in regards to various other kinds of non-toxic beetles that might resemble them, such as the asparagus beetle, is important to protecting livestock and preventing crop damage. There are some 250 kinds of blister beetles, members of the family Meloidaea, spread across the U.S. Various types of the beetle are common in the east, south and midwest. They’re also found in the grasslands of the west and southwest, and in gardens along the Pacific coast. Adult blister beetles vary in size and coloring. Most are one-half to one inch long with long, soft bodies and wide heads with antennae a third as long as their bodies. The prothorax between the head and the body is narrow and resembles a neck. The wing covers are soft and flexible, and the legs are relatively long.[图片]Coloring can be bright and variegated, striped or flat. Striped blister beetles are shades of gray and brown with yellow stripes running lengthwise on its wing covers. The ash-gray blister beetle is completely gray. The black blister is completely black. The margined blister beetle is black with a gray to cream band around the edge of each wing cover. The University of Illinois Crop Sciences division has illustrations of these four common types here (notice how tightly their wing covers come together). And here’s an illustrated list of various blister beetles found in Florida that can also be found elsewhere in the U.S. Life Cycle Adults begin laying eggs in mid to late spring and continue through most of the season. A female will lay one or two hundred eggs less than a millimeter wide and one to two millimeters long just beneath the soil surface. The eggs hatch in two weeks or less.[图片]The emerging white larvae have relatively long legs which they use to seek out clusters of grasshopper eggs to eat. They go through various instars or stages as they feed, losing their mobility and feeding less as they mature. Some larvae will go through six and seven instars before pupating but most go through four or five. The larvae darken as they mature. Adults emerge from the pupae stage after ten days. Larvae reaching pupae stage in the fall can overwinter just beneath the soil. They commonly live as long as three months. Females are able to produce multiple egg clusters throughout their lives. Damage It’s toxic effect on livestock, known as cantharidin toxicosis, is the greatest threat posed by blister beetles. Infestations of alfalfa and other hay can ruin it for sale or feeding.[图片]Growers of hay and feed crops should take all precautions (short pdf, scroll down) to monitor and prevent infestations. The beetles tend to cluster together as they feed, increasing the chances that one or two hay bales will contain concentrations of the insects. Care should be taken when buying hay as well. Find out if blister beetle infestation can be a problem in your area and inspect what you buy carefully. Blister beetles will feed on just about any leaf that grows in your garden. They’re found on tomato, potato, eggplant, peppers and other solanaceous vegetables as well leafy greens. In mid and late summer, they can arrive in swarms, seemingly overnight and because of their numbers, will do great damage in a short time. Blister beetles also do damage to grasshoppers, one of the most destructive farm and garden pests. Newly hatched beetle larvae use their legs to seek out clusters of grasshopper eggs to feed on. In this sense, blister beetles can be considered a beneficial insect, but only in the larval stage. Once they become adults, they’re nothing but trouble.[图片]Control Frequent and careful inspection of home gardens can go a long way towards controlling beetle damage. Their numbers increase gradually in the growing season’s early months, and an observant gardener can keep them from doing much damage. Come July, a garden can be suddenly over taken by hordes of leaf-munching beetles. They usually work in large clusters, gathered on the edge of potato patches and lettuce rows. It’s best to remove as many beetles and the plants they’ve damaged as soon as they’re spotted and before they spread. Once well-established, they are almost impossible to eradicate completely, even if chemical or other toxic sprays are used. Hand-picking can be effective in home gardens, particularly when their numbers are low. But never handle blister beetles with bare hands. Always wear gloves. Brush the beetles off plants into a small container with some soapy water. If shaken from plants, the beetles will often lie in the dirt and play possum rather than scurry away. Take advantage and gather them carefully.[图片]Keep the range and numbers of beetles down by spreading diatomaceous earth around threatened plants or use it as a barrier in raised beds or other small plots. Oyster shell lime can also be used as a barrier but is not as an effective killer of beetles and functions mostly as a repellent. (It’s also helpful for maintaining proper soil pH.) Beetle infestation often occur at the edges of gardens or in surrounding vegetation. Keep grass, weeds and other growth trimmed around the margins of your garden to remove the places where they might get started. Well-anchored row covers can keep migrating beetles off your plants in the mid to late summer. They will not stop early season adults who over-winter as late stage larvae in the soil. Use them if you notice clusters of beetles (or expect them) in and around your garden come July. Pigweed (Amaranthus spp.) (PDF) is highly attractive to adult beetles. Keep it out of your landscape entirely. Suggest your neighbors do the same. Ironweed (Vernonia spp.) and ragweed (Ambrosia spp.) will also draw beetles.