动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
1、防辐射 我们最熟悉的仙人掌一个作用就是防辐射,所以我们会把它放在电脑旁边。仙人掌是在日照很强的地方生长,所以吸收辐射的能力特别强,在电脑旁放置一二盆仙人掌,可以帮助人体尽量少地吸收计算机所释放出的辐射。 2、室内绿化 仙人掌呼吸多在晚上比较凉爽、潮湿时进行,呼吸时吸入二氧化碳,释放出氧气, 被称为夜间“氧吧”;另外仙人掌还是吸附灰尘的高手,在室内放置一个仙人掌,特别是水培仙人掌,可以起到净化环境的作用。 3、食物 很多人认为仙人掌只是作为观赏植物的,没什么用途,其实不然,很多仙人掌类植物的果实,不但可以生食,还可酿酒或制成果干。仙人掌历来是美洲传统的食品,是人们日常生活中不可缺少的一种特色蔬菜和水果,人们将仙人掌洗净切碎后煮在汤中、或是架在炉上烤制、或是做成饼馅、或是直接将新鲜的仙人掌腌制,还有的用仙人掌来酿酒。在墨西哥的市场上,一些片状仙人掌的嫩茎,可作为蔬菜出售,仙人掌可以吃。 4、保健养生 仙人掌含有丰富的矿物质、蛋白质、纤维素和钙、磷、铁、维生素C、维生素B,能帮助消除人体内多余的胆固醇,起到降低血糖、降低血脂、降血压之功效,有清热解毒,排毒生肌,行气活血等保健作用。种植食用型仙人掌生产成本低,不需农药和化肥,无污染,属于绿色有机食品。
5、药用 仙人掌具有比较实用的药用价值,可以清热解毒,散瘀消肿,健胃止痛,镇咳。而且用于胃、十二指肠溃疡,急性痢疾,咳嗽;外用治流行性腮腺炎,乳腺炎,痈疖肿毒,痔疮,蛇咬伤,烧烫伤有特效。另外每天食用一片菜用仙人掌,就能消除体内多余的胆固醇、脂肪和糖分,从而抑制动脉硬化和肥胖病,起到行气活血、清热解毒和促进新陈代谢的作用。 【药用方法】以全株入药。四季可采。鲜用或切片晒干。 【性味】性寒,味苦、涩。 【归经】入心、肺、胃三经。 【功能主治】清热解毒,散瘀消肿,健胃止痛,镇咳。用于胃、十二指肠溃疡,急性痢疾,咳嗽;外用治流行性腮腺炎,乳腺炎,痈疖肿毒,蛇咬伤,烧烫伤。 【注意事项】刺内含有毒汁,人体被刺后,易引起皮肤红肿疼痛,瘙痒等过敏症状。 6、防盗 在家居安全防范上,仙人掌是很好的一个帮手,仙人掌浑身都是刺,种植在阳台、窗台等地方可以起到一定的防盗作用,至少小偷不会那么方便的从种植仙人掌的阳台窗台进入房子里面。 7、风水化煞 仙人球是带刺植物,仙人球的摆放在风水学上有一定的讲究。在风水学上,仙人球是带邪气的植物,不能太靠近身体,否则会对气场有排斥。因此仙人球最好放在阳台的位置;如果放在办公室,虽有防止小人是非、增强抵御能力的作用,但有时也会对自己造成反煞;卧室是气场融合的地方,因此仙人球最不应该放在卧室,否则容易有是非口角发生,产生气场排斥。 了解了以上仙人掌的七大作用后,大家是不是觉得虽然仙人掌浑身是刺没有什么“颜值”但实际上却全身是宝!
