动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
龙骨花有毒吗? 龙骨,在家居的应用上,除了具有化煞的作用以外,还具有很好的净化作用,对于新装修的家庭和写字楼之间的房子来说,对甲醛、苯、氡、氨、TVOC有很好的吸附效果。不过,将龙骨种植在室内要比较注意,因为龙骨肉质茎上有锐刺,而且茎中白色的乳汁有毒,尤其不能入眼,所以在家中培养是要特别注意放置地点,以避免儿童和老人扎伤中毒。再者,龙骨花耐干旱,耐晒,适于阳光充足的地方,不宜在室内比较阴暗的地方,所以置于室内观赏的龙骨花,应尽量放在靠近日光的窗边。 龙骨花大而霸气,而且龙骨是仙人掌科的,外形就给人感觉就是生长在沙漠中生命力极强的植物,所以在家中种上一盆龙骨,既给家里增添霸气的感觉,也增添不少生机。不过小编暖心建议,家里有小朋友的家庭不太适宜种植龙骨花哦。
家庭养护基本信息 量天尺喜温暖湿润、阳光不太强的生长环境.适应于富含腐殖质、透水性能良好的沙壤土,忌粘重、贫疮积水的土质。量天尺不耐寒.在华南温暖地区.可露地栽植.在北方冷凉地区.冬季应有保暖措施.才能安全越冬.在保持土壤相对干燥的情况下,可耐4度低温。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
相信很多朋友都被乙女心拽入过深不见底的肉坑中,它那可以,娇滴的外表收获了不少粉丝。而小编的内心就曾被这小小的乙女心深深的撼动过。但很多人光看它的外表都会以为它是非常娇贵的植物,其实不然,它可是非常皮实(东北话)的植物,下面小编就给大家介绍一下它的管理方法。 乙女心管理方法
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
一、如何选购正宗的铁皮石斛 铁皮石斛目前主要分两种,一种是多糖含量高,主要用作保健品,如:霍山石斛、铁皮石斛、齿瓣石斛;另外一种是用于石斛茶或药物原料的,如:金钗石斛、马鞭石斛、鼓槌石斛、水草石斛、铜皮石斛、串珠石斛等品种。目前铁皮石斛价格相差10倍以上。在如此多的品种中,能一一将其枫斗鉴别准确的业界人士并不多。长期从事科研人员鉴别石斛不仅是看叶、鲜品、干品、枫斗、要品尝,还得观看其花的形状,石斛主要成分包括石斛多糖,石斛甘露糖,石斛碱、毛兰素等成分。 人们识别石斛品种的方法,当前主要是看其多糖含量。《中华人面共和国药典》记载,铁皮石斛与其他品种石斛功效基本相同。从主要成分含量不同而其用途有所区分。霍山石斛、铁皮石斛、齿瓣石斛主要成分是多糖,常用于作保健品。金钗石斛、流苏石斛石斛碱含量高,鼓縋石斛等毛兰素含量高。选择石斛要查其颜色,观其形状,闻其味道,嚼其胶质。颜色为铁皮色的为之上品;形状卷得严实,卷的圈术多;石斛香味重,嚼下去胶质多为之上品。其中香味为评价石斛的最重要的标准。另外,石斛的单位重量也能看出石斛的品质,单位重量越重的石斛(即越重称),质量越好。 市面上石斛的种类很多,选择石斛要查其颜色,观其形状,闻其味道,嚼其胶质。颜色为铁皮色的为之上品;由于铁皮石斛产量有限,价格昂贵,市面上大量充斥的是以水草冒充的铁皮石斛,尤其以药房居多。正宗的铁皮石斛只有少数,如福临门铁皮石斛、同仁堂等大型品牌能够买到真正的铁皮石斛。如果是过节送礼,选用北京同仁堂比较合适,包装漂亮,不过价格不菲;如果是家人自用,选福临门的铁皮石斛最实惠,品质也不错。
二、铁皮石斛价格取决因素 1、含量铁皮石斛目前以粘液汁含量高,嚼起来粘口、粘牙的最好。多糖含量高的石斛滋补效果更好,因此,在挑选铁皮石斛时要仔细确认石斛的多糖含量。 2、颜色铁皮石斛的价格与其外观颜色有关,铁皮石斛加工成的干品,往往做成卷曲成团的是铁皮枫斗。铁皮石斛主要生长在高山峻岭悬崖峭壁和岩石缝隙中或是高大的乔木上,是国家重点二级保护的珍稀濒危植物,它因表皮呈铁绿色而得名,因此铁皮石斛外观颜色看起来越铁绿色,价格自然会更高。 3、规格越大的铁皮石斛量越少,物以稀为贵。铁皮石斛的药用部位是茎,其质量评判是:纤维少、富含黏液。因此铁皮石斛劲越粗价格越高。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
碧玉小型盆栽。常用白色塑料盆、白瓷盆栽培,置于茶几、装饰柜、博古架、办公桌上,十分美丽。或任枝条蔓延垂下,悬吊于室内窗前或浴室处,也极清新悦目。养在家里面,对房间内的空气还能很好的起到净化作用。尤其是刚刚装修好的新房子,更适合养上一盆,它可以很好的分解空气中的有毒气体,给我们营造一个健康的环境。碧玉还是防辐射最好的植物。对于一些电脑和手机上面的辐射,可以很快将它们吸收,让我们的身体变得健康。另外它的植株是绿色的,所以我们在眼睛比较疲劳的时候,看上它一眼,可以很快的缓解我们的疲劳,保护了我们的视力。 这样的植物若不入手一盆,是不是有些可惜呢?下面小编就给大家讲解一下它的养殖方法及注意事项。