[图片]Birds will take blister beetles right off your plants. Encourage them to visit and feed in your garden. Respect them by not using sprays or chemicals that might do them harm. If handpicking doesn’t keep their numbers down, use sprays containing Spinosad, an OMRI-listed biopesticide that kills within 24 to 48. Spinosad breaks down into inert ingredients within two or so days when exposed to sunlight, keeping it out of the water supply. It’s non-toxic to birds and fish but can harm honeybees when first applied. Read the product label and time your applications accordingly. Grasshoppers attract blister beetles whose larvae feed on the grasshopper’s eggs. Keep grasshoppers down using Semaspore Bait or other natural grasshopper controls. This is especially important in hay crops grown for feed. Presence of grasshoppers in feed crops can be a tip-off to early stages of blister beetle infestations.[图片]Most controls for feed and grass crops, including spraying, can’t entirely eliminate the insects or the threat they pose. Keep an eye on your fields, especially at the edges and clear out any sections in which beetles appear. When haying, avoid using implements such as hay crimpers that may crush the insects. If you noticed beetles in your fields, let cut hay lie for two or more days to allow them time to abandon the hay. First cuttings, made before the beetles have increased their numbers, are generally safer than cuttings from later in the season. Finding a reputable grower is your best bet when buying hay. Even the most careful examination of bales and hay flakes may not reveal a hidden danger. Know your farmer well enough that you trust her when you ask about signs of beetles in her crop. The best answer is no.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
A pest throughout most of the United States, black vine weevils (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) attack over 100 different kinds of ornamental plants including rhododendrons, azaleas, yews and hemlocks. When weevils enter greenhouses or indoor gardens they are damaging to begonias, ferns and other common container plants. They are particularly damaging to cyclamens and are often called the “cyclamen grub.”[图片]Adult black vine weevils (3/4 inch long) are large slate-gray to black insects that cannot fly. They have short, broad snouts, bent or “elbowed” antennae and patches of short hairs on their wings. Adults feed at night, damaging plants as they chew small notches in the edges of leaves. During the day, they hide in soil cracks, garden debris and mulch.[图片]Larvae cause the greatest level of injury to plants. They are small (1/2 inch long), white, C-shaped grubs that tunnel through roots as they feed. Leaves will often wilt (even when properly watered) and plants may be stunted or die. Larvae may also girdle the main stem just below the soil line. Life Cycle Black vine weevils overwinter as nearly grown larvae in the soil around the roots of host plants. In spring they change to pupae and begin emerging as adults. In two or more weeks (depending on temperature) they begin depositing eggs near the crowns of the host plants. Hatching occurs in about 10 days, and the tiny larvae burrow into the soil and begin feeding. One generation per year.[图片]Vine Weevil Control Remove mulch and other hiding places from around plants and water only when necessary (larvae and adults prefer moist soil). As non-flying insects, weevils travel from plant to plant by walking. It stands to reason then, that Tanglefoot Sticky Barrier should form the first line of defense. Apply food-grade Diatomaceous Earth for long-lasting pest protection. Made up of tiny fossilized aquatic organisms, DE kills by scoring an insect’s outer layer as it crawls over the fine powder. Contains NO toxic poisons![图片]Immature stages of the black vine weevil are particularly vulnerable to attack by beneficial nematodes, especially in potted plants. Fast-acting crack and crevice sprays, like Don’t Bug Me, can be used around windows, doors and vents to prevent adult weevils from entering structures. Least-toxic botanical insecticides should be used as a last resort. Derived from plants which have insecticidal properties, these natural pesticides have fewer harmful side effects than synthetic chemicals and break down more quickly in the environment. Tip: Place burlap fabric at the bases of trees and shrubs to trap weevils that hide under it during the day.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
