Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Scrophulariaceae
Stems - Single or multiple from the base, erect, herbaceous, to +70cm tall, terete, densely puberulent below, densely glandular puberulent above, mostly simple but branching in the inflorescence, light green.
Leaves - Opposite, sessile, many on the stem, the lower leaves spatulate, upper leaves ovate, serrate, shiny dark green above, dull shiny green below, sparse puberulent above, more so below. Leaves abruptly reduced in the inflorescence (bracts). Lowest leaves to 15cm long, 3cm broad. Upper leaves 5-6cm broad and shorter.
Inflorescence - Axillary cymes in the upper leaf axils. Each division of the cymes subtended by a reduced ovate-lanceolate bract. Bracts densely glandular pubescent. Peduncles densely glandular pubescent. Pedicels glandular pubescent, 3-5mm long.
Flowers - Corolla purple, glandular pubescent externally, abruptly contracted at the base for about 1.5cm. Corolla tube +/-4cm long, 5-lobed at the apex. Lobes rounded, 2 upper and 3 lower, to 1.5cm long and broad. Corolla with darker purple stripes internally and some white at the throat on the lower 3 lobes. Stamens 4, didynamous, adnate at the base of the corolla tube, curved, resting against the upper portion of the corolla tube, included. Filaments white, +3.5cm long, glabrous. Anthers purplish (pale), 2-lobed, +4mm long, 3mm broad. Staminode 1, exserted past the stamens to the throat of the corolla tube, white, adnate at the apex of the apex of the contracted portion of the corolla tube on the dorsal portion, 3cm long, with long sub-retrorse hairs. Hairs of the staminode brown near the base of the staminode and white near its apex, glandular, 2-4mm long. Pistil 1, white, glabrous, +3cm long, thin, resting against the upper portion of the corolla tube and curved downward. Ovary green, glabrous, ovoid, +/-4mm long, +2mm in diameter. Calyx green, densely glandular puberulent, 5-lobed, the tube 2mm long. Lobes 1.1cm long, 5mm broad, acute, glabrous internally, oblong, green. Calyx lobes slightly overlapping.
Flowering - April - June.
Habitat - Limestone glades, bald knobs, limestone mounds, cultivated.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking species can be found growing wild in just a small handful of south-central Missouri counties. The plant is, however, widely cultivated and can be found throughout the state in gardens and landscapes. The big purple flowers are hard to miss. This species does well in a garden setting but apparently does not like much competition.
Stems - Single or multiple from the base, erect, herbaceous, to +70cm tall, terete, densely puberulent below, densely glandular puberulent above, mostly simple but branching in the inflorescence, light green.

Leaves - Opposite, sessile, many on the stem, the lower leaves spatulate, upper leaves ovate, serrate, shiny dark green above, dull shiny green below, sparse puberulent above, more so below. Leaves abruptly reduced in the inflorescence (bracts). Lowest leaves to 15cm long, 3cm broad. Upper leaves 5-6cm broad and shorter.

Inflorescence - Axillary cymes in the upper leaf axils. Each division of the cymes subtended by a reduced ovate-lanceolate bract. Bracts densely glandular pubescent. Peduncles densely glandular pubescent. Pedicels glandular pubescent, 3-5mm long.
Flowers - Corolla purple, glandular pubescent externally, abruptly contracted at the base for about 1.5cm. Corolla tube +/-4cm long, 5-lobed at the apex. Lobes rounded, 2 upper and 3 lower, to 1.5cm long and broad. Corolla with darker purple stripes internally and some white at the throat on the lower 3 lobes. Stamens 4, didynamous, adnate at the base of the corolla tube, curved, resting against the upper portion of the corolla tube, included. Filaments white, +3.5cm long, glabrous. Anthers purplish (pale), 2-lobed, +4mm long, 3mm broad. Staminode 1, exserted past the stamens to the throat of the corolla tube, white, adnate at the apex of the apex of the contracted portion of the corolla tube on the dorsal portion, 3cm long, with long sub-retrorse hairs. Hairs of the staminode brown near the base of the staminode and white near its apex, glandular, 2-4mm long. Pistil 1, white, glabrous, +3cm long, thin, resting against the upper portion of the corolla tube and curved downward. Ovary green, glabrous, ovoid, +/-4mm long, +2mm in diameter. Calyx green, densely glandular puberulent, 5-lobed, the tube 2mm long. Lobes 1.1cm long, 5mm broad, acute, glabrous internally, oblong, green. Calyx lobes slightly overlapping.

Flowering - April - June.
Habitat - Limestone glades, bald knobs, limestone mounds, cultivated.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking species can be found growing wild in just a small handful of south-central Missouri counties. The plant is, however, widely cultivated and can be found throughout the state in gardens and landscapes. The big purple flowers are hard to miss. This species does well in a garden setting but apparently does not like much competition.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Scrophulariaceae
Stems - To +1m tall, erect, from fibrous roots, also producing rhizomes, glabrous, hollow, multiple from base or single, simple to sparsely branching, winged on opposing sides of stem, 4-angled.
Leaves - Opposite, sessile, clasping(sometimes narrowed to base and not clasping), auriculate, lanceolate to narrowly oblong, glabrous, serrate, acute, to 10cm long, +2cm broad. Auricles rounded.
Inflorescence - Single pedicillate flowers from leaf axils. Pedicels to 3cm long, glabrous.
Flowers - Corolla purple with yellowish center, to +2.5cm long, bilabiate. Corolla tube 1.8cm long, glandular pubescent above, white at base. Upper lip of corolla smaller and erect, 2-lobed, 1cm broad, 8mm tall, glandular pubescent externally. Lower lip larger, spreading, 3-lobed. Lateral lobes 1.5cm broad. Central lobe 1.1cm broad, with a bearded yellow "palate" that blocks the throat of the corolla tube. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. Filaments white, glabrous, adnate at middle of corolla tube. Anthers 2mm broad. Style 1.3cm long, white, glabrous. Stigma flattened, suborbicular. Ovary superior, green, glabrous, conic, 5mm long, 2mm in diameter, 2-locular. Placentation axile. Ovules many. Calyx tubular, to +1.5cm long, 5-angled, glabrous. Lobes linear-attenuate, scabrous on margins. Fruit an ovoid capsule to +/-1cm long, glabrous.
Flowering - June - September.
Habitat - Streambanks, lake margins, wet meadows. Often growing partially submerged.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This plant is very easy to identify in the wild due to its distinct flower, square stems, and choice of habitat. It is common in the wild and is even working its way into cultivation along with other species of the genus.
Steyermark splits the species into two varieties. Variety ringens has leaves which clasp the stem. A second variety, variety minthodes (Greene) Grant, has leaves which taper to the base and do not clasp. Both are common.
Stems - To +1m tall, erect, from fibrous roots, also producing rhizomes, glabrous, hollow, multiple from base or single, simple to sparsely branching, winged on opposing sides of stem, 4-angled.