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
富贵竹的叶片翠绿,茎秆笔直,圆形似竹。叶卵形先端尖,叶柄基部抱茎。它是极耐阴植物,在弱光照的条件下,仍然生长良好,挺拔强壮。可以长期摆放在室内观叶,不需要特别养护,只要有足够的水分,就能旺盛生长。故深受大家的青睐。 土养富贵竹的方法 第一、生长温度,和水养一样,富贵竹的适宜的生长温度为20—28度,但是一旦到了冬天的话就特别要注意,温度不要过低,不然容易冻伤。 第二、光照要求,适合在半阴的地方,切忌被强光照射,不然很容易叶面变黄等。 第三、盆土湿润,富贵竹比较耐涝、怕干,所以必须保证它的盆土处于湿润状态,太干就会引起叶面发黄,一般来说每隔2-3天就要浇水一次,冬季的话可以减少浇水次数。 第四、经常向叶面喷水,以保持较高的环境湿度,过于干燥会导致叶面干枯。 第五、富贵竹盆栽最适宜的插种时间和水养一样,也是4—9月,这是最适宜的生根时段。 第六、在生长旺季的5-9月,每月可向富贵竹盆土施入颗粒状复合肥2-3次,以保持叶面的繁茂。富贵竹的繁殖:富贵竹一般采用扦插繁殖,由于茎干基部往往容易叶片脱落,使得株形变差,所以扦插一般都会结合整形修剪时进行,比如春季将截下的枝干剪成5—10cm不带叶的颈节,插入洁净的粗河沙之中,浇水,用塑料袋罩住,置于光线明亮处,这样的话月25天便可生根。 富贵竹怎么水养 第一、温度要求:富贵竹比较耐寒,比较适宜的生长温度为20—28℃,可耐2—3℃低温,但冬季要防霜冻,温度过低会造成冻伤,从而导致枯萎。 第二、光照条件:富贵竹是喜阴植物,它有极佳的耐阴能力,适合摆放在半阴的地方,千万不要置于强光下暴晒,不然的话就会引起富贵竹的变黄,生长缓慢等。 第三、水质需求:水养富贵竹的时候,不能直接用刚放出来的自来水,应该要先对水进行沉淀,将水中的氯合物降低,这样才能保证富贵竹的正常生长。 第四、施肥注意:富贵竹比较耐肥,一般每2-3个月就要用复合肥进行施肥,如果是水养的话,每2周换水后就要加磷酸二氢钾,这样才能保证其正常的营养吸收。 第五、富贵竹的分枝能力较差,不比其他树和花,所以如果在种植的时候,最好能将多枝集中,然后栽入一盆,这样的话观赏效果会好很多,对空气的净化能力也会好很多。 第六、生根后,要及时加入少量培养液或者复合肥,这样才能保证枝干粗壮,但也不能加的过多,不然会引起烧根,一般来说,每个月施肥一次就可以了。 第七、千万不要将富贵竹放在电视机或者空调机的旁边,这样的话,也缘就会很容易干枯,严重影响了观赏的效果。 第八、水养最适宜的瓶插时间为4—9月,,因为这段时间最容易发根成活。 第九、适当的往富贵竹叶面喷水,特别是在干燥的天气,这样才能保证它的舒展和浓郁。 第十、每两个星期换一次水,一直不换水的话,就会造成水中积累细菌,进而出现烂根的现象。 富贵竹叶子发黄怎么办 第一 新买的富贵竹叶子发黄,主要是因为富贵竹还没有长根,没有根,营养当然跟不上,肯定要黄,再加营养液也白搭。 对策:耐心等上1个月左右,摸一下杆子,只要杆子还是硬硬的,只要剪掉黄叶,泡在清澈的玻璃瓶里,不久就会长出叶。 第二 养殖季节不对。 对策:水养最适宜的瓶插时间为4—9月,因为这段时间最容易发根成活。富贵竹比较耐寒,比较适宜的生长温度为20—28℃,可耐2—3℃低温,温度过低要想办法升温。 第三 水质,水质腐败或者自来水养殖都会造成叶片发黄。 对策:凉开水或者纯净水养殖富贵竹最好。 第四 光照过暗,富贵竹无法得到足够的阳光,光合作用没法进行,叶绿素无法形成,造成叶子发黄。 对策:将富贵竹移到阳台等光线较好的地方,但要尽量避免阳关直射。 第五 光照过强,长期将富贵竹置于强光之下,强光照射造成叶子发黄。 对策:将富贵竹移到阳台等光线较好的地方,但要尽量避免阳关直射。夏天可移植室内,一般光线就可健康生长。 第六 施肥过多。主要表现在新叶顶尖出现干褐色,叶面显得肥厚而无光泽,且凹凸不舒展,老叶片则焦黄脱落。 对策:立即停止施肥,并用清水清洗根部,换水。
第七 肥料不足。造成养分不足,主要表现在嫩叶色彩变淡,呈黄或淡绿色,而不是绿色;老叶改变不大。 对策:薄肥勤施,每2周换水后就要加磷酸二氢钾。 第八 缺少铁元素。 对策:少量硫酸亚铁,与水溶解加入养殖瓶内(一定要少量)。或者找几个生锈的铁钉放在水里几天再将水加入养殖瓶。 第九 低温。在冰冷的冬天,如室内温度低,富贵竹叶子也会变黄,掉落。 对策:移至温度较高的房间。 第十 间隔电视、空调、暖气或其他电器太近,表现为叶缘等发黄。 对策:移开,间隔电视、空调、暖气或其他电器稍远一点。 需要特别注意的是:上述情况都有可能带来根系腐烂,要在换水、施肥或挪动位置之前,剪去腐烂根系。 经过小编这样的讲述,你是不是很有感想,赶紧去买一株好好的试一下吧。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
除供观赏外,木瓜海棠的果实可入药,有舒筋活络、祛风止痛的作用。其中贴梗海棠对空气中的臭氧较为敏感,还可做为环境监测植物种植。那么,木瓜海棠的养殖方法是什么呢?下面一起来看看吧。 木瓜海棠的养殖方法 木瓜海棠喜温暖,有一定的耐寒性。要求土壤排水良好,不耐湿和盐碱。生长适温为25~32℃,气温下降到10℃时生长受抑制,5℃以下幼嫩器官受害,0℃时植株会死亡,温度超过35℃会引起大量落花落果。木瓜海棠需水量大,但忌积水,对土壤适应性广,但要求土质疏松、透气性好,地下水位低。在土层深厚肥沃、疏松、微酸性的土壤适栽。 木瓜海棠平地、丘陵、山坡都能生长,2~10月均可种植,以春、秋为主,密度1.33米×1.50~1.67米。肥料以促生肥、催花肥和壮果肥为主,土施和叶面喷布相结合。木瓜海棠需要充分的水分,土壤含水量应保持在最大持水量的70%左右。
