动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Asteraceae Stems - To 1.5m tall, multiple from base, erect to ascending, fistulose, viscid pubescent above, glabrescent to sparse pilose below, herbaceous.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate, stipulate. Stipules dentate, connate, sheathing (at least in lower leaves), pubescent. Petioles to +10 cm long, glandular puberulent, green to purplish near base. Blades pinnately lobed, to +25cm long, +/-20cm broad. Lobes acute to acuminate, irregularly and shallow serrate-dentate to entire. Blade tissue decurrent on petiole for +/-2cm or blade with two additional small lobes at base. Upper most leaves undivided, shallow serrate to entire, ovate.
Inflorescence - Loose terminal cymose arrangement of flower heads. Each division of inflorescence subtended by a reduced foliaceous bract. Branches of inflorescence densely viscid glandular pubescent. Involucre - To 7mm tall (long), 7-8mm in diameter. Phyllaries +/-3, linear-lanceolate, to 1cm long, striate-nerved, entire, glandular and simple pubescent, ciliate-margined. Chaffy bracts subtending the ray florets to +1cm long, densely glandular pubescent, ciliate-margined, cupping the achenes. Ray flowers - Pistillate and fertile. Ligule white, to +1cm long or reduced and +/-1mm long, 3 lobed at apex, densely pubescent. Achene 3-ribbed, 3-angled, ovoid, pubescent, to -4mm long, much larger than achene of disk flowers. Pappus absent. Disk flowers - Staminate. Corolla pale yellow, scarious. Corolla tube to 3.5mm long, mostly glabrous, expanded at apex into 5-lobes. Lobes acute, -1mm long, glandular pubescent near margins. Stamens 5, adnate at base of expanded portion of corolla tube. Filaments white to pale yellow, .3mm long. Anthers yellow, connate around style, exserted, 1.8mm long. Styles undivided to shallowly 2-lobed at apex. Achenes white, thin, 2.5-3mm long, glabrous. Receptacle small, convex. Chaff scarious, erose at apex, 6-7mm long, compressed. Flowering - May - October. Habitat - Moist slopes, moist woods, almost always associated with limestone substrata. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - Look closely at the disk flowers and you will notice that the styles are undivided, which is an indication that they are sterile. This is always something to look for when trying to identify plants in the Asteraceae. There are two forms of this species in Missouri. Form radiata (Gray) Fassett has the showy ray ligules. Form canadensis has reduced ray ligules. Both forms are common in Missouri.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Verbenaceae Stems - To +50cm tall, simple or branching in inflorescence, retrorse pubescent, erect, sub-hollow, 4-angled (the angles rounded), purplish, with swollen purple areas on stem above each node. Leaves - Opposite, decussate, petiolate. Petioles to 4cm long, antrorse pubescent, reduced above. Blades ovate to lance-ovate, acute to acuminate, truncate to rounded at base (the tissue abruptly contracted and then decurrent on petiole to form minute wing to .5mm broad), coarse crenate -serrate, pubescent, to +10cm long, +6cm broad. Blades near base of plant smaller and broadly ovate.
Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary spikiform racemes. Flowers decussate and spreading at anthesis, quickly reflexing in fruit. Pedunle purple, pubescent, 4-angled, purple. Each flower subtended by linear bract to 1.5mm long. Flowers on very short pedicels to .3mm long.
Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, whitish internally, often pinkish to purplish tinged externally. Corolla tube to 3.1mm long, glabrous externally. Upper lip purplish externally, emarginate to shallowly 2-lobed, 2.5-3mm broad, 2.5mm long. Lower lip 3-lobed, 4.5mm broad, 4mm long, pubescent at apex of throat. Stamens 4, didynamous, adnate near apex of corolla tube, included. Filaments white, glabrous, to 2.1mm long. Anthers pale yellow, .2mm long. Style 3mm long, glabrous, white, included. Ovary superior, green, terete, 1.3mm long, unilocular, with 1 ovule. Calyx accrescent, strongly ribbed in fruit, 2.2mm long, glabrous or sparse pubescent, bilabiate. Upper lip 3-lobed. Lobes to 2.3mm long, linear, purple. Lower lip with 2 shallow lobes. Lobes acute, to .5mm long, pubescent. Fruit an achene to 4mm long, tan. Flowering - June - September. Habitat - Rich woods, slopes, ravines, moist thickets. Origin - Native to U.S and Asia. Other info. - This is probably one of the easiest plants to identify in the field. Nothing else growing in the state looks like it. The purplish stems, drooping fruits, and tiny whitish flowers with the distinctive calyx are all good characteristics for identifying the species. Our plants belong to variety leptostachya. Another variety, var. confertifolia Fern., ranges in the eastern U.S. and is not found in our range. This latter variety has more densely pubescent stems and leaves, and the leaves are strictly crenate. Some authors divide the plant into its own family, the Phrymaceae.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Scrophulariaceae Stems - To +1m tall, erect, simple, herbaceous, glabrous, from thick caudex. Leaves - Opposite, sessile and partially clasping, entire or with few shallow teeth, glabrous, typically ovate below and lanceolate to oblong above, to 13cm long, +/-3cm broad, acute. Most leaves are on the lower half of the stem, those by the inflorescence reduced to bracts.
