动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
早竹为禾本科刚竹属下的一个种。又名:早园竹、早哺鸡竹等。为禾本科植物,秆高8-10m,径4-6cm。适宜在微酸性、深厚、疏松、肥沃、排水良好而湿润,坡度平缓的土壤环境生长。笋期3月下旬至4月上旬或更早,故谓之早竹。其笋味鲜美,是浙沪一带早春主要的时令菜鲜之一。此外,还可以供园林绿化观赏用等。 早竹,学名雷竹,因其早春打雷即出笋故名。在所有竹种中雷竹出笋最早。早竹无大小年之分,早、鲜、嫩是其笋质的特色。各地广为引种,却往往忽视早竹引种的必要条件。
早竹的形态特征: 竿高8-10米,粗4-6厘米,幼竿深绿色,密被白粉,无毛,节暗紫色,老竿绿色、黄绿色或灰绿色;中部节间长15-25厘米,常在沟槽的对面一侧微膨大,有时隐约有黄色纵条纹,壁厚约3毫米;竿节最初为紫褐色,竿环与箨环均中度隆起。箨鞘褐绿色或淡黑褐色,初时多少有白粉,无毛,有不规则分散的大小不等的斑点,还有紫色纵条纹;无箨耳及鞘口繸毛;箨舌褐绿色或紫褐色,拱形,两侧明显下延或稍下延,致使箨舌两侧露出甚多,边缘生细纤毛;箨片窄带状披针形,强烈皱曲或竿上部者平直,外翻,绿色或紫褐色。末级小枝具2或3叶,稀可5或6叶;无叶耳和鞘口繸毛;叶片带状披针形,长6-18厘米,宽0.8-2.2厘米。花枝呈穗状,长4-(5-7)厘米,基部托以4-6片逐渐增大的鳞片状苞片;佛焰苞5-7片,无毛或疏生短柔毛,无叶耳及鞘口繸毛,缩小叶小形,狭披针形至锥状,每片佛焰苞内生有2枚假小穗;侧生假小穗常不发育,顶生假小穗常含2朵小花,常仅下方的1朵发育;颖1片,被短柔毛;外稃长2.5-2.8厘米,背部有短柔毛疏生;内稃长2-2.5厘米,背部1/2以上疏生短柔毛;鳞被仅见到1片,长约3毫米;花药12-13毫米;柱头仅见有2枚。笋期在3月中旬开始,花期4-5月。
早竹的作用价值: 笋味美,笋期早,持续时间长,产量高,是良好的笋用竹种,浙江农村常见栽培;竿壁薄,节间又常向一侧肿胀,仅能作一般柄材使用。 早竹类栽培特点: 早竹类包括早竹、各种哺鸡竹和尖头青竹等,都是散生的中小型笋用竹,它们的春笋、鞭笋产量高,品质比毛竹好。由于它们的笋芽形成期迟,而且形状小,故不能采收冬笋。 早竹类的栽培务求基本同毛竹,仅将特点说明如下: 1、种竹的选择和掘取 宜选二年生秆基直径为2-3厘米的竹做种竹,常有几株竹靠近生长在同一竹鞭上,可一齐掘起。选留强壮的2-3株,成丛种竹造林,成活率高,繁延快,可提早成林。 2、栽种竹和留母竹的密度 栽种时,整株移植的每亩栽50-70株;移鞭的每亩70-90株。成林后,每亩保持母竹400-450株。因此,每年留养新竹每亩100-120株左右,砍去同数者竹。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
橡皮树四季常绿,叶片厚实宽大,浓绿光亮,适应性强,栽培容易,是家庭室内绿化不可多得的材料。根据植株大小布置,小者可放置于有散射光或有光照的窗台、床头、茶几、书桌、花架上,大者可低放于沙发边、落地窗前及墙角处。下面为你详细介绍橡皮树怎么养: 橡皮树怎么养 1、橡皮树的生长习性 橡皮树喜温暖湿润、阳光充足的环境,也稍能耐阴,不耐寒。要求肥沃、疏松土壤,在中性或偏酸性土壤中生长良好。盆栽时,宜用腐叶土、草灰土加1/4左右的河沙及少量基肥配成培养土。平时保持土壤湿润,每隔15-20天施一次稀薄液肥。夏季高温时节,橡皮树生长较快,应大肥大水,但要避免盆内积水。入秋后逐渐减少施肥和浇水,促进植株生长充实,利于越冬。橡皮树因喜阳光,从春至秋都应放室外向阳处养护;如长时间放置在荫蔽处,易引起叶片发黄脱落。喜阳光,单也较耐荫,浇水多浇隔夜茶,全株要常喷水,多用湿布擦净叶片,有利光合作用 橡皮树因不耐寒,冬季须移入室内向阳处养护,保持室温10℃以上,最低气温不要低于5℃;若温度过低,盆土潮湿,会造成叶片变黑脱落和根部腐烂,甚至整株死亡。来年4月底至5月初搬至庭院内或阳台上养护。北方应注意换季时由室内搬到室外不能立刻收强太阳光照射,即光照和温度变化不应太大。冬季室温低,应少量浇水,保持盆土微潮。 橡皮树叶片光亮,青翠宜人,其植株高大,很有气势,适合摆放在阳台上绿化环境。 2、摆放 盆栽可以将橡皮树摆放在东向、南向、西向阳台上进行管理,其中以南向阳台的栽培效果为最好。它的植株较为高大,适合在十分宽敞的阳台上栽种。在其生长旺盛阶段,要将植株置于每天接受日光直射不少于2小时之处。夏季应该保持环境通风。冬季气温稍低并无妨碍。