Leaves - Opposite, sessile, clasping(sometimes narrowed to base and not clasping), auriculate, lanceolate to narrowly oblong, glabrous, serrate, acute, to 10cm long, +2cm broad. Auricles rounded.

Inflorescence - Single pedicillate flowers from leaf axils. Pedicels to 3cm long, glabrous.
Flowers - Corolla purple with yellowish center, to +2.5cm long, bilabiate. Corolla tube 1.8cm long, glandular pubescent above, white at base. Upper lip of corolla smaller and erect, 2-lobed, 1cm broad, 8mm tall, glandular pubescent externally. Lower lip larger, spreading, 3-lobed. Lateral lobes 1.5cm broad. Central lobe 1.1cm broad, with a bearded yellow "palate" that blocks the throat of the corolla tube. Stamens 4, didynamous, included. Filaments white, glabrous, adnate at middle of corolla tube. Anthers 2mm broad. Style 1.3cm long, white, glabrous. Stigma flattened, suborbicular. Ovary superior, green, glabrous, conic, 5mm long, 2mm in diameter, 2-locular. Placentation axile. Ovules many. Calyx tubular, to +1.5cm long, 5-angled, glabrous. Lobes linear-attenuate, scabrous on margins. Fruit an ovoid capsule to +/-1cm long, glabrous.

Flowering - June - September.
Habitat - Streambanks, lake margins, wet meadows. Often growing partially submerged.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This plant is very easy to identify in the wild due to its distinct flower, square stems, and choice of habitat. It is common in the wild and is even working its way into cultivation along with other species of the genus.
Steyermark splits the species into two varieties. Variety ringens has leaves which clasp the stem. A second variety, variety minthodes (Greene) Grant, has leaves which taper to the base and do not clasp. Both are common.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Scrophulariaceae
Stems - To +/-70cm tall, erect, branching above or simple, 4-angled, glabrous, hollow, from thick rhizomes, herbaceous. Angles winged.
Leaves - Opposite, decussate, petiolate. Petiole to 1cm long, with a small wing adaxially. Blade to -10cm long, +3cm broad, lanceolate to lance-ovate, acuminate, shallow serrate to crenate-serrate, glabrous.
Inflorescence - Single flowers from leaf axils. Pedicles 5mm in flower, slightly longer in fruit.
Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, purple. Corolla tube to 1.5cm long, glandular pubescent near apex, glabrous below. Upper lip erect to reflexed, 2-lobed. Lobes glandular pubescent externally. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes spreading, glandular pubescent internally and externally., subequal, rounded to obtuse. Central lobe yellow-bearded at base(apex of throat). Stamens 4, didynamous, adnate at base of corolla tube, included.
Filaments white glabrous, 6-7mm long. Anthers brownish, 1.3mm broad. Style included, white, glabrous, 7mm long. Stigmas 2, flattened. Ovary 2-locular, light green, glabrous, 6mm long, ovoid-conic. Placentation axile. Calyx tube to 1.7cm long, 5-ribbed, glabrous, 5-lobed. Lobes 2mm long, mucronate. Capsule to +1cm long, many seeded, glabrous.
Flowering - June - September.
Habitat - Stream borders, low wet woods, wet meadows, ditches, springs.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Plants of this genus are easy to ID in the field because of their large, showy, irregular flowers. The yellow beard on the corolla serves as a guide to bring insects to the flower and the lobes of the flower serve as landing platforms.
A white flowered form of this species, form albiflorus House, has been found in a few counties in the state. The typical flower color is shown above, and these plants are form alatus.
Stems - To +/-70cm tall, erect, branching above or simple, 4-angled, glabrous, hollow, from thick rhizomes, herbaceous. Angles winged.
Leaves - Opposite, decussate, petiolate. Petiole to 1cm long, with a small wing adaxially. Blade to -10cm long, +3cm broad, lanceolate to lance-ovate, acuminate, shallow serrate to crenate-serrate, glabrous.

Inflorescence - Single flowers from leaf axils. Pedicles 5mm in flower, slightly longer in fruit.
Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, purple. Corolla tube to 1.5cm long, glandular pubescent near apex, glabrous below. Upper lip erect to reflexed, 2-lobed. Lobes glandular pubescent externally. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes spreading, glandular pubescent internally and externally., subequal, rounded to obtuse. Central lobe yellow-bearded at base(apex of throat). Stamens 4, didynamous, adnate at base of corolla tube, included.

Filaments white glabrous, 6-7mm long. Anthers brownish, 1.3mm broad. Style included, white, glabrous, 7mm long. Stigmas 2, flattened. Ovary 2-locular, light green, glabrous, 6mm long, ovoid-conic. Placentation axile. Calyx tube to 1.7cm long, 5-ribbed, glabrous, 5-lobed. Lobes 2mm long, mucronate. Capsule to +1cm long, many seeded, glabrous.

Flowering - June - September.
Habitat - Stream borders, low wet woods, wet meadows, ditches, springs.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Plants of this genus are easy to ID in the field because of their large, showy, irregular flowers. The yellow beard on the corolla serves as a guide to bring insects to the flower and the lobes of the flower serve as landing platforms.
A white flowered form of this species, form albiflorus House, has been found in a few counties in the state. The typical flower color is shown above, and these plants are form alatus.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Lamiaceae
Stems - Multiple from the base, from fibrous roots, erect, branching, herbaceous, rotting at the nodes, 4-angled (the angles rounded), glabrous, to +1m tall, fragrant.
Leaves - Opposite, decussate, petiolate. Petioles to 1.5cm long, glabrous to sparse pubescent, minutely winged from decurrent leaf tissue. Blades to 9cm long, -4cm broad, glabrous but with some pubescence on midrib below, rounded at the base to slightly tapering, elliptic lanceolate, serrate, acute, punctate. Veins anastomosing, depressed adaxially, expressed abaxially.
Inflorescence - Terminal spikiform cluster of axillary verticels. Each axillary cluster with +/-20 flowers. Clusters subtended by lobed bracts which often exceed the clusters. Pedicels purple, glandular, to 2mm long.
Flowers - Corolla lilac, glabrous internally and externally, 4-lobed (weakly bilabiate), to -4mm long. Lobes subequal, rounded at the apex, +1mm long. Upper lobe notched at the apex and slightly larger than the 3 lower lobes. Stamens 4, adnate at the apex of the corolla tube, alternating with the corolla lobes, included. Filaments white, .5mm long. Anthers orange, .4mm long. Ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed, glabrous, green, .6mm broad, subtended by a thick green nectary. Style white, glabrous, -5mm long, exserted. Stigma 2-lobed. Calyx tubular, often purplish, glabrous internally, glandular externally, 10-ribbed, 5-lobed, the tube to 2mm long. Lobes to 1mm long, triangular-attenuate, ciliate-margined. The sinuses between the lobes rounded.
Flowering - June - October.
Habitat - Wet ground of meadows, spring branches, streams, pond margins, sloughs, ditches, roadsides, railroads.
Origin - Native to Europe.
Other info. - This weedy species is the common "Peppermint" of flavorings. The plant can be found scattered throughout Missouri and is fairly common. It is always associated with wet conditions.
The plant has a variety of culinary uses which need not be mentioned here. Menthol, derived from the plants oil, is used in many pharmaceuticals.
M. piperita and the closely related M. spicata L., (Spearmint) grow well from seed and can be cultivated easily.
M. spicata is very similar but has sessile to very short petiolate leaves.
Stems - Multiple from the base, from fibrous roots, erect, branching, herbaceous, rotting at the nodes, 4-angled (the angles rounded), glabrous, to +1m tall, fragrant.
Leaves - Opposite, decussate, petiolate. Petioles to 1.5cm long, glabrous to sparse pubescent, minutely winged from decurrent leaf tissue. Blades to 9cm long, -4cm broad, glabrous but with some pubescence on midrib below, rounded at the base to slightly tapering, elliptic lanceolate, serrate, acute, punctate. Veins anastomosing, depressed adaxially, expressed abaxially.

