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Dummer. ゛☀
Calandrinia is a plant genus that contains many species of purslane, including the redmaids. The genus was named for Jean Louis Calandrini, an 18th-century Swiss botanist. It includes around 150 species of annual herbs which bear colorful flowers in shades of red to purple and white. Plants of this genus are native to Australia, Chile, and western North America. [图片]Calandrinia are half hardy perennials and annuals. As the perennials have a short life span they are usually grown as half hardy annuals in the garden. They are low growing, reaching heights of about 6 to 18 inches (15 to 45 cm) and bloom with hundreds of bright pink and purple flowers from middle to late summer. Names for Calandrinia include Rock Purslane, Parakeelya and Redmaids. They are ideal, ground cover and edging plants, they can also be used in rockeries. Plants are able to grow in very hot conditions. [图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Calandrinia plants are very easy to care for as they can tolerate prolonged dry periods. They do not like to much water, especially in the winter. Plants are able to grow as a short lived perennial in warm regions but should be grown as annuals elsewhere. Propagate by taking cuttings or allow plants to self seed in situ. If you plan to grow outdoors from seed then Calandrinia species should be sown at a depth of 0.1 inch (3 mm) after the last frost of spring. If you prefer to start off Calandrinia as seeds indoors then they should be started off about eight weeks before they are due to be put out. [图片]They should be grown at a temperature of 55 to 59°F (13 to 15°C), and take from one to two weeks to germinate. The seedlings of Calandrinia should be planted out with a spacing of about 8 inches (20 cm) following the last possible frost of spring into an area that receives plenty of sun, and into a gritty or sandy soil.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Desert cacti are a challenge to get to bloom indoors, simply because we can’t provide as much light as a sun-drenched desert. In addition to light, two other important factors for blooming are: [图片]Age: Some plants take years to mature. The best way to check this is to buy one that’s already blooming. Dormancy: Many desert cacti bloom in response to a cool, dry, dormant period. During the winter, you should reduce watering to only about once a month—just enough to keep the plant from shriveling up—and move your cactus to a cool spot, around 50°F (10°C), that has plenty of sunlight. Also, keep in mind these tips for year-round cactus care: [图片]Indoor cacti do best in a sunroom or south-facing windowsill. They’ll receive the most sunlight, and the air around windows is generally cooler in winter than the interior of a room. During the growing season, your cactus needs maximum light and heat. Put your plant in direct sunlight, and turn it occasionally for even light exposure.[图片]It will also need more water during the growing season. Allow the top 2 inch (5 cm) of soil to dry out before watering the plant thoroughly until it runs out the bottom (empty the drainage tray). Imagine a sudden desert rainstorm that soon dries in the sun, so never leave your plant in soggy soil. Fertilize cacti only in the spring and early summer, using a cactus-specific fertilizer or a highly diluted fertilizer lower in nitrogen and higher in phosphorus and potassium. Overfeeding will not make your cactus bloom! Repot your cactus using a potting mix designed for cacti and succulents. Don’t water your cactus for a week after repotting.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The genus Matucana belongs to the family of Cactaceae and is a native of Peru, particularly of the Andean city of Matucana, from which it takes its name. The genus includes about 20 species currently spread throughout South America. The plants grow in the highlands of the Andes at above 2500 m of altitude. Sturdy, robust, the Matucana are quite popular among collectors for its ease of cultivation. [图片]Matucana is characterized by bright green plants, sized small and medium, both globular and cylindrical, with numerous ribs segmented into dense spines and tubercles. The bloom is apical and flowers, usually appearing in late spring or summer, are elongated and tubular. They hatch at night and lasts from 2 to 4 days, offering a wide variety of colors, from white to red, yellow and bright orange. [图片]Growing Conditions and General Care All species are sensitive to moisture. Watering should therefore be limited to the growing season and should be made only when the substrate is completely dry. It must be suspended during the winter. Since they tend to lose their roots in cold and wet, these plants must be kept warm even in winter. A temperature not