3、盆栽管理 宜选用富含腐殖质的砂质壤土做栽培基质。如果有条件,所用盆土可由腐叶、细砂、园土按体积计以1:1:2的比例配成。橡皮树植株较为高大,生长迅速,通常选用大型花盆进行定植。橡皮树喜微潮偏干的土壤环境,夏季是其需水最多的阶段,可多浇水;冬季是其需水最少的时期,要少浇水。除定植时在花盆底部施用50克左右的马蹄片等作为基肥外,生长旺盛阶段还应每隔lO天追施1次稀薄液体肥料。橡皮树喜直射日光,亦耐荫蔽环境。如果有条件,最好让植株能够接受全日照。保持环境适当通风即可。橡皮树性喜高温环境,其在16℃~30℃的温度范围内生长良好,越冬温度不宜低于5℃。每年春季新芽未萌动前,将植株老枝短截2/3或1/2,以促发新枝,同时将内膛枝、细弱枝进行修剪。在阳台栽培中,橡皮树通常很少罹病,但其易受蛴螬的侵袭。每年春季3月应该给三年生以上的大株翻盆1次。在操作时可剪去部分老根,换上一些新土,并将植株的枝条进行中剪,以促发分枝。这样植株才有更强的生长势,从而使观赏价值大为提高。 4、橡皮树叶插方法 橡皮树叶插其叶柄虽能长出不定根,但不能发出不定芽,所以不能长成新的个体。因此要用基部带一个芽的叶片或顶芽进行扦插,才能形成新的植株。深度为仅露芽尖既可。插后盖一玻璃罩,以防水分蒸发。若对生叶,可剖为两半,每一叶带一芽作插穗。 橡皮树叶插可用一叶一芽也可以用其一张叶片,半张乃至更小的繁殖材料,在智能化控制的快繁苗床其能快速的生根,整张叶片可以采用2000PPM快繁宝速沾,半张的采用400PPM处理1小时其生根效果最好,生根率达到100%。 5、繁殖方法 以扦插法繁殖为主,多在春季3~4月进行。可以用细砂做繁殖基质。所用盆器的规格可根据具体需要而定。结合修剪,将橡皮树刚刚木质化的枝条剪成单节的段,每段带叶片1枚。茎段切口会流出白色黏液,可用温水将其洗去,再往切口表面蘸上少量木炭粉备用。往小花盆中装满细砂,再竖插l根20厘米左右长的竹棍,把修剪好的橡皮树插穗茎段保持极性埋入土中,叶片中部包住竹棍,用细绳捆绑好。然后将装有插穗的花盆码入塑料棚内,经常喷水保湿,在25℃~30℃的条件下,橡皮树插穗经过4周左右即能生根,待小苗长出2~3枚新叶时即可磕盆定植。亦可采用压条法进行育苗。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
雪美人形体特征: 多年生水生草本;根状茎横生,肥厚,节间膨大,内有多数纵行通气孔道,节部缢缩,上生黑色鳞叶,下生须状不定根。叶圆形,盾状,直径25-90厘米,全缘稍呈波状,上面光滑,具白粉,下面叶脉从中央射出,有1-2次叉状分枝;叶柄粗壮,圆柱形,长1-2米,中空,外面散生小刺。花梗和叶柄等长或稍长,也散生小刺;花直径10-20厘米,美丽,芳香;花瓣红色、粉红色或白色,矩圆状椭圆形至倒卵形,长5-10厘米,宽3-5厘米,由外向内渐小,有时变成雄蕊,先端圆钝或微尖;花药条形,花丝细长,着生在花托之下;花柱极短,柱头顶生;花托(莲房)直径5-10厘米。坚果椭圆形或卵形,长1.8-2.5厘米,果皮革质,坚硬,熟时黑褐色;种子(莲子)卵形或椭圆形,长1.2-1.7厘米,种皮红色或白色。花期6-8月,果期8-10月。 雪美人生长习性: 栽培在池塘或水田内。是水生植物,性喜相对稳定的平静浅水、湖沼、泽地、池塘,是其适生地。荷花的需水量由其品种而定,大株形品种相对水位深一些,但不能超过1.7米.中小株形只适于20-60厘米的水深。同时荷花对失水十分敏感,夏季只要3小时不灌水,水缸所栽荷叶便萎靡,若停水一日,则荷叶边焦,花蕾回枯.荷花还非常喜光,生育期需要全光照的环境。荷花极不耐荫,在半荫处生长就会表现出强烈的趋光性。
