动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
仙客来种子怎么种 首先给仙客来种子消毒后在进行种植,仙客来的种子播种一般在秋天,仙客来种子不但要大粒,还要饱满,我们先将仙客来种子洗净,再用磷酸钠溶液浸泡十分钟消下毒,或者用温水浸泡一天做催芽处理。 仙客来种子浸泡之后不要忙着种植,在常温下放两天再种入疏松肥沃的沙土里比较好,之后注意保湿保温,一般播种完一个月就可以发芽。分株的时间一般选在仙客来开花以后,春天凉爽的天气不会使分株的伤口腐烂,我们先小心取出仙客来的球状根茎,按照芽眼的分布进行切割,保证每个分株都有一个芽眼,然后将切割处抹一些草木灰再移栽到其他盆土中压实,分株后除此浇水要浇足,然后放在阴凉处即可。 1.仙客来种子萌芽期管理基质 要求透气性良好的泥炭和珍珠岩按一定比例混合,其pH值为6至6.5,EC值小于0.5,湿度适中,忌过湿。 【温度】:18℃。 【光照】:仙客来种子的发芽期(大约21天)无需光照,全部黑暗。仙客来种子萌芽要求的空气湿度为95%(最好有发芽室),将穴盘用塑料膜覆盖。 【遮盖】:播种后,将仙客来种子用蛭石或珍珠岩覆盖,厚度以刚好遮住种子为宜。
2.仙客来种子萌芽后的管理 【相对湿度】:控制在85%左右,必要时可喷雾提高相对湿度。 【光照】:当外界光照强度超过35Klux,建议使用遮阳网,或将仙客来种子穴盘用无纺布遮盖,以保持仙客来种子的湿润。 【施肥】:根据幼苗长势,从播种后第5周开始施肥,N∶P∶K比例为1∶1∶1。幼苗叶片要有光泽,若呈暗红色,则需施肥。 【灌溉】:水温大于14℃,从上部浇水。基质EC最适值为0.8,最大不超过1.2。pH值为6至6.5。 【移栽】:仙客来种子在播种后第10到11周移栽,超级微型和迷你株型可直接上盆。1.基质:要用透气性良好的泥炭、一定比例的粘土(10%)和珍珠岩混合,其pH值为6至6.5,在基质中加适当钙肥可达到目的。使用一次性或易消毒穴盘,不要用木质穴盘。2.移栽:土壤刚好覆盖根系,使小球茎露在外面,切勿用手向下按压小苗及周围土壤。 3.生长条件 相对湿度保持在65%到85%之间,可通过喷雾来增加湿度。 【光照】:当外界光照强度超过35Klux,建议采用遮阳网。 【施肥】:根据仙客来植株的长势,从移植后第1周开始施肥,N∶P∶K为1∶1∶1,两周后N∶P∶K比例为1∶1∶2。施氮肥可获得大株型,施钾肥可获得紧凑株型。灌溉水温大于14℃,该时期从上部浇水。基质EC最适值为0.8,最大不超过1.2。pH为6至6.5。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
什么是水生植物 能在水中生长的植物,统称为水生植物。陆生植物为了从土壤中吸收水分和养分,必须有发达的根部,水生植物是出色的游泳运动员或潜水者,叶子柔软而透明,有的形成为丝状(如金鱼藻)。丝状叶可以大大增加与水的接触面积,使叶子能最大限度地得到水里很少能得到的光照和吸收水里溶解得很少的二氧化碳,保证光合作用的进行。
水生植物有哪些? 根据水生植物的生活方式与形态的不同,一般将其分为以下几大类:有挺水植物、浮水植物、沉水植物之分。 挺水植物:荷花、千屈菜、菖蒲、黄菖蒲、水葱、再力花、梭鱼草、花叶芦竹、香蒲、泽泻、旱伞草、芦苇等。挺水型水生植物植株高大,花色艳丽,绝大多数有茎、叶之分;直立挺拔,下部和基部沉于水中,根茎生于泥里,植株挺出水面。挺水草本植物生长在水池边,从水深23cm处到水池边的泥里,都可以生长。 浮水植物:王莲、睡莲、萍蓬草、芡实、荇菜等。浮叶型水生植物的根状茎发达,花大色艳,无明显的地上茎或茎细弱不能直立,叶片浮于水面。漂浮型水生植物种类较少,这类植株的根不生于泥中,株体漂浮于水面之上,随水流、风浪四处漂泊,多数以观叶为主,为池水提供装饰和绿荫。 沉水植物:轮叶黑藻、金鱼藻、马来眼子菜、苦草、菹草等。沉水型水生植物根茎生于泥中,整个植株沉入水中,具发达的通气组织,利于进行气体交换。叶多为狭长或丝状,能吸收水中部分养分,在水下弱光的条件下也能正常生长发育。