There are approximately 4,000 aphid species found throughout the world. Low to moderate numbers are usually not harmful to plants and rarely require aphid control. However, heavy infestations will cause leaves to curl, wilt or yellow and stunted plant growth. A general decline in overall plant vigor will also be noticed. Several species can transmit plant diseases, particularly viruses which they pass on during feeding.[图片]Aphids are small (1/8 inch long), soft bodied, pear-shaped insects that may be green, yellow, brown, red or black in color depending on species and food source. Generally adults are wingless, but some can grow wings, especially if populations are high. They have two whip-like antennae at the tip of the head and a pair of tube-like structures, called cornicles, projecting backward out of their hind end. Note: As they feed, aphids secrete large amounts of a sticky fluid known as honeydew. This sweet goo drips onto plants, attracting ants and promoting a black sooty mold growth on leaves. Cars and lawn furniture that are under infested trees will also be covered with this sticky fluid.[图片]Life Cycle In spring wingless female aphids hatch from overwintering eggs and soon give birth to many nymphs (males are not present). Young nymphs increase gradually in size and within a week give birth to many more nymphs. This process is repeated several times and results in huge population explosions. As the colony grows, a few of the females develop wings and fly off to other host plants to start new colonies. In late summer and early fall sexual forms (males and females) develop which mate and lay overwintering eggs. There are many overlapping generations per year. Note: Most aphids, except for the sexual forms, do not have to mate in order to reproduce, and they produce live young, rather than eggs. Control[图片]Pinch or prune off heavily infested leaves or other plant parts. Use the Bug Blaster to hose off plants with a strong stream of water and reduce pest numbers. Commercially available beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewing are important natural predators. For best results, make releases when pest levels are low to medium. If populations are high, use a least-toxic, short-lived natural pesticide to establish control, then release predatory insects to maintain control.[图片]Apply food-grade Diatomaceous Earth for long-lasting protection. Made up of tiny fossilized aquatic organisms, that look like broken glass under the microscope, DE kills by scoring an insect’s outer layer as it crawls over the fine powder. Contains NO toxic poisons! Safer® Soap will work fast on heavy infestations. A short-lived natural pesticide, it works by damaging the outer layer of soft-bodied insect pests, causing dehydration and death within hours. Apply 2.5 oz/ gallon of water when insects are present, repeat every 7-10 day as needed. Horticultural oils should be applied early in the season or late in the fall to destroy overwintering eggs.[图片]Fast-acting botanical insecticides should be used as a last resort. Derived from plants which have insecticidal properties, these natural pesticides have fewer harmful side effects than synthetic chemicals and break down more quickly in the environment. Do not over water or over fertilize – aphids like plants with high nitrogen levels and soft new growth. Use organic fertilizers which release nutrients slowly. Tip: Ants feed on the honeydew that sucking insects produce and will protect these pests from their natural enemies. An application of Tanglefoot Pest Barrier to the stalks of roses and other woody plants will help keep ants away.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Common in and around the home, ants range in size from about 1/32 to 3/4 inch long. They have three body parts (head, thorax and abdomen) and can be anywhere from a yellowish-red in color to black. Most ants are wingless, but winged forms exist during “swarming” or colony reproduction. As a group, ants are important natural predators of many insect pests including flea and fly larvae, caterpillars and termites. However, there are times when it may be necessary to control ants especially when they enter our homes in search of food. Some ant species become problems in lawns and gardens when they build large unsightly mounds or protect aphids, mealybugs, scales and other insect pests from their natural enemies. Ants can also damage plants by tunneling around the roots causing them to dry out.[图片]Tip: Look closely to determine if what you see is an ant or a termite. Ants have narrow waists and bent antennae. Termites have thick waists and straight antennae. Life Cycle All ants are social insects and live in colonies with three distinct types of adults called castes. Queens are larger than other ants and are responsible for egg laying. Some species have only one queen per colony whereas others have many. Males are responsible for mating with the queens; they do not participate in any other activities. Workers are sterile wingless females. They make up the bulk of the colony and are responsible for building and defending the nest, caring for the young and foraging for food.[图片]New ant colonies are established by a single fertilized queen that lays hundreds of eggs. After about 30 days the eggs hatch into legless larvae that do not resemble adults. The queen cares for the “maggot-like” larvae until they pupate approximately 1-2 months later. Within three weeks the pupae transform into adult “worker” ants, which begin collecting food for themselves, the queen and for future generations of larvae. Eggs are laid continuously throughout the spring, summer and fall. Colonies overwinter in the soil, woody areas or in garden trash. Note: Ants have pincer-like jaws and can bite although most do not. A few species are very aggressive and will inflict a painful sting. Here’s how to get rid of ants without harming your family, pets or the environment.