雪美人栽培技术: 荷花是水生植物,生长期内时刻都离不开水。生长前期,水层要控制在三厘米左右,水太深不利于提高土温。如用自来水,最好另缸盛放,晒一、二天再用。夏天是荷花的生长高峰期,盆内切不可缺水。入冬以后,盆土也要保持湿润以防种藕缺水干枯。 荷花的肥料以磷钾肥为主,辅以氮肥。如土壤较肥,则全年可不必施肥。腐熟的饼肥、鸡鸭鹅粪是最理想的肥料,小盆中施半两即可,大盆中最多只能施1~2两,切不可多施,并要充分与泥土拌和。生长旺期,如发现叶片色黄、瘦弱,可用每盒0·5克尿素拌于泥中,搓成10克左右的小球,每盆施一粒,施在盆中央的泥土中,7天见效。 雪美人繁殖方法: 种子繁殖:首先要破壳。5-6月将种子凹进的一端在水泥地上或粗糙的石块上磨破,浸种育苗。要保持水清,经常换水,约一周左右出芽,两周后生根移栽,每盆裁一株,水层要浅,不可将荷叶淹在水中。90%左右当年可开花,但当年开花不多。 分藕繁殖:3月中旬至4月中旬是翻盆栽藕的最佳时期。过早栽植会有寒流影响,种藕容易受冻害。北方地区遇寒流时可用透明农膜覆盖。栽插前,盆泥要和成糊状,栽插时种藕顶端沿盆边呈20度斜插入泥,碗莲深5厘米左右。大型荷花深10厘米左右,头低尾高。尾部半截翘起,不使藕尾进水。栽后将盆放置于阳光下照晒,使表面泥土出现微裂,以利种藕与泥土完全粘合,然后加少量水,待芽长出后,逐渐加深水位,最后保持3-5厘米水层。池塘栽植前期水层与盆荷一样,后期以不淹没荷叶为度。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
一、驱蚊香草的养殖方法 驱蚊香草性喜气候温和,环境清爽。不耐酷署和严寒,在15-20度的温度下可以生长的很好。 驱蚊香草一般采用播种,扦插的方法繁殖,扦插法一般在春秋季进行,种子可在三月种植,首先将种子放在洁净的细沙土中,约一个月就会发芽,待小苗长到三四个叶时,即可上盆养苗,在苗长到自盆底长出白根时,在盆底放一些碎蹄片作基肥,并换盆定植。 驱蚊香草生长快,每年需换盆加肥,多在春季换盆。换盆时将基部的老根去掉,在新培养土中施入基肥,一般二月或三月换盆,四月长出新枝后,每周施一次稀薄的有机液肥,四月下旬移到户外等待花期。六月搬到散射光处,树荫下或荫棚下。 驱蚊香草浇水时要视盆土而定,看盆土是否微微发白,盆土表面发白需浇水。七、八月份需经常向叶面喷水降温,使其生长环境保持湿润,但盆内不要积水。十月份霜前将驱蚊香草移入室内过冬,使光照充足,通风透气,使期开花不断。 二、蚊净香草的栽培管理 驱蚊香草种苗的选择 蚊净香草作为一种新生产物,种苗选择一定要谨慎,不可盲目上当。可向中科院在当地的代理机构直接选购种苗。 驱蚊香草盆土的准备 为了保证其健康生长,有条件的可配置专用营养土,比例为泥炭土6份、蛭石1.5份、珍珠岩1.5份、煤灰1份,PH中性,混合均匀备用。 驱蚊香草上盆养护 蚊净香草幼苗期生长极快,需勤换盆促生长。头6个月内至少换盆2~3次,以专用培养土为佳。6个月后,改用普通培养土,但要求疏松肥沃,透水保水性好。生长期不能强光照,尤其在夏季要加强遮荫。可放在树荫下或室内保养,避免阳光直接照射。
驱蚊香草温度管理 蚊净香草最适宜生长温度10~25℃,在0℃以上即可安全越冬,15℃以上即可正常散发柠檬香味,温度越高散发香气越多。适当向植物喷水雾可使香茅醇物质源源不断释放,使驱蚊效果更佳,同时可减少高温危害。 驱蚊香草肥水管理 因其生长快,肥水要求量大,每次换盆后应浇透水。日常浇水要适量,一般5~7天浇一次水,保持盆土偏干略见湿即可。浇水过多会引起叶片发黄脱落,造成烂根。平时要经常用清水喷湿叶面,保持叶面清洁,有利于光合作用的进行。移栽缓苗15天后开始施肥,可以采用N∶P∶K为20∶10∶20的复合肥浇根或用饼肥、蹄片等有机肥经充分发酵后加水使用。夏季高温期少浇水不施肥,有利于根系发达,提高抗病性。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