Inflorescence - Terminal spikiform cluster of axillary verticels. Each axillary cluster with +/-20 flowers. Clusters subtended by lobed bracts which often exceed the clusters. Pedicels purple, glandular, to 2mm long.

Flowers - Corolla lilac, glabrous internally and externally, 4-lobed (weakly bilabiate), to -4mm long. Lobes subequal, rounded at the apex, +1mm long. Upper lobe notched at the apex and slightly larger than the 3 lower lobes. Stamens 4, adnate at the apex of the corolla tube, alternating with the corolla lobes, included. Filaments white, .5mm long. Anthers orange, .4mm long. Ovary superior, deeply 4-lobed, glabrous, green, .6mm broad, subtended by a thick green nectary. Style white, glabrous, -5mm long, exserted. Stigma 2-lobed. Calyx tubular, often purplish, glabrous internally, glandular externally, 10-ribbed, 5-lobed, the tube to 2mm long. Lobes to 1mm long, triangular-attenuate, ciliate-margined. The sinuses between the lobes rounded.

Flowering - June - October.
Habitat - Wet ground of meadows, spring branches, streams, pond margins, sloughs, ditches, roadsides, railroads.
Origin - Native to Europe.
Other info. - This weedy species is the common "Peppermint" of flavorings. The plant can be found scattered throughout Missouri and is fairly common. It is always associated with wet conditions.
The plant has a variety of culinary uses which need not be mentioned here. Menthol, derived from the plants oil, is used in many pharmaceuticals.
M. piperita and the closely related M. spicata L., (Spearmint) grow well from seed and can be cultivated easily.
M. spicata is very similar but has sessile to very short petiolate leaves.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Lamiaceae
Stems - To 80cm tall, herbaceous, 4-angled, typically retrorse strigose above and glabrous below, simple to branching, erect, from fibrous roots, often with adventitious roots from lower nodes, hollow.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate, decussate. Petiole to 2cm long, glabrous. Blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, to +10cm long, 4cm wide, glabrous above, sparsely pubescent below, punctate, serrate to sub-entire, acute.
Inflorescence - Axillary verticillasters near apex of stems. Each verticillaster composed of two axillary pedunculate cymules of +/-20 flowers each. Peduncles 2mm long. Pedicels 1.5mm long, purplish. Cymules subtended by pair of attenuate bracts. Bracts pubescent, to 5mm long.
Flowers - Corolla lavender-purple to whitish, bilabiate(but appearing nearly regular), to +5mm long, glabrous. Corolla tube to 3.5mm long, pubescent. Upper lip single-lobed. Lobe notched at apex, 1.4mm long, pubescent externally. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes subequal(central lobe slightly larger), to 1.1mm long, pubescent externally, purple spotted internally. Stamens 4, exserted. Filaments to 1.7mm long, glabrous, pinkish-white. Anthers purple, .3mm long. Style exserted, lilac, 3mm long, glabrous. Stigma 2-lobed. Ovary deeply 4-parted, glabrous, green. Calyx tube to 1.5mm long, pubescent, cylindric, 5-lobed. Lobes .5mm long, acute, with ciliate margins, equal. Nutlets to 1.3mm long, glabrous, tannish.
Flowering - June - October.
Habitat - Moist to wet ground.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - The pubescence of the leaves and stems is variable and some authors, Steyermark included, like to separate the species into different varieties and forms. These varieties integrate and are sometimes difficult to tell apart so they will not be mentioned here.
This is the only native species of Mentha found in the U.S., the rest are all introduced.
This plant is very common and quite tasty in tea, desserts, and other recipes.
Stems - To 80cm tall, herbaceous, 4-angled, typically retrorse strigose above and glabrous below, simple to branching, erect, from fibrous roots, often with adventitious roots from lower nodes, hollow.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate, decussate. Petiole to 2cm long, glabrous. Blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, to +10cm long, 4cm wide, glabrous above, sparsely pubescent below, punctate, serrate to sub-entire, acute.

Inflorescence - Axillary verticillasters near apex of stems. Each verticillaster composed of two axillary pedunculate cymules of +/-20 flowers each. Peduncles 2mm long. Pedicels 1.5mm long, purplish. Cymules subtended by pair of attenuate bracts. Bracts pubescent, to 5mm long.

Flowers - Corolla lavender-purple to whitish, bilabiate(but appearing nearly regular), to +5mm long, glabrous. Corolla tube to 3.5mm long, pubescent. Upper lip single-lobed. Lobe notched at apex, 1.4mm long, pubescent externally. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes subequal(central lobe slightly larger), to 1.1mm long, pubescent externally, purple spotted internally. Stamens 4, exserted. Filaments to 1.7mm long, glabrous, pinkish-white. Anthers purple, .3mm long. Style exserted, lilac, 3mm long, glabrous. Stigma 2-lobed. Ovary deeply 4-parted, glabrous, green. Calyx tube to 1.5mm long, pubescent, cylindric, 5-lobed. Lobes .5mm long, acute, with ciliate margins, equal. Nutlets to 1.3mm long, glabrous, tannish.