一、碧玉的养殖方法 1.土壤选择 碧玉要求腐殖质丰富、疏松、排水良好的土壤环境。盆土用腐叶土7份、河沙3份,加少量基肥配成培养土;或用泥炭土6份、珍珠岩4份及少量基肥混合配制。 2.施肥方法 碧玉通常2~3年更新1次培养土。生长期间,每隔15~20天追施1次腐熟液肥或氮磷化肥,浓度为饼肥15%~20%,氮磷复合肥0.2%~0.3%。对花叶品种可减少氮肥的施用量,以使叶片上的斑纹更加显著。碧玉施肥不必太勤,一般春秋季节每隔10天左右施1次20%腐熟饼肥水就可以。夏季高温,停止施肥以免烂根。 3.浇水方法 生长旺季要充分浇水,尤其在高温季节,浇水量要大,并向叶面喷水,增加土壤湿度和空气湿度,保持叶面清洁、翠绿。豆瓣绿在湿度较大的环境中生长繁茂,叶色鲜艳,有生气。但也有较强的抗旱能力,在北方干燥的环境中也能生长良好。浇水要盆土干湿相宜,生长过程中,春秋是生长发育旺季,水量多些。夏季天气炎热但植株因温度高其生长反而缓慢,可早晨或傍晚各浇1次,高温多湿茎叶易烂,具体看天气及盆土而定。盆土应略偏干一些,因其茎叶肉质肥厚,过湿易使根部腐烂,特别是冬季因气温低,呈休眠状态,盆土宜带干。 4.光照要求 碧玉较耐阴,四季均可放室内有明亮散射光处培养。春秋季可多见些光,冬季放朝南窗沿附近多见阳光,夏季放朝北窗台莳养。光线适宜时叶色艳丽,光线太强或太暗都会使叶色失去娇艳色彩。 5.温度要求 碧玉性喜温暖、湿润、半阴的环境,耐高温,生长适温为25℃左右,冬季在10~15℃可以正常生长,10℃以下停止生长,5℃以下受害,低于0℃会受冻死亡。
二、碧玉养殖的注意事项 (1)株高10厘米左右时摘心,促进侧枝萌发,使植株更丰满。 (2)碧玉的栽培养护管理比较简单,平时管理注意光线适度,春秋季节气候温和,阳光不太强烈,可把盆栽放置室外。但夏季不能受强光直射,尤其不能放在西晒太阳的场所,否则会造成枝叶发黄。因此在夏季,需把盆移到阳台、走廊等凉爽遮荫处或放置在室内,既可避免阳光晒,又可点缀室内。 (3)它的叶片肥厚,上面被有蜡质层,贮水力强,蒸腾量小,即便在生长旺季也不需要过多的水分。春旱季节以及冬季供暖充足时应提高室内空气湿度,可以向叶面上喷雾。夏季闷热应加强通风,否则容易脱叶。 (4)碧玉不耐霜冻,在秋末后应移到室内培养。严寒冬季尽量放在朝南窗口有阳光的地方,室温5℃就能安全越冬。 (5)一般2~3年生的植株生长发育较好,3年以上植株长势逐渐衰退,应考虑更新。此外,为了保持植株叶色翠绿,3年以后需要更新。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
第一步:土地选择 黑麦草对土壤要求不严格,尤其是稻田,土壤一般熟化程度高且有良好排灌条件,都适合黑麦草栽培。 第二步:品种选择 以在短暂的冬季获得高产优质青饲料为生产目的的,一般应选用较为早熟的品种,可选用四倍体Tetragold、阿伯德、赣选一号、妙奇青叶以及二倍体樱早生和早生丰等品种。 第三步:播种期 黑麦草种子发芽的适宜温度为13—20℃,低于5℃或高于35℃时发芽困难。因此,播种期应根据不同的播种方法进行选择,一般在10月中旬至11月下旬播种为好。
第四步:播种方法 黑麦草的播种方法可根据不同需要而选择,在劳力紧张的情况下可选择稻底撒播,在需要尽早供草的情况下可选用育苗移栽。稻底撒播:在晚稻收获前20—30天,将黑麦草种子播入晚稻种群的土壤表面,播种前,将黑麦草种子用温水(以35℃左右为宜)浸泡5—8小时,捞起沥干后拌上细砂撒播,播种量为15—2公斤/亩,收稻谷时尽量低刈,以免稻茬影响今后黑麦草的收割。育苗移栽:在晚稻收获前20—30天,按4—5公斤/亩的播种量,先在已整好的苗床上育苗,晚稻收获后栽种于稻田中,随移随栽,每穴两苗,穴距20—30厘米。每亩苗床可满足8—10亩大田生产所需的种苗(实际用种量为05公斤/亩)。采用育苗移栽,可提早供草,一般在12月底或1月初便可提供青饲料。 第五步:田间管理 黑麦草喜湿又怕水浸,所以一定要及时排灌水。此外,黑麦草对氮肥反应敏感,施肥并结合灌水,可以大大提高黑麦草的产量与质量。黑麦草在播种前一定要施足基肥,出苗后要进行追肥,可在三叶期和分蘖期各追肥一次,每次用复合肥5—10公斤。以后每割一次,也要追肥一次,亩施复合肥10—15公斤,宜在收割4—6天后进行。为避免土壤地力下降,宜施用复合肥,尽量避免施用尿素;全栽培期施肥量为75—100公斤/亩。六、收割利用:当黑麦草高40—50厘米时,可开始割第一次草,以后可根据需要,每15—30天收割一次,每次割草注意留茬高5厘米,以利再生。为不影响早稻生产,一般应在早稻插秧前15天左右进行最后一次刈割,割后立即翻耕沤田,在翻耕时,每亩可撒施15—20公斤石灰,以加速黑麦草根系的分解,同时可兼作田间消毒,促进水稻生长。 以上就是小编为您介绍的黑麦草种植方法,希望能够帮助到您。