Inflorescence - Long terminal thryse to -40cm long(tall). Cymes of flowers in +/-6 verticillasters. Cymes with +/-6 flowers. Each cyme subtended by pair of foliaceous bracts. Peduncles and pedicels with gland tipped pubescence(typically not dense). Pedicels to 1cm long. Cymes with axes erect and remaining mostly parallel to axis of thryse. Flowers - Corolla pure white, weakly funnelform with the tube staying fairly narrow, 2cm long, -2cm broad at apex, glandular pubescent internally and externally, zygomorphic, 5-lobed. Lobes obtuse to rounded. Stamens 4, adnate to lower half of corolla tube, included. Filaments to 1.5cm long, white, glabrous. Anthers blackish, 1.7mm long. Staminode with sparse glandular pubescence and with compressed yellow-brown pubescence on apex (dorsally). Style 1cm long, glabrous, white. Ovary glabrous, green, 3mm long, 2mm in diameter, 2-locular. Placentation axile. Sepals 5, 5mm long, 2.2mm broad, glandular pubescent externally, glabrous internally, lance-ovate, acute to acuminate, with slightly scarious margins. Capsules to 1cm long, many seeded.
Flowering - May - June. Habitat - Prairies, glades, open woods. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - At first glance this species may resemble the very common P. digitalis Nutt. but the two are different in several ways. You can find P. digitalis on this same section of this website to compare the two. P. tubaeflorus is a very showy plant with densely flowered inflorescences. It is fairly common in the south-western corner of Missouri, but is scattered throughout the rest of the state. The inflorescence of the plant is very cylindrical and the stem below it typically appears almost naked. The peduncles and pedicels can vary in the amount of pubescence present.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Scrophulariaceae Stems - To +40cm tall, from small caudex and taproot, single to multiple from base, simple, densely glandular-villous below, dense glandular-pubescent above, herbaceous, greenish-red in strong sun.
Leaves - Basal leaves in rosette, spatulate, dentate to serrate, petiolate, to 5cm long. +1cm broad at apex. Cauline leaves opposite, to +10cm long, +1.5cm broad, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute, partially clasping, serrate-dentate, pubescent above, pubescent on midrib below.
Inflorescence - Terminal thryse to +20cm long(tall). Cymes in +/-4 verticillasters. Cymes with +8 flowers each. Peduncles and pedicels with dense glandular and non-glandular pubescence. Peduncles spreading to ascending. Each division of inflorescence subtended by pair of linear-attenuate bracts. Bracts much reduced, villous, green. Flowers - Corolla whitish with a pink tinge, to +2cm long, bilabiate, glandular pubescent externally (especially near base), constricted near base in calyx. Upper lip of corolla 2-lobed. Lobes rounded, 2-3mm long and broad. Lower lip of corolla 3-lobed. Lobes larger than those of upper lip, streaked with purple lines internally. Stamens 4, adnate at base of corolla tube. Filaments to 2cm long, glabrous. Anthers brown, 2mm long. Staminode adnate near apex of corolla tube, pubescent in upper half, (some hairs flattened, other hairs terete and bristle-like). Style 1, included, glabrous, filiform, 1.3cm long. Ovary green, glabrous, superior, 2.1mm long, ovoid-conic, 2-locular. Placentation axile. Calyx 5-lobed. Lobes glandular pubescent externally, 5mm long, 2mm broad, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, with slightly scarious margins. Capsule to 7mm long. Flowering - April - July. Habitat - Dry open rocky woods and glades, bluff ledges, prairies, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This species is fairly common in Missouri. It occurs in dry harsh areas. Except for the leaves, nearly the entire plant is densely covered with gland-tipped hairs. Many of the white flowered species of Penstemon look alike at first. Carefully check your plants for a proper ID.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Scrophulariaceae Stems - To +1m tall, glabrous below (sometimes with minute hairs in vertical lines), glandular pubescent above, simple to somewhat branching, herbaceous, from a thick caudex.
Leaves - Opposite or rarely in whorls of 3s, petiolate below to sessile above, glabrous, with punctate dots below, entire or shallow serrate.. Petioles to 8cm long. Blades variously shaped from spatulate to lanceolate, to 20cm long, +5cm broad, reduced at inflorescence.