under 50°F (10°C) is suitable. Some species, for natural adaptation, can resist at temperatures below 32°F (0°C). If the plants are in the vegetative stage and optimal environmental conditions (a low moisture content with substantial temperature swing between day and night is appreciated), the growth is quite fast and you can get blooms already after 2-3 years after birth. Matucana must be grown in a very porous and draining soil. It can be composed largely by sand, lapilli and gravel. To encourage the development of a dense network of spine, the quality of the nutrients in the substrate is very important. The soil must be rich in potassium, poor in nitrogen. Since the roots are very delicate and subject to rot, the soil should be kept as dry as possible: do not forget that in their natural environment these plants grow in steep and inaccessible places. Matucana like dry, fresh and light air. A direct exposure to sunlight is appropriated, but too high temperatures (above 90°F/32°C), very different from those of their original environment, may damage them. In these cases it is best to filter the sun’s rays or prefer a bright area anyway, but at least partially shaded. [图片]Propagation Propagation is easy by seed, sowing should preferably be done in the spring.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Zamioculcas zamiifolia also known as ZZ Plant thrives well in USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 9b through 11, and won’t tolerate so much as a hint of frost. The ZZ Plant is an ancient one whose prehistoric appearance may remind you of a cycad, though they aren’t related. Tough, drought resistant and low-light tolerant, this undemanding beauty may be the perfect plant for the forgetful or neglectful gardener. Gardeners who don’t water often are the ones this plant loves best. [图片]1. Remove the ZZ Plant with yellowing leaves from its pot to rescue it. The discoloration is typically caused from too much water, which causes the water and food storing rhizomes to rot from fungal development. This so-called “eternal plant” will die from overwatering. 2. Shake as much soil from the root ball as you can. Discard it, don’t reuse it or add it to the compost heap as it’s probably infected with fungus. Set the plant on several layers of newspaper and examine the roots. You will probably find some soft, mushy roots and possibly rotting tubers as well. Using sharp, clean pruning shears, clip any diseased tissue that you see and discard it. 3. Pick any yellowing leaves off the ZZ Plant. If the stem is yellow, clip it off where it grows from the tuber. Check the tuber closely for signs of rot. Prune it out if it appears diseased. 4. Drench the roots and tubers with a fungicidal solution such as thiophanate-methyl. Follow the packaging instructions carefully. [图片]5. Scrub the pot with hot, soapy water. Soak it in a solution of 9 parts water and 1 part bleach for 30 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly. 6. Combine equal parts cactus potting mix and perlite for an excellent ZZ Plant growing medium. Repot the plant, move it to a warm room with low lighting and withhold water for about a week to allow it to recover. ZZ Plants bounce back quickly from adversity and new shoots will soon emerge. 7. Return the ZZ Plant to its normal spot after a week of rest. This plant will do best with as much bright, indirect light as you can provide. While it will do well even in low light, more is better. Keep the temperature between 76 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (24 and 32 degrees Celsius), with a range of between 80 and 87 degrees Fahrenheit (27 and 30 degrees Celsius) being optimum. Temperatures below 76 degrees Fahrenheit (24 degrees Celsius) will inhibit the plant’s growth. 8. Water your ZZ Plant thoroughly to evenly moisten the soil surface throughout the growing season. Allow the plant to dry out slightly between waterings. Water again when the top 1 inch (2.5 cm) of soil feels dry. Water no more than once weekly during the winter. Do not allow it to stand in water. [图片]9. Feed this plant a balanced water-soluble houseplant fertilizer at half strength every two months while it is actively growing. 10. Set the ZZ Plant outdoors in a shady spot in the summer. It will appreciate the bright natural light and fresh air.