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Both watermelons (Citrullus lanatus) and cantaloupes (Cucumis melo) are members of the cucumber family, Cucurbitaceae. These annual vines with long, sprawling stems take up a large area in a garden and need lots of sunshine and warm temperatures to produce well. Honeybees pollinate the plants' flowers, but the pollen from watermelon and cantaloupes do not create hybrid fruits.
Size The foremost concern in planting both cantaloupe and watermelons in the same garden bed is space. The vines of both melons spread far and will grow wherever they can to access sunlight. Plants too close together cause unnecessary competition for light, soil moisture and nutrients. Dense vegetation may also lead to humid conditions on the soil surface and increase fungal diseases. If space is an issue, modern varieties include some bush-types which mature with short vines and may be more suitable to the dimensions of your garden. Pollination Closely related vegetable vines like pumpkins, gourds and squashes cross-pollinate each other's flowers and can yield awkward, inconsistent hybrid fruits. Watermelons and cantaloupes do not cross-pollinate each other. However, according to Virginia Cooperative Extension, you should expect different varieties of cantaloupes, honeydews and muskmelons to cross-pollinate each other within close range in the garden. Depending on genetics, this may lead to fruits with variable fruit qualities that aren't always desirable. Disease and Pest Concerns Since watermelons and muskmelons are susceptible to many of the same pests and diseases, growing both crops in a garden bed may be problematic. For example, if the watermelon is attacked by stem borers and not treated, the pest can quickly spread and harm nearby cantaloupe vines. Potential disease problems exist, including threats from alternaria blight, bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, leaf spot and powdery and downy mildews. Cucumber beetles, squash vine borers, pickleworms and squash bugs also attack both plants. Cucumber beetles tend to spread the bacterial wilt disease around the garden.
