Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Colonies of aphids can be found in clusters on soft new growth of a wide variety of plants. Buds, tips of stems and the undersides of leaves are all good places to look. Aphids come in many different colours from common greenfly and blackfly to yellows, browns and whites. Many species are specific to one group of plants but they all need to be dealt with in a similar way.[图片]Plants affected From time to time, aphids may attack almost any garden plant. About Adult aphids are rarely more than 3mm long and are elliptical in shape. Large colonies can cover areas on the youngest sections of stems, and the undersides of leaves and sometimes on flower-buds. During the warmer months aphids give birth to as many as five live young a day, so large colonies can develop very quickly. When the colonies become over-populated, they move to different locations by producing winged aphids. During the cooler months, aphids mate and produce eggs which over-winter. Aphids feed on plant sap and excrete plant sugars as honeydew. Honeydew often covers the leaves of a plant and then becomes infested with black sooty moulds.[图片]Treatment Chemical Lambda-cyhalothrin and deltamethrin are both contact insecticides which are effective only when sprayed directly onto the aphids. A suitable systemic insecticide is thiacloprid which is taken in through the leaves and is taken up by the feeding aphids. Naturally occurring insecticides such as pyrethrum and fatty acids can also be used. Note: It is important to read manufacturer's instructions for use and the associated safety data information before applying chemical treatments. Organic Encourage natural predators such as ladybirds and lacewings and insectivorous birds. Have patience – when aphid populations peak, predatory insects will soon move in. Often this is when people lose their nerve and turn to sprays and, in doing so, kill all the natural predators too.[图片]Don’t over-feed plants. Too much fertilizer will lead to lots of soft, sappy growth which will encourage aphid attacks. Consider planting a sacrificial crop near to vegetables. For example, nasturtiums which attract black-fly away from brassicas. Infestations in greenhouses or conservatories can be effectively treated with a biological control such as ladybird larvae.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Look for Small piles of earth around holes in soil, lawns, paths, and at the base of exterior walls. Adults may be in the house around fresh and stored food, and on sap-sucking pest-infested plants. Large swarms of flying ants appear in late summer.[图片]Plants affected Garden ants rarely cause damage to plants. However, they feed on sugary foods, oily seeds, honeydew from aphid-infected plants, and other small insects. Heaps of earth around the nest entrance can be a nuisance in the lawn where they interfere with mowing, and they can also partly bury low-growing plants. About Garden ants There are two main species of garden ants, the red ant Myrmica rubra and the black ant, Lasius niger.[图片]Queen ants fly in from neighbouring gardens all the time but are killed by ants from existing nests. Killing a queen and her nest simply makes space for another. For this reason it is best to focus on controlling only those nests that are causing real problems. Adult worker ants are all female, wingless, and around 5mm in length. Queens are significantly longer and fatter. Larvae are white legless grubs roughly 5mm long. Each colony can vary in size from as small as 500 individuals to many thousands. After over-wintering, females emerge in spring and lay eggs. The first brood will be fed by the queen for three to four weeks before pupating in the soil. Adult workers emerge after two weeks to maintain the nest and feed the queen and subsequent larvae. When adults find a food source they leave a trail of chemicals known as pheromones back to the nest for others to follow. Towards the end of summer winged males and females are produced. Between August and September mating takes place during flight. After mating, male adults die and females shed their wings and return to the soil to overwinter.[图片]Treatment Chemical Products containing the following chemical ingredients are all effective on Garden ants Pyrethrins Pyrethroids There are a large number of pesticides available for ant control although these are mainly for indoor use. Organic Observe foraging ants and follow them back to the nest. Dig up nests where possible making sure to remove the queen. Encourage insectivorous birds by hanging bird boxes and feeders.[图片]Place tin cans over the ant hill in the morning. As it heats up, the ants take their eggs up into the can. In the afternoon slide a piece of cardboard under each can, and remove and dispose of the eggs. They make a tasty treat for birds, especially chickens. Prevention Clean previously infested surfaces to remove pheromone trails. Use natural predators and parasites to control aphid populations. Dig up soil in the winter months to disturb overwintering females. Maintain pest-free plants. Clean honeydew from any infested plants with water.