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Espostoa is a genus of columnar cacti, comprising 16 species known from the Andes of southern Ecuador and Peru. It usually lives at an altitude of between 2625 and 8200 feet (800 and 2500 m). Its fruit is edible, sweet, and juicy. The genus is named after Nicolas E. Esposto, a renowned botanist from Lima. Espostoa are columnar cacti that mostly branch at the base to form a series of stems reminiscent of a big city skyline. The most notable feature of Espostoa is presence in most species of dense, white “hair” which quite dramatically covers the stems giving them a soft, fuzzy appearance. This is just an illusion however, as underneath the soft hairs are numerous sharp spines arranged on many small ribs which circle the columns. In some species the main central spine extends well past the hair making their threatening presence obvious. [图片]Another trait of Espostoa that is seen in sexually mature stems is the flower-bearing lateral cephalium. This is an area along the sides of the stems that produce and especially dense wool and/or bristles out of which the flowers are produced. These structures are brown or gray or white and look as if something was smeared along one side of the stem. The flowers produced are cup or bell shaped and are typically 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5 cm) in diameter. Flowers are mostly white or rarely reddish and nocturnal. [图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Several species of Espostoa, are especially popular in cultivation due to their fuzzy white hairy appearance. The plants are typically sold by large commercial growers as up to 12 inch (30 cm) stems. However, being large columnar species, these plants do not grow nearly as vigorously in pots as they would in the ground. Plants tend to quickly fill the pots becoming pot bound and then growth slows to a crawl. As such, these plants rarely, if ever reach maturity meaning they don’t produce the cephalium and subsequently do not flower. On the other hand, those in warmer climates that can plant the species directly in the ground may indeed have plants that form a nice grouping of stems that will eventually flower. Like all cacti, Espostoa requires a sunny location and well-drained soil. But in summer, it appreciates fertilizer and wetter conditions. In winter, it needs a rest, but the temperature must not drop below 54°F (12°C). They are appreciated for their decorative qualities due to their white fleece. [图片]Propagation Espostoa can be successfully propagated by both vegetative cuttings and from seed. The seeds are quite easy to germinate and grow. Their main requirements consist of high humidity levels, free-draining soil mix, and enough water, light, and nutrition.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Succulents are a popular gardening trend that won’t be dying anytime soon. Enthusiasts love their geometric forms and exquisite, often intricate patterns and details. No longer viewed as just a desert or house plant, succulents can grow and actually thrive in various climates, depending on the type of succulent. In regions affected by drought, they are a smart, drought-tolerant alternative to thirsty lawns and other water-guzzling plants. With very little effort, succulents can look so good. But they still require attention. Discover how to not only keep them alive, but get them to thrive. [图片]1. Don’t Overwater Them You love your succulents so much, you want to water them every other day to make them grow plump and lush. But what you’ll get is a soft, shriveled, squishy mess. Overwatering is a bigger problem for succulents than underwatering. Roots can rot. If it’s too late, look for healthy tissue, take some cuttings, and allow the cut end to callus (seal itself) and then replant it. Get rid of the soil in which the oversaturated succulent was in. 2. Don’t Neglect Them Succulents and cacti: those are the desert-like plants that don’t need to be watered, like, ever—right? Wrong. Their watering needs are minimal, but they still need it to survive. If you live in a region that doesn’t get much rain, water succulents regularly during their periods of active growth. This would be spring through fall. Container plants can be watered about once a week. Occasionally, let the hose drench the pot until water flows out, to remove built-up salts from the soil. 3. Group Plants with Similar Water Needs In other words, don’t plant succulents next to super-fussy perennials that require rich soil and frequent watering. Ideally, you want to have a drought-tolerant, low-water area in your garden, a moderate water area, and so on. It just makes things easier for you and your plants will be happier. 4. The Right Soil Cactus and succulent-mix soil is available by the bag at nurseries and home centers. While it’s useful for container plants, especially those that will be used as houseplants, it’s not always practical or necessary for succulents planted in the garden. Learn more about the type of soil that’s in your yard, and add amendments to make it fast-draining and on the dryer side. While some succulents are so forgiving and will grow almost anywhere, even in clay, it’s best to give them optimal growing conditions for healthy roots and beautiful plants. [图片]5. Shed Some Light Most succulents need a mix of sunlight and shade to grow healthy. One extreme or the other is not going to result in a beautiful, happy plant. Learn about your particular succulent’s light requirements, and find the best place in your yard or space in which it plant it. A hint: the color of the plant is a tip-off to its light needs. For example, shade-loving succulents are usually in hues of yellow and green. Sun lovers are more reddish and orange. 