木瓜海棠栽植时期以早春萌芽前或初冬落叶后为宜。木瓜海棠出圃时,保持完整的根系是栽植木瓜海棠成活的关键之一。一般栽植的大苗要带土球,小苗要根据情况留宿土。木瓜海棠栽植后要加强抚育管理,经常保持土壤疏松肥沃。每年秋、冬季可在根际处换培一批塘泥或肥土。 在木瓜海棠落叶后至早春萌芽前进行一次修剪,把枯弱枝、病虫枝剪除,以保持树冠疏散,通风透光。为促进植株开花旺盛,要把徒长枝实行短截,以减少发芽的养分消耗,使所留的腋芽均可获较多营养物质,形成较多的开花结果枝。结果枝、中间枝则不必修剪。 木瓜海棠在生长期间,如能及时进行摘心,早期限制营养生长,则效果更为显著。凡盆栽的桩景更应如此控制。 木瓜海棠的移栽和翻盆宜在早春进行,应带有土坨,并将主根剪短,多留侧根。用中性至微酸性、疏松肥沃的沙质土壤栽种,并施以腐熟的饼肥末作基肥。成活后放在室外阳光充足处养护,生长期保持盆土湿润而不积水。4月初向叶面喷施一次0.2%的磷酸二氢钾溶液,以促使花蕾健壮,给以后的开花结果提供充足的营养。在养护中经常打头摘心,以保持株形都优美。 木瓜海棠养殖注意事项 1、冬季木瓜海棠落叶后要对植株进行一次修剪整形,剪除枯枝、弱枝以及其他影响造型的枝条,多留壮枝,使来年花繁果丰。 2、木瓜海棠耐寒,冬季可留在室外避风向阳处越冬,最好能将花盆埋入地下,也可置于0℃以上的室内,温度过高植株会提前发芽,反而对第二年的生长不利,故最高温度不要超过10℃,以使木瓜海棠充分休眠。 木瓜海棠果能吃吗 木瓜海棠果可以吃的。下面为大家介绍木瓜海棠果的功效与作用: ①抗痉挛:木瓜果肉中含有的番木瓜碱具有缓解痉挛疼痛的作用,对腓肠肌痉挛有明显的治疗作用。 ②补充营养,提高抗病能力:木瓜中含有大量水分、碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪、多种维生素及多种人体必需的氨基酸,可有效补充人体的养分,增强机体的抗病能力。 ③通乳抗癌:木瓜中的凝乳酶有通乳作用,番木瓜碱具有抗淋巴性白血病之功,故可用于通乳及治疗淋巴性白血病(血癌)。 ④抗疫杀虫:番木瓜碱和木瓜蛋白酶具有抗结核杆菌及寄生虫如绦虫、蛔虫、鞭虫、阿米巴原虫等作用,故可用于杀虫抗痨。 ⑤健脾消食:木瓜中的木瓜蛋白酶,可将脂肪分解为脂肪酸;现代医学发现,木瓜中含有一种酵素,能消化蛋白质,有利于人体对食物进行消化和吸收,故有健脾消食之功。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
1、根据天气浇水,气温高或大风天由于蒸发量大,应见干浇水,气温低或阴天可少浇水,雨天则不再浇水,有时雨水过多尚应遮盖以免盆花过涝。  2、根据虎皮兰习性和生长情况浇水,虎皮兰因其原产地不同而习性不同,有的喜湿,有的耐旱。喜湿虎皮兰可以多浇水,耐干虎皮兰宜少浇水。有的叶小,生长缓慢可少浇水;有的叶大,生长旺盛要多浇水。开花时需水较多,但也要适量,水过多也会引起落花。结实、休眠期则要少浇水,一般春夏秋三季,表土干燥就可浇水,冬季盆土几乎全部干燥再浇水,浇则浇透。  3、移栽需要浇透水,使泥土与根部充分结合,以后少浇即可。家养的虎皮兰一般都耐半阴,忌暴晒;耐干旱,忌积水。浇水要见干见湿,不宜浇水过多。浇水后一定要通风,有阳光,否则烂根无疑。保持叶面清洁,常常向叶面喷水。冬季温度不低于12度。对土肥要求不高。冬天浇水时要注意水温,不要直接用自来水,可以在室内放一些时候,或加一点热水。烂根是水太多,或排水不良,虎皮兰很耐干旱,宁少勿多。其喜疏松的沙土和腐殖土,刚栽上时浇一次透水,放在阴凉地方不见太阳,一周后放在阳光不直射的地方,干透了再浇水。如果想让他开花就要多见光,如果想让他长高,就放到少见直射光的地方,是很容易爆盆的一种花卉。 4、虎皮兰根系的作用是:支持植株地上部分,吸收土壤中的水分和养料。而根系本身也进行着呼吸作用,即吸入氧气,呼出二氧化碳。每次浇水既能湿润土壤,又要冲掉根部周围的二氧化碳和盆土中的废物,使土壤孔隙中能充满新鲜空气,这样才有利于根的呼吸和对水分与养料的吸收。如一次浇水过量,盆土被水浸泡,根部的呼吸就会受阻。如长期浇水过量,盆花就会烂根,死亡。
虎皮兰烂根怎么办 虎皮兰虽然好养,但是还是会有花友遇到虎皮兰烂根的情况,对于虎皮兰烂根的原因大多都是因为浇水过多造成的。因为虎皮兰的根系极为不发达,所以很多时候都是浅栽,而有花友浇水过多,盆土又无法及时挥发,久而久之就导致虎皮兰烂根。虎皮兰正确的浇水应该是尽量少浇水,而且要根据盆土的透水情况来判断浇水量,这样才能最大限度的避免烂根情况发生。如果虎皮兰烂根了,应及时拔出,清洗烂根,再用疏松的素土栽植,放在置荫处管理养护即可。  另外还有一种情况,就是出现病害也会导致虎皮兰烂根,我们在新栽虎皮兰时,一定要对栽培的基质要进行高温或化学灭菌消毒。如果虎皮兰烂根或者茎基腐烂,及时浇灌50%甲基硫菌灵,硫磺悬浮剂700倍液或50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂500倍液。 虎皮兰烂根解决办法 对于已经烂根的虎皮兰,要把根部腐烂的部分清理干净,有条件的可以用多菌灵之类杀菌剂杀菌,然后在阴凉处晾干,重新栽种生根(建议素沙、蛭石+泥炭等扦插介质中生根)。也可以将虎皮兰植株从盆中磕出,轻轻除去泥土,用洁净的利剪剪去烂根,最好再把根部浸入0.02%-0.05%高锰酸钾水溶液中1分钟左右取出,蘸少许硫磺粉或草木灰,晾干。若虎皮兰烂根程度不大,可换上新培养土重新上盆,减少浇水次数,放半阴处养护,平时可适当向叶面喷水或用湿布轻抹灰尘,待萌发出新根后再转入正常浇水,可施1-2次薄肥,待到长出新根和新叶。虎皮兰烂根严重的,土球有异味,就必须洗去宿土,剪掉烂根,重新栽种,栽种前用高锰酸钾-800倍液浸泡根部有防腐和促根的作用,栽培用土应该疏松且排水良好,栽后放于阴凉处一周时间缓苗,经常向叶面喷雾,在此期间禁止根部施肥,待新叶伸展后转入正常管理。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial plant produces 2-3 basal leaves during the spring. These leaves are typically 6-9" long and ¾-1½" across; they are linear-oblong or elliptic-oblong in shape with smooth margins and parallel venation. The leaf surfaces are pale green to medium green and glabrous. Leaf orientation is erect, ascending, or arched and sprawling. The petioles are very short and often hidden by ground litter; they