Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial wildflower is 3-9' tall, forming a central stem that is unbranched, except along the upper one-third of its length, where there may be a few ascending lateral stems. These stems are predominately reddish purple and terete; they are covered with spreading white hairs. Abundant spreading leaves occur along these stems; they are usually opposite below and alternate above. Individual leaves are 3-7" long and ½-1½" across; they are lanceolate-elliptic in shape and usually crenate-serrate along their margins. The upper leaf surface is medium green and rough-textured from minute stiff hairs, while the lower surface is pale green with spreading white hairs along the major veins and minute stiff hairs inbetween. The minute stiff hairs of the leaves are sparsely to moderately abundant in their distribution. Individual leaves taper gradually into short petioles up to ½" long, and they taper gradually into acute tips. The upper stems terminate in one or more flowerheads about 2-3" across. Each flowerhead has 10-20 yellow ray florets that surround a dense circular cluster of yellow disk florets in the center. The petaloid extensions of the ray florets are oblong and slightly notched at their tips. The tiny disk florets are tubular in shape with 5 spreading to ascending lobes. The disk florets are perfect, while the ray florets are sterile. At the base of each flowerhead, there are floral bracts (phyllaries) that are loosely arranged in several series; they are ascending to widely spreading when the flowerhead is in bloom. Individual floral bracts are medium green, narrowly linear-lanceolate, and covered with stiff minute hairs; their margins are often ciliate. The peduncles (up to 6" long) of the flowerheads are similar to the stems, except they are usually light green. The blooming period occurs from mid-summer into the fall, lasting about 2 months. The disk florets are replaced by small achenes that are oblongoid and slightly flattened in shape; each achene has a truncate apex with a pair of membranous awns that soon become detached. The root system has fleshy fibrous roots and shallow rhizomes. Small colonies of plants often develop from the rhizomes. Distribution MapCultivation: The preference is full sun, wet to moist conditions, and sandy soil. The size of individual plants is highly variable, depending on the level of moisture, nutrients, and competition from other plants. Range & Habitat: The native Giant Sunflower is largely restricted to NE Illinois, where it is rare and state-listed as 'endangered.' It is more common in areas further to the north and east of Illinois. Habitats consist of wet sand prairies, sandy swales, calcareous fens, sedge meadows, and Tamarack bogs. This wildflower is found in higher quality wetlands. Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowerheads attract bumblebees and other long-tongued bees, Andrenid bees and other short-tongued bees, Syrphid flies and other flies, butterflies, and other insects. A variety of insects feed on the foliage, stalks, roots, and other parts of Giant Sunflower and other sunflowers (Helianthus spp.). These species include such beetles as Haplorhynchites aeneus (Sunflower Head-Clipping Weevil), Cylindrocopturus adspersus (Sunflower Stem Weevil), Rhodobaenus quinquepunctatus (Five-Spotted Billbug), Rhodobaenus tredecimpunctatus (Thirteen-Spotted Billbug), Systena blanda (Pale-Striped Flea Beetle) and other leaf beetles. The larvae of Contarinia schulzi (Sunflower Midge) cause club-shaped distortions in the buds and flowerheads, while the larvae of Strauzia longipennis (Sunflower Maggot) bore through the stems. The larvae of another fly, Neotephritis finalis (Sunflower Seed Maggot), feed from inside the achenes. Other insect feeders include the flower thrips Heterothrips auranticornis and the following plant bugs: Ilnacoris stalii, Plagiognathus nigronitens, and Polymerus basalis. In addition to these insects, a large number of aphids, leafhoppers, and treehoppers feed on sunflowers (see Aphid, Leafhopper, & Treehopper Table). Caterpillars of the butterflies Chlosyne nycteis (Silvery Checkerspot), Chlosyne gorgone (Gorgone Checkerspot), and Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady) sometimes feed on sunflowers, as do the caterpillars of many moths (see Moth Table). The seeds of sunflowers are eaten by many birds during the fall and winter, including the Mourning Dove, White-Winged Crossbill, Eastern Goldfinch, Black-Capped Chickadee, White-Breasted Nuthatch, Tufted Titmouse, and various sparrows. The foliage of sunflowers is palatable to White Tailed Deer and other hoofed grazing mammals, while the seeds are eaten by the Meadow Vole and other small rodents. Because Giant Sunflower occurs in wetlands, its large stalks are sometimes used by beavers in the construction of their dams and lodges. This tall colonial plant also provides protective cover for many kinds of wildlife. [图片]Photographic Location: A prairie at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois. Comments: This attractive sunflower can be distinguished from other sunflowers in Illinois by its relatively narrow leaves, alternation of its leaves along the stems, spreading hairs of its stems, yellow disk florets, and long slender phyllaries (floral bracts). Other narrow-leaved species of sunflowers within the state include Helianthus grosseserratus (Sawtooth Sunflower) and Helianthus pauciflorus (Prairie Sunflower). Sawtooth Sunflower can be distinguished by its hairless glaucous stems, while the Prairie Sunflower can be distinguished by its stouter phyllaries and reddish purple disk florets. Another species, Helianthus tuberosus (Jerusalem Artichoke), has hairy stems like Giant Sunflower, but the leaves of Jerusalem Artichoke are wider and its petioles are longer. Yet another species, Helianthus hirsutus (Hairy Sunflower), also has hairy stems like Giant Sunflower, but the leaves of Hairy Sunflower are arranged oppositely along its stems, rather than alternately.