Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This plant is a winter annual (less often, a spring annual) about 1' tall. It consists of a rosette of basal leaves up to 6" across, from which one or flowering stalks develop. The basal leaves are bipinnate to pinnate-pinnatifid; they have long slender petioles. Simple leaflets are divided into 3 or more deep lobes that are oblong-oblanceolate in shape. Compound leaflets are divided into 3 or more subleaflets; individual subleaflets are divided into 3 or more deep lobes that are oblong-oblanceolate in shape. The petiolules (basal stalklets) of the leaflets and subleaflets are very slender and short. The foliage of Large-Bracted Corydalis (both leaves and petioles) is greyish green and glabrous. The flowering stalks are sprawling, ascending, or erect, reaching up to 1¼' in length. Normally, they are unbranched, although occasionally a flowering stalk will branch and develop lateral flowering stalks. These stalks are greyish green and glabrous. Each stalk terminates in a spike-like raceme of several flowers. Each flower has a yellow corolla about ¾" long that is tubular-conical in shape (broader in front than in the back); this corolla consists of 2 outer petals and 2 inner petals. The upper outer petal forms a short upper lip in front that curls upward, and it has a rather long blunt spur in back. The lower outer petal forms a rounded lower lip that functions as a landing pad for visiting insects. The two inner petals are largely hidden by the outer petals, although they can be seen as a white lining within the throat of the corolla. Behind the upper lip of the upper petal, there is a crested protuberance that is greenish yellow to yellow. There is a similar protuberance underneath the lower lip of the lower petal. The sepals of the flowers are small and insignificant. Underneath each flower, there is a single bract about ½" long. This bract is greyish green, glabrous, and either ovate or divided into lobes with short blunt tips. A typical raceme will have some flower buds toward its apex, about 2-8 flowers in bloom near the middle, and developing seedpods below. [图片]The blooming period for plants that are winter annuals occurs during late spring, while plants that are spring annuals bloom during mid-summer. A typical plant will remain in bloom for up to a month. Each seedpod is about 1" long, greyish green, glabrous, cylindrical in shape, and slightly flattened, terminating in a slender beak at its tip; it contains about 6-12 seeds. Relative to the axis of the spike-like raceme, the seedpods are erect to ascending, often bending upward slightly. The small seeds are black, shiny, globoid, and somewhat flattened. Each seed has a dull white elaisome (food appendage) that is laterally attached; the elaisome darkens and withers away with age. The root system consists of a taproot. This plant spreads by reseeding itself. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, mesic to dry conditions, and sandy soil. Large-Bracted Corydalis also grows readily in gravelly or loamy soil; if it is grown in moist loamy soil, taller and more aggressive plant species should be kept away from it. Foliar disease and insects are not normally troublesome. The seeds will germinate after a short dormancy period; they can be planted during the fall or early spring. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Large-Bracted Corydalis is an uncommon plant that occurs in a few counties in western Illinois (see Distribution Map). Prior to 1986, it was incorrectly identified as another species of Corydalis. Recently, several large populations of Large-Bracted Corydalis have been discovered, therefore it is more common in Illinois than previously believed. However, it is still state-listed as 'threatened.' This species is more common in the south-central states; western Illinois lies at the northeast corner of its range. Habitats include sand prairies, sandy fallow fields, and sandy or gravelly areas along roads and railroads (including the ballast). Disturbed areas are preferred, particularly where ant hills occur. Occasional wildfires, sand