Flowering - June - October.
Habitat - Moist to wet ground.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - The pubescence of the leaves and stems is variable and some authors, Steyermark included, like to separate the species into different varieties and forms. These varieties integrate and are sometimes difficult to tell apart so they will not be mentioned here.
This is the only native species of Mentha found in the U.S., the rest are all introduced.
This plant is very common and quite tasty in tea, desserts, and other recipes.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Scrophulariaceae
Stems - To +25cm long, decumbent to repent, sparse strigose, green or reddish in strong sun, terete, multiple from base, mostly simple.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate below, sessile above, spatulate, coarse serrate, rounded to subacute at apex, reduced upward, to +/-5cm long, +/-2cm broad, glabrous but ciliate on the margins at the base.
Inflorescence - Long terminal raceme making up most of the stems. Pedicels to 1-5mm long in flower, quickly elongating in fruit to 1cm, mostly glabrous but glandular-strigose on the adaxial surface in one line, expanded near the apex. Each pedicel subtended by a small subulate bract. Bracts to 2-3mm long, scarious in the apical half.
Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, lilac, white, and yellow, 1-1.4cm long, 7-10mm broad, glandular externally, the tube glabrous internally. Upper lip one-lobed, +/-3mm long, 2-3mm broad, tapering at the apex. Lower lip 3-lobed. The lobes rounded. The lateral lobes more broad than the central, whitish-lilac, glabrous internally, 3-4mm long and broad. Central lobe +/-2mm long, thinner than the lateral lobes. Throat of corolla white and yellow spotted, with two pouch-like protrusions. Protrusions bearded with clavate trichomes.
Stamens in two pairs, included, adnate near the middle of the corolla tube, each pair converging and the anthers connate. Filaments curved, white, glabrous, +/-4mm long. Anthers yellow, 1mm broad. Style lilac, 6mm long, glabrous. Stigma compressed. Ovary superior, globose, 1.1mm long in flower, purple in the apical half, 2-locular. Placentation axile. Calyx accrescent, quickly expanding in fruit. Calyx tube 1-3mm long in flower, strigose on the veins, 5-lobed. Lobes to 3mm long in flower, subulate, strigose on the midveins, acute. Seeds many, minute, brownish, .4mm long, .2mm broad.
Flowering - July - October.
Habitat - Grassy open lawns, roadsides, cultivated fields.
Origin - Native to eastern Asia.
Other info. - This little introduced species is rare in Missouri but will most certainly spread with time. The small flowers are quite striking and the plant is sometimes grown as a rock garden ornamental. It grows easily from seed and many seeds are produced with each fruit.
Many flying insects are attracted to the flowers.
Stems - To +25cm long, decumbent to repent, sparse strigose, green or reddish in strong sun, terete, multiple from base, mostly simple.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate below, sessile above, spatulate, coarse serrate, rounded to subacute at apex, reduced upward, to +/-5cm long, +/-2cm broad, glabrous but ciliate on the margins at the base.

Inflorescence - Long terminal raceme making up most of the stems. Pedicels to 1-5mm long in flower, quickly elongating in fruit to 1cm, mostly glabrous but glandular-strigose on the adaxial surface in one line, expanded near the apex. Each pedicel subtended by a small subulate bract. Bracts to 2-3mm long, scarious in the apical half.
Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, lilac, white, and yellow, 1-1.4cm long, 7-10mm broad, glandular externally, the tube glabrous internally. Upper lip one-lobed, +/-3mm long, 2-3mm broad, tapering at the apex. Lower lip 3-lobed. The lobes rounded. The lateral lobes more broad than the central, whitish-lilac, glabrous internally, 3-4mm long and broad. Central lobe +/-2mm long, thinner than the lateral lobes. Throat of corolla white and yellow spotted, with two pouch-like protrusions. Protrusions bearded with clavate trichomes.

Flowering - July - October.
Habitat - Grassy open lawns, roadsides, cultivated fields.
Origin - Native to eastern Asia.
Other info. - This little introduced species is rare in Missouri but will most certainly spread with time. The small flowers are quite striking and the plant is sometimes grown as a rock garden ornamental. It grows easily from seed and many seeds are produced with each fruit.
Many flying insects are attracted to the flowers.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Asclepiadaceae
Stems - Trailing and vining, herbaceous, with milky sap, scabrous, pubescent, branching, multiple from a thickened crown.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles to +/-5cm long, scabrous from papillose-hispid hairs, also with minute hispidulous hairs, with many reddish glands (use a lens to see). Blade to +/-14cm in diameter, pubescent above and below, with hispidulous margins, cordate, rotund, acute, entire.
Inflorescence - Axillary umbellate cymes on short peduncles. Peduncles to +/-3cm long, hispidulous and glandular. Pedicels to 1.4cm long, hispidulous and glandular, typically with a purplish tinge. Flowers typically +/-25 per cyme.
Flowers - Corolla deep purple, 5-lobed, to 1.5cm long and broad. Corolla tube to 3mm long. Lobes to 1.5cm long, 3-5mm broad, curling, pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Corona 3mm in diameter, glabrous, 5-lobed. Lobes with two appendages to -2mm long. Anther head 2mm in diameter. Pistils 2, tuberculate, light green, -2mm long in flower. Calyx pubescent, purplish-green, 5-lobed. Tube -1mm long. Lobes to 2mm long, acute, entire. Fruits to +10cm long, tuberculate, pubescent. Seeds with a white coma to +3cm long.
Flowering - May - June.
Habitat - Rocky open woods, bases of bluffs, glades, thickets, streambanks.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking plant is common throughout the Ozark region of Missouri. The flowering time for the plant is short but the plant still deserves more attention in cultivation.
Stems - Trailing and vining, herbaceous, with milky sap, scabrous, pubescent, branching, multiple from a thickened crown.

Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles to +/-5cm long, scabrous from papillose-hispid hairs, also with minute hispidulous hairs, with many reddish glands (use a lens to see). Blade to +/-14cm in diameter, pubescent above and below, with hispidulous margins, cordate, rotund, acute, entire.

Inflorescence - Axillary umbellate cymes on short peduncles. Peduncles to +/-3cm long, hispidulous and glandular. Pedicels to 1.4cm long, hispidulous and glandular, typically with a purplish tinge. Flowers typically +/-25 per cyme.
Flowers - Corolla deep purple, 5-lobed, to 1.5cm long and broad. Corolla tube to 3mm long. Lobes to 1.5cm long, 3-5mm broad, curling, pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Corona 3mm in diameter, glabrous, 5-lobed. Lobes with two appendages to -2mm long. Anther head 2mm in diameter. Pistils 2, tuberculate, light green, -2mm long in flower. Calyx pubescent, purplish-green, 5-lobed. Tube -1mm long. Lobes to 2mm long, acute, entire. Fruits to +10cm long, tuberculate, pubescent. Seeds with a white coma to +3cm long.