Inflorescence - Terminal thryse to 20 cm tall(long). Cymes in +/-5 verticillasters. Cymes with typically +/-3 flowers each. Peduncles and pedicels spreading away from stem or sub-erect, dense glandular pubescent (the glands often blackish). Each division of inflorescence subtended by pair of attenuate bracts (reduced upward). Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, white, 2.5-3cm long, glandular and non-glandular pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Corolla tube constricted in basal half, less constricted in apical half. Upper lip of corolla 2-lobed. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes rounded to obtuse, 3-5mm long and broad. Stamens 4, adnate near apex of constricted portion of corolla tube. Staminode 1. Filaments to 2cm long, white, glabrous. Anthers purplish-black, 3mm long. Style 2cm long, white, glabrous. Ovary green, glabrous, 4mm long. Calyx 5-lobed. Lobes ovate to lance-ovate, acute to acuminate, glandular pubescent, 4-5mm long, 3mm broad. Capsule to 1.5cm long. Flowering - May - July. Habitat - Rich woods, prairies, thickets, roadsides, railroads. Also cultivated. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This is the most common species of the genus in Missouri, being found in almost every county except in the extreme northwest corner of the state. Steyermark lists two varieties for this species in Missouri. Form digitalis, pictured above, has leaves which are opposite. Form baueri, has leaves in whorls of 3s. This latter form is rare. The flowers resemble those of the genus Digitalis, hence the species name. Many species of the genus Penstemon look alike at first glance. Check them out carefully to be sure which one you really have.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Scrophulariaceae Stems - To +1m tall, herbaceous, erect but reclining with age, hollow, somewhat 4-angled (the angles very rounded), green but with purple vertical stripes in the internodes, mostly glabrous but with vertical lines of curled hairs in the internodes (the hairs multicellular, use a leans to see).
Leaves - Opposite, short-petiolate, decussate. Petioles to 1cm long, mostly glabrous but with a few multicellular hairs on the margins. Blades linear-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, to +10cm long, 3cm broad, deep green above, lighter below, sparse pubescent above and below, shallowly pinnately lobed. Each lobe with crenulate-serrulate margins. Lateral veins of leaf impressed above, expressed below. Veins in a minute reticulate pattern (visible abaxially).
Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary bracteate spikes to +/-10cm long (tall). Each flower subtended by a foliaceous bract. Bracts with a distinctly bent petiole and a pair of basal auricles (auricles spreading laterally), folded in at least the basal 1/2, accrescent, +/-1.5cm long in flower, with a few marginal hairs otherwise glabrous, with crenulate-serrulate margins. Flowers of the spike arranged in a "pinwheel" fashion. Flowers - Corolla white, +/-2.5cm long, strongly compressed, bilabiate, zygomorphic, glabrous externally. Upper lip single-lobed, galeate, +1cm long. Lower lip +1cm long, 3-lobed at the apex, with 2 central folds leading into the throat of the corolla (the folds bearded in the basal 1/2). Lobes of the lower lip rounded, 3-4mm long, 2-3mm broad. Stamens 4, included in the galea of the upper lip. Filaments thin, translucent-white, mostly glabrous but with some hairs at the base, 2-2.5cm long, compressed. Anthers yellow-brown, 3-4mm long. Style white, 3cm long, glabrous. Stigma minute and green. Ovary green, conic, slightly compressed, glabrous, 3mm long in flower, with a swollen nectariferous base, 2-locular. Ovules many. Placentation axile. Calyx green, 2-lobed, to 1.4cm long in flower, accrescent. Lobes with orbicular appendages at the apex. Flowering - August - October. Habitat - Spring branches, calcareous spring-fed swampy meadows, moist limestone ledges. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This striking plant is found only in the Ozark region of Missouri. The plant is unmistakable in the field because of the "pinwheel" arrangement of its flowers. I do not think I captured this very well in the pics. It is really easy to see and the first thing everyone notices about the plant. The white flowers of the plant are easily seen along the spring branches and moist meadows where it grows.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Lamiaceae Stems - To +1m tall, multiple from base, from fibrous roots, tomentose, 4-angled, branching, herbaceous, erect. Plant fragrant. Leaves - Opposite, decussate, petiolate. Petiole to +/-4cm long, tomentose, with single adaxial groove. Blade triangular to triangular-ovate or ovate, to +/-10cm long, +/-6cm broad, crenate-serrate, reduced upward, pubescent above and below (more so below), grayish-green below, fragrant.
Inflorescence - Terminal clusters of whorled flowers (verticillasters). Brats accompanying clusters barely or not exceeding the flowers. Flowers - Sessile. Corolla whitish-pink, spotted with purple internally, bilabiate. Corolla tube to +/-5mm long, abruptly expanded near apex, tomentose. Upper lip 2.1mm long, 2.4mm broad, notched or shallow 2-lobed. Lower lip with 2 shallow lateral lobes and large central lobe. Central lobe +/-3mm long, +/-4mm broad, toothed at apex, bearded near throat. Stamens 4, didynamous, exserted just beyond upper lip, adnate at apex of constricted portion of corolla tube. Filaments to -3mm long, glabrous, white to pinkish-white. Anthers rose-purple, .6mm broad. Style 8mm long, glabrous, pinkish-white. Stigma 2-lobed. Ovary of 4 nutlets. Nutlets green, tuberculate. Calyx tube to 3mm long, 1.1mm in diameter, 5-lobed, with 15 nerves (ridges), tomentose. Lobes subequal, attenuate, to 1.8mm long. Calyx accrescent.
Flowering - June - September. Habitat - Waste ground, open woods, roadsides, railroads. Also cultivated. Origin - Native to Europe. Other info. - This species is known to have intoxicating effects on domestic cats. Each cat reacts differently to it. The plant is easy to grow and common in the state. Why buy it when you can just go out and pick it?
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