动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Caryophyllaceae Stems - To 50cm long(20-30cm tall), decumbent, rooting at lower nodes, herbaceous, somewhat succulent, mostly glabrous but with a single longitudinal line of pubescence. Pubescence hirsute to tomentose.
Leaves - Opposite, ovate(sometimes truncate at base), short-mucronate, petiolate. Blades to +2cm wide, +2cm long, glabrous, green above, lighter green below, entire. Petiole to +2cm long, sometimes winged, pubescent. Inflorescence - Single flowers from leaf axils. Also terminal cymes of +3 flowers. Peduncles 1-3cm long, pubescent. Flowers - Corolla white, rotate, 5-6mm broad. Petals 5, deeply notched and appearing as 10, glabrous, to 2mm long, free. Petal lobes oblong. Stamens typically 3-5, attached at base of ovary, alternating with petals. Styles 3, spreading. Sepals 5, free, to 5mm long, pubescent with glandular-tipped hairs, ovate-lanceolate, green. Capsules to +6mm long, 4mm wide, glabrous, with +/-15 seeds. Seeds 1mm in diameter, tuberculate, rotund.
Flowering - Typically March - November, but can flower all year. Habitat - Moist shaded locations. Origin - Native to Eurasia. Other info. - This plant has spread rapidly throughout most of the U.S. and the Americas. The calyx is persistent and the fruits stick to clothing, hair and skin and are thus carried everywhere. The plant can be eaten but has a rank smell when first picked (at least to me). If the stem is carefully bent side-to-side and then pulled apart, the elastic vascular tissue can be seen. This is a good way to help identify the plant.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Caprifoliaceae Stems - To +3m tall, woody, glabrous, erect, branching, multiple from base, with large whitish pith. New growth green, glabrous, often glaucous. Leaves - Opposite, pinnately compound. Petioles to +6cm long, glabrous, with an adaxial groove. Petiolules to +5mm long. Leaflets typically 5-9 per leaf, glabrous or very sparsely pubescent, oblong to lanceolate, crenate-serrate, to +10cm long, +5cm broad. Inflorescence - Terminal compound cymes, typically dome shaped to flattened, to 30cm broad. Flowers - Corolla white, 5-lobed, glabrous, 5-6mm broad. Lobes 2.2mm long, 2mm broad, rounded to emarginate at apex. Stamens 5, adnate at base of corolla tube, alternating with corolla lobes, erect to spreading. Filaments white, glabrous, 2.4mm long. Anthers yellow, .5mm long. Style wanting. Stigma 5-lobed, capitate. Ovary inferior, 4-locular. Calyx tube 1mm long, creamy white, glabrous, 5-lobed. Lobes acute, .5mm long. Fruits blackish-purple, globose, glabrous, to 5mm in diameter, 4-seeded.
Flowering - May - August. Habitat - Open woods, thickets, waste ground, disturbed sites, fence rows, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This species is actually quite aggressive if given the right conditions. It spreads by suckering. The fruits are edible if cooked (boiled) and this plant is the source of the ever popular "Elderberry jelly". The pith of the stems is large, soft, and easily removed and my dad tells childhood stories of making flutes from stems of a similar European species. Don't get too much sap in your mouth though, it's toxic. The plants contain calcium oxalate crystals which do a number on a persons kidneys.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Lamiaceae Stems - To +80cm tall, erect, herbaceous, multiple or single from base, branching, 4-angled, glabrous, from thin rhizomes. Leaves - Opposite, sessile, entire, linear, acute, to 5.5cm long, 2-4mm broad, glabrous, dark green above, lighter green below, punctate.
Inflorescence - Compact corymbose arrangement of glomerules. Glomerules +/-7mm broad, 4mm tall(long), with an involucre of attenuate pubescent bracts. Bracts 3-4mm long, 2mm broad, with densely ciliate margins, reduced inward. Flowers sessile. Flowers - Corolla white to pinkish, bilabiate. Corolla tube to -5mm long, pubescent externally near apex. Upper lip single-lobed. Lobe to 2.6mm long, 1.4mm broad, emarginate, pubescent internally and externally. Lower lip 3-lobed, with faint pinkish spotting. Central lobe longer than lateral lobes, to 2.5mm long, 1.2mm broad, pubescent internally and externally. Stamens 4, didynamous, adnate at apex of corolla tube. Filaments to 1.9mm long, white, glabrous. Anthers pale lilac, .4mm broad. Style white, to 6mm long, glabrous, long exserted, tuberculate and expanded just above ovary. Stigma 2-lobed. Ovary 4-parted, green, glabrous. Calyx tube 2.7mm long, lanate, 4-lobed. Lobes equal, acute, to 1.1mm long, short pubescent to glabrous externally, glabrous internally. Nutlets dark brown at maturity, to 1mm long.
Flowering - June - September. Habitat - Dry rocky open woods, prairies, wet thickets, meadows, streambanks, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This species is common throughout the entire state of Missouri. This member of the mint family is easy to recognize because of its thin dense leaves and its dense small flower clusters (glomerules). Insects like to visit the plant to retrieve nectar. The leaves and stem have a strong minty odor and the plant can be brewed as a tea.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Lamiaceae Stems - From fibrous roots, multiple from the base, rooting at the lowest nodes, branching, herbaceous, 4-angled, fragrant, hollow, pubescent with both long and short and long hairs, to +1m tall, erect.
Leaves - Opposite, decussate, short-petiolate. Petioles to 6mm long, pubescent as the stem. Blades to +9cm long, -4cm broad, lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, serrate (the tips of the serrations often white), green adaxially, whitish-green abaxially, punctate, pubescent (more so below).
Inflorescence - Axillary and lateral capitate clusters of bractiate cymes. Pedicels +/-1mm long. Bracts subtending the inflorescence with a whitish bloom. Each division of the cyme subtended by a gradually reduced bract. Flowers - Corolla white, 6mm long, bilabiate. Corolla tube glabrous externally, pubescent internally. Lobes glandular and pubescent externally. Lower lip single-lobed. Lobe 4mm long, 1.5mm broad, white. Upper lip 3-lobed, 4-5mm broad. Lobes deflexed, spotted with purple internally. Central lobe bent forward at the apex. Lateral lobes shorter than the central. Stamens 4, subequal, exserted, adnate at the apex of the corolla tube, alternating with the corolla lobes. Filaments 4-5mm long, white, glabrous. Anthers .8mm long, orange. Style white, glabrous, exserted, 7-8mm long. Stigma unequally 2-lobed. Ovary 4-lobed, green. Lobes pubescent at the apex, +/-.5mm long. Calyx 5-lobed, weakly bilabiate, 4mm long, glandular punctate, covered by a dense whitish pubescence. Calyx tube glabrous internally. Upper lip 2-lobed. Lobes acute, to +1mm long. Lower lip shallowly 3-lobed or notched at the apex. Lobes pubescent internally. Flowering - July - September. Habitat - Rocky open woods, grassy slopes, clearings over rocky substrates. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This species can be found in the southern 1/4 of Missouri. It is common in the habitats mentioned above. The plant is easily identified by its whitish bracts. Like most species of this genus, the plant has a characteristic minty smell. "albescens" means "becoming white" for the bracts of the inflorescence.
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