炮仗花的养殖方法: 1、土壤:炮仗花对土壤要求不严,但栽培在富含有机质、排水良好,土层深厚的肥沃土壤中,则生长更茁壮。培养土要选用腐叶土、园土、山泥等为主,并施入适量经腐熟的堆肥、豆饼、骨粉等有机肥作基肥。 2、浇水:浇水要见干见湿,切忌盆内积水。夏季气温高,浇水要充足,同时要向花盆附近地面上洒水,以提高空气湿度。秋季开始进入花芽分化期,此时浇水需适当少些,以便控制营养生长,促使花芽分化。 3、温度:炮仗花不耐寒,在北方地区冬季需移入室内越冬。越冬期间放室内阳光充足处,并应控制浇水,停止施肥,室温保持在10℃以上。 4、施肥:施肥应转想以磷肥为主。生长季节一般约2周左右施一次氮磷结合的稀薄液肥。孕蕾期追施一次以氮肥为主的液肥,以利开花和植株生长。 5、病害:炮仗花常见叶斑病和白粉病,用50%多菌灵可湿性粉剂1500倍液喷洒。 6、虫害:炮仗花虫害有粉虱和介壳虫,可用40%氧化乐果乳油1200倍液喷杀。 7、摘心:炮仗花苗长高70厘米左右时,要设棚架,将其枝条牵引上架,并需进行摘心,促使萌发侧枝,以利于多开花。
炮仗花的养殖注意事项: 1、炮仗花生产快,开花多,花期又长,因此肥、水要足。生长期间每月需施1次追肥。追肥宜用腐熟稀薄的豆饼水或复合化肥,促使其枝繁叶茂,开花满枝头。 2、要保持土壤湿润,浇水次数应视土壤湿润状况而定,在炎热夏季除需浇水外,每天还要向枝叶喷水2~3次和周围地面洒水,以提高空气湿度。 3、炮仗花系多年生常绿攀缘藤本植物,生有卷须,可以借助他物向上攀缘生长。家庭培养时,为了提高观赏效果,栽时可选用大而深的花盆,当幼苗长到一定高度时在盆内搭一花架,将其茎蔓引缚在花架上,并注意分布均匀,放在阳光充足的阳台上养护。也可将其栽在大盆内,在阳台上设花架,让其向上攀缘生长,待枝条在附属物体上长到一定高度时,需打顶,促使萌芽新枝,以利多开花。已经开过花的枝条,来年不在开花,而新生长的枝条要孕蕾,因此对一些老枝、弱枝等要及时剪除,以免消耗养分,影响第二年开花。 4、冬季带土移植于草地中央或门前旷地,用竹撑扶,以防倒伏。本种依靠卷须固着生长,生长期间切忌翻蔓,折断卷须,否则要影响其水分与养分的吸收,造成开花不良甚至不开花。 炮仗花的繁殖方法: 繁殖炮仗花,可用扦插和压条法,但以压条法生根较快,成活率也较高。一般在花后选取一年生以上健壮枝条,将准备埋入土内的部分刻伤,埋入约10厘米厚土中,用竹钉等物将其固定,不使弹出。经常保持土壤湿润,一般到了秋季便可剪离母体,另行栽植。 扦插繁殖:扦插于3月中下旬,选择1年生的粗壮枝条作插穗,插入湿沙床内喷雾保湿,当气湿稳定在20℃左右时,插后约25天发根,成活率可达70%。约1个半月左右,可移入圃地培育,1年生苗可出圃定植,翌年可开花,第三年可绿化成景。也可采老茎扦插,即选用基部抽生的粗壮老茎,长可达2米以上,扦插于肥沃砂壤土中,保持半阴,约50~60天开始发根,当年任其抽枝长叶。 压条繁殖:压条主要是利用落地的藤蔓,在叶腋处伤皮压土,从春到秋均可进行,以夏季为最宜。20~30天可发根,1个半月左右剪下成新株,当年即可开花。多作盆花栽培,或直接压条于容器内,不移至圃地育苗。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Tender turnip greens are for some a well-kept garden secret. While chard and kale are popular greens in the garden, some people are devoted to other greens such as mustard, beet or turnips. Healthy greens are not only delicious on the dinner table, they're important to the health of the whole plant. Turnips are prey to a number of pests and require careful attention to keep them free of insects. It is worth protecting turnip greens -- they are high in vitamins E and C, have usable calcium, folate and a full range of amino acids.