6. Protect from Frost Succulents go dormant during the winter months, when they don’t need to be watered. In fact, watering them during dormant season can make their roots more susceptible to rot, and kill them. What they really like is a cool and dry climate. If your area is experiencing lots of rain, and your succulents are in pots, move them under eaves to avoid over-saturation, or bring them inside. Frost is another matter. Pay attention to freeze warnings. Cover with a cloth or plant under a tree, which protects succulents during the winter and summer. 7. Put Them in the Ground Some people think that succulents are houseplants, and when they are grown outdoors, must be relegated to containers and pots. While they look great in a well-designed container arrangement, succulents, just like any other plant, love to be planted in garden beds where they can be fruitful and multiply. In warmer regions that don’t experience freezing temperatures during the winter, succulents will do just fine growing in the ground or raised beds. Some are so forgiving of soil conditions that they can grow almost anywhere that has at least some soil to which they can attach their roots. 8. Allow to Callus Before Transplanting Succulents are one of the easiest plants to propagate: just take a snippet, some leaves, a stem, offset, or “baby” and plop into the soil or another pot. But before you do, allow the stem to callus-over for a few days to prevent rot. This can be done by either placing cuttings or a paper towel and leaving them for up to five days, or putting them in a container or other place where you will remember to replant them. 9. Get Rid of Harmful Insects One thing is certain: your succulent or cacti is not looking good. Symptoms include: buds that won’t open, distorted growth, cotton-like attachments to roots, tiny insects on new growth, paprika-like dots on leaves, brown bumps on stems, collapsed outer leaves, holes in leaves. The culprit? Insects. Some gardeners believe that hardy succulents and cacti are resistant to insects–not so. Consult a master gardener site online or get one of the books about succulents and cacti to help you identify the symptom, insect, and solution. [图片]10. Protect from Disease One sign of disease in succulents is an orangeish, cancerous-like growth near or on the stem. It has probably become infected by a microscopic mite. To treat: remove the infected tissue and put the succulent in a separate container until new, healthy growth appears. To prevent spreading to other plants, remember to clean your tools after using them on infected succulents.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Othonna is a genus of more than 100 African plants in the Sunflower family (Asteraceae). These are evergreen or deciduous geophytes, dwarf succulents or shrubs concentrated in the Western Cape Province of South Africa and also in southern Namibia. A few species occur in summer rainfall parts of southern Africa. The genus is closely allied to Senecio and can be distinguished principally by details of the involucre. The form or habit of Othonnas is very diverse. Leaf diversity is also notable in this genus. A few species possess highly succulent leaves (Othonna capensis, Othonna sedifolia) but most have bifacial leaves that are only slightly succulent. Size and shape is variable, with most species having leaves in the 0.4 to 4 inches (1 to 10 cm) long range. The bright yellow (occasionally white or purple) flowers are the most distinguishing characteristic of the genus and the flowering times differ from different species. Some flower just before beginning their summer rest, and others flower after beginning growth in the fall. [图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Othonna plants have a variable range of habitats, some grow in a very hot, arid regions, but they avoid the intense desiccating rays of the north and west sun, growing between rocks in southern slopes. A few species, by contrary, grow in strong direct sunlight in arid situations that become very hot and dry as well as saturated for a few weeks during their growing period. All Othonnas grow in very open situations with plenty of free air circulation all around. Othonnas fleshy leaves and daisy-like flowers make them excellent in a desert or rock garden (where hardy), or indoors as houseplants or greenhouse specimens. Othonnas