blow-outs, and overgrazing by herbivores are probably beneficial in maintaining populations of this plant. [图片]Faunal Associations: The flowers are pollinated by bumblebees. The oily appendages of the seeds (elaisomes) attract ants (particularly Pheidole bicarinata), which undoubtedly help to disperse the seeds. The poisonous foliage is avoided by mammalian herbivores. Photographic Location: The wildflower garden of the webmaster in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: Both the flowers and foliage are quite attractive. Large-Bracted Corydalis can be distinguished from other Corydalis spp. by its long yellow flowers (exceeding 2/3" or 15 mm. in length) and their large leafy bracts (exceeding 1/3" or 8 mm. in length). Other Corydalis spp. in Illinois have shorter bracts and/or shorter flowers. Large-Bracted Corydalis also differs from some Corydalis spp. by the crested protuberances behind the lips of its flowers (as opposed to protuberances that lack crests). In contrast to the seedpods of the similar Corydalis aurea (Golden Corydalis), the seedpods of Large-Bracted Corydalis are more erect and they lack constrictions between their seeds (they are not torulose). There are other varieties of Corydalis curvisiliqua, but they occur in states that lie southwest of Illinois.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This plant is a summer annual about 6-20" tall that branches occasionally to frequently; it is usually ascending or erect. The central stem and any lateral stems are terete, slightly angular, or ribbed; they are pale to medium green and more or less pubescent with branched hairs, becoming more glabrous toward the base of the plant. Narrow alternate leaves are spaced moderately to widely along the stems; they are up to 2" long and 1/8" (3 mm.) across. The leaves are medium green, linear in shape, smooth along their margins, thick-textured, and sessile; they have a tendency to be slightly recurved, rather than straight. Similar to the stems, the leaves are slightly pubescent with branched hairs, becoming more glabrous toward the base of the plant. A single prominent vein extends along the length of each leaf. The upper stems terminate in floral spikes of flowers about 1-6" long and a little less than ½" across. Individual flowers are perfect, consisting of a single sepal, an ovary with a short bifurcated style, and 1-3 stamens; there are no petals. These tiny flowers are largely hidden by their ascending bracts, which are about ½" long, ovate to lanceolate in shape, pubescent, and membranous along their margins. The blooming period occurs from late summer into the fall. The flowers are wind-pollinated. They are replaced by flattened vertical achenes that are 2.5-4.5 mm. long and 2-3.5 mm. across. Each achene is ovate to obovate with a narrow winged margin about 0.2-0.3 mm. across; it contains a single seed. The achenes are distributed by the wind. The root system consists of a taproot. This plant spreads by reseeding itself. Cultivation: The preference is full sun, mesic to dry conditions, and very sandy soil. Most growth and development occurs during the summer. Range & Habitat: The native American Bugseed is a rare plant in Illinois; it is found along Lake Michigan and scattered localities elsewhere within the northern half of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include beaches and sand dunes along Lake Michigan, sand dunes along the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers, dry sand prairies, sandy hill prairies, sandy areas along railroads, and barren waste areas. This plant prefers disturbed sandy areas that are subject to wind erosion where vegetation is sparse. Faunal Associations: Two grasshopper species, Melanoplus foedus (Foedus Grasshopper) and Melanoplus packardii (Packard's Grasshopper), sometimes feed on the foliage of bugseed (Corispermum). These grasshoppers are found in west-central and northwest Illinois. Information about floral-faunal relationships for this genus is very limited and more field work is needed. [图片]Photographic Location: Sand dunes along Lake Michigan in Indiana Dunes State