Common Pests Turnips and other greens are especially bothered by several insect pests. Aphids are a number one culprit. They suck the sap from the plant. Cabbage loopers love turnip greens just as you do. Flea beetles can be a major problem. Take the time to learn what these turnip pests look like and how to spot the adults and larvae. This will give you an idea where to target your approach to getting rid of them. Garden Health Prevention is always the fist line of defense when it comes to any garden pests. Keep weeds away from your plants to reduce habitat for insects. Insects are interdependent, so if one type is encouraged by weeds or other foods they may like, the ones who prefer leafy greens may move in too. Keep the ground free of dead and dying plants and rotted vegetables to reduce their food. Keep your turnips well nourished with rich compost because healthy plants have more resistance to pests. Beneficial Insects Introducing beneficial insects to the turnip bed can reduce the population of harmful insects. Examples of these are ladybugs, green lacewings and beneficial nematodes. You can purchase them at some garden centers or through an online distributor. These are predator and parasitic insects that can help you battle the undesirable bugs on your turnip greens. Make your garden attractive to them by providing other foods they like such as flowers for nectar. Synthetic Pesticides The synthetic pesticides for turnips include spinosad, whose makers claim it has low environmental impact, long residual effect and is no harmful to beneficial insects. For aphids or whiteflies use pymetrozine. It is a direct spray specifically for this type of bug and can kill them quickly.