tend to be fairly hardy but some of them as Othonna cacalioides can be extremely difficult in cultivation if you do not give them the right conditions: space to develop radicular system, better to keep them in flat pots. In summer protect plants from direct sunlight. In growing season they like to be moist, fresh and plenty light. They don’t like temperatures below 50°F (10°C). In the warmer months Othonnas go into their dormancy period, stop watering, place them in a shaded, cooler area, away from getting direct sunlight and with good air circulation, relatively dry. In the fall, sometime around early to mid October when nights cool down, the plants may start growing on their own, but a good soaking will help them to leaf out. A typical succulent soil mix should be suitable for growing Othonnas but additional drainage material would be recommended. [图片]Propagation Start seed in spring at 64 to 70°F (18 to 21°C). Plants can also be propagated from basal or semi-ripe cuttings in late summer using bottom heat.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The genus Aztekium contains three species of small globular cacti native to a small region in the Mexican Sierra Madre. Discovered in 1929 by F. Ritter, this genus was thought to be monotypic (with Aztekium ritteri) until a second species (Aztekium hintonii) was discovered by George S. Hinton in 1991. A further species, Aztekium valdesii, was discovered in 2011 by M.A. Alvarado Vázquez in the Sierra Madre Oriental mountains. [图片]The genus name is dedicated to the Aztec people, due to the resemblance between the plant’s shape and certain Aztec sculptures. Aztekium only grows in cracks in steep cliff faces filled with gypsum or limestone gravel and silt. The plants can look quite gnarly in the wild but carefully cultivated specimens are quite beautiful. Aztekium species offset slowly but generously in cultivation. [图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Aztekium are by far the most challenging and difficult cacti to grow. They are having extremely slow growth, probably the slowest of the entire cactus family. They usually take several years for growth to be even noticeable. Once a specimen is established on its own roots it is no trouble to keep it, and becomes an easy plant to manage. Because of the difficulty of cultivation, Aztekiums are most often grafted to hardier stock. They need good drainage and regular water in summer. Water carefully from below in summer and keep nearly totally dry in winter. If grafted the plants can take a little more water. Just remember the graft stock is also a cactus and will rot if over watered. Provide shade from midday through the afternoon. A little morning sun is OK. If successful you’ll have tiny, white or pale pink, funnel-shaped flowers atop the plants intermittently throughout the spring and summer. [图片]Propagation They are usually propagated by seeds. The seeds are extremely fine and germinate readily, but the seed germination rate is very low (less than 5%).
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Dummer. ゛☀
Adenia is a genus of flowering plants in the Passion-flower family (Passifloraceae). It is distributed in the Old World tropics and subtropics. The centers of diversity are in Madagascar, eastern and western tropical Africa, and Southeast Asia. The genus name comes from “aden”, reported as the Arabic name for the plant by Peter Forsskål, the author of the genus. [图片].jpg"> Adenias have some very interesting characteristics. They are excellent members of the caudiciform succulents and some species can attain a base of more than 6.6 feet (2 m) wide. Most Adenia plants are vine growers and form a large canopy of heart shaped leaves that shade the base. Most Adenias have green trunks and branches. Some species have overlaid reds, browns, or purples that add to the beauty of the caudex. Adenias typically flower in the spring before the leaves appear. [图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Adenia plants are summer growers and can be watered and fed regularly if planted in fast draining soil. Let the soil dry between watering if you are in a humid climate. Most of your growth will be during the warm season and the plant will have the most leaves. The plant will also grow best with the leaves exposed to bright light, but the caudex shaded. During the cool months protect the plant from frost to keep it alive. The plant normally rests during this period and water should be kept to a minimum. However, you can keep the plant active, if you can keep it above 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius). Their sap is poisonous, and they should be handled with caution, particularly when pruning. [图片]Propagation Most cuttings do not produce a caudex so it is best to propagate by seeds. Adenias are either male or female so one of each is required to produce seeds.