水生植物怎么养 水生植物的养殖应根据不同植物的种类和品种的习性进行种植。栽植水生植物有两种不同的技术:一是在池底砌筑栽植槽,铺上至少15厘米厚的培养土,将水生植物植入土中;二是将水生植物种在容器中,再将容器沉入水中。以上介绍的两种方法各有利弊。但是容器栽植水生植物再沉入水中的方法更受欢迎一些,因为它方便移动,例如北方冬季须把容器取出来收藏以防植物受严寒侵袭;在春季换土、加肥、分株的时候,作业也比较灵活省工,并且这种方法能保持池水的清澈,清理池底和换水也较方便。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
1、环境 鸿运当头花怕烈日晒,所以最好选择在一个半阴的环境中养护,比如室内,就可以了。有的花友总会四处求救说自己的鸿运当头花为什么养的不好,这里要说一下,鸿运当头花是热带植物,并不是说哪里都可以养的很好,为什么在商家那里很好,那是因为商家的花都是在大棚里养的,具有高温,高湿的环境,而花友买到家后,环境就变了,所以花友不要盲目的想只要买回来的花,在家里只要用心就一定可以养的很好,一定要考虑气候问题。 2、浇水 鸿运当头花并不是向其他花草那种在盆里浇水,因为鸿运当头花是附生类花草,所以花友只需要往鸿运当头花的芯里倒水即可。 3、鸿运当头可以养多久? 这里要说一下的就是,虽然鸿运当头花是多年生植物,但是它一生只开一次花,花敗后,就慢慢死掉了,所以对于普通花友来说,不要奢求养多少年了。
4、如何繁殖鸿运当头花 花后会在老植株基部长出一至数枚分孽芽,此时不宜过早分株。否则不易成活,分株的方法是:先从基部剪去花茎,再将老植株叶片留下5-8厘米,其余全部剔除,留下的叶片基部正好形成一个筒状可贮水,剪时千万不要碰伤小芽。待芽高10厘米左右,再用利刀轻轻从芽和母株连接处切开,将小芽栽入用腐叶土配成的盆土中,精心养护一年后,又能开出艳丽的花朵。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
让你财运不断的旺财花草之一:富贵竹 客厅宜选用的品种有富贵竹、鸿运当头、蓬莱松、七叶莲、发财树、金钱树、招财树、君子兰、兰花、仙客来、桔等。这些花卉蕴涵吉祥如意、聚财发福之意。富贵竹又称万年竹,其叶片浓绿色,长势旺,栽培较为广泛。一般多用于家庭瓶插或盆栽护养,特别是从台湾流传而来的“塔状”造型,又名“开运竹”,观赏价值高,颇受国际市场欢迎。
让你财运不断的旺财花草之二:鸿运当头 鸿运当头是菠萝科的花卉,花在株顶或中部开放。鸿运当头花叶繁盛,花色红艳,很有喜庆的气息。
让你财运不断的旺财花草之六:金钱树 金钱树为多年生常绿草本植物,是极为少见的带地下块茎的观叶植物,原产于热带非洲。我国于1997年从荷兰引进。金钱树叶质厚实、叶色光亮,宛若一挂串连起来的钱币。故以此得名。
让你财运不断的旺财花草之七:七叶莲 七叶莲耐寒耐旱性强,是常绿蔓性灌木,分枝多,茎节处生有气生根,掌状复叶互生,有小叶7~9片,长椭圆形,深绿色,叶柄细。花淡黄绿色,秋冬开花,浆果红黄色,春季成熟。适合庭院美化或盆栽。
让你财运不断的旺财花草之三:发财树 发财树是常绿乔木,树高8-15米,种于盆栽多不超过2米。掌状复叶,小叶5-7枚,枝条多轮生。花大,长达22.5cm,花瓣条裂,花色有红、白或淡黄色,色泽艳丽。室内观赏多作桩景式盆栽。