are pale green and glabrous. By early summer, the basal leaves wither away. After a short dormant period, an erect flowering stalk is produced that is 6-20" tall. This stalk is pale green, glabrous, terete, unbranched, and naked (devoid of leaves); it is surrounded by a membranous sheath at its base. At the apex of this stalk, there is a rounded umbel of 10-20 flowers about ¾-1½" across. At the base of this umbel, there is a pair of small deciduous bracts. Each flower spans up to ¼" across, consisting of 6 white to greenish white tepals, 6 stamens, and a 3-lobed ovary with a single white style. The stamens are barely exerted above the tepals. The slender pedicels are light green to greenish white. The blooming period occurs from early to mid-summer for about 2-3 weeks. The flowers, like the foliage, have an onion-like scent. Afterwards, the flowers are replaced by 3-celled seed capsules; there is only a single seed per cell. The capsules divide into 3 sections to release their seeds. The seeds are globoid, black, and shiny. The root system consists of an ovoid bulb with fibrous roots below. Usually, this bulb is enclosed by a fibrous sheath with one or more other bulbs. Clonal offsets from the production of new bulbs often occurs, resulting in dense colonies of plants. Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight during the spring, while during the summer any light level is tolerated because the basal leaves have withered away by this time. Conditions should be more or less mesic; the soil should be loamy, fertile, and relatively loose with decaying organic material. Plants should not be transplanted when the basal leaves are present. Range & Habitat: The native Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek (Allium burdickii) is occasional in NE and east-central Illinois, while in the the rest of the state it is uncommon or absent (see Distribution Map). This species is found primarily in the upper Midwest. Because Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek has not been reliably distinguished from the more common Wild Leek (Allium tricoccum) in the past, it is probably more common and widespread than official records indicate. Habitats include rich deciduous woodlands, wooded bluffs, wooded areas along rivers and streams, and cemetery prairies. Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek is an indicator that the original ground flora of a woodlands is still intact. It is currently threatened by the spread of an invasive European species, Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata), in wooded areas. Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek is found in higher quality natural areas.