Growing Tips Watermelons and cantaloupes can grow and produce well in the same spacious garden bed. If the gardener remains conscientious about monitoring for weeds, disease and insect pests, any potential major cultural problems can be avoided or treated. Encourage a chemical-free garden so honeybees and bumblebees pollinate the melon flowers. Also consider placing developing melon fruits on a piece of scrap plywood to keep them from resting directly on the moist garden soil. This prevents rot and can assist in limiting access of insects to the ripening fruits.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If you enjoy vegetable gardening, you can grow more in less space if you plant certain crops on a trellis. Many types of vining plants grow well when trained onto a trellis, which keeps vegetables off the ground, evenly exposes the entire plant to sun and makes harvesting easier by eliminating the need to bend over when picking the crop. Vining Plants
Plants that are tendril-producing vines attach readily to a trellis, although gently winding young vines around the support can help get them started. These types include traditional, vining varieties of peas (Pisum sativum), which grow as annuals in all parts of the United States. Peas do best in cool spring weather and produce a crop in seven to ten weeks. If you like green beans, choose vining pole beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), growing them on a trellis for a crop of free-hanging, straight beans easy to see among the vines. Pole beans are annual plants that twine readily as vines lengthen and yield two or three times as many beans as shorter, bush varieties of beans. Heavy Producers
Plants that produce many fruits during the season can also benefit from trellising, which helps support the heavy crop. Most types of cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) do well on a trellis, with some varieties producing vines that can be up to 6 feet high. Cucumbers grow as annuals and thrive in warm weather for good production. Indeterminate types of tomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum) also do especially well on a trellis because they keep growing and producing until fall, with some vines becoming up to 6 feet high. Also annual plants, indeterminate tomatoes often produce large clusters of heavy fruit, so growing them on a trellis provides extra support while giving the entire plant good sun exposure. Use soft ties to attach tomato stems gently but securely to the trellis. Other Vegetables
You can also use a trellis to grow any plant that has fruit smaller than a volleyball, or less than 8 1/2 inches in diameter, and weighs under about 3 pounds. For example, some varieties of summer squash (Cuccubita pepo) can thrive on a trellis -- use soft ties to attach smooth-stemmed varieties that lack tendrils. Smaller fruited varieties of winter squash (Curcubita moschata), such as the acorn type, are also appropriate choices for trellis-growing. If you see an especially large squash on one of these vines, use some netting or nylon cloth to construct a small "hammock" for support, tying the ends of the hammock to the trellis. Both summer and winter squash grow as annuals throughout the United States. Trellis Types and Plant Choices
To construct a trellis, select two sturdy supports, such as 6-foot metal or wood stakes, spaced about 5 or 6 feet apart and pounded 1 foot deep into the ground. For a wider trellis, add a third stake, dividing the trellis' width into two sections, with the third stake in the middle. Suspend a 5-foot high length of plastic mesh or chicken wire between the stakes, or attach a length of wire across the tops of the stakes and tie 5-foot lengths of sturdy twine or wire at intervals along this vertical wire, allowing these to hang down to the ground. Once you've planted vegetables along the trellis, check young plants every few days and gently weave the growing tips into the mesh or around the wires as needed. When purchasing seeds or plants, check labels and only choose vining types, instead of nonvining, bushy varieties that won't grow well on a trellis.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Most garden vegetables prefer well-drained loamy soil with a neutral pH. However, in many parts of North America, especially the Appalachian Mountains and other hilly regions, good drainage can be difficult to find. Clay soils produce stunted growth and encourage fungal diseases, such as root rot. Amending your soil with additives or choosing vegetables that grow well in this type of soil increase your chances of a healthy, productive garden.
Potatoes According to the English Gardening website, potatoes are a traditional crop for breaking up clay soils. These plants grow in a wide range of soils, although they prefer gardens high in organic matter with a relatively acid pH. Adding compost or other organic material improves potato yields and ashes or peat decreases pH, since alkaline soils lead to potato scab disease. Potatoes reduce compaction in your clay-soil garden, making the environment friendlier for other vegetables. Avoid early varieties, as clay soils stay colder in spring than other soil types.