Flowering - May - June.
Habitat - Rocky open woods, bases of bluffs, glades, thickets, streambanks.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking plant is common throughout the Ozark region of Missouri. The flowering time for the plant is short but the plant still deserves more attention in cultivation.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Lamiaceae
Stems - To 50cm tall, herbaceous, erect, from a taproot, single from the base, branching above middle, pubescent with retrorse viscid hairs.
Leaves - Opposite, descussate, entire, narrowly ovate to elliptic, 3-nerved, to +2.5cm long, +1cm broad, pubescent to (less commonly) glabrous, sessile or very short-petiolate, cuneate at the base, acute at the apex.
Inflorescence - One or two pedunculate flowers in leaf axils. Peduncles short, 2-4mm long.
Flowers - Corolla purple, to 5mm long, tubular, bilabiate. Upper lobes 4, spreading, shorter than corolla tube. Lower lobe slightly longer than upper lobes. Stamens 4, exserted beyond the corolla. Stigma 2-lobed. Ovary 4-parted. Calyx with a pair of stipule-like bracts at base. Calyx lobes acute to attenuate, one nerved, 4mm long, entire, pubescent, viscid.
Flowering - July - October.
Habitat - Along streams on gravel bars, glades, rocky banks, outcroppings.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This plant is common along the many streams and creeks of the state. It is easy to identify because of its three-nerved leaves and small purple flowers.
Another variety, variety linearis Fassett., has linear leaves. This latter variety is not found in Missouri.
A synonym is Trichostema brachiatum L.
Stems - To 50cm tall, herbaceous, erect, from a taproot, single from the base, branching above middle, pubescent with retrorse viscid hairs.

Leaves - Opposite, descussate, entire, narrowly ovate to elliptic, 3-nerved, to +2.5cm long, +1cm broad, pubescent to (less commonly) glabrous, sessile or very short-petiolate, cuneate at the base, acute at the apex.

Inflorescence - One or two pedunculate flowers in leaf axils. Peduncles short, 2-4mm long.
Flowers - Corolla purple, to 5mm long, tubular, bilabiate. Upper lobes 4, spreading, shorter than corolla tube. Lower lobe slightly longer than upper lobes. Stamens 4, exserted beyond the corolla. Stigma 2-lobed. Ovary 4-parted. Calyx with a pair of stipule-like bracts at base. Calyx lobes acute to attenuate, one nerved, 4mm long, entire, pubescent, viscid.

Flowering - July - October.
Habitat - Along streams on gravel bars, glades, rocky banks, outcroppings.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This plant is common along the many streams and creeks of the state. It is easy to identify because of its three-nerved leaves and small purple flowers.
Another variety, variety linearis Fassett., has linear leaves. This latter variety is not found in Missouri.
A synonym is Trichostema brachiatum L.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Rubiaceae
Stems - To +6cm tall, erect, herbaceous, from a weak taproot, 4-angled, often two per plant, winged. Wings often reddish, with minute dentations (at least near the base).
Leaves - Opposite. Lowest leaves petiolate. Petioles to 5-6mm long, glabrous. Blades ovate to lanceolate, acute, entire, glabrous, with translucent teeth on the margins (use a lens to see), to +7mm long, +4mm broad. Upper leaves nearly sessile, thinner than those near the base of the plant, connected at the base by a scarious stipule. Stipule with a triangular point.
Inflorescence - Single flowers terminating long axillary peduncles. Peduncles to +2cm long, 4-angled, minutely winged. Wings as those of the stem.
Flowers - Corolla purple, with red near the center, 4-lobed, salverform, 1-1.5cm broad, glabrous. Lobes 6-7mm long, 3-4mm broad, oblong, acute. Corolla tube to 5-6mm long, yellowish-green. Stamens 4, alternating with the corolla lobes, included, adnate to the corolla tube in the basal 1/3. Filaments essentially absent. Anthers yellow, ovoid, 1mm long. Style green, glabrous, 1.1mm long. Stigma thicker than style and giving the pair a clavate appearance. Ovary inferior, surrounded by the calyx tube. Calyx tube green, glabrous, 1-2mm long. Calyx lobes 4, erect, glabrous, acuminate, 2.5-3mm long.
Flowering - March - April.
Habitat - Glades, rocky ledges, outcroppings, dry open places.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This little species can be found in the southeastern 1/4 of Missouri. The plant is quite striking for its small size and would be a worthy candidate for cultivation in a rock garden.
This species and another, H. minima Beck, have been lumped together taxonomically and are now known as Hedyotis crassifolia Raf.
Stems - To +6cm tall, erect, herbaceous, from a weak taproot, 4-angled, often two per plant, winged. Wings often reddish, with minute dentations (at least near the base).
Leaves - Opposite. Lowest leaves petiolate. Petioles to 5-6mm long, glabrous. Blades ovate to lanceolate, acute, entire, glabrous, with translucent teeth on the margins (use a lens to see), to +7mm long, +4mm broad. Upper leaves nearly sessile, thinner than those near the base of the plant, connected at the base by a scarious stipule. Stipule with a triangular point.

Inflorescence - Single flowers terminating long axillary peduncles. Peduncles to +2cm long, 4-angled, minutely winged. Wings as those of the stem.
Flowers - Corolla purple, with red near the center, 4-lobed, salverform, 1-1.5cm broad, glabrous. Lobes 6-7mm long, 3-4mm broad, oblong, acute. Corolla tube to 5-6mm long, yellowish-green. Stamens 4, alternating with the corolla lobes, included, adnate to the corolla tube in the basal 1/3. Filaments essentially absent. Anthers yellow, ovoid, 1mm long. Style green, glabrous, 1.1mm long. Stigma thicker than style and giving the pair a clavate appearance. Ovary inferior, surrounded by the calyx tube. Calyx tube green, glabrous, 1-2mm long. Calyx lobes 4, erect, glabrous, acuminate, 2.5-3mm long.

Flowering - March - April.
Habitat - Glades, rocky ledges, outcroppings, dry open places.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This little species can be found in the southeastern 1/4 of Missouri. The plant is quite striking for its small size and would be a worthy candidate for cultivation in a rock garden.