Faunal Associations: The flower pollinators are probably similar to those of Allium tricoccum (Wild Leek), consisting of various bees and flies. Both nectar and pollen are available as floral rewards to such visitors. Insects that feed on the bulbs, foliage, flowers, or seeds are poorly understood for Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek (Allium burdickii). However, insects that are known to feed on one or more Allium spp. (Onions) include: the larvae of Delia antiqua (Onion Maggot), Eumerus strigatus (Onion Bulb Fly), and Eumerus tuberculatus (Lesser Bulb Fly); the plant bugs Lindbergocapsus ainsliei and Lindbergocapsus allii; and Thrips tabaci (Onion Thrips). Mammalian herbivores usually avoid consumption of the foliage. Photographic Location: Mesic woodlands in Piatt County and Vermilion County in east-central Illinois; also a cemetery prairie in Champaign County, Illinois.
Comments: Some authorities consider Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek to be a variety of the more common Wild Leek, or Allium tricoccum burdickii (see eFloras, FNA Vol. 26, pp. 224-226), while other authorities consider this species to be distinct, Allium burdickii (Mohlenbrock, 2002). The latter viewpoint has been adopted here. Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek can be distinguished from Wild Leek by its more narrow leaves (less than 1½" across), greenish petioles (rather than reddish), fewer-flowered umbels (less than 21 flowers). The bulbs of Narrow-Leaved Wild Leek are also supposed to be smaller in size, and the stamens of its flowers may be less exerted than those of Wild Leek. Because the range of these two species (or varieties) overlap, it is possible that they hybridize. As a result, some collected or photographed specimens may be difficult to classify. Both of these species (or varieties) are distinct from other Allium spp. in Illinois by their wider leaves and the absence of these leaves when the flowers bloom.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is about 1½–3' tall, branching occasionally. The light green to tan stems are terete and hairless (or nearly so). The opposite leaves are up to 5" long and 3½" across, becoming smaller as they ascend the stems. The lower leaves are cordate to cordate-ovate, while the upper leaves are broadly lanceolate to lanceolate. All of the leaves are largely hairless and strongly serrated-crenate along their margins; they are medium to dark green on their upper surfaces and light green on their lower surfaces. There are 3 prominent veins on the upper surface of each leaf (particularly the lower ones), while the lower surface has an elevated network of veins. The rather long petioles are ½–2½" in length.
The upper stems terminate in compound corymbs or flat-headed panicles of flowerheads that span 2-6" across. The branches of this inflorescence are light green and glabrous (or nearly so). Each flowerhead is about ½" across and contains 10-30 disk florets that have brilliant white corollas and styles. There are no ray florets. Each disk floret is about 3-5 mm. across when it is fully open, consisting of a small tubular corolla with 5 lobes that are spreading and pointed and a divided style that is strongly exerted from the corolla. At the base of each flowerhead, there is a single series of linear floral bracts that are light green and non-overlapping. The blooming period occurs from late summer through the fall, lasting about 2 months for a colony of plants. This is one of the last wildflowers to bloom during the fall. The flowers are often fragrant.
During autumn, each disk floret in a flowerhead is replaced by an achene with a small tuft of white hairs. These achenes are 2-3 mm. long, narrowly oblongoid in shape, 5-ribbed, and black; they are distributed by the wind. The root system consists of spreading rhizomes and shallow fibrous roots. This plant can spread vegetatively by means of its rhizomes, or it can reseed itself into new areas. Cultivation: The preference is partial sun to light shade, moist to slightly dry conditions, and soil containing loam or clay-loam. Full sun in a dry situation can cause the leaves to turn yellow and wilt, otherwise this plant is easy to grow.