让你财运不断的旺财花草之四:君子兰 君子兰是著名的温室花卉。我国有从欧洲和日本传入的两个种。前者花小而下垂,称垂笑君子兰;后者花大而向上,称大花君子兰,是目前栽培最普遍的一个种。君子兰叶色苍翠有光泽,花朵向上形似火炬,花色橙红,端庄大方,是美化环境的理想盆花,垂笑君子兰花朵下垂,含蓄深沉,高雅肃穆,另有一番韵味。
让你财运不断的旺财花草之五:蓬莱松 蓬莱松是多年生常绿灌木,极适于盆栽观赏。暖地也可布置花坛。它栽培管理简单,而且耐阴性好,适于中小盆种植用于室内布置,同时也是插花衬叶的极好材料。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
益母草,又名:蓷、茺蔚、坤草、九重楼、云母草、森蒂,为唇形科、益母草属植物,夏季开花。其干燥地上部分为常用中药,中国大部分地区均产,生用或熬膏用。一年或二年生草本全国大部分地区均有分布,生于山野荒地、田埂、草地等。在夏季生长茂盛花未全开时采摘, 味辛苦、凉,活血、祛淤、调经、消水,治疗妇女月经不调,胎漏难产,胞衣不下,产后血晕,瘀血腹痛,崩中漏下,尿血、泻血,痈肿疮疡。
益母草的形态特征: 益母草是一年生或二年生草本,有于其上密生须根的主根。 茎:茎直立,通常高30-120厘米,钝四棱形,微具槽,有倒向糙伏毛,在节及棱上尤为密集,在基部有时近于无毛,多分枝,或仅于茎中部以上有能育的小枝条。 叶:叶轮廓变化很大,茎下部叶轮廓为卵形,基部宽楔形,掌状3裂,裂片呈长圆状菱形至卵圆形,通常长2.5-6厘米,宽1.5-4厘米,裂片上再分裂,上面绿色,有糙伏毛,叶脉稍下陷,下面淡绿色,被疏柔毛及腺点,叶脉突出,叶柄纤细,长2-3厘米,由于叶基下延而在上部略具翅,腹面具槽,背面圆形,被糙伏毛;茎中部叶轮廓为菱形,较小,通常分裂成3个或偶有多个长圆状线形的裂片,基部狭楔形,叶柄长0.5-2厘米。 花:花序最上部的苞叶近于无柄,线形或线状披针形,长3-12厘米,宽2-8毫米,全缘或具稀少牙齿。轮伞花序腋生,具8-15花,轮廓为圆球形,径2-2.5厘米,多数远离而组成长穗状花序;小苞片刺状,向上伸出,基部略弯曲,比萼筒短,长约5毫米,有贴生的微柔毛;花梗无。
益母草的生长习性: 益母草喜温暖湿润气候,喜阳光,对土壤要求不严,一般土壤和荒山坡地均可种植,以较肥沃的土壤为佳,需要充足水分条件,但不宜积水,怕涝。生长于多种环境,海拔可高达3400米。野荒地、路旁、田埂、山坡草地、河边,以向阳处为多。 益母草的栽培技术: 益母草分早熟益母草和冬性益母草,一般均采用种子繁殖,以直播方法种植,育苗移栽者亦有,但产量较低,仅为直播的60%,故多不采用。播种期因品种羽性不同耐异,冬性益母草,必须秋播种均可开花结果。播种按行距27cm,穴距20cm,深3-5cm,开浅穴播种。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Also known as Chinese cabbage, mustard cabbage or pak choi, pechay is a native of the Orient. This leafy green is tolerant of many soil types and temperature zones, requiring little more than full sun. Quick growers, pechay leaves are ready for harvest in as little as one month. Pechay plants require little space. In fact, if you have room for one or more 6-inch pots, you can grow pechay.