This species and another, H. minima Beck, have been lumped together taxonomically and are now known as Hedyotis crassifolia Raf.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Rubiaceae
Stems - From small taproot, +/-4cm tall, erect, herbaceous, 4-angled, scabrous, strigillose on angles, hollow, multiple from base, dichotomously branching.
Leaves - Basal leaves petiolate, opposite. Petioles to +/-5mm long, glabrous. Blades broadly ovate, entire, glabrous, 4-5mm long, 3.5-4mm broad, rounded to subacute at apex. Cauline leaves reduced, opposite, becoming sessile, connected at base by scarious acuminate stipules(to 2mm long), acute, with some purplish tinge, slightly scabrous.
Inflorescence - Singe terminal flowers. Peduncles to 1.3cm long, 4-angled, erect, scabrous as stems.
Flowers - Corolla salverform. Corolla tube 3mm long, glabrous. Corolla lobes 4, white to lilac or deep purple, broadly ovate, acute, to 4mm long, 2.5-3mm broad, entire, typically with a darker base. Stamens 4, included, adnate at middle of corolla tube. Filaments short, green, glabrous, .3mm long. Anthers yellow, .6mm long. Style -1mm long, green, glabrous. Stigma .7mm long, pubescent, ellipsoid. Ovary 2 locular, inferior. Placentation axile. Ovules many. Calyx tube +/-1mm long, glabrous. Lobes 4, linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, green with purple at margins, glabrous or strigillose, strigillose on margins.
Flowering - January - April.
Habitat - Prairies, glades, flood plains, ledges, bluffs.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This minute plant packs quite a punch of color for its size. My pictures don't really do the plant justice as the flowers are typically much more blue in color. The plant is quite prolific and can be found in large colonies, especially in the glade habitat. A rock garden could be enhanced greatly by the addition of this species.
This species and another, H. pusilla Schoepf, have been lumped together taxonomically and are now known as Hedyotis crassifolia Raf.
Stems - From small taproot, +/-4cm tall, erect, herbaceous, 4-angled, scabrous, strigillose on angles, hollow, multiple from base, dichotomously branching.

Leaves - Basal leaves petiolate, opposite. Petioles to +/-5mm long, glabrous. Blades broadly ovate, entire, glabrous, 4-5mm long, 3.5-4mm broad, rounded to subacute at apex. Cauline leaves reduced, opposite, becoming sessile, connected at base by scarious acuminate stipules(to 2mm long), acute, with some purplish tinge, slightly scabrous.

Inflorescence - Singe terminal flowers. Peduncles to 1.3cm long, 4-angled, erect, scabrous as stems.
Flowers - Corolla salverform. Corolla tube 3mm long, glabrous. Corolla lobes 4, white to lilac or deep purple, broadly ovate, acute, to 4mm long, 2.5-3mm broad, entire, typically with a darker base. Stamens 4, included, adnate at middle of corolla tube. Filaments short, green, glabrous, .3mm long. Anthers yellow, .6mm long. Style -1mm long, green, glabrous. Stigma .7mm long, pubescent, ellipsoid. Ovary 2 locular, inferior. Placentation axile. Ovules many. Calyx tube +/-1mm long, glabrous. Lobes 4, linear-lanceolate, acute to acuminate, green with purple at margins, glabrous or strigillose, strigillose on margins.

Flowering - January - April.
Habitat - Prairies, glades, flood plains, ledges, bluffs.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This minute plant packs quite a punch of color for its size. My pictures don't really do the plant justice as the flowers are typically much more blue in color. The plant is quite prolific and can be found in large colonies, especially in the glade habitat. A rock garden could be enhanced greatly by the addition of this species.
This species and another, H. pusilla Schoepf, have been lumped together taxonomically and are now known as Hedyotis crassifolia Raf.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Lamiaceae
Stems - To 20cm tall, simple, from fibrous roots, herbaceous, 4-angled, tomentose to hirsute, multiple from base, fragrant (slightly).
Leaves - Opposite, decussate, linear to linear-oblong, to 2cm long, 3mm broad, entire, punctate, stigillose and ciliate-margined, sessile, fragrant (slightly).
Inflorescence - Vertcillasters of 8 flowers(4 at each leaf base). Pedicels to +2mm long, hirsute. Flowers subtended by 2-6 linear bracts. Bracts 6-7mm long, pubescent, ciliate-margined.
Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, purplish-blue, pubescent, to 5mm long. Stamens 2, adnate 1/2 way up corolla tube. Filaments purple. Anthers yellow, .2mm broad. Style purple, 2.3mm long, slightly exserted from upper lip or included. Ovary 4 parted, (4 nutlets). Nutlets (in flower) glabrous, purplish, .1mm long. Calyx bilabiate, hirsute to hispid. Calyx tube to 3mm long, 12 to 13-nerved, swollen below near base, floccose internally by lobes, otherwise glabrous internally. Upper lip 3 lobed. Lobes attenuate, 1.1mm long, ciliate-margined. Lower lip 2-lobed. Lobes linear-attenuate, 2.2mm long, ciliate-margined.
Flowering - May - July.
Habitat - Prairies, glades, sandy open ground, roadsides, railroads.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Although this plant is common throughout the entire state of Missouri, it is frequently overlooked because of its small size. The flowers are striking but minute and often missed.
The species is easy to ID in the field because of its small size and densely hairy stems and calices. The leaves of the stem are really nothing more than foliaceous bracts as the plant begins to flower very early in its life cycle. The lowest flowers of the plant are cleistogamous and have minute to absent corollas.
Stems - To 20cm tall, simple, from fibrous roots, herbaceous, 4-angled, tomentose to hirsute, multiple from base, fragrant (slightly).

Leaves - Opposite, decussate, linear to linear-oblong, to 2cm long, 3mm broad, entire, punctate, stigillose and ciliate-margined, sessile, fragrant (slightly).
Inflorescence - Vertcillasters of 8 flowers(4 at each leaf base). Pedicels to +2mm long, hirsute. Flowers subtended by 2-6 linear bracts. Bracts 6-7mm long, pubescent, ciliate-margined.

Flowers - Corolla bilabiate, purplish-blue, pubescent, to 5mm long. Stamens 2, adnate 1/2 way up corolla tube. Filaments purple. Anthers yellow, .2mm broad. Style purple, 2.3mm long, slightly exserted from upper lip or included. Ovary 4 parted, (4 nutlets). Nutlets (in flower) glabrous, purplish, .1mm long. Calyx bilabiate, hirsute to hispid. Calyx tube to 3mm long, 12 to 13-nerved, swollen below near base, floccose internally by lobes, otherwise glabrous internally. Upper lip 3 lobed. Lobes attenuate, 1.1mm long, ciliate-margined. Lower lip 2-lobed. Lobes linear-attenuate, 2.2mm long, ciliate-margined.
Flowering - May - July.
Habitat - Prairies, glades, sandy open ground, roadsides, railroads.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - Although this plant is common throughout the entire state of Missouri, it is frequently overlooked because of its small size. The flowers are striking but minute and often missed.
The species is easy to ID in the field because of its small size and densely hairy stems and calices. The leaves of the stem are really nothing more than foliaceous bracts as the plant begins to flower very early in its life cycle. The lowest flowers of the plant are cleistogamous and have minute to absent corollas.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Lamiaceae
Stems - Repent, herbaceous. Flowering portions erect, to +30cm tall, glabrous or often strigose on angles.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles densely retrorse pubescent, reduced upward. Blades reniform to orbicular, to +3cm long (and wide), typically glabrous but also sparsely pubescent. Margins crenate.
Inflorescence - Axillary clusters of 2 or more flowers, secund. Pedicels to 1.5mm long.
Flowers - Corolla blue-purple, bilabiate, to +2cm long. Corolla tube bearded internally at apex, with purple spotting internally. Upper lip single-lobed, with notch at apex. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lateral lobes small, 2mm long. Central lobe 3-4mm long, 4mm broad, with dark purple spotting. Stamens 4, included. Style to 7mm long, white, glabrous. Stigma 2-lobed, purple. Calyx tubular, 6-7mm long, with 12-15 nerves(ridges), 5-lobed. Lobes acute to acuminate.
Flowering - March - July.
Habitat - Moist ground, low woods, slopes, roadsides, railroads, disturbed sites, waste ground.
Origin - Native to Europe.
Other info. - This little plant is one of the first to bloom in the spring and is quite striking. It prefers a somewhat shaded location and moist ground. The plant was cultivated at first but is now escaped and quite common. The flowers produce 4 nutlets each. Since it is introduced, it should not be propagated outside of cultivation.
Steyermark lists two varieties in the state. Variety hederacea has corollas to +2cm long. Variety micrantha Moricand has corollas to 1.5cm long and is much more common.
Stems - Repent, herbaceous. Flowering portions erect, to +30cm tall, glabrous or often strigose on angles.

Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles densely retrorse pubescent, reduced upward. Blades reniform to orbicular, to +3cm long (and wide), typically glabrous but also sparsely pubescent. Margins crenate.

Inflorescence - Axillary clusters of 2 or more flowers, secund. Pedicels to 1.5mm long.
Flowers - Corolla blue-purple, bilabiate, to +2cm long. Corolla tube bearded internally at apex, with purple spotting internally. Upper lip single-lobed, with notch at apex. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lateral lobes small, 2mm long. Central lobe 3-4mm long, 4mm broad, with dark purple spotting. Stamens 4, included. Style to 7mm long, white, glabrous. Stigma 2-lobed, purple. Calyx tubular, 6-7mm long, with 12-15 nerves(ridges), 5-lobed. Lobes acute to acuminate.

Flowering - March - July.
Habitat - Moist ground, low woods, slopes, roadsides, railroads, disturbed sites, waste ground.
Origin - Native to Europe.
Other info. - This little plant is one of the first to bloom in the spring and is quite striking. It prefers a somewhat shaded location and moist ground. The plant was cultivated at first but is now escaped and quite common. The flowers produce 4 nutlets each. Since it is introduced, it should not be propagated outside of cultivation.
Steyermark lists two varieties in the state. Variety hederacea has corollas to +2cm long. Variety micrantha Moricand has corollas to 1.5cm long and is much more common.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Geraniaceae
Stems - To 60cm tall, erect,multiple from base, herbaceous, hirsute to retrorse pubescent, angled, from rhizomes.
Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles to 30cm long(on basal leaves), shorter above, hirsute. Blades palmately 5-7-lobed, pubescent. Lobes with margins entire in basal half, coarse serrate and often lobed in upper half. Margins antrorse strigose.
nflorescence - Terminal corymb of 1-4 flowers. Pedicels erect, hirsute. Each division subtended by linear bracts to 7mm long.
Flowers - Petals 5, free, obovate, cuneate, to 2cm long, 1.5cm broad, glabrous, rounded to emarginate or truncate at apex, lilac to rose-purple. Stamens 10, 5 with glandular bases. Filaments broad and ciliate-margined at base, to 6mm long, tuberculate above, white. Anthers 1.5mm broad, 3mm long, light brown. Carpels 5. Styles to 2mm long, connate. Stigma 5-lobed. Sepals 5, free, imbricate, elliptic-ovate, entire, glabrous externally, dense pubescent internally, aristate, to 1.3cm long (including arista), 4mm broad. Margins long ciliate. Fruit erect, with long style column, pubescent. Seeds to 3mm long, glabrous.
Flowering - April - June.
Habitat - Rich to rocky open woods, thickets, ravines.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This is a common plant in Missouri and can be found throughout the entire state. The plant is becoming popular in cultivation also because of its striking purplish flowers. There is a white flowered form, form albiflorum (Raf.) House, which has not been found in Missouri. Our plants belong to form maculatum.
The plant is super high in tannins and has been used medicinally to treat diarrhea, gum diseases, canker sores, and many other ailments.
Stems - To 60cm tall, erect,multiple from base, herbaceous, hirsute to retrorse pubescent, angled, from rhizomes.

Leaves - Opposite, petiolate. Petioles to 30cm long(on basal leaves), shorter above, hirsute. Blades palmately 5-7-lobed, pubescent. Lobes with margins entire in basal half, coarse serrate and often lobed in upper half. Margins antrorse strigose.

nflorescence - Terminal corymb of 1-4 flowers. Pedicels erect, hirsute. Each division subtended by linear bracts to 7mm long.
Flowers - Petals 5, free, obovate, cuneate, to 2cm long, 1.5cm broad, glabrous, rounded to emarginate or truncate at apex, lilac to rose-purple. Stamens 10, 5 with glandular bases. Filaments broad and ciliate-margined at base, to 6mm long, tuberculate above, white. Anthers 1.5mm broad, 3mm long, light brown. Carpels 5. Styles to 2mm long, connate. Stigma 5-lobed. Sepals 5, free, imbricate, elliptic-ovate, entire, glabrous externally, dense pubescent internally, aristate, to 1.3cm long (including arista), 4mm broad. Margins long ciliate. Fruit erect, with long style column, pubescent. Seeds to 3mm long, glabrous.

Flowering - April - June.
Habitat - Rich to rocky open woods, thickets, ravines.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This is a common plant in Missouri and can be found throughout the entire state. The plant is becoming popular in cultivation also because of its striking purplish flowers. There is a white flowered form, form albiflorum (Raf.) House, which has not been found in Missouri. Our plants belong to form maculatum.
The plant is super high in tannins and has been used medicinally to treat diarrhea, gum diseases, canker sores, and many other ailments.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Gentianaceae
Stems - To 60cm tall, erect, herbaceous, from a taproot, branching, glabrous, winged (the wings to 1mm broad), terete, hollow, somewhat purplish at the base (in the sun), single from the base. Lateral branches ascending.

Leaves - Opposite, sessile, decussate, glabrous, entire, ovate, mostly rounded at the apex, with evident parallel venation (especially abaxially), to 4cm long, +2cm broad. Leaves reduced to bracts in inflorescence.
Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary umbellate cymes. Cymes bracteate. Pedicels erect, to +1cm long, glabrous, minutely winged (use a lens to see). Pair of foliaceous bracts subtending each division of cyme.