Range & Habitat: The native White Snakeroot is a common plant that occurs in almost every county of Illinois (see Distribution Map); it is quite likely that this species occurs in every county. Habitats include moist to slightly dry deciduous woodlands, woodland borders, thickets, partially shaded to shady seeps, bluffs, woodland meadows along rivers, powerline clearances in woodlands, shady corners of pastures and yards, fence rows with woody vegetation, and overgrown vacant lots. This species is especially common in wooded areas that are rather disturbed and degraded, although it also occurs at higher quality sites.
Faunal Associations: The nectar of the flowers attracts a variety of insects, including leaf-cutting bees (Megachile spp.), Halictid bees, wasps, various flies (Syrphid, Tachinid, bee flies, & others), butterflies, and moths. The bees also collect pollen. The caterpillars of some moths are known to feed on the foliage and other parts of Eupatorium spp. (Bonesets), including White Snakeroot (probably). These species include Carmenta bassiformis (Eupatorium Borer Moth), Papaipema cataphracta (Burdock Borer Moth), Phragmatobia fuliginosa (Ruby Tiger Moth), Phragmatobia lineata (Lined Ruby Tiger Moth), and the Gracillariid moth Leucospilapteryx venustella. Other insect feeders include larvae of the gall flies Asphondylia eupatorii and Neolasioptera eupatorii, the aphids Uroleucon eupatoricolens and Uroleucon eupatorifoliae, and the leaf beetle Sumitrosis inaequalis. Because the foliage is bitter and toxic, mammalian herbivores usually avoid this plant as a food source. Sometimes cattle will eat it in overgrazed pastures, which can produce fatal results. Photographic Location: A powerline clearance at Busey Woods in Urbana, Illinois, and a deciduous woodland in east-central Illinois. Comments: The common name of this species derives from the erroneous belief among early settlers that the bitter rhizomes were beneficial in the treatment of snakebites. In fact, the foliage and rhizomes are highly toxic, causing fatalities from 'Milk Sickness' because the toxins can pass through the milk of dairy cattle to humans. White Snakeroot has been reassigned recently to the genus Ageratina, although it is still often referred to as Eupatorium rugosum. Normally, White Snakeroot is largely hairless, although some authorities describe a pubescent variety of this species. White Snakeroot resembles many of the white-flowered Eupatorium spp. (Bonesets), but these different species can be distinguished from each other by the appearance of their leaves. Among the species in this group, White Snakeroot has the broadest leaves; its lower leaves are cordate or broadly ovate, and these leaves have long petioles. White Snakeroot usually occurs in and around shady woodlands, while many of these other species are found in prairies and sunny wetlands.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This herbaceous perennial plant is 1-3' tall and either unbranched or sparingly branched. The central stem and any secondary stems are light green, glabrous, and terete. Each plant has 1-4 alternate leaves that are widely spreading. Individual leaves are up to 1½' long and 1½' across (excluding the petiole); they are bipinnate or tripinnate, dividing into 3 primary leaflets and subdividing into 3-5 (rarely 7) ultimate leaflets. When tertiary leaflets are present, there are typically 3 secondary leaflets in each compound leaf. The ultimate leaflets (whether secondary or tertiary) are 1¼–3½" long, more or less ovate in shape, and coarsely toothed along their margins; some ultimate leaflets are sharply divided into 1-2 smaller lobes. The upper leaf surface is medium green and glabrous, while the lower leaf surface is slightly more pale and either glabrous or hairy along the major veins. The petioles are up to 6" long, light green, and glabrous.
The central stem and any secondary stems terminate in solitary racemes of flowers that are 1-2" long; these racemes become slightly longer when the flowers are replaced by berries. Each flower is about ¼" across or slightly wider, consisting 4-10 white petals, several inconspicuous sepals, 15-40 white stamens, and a pistil. The petals are widely spreading and narrowly elliptic in shape, while the stamens are long and showy. The style of the pistil is very short or absent, while the stigma of the pistil is short and stout. The ascending to widely spreading pedicels are up to ½" long (or slightly more) and they are noticeably more slender than the rachis (central stalk) of the raceme. The peduncle (basal stalk) of each raceme is up to 4" long. The blooming period occurs during late spring or early summer, lasting about 3 weeks. The flowers have a rosy fragrance. Afterwards, fertile flowers are replaced by ovoid berries that become 6-8 Distribution Mapmm. long at maturity. These berries are usually bright red and glossy at maturity, although there is a less common form of this plant that has white berries. Each berry contains a fleshy pulp and several seeds. Individual seeds are 3.0–3.5 mm. long, reddish brown, and wedge-shaped. The root system consists of a vertical rootstock with fibrous secondary rootlets below. Cultivation: The preference is light to moderate shade, moist to mesic conditions, and a somewhat acidic soil consisting of sandy loam, loam, or clay-loam with decaying organic matter. The soil should contain abundant nitrogen, calcium, and other nutrients. The seeds are slow to germinate, typically taking 2 years or more under natural conditions. This plant prefers cool moist weather and