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is 3-5' tall, branching sparingly to occasionally. It has greenish stems that are angular and winged. The alternate leaves are up to 5" long and 1½" across; they are lanceolate-oblong to elliptic-oblong in shape and slightly serrated along their margins. The leaves are either sessile or their bases clasp the stems. Upper stems terminate in flowerheads spanning about 1½-2" across; they are usually produced in abundance. Each flowerhead has a slightly flattened to globoid head of yellow disk florets that is surrounded by yellow ray florets. The petaloid rays of the latter florets are narrowly triangular in shape (broader at their tips than at their bases). The tips of these unusual rays are doubly notched, creating an interesting effect. The tubular corollas of the tiny disk florets are less than 1/8" across. The blooming period occurs during the autumn for 1-2 months. Afterwards, the florets are replaced by achenes that lack tufts of hair; they are distributed in part by water. The root system is shallow and fibrous. Cultivation: The preference is full to partial sun, wet to moist conditions, and soil containing loam or silt that is relatively high in organic material. Common Sneezeweed can appear sloppy and unkempt, particularly if it is allowed to dry out. Range & Habitat: The native Common Sneezeweed occurs throughout Illinois, where it is quite common in the central and northern sections of the state (see Distribution Map). In southern Illinois, this plant is less common or absent. Habitats include moist black soil prairies, moist meadows in wooded areas, moist meadows along rivers, moist open woodlands, soggy thickets, fens, marshes, poorly drained pastures and abandoned fields, low areas along streams and ponds, and ditches. It is not uncommon to find this plant growing within a few feet of water in both disturbed areas and higher quality habitats. Recovery from fire is poor. [图片]Faunal Associations: Probably the most common visitors to the flowers are long-tongued bees, including honeybees, bumblebees, long-horned bees (Melissodes spp.), cuckoo bees (Coelioxys spp., Triepeolus spp.), and leaf-cutting bees (Megachile spp.). Other visitors include Halictid bees, Sphecid wasps, Vespid wasps, Syrphid flies, butterflies, and beetles. Most of these insects suck nectar, although some bees also collect pollen and some beetles feed on the pollen. The aphids Aphis vernoniae and Uroleucon tardae suck plant juices from Common Sneezeweed, while the caterpillars of Papaipema rigida (Rigid Sunflower Borer Moth) bore through its stems and feed on the pith. Mammalian herbivores usually don't feed on this plant because its foliage is toxic and bitter. There have been reports of severe poisoning for livestock that have consumed this plant, producing such symptoms as congestion of the kidneys and liver, formation of necrotic areas in the lungs, and irritation of the digestive tract. Not surprisingly, Common Sneezeweed is considered an 'increaser' in grazed meadows. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken near a drainage ditch at Judge Webber Park in Urbana, Illinois, and in a wetland area of Weaver Park of the same city. Comments: Notwithstanding its common name, this plant doesn't cause sneezing or hay fever during the autumn – its pollen is distributed by insects, rather than the wind. Common Sneezeweed blooms quite late in the year, providing some fall color when other plants have finished blooming. A similar species, Helenium flexuosum (Purple-Headed Sneezeweed), differs from Common Sneezeweed by having disk florets that are purple, rather than yellow, and its foliage is more soft-hairy. This latter species is native to southern Illinois.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
escription: This herbaceous perennial plant is 3-7' tall and usually unbranched, except where the inflorescence occurs. The central stem is light green to light reddish green, glabrous to sparsely pubescent, terete, and sometimes shallowly grooved. Sometimes the central stem is also glaucous. The alternate leaves are up to 10" long and 6" across, becoming gradually smaller as they ascend. The lower to middle leaves are hastate or deltate (triangular) in shape and serrated along their margins; the upper leaves are deltate or lanceolate in shape and serrated along their margins. The lower and middle leaves have winged petioles up to 5" long, while the upper leaves are nearly sessile. The tips of leaves are acute to narrowly acute, while their bases are indented, truncate, or broadly wedge-shaped. The basal lobes of hastate leaves are deltate with acute tips. The upper and lower surfaces of the leaves are medium green and glabrous. Leaf venation is pinnate. The central stem and axillary stems from the upper leaves terminate in a panicle (or compound corymb) of flowerheads that is more or less flat-headed. The branches and peduncles of this inflorescence are light green, mostly glabrous, and sometimes glaucous (however, minute hairs may be visible with a hand lens). Individual flowerheads have 20-40 perfect disk florets and no ray florets; they are 8-12 mm. long and short-cylindrical in shape, although swelling slightly above while blooming. The corollas of the disk florets are white, cylindrical in shape, and deeply 5-lobed above. The base of each flowerhead is surrounded by linear phyllaries (floral bracts) in a single series; these phyllaries are light green to nearly white and glabrous. Underneath the base of each flowerhead, there are several linear bractlets that are widely spreading and up to 8 mm. long. These bractlets are light green to nearly white and glabrous; sometimes their tips curl upward. The blooming period occurs during late summer to early autumn, lasting about 2-3 weeks. The flowerheads have a pleasant sweet fragrance. Afterwards, fertile disk florets are replaced by achenes with tufts of white or tawny hair; they are distributed by the wind and perhaps by water. Mature achenes are about 6 mm. (¼") long, bullet-shaped, and brownish. The root system is shallow and coarsely fibrous. Sometimes clonal offsets develop from the root system. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is light shade to full sun, wet to moist conditions, and soil containing silt, loam, or calcareous sand. This plant can spread aggressively in gardens. Range & Habitat: Sweet Indian Plantain is uncommon in northern Illinois and rare elsewhere within the state, where it is native (see Distribution Map). Habitats include borders of bottomland woodlands, edges of soggy thickets, river bottom prairies, stream banks, and calcareous fens (including sandy fens). The disturbance of occasional floods along rivers and streams may play an important role in maintaining populations of this species. Such disturbance may reduce competition from less flood-tolerant plants and create areas of exposed topsoil that can be colonized. Sweet Indian Plantain is found in both high quality habitats and more disturbed habitats in floodplain areas. Faunal Associations: Very little is known about floral-faunal relationships for Sweet Indian Plantain. The nectar and pollen of the flowerheads probably attract a variety of insects, including bees, wasps, flies, small to medium-sized butterflies, skippers, and moths. An aphid (Uroleucon sp.) has been reported to feed on the foliage and plant juices of this plant (Blackman & Eastop, 2013). White-tailed Deer also browse on the foliage (Sharp, 2001). [图片]Photographic Location: A prairie in Fayette County, Illinois. The photographs were taken by Keith & Patty Horn (Copyright © 2015). Comments: Sweet Indian Plantain (Hasteola suaveolens) has striking triangular-shaped leaves. Because this plant is uncommon throughout its range, it should be cultivated more often. In the past, this plant has been assigned such scientific names as Cacalia suaveolens and Synosma suaveolens. Another common name of this species is False Indian Plantain. It is similar in appearance to some Arnoglossum spp. (Indian Plantain species), including Pale Indian Plantain (Arnoglossum atriplicifolium) and Prairie Indian Plantain (Arnoglossum tuberosum). Sweet Indian Plantain can be distinguished from these species by its deltate and hastate leaves; its flowerheads also have conspicuous spreading bractlets at their bases that these other species lack.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This wildflower is a biennial that forms a rosette of basal leaves during the first year, followed by a flowering plant about 2-7' tall the following year. The basal leaves are up to 16" long and 6" across, although they are normally closer to about one-half that size. Aside from a tendency to be larger in size, they are similar to the alternate leaves of a flowering plant (as described below). A typical flowering plant is unbranched below and occasionally branched above. The central stem and any lateral stems are light green, terete, and longitudinally furrowed; they are finely hairy above, becoming more glabrous below. Alternate leaves are up to 10" long and 4" across, becoming gradually smaller in size as they ascend the stems. In outline, these leaves are lanceolate-oblong to elliptic-oblong; they are also pinnatifid with several pairs of lanceolate to linear-lanceolate lobes that have spiny tips. The lobes of the alternate leaves usually have smaller secondary lobes or sharp teeth that may also have spiny tips. The spines are golden yellow and up to 1/8" (3 mm.) long. The upper leaf surface is medium to dark green and glabrous to sparsely short-pubescent. The lower leaf surface is usually whitened from a dense coating of short white hairs while young, but it becomes more pale green with age from a thinning of such hairs. [图片]The central stem and any upper stems terminate in either individual flowerheads or open corymbs of 2-5 flowerheads. The peduncles of these flowerhead are 1-6" long, light green (less often pale purple), terete, finely grooved, and finely hairy to nearly glabrous. There is usually a single leafy bract (up to 3" long) at the base of each peduncle and, less often, there may be a whorl of a few leafy bracts (up to 1½" long) underneath the flowerhead. Otherwise, the peduncle is naked. The leafy bracts resemble the alternate leaves, except they are smaller in size and their spiny lobes are more narrow. Each peduncle terminates in a flowerhead that is about 1¼-2" across and similarly in length. At the flattened top of the flowerhead, there is a dense cluster of numerous disk florets; there are no ray florets. The disk florets are perfect and fertile. The corollas of the disk florets are narrowly cylindrical below, becoming slightly wider above with 5 narrow lobes. These corollas vary in color from pink to pinkish purple. The sides of the flowerhead consist of overlapping floral bracts (phyllaries) that are appressed together in several series. These floral bracts are lanceolate to ovate in shape; their tips taper into erect minute spines, or such spines may be absent. The sticky floral bracts have narrow mid-ribs that are pale green, otherwise they are blackish green; appressed woolly hair usually occurs between the floral bracts. The blooming period occurs from mid-summer to early fall, lasting about 1½ months. Afterwards, the ray florets are replaced by small achenes with tufts of white hair. Individual achenes are about 5 mm. long, oblongoid, and dark brown to black with bands of yellow at their upper ends. They are distributed by the wind. The root system consists of a stout taproot. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is full sun, wet to moist conditions, and calcareous sand, although partial sun and other soil types are tolerated. The size of individual plants can be highly variable, depending on moisture level, soil fertility, and competition from other plants. Range & Habitat: The native Swamp Thistle is occasional in NE Illinois, otherwise it is uncommon or absent elsewhere in the state (see Distribution Map). This plant is more common further to the north. Habitats include wet sand prairies, sandy swamps, marshes, fens, interdunal swales near Lake Michigan, limestone bluffs (where some seepage of ground water occurs), pastures, and abandoned sandy fields. Swamp Thistle is found primarily in sandy wetlands and rocky areas where seepage through limestone occurs. It is perhaps most common in fens. Faunal Associations: The flowerheads of Swamp Thistle and similar Cirsium spp. (thistles) attract many insects, especially long-tongued bees and butterflies. Typical floral