Flowers - Corolla tubular, 5-lobed, bluish-purple, glabrous internally and externally, to 2.3cm long. Lobes triangular, acute, 5-8mm long, typically closing the apex of the flower. Stamens 5, alternating with the corolla lobes, adnate about 1/3 up from the base of the corolla tube, included. Filaments white, glabrous, to 1cm long. Anthers to 2-3mm long, purplish-white. Ovary superior, stalked (the stalk to 5mm long in flower), glabrous, green, +1cm long, unilocular, many-seeded (ovuled). Placentation parietal. Stigmas 2, flattened, curled, purple. Style basically absent. Calyx tube campanulate, to 3mm long, glabrous, 5-lobed, glabrous internally and externally. Lobes linear-subulate, erect, with a prominent midrib, acute, entire, to -5mm long, +1mm broad, glabrous.

Flowering - August - November.
Habitat - Moist ground along rocky wooded banks, ledges, and thickets, also along streams and in moist woodland.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking species is found mainly in the eastern Ozark section of Missouri but is also found in a few northeastern counties. The plant is easy to ID in flower but can be mistaken for other species in the family when observed vegetatively.
Traditionally the roots of the plant were used to make a tincture or tea that would remedy weak appetite and stimulate digestion. These mixtures were also used for headaches, hepatitis, jaundice, and consumption.
Stems - To 60cm tall, erect, herbaceous, from a taproot, branching, glabrous, winged (the wings to 1mm broad), terete, hollow, somewhat purplish at the base (in the sun), single from the base. Lateral branches ascending.

Leaves - Opposite, sessile, decussate, glabrous, entire, ovate, mostly rounded at the apex, with evident parallel venation (especially abaxially), to 4cm long, +2cm broad. Leaves reduced to bracts in inflorescence.
Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary umbellate cymes. Cymes bracteate. Pedicels erect, to +1cm long, glabrous, minutely winged (use a lens to see). Pair of foliaceous bracts subtending each division of cyme.

Flowers - Corolla tubular, 5-lobed, bluish-purple, glabrous internally and externally, to 2.3cm long. Lobes triangular, acute, 5-8mm long, typically closing the apex of the flower. Stamens 5, alternating with the corolla lobes, adnate about 1/3 up from the base of the corolla tube, included. Filaments white, glabrous, to 1cm long. Anthers to 2-3mm long, purplish-white. Ovary superior, stalked (the stalk to 5mm long in flower), glabrous, green, +1cm long, unilocular, many-seeded (ovuled). Placentation parietal. Stigmas 2, flattened, curled, purple. Style basically absent. Calyx tube campanulate, to 3mm long, glabrous, 5-lobed, glabrous internally and externally. Lobes linear-subulate, erect, with a prominent midrib, acute, entire, to -5mm long, +1mm broad, glabrous.

Flowering - August - November.
Habitat - Moist ground along rocky wooded banks, ledges, and thickets, also along streams and in moist woodland.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This striking species is found mainly in the eastern Ozark section of Missouri but is also found in a few northeastern counties. The plant is easy to ID in flower but can be mistaken for other species in the family when observed vegetatively.
Traditionally the roots of the plant were used to make a tincture or tea that would remedy weak appetite and stimulate digestion. These mixtures were also used for headaches, hepatitis, jaundice, and consumption.
Dummer. ゛☀

Family - Asteraceae
Stems - To +2m tall, glabrous, glaucous, erect, simple, herbaceous, solid to subhollow, green with purple at nodes only.

Leaves - In whorls of 4 or 5, petiolate, Petioles to +/-2cm long, green. glabrous. Blades to 30cm long, +9cm broad, elliptic-lanceolate, tapering at base, coarse serrate, acuminate, very sparse pubescent above, tomentoulose below. Teeth with strigillose margins and with prickle tip from vascular tissue extending beyond leaf tissue.

Inflorescence - Flowers in a terminal paniculate cyme to 30cm tall (long), +/-20 cm in diameter. Branches of inflorescence tomentoulose to tomentose, green.
Involucre - 8-9mm tall (long), 2-2.3mm in diameter, greenish white at base, lilac above. Phyllaries imbricate. Outer phyllaries tomentoulose externally. Innermost phyllaries 8mm long, 1mm broad, with scarious margins and few cilia at apex. Flowers 4-6 per head.

Ray flowers - Absent.
Disk flowers - Corolla tube 5-6mm long, 5-lobed, appressed pubescent, lilac. Lobes .9mm long, acute. Stamens 5, adnate about 1/2 way up corolla tube. Anthers whitish-pink, 2mm long, connate around style. Style bifurcate. Stigmas 5-6mm long. Achenes blackish, angled, to 3.5mm long, glabrous. Pappus of capillary bristles to 6.5mm long.
Flowering - July - September.
Habitat - Moist ground, wooded slopes, wet meadows and thickets, streambanks.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This species can be distinguished from the similar E. fistulosum Barratt by its green solid stems with purple nodes. E. fistulosum is much less common in the wild( in Missouri) and has completely purple stems which are hollow. Both species are popular in cultivation and often misnamed.
The flowers of E. purpureum appear white at first but become more purplish with age. The species name of the plant, purpureum, means "becoming purple".
Stems - To +2m tall, glabrous, glaucous, erect, simple, herbaceous, solid to subhollow, green with purple at nodes only.

Leaves - In whorls of 4 or 5, petiolate, Petioles to +/-2cm long, green. glabrous. Blades to 30cm long, +9cm broad, elliptic-lanceolate, tapering at base, coarse serrate, acuminate, very sparse pubescent above, tomentoulose below. Teeth with strigillose margins and with prickle tip from vascular tissue extending beyond leaf tissue.

Inflorescence - Flowers in a terminal paniculate cyme to 30cm tall (long), +/-20 cm in diameter. Branches of inflorescence tomentoulose to tomentose, green.
Involucre - 8-9mm tall (long), 2-2.3mm in diameter, greenish white at base, lilac above. Phyllaries imbricate. Outer phyllaries tomentoulose externally. Innermost phyllaries 8mm long, 1mm broad, with scarious margins and few cilia at apex. Flowers 4-6 per head.

Ray flowers - Absent.
Disk flowers - Corolla tube 5-6mm long, 5-lobed, appressed pubescent, lilac. Lobes .9mm long, acute. Stamens 5, adnate about 1/2 way up corolla tube. Anthers whitish-pink, 2mm long, connate around style. Style bifurcate. Stigmas 5-6mm long. Achenes blackish, angled, to 3.5mm long, glabrous. Pappus of capillary bristles to 6.5mm long.
Flowering - July - September.
Habitat - Moist ground, wooded slopes, wet meadows and thickets, streambanks.
Origin - Native to U.S.
Other info. - This species can be distinguished from the similar E. fistulosum Barratt by its green solid stems with purple nodes. E. fistulosum is much less common in the wild( in Missouri) and has completely purple stems which are hollow. Both species are popular in cultivation and often misnamed.
The flowers of E. purpureum appear white at first but become more purplish with age. The species name of the plant, purpureum, means "becoming purple".