动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Onagraceae Stems - To +/-30cm tall, erect, herbaceous, simple or branching near the apex, single from a short taproot and fibrous roots, sparse retrorse pubescent, terete. Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles to +3cm long, mostly glabrous or with a few antrorse hairs, with a thin shallow adaxial groove. Blades ovate, shallow-serrate, truncate to cordate or rounded at the base, acute to short acuminate. Teeth of blade with a minute whitish apex. Blades very sparse pubescent above and below, to +7cm long, 4cm broad.
Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary racemes to +15cm tall (long). Axis of inflorescence glandular pubescent. Each pedicel sometimes subtended by a minute subulate bract to 1.5mm long. Flowers - Petals 2, alternating with the sepals, white, notched or rounded at the apex, +/-2.1mm long and broad, glabrous. Stamens 2, erect. Filaments glabrous, white, to 1.7mm long. Anthers whitish, 1.2mm long. Style glabrous, whitish, basally surrounded by a green nectary, to 4mm long. Stigma somewhat bi-lobed. Ovary inferior, densely covered with uncinate hairs, to 2mm long in flower, green. Floral tube short, -1mm long, green, glabrous. Sepals 2, spreading, cupped, ovate, green, 3mm long, sparse glandular pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Fruits shallowly ribbed, with uncinate pubescence, to 4mm long, 2-locular, 2-seeded.
Flowering - June - August. Habitat - Rich low woods, thickets. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This small but common species can be found throughout Missouri. It is an easy species to ID in the field because of its minute flowers and opposite leaves. The plant can sometimes be found in large colonies in the habitats mentioned above. The Missouri plants belong to the variety canadensis (L.) Hara. Another variety, variety quadrisulcata, is native to Asia.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Rubiaceae Stems - Trailing to ascending, herbaceous, 4-angled, often with reddish tinge, retrorse pubescent to glabrous, to +15cm tall, +30cm long. Leaves - Opposite, sessile. Pairs of opposing leaves joined at base by sheathing stipules. Stipules with 3-5 bristle-like lobes on upper margin. Middle lobe longest, to 5mm long. Leaf blades to 4cm long, 1.5cm broad, elliptic below, becoming linear-oblong above, entire, with antrorse strigillose margins, glabrous or sparse pilose at base on margins, typically acute. Inflorescence - Single or double flowers from leaf axils. Flowers sessile. Flowers - Corolla white, 4-lobed, salverform. Corolla tube to 8mm long, glabrous. Lobes 5-6mm long, 2.5mm broad spreading, white, glabrous externally, dense pubescent internally. Stamens 4, alternating with corolla lobes, adnate at apex of corolla tube, exserted. Filaments to +4mm long, white, glabrous. Anthers 2mm long, white. Style 1.1cm long, glabrous, filiform, flattened. Stigmas 2, 4mm long. Ovary 2-locular. Calyx tube to 4mm long (in flower), 2-lobed. Lobes 6mm long, attenuate, ciliate-margined. Caylx accrescent. Fruit to 8mm long, pubescent to glabrous.
Flowering - June - September. Habitat - Wet soils, pond margins, wet meadows. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This species can be found in the lower 1/3 of Missouri. Our plants belong to variety virginiana. Another variety, var. attenuata Fern., has more narrow fruits and is not found in Missouri. Steyermark splits var. virginiana into two forms. Form hirsuta (Pursh) Fern. has pubescent stems and fruits. Form virginiana has glabrous stems and fruits and is more common in our state.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Lamiaceae Stems - To 1.5m tall, hirsute, 4-angled, hollow, erect, from rhizomes, with fibrous roots, herbaceous, single or multiple from base, branching above or single. Leaves - Opposite, decussate, petiolate, typically ovate, serrate, pubescent above, densely pubescent below and hirsute on veins, to +/-8cm long, +/-4cm broad, acuminate. Petiole to 2.5cm long, hirsute.
Inflorescence - Dense terminal verticillasters numbering from 1 to 6. Each verticillaster subtended by small hirsute foliaceous bracts to +/-1cm long, 5-6mm broad. Pedicels 1.5mm long, hirsute.
Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, white with purple spotting internally, hirsute. Tube to 8mm long. Upper lip single lobed, 3mm long, glabrous internally. Lower lip 3-lobed, 4.5mm long, 3-4mm broad, glabrous internally. Central lobe thin, with parallel margins, emarginate to shallowly lobed at apex, longer than lateral lobes. Stamens 2, exserted from upper lip. Filaments white, glabrous, adnate near apex of corolla tube, 6mm long. Anthers 1mm long, purplish-brown. Style 1cm long, glabrous, white, exserted. Stigma 2-lobed. Ovary of 4 glabrous white nutlets. Calyx bilabiate, hirsute. Calyx tube to to 3.5mm long, with 13 nerves. Upper lip 3-lobed. Lobes 3mm long, attenuate, green. Lower lip 2-lobed. Lobes attenuate, 1.1mm long, dark purple. Flowering - May - September. Habitat - Shaded slopes, rich woods, ravines. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This plant, like many species in the family, is very fragrant when bruised or crushed. It is a favorite forage item of the local insect population and authors have noted that it is hard to find a plant which has not been browsed. I was lucky to find the beautiful cluster of plants photographed above. The plant shown is variety hirsuta. Steyermark notes a second variety, v. glabrata Fern., in which the stems and leaves are typically glabrous, but this variety is not recorded from Missouri. Another species, B. ciliata (L.) Benth.is similar but is typically shorter, has lanceolate leaves, and has pale bluish flowers. While B. hirsuta is found scattered throughout the state, B. ciliata is found mainly in the eastern 2/3 of the state except in the south where it covers the entire range of Missouri.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Asclepiadaceae Stems - Twining, climbing, herbaceous, often reddish, with milky sap, with villous pubescence in lines on the stems. Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles to +7cm long, reddish-green. Blades typically glabrous but also variously pubescent, dark green with evident veining above, cordate, ovate, acute to acuminate or apiculate, to +/-10cm long, +/-8cm broad. Inflorescence - Axillary umbellate cyme with +/-30 flowers. Peduncles to 5cm long, pubescent. Pedicels to 1cm long, pubescent.
Flowers - Corolla deeply 5-lobed. Lobes whitish, 7mm long, -3mm broad, erect to spreading, glabrous. Corona of 5 appendages. Appendages white, erect, to 6mm long, expanded at base, tapering into 2 linear lobes at apex. Calyx 5-lobed. Lobes green with some purple, ovate-lanceolate, to 3mm long, sparse pubescent.
Fruit - A large follicle, 10-11cm long, 4cm wide at widest point, teardrop-shaped, glabrous. Seeds winged, to +8mm long. Coma to 4cm long, white. Flowering - July - September. Habitat - Disturbed sites, along fences, waste ground, roadsides, railroads, thickets, open woods. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - Being from the Asclepiadaceae, this plant will "bleed" a white, latex-like secretion when pinched or bruised. Don't get this in your eyes nose or mouth as it can be irritating or harmful. This plant is seen as a weed by some but it always dies back in the fall leaving the large fruits hanging until they split open dorsally. The seeds can be carried a great distance by the wind. This species can be found throughout most of Missouri but is apparently absent from the south-central Ozark region.
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