visitors include honeybees, bumblebees, long-horned bees (Melissodes spp.), leaf-cutting bees (Megachile spp.), Cuckoo beesTiger Swallowtail Nectaring at Flowerhead (Triepeolus spp.), Swallowtail butterflies (Papilio spp.), Fritillary butterflies (Speyeria spp.), Painted Lady butterflies (Vanessa spp.), and day-flying moths. Most of these insects suck nectar, although some bees also collect pollen. A long-horned bee, Melissodes desponsa, is an oligolege (specialist pollinator) of thistles. Other insect feed destructively on these plants. Swamp Thistle is the preferred host plant for the caterpillars of an uncommon butterfly, Calephelis mutica (Swamp Metalmark). Other insect feeders of thistles include caterpillars of Vanessa cardui (Painted Lady), caterpillars of Platyptilia carduidactyla (Artichoke Plume Moth) and Papaipema arctivorens (Northern Burdock Borer Moth), the leaf beetle Cassida rubiginosa, stem-boring larvae of Lixus concavus (Rhubarb Weevil), Melanoplus borealis (Northern Grasshopper), Brachycaudus cardui (Thistle Aphid) and Capitophorus elaeagni (Artichoke Aphid), and the treehopper Entylia bactriana. See the Insect Table for a more complete listing of these species. Because Swamp Thistle has some protection from its spines and it occurs in less accessible wetland habitats, it is usually ignored by mammalian herbivores. Some small songbirds, however, eat the seeds of thistles, especially the American Goldfinch. This bird also uses the hair tufts of thistle seeds in the construction of its nests. Another small bird, the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird, occasionally visits the flowerheads of thistles for their nectar. Photographic Location: A fen in NE Illinois. The photographs were taken by Lisa Culp (Copyright © 2011). Comments: Swamp Thistle (Cirsium muticum) resembles the more common Pasture Thistle (Cirsium discolor) and other tall-growing thistle species. It can be distinguished from these other species by the lack of significant spines on its floral bracts (phyllaries) and its preference for wetland habitats. While the leaf undersides of Swamp Thistle tend to be somewhat whitened, they are usually less whitened than either the Pasture Thistle or Tall Thistle (Cirsium altissimum). A Eurasian species that has not been found in Illinois, but appears to be spreading in other areas of the United States, is the Marsh Thistle (Cirsium palustre). Like the Swamp Thistle, Marsh Thistle also prefers wetland habitats, but it has smaller flowerheads (1" across or less) and its floral bracts have outward-pointing fine spines. This Eurasian thistle also tends to be somewhat smaller in size than the Swamp Thistle. Another common name of Cirsium muticum is Fen Thistle.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This biennial or short-lived perennial plant is 3-6' tall, branching occasionally. The stout stems are terete, glabrous, and sometimes glaucous; they are pale green, pink, or reddish purple, often with prominent longitudinal veins. The lower portion of the central stem is hollow. The compound leaves are odd-pinnate or doubly odd-pinnate; they alternate along the stems. The lower compound leaves are up to 1½' long and ¾' across; the upper compound leaves are much smaller. Each division of a compound leaf typically has 3-7 leaflets. The bases of petioles are partially enclosed by their sheaths; otherwise they are similar to the stems in appearance, although more slender. The glabrous leaflets are 1½-4" long and ½-1¼" across; they are oblong-elliptic with wedge-shaped bottoms, tapered tips, and dentate margins. Sometimes the leaflets fold upward along the length of their central veins. Leaflet venation is pinnate. The lateral veins of leaflets extend to the notches between the teeth, rather than to their tips, along the leaflet margins. The upper stems occasionally produce compound umbels of small white flowers. These compound umbels are up to 6" across and consist of 10-20 umbellets. Individual umbels are dome-shaped on top, rather than flat. Individual umbellets have about 12-15 flowers that are clustered together. Each flower is about 1/8" across, consisting of 5 white petals, an insignificant calyx, 5 white stamens, and a divided style. The tiny petals are constricted at their bases, and they have notched tips. The blooming period occurs during mid-summer, lasting about 1 month. The flowers have a slight fragrance that is sometimes detectable. Afterwards, each flower is replaced by a small angular fruit containing a pair of seeds. The root system consists of several fleshy roots at the base of the plant; they are ovoid or oblongoid in shape. These fleshy roots are exceptionally poisonous; the stems and foliage are somewhat less poisonous. This plant spreads by reseeding itself into neighboring areas. Cultivation: The preference is full to partial sun and wet to moist conditions. Some standing water is tolerated, if it is temporary. Either loamy or sandy soil is acceptable to this plant; it should contain some organic material to retain moisture. Foliar disease isn't a significant problem for healthy plants in an appropriate location. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native Water Hemlock has been observed in nearly all counties of Illinois (see Distribution Map); it is occasional to locally common. Habitats include moist open woodlands, swamps, wet prairies, prairie swales, marshes, seeps, and roadside ditches. Water Hemlock prefers moister locations than the introduced Conium maculatum (Poison Hemlock), and so these two species rarely compete with each other for the same ecological niche. It is not uncommon to find Water Hemlock growing where Iris virginica shrevei (Blue Flag Iris) also occurs. Faunal Associations: The exposed nectar of the flowers attract primarily insects with short mouthparts. These floral visitors include leafcutter bees (Megachile spp.), Halictid bees, cuckoo bees (Sphecodes spp.), plasterer bees (Colletes spp.), masked bees (Hylaeus spp.), Sphecid wasps, Vespid wasps, Tiphiid wasps, spider wasps (Pompilidae), velvet ants (Mutillidae), cuckoo wasps (Chrysididae), Eucoilid wasps, Braconid wasps, soldier flies (Stratiomyidae), Syrphid flies, thick-headed