[图片]Control Like all pests, ants require food and water to survive; by eliminating these basic necessities you can greatly reduce their numbers. Store food and organic wastes in sealed containers, clean up all kitchen surfaces and empty trash daily. Caulk cracks and crevices around foundations and apply Don’t Bug Me Spray to door and window jams to prevent entry from outside. Where pipes and electrical wires enter the house spread Tanglefoot Pest Barrier to keep crawling pests outside. Diatomaceous earth contains no toxic poisons and works quickly on contact. Dust lightly and evenly around areas where pest insects are found. Apply Organic Insect Killer Granules around foundations, lawns and landscaped areas to eliminate or repel all kinds of crawling insects. Dust Boric Acid lightly into cracks, crevices, wall voids and other insect hiding places. This fine powder clings to the legs, antennae and bodies of crawling insects and acts as a stomach poison when consumed during grooming.[图片]Spray Orange Guard, made from citrus peel extract, to kill on contact. Approved for organic use, Orange Guard is a broad spectrum insect killer that’s safe to use indoors and out. Repeat applications may be necessary. Safer Ant & Roach Killer is the first effective, truly organic aerosol that kills crawling insects in seconds. Best of all, it has a fresh citrus scent, so there is no chemical odor![图片]Tip: The best way to keep ants from coming indoors is to locate the mound and destroy the colony. While this is not always an easy task sometimes a chunk of jelly placed where ants are found will help. As the workers are attracted to the food source pay close attention as they carry it back to their nest. Set pre-filled outdoor bait stations where you find ant mounds or their trails. Botanical pesticides applied directly to the soil will also destroy existing mounds.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Nature’s most industrious pollinator, the bumblebee (Bombus impatiens) facilitates the fruiting of a number of vegetables and tree fruits. Intensive bee pollination of this kind results in greater yields of everything from tomatoes and peppers to strawberries and cherries. In this sense, bumblebees helps feed the world.[图片]Shop our large selection of beneficial insects, including bumble bees, at Planet Natural. One garden hive — 45 to 60 workers — covers up to 5,000 square feet and costs $159.95 with UPS Express shipping included![图片]Bumble bees carry large pollen baskets on their hind legs. Pollen will also cling to their hairy abdomens to be deposited during their successive visits from blossom to blossom before returning to their hives. Hives are a place of communal activity where the gathered pollen is converted to food, offspring are fed, and the hive itself enlarged as food sources increase during the flowering season. It’s well know that these pollinators, like other social fauna, will defend their home from intruders. They also keep it cool during hot weather by aligning themselves in staggered lines and using their wings to fan the hive. Bumblebees are among nature’s most fascinating — and necessary — creatures.[图片]HOW TO RELEASE: Place the hive 1-3 feet above the ground, in a protected area. Do NOT place the hive in the foliage! After placement, let the hive calm down for about 1 hour before opening the flight hole. Whenever possible, open flight hole when ventilation windows are closed (early evening) to prevent loss of workers.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Parasitic nematodes seek out insects harmful to garden plants, shrubs and trees in their soil-borne stages and destroy them from the inside out. Present in soils throughout the world, these microscopic, non-segmented worms destroy over 200 types of insects that mature in the ground including weevils, Japanese beetles, fleas, borers and fungus gnats, before they reach adult stages.[图片]Shop our large selection of biological controls, including beneficial nematodes, at Planet Natural. One pint — 10 million active units — treats up to 550 square feet and costs $29.95 with FedEx 2-Day shipping included! When released into the soil, nematodes seek out the larvae and pupae of susceptible pests by sensing the heat and carbon dioxide they generate. They enter pests through various orifices or directly through the “skin.” Once inside the host, they release a bacterium that kills it within a day or two. They will continue to feed on the remains, multiplying as they do, before exhausting it and leaving to seek another food source.[图片]Nematodes do not prey on lady bugs, earthworms or most other beneficial insects. They are harmless to plants and humans as is the bacterium they produce. Evidence of the nematodes effectiveness, other than reduced pest populations, is difficult to spot as these microscopic creatures consume their hosts in the soil, leaving little trace behind. They’re appropriate for use on lawns, in gardens and around trees and shrubs. They need generally moist condition to facilitate their movement.[图片]HOW TO RELEASE: Simply scatter over the infested area, then water. Optimally, nematodes should be applied at sunset to protect them against sunlight. To control boring insects, prepare a water suspension, then inject or spray the solution into the burrows. Repeat weekly for a minimum of three weeks.