Natural Insecticides Turnips can be benefited by an interplanting of some other plants. These discourage insects that target turnips. They include mint, onions and garlic or herbs like anise, chives and coriander. You can also combine household products to create a useful natural pesticide. A homemade horticultural oil can be made from soybean oil mixed with liquid dish-washing soap to suffocate the bugs. Some people simply spray them off with a hose. But if you do this, make sure to also remove them from the ground beneath the plant. Purchase diatomaceous earth at a garden center to dust on plants to deter aphids.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Zucchini and other summer squash can be grown in vegetable gardens throughout the United States, providing a good crop each year. Although the squash are considered easy to grow, the plants can suffer damage when not cared for properly. Yellow leaves are a sign of a potential problem in many plants, zucchini included. In some cases, overwatering may cause the problem. However, that is only one potential cause.
Water Needs Zucchini need about 1 inch of water per week, the University of Illinois Extension reports. When rainfall does not meet these needs, the best technique for watering the squash is to provide one deep water per week. If you grow zucchini in a sandy soil, water more frequently but use less water with each irrigation, the University of Minnesota Extension recommends. Too Much Water Yellow leaves on a zucchini plant can be a sign of many problems, including too much water. Typically, leaves yellow as a result of wet soil following heavy rains when temperatures are cool or cold, the University of Minnesota Extension reports. Leaves also may appear dark green or brown, and many may wilt or die back, when temperatures drop. Other Causes Cold weather and too much moisture are among many potential causes for yellow leaves on a zucchini plant. Powdery mildew can also cause yellowing, typically on the plant's oldest leaves. Downy mildew can also cause yellowing, although typically in spots and splotches. Pests including the squash vine borer and squash bugs can make leaves yellow and wilt. Finally, plant viruses such as squash mosaic can lead to yellowing of leaves.
Treatment and Care How to care for a zucchini plant with yellowing leaves depends on the cause. When the problem develops following a cold and rainy spell, the plant's health may improve without your aid as temperatures warm and the soil dries out. If the yellow leaves are pest related, you can remove visible pests and their eggs and larvae by hand when checking the plants; alternatively, try an insecticide applied at the base of the vines, suggests the Iowa State University Extension. Herbicides can help control mildew and other plant diseases.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Acorn squash (Cucurbita pepo) is an annual vining winter squash plant that produces ribbed fruit with green or gold rinds. When harvested ripe, the fruits store for about three months. To determine if an acorn squash is ripe, consider the appearance and texture of its skin, the condition of the vine and the number of days since sowing.
Skin Appearance An orange patch appears on the area of the acorn squash that rests on the ground when the fruit is ripe, and skin is matte. An immature acorn squash is shiny. As the fruit ripens, it loses its shine and looks dry and dull. Skin Texture A ripe acorn squash has a very tough skin. To test whether an acorn squash is ripe, try to pierce the skin with your thumbnail. Your nail won't easily leave a mark on a ripe acorn squash. Vine Condition As an acorn squash matures, the vine deteriorates. When an acorn squash plant turns yellow and dies back, the fruit are usually ripe. Harvest Time Acorn squash are usually ready to harvest about 80 to 100 days after sowing. The seeds are sown in spring after the final local average frost date, and the fruits mature as fall approaches.
Unripe Fruit An unripe acorn squash doesn't ripen after harvest. Acorn squash fruit texture and flavor develops as the fruit ripens. Unripe fruit are watery and taste bland, and store badly. 'Jersey Golden Acorn' 'Jersey Golden Acorn' is an acorn squash variety that produces fruit that can be picked unripe without losing flavor. The flesh of this variety is sweet when the fruit is golfball-sized, and the skin is soft. You can eat unripe 'Jersey Golden Acorn' fruit raw or cooked. Fruit Harvest Harvest acorn squash by cutting the stem 1 inch from the fruit, and store the fruit in a dry place at 50 degrees Fahrenheit. An acorn squash fruit stores best at 50 to 75 percent humidity.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Sweet potatoes are one of the most versatile and nutritious vegetables on the market today. They are a very common vegetable in many Asian cultures, though they have yet to catch on as much in the Western diet, as they are mostly thought of as a holiday food. A warm weather vegetable, sweet potatoes are grown all across the United States, but nowhere more so than these five states.