Step 1 Fill a seed starter tray ¾ full with perlite. Dampen the perlite with water from a watering can. Step 2 Lay one pechay seed on top of the perlite, in the center of each cell. Sprinkle peat moss over each seed, filling the remainder of the seed starter tray. Step 3 Cover the seed tray with a clear plastic lid or piece of plastic wrap. Place the seed tray in an undisturbed area that receives bright, filtered sunlight. Step 4 Check the pechay seeds daily for signs of germination, which can happen in as little as two to three days. Remove the plastic immediately when you see green shoots poking through the perlite and peat moss.
Step 5 Continue to provide the pechay seeds with filtered sunlight and damp growing medium for the first 10 days. Dampening the peat moss and perlite with water from a spray bottle should suffice. A light misting is all that is necessary. The growing medium should be moist not saturated. Step 6 Transplant the pechay into 6-inch pots filled with organic potting soil once they reach 10 days old. Keep the soil moist at all times and continue to provide bright, filtered sunlight. Harvest the pechay when the plants are 30 days old by snipping the stems at the soil level with a pair of scissors.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Few things beat a salad made from a large handful of fresh lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. capitata) straight from the garden. While you can allow both loose-leaf and head-style lettuce plants to reach full size in the garden, then pull or cut them at the roots to harvest a whole lettuce, growing lettuce lets you prolong the season by cutting it leaf by leaf or using a technique called cut-and-come-again. Leaf by Leaf Cutting
You can cut leaves of edible size from the stem of the plant, leaving the small-leaved center intact and growing. Leaves can be pinched off by hand, but cutting may damage less tissue than pinching. Wipe the scissor blades clean between cuts with a 1:9 solution of bleach and water, to keep from spreading plant diseases. A 1/3 cup of bleach in 3 cups of water will keep tools clean for cutting and other garden chores. Cut-and-Come-Again
The second cutting method is more drastic but still allows the plant to continue growing. For cut-and-come-again, cut the entire plant parallel to the ground and approximately 1 inch from the soil. The center will regenerate first, and the plant will then begin to form new leaves that grow to edible size. Clean your tools before cutting each plant. Lettuces for Leaf-by-Leaf Cutting
Loose-head, or loose-leaf, varieties are best for leaf-by-leaf cutting. Grand Rapids varieties like "Red Sails" and "Black-Seeded Simpson" have broad, ruffled leaves. Lobed-leaf varieties, commonly dubbed "oakleaf," also have large, loose clusters of leaves, making removal of a leaf or two easy. Planting a loose-head variety in a large pot lets you rotate the pot, gathering leaves from all the way around the plant. Because the stem lengthens as lettuce grows toward blooming and going to seed, or "bolting," your remaining plant may vaguely resemble a palm tree, but the leaves will remain sweet so long as temperatures stay below 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Cut-and-Come-Again
Cutting the whole plant down to 1 inch yields a large harvest of loose-head leaves. You can harvest like this two to three times before the quality of the leaves declines. Butterhead and Romaine lettuce varieties can also be cut down to 1 inch, but the remaining stubs often generate a less vigorous but edible second growth. Cutting and Timing
Both cutting methods work best when carefully timed. Although it may take a little practice from one variety to another, leaves that are just getting crisp and starting to look mature are ready for cutting. Old leaves will have poor or bitter flavor, no matter how they are harvested. The time of day can have a significant effect on the quality of the lettuce leaves. Leaves harvested early in the morning, around 7 a.m., contain approximately twice the plant sugars of leaves harvested at 2 p.m. Cut early for a sweet harvest. Early morning cutting also lets plant wounds begin to heal before exposure to hot sun threatens to scorch tissues.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
You can create a low-cost patio garden by growing cucumbers in a 5-gallon bucket. The process requires few supplies and works as well as using more expensive containers sold at garden supply stores. You can purchase a new bucket from a home supply store or recycle one used for food storage, although you want to avoid using buckets that previously contained chemicals to prevent passing toxic residue to the cucumbers you are consuming. This technique also works well for other vegetable plants, including peppers, squash and tomatoes.
Step 1 Wash the 5-gallon bucket with soap and water to remove all dirt and residue. Rinse the bucket well and let it air-dry. Step 2 Drill six to eight half-inch-diameter drainage holes through the bottom of the bucket to prevent water pooling around the roots. Space the holes evenly for best results with drainage. Step 3 Fill the bucket two inches from the top with a well-draining vegetable potting soil available at garden supply stores. Step 4 Mix a slow-release vegetable fertilizer into the soil to provide nutrients throughout the growing season. A second option for fertilizer is to apply a 20-20-20 water-soluble fertilizer to the soil every other week from planting to harvest.