Peas These plants grow well in just about any soil from clay to sand, as long as they have adequate drainage. They prefer slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soils with pH from pH 6 to pH 7.5. However, they will grow in soils with stronger acidity or alkalinity. Avoid overwatering when growing peas on clay, as too much water encourages wilt and root rot diseases. After harvest, cut the plants at soil level, leaving the roots in the ground to add nitrogen and organic material to the soil. This improves drainage and soil quality.
Cabbage Cabbage and other members of the Brassica family grow well in soils ranging from loam to silty clay. They tolerate intermediate levels of salt, which sometimes build up in clay soils after extensive fertilizer use. They grow best in the cool season. As with potatoes, choose cabbages and cabbage relatives that grow during the late spring and summer, as clay soils often remain too cold for early planting. Considerations Even plants that do well in clay soil prefer good drainage and high fertility. Amending your clay-based soil makes it friendlier to clay-loving garden vegetables and improves yield. Adding organic materials, such as compost, manure and peat, gives your soil better nutrition and reduces the chance of water pooling. Include grass clippings, dead garden plants and organic yard waste in the fall to compost over the winter. Avoid adding sand, since the result actually compacts more easily and firmly than clay alone.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Dozens of bell pepper varieties in an array of colors can be grown in your home vegetable garden each summer. Bell peppers can can grow in all U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones and tolerate a variety of climatic conditions. However, because they are a warm-season vegetable, they do best with a long growing season, the Iowa State University Extension reports. Regular applications of fertilizer can benefit the plants, bettering your odds for a healthy harvest.
Before Planting Pre-treat the soil where you will plant bell peppers with a 5-10-5 fertilizer. Apply 2 to 3 pounds for every 100 square feet of garden space, the Iowa State University Extension advises. Alternately, have your soil tested prior to planting to see what specific needs your soil has and whether it would benefit from a different fertilizer. After Transplanting Once you transplant pepper plants outdoors, treat them with water-soluble fertilizer. The Iowa extension recommends using a water-soluble fertilizer or making your own solution by mixing 2 tbsp. of a 10-10-10 fertilizer in 1 gallon of water. Each plant should receive between 1 and 2 cups of the fertilizer.
After Fruiting As your bell peppers grow, they will need at least one more fertilizer application. Wait until the plants set their first young peppers before applying fertilizer, the University of Illinois Extension reports. Use the same fertilizer you applied after the plants were set in the soil and repeat every three or four weeks. Always follow manufacturer's directions carefully to ensure you don't apply too much. Application Technique When fertilizing bell peppers and many other garden vegetables, side-dress the plants to prevent damage to the stems and leaves. To do this, apply fertilizer to the soil several inches away from the plant stem, Fort Valley State University recommends. Water the plants thoroughly afterwards, so the fertilizer incorporates into the soil.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Baby broccoli, often referred to as broccolini, is similar in appearance to a young broccoli plant that has long shoots. Featuring an asparagus-like flavor, this vegetable was developed by crossing Chinese kale and broccoli. It contains high levels of bitamins A and C, iron, fiber and potassium. By growing baby broccoli at home, gardeners can maintain a regular supply of this uncommon vegetable. Although growing baby broccoli in the garden is similar to growing regular broccoli, it requires more personal attention in order for the plant to produce sweet, long and tender shoots.
Step 1 Begin sowing the baby broccoli seeds two or four weeks before the last frost. Baby broccoli is a member of the crucifer family. Members of this family thrive in cooler weather conditions and may perform slow or die altogether if subjected to the hot weather of midsummer. Step 2 Fill 4-inch peat containers with seed starter mix. Pour water into the peat containers until the starter mix is damp. Create a hole 1/4- to 1/2-inch deep in each peat container with your little finger. Step 3 Drop one baby broccoli seed into each hole and cover with surrounding starter mix. Drape plastic wrap over all the peat containers to create a makeshift greenhouse. Step 4 Move the baby broccoli to a flat surface and place a grow light above the peat containers. Keep the grow light turned on for 12 to 14 hours every day.
Step 5 Lift the plastic wrap and moisten the starter mix until damp two or three times weekly. Remove the covering when the baby broccoli seeds begin to grow through the starter mix. Step 6 Transplant the baby broccoli to the garden immediately following the last frost. Keep the baby broccoli in their peat containers to avoid distressing the roots. Plant the baby broccoli 12 inches apart. Step 7 Pinch the center bloom of the baby broccoli plants as it begins to grow. If allowed to grow, the center bloom will inhibit the edible side shoots from properly growing. Continue to pinch off the center bloom throughout the growing season since it will keep trying to grow back.
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