flies (Conopidae), Tachinid flies, flesh flies (Sarcophagidae), Muscid flies, and miscellaneous beetles (Robertson, 1929). The larvae of a butterfly, Papilio polyxenes (Black Swallowtail), feed on the foliage of Water Hemlock, while the larvae of a moth, Epermenia cicutaella, feed on the flowers and immature fruits. Several aphids suck plant juices from this plant, including Cavariella aegopodii (Carrot-Willow Aphid), Cavariella pastinacae (Parsnip-Willow Aphid), and Hyadaphis foeniculi (Honeysuckle-Fennel Aphid). Other insect feeders include Apion pensylvanicum (a weevil), Orthops scutellatus (Carrot Plant Bug), Paroxyna atlantica (Atlantic Grasshopper), and Paroxyna clavuliger (Olive-Green Swamp Grasshopper); see Pepper (1965), Blackman & Eastop (2013), Majka et al. (2007), Wheeler et al. (1983), and Harms & Grodowitz (2009). The toxic foliage and roots are usually left undisturbed by mammalian herbivores, although cattle and other livestock sometimes eat this plant with dire results. The fleshy roots are especially toxic: just a small piece can be fatal. [图片]Photographic Location: The photographs were taken of plants in a wet prairie along an abandoned railroad in Champaign County, Illinois. There was 2 ft. of standing water around the base of the plants as the result of a recent heavy rainfall, although at other times the site is merely moist. Comments: Water Hemlock is a reasonably attractive and eloquent plant, while the flowers provide nectar to many beneficial insects. It is fairly easy to distinguish Water Hemlock from other members of the Carrot family because of its double compound leaves and rather large leaflets that are rarely lobed. Many other members of the Carrot family have only simple compound leaves, or their leaflets are much smaller in size, or their leaflets are deeply lobed. On Water Hemlock, the lateral veins of the leaflets extend to the notches between the teeth, rather than to their tips, along the leaf margins. Apparently, no other member of the Carrot family in Illinois has this characteristic.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is 1½–3½' tall, branching occasionally. The stems are light green or light reddish green, glabrous, and glaucous. The compound leaves are up to 1' long and 8" across (excluding their petioles), becoming smaller as they ascend the stems; they are alternate, green, and glabrous. The lower leaves are double-pinnate, while the upper leaves are often simple-pinnate. The petioles of the lower leaves are long, while those of the upper leaves are much shorter or absent. The leaflets are up to 3" long and 1/3" (8 mm.) across; they are linear to lanceolate-linear, dentate, and sometimes cleft into narrow lobes. The axils of the upper leaves often have sessile clusters of ovoid bulblets. The upper stems terminate in compound umbels of small white flowers. Each compound umbel spans about 2-4" across and it consists of about 8 umbellets. Each umbellet has about 16 flowers. There are neither bracts nor bractlets at the base of the compound umbel and its umbellets, although a small sessile leaf may occur near the base of the compound umbel. Each flower spans about 1/8" (3 mm.) across or a little less, consisting of 5 white petals, 5 stamens, 2 styles, and an ovary. The blooming period occurs during late summer to early autumn and it lasts about one month. There is no noticeable floral scent. A pair of seeds are contained in each fruit (schizocarp). These fruits are about 1/8" (3 mm.) long; they are somewhat flattened, ovoid-oblongoid in shape, and slightly notched at their apices. The root system consists of a cluster of elongated fleshy roots. The foliage, seeds, and fleshy roots are toxic (especially the latter). This plant reproduces by seeds and aerial bulblets. [图片]Cultivation: The preference is light shade to full sun, wet conditions, and a mucky or mossy soil. This plant requires soil that is saturated with moisture throughout the year. Range & Habitat: The native Bulblet-Bearing Water Hemlock is an uncommon plant that occurs primarily in the northern half of Illinois, especially in the NE area of the state (see Distribution Map). Habitats include both sandy and non-sandy marshes, swamps, and borders of lakes and ponds. This species is normally found in high quality wetlands. [图片]Faunal Associations: Like other members of the Carrot family, the nectar of the flowers is accessible to insects with short mouthparts, therefore they will attract such visitors as flies, wasps, beetles, and small bees. Some of these insects may collect or feed on the pollen as well. The caterpillars of a butterfly, Papilio polyxenes asterias (Black Swallowtail), feed on the foliage. Other insects that feed on water hemlock species (Cicuta spp.) include stem-boring larvae of a weevil (Apion pensylvanicum), flower- and fruit-eating larvae of an Epermeniid moth (Epermenia cicutaella), flower- and fruit-eating nymphs and adults of Orthops scutellatus (Carrot Plant Bug), Cavariella aegopodii (Carrot-Willow Aphid) and other Cavariella spp., and Hyadaphis foeniculi (Honeysuckle-Fennel Aphid); see Majka et al. (2007), Covell (1984/2005), Wheeler et al. (1983), Blackman & Eastop (2013), and Pepper (1965). The poisonous seeds are not eaten by birds, while the poisonous foliage and roots are usually avoided by mammalian herbivores. Consumption of the fleshy roots and other parts of this plant by either mammalian herbivores or humans can cause convulsions and death. Photographic Location: A sandy marsh at the Heron Boardwalk in Vermilion County, Illinois. [图片]Comments: Bulblet-Bearing Water Hemlock is highly unusual because it bears clusters of bulblets in the upper leaf axils. With the exception of Ranunculus ficaria (Lesser Celandine), I can think of no other plant in Illinois that has this characteristic. Some Allium spp. (Onions) produce bulblets instead of flowers in their umbels, but their bulblets are not produced from the axils of leaves. Another species that occurs within the state, Cicuta maculata (Water Hemlock) is more common. Water Hemlock is a larger plant than Bulblet-Bearing Water Hemlock and it has broader leaflets (more than 1/3" or 8 mm. across). Water Hemlock blooms during mid-summer before Bulblet-Bearing Water Hemlock begins to bloom. Another white-flowered member of the Carrot family, Sium suave (Water Parsnip), often blooms at the same time as Bulblet-Bearing Water Hemlock and it occurs in the same wetland habitats. Water Parsnip has about 3 lanceolate bracts at the base of its compound umbels and its leaves are always simple-pinnate. Another similar species that blooms late, Oxypolis rigidior (Cowbane), also has leaves that are simple-pinnate. In contrast, the lower leaves of Bulblet-Bearing Water Hemlock are double-pinnate.