Step 5 Dig a 4-inch-deep hole in the center of the bucket. Remove the cucumber seedling from the growing container and set the root ball into the hole so the first set of leaves is just above the soil level. Step 6 Place the bucket in an area that receives full sun. Set the bucket on two bricks or wood blocks to keep the bottom elevated for proper drainage. Step 7 Soak the soil with water until it flows out the bottom drainage holes. Apply water to the soil, instead of pouring it over the plant. Monitor the soil moisture and provide supplemental water three or four times a week to keep it evenly moist. Container growing environments dry out quickly during periods of no rain. Step 8 Harvest the cucumbers once they reach a mature length to stimulate new blossom and cucumber growth. Read the information listed on the seedling package or seed packet to determine the approximate mature length of the variety planted.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) are favorites in the home vegetable garden due to their versatility and flavor. Unfortunately, cucumbers and other cucurbits are prone to a number of diseases and pests. Several of these cause the leaves to yellow; proper identification of the culprit is necessary to curb the problem.
General Care Healthy plants are less susceptible to pests and diseases, although not immune. The ideal site for cucumbers is one with full sun and an extremely fertile, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Planting too early can cause issues, as well, as drastic changes in temperature from day to night can cause issues with plant production. Arthropod Pests Whiteflies and spider mites can cause the leaves of your cucumber vines to yellow, albeit differently. Whiteflies congregate on the undersides of leaves. The tops of leaves will become yellowish while a sooty mold will be underneath. When the cucumber vine is disturbed, these tiny, white insects disperse into a cloud of flying insects. Removing infested leaves can help curb their population and damage. Spider mites, on the other hand, cause yellow stippling of the leaves that can eventually result in completely yellow, then bronze, leaves. You may notice web-like materials on the undersides of leaves. In the case of either pest, spray a ready-to-use insecticidal soap over the entire plant, including the undersides of leaves. Insecticidal soaps must come in contact with the pests to be effective. Repeat every other week as needed; some insecticidal soaps are safe enough to use up to the day of harvest. Cucumber beetle infestations create other problems that create yellowing in plants like fusarium wilt. The green-yellow spotted cucumber beetle has a black head with black spots, while the striped cucumber beetle has black stripes on its wings. Both beetles attack the cucumber's foliage, runners and immature fruit, leaving holes or a skeletonized appearance. Remove the beetles by hand-picking and dumping into a container of soapy water.
Fungal Diseases A few fungal diseases of cucumber can result in yellow leaves. Fusarium wilt, a soil-borne fungal disease which can be carried by cucumber beetles, causes plants to become stunted and yellow; the runners die slowly. Fungicides are not effective against this disease. Dig up and destroy any infected plants. In future years, rotate crops and select disease-resistant cucumber varieties. Downy mildew, another fungal disease, is caused by poor air circulation, wet and humid conditions, too much nitrogen fertilizer, weeds in the garden and lack of proper sunlight. Symptoms first appear as irregularly shaped yellow spots on the upper part of leaves and a powdery mold on the undersides. Thin out leaves and plants to improve air circulation to avoid the problem, avoid overhead irrigation and remove infected plants to reduce the risk of spread. When removing infected plants from the garden, be sure not to spread the disease through handling healthy plants or through infected tools. Sterilize your tools by wiping them off with alcohol before using them on unaffected plants and wash your hands. Many varieties of cucumbers are resistant to this common disease. Nutritional and Environmental Issues Cucumbers are heavy feeders, meaning they may need more fertilizer or organic matter in the soil than other veggies. Pale, yellowing leaves may be a sign of nitrogen deficiency. If this is the case, apply 1 tablespoon of high-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 33-0-0, around each cucumber hill one week after blooms develop; repeat in three weeks. Water thoroughly after fertilizing. Another issue may be low levels of sunlight reaching certain leaves. If the lower leaves are yellowing, consider clipping a few of the upper leaves on the vine to allow more sunlight and air circulation to this part of the plant.
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