Park. Comments: This is one of the typical beach plants along southern Lake Michigan. For a long time, most authorities regarded this plant as an introduced European species, Corispermum hyssopifolium (Hyssop-Leaved Bugseed), but there is growing archeological evidence that bugseed has been present in North America for thousands of years. Because of minor differences in the characteristics of North American herbarium specimens from their counterparts in Europe, several native species of bugseed have been described. One of these is the plant that is described here, Corispermum americanum (American Bugseed). Another species in this genus that is sometimes found in Illinois, Corispermum nitidum (Shiny Bugseed), has more narrow floral bracts that reveal its winged achenes. The bracts of American Bugseed, in contrast, hide most of its winged achenes from outside observation.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial herbaceous plant is 3-8' tall and usually unbranched, except for flowering stems along the upper one-half of its length. The central stem and more slender upper stems are light green, terete, longitudinally veined, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous. Pairs of opposite leaves occur along the entire length of the plant, although they are more common and larger in size along the lower one-half of its length. A few solitary leaves or leafy bracts may occur alternately along the uppermost stems or flowering stalks. These leaves are ascending, widely spreading, or slightly drooping. Most leaves are odd-pinnate with 3 or 5 leaflets. Individual leaflets are up to 5" long and ¾" across; they are linear-elliptic to elliptic in shape, while their margins are entire (toothless) and often short-ciliate. The bases of leaflets are wedge-shaped, while their tips are acute. The lateral leaflets are sessile, while the terminal leaflets have petiolules (basal stalklets) less than ¼" long. The upper leaf surfaces are medium green and glabrous or nearly, while the lower leaf surfaces are light green and minutely pubescent. The petioles of leaves are up to 1½" long and light green. The upper stems terminate in solitary to cyme-like clusters of flowerheads; flowering stalks also develop from the axils of upper leaves. Collectively, these flowerheads form a rather large and open compound inflorescence that is somewhat flat-headed. Peduncles of these flowerheads are up to 10" long, light green, terete, and glabrous. One or two leafy bracts may occur along the branches and peduncles of this inflorescence; these bracts are up to 1" long and linear-elliptic in shape. Each flowerhead spans about 1½–2" across, consisting of 8 sterile ray florets that surround a dense head of numerous fertile disk florets. The petaloid rays of the flowerheads are yellow, oblong-elliptic in shape, and widely spreading. The corollas of the disk florets are about 5 mm. long, tubular in shape, 4-5 lobed, and dark purple to maroon (reddish brown). The corolla lobes are triangular in shape and spreading to slightly recurved. [图片]Surrounding the base of the flowerhead, there is a single series of 8 phyllaries (inner floral bracts). These phyllaries are 6-8 mm. long, ovate in shape with recurved tips, and brownish yellow during the blooming period. Below the phyllaries, there are about 8 outer floral bracts. These bracts are linear in shape and ascending; they are joined together at a shallow cup-like base. Both the bracts and cup-like base are green and glabrous (or nearly so). The blooming period occurs from mid-summer to early autumn, lasting about 1 month for a colony of plants. There is no noticeable floral scent. Afterwards, the disk florets are replaced by achenes. These achenes are 4-5 mm. long, brown, broadly oblong or oblanceolate-oblong in shape, flattened, and narrowly winged along their lateral sides. The apices of mature achenes are truncate, lacking tufts of hairs or persistent scales (immature achenes have paired scales that are early-deciduous). The root system is fibrous and long-rhizomatous, often forming loose colonies of clonal plants. Older plants may develop small woody caudices. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full to partial sun and moist to mesic conditions. This plant isn't particular about soil type, and can be found growing in soil containing substantial amounts of loam, clay-loam, gravel, or sand. Tall Coreopsis tolerates competition from other plants and it is easy to grow. In moist disturbed locations, it can become aggressive. Mature plants tolerate some drought, and foliar disease is rarely a significant problem. Range & Habitat: The native Tall Coreopsis is occasional to fairly common in most counties of Illinois, but it is uncommon or absent in the NW and SE sections of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include black soil prairies, cemetery prairies, sand prairies, typical savannas and sandy savannas, thickets, edges of seeps, thinly wooded bluffs, meadows in wooded areas, limestone glades, abandoned fields, areas along railroads, and roadsides. Tall Coreopsis occurs in moderately disturbed to high quality habitats. It responds well to fire in areas that have been invaded by shrubby vegetation and trees. [图片]Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowerheads attract a variety of insects, including bumblebees, cuckoo bees (Triepeolus spp.), digger bees (Melissodes spp.), leaf-cutting bees (Megachile spp.), Halictid bees (Halictus spp., Lasioglossum spp.), dagger bees (Calliopsis spp., Heterosarus spp.), thread-waisted wasps (Ammophila spp.) and other wasps, Syrphid flies, bee flies (Bombyliidae), Tachinid flies, butterflies, skippers, and the Goldenrod Soldier Beetle (Chauliognathus pennsylvanicus); see Robertson (1929). Other insects feed destructively on the plant juices, flowerheads, and other parts of Tall Coreopsis and other Coreopsis spp. These species include the Ragweed Leaf Beetle (Calligrapha bidenticola) and Coreopsis Leaf Beetle (Calligrapha californica coreopsivora), the Red-spotted Aster Mirid (Polymerus basalis), an aphid (Uroleucon reynoldense), and the larvae of such moths as the Dimorphic Gray (Tornos scolopacinarius, Wavy-lined Emerald (Synchlora aerata), and Common Tan Wave (Pleuroprucha insulsaria). Larvae of the latter two moths feed on the flowerheads; see Clark et al. (2004), Knight (1941), Blackman & Eastop (2013), Covell (1984/2005), and Wagner (2005) for more information. Mammalian herbivores occasionally browse on the foliage of Tall Coreopsis, especially the tender growth of young plants earlier in the year. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken at the Red Bison Railroad Prairie in Savoy, Illinois, and the Loda Cemetery Prairie in the southwest corner of Iroquois County, Illinois. Comments: Tall Coreopsis (Coreopsis tripteris) is more impressive when it occurs in loose colonies, rather than as a stand-alone specimen. Each plant has a tendency to sway with the passage of every breeze during a sunny afternoon, exerting a hypnotic effect. Tall Coreopsis can be distinguished from other Coreopsis spp. in Illinois by its greater height, later period of bloom, and flowerheads with dark purple or maroon centers. In contrast, most Coreopsis spp. have flowerheads with yellow centers. Because of its greater height, Tall Coreopsis could be confused with one of the sunflowers (Helianthus spp.), but it is readily distinguished from them by its odd-pinnate leaves. In contrast, sunflowers have simple leaves.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This is an annual wildflower about 1½–3' tall that branches occasionally. The stems are medium green and glabrous. The leaves are up to 6" long and 4" across (excluding the petioles); they are simple- or double-pinnate, medium green, and glabrous. The leaflets (or lobes) are up to 2" long and less than ¼" across; they are linear, linear-lanceolate, or linear-oblanceolate. The upper stems terminate in flowerheads that individually span about 1-2" across. Each flowerhead has 6-12 ray florets that surround numerous disk florets. The ray florets are reddish brown toward the center of the flowerhead, but become golden yellow toward their tips; less often, they may be reddish brown throughout. Each