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 1-3' tall and usually unbranched; it will form side branches if the central stem is broken. The central stem is light green, glabrous, and terete (round in cross-section); there are pairs of opposite leaves along its length that have a tendency to droop. The leaf blades are up to 6" long and 2¼" across; they are lanceolate to broadly lanceolate, hairless, and serrated along their margins. The upper surface of each leaf blade is medium to dark green, while its lower surface is pale green. At the base of each leaf blade, there is a short petiole about ¼–½" in length. The central stem terminates in a short spike of flowers. Each flower is 1–1½" in length; it has a corolla with a flattened tubular shape and a short calyx with 5 blunt teeth. The two-lipped corolla is pink to deep rosy pink; the upper lip has the shape of a broad hood, while the lower lip has 3 outer lobes. The central lobe of the lower lip is often elevated slightly above the 2 lateral lobes when the flower is fully open. Behind the lower lip of the corolla, there is a conspicuous patch of white or pale yellow hairs. The calyx is light green and glabrous; it has teeth that are broadly ovate or oval-ovate. Underneath the calyx of each flower, there are short appressed bracts that resemble the teeth of the calyx. The blooming period occurs from late summer to early fall and lasts about a month. There is no floral scent. Ovoid seed capsules develop after the corollas of the flowers turn brown and fall off. Each seed capsule is about ½" long; it is initially light green and glabrous, but later turns brown and splits open to release the seeds. The root system is rhizomatous and vegetative colonies of plants occasionally form. Stems & Leaves Cultivation: The preference is partial or dappled sunlight, consistently moist conditions, and a fertile loamy soil with abundant organic matter. The foliage is rarely disfigured by disease. Range & Habitat: The native Pink Turtlehead is an uncommon wildflower that is found primarily in southern and western Illinois; elsewhere in the state, it is rare or absent (see Distribution Map). Habitats include wet to moist floodplain forests, swamps, soggy meadows and thickets, and partially shaded seeps and springs. This species usually occurs in high quality habitats. It is sometimes grown in flower gardens. Faunal Associations: The flowers are cross-pollinated primarily by bumblebees; sometimes the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird also visits the flowers of Chelone spp. (Turtleheads) for their nectar. The bitter foliage is usually avoided by White-Tailed Deer and other mammalian herbivores. [图片]Comments: Pink Turtlehead is the only native Chelone sp. (Turtlehead) in Illinois with pink to deep rosy pink flowers. It is an attractive plant with turtlehead-shaped flowers. The other native Turtlehead within the state is Chelone glabra (White Turtlehead), which has white (or slightly pink) flowers and shorter petioles (less than ¼"). Sometimes Chelone lyonii (Lyon's Turtlehead) is grown in flower gardens, although it has not naturalized within the state. This species is native to the Appalachian mountains in the SE. Lyon's Turtlehead has flowers that are about the same color as those of Pink Turtlehead, but it has wider leaf blades and longer petioles (½–1½" long). Other common names that refer to Chelone obliqua include Rose Turtlehead, Purple Turtlehead, and Red Turtlehead. Plants that are offered for sale as 'Chelone obliqua' by mass-market nurseries may be hybrids of undetermined parentage, rather than the open-pollinated species.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is about 2-3' tall and unbranched or sparingly branched. The central stem is glabrous and either terete or 4-angled. Each pair of opposite leaves rotates 90° from the position of the pair of leaves immediately below. For var. linifolia of White Turtlehead, these leaves are less than ¾" across and they are linear-lanceolate in shape. However, the typical variety of White Turtlehead has some leaves greater than ¾" and they are lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate in shape. The leaves are hairless and finely serrated along their margins. At their bases, the leaves are sessile, or they have petioles that are less than ¼" in length. The central stem terminates in a dense spike of white flowers about 3-6" in length, blooming from the bottom to the top. Each flower is about 1¼" long, consisting of a 2-lipped white corolla, a green calyx with 5 oval teeth, a slender white style, and 5 hairy stamens. Four of these stamens have fertile anthers, while the remaining stamen is sterile and green. The tubular corolla is somewhat flattened at the mouth, where it is more wide than tall. The upper lip of the corolla functions as a protective hood, while the lower lip has 2-3 shallow lobes and functions as a landing pad for visiting insects. The lower interior of the corolla has abundant white hairs. At the base of the calyx, there are a few green bracts that resemble the sepals. The blooming period occurs from late summer to fall and lasts about 1month. There is no noticeable floral scent. Each flower is replaced by an ovoid seed capsule containing several seeds that are flattened and broadly winged; these seeds can be blown about by the wind and probably float on water. The root system consists of a taproot and rhizomes. Vegetative colonies may form as a result of these rhizomes. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, wet to moist conditions, and a fertile soil containing some organic matter. Temporary flooding is tolerated. This plant can be maintained in gardens if it is watered during dry spells. [图片]Range & Habitat: The native White Turtlehead occurs occasionally in central and northern Illinois, but it is rare in the southern part of the state (see Distribution Map). The typical variety of this species is more abundant than var. linifolia. Habitats include open woodlands in floodplain areas, thickets in floodplain areas, wet prairies, sedge meadows, seeps, springs, marshes, and fens. These habitats can be either sandy or non-sandy. White Turtlehead is an indicator plant of fens, where the ground water ranges from slightly acid to alkaline, but it occurs in other high quality wetland habitats as well. Faunal Associations: The flowers are pollinated by nectar-seeking bumblebees; sometimes they also attract the Ruby-Throated Hummingbird. In the northern half of Illinois, White Turtlehead is the preferred host for caterpillars of the butterfly Euphydryas phaeton phaeton (Baltimore). This butterfly is fairly uncommon. Other insects that feed on the foliage of White Turtle include leaf-mining larvae of the flea beetle Diabolia chelones, larvae of the sawfly Tenthredo grandis, and larvae of the sawfly Macrophya nigra. The seeds are eaten by larvae of the fly Phytomyza chelonei and larvae of the polyphagous moth Endothenia hebesana, while larvae of Papaipema nepheleptena (Turtlehead Borer Moth) bore through the stems (Clark et al. 2004, Smith 2006, Eastman, 1995). The foliage is bitter and usually avoided by White-Tailed Deer and other mammalian herbivores. [图片]Photographic Location: A prairie swale at Meadowbrook Park in Urbana, Illinois. In some photographs, the plants with yellow flowerheads in the background are Bidens polylepis. Comments: The interesting flowers of this species resemble the head of a turtle, hence the common name. Because of these unique flowers, Chelone spp. (turtleheads) are easy to distinguish from other groups of plants. Among the turtleheads occurring in the Midwest, White Turtlehead is unique in having white flowers (although they are sometimes tinted light pink or pale purple). It also has more narrow leaves than other turtleheads, which is especially pronounced in var. linifolia, as illustrated in the photograph of the leaves. The other turtlehead species that occurs in Illinois, Chelone obliqua (Pink Turtlehead), has pink flowers and broader leaves with longer petioles (these petioles exceed ¼" in length). This species is uncommon and usually occurs in damp wooded habitats.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This is a submerged or floating aquatic plant (about ½–12' long) that branches at right angles (90°). The jointed stems are pale green to reddish purple, glabrous, and fragile, often dividing into smaller segments. Along these stems, there are whorls of 5-14 divided leaves that curve upward; these leaves are 1-4 cm. long. The leaves are more crowded toward the growing tips of stems than elsewhere; they are medium to dark green and glabrous. Both stems and leaves have a tendency to be somewhat stiff and brittle, especially when they are coated with lime in calcareous water. Each leaf divides dichotomously into 2-4 segments (rarely more); these segments are narrowly linear (up to 0.5 mm. across) and flattened. Each leaf segment is conspicuously toothed along one side, while it is smooth (entire) on the other side. Coontail is monoecious, forming male (staminate) and female (pistillate) flowers on the same plant. Both types of flowers are produced in the axils of the leaves and they are sessile. Female flowers occur individually, while male flowers occur either individually or in pairs. Both types of flowers are very small in size (about 2 mm. in length), and they have involucres consisting of 8-14 floral bracts that surround the reproductive organs. These bracts are translucent and broadly oblong; their tips are truncate and fringed. There are neither sepals nor petals. Each female flower has a single pistil with a long slender style, while each male flower has 8-14 anthers that are sessile or nearly so (very short or absent filaments). The blooming period occurs intermittently during the summer and early autumn. Cross-pollination is accomplished through water currents. However, only a few flowers, if any, are produced by individual plants. The female flowers are replaced by 3-spined achenes. The body of each mature achene is 4-6 mm. long, ovoid in shape, slightly flattened, and wingless along its sides. Each achene has 2 basal spines and a single spine at its apex; these spines are 0.5-12.0 mm. in length and they are either straight or curved. Coontail has no real root system, although it is able to anchor itself in mud or sand through either lodged stems or the development of modified leaves. By late autumn, winter turions (tight buds of leaves) develop at the tips of stems that sink to the bottom of a body of water, where they remain until spring of the following year. Growth and development begin again with the return of warmer weather. In addition to its achenes and winter turions, Coontail reproduces vegetatively whenever its stems divide into smaller segments.Distribution Map Cultivation: The preference is full sun and relatively clear water up to 9' deep that has adequate levels of nutrients; water pH can be mildly acidic to alkaline. At the water's bottom, the soil should consist of mud, sandy mud, or muddy gravel. Coontail is more tolerant of shade than the majority of aquatic plants and it is able to tolerate some turbidity in the water if it is not excessive. This aquatic plant can adapt to sites with either stagnant water or slow-moving currents where there is some protection from wind and waves. Because of its phytotoxic properties, Coontail can inhibit the growth of phytoplankton and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). At some locations, it can spread aggressively and become a pest. Range & Habitat: The native Coontail is occasional to common throughout Illinois. This species is native to a wide area of North America, from where it has spread to other parts of the world. Habitats include quiet inlets of lakes, ponds, rivers with slow-moving currents, marshes, and