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Succulents are typically well-suited to indoor living. They can even adapt to less-than-ideal conditions and tolerate a little bit of neglect. Still, no succulent can survive in subpar conditions forever. Eventually inadequate lighting, incorrect watering, disease or pests will take their toll. Once your plants start to look sickly, you need to act quickly to right the problem. Most sickly succulents come back to life with a few simple changes to their environment or care routine. [图片]Water and Soil Moisture One of the quickest ways to kill indoor succulents is to water them incorrectly. Succulents use their thick, fleshy leaves to store water. They’ll rely on these water reserves to survive in dry conditions, but they still require regular watering to thrive. However, too much water is deadly to these plants. From spring to fall when growth is most active, water your succulent when the top inch (2.5 cm) of the soil feels dry to the touch. Pour fresh water into the pot until it begins to drain from the holes in the bottom of the pot. Allow all of the excess water to drain away completely. For most potted succulent plants, this means watering at least once per week. During the inactive growing season, or winter, water when the plant has almost dried out, or when the soil is mostly dry to the touch but not completely bone-dry. As a general rule, you’ll need to water about once a month in the winter. If your succulents appear deflated or shriveled during this season, you may need to water more often. It’s better to water too little than too much until you figure out the ideal watering schedule. [图片]Mineral Buildup and Water Damage Your dying succulents could be suffering damage from water treatment additives. Tap water contains minerals and other additives that build up in the soil and have the potential to damage roots and cause poor growth or even death. If you use a water softener in your home, the excess salts can also damage your succulents. A telltale sign of mineral or salt buildup is a white crust on the surface of the soil or along the sides of the pot. If you can’t collect rainwater, try watering with distilled water or water that has been filtered to remove minerals. At the very least, leaving tap water out on the counter overnight before using it allows some of the treatment chemicals to dissipate into the air. If you suspect that mineral buildup or water treatment chemicals are to blame, you have two options. First, you can flush the soil of each plant with plenty of rainwater, filtered water or distilled water to rinse away excess minerals. Second, you can repot the plant, taking special care to gently knock some but not all of the old soil away from the roots. [图片]Lighting Conditions Succulents typically do well in a variety of home lighting conditions. They do not always adapt well to abrupt changes in light. If your succulents were outside for a long period of time or in a shady garden center and they’re now in opposite conditions in your home, they could be suffering from shock. The key to saving your succulents is to gradually introduce them to the lighting conditions in your home. For example, if they were in bright, direct outdoor light, move them first to indirect outdoor light. After a few days, move them to a slightly shadier spot. After a few more days, move them indoors near a sunny window. After about a week, try moving them to their permanent home. If your succulents don’t respond to slowly introducing them to their new lighting conditions, it could be that they need more or less light to thrive. If you placed them next to a sunny window with hot, direct light, try moving them to a bright spot that doesn’t get direct light. If they’re in a shadier location, try moving them to a brighter one. If moving them to a new location entails a big change, adjust the plants gradually. You should notice improvement within a week or two. [图片]Insects and Disease Succulents that live in optimal conditions but still appear sickly are likely suffering from disease or insect infestation. Succulents are especially susceptible to mealy bugs, spider mites, scale and fungus gnats. Mealy bugs can be treated by applying rubbing alcohol to their fuzzy white homes with a cotton ball or cotton swab. Scale, which looks like brown scales or shells, can be treated the same way. If you’re not sure what type of pest or disease you may have, apply a product that contains a miticide, fungicide and pesticide from your local garden center. These combination products contain neem oil, fish oil, soybean oil or other types of oil, which create conditions in which insects, mites and other pests can’t survive.
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