ray floret becomes wider toward its tip, which is divided into 3 large teeth. The tiny disk florets have corollas that are reddish brown and tubular in shape; each corolla has 4 tiny teeth along its upper rim. The base of each flowerhead is surrounded by glabrous brown bracts (phyllaries); the outer bracts at the very bottom of the flowerhead are small and triangular in shape, while the inner bracts are much larger in size and ovate in shape. The blooming period occurs from mid-summer to early fall and lasts about 1-2 months. The fertile disk florets are replaced by small achenes that lack tufts of hair. The root system is fibrous. This wildflower reproduces by reseeding itself. Cultivation: Preferred growing conditions consist of full sun and moist to mesic sandy soil. However, other kinds of soil are readily tolerated, including those that contain loam, clay-loam, or some gravel. Depending on the cultivar or local ecotype, there is considerable variability in the size of flowerheads and the height of plants. Range & Habitat: Plains Coreopsis has naturalized in scattered locations throughout Illinois, where it is generally uncommon (see Distribution Map). This introduced species is native to the region of the Great Plains in North America; most local populations in Illinois are descendants of plants that have escaped from cultivation. Habitats include sand prairies, rocky glades, areas along railroads, roadsides, and waste areas, particularly where the soil is rather barren. This species is cultivated in gardens because of the attractive flowerheads. Faunal Associations: The flowerheads of Coreopsis spp. provide nectar and pollen to a wide variety of insects, including long-tongued bees, short-tongued bees, wasps, flies, butterflies, skippers, and beetles. The caterpillars of the moths Synchlora aerata (Wavy-Lined Emerald) and Tornos scolopacinarius (Dimorphic Gray) feed on the foliage of Coreopsis spp. and similar plants. Another insect that feeds on the foliage of these species is the leaf beetle, Calligrapha californica, which has been found specifically on Plains Coreopsis. [图片]Photographic Location: A flower garden at the Arboretum of the University of Illinois in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: During the blooming period, Plains Coreopsis produces showy flowerheads in abundance. This species can be distinguished from other wildflowers by the ray florets of its flowerheads, which are yellow-maroon or maroon (reddish brown). Sometimes the ray florets of Rudbeckia hirta (Black-Eyed Susan) and Rudbeckia fulgida (Orange Coneflower) are partially maroon, but their ray florets have narrow tips that lack large teeth. Furthermore, the leaves of these latter species are not pinnately divided, unlike those of Plains Coreopsis. Other Coreopsis spp. in Illinois are perennial plants; they have ray florets that are yellow throughout. Another common name of Coreopsis tinctoria is Golden Coreopsis.
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[图片]修剪调控 原理:这种方法是通过对植物进行摘心、摘叶或者剥芽等处理,从而改变它们的成长发育速度,相应地改变它们的开花时间。 具体处理方法:一般来说,如果对植物使用摘心这个措施的话,植物的开花时期就会相应延迟一些。另外,把树干剥去一圈皮这种方法能让足够的养分凝集在比较靠上部分的花枝上,这样也有利于植物开花。所以,如果观察到植物在圣诞还没有到来的时候就要开始开花了,就可以进行这两种处理,那么花期就会变慢一点,我们就可以在圣诞看到植物的花朵了。另外,如果我们将植物的一些侧芽剪掉的话,那么它的主芽开得花就好,如果摘除顶芽的话,它的侧芽就会相对开得好一些。这两种处理就相对于植物的开花地点来说的,我们在进行修剪的时候也可以加以注意。 光照调控 原理:我们都知道,温暖的阳光对于大部分植物的开花来说,都是必不可少的因素之一。那么,由于光照的重要作用,业让它成为一种调节花期的重要方法。 具体步骤:一般来说,如果阳光充足的话,植物的花期会比光照不足的时候提前一些;当然,如果荫蔽过多的话,那么花期就会延后了。因为这种植物的花期一般是在春季,那么圣诞开花自然是让它提前一些,所以具体的处理就是多给予植物一些光照了。
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[图片]自然的花期 这种花正常状态下报春是可以开三个月的,开花的时间就是整个春天。它们的颜色都很鲜艳,红粉黄紫全都有,花纹也很精致,里层基本上是黄色的,外层是纯色的,外层有红的,粉的,紫的,有的还有条纹图案,简直不能再好看啦。 想像一下,心里没有任何的杂念,就置身于一片报春花花海中,用安闲自在的心去拥抱这一片喜气洋洋的花海,有没有很开心?所以放置一盆报春在书房,不仅能为书房增加灵气,还能在学习之余缓解心情,是不是很合适呢? 开花宝典:播种时间 居住位置偏北一点的朋友可以选择在春天播种,这样到了夏天的时候可以开了,但是要想让它们赶在过节的时候开花,就就只能选择室内栽种,可以选择在秋天种植,因为这种花从播下到开花大约只需要11-12周的时间。种子在15-20℃的时候是比较爱发芽的,一般一周时间左右就能发出来。因为它的花期比较长,所以开花期间也是需要使用肥料的。 [图片]开花宝典:温度控制 如果已经开花,这时温度是不能超过15℃的,否则一定会影响效果。如果超过了18℃,就会缩短开花的时间,甚至会造成徒长。冬天的时候要更低一点,最好保持在12-14℃,这样就能缓解植物的代谢,延长开花的时间,花落之后再使用液肥的话,还能继续开花。
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