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Whiteflies are harmful to both outdoor and indoor plants by sucking plant sap. Under certain conditions, they can also transmit disease. The whitefly parasite (Encarsia formosa) lays its eggs — as many as 50 to 100 — in both pupae and later larval stages of the white fly, destroying them before they can become adults. The host larva turns black as the parasite develops. It emerges, depending on conditions, in about two weeks. The adults will also feed on the larval juices released when they puncture the larvae.[图片]Shop our large selection of beneficial insects, including whitefly parasites, at Planet Natural. One strip of cards — 500 parasitic wasps — treats up to 250 square feet and costs $29.50 with USPS Priority Mail shipping included! Attracted to the flies by the smell of the honeydew they produce, E. formosa is an efficient biological control of whitefly and one of the most cost effective ways to control greenhouse and indoor infestations of the pest.[图片]Humidity and strong light encourage the parasite’s activity. Temperature is also key as the parasite will not fly and seek out new prey at temperatures under 62 degrees. Its preference for warm, humid, well-lit conditions make the whitefly parasite the perfect solution for indoor and greenhouse whitefly problems.[图片]Depending on pest levels, the following release rates have been established: 2-4 per square foot of infested area 1-2 per plant when pests are first noticed Whitefly parasites are shipped as mature pupae in host eggs, glued to a paper card and almost ready to hatch as adult parasitic wasps. If pest levels are high, use a least-toxic, short-lived natural pesticide (insecticidal soap, botanical insecticide) to establish control, then release beneficials 2-3 weeks later to maintain control.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Thrips are tiny pests capable of doing sizeable damage to plants. The thrips predator (Amblyseius cucumeris) moves quickly to attack eggs, larvae and small adult thrips. Female thrips predators, while consuming two to three thrips a day, also lay two to three eggs a day, multiplying the beneficial insect’s population as it feeds.[图片]Shop our large selection of biological controls, including thrips predators, at Planet Natural. One bottle — 50,000 predatory mites — treats up to 2,000 square feet and costs $84.95 with UPS Express shipping included! A. cucumeris, like thrips themselves, are small (1/16 inch or less). These tan colored predatory mites are hard to spot. They are best introduced ahead of infestations or when thrips are first noticed, allowing the predator time to establish an effective population before their prey has a chance to gain footing. Once thrips populations are eliminated, this effective biological control will stay established in gardens and greenhouse, feeding on pollen and spider mites.[图片]The delicate predator eggs are deposited on fine hairs found on the underside of the leaves. Tiny nymphs hatch within two to three days and begin feeding on pollen, pest eggs and the smallest thrips. Their entire life cycle is no more than three to four weeks. Adults are a pinkish beige, tear-drop shaped with short front legs. They’re often found resting in hiding places including leaf-stem junctures along leaf veins and in flower heads.[图片]HOW TO RELEASE: Gently turn and shake the bottle to mix the contents. Spread the material evenly over leaves and throughout crops. When introduced on rockwool, place in small heaps (2.5 ml/ plant) to encourage reproduction.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
A voracious predator, spined soldier bugs (Podisus maculiventris) prey on some of the most potentially-damaging grubs, caterpillars and soft-bodied insect pests including the European corn borer and corn earworm, Gypsy moth caterpillars, the cabbage looper and cabbage worm, flea beetles and Colorado potato beetles, fall armyworms and beet army worms, the diamond back moth, the cotton boll worm and the Mexican bean beetle. Varying in color from brown to yellow and speckled with black spots, P. maculiventris is common throughout the United States.[图片]Shop our large selection of biological controls, including spined soldier bugs, at Planet Natural. One vial — 250 eggs — treats up to 250 square feet and costs $159.95 with FedEx Overnight shipping included![图片]Highly mobile, adult soldier bugs will scurry or fly among plants to discover prey. They suck out their victims’ juices by penetrating it with its large, weapon-like proboscis. Adult female lay barrel-shaped egg clusters colored gray, cream or gold on stems and leaves, each cluster containing 20 to 30 eggs. Female will lay up to 1,000 eggs during their lifespan. Nymphs, which are predacious in four of their five stages, stay close to their egg clusters until they begin seeking prey of their own. Females can live five to eight weeks depending on conditions, males slightly longer. Because the spined soldier bug preys on nearly 100 different pests, it’s highly effective in both gardens and greenhouses.[图片]HOW TO RELEASE: Use 1-2 predators per square foot depending on pest infestation. Dispense eggs evenly over plant leaves and as close to the pest problem as possible. Do NOT release during the sunny part of the day, but rather wait until evening or early morning. Eggs will hatch shortly after release and young nymphs will move quickly from plant to plant in search of food.