it is winter hardy to at least Zone 4. Range & Habitat: The native Red Baneberry occurs in northern Illinois, where it is uncommon. Illinois lies along the southern range-limit of this species. Habitats include moist to mesic woodlands, shady stream banks, and shaded areas where some seepage of ground water occurs. In Illinois, this plant is found in high quality natural areas where either deciduous trees or a mixture of deciduous trees and conifers occur. North of the state, it also occurs in conifer forests. Red Baneberry is able to survive occasional wildfires. Faunal Associations: The flowers of Red Baneberry attract miscellaneous beetles, flies, and to a lesser extent Halictid bees (Pellmyr, 1985). Only pollen is available as a floral reward. Some vertebrate animals feed on the fruits or seeds of this plant. Examples of birds that eat the fruits include the Ruffed Grouse, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, American Robin, Wood Thrush, Gray-cheeked Thrush, Brown Thrasher, and Catbird. Examples of small mammals that eat the seeds (while usually rejecting the pulp) include the Woodland Deer Mouse, White-footed Mouse, Eastern Chipmunk, Red Squirrel, and Red-backed Vole (Crane, 1990; Martin et al., 1951/1961; Hamilton, 1941). Because the foliage is somewhat toxic, it is usually avoided by mammalian herbivores. All parts of this plant, including the fruit, are toxic to humans. Photographic Location: A woodland in Lake County, Illinois. The photographs were taken by Paul Showers (Copyright © 2015). Comments: Because of its attractive foliage, flowers, and bright red berries, Red Baneberry (Actaea rubra) is an excellent selection for cool shade gardens. It is similar in appearance to Doll's Eyes (Actaea pachypoda), except the latter species always has white berries. When Red Baneberry produces white berries, it can be distinguished from Doll's Eyes by its more slender pedicels (basal stalklets of the flowers or berries). The pedicels of Doll's Eyes are nearly as thick as the rachis (central stalk) of the floral raceme. Doll's Eyes tends to have longer racemes, but this distinction is not always reliable. The latter species can be found throughout Illinois.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This perennial wildflower is 1–2½' tall and either unbranched or sparingly branched. The alternate compound leaves are 2- or 3-pinnate and large in size; the leaflets are organized into groups of 3 (less often 5). The lower compound leaves have long petioles, while the petioles of the upper compound leaves are shorter. The leaflets are up to 4" long and 2¼" across; they are more or less ovate in shape, while their margins are shallowly cleft and strongly toothed. Usually, the terminal leaflets are a little larger than the lateral leaflets; the terminal leaflets have slender petiolules (leaflet stalks), while the lateral leaflets are either sessile or they have slender petiolules. The upper surface of each leaflet is dull green and hairless; the lower surface is also hairless. A raceme of white flowers on a long naked peduncle develops from the axil of the uppermost compound leaf. Initially, this raceme is about 1½–3" long and short-cylindrical in shape, but it becomes longer (3-6") when its flowers are replaced with berries. Each raceme has 10-28 flowers on widely spreading pedicels; these pedicels are short (about ½"), glabrous, and stout.
Each flower spans about ¼" across, consisting of 4-10 white petals, a dozen or more white stamens, and a superior ovary with a short stout style. At the tip of this style is a large persistent stigma that is translucent white (although it later becomes dark). The sepals are early-deciduous and insignificant. Each petal is narrowly oblanceolate and often truncate at its tip. The blooming period occurs from late spring to very early summer; it lasts about 2 weeks. The flowers are replaced by berries that are ovoid-globoid and up to 1/3" (8 mm.) in length. These berries become bright white when they are mature, while the pedicels and central axis of the raceme become bright red. At the outer end of each berry, there is a dark spot from the persistent stigma. Inside each berry, there are several seeds (fewer than 10). The root system is fibrous and rhizomatous. Cultivation: Dappled sunlight to medium shade, moist to mesic conditions, and a fertile loamy soil with abundant organic matter is preferred. The compound leaves may become yellowish if they are exposed to excessive sunlight. Range & Habitat: The native Doll's Eyes is occasional throughout Illinois (see Distribution Map). Habitats include rich deciduous woodlands, ravines, thinly wooded bluffs, the bases of bluffs, and shaded seeps. This species is found in high quality woodlands where the original ground flora is intact. Faunal Associations: The flowers lack nectar and provide only pollen to visiting insects. These visitors are mainly Halictid bees; Robertson (1929) observed Augochlorella striata, Lasioglossum pectoralis, and Lasioglossum zephyrus. Various birds eat the white berries to a limited extent; this includes the Ruffed Grouse, Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, and American Robin (Eastman, 1992; pp. 12-13). These birds help to distribute the seeds to a new areas. The White-Footed Mouse also eats the berries. Because the foliage is toxic from a cardiac glycoside, it is not eaten by mammalian herbivores. Other parts of this plant are toxic as well, although birds are apparently immune to the toxic effects of the berries. The overall value of this wildflower to wildlife is low.
