动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Polygonaceae Stems - Multiple from base, erect to ascending, translucent lepidote (use a lens to see), suffrutescent at the base, herbaceous above, resembling a small cedar when not in flower.
Leaves - Alternate, thin, scalelike to subulate, sessile, to +1cm long, +/-1mm broad, translucent lepidote (use a lens to see), subsucculent, often lighter colored and rounded at the apex. Ocrea with a lighter green to yellowish apical margin. Inflorescence - Dense terminal and axillary racemes to +/-4cm long. Pedicels white, glabrous, 3-4mm long. Each flower arising from the axil of a reduced leafy bract. Bracts scalelike, enclosing the stem, acute to acuminate at the apex, with a whitish apical margin, glabrous, with white speckling (use a lens to see). The apex of one bract enclosing the base of the leaf above it.
Flowers - Perianth whitish. Outer two sepals white with a green midrib, cupped at the apex, 2mm long, +1.7mm broad, glabrous, often somewhat folded, broadly ovate. Inner sepals 3, white, spreading, orbicular, 2-3mm long and broad, glabrous. Stamens +/-8, erect, exserted. Filaments white, glabrous, broadened in the basal 1/2, +/-2mm long. Anthers white to pinkish, .6mm long. Ovary superior, white, 3-angled, glabrous, white with minute pinkish tips. Receptacle with a reddish rim surrounding a green nectary.
Flowering - July - October. Habitat - Dry sandy ground. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This attractive little species is uncommon in Missouri, only being found in a handful of counties which contain parts of Crowleys Ridge. It can also be found in Iron County in one or two select locations. The plant is very easy to identify because of its large numbers of small white flowers and because it resembles a small cedar or juniper when not in flower. Nothing else in the states flora really resembles it. P. americana would make a fine garden plant if sandy, acidic conditions could be provided. It grows well from seed.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Polygalaceae Stems - Multiple from a thickened taproot and fibrous roots, erect, herbaceous, to +45cm tall, branching in upper 1/2, often purplish base, puberulent above, glabrescent at base, terete.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate. Petioles to 2-3mm long, puberulent below. Blades acuminate, tapering at base, elliptic, deep green above, lighter green below, with serrulate margins, mostly glabrous but with a very few sparse puberulent hairs, to 7cm long, +2.5cm broad, leaves often larger near the apex of the plant.
Inflorescence - Terminal and lateral indeterminate racemes to +/-5cm tall (long). Axis puberulent. Flowers - Petals 3, united into a whitish glabrous tube, lacerate at apex. Stamens 8, adnate with corolla tube, in two rows. Anthers yellow, .2mm long. Ovary superior, green, glabrous, orbicular, .7mm in diameter. Style green, -1mm long, green, glabrous, with a few floccose hairs at apex, clavate. Stigma lateral, small. Calyx accrescent. Sepals 5. Lateral sepals colored as the petals and spreading, to +3mm long, 2.1mm broad, glabrous, with ciliolate margins. Lower two sepals and single upper sepal small, greenish-white, acute, puberulent. Lower two to .3mm long. The basal sepal to 1.5mm long. Fruit a capsule, glabrous to sparse pubescent, to 5mm in diameter, slightly compressed.
Flowering - May - July. Habitat - Rocky woods, open ground, prairies, gravel bars, stream banks. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This small species can be found in a couple different areas of Missouri. It is more prevalent in the Ozark region but can also be found in a few counties in the north-central portion of the state. This is a striking little plant and should be cultivated more. Steyermark lists two varieties based on leaf shape and sepal size but I won't go into those here.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Capparaceae Stems - To +50cm tall, erect to reclining with age, herbaceous, branching, from a big taproot, glandular and arachnoid pubescent.
Leaves - Alternate, trifoliolate, petiolate. Petioles to +2cm long, with an adaxial groove, pubescence as the stem. Terminal leaflet typically oblanceolate, entire, rounded to notched at apex, glandular pubescent on margins and midrib below, with some arachnoid pubescence below, to +3cm long, +1.3cm broad, its petiolule to 1mm long. Lateral leaflets on petiolules to -1mm long, with same pubescence as the terminal leaflet, obliquely oblanceolate, typically smaller than the terminal leaflet.
Inflorescence - Terminal and lateral bracteate racemes to +/-15cm long(tall). Each flower subtended by a foliaceous bract. Pedicels typically purplish, to 1.3cm long. Pubescence as with stem but more glandular. Flowers - Petals 4, white to pinkish tinged, clawed. Claw to -3mm long. Limb to +3mm long, 3mm broad, notched at apex, glabrous. Stamens 8-13, erect, exserted. Filaments to 8mm long, mostly glabrous, purplish. Anthers greenish-purple, to +1mm long. Ovary superior, green and very small in flower, quickly expanding, cylindric, glandular pubescent, unilocular. Placentation parietal. Style glabrous, 1.5-2mm long, purplish-red. Adaxial side of flower with large nectary at its base. Nectary 1.5mm broad. Sepals 4, purplish-green, oblong-ovate, acute, glandular pubescent externally, glabrous internally, entire, to 4mm long, +2mm broad. Fruits glandular and arachnoid pubescent, slightly compressed, to +/-4cm long, greenish to reddish. Seeds 2-3mm in diameter, grooved.
Flowering - May - October. Habitat - Stream banks, bars, waste ground, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This species can be found scattered throughout Missouri. The plant is easy to identify becasue of its viscid stems and fruits, small white flowers, and three-lobed leaves. There are two varieties in Missouri. var. dodecandra is found along gravel bars of streams and in open waste ground. This variety has smaller flowers than the next and is described above. Var. trachysperma (T. & G.) Iltis is found growing in glades and bluffs and has larger flowers than the previous variety.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Orchidaceae Stems - To +60cm tall, erect, herbaceous, simple, glabrous, from slightly thickened roots. Leaves - Alternate, sheathing, glabrous. Lower leaves to +/-7cm long, +2cm broad, elliptic to oblong, entire. Upper leaves more dense, becoming linear-lanceolate, 2-3cm long, 5mm broad.
Inflorescence - Terminal spikiform raceme to 15cm long. Flowers subtended by foliaceous bracts.
Flowers - Petals 3. Lowest petal to 2cm long, 2cm broad, whitish, deeply divided into 3 lobes, with basal spur. Lobes divided into linear segments, erose to lacerate, to 8mm long, glabrous. Spur to 1.6cm long, greenish-white. Lateral petals to 8mm long, greenish. Sepals 3, green. Upper sepal to +4mm broad, 5mm long. Lateral sepals to 4mm long, 1.3mm broad, linear, curling under lip of lower petal. Ovary +1.5cm long, 1.5mm in diameter, green, glabrous, sub-falcate. Fruit to +2cm long, 5mm in diameter, many seeded.
Flowering - May - August. Habitat - Prairies, open woods, pastures. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This orchid is quite striking, as are most in the genus. The flowers emit fragrance at night and thus attract Sphinx Moths, (family Sphingidae), for pollination. This particular species is fairly common in the state but others in the genus are rare and threatened. Prairie restoration and protection will help immensely in insuring these plants survive. Our plants belong to variety lacera. Another variety, var. terrae-novae Fern., has smaller flowers and is not found in Missouri. A synonym is Habenaria lacera (Michx.) Lodd.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
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