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Despite its miniscule size — 1mm or less — Trichogramma pretiosum is an efficient killer of some 200 undesirable insects. It uses smell to determine the suitability of a host for deposit of its egg. Wasps emerging from a destroyed egg note its smell and use it to find another suitable host. Harmful insects it predates include armyworm, bagworm, European corn borer, peach borer, squash borer, cankerworm, alfalfa caterpillar, cutworm, corn earworm, wax moth, tomato hornworm, cabbage looper and codling moth. The parasitic wasp inserts its eggs inside the eggs of these pests, killing them before they enter the plant-consuming larval stage.[图片]Shop our large selection of beneficial insects, including moth egg parasites, at Planet Natural. One small bag — 3 squares — treats 15,000 square feet and costs $12.95 with USPS First-Class Mail shipping included! The female trichogramma is prolific during a lifespan that is less than two weeks. She injects a single egg into the eggs of the pest. After consuming the contents of its host egg, a new adult emerges within a week. Because of this quick turnover, trichogramma wasps multiply rapidly given the right conditions.[图片]During her 9-11 day life, the female wasp will seek out and destroy about 100 pest eggs by laying an egg inside of it. As the tiny parasites develop inside they consume the contents. Depending upon climatic conditions a new adult will emerge in about a week. The emerging adults are overwhelmingly female, few are male. This and the short life cycle allows the wasp’s population to quickly reach effective numbers in relation to the target pest.[图片]HOW TO RELEASE: Shipped as pupae in host eggs, glued to one inch by one inch paper squares, T. pretiosum arrive ready to hatch out as adult wasps. Release when moths are first present and periodically thereafter. Use 5,000 parasites (1 square) per 5,000 square feet weekly, or every other week for 3 to 6 consecutive weeks.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The mealybug predator, better known as Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, was originally brought to America from Australia over 100 years ago by Albert Koebele, an early champion of biological controls. Used to help control an outbreak of the the citrus mealybug — mission accomplished! — these small lady beetles are deadly as adults and larvae to aphids and soft scale insects as well as mealybugs.[图片]Shop our large selection of biological controls, including mealybug predators, at Planet Natural. One vial — 100 “crypts” — treats up to 50 plants and costs $84.95 with FedEx Overnight shipping included! Mostly black with a tan front, the adult Cryptolaemus searches out the waxy, sometimes cotton-like egg cases of its prey. It then lays its own eggs nearby. The larvae emerge within five days and begin to feed on the eggs as well as the young crawler stage and the pest’s honeydew . After three larval stages, the mealy bug larvae enter the pupal stage before becoming egg-laying adults. The process takes approximately three weeks. Adult females will lay some 400 eggs over their two month life span.[图片]While this predatory beetle thrives on high mealybug populations, they are best released in early spring when the first pests are observed. The predatory beetles are most active at 70°F or higher and should be released at a rate of 0.5 per square foot of planted area, or 2-5 beetles per infested plant. In orchards, release 1,000-2,000 adult beetles per acre of mature fruit trees.[图片]HOW TO RELEASE: Adult beetles are shipped in vials mixed with paper strips to provide protection. Water the area to be protected and gently shake the contents evenly over, or near, the pest problem. Do NOT release during the sunny part of the day, but rather wait until evening or early morning. Repeat as necessary, usually once or twice per year.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The subject of popular children’s books and a universal sign of luck, lady beetles — also known as ladybugs, or ladybirds (Hippodamia convergens) — spend their lives in both adult and larval stages feeding on mites, aphids, other soft-bodied bugs and all the insect eggs they can find.[图片]Shop our large selection of beneficial insects, including live ladybugs, at Planet Natural. One half pint — 4,500 ladybugs — treats an average size garden for $32.95 with FedEx 2-day shipping included! Every gardener has spotted the lady beetle’s cluster of bright yellow eggs on plant leaves and stems. Within a week the eggs hatch and the insatiable, horned and segmented larvae emerge seeking food. The larvae go through three molting stages and, depending on conditions, will pupate after three to four weeks. It’s another week before the adult emerges, ready to resume feeding.[图片]H. convergens will generally go through one or two generations during a growing season, often synchronized with the advent of aphid infestations. Plants that provide the adults with a source of pollen and nectar will help encourage these popular beneficial insects to stay in your garden.[图片]HOW TO RELEASE: Adult beetles are shipped in cotton bags mixed with wood shavings. Water the area to be protected and gently shake the contents evenly over the pest infestation. Do NOT release during the sunny part of the day, but rather wait until evening or early morning. With sufficient food available, ladybugs will likely stay in the area. However, it is not uncommon for them to take flight if not enough food is present.
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