Photographic Location: Deciduous woodlands in east-central Illinois. Comments: This is one of many wonderful wildflowers that can be found in eastern deciduous woodlands during the spring. Doll's Eyes has attractive foliage and striking white berries, which become mature during the late summer or early fall. These berries resemble the eyes of old-fashioned china dolls, hence the common name. Another common name of this species is White Baneberry, which refers to the appearance of the berries and their toxic nature to humans. Another scientific name of this species is Actaea alba. The other species in this genus, Actaea rubra (Red Baneberry), is restricted to northern Illinois. This latter species has red berries (usually) and the pedicels of its flowers/berries are more slender than those of Doll's Eyes. Each berry of Red Baneberry contains more seeds (10 or more) than a berry of Doll's Eyes, and its seeds are smaller in size. However, there is an uncommon form of Red Baneberry that produces white berries.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Description: This plant is a summer annual about ½–2½' tall that is either unbranched or occasionally branched. The stems are light to medium green, terete, and glabrous to sparsely pubescent. The alternate leaves are more closely spaced together along the upper stems than the lower ones, providing the plant with a flat-topped appearance. The blades of individual leaves are up to 3" long and 2¼" across, medium green, ovate to broadly ovate, and crenate-serrate along the margins. The upper surfaces of the blades are sparsely covered with fine appressed hairs or they are hairless. The long slender petioles are up to 2½" long and light to medium green; they are covered with fine appressed hairs, or hairless. Sometimes the blades of the leaves droop from their petioles. Deam's Mercury is monoecious with separate staminate (male) and pistillate (female) flowers on the same plant. Both types of flowers develop together from the axils of the leaves; they are surrounded by foliaceous floral bracts that are palmately divided into 5-9 lobes. Individual bracts are about ½" tall and a little longer across; they are light to medium green and either widely open or loosely folded in one direction. Individual lobes of the floral bracts are about ¼" long, lanceolate in shape, and ciliate. From the middle of each floral bract, the staminate flowers form a single spike-like raceme on a peduncle. Together, the raceme and its peduncle are about ½" long at maturity. Individual staminate flowers are less than 1/8" (3 mm.) across, consisting of a 4-lobed calyx, several stamens with yellow anthers, and no petals. There are also 1-3 pistillate flowers that areDistribution Map hidden at the base of each floral bract; individual pistillate flowers consist of an ovary with finely branched styles, insignificant sepals, and no petals. The ovary is sometimes finely hairy near its apex. The blooming period occurs from mid-summer into the fall and lasts about 2-3 months; only a few flowers are in bloom at the same time. Cross-pollination occurs by wind. Each ovary matures into a seed capsule (about ¼" across) that is globoid, slightly flattened, and 2-valved. Each valve of the capsule contains a single seed. Individual mature seeds are 2-3 mm. long (or longer), ovoid, and dark-colored. This plant reproduces by reseeding itself. The leaves become copper-colored during the fall. Cultivation: The preference is dappled sunlight to medium shade, moist conditions, and soil consisting of sandy loam or gravelly loam. Most growth and development occurs during the summer and early fall. Range & Habitat: The native Deam's Mercury is a rare plant that has been found in a few counties of east-central and southern Illinois. This plant is also uncommon in other states where it has been found. Habitats consist of bottomland woodlands along rivers, openings in bottomland woods, areas along paths in bottomland woods, woodland edges, and semi-shaded to shaded areas along roads. Deam's Mercury appears to prefer areas that are subjected to occasional flooding during the spring. Such areas typically have flood-deposited sand, silt, or gravel and scant ground vegetation. Faunal Associations: The flea beetles Hornaltica bicolorata and Margaridisa atriventris feed on Acalypha spp. The seeds of these plants are eaten by the Mourning Dove and Swamp Sparrow, while White-Tailed Deer browse on the foliage (primarily during the summer and fall). Deam's Mercury and similar species lack the toxic white latex that is typical of species in the Spurge family (Euphorbiaceae). Photographic Location: Along a path of a bottomland woodland near the Embarass River in Coles County, Illinois (Fox Ridge State Park).
Comments: Deam's Mercury is the least common native Acalypha spp. in Illinois. It has 2-valved seed capsules, larger seeds (exceeding 2 mm. long), and tends to have wider leaves than other Acalypha spp. It is most similar to the very common Acalypha rhomboidea, which has similar floral bracts with 5-9 lobes, but differs from this species in the characteristics that are mentioned above. In the past, Deam's Mercury has been regarded as a variety of Acalypha rhomboidea, but it is now considered a distinct species. Other common names of Acalypha deamii are Deam's Copperleaf, Large-Seeded Copperleaf, and Large-Seeded Mercury.
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