springs. Generally, Coontail is typically found in bodies of water with muddy bottoms, although it also occurs where the water bottom contains some sand or rocky material. Sometimes Coontail is cultivated as an aquarium plant. It has also been introduced deliberately into polluted bodies of water in bioremediation projects because of its ability to absorb suspended particles of chromium, lead, arsenic, and other chemicals. Faunal Associations: The leaves of Coontail provide hiding places for small aquatic organisms and its leaves are sometimes grazed by snails. Both the foliage and seeds of this aquatic plant are eaten by the American Coot (Fulica americana), many species of waterfowl (see the Waterfowl Table), and some turtles (Legler, 1943; Ernst et al., 1994), including the Musk Turtle (Sternotherus odoratus), Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina), Blanding's Turtle (Emys blandingii), Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta), River Cooter (Pseudemys concinna), and Slider (Trachemys scripta). This aquatic plant is also eaten by carp and, to a lesser extent, by muskrats. The foliage and seeds of Coontail can spread to new wetlands through human activity. For example, when people dump the content of aquariums into waterways that contain Coontail, it can easily establish itself in such habitats. Similarly, because Coontail can cling to anchors, boat trailers, fishing nets, and dredging equipment, it may be transported considerable distances from one body water to another. [图片]Photographic Location: In shallow water of a sandy marsh at the Heron Boardwalk in Vermilion County, Illinois. Comments: Coontail superficially resembles some Chara spp., even though the latter are actually algae, rather than vascular plants. Coontail can be distinguished by its leaf segments, which have teeth along only one of 2 sides (rather than both), and its crushed foliage lacks the distinctive garlic or skunk-like smell that is so typical of many Chara spp. A closely related species, Ceratophyllum echinatum (Spiny Hornwort), is also found in Illinois, but it is less common. Compared to Coontail, Spiny Hornwort has softer foliage and its leaf segments either lack teeth or they have less conspicuous teeth along one side of their leaf segments. In addition, the achenes of Spiny Hornwort are shallowly winged along their sides, and each winged side of an achene has 3-10 spiny teeth. Although they have apical and basal spines, the achenes of Coontail lack spiny teeth along their sides. Another common name of Ceratophyllum demersum is Common Hornwort.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant is about ½–2' tall; it branches regularly. The stems are hairless and hollow. Basal leaves are produced early in the year, while alternate leaves are produced along the stems. The blades of these leaves are up to 4" long and 4" across; they are orbicular-cordate, finely crenate along the margins, and glabrous. Their venation is palmate. The petioles of the basal leaves are up to 6" long, while the petioles of the alternate leaves are shorter than this. The upper stems produce small clusters of bright yellow flowers on short petioles. Each flower spans about ¾–1½" across; it consists of 5-9 petal-like sepals, a thick ring of abundant stamens, and a cluster of carpels in the center. There are no true petals. The sepals are bright yellow, well-rounded, and slightly overlapping. The blooming period occurs during mid-spring and lasts about a month. There is no noticeable floral scent. Each of the carpels matures into a seedpod that contains several seeds. This seedpod is flattened and recurved; it splits open along the upper side to release the seeds (technically, it is a follicle). The root system consists of a short crown with fibrous roots. This plant spreads by reseeding itself. It occasionally forms loose colonies at favorable sites. Cultivation: The preference is full or partial sun, wet conditions, and mucky soil. Shallow standing water is tolerated. Growth and development begin early in the year. Range & Habitat: The native Marsh Marigold occurs primarily in central and northern Illinois, where it is occasional. In southern Illinois, it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). This circumboreal species also occurs in Eurasia, where it is native as well. Habitats include various wetlands, including vernal pools in low woodlands, swamps, soggy meadows in river floodplains, marshes, fens, seeps and springs, and ditches. Marsh Marigold prefers sunny areas where the soil is consistently wet from underground seepage of water, although it occurs in other wetlands as well. Faunal Associations: The nectar and pollen of the flowers attract flies and bees primarily. This includes Bombylius major (Giant Bee Fly), Syrphid flies, Halictid bees, honey bees, and others. Two leaf beetles are occasionally found on the foliage of Marsh Marigold: Plateumaris nitida and Hydrothassa vittata. It is possible that they eat the foliage. For other herbivores, specific information for Marsh Marigold is lacking. Because the acrid foliage contains toxic alkaloids and glycosides, it is usually avoided by mammalian herbivores. The seeds of plants in the closely related Ranunculus genus are eaten by the Wood Duck, Sora Rail, and some upland gamebirds. The seeds of such plants are also eaten by the Meadow Vole, Eastern Chipmunk, and other small rodents. [图片]Photographic Location: Near the Collinson Marsh in Vermilion County. Several colonies of Marsh Marigold were growing in a ditch along a field where there was underground seepage of water from a neighboring bluff. Comments: In sunny wetlands, Marsh Marigold is one of the first wildflowers to bloom during the spring. The flowers are showy and conspicuous because of their bright color and relatively large size. The foliage is an attractive bright green. This species is not a true marigold of the Aster family, in spite of its common name. Instead, it is closely related to the many Ranunculus spp. (Buttercups) that occur within the state. The various species of Buttercups have smaller flowers (less than ¾" across) and they usually bloom later in the year.
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