[图片]Note: Scanmask®, a product based on a selected strain of Steinernema feltiae, will provide insect control in an area from 250 to 550 square feet. This refers to the area actually at risk or already infested by insects. Since infestations are rarely uniform, nematodes should be used as a “directed control measure” on areas already or at risk of being infested.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Taxonomy and Botany of Virginia Creeper Plant taxonomy classifies Virginia creeper (or "woodbine") as Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Engleman's ivy (Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'engelmannii') is an example of a cultivar (sometimes given as 'engelmanii'). Another is 'Red Wall', but its fall foliage color can be disappointing. Parthenocissus quinquefolia is considered by botanists to be a deciduous, woody vine.[图片]Plant Characteristics, Outstanding Feature Grasping for support with its tendrils, Parthenocissus quinquefolia can climb as high as 50 feet. Its leaves, comprised of five leaflets, morph from their summer green into a fall foliage color ranging from reddish-orange to burgundy. This spectacular change occurring in autumn earns the plant a spot on my list of the top shrubs and vines for fall color. The flowers are not much to look at, but Virginia creeper berries are a pleasing dark blue. No doubt, its fall foliage color is the outstanding feature of the vine. Along with sumac shrub, another native in my region (New England, United States), Parthenocissus quinquefolia is one of the unsung heroes of the fall foliage season.[图片]Name Origins: Virgins and Misnomers Parthenocissus is a backward translation (and a rather lame one, frankly) from the English, with a healthy dose of poetic license. Partheno- means "virgin" (as in "Virginia") and cissus translates as "ivy." Virginia creeper is, indeed, native to Virginia but is not a true ivy, so this part of the botanical name is misleading. Meanwhile, the species name, quinquefolia, refers to the five leaflets of which each of the leaves is comprised. The second part of the common name is also misleading, in that the vine is a climber, not a creeping vine. This misnomer is the reason why it makes my list of ten plant names confusing to beginners.[图片]USDA Plant Hardiness Zones, Sun and Soil Requirements for Virginia Creeper Parthenocissus quinquefolia is indigenous to eastern North America and can be grown in planting zones 3-9. Although tolerant of shade, the vines are more likely to achieve optimal autumn color if grown in full sun to part shade. Grow it in a well-drained soil. Killing Virginia Creeper Some folks dislike its aggressive growth habits and are intent on killing Virginia creeper. Since it grows so high, it is impractical to try killing Virginia creeper (a mature plant, that is) by spraying its leaves. Instead, cut the vine's trunk (near ground level), then apply the strongest concentrate of glyphosate (Roundup) you can buy to the fresh wound. An organic method of killing Virginia creeper is to dig it out, but this is easier said than done, as the plant spreads via rhizomes.[图片]Is Virginia Creeper Poisonous? Since Virginia creeper is one of the plants mistaken for poison ivy, many people wonder if it is "poisonous" in the sense that poison ivy is poisonous. Reader, Paula Brooks has informed me that the sap flowing through Virginia creeper vines does contain oxalate crystals, which -- for a small portion of the population -- can irritate the skin. So you could get a nasty skin rash from brushing up against the plant, even though it is perhaps unlikely for the average person. Nor should you eat Virginia creeper berries.[图片]Warnings, Uses in the Yard If you live in eastern North America, you probably do not need to grow Parthenocissus quinquefolia in your yard, because chances are good that it is growing nearby anyway, perhaps along a road you drive every day (where you can get your fill of it). But if you live somewhere where Parthenocissus quinquefolia is not a native plant, perhaps you have considered growing it (many have). If so, keep some warnings about this vine in mind: Virginia creeper is a vigorous grower and may get out of hand if not kept in check with equal vigor. Therefore, it would not be a good plant choice for you if you seek low-maintenance landscaping. Sticky, disk-like appendages on its tendrils adhere to wall siding, making it difficult to remove. Removal could, in fact, cause damage to the wall. So do not grow this plant on walls unless you wish it to be permanent![图片]Virginia creeper will climb trees and cast shade on their leaves, thus depriving them of needed sunlight. Do not allow it to grow on specimen trees! But this plant does have viable uses in the landscape, and here are some possible solutions to the above problems (in order), should you wish to grow it in your landscaping: Grow Engleman's ivy; this cultivar is considered less vigorous. If you want the look of a wall covered with Virginia creeper, but without the risk, install a sturdy trellis near the wall and grow Parthenocissus quinquefolia on the trellis (keeping it well trimmed). Do not allow Virginia creeper to grow on specimen trees! Instead, grow it on garden arbors, on pergolas, or on fences.
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