North Carolina With the sweet potato as its state vegetable, it's no surprise that North Carolina is the No. 1 sweet potato producing state in the country. According to statistics compiled by the United States Department of Agriculture, North Carolina produced, on average, 5,260,277 cwt a year from 1990 to 2007. (A cwt is a unit of measurement used in agriculture, meaning one hundred weight). Louisiana Louisiana is known for many things: the birthplace of Elvis, Mardi Gras in New Orleans and Cajun food. It is not necessarily well-know for sweet potatoes, but it's the second-highest sweet potato producing state in the country, with an average of 2,795,055 cwt between 1990 to 2007. Since the sweet potato is a warm weather vegetable, Louisiana is able to grow sweet potatoes year-round. Louisiana agriculture is also composed of sugarcane, cotton and soybeans. California With its warm climate, California is an ideal state for growing many different fruits and vegetables, the sweet potato being one of them. California weighs in as the third highest sweet potato producing state in the country, with an average of 2,487,500 cwt between 1990 to 2007. California is also known for its raisins, dairy products, figs and olives. The state produces more than half the countries fruits, nuts and vegetables.
Mississippi Coming in fourth in sweet potato production is Mississippi, with an average of 1,607,444 cwt from 1990 to 2007. Though most people don't associate Mississippi with sweet potatoes, the state is known for its agriculture, as its warm climate makes it ideal for growing cotton, soybeans, rice and other plants. Texas Last, but not least, Texas rounds out the top five list of sweet potato producing states, with an average of 492,888 cwt per year between 1990 to 2007. As the second largest industry in the state, Texas is known for its agriculture, especially its cattle ranches, wool and cotton production. The state also grows much of the country's corn, wheat and hay.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Also called squaghetti, Manchurian squash, vegetable spaghetti and spaghetti gourd, spaghetti squash (Cucurbita pepo) is named for its flesh, which resembles spaghetti when mature fruits are cooked whole. You can tell when your spaghetti squash are ready for harvest by a change in the color and the texture of their skin. Spaghetti squash is an annual plant, and its fruit matures in fall. One spaghetti squash plant produces three to five fruits.
Harvest Time About 70 to 80 days after you sow spaghetti squash seeds, the fruits are ready for harvest. Mature fruits weigh about 2 pounds, and are about 10 inches long and 5 inches in diameter. If you're unsure whether the squash is ripe, leave it on the plant. Immature spaghetti squash fruits don't last long in storage. But don't leave fruits on spaghetti squash plants if frost is in the forecast. Freezing temperatures damage the fruit. Fruit Color As spaghetti squash matures, its skin turns golden yellow. Sugars develop in ripening spaghetti squash flesh, and the skin color also changes. Unripe fruits are light yellow or ivory white, depending on the variety. Skin Texture The skin of mature spaghetti squash fruit is tough. As the season progresses, spaghetti squash fruit skin becomes harder and drier. To test whether a fruit is ready for harvest, try to pierce its skin with your thumbnail. Your nail won't leave a dent on a mature fruit. Harvest Method When you harvest spaghetti squash, leave a portion of stem attached to help the fruit store well. Prune the stems 1 inch from the fruits. Wipe dirt from the squash with a clean, damp cloth.
Squash Storage Spaghetti squash stores best in a cool, dry place. Put the harvested fruits in an area that's 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, for up to two weeks to cure the skins. Store the fruits at 55 degrees Fahrenheit in a cellar, shed or other dry place. Check the fruits every one or two weeks for signs of decay, and remove any that deteriorate. You can store spaghetti squash for up to three or four months.
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