动态 (4985)
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
夏季到了蚊子就开始猖狂起来,很多人家里也开始打响了灭蚊大战,蚊帐、纱窗、杀蚊剂等等,一些有驱蚊效果的植物也被派上用场,驱蚊草是使用的比较多的,那驱蚊草有用吗?在家里使用有没有什么副作用呢?我们了解下:   驱蚊草是由荷兰遗传学家迪克将原产于非洲的天竺葵用基因融合技术将香茅草中的香茅醛导入,培养成具有驱蚊作用的驱蚊草。天竺葵科植物是一种具有挥发性质的植物,在正常情况下,该植物通过光合作用,向外挥发自己体内的气味分子。而香茅醛本身就具有驱蚊虫的突出效果,在很多驱蚊产品中都是这种物质在起作用。它跟随天竺葵的气味分子散发到空气中,达到驱蚊虫、净化空气的作用。 驱蚊草也叫避蚊草,茎梢多汁,叶互生,边缘有波形的钝锯齿,叶面光滑。气孔大而密布于叶下表面,具有较强的释放香气的功能,常年散发柠檬香味,不仅有驱蚊效果,并有净化空气作用。驱蚊草在气温-3℃以上能生存,气温越高,香味越浓,驱蚊效果越好,也可盆景栽培。经中国科学院遗传与发育生物研究所试验实验监测:当驱蚊草叶片达到15片时保护率可达97.8%,每棵驱蚊草的有效驱蚊范围可达15-20平方米,驱蚊性能、环保性能均达到国际领先水平。  所以如果问驱蚊草有用吗?答案是肯定的,不过由于挥发的气体浓度较小,仅仅几盆“驱蚊草”的驱蚊效果并不太显著,想要依靠它彻底远离蚊虫的就不太可能了,所以大家对驱蚊草的期望值不要过高,毕竟没有化学药品等的驱蚊效果生效快。 
驱蚊草的副作用 驱蚊草一般不会产生副作用,但有些人因为体质问题,天生对驱蚊草的气味比较敏感,闻多后容易出现头晕、乏力、呕吐等不适症状。此外摆放“驱蚊草”要适可而止,数量不能过多,如果摆得太密集,浓郁的气味的确是让驱蚊效果更好了,但也容易给人带来不适,尤其对于具有过敏体质或呼吸道疾病的人来说,可能就是一场“灾难”。所以建议大家要结合自己的体质状况,慎重选用。  驱蚊草有用吗?有用,但效果没有商家宣传的那样好,大家期望值不要太高,除了驱蚊草之外,茉莉花、夜来香、薄荷等植物也会挥发出特殊的气味,让蚊子不敢靠近。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
蓝色妖姬是一种蓝色的玫瑰花,很美、很特殊,在蓝色妖姬的养殖上有哪些技巧呢,下面我们一起去探讨一下: 蓝色妖姬的基本信息: 蓝色妖姬拉(丁学名:bluerose)是最早来自荷兰的一种加工花卉,它是用一种对人体无害的染色剂和助染剂调合成着色剂,等白玫瑰(或白月季)快到花期时,开始用染料浇灌花卉,让花像吸水一样,将色剂吸入进行染色。蓝色妖姬寓意是清纯的爱和敦厚善良的爱。
蓝色妖姬的养殖技巧: 1、蓝色妖姬喜爱阳光、耐热、耐寒、耐瘠薄、抗盐碱,在种植前要选好地块,施足底肥,灌足水,整好地,整地时可根据要求做畦,并做好土壤病虫草害等处理。 2、蓝色妖姬生长期至盛花期管理,适时修剪延伸枝、和及时修剪花穗穗尖,以促使多生分枝,改善花穗形状和外观,提高商品性能。 3、蓝色妖姬经常出现的虫害主要是蚜虫、夜蛾、金龟子、小地虎等,可用毒饵诱杀;另外还会出现锈病,喷施针对性药物加新高脂膜,大大提高农药的有效成分率。 蓝色妖姬是一种很特殊的花,市面上的蓝色妖姬一般是人工制成的,如果你有耐心,不妨自己种植,即可以装点家居也可以看到真实的蓝色妖姬。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
鸡爪槭的叶子非常优雅,别具一格的带齿状鸡爪模样的叶子,在秋天变色就更加美观了,通常可以在路边的绿化看到,当然还有一些公园和小院的装饰,不过你们真的能分辨红枫和鸡爪槭么? 我们来了解下:  
红枫是鸡爪械的变异品种,品种较多,是一种非常美丽的观叶植物。其叶形优美,呈掌状5-7裂,红色持久,枝序整齐,层次分明,树姿轻盈潇洒,因而广为栽培。   鸡爪槭和红枫的区别1: 红枫的枝干为红褐色,鸡爪槭的枝干为绿色。   鸡爪槭和红枫的区别2: 红枫的枝干粗而硬,鸡爪槭的枝干细而柔软。 鸡爪槭和红枫的区别3: 鸡爪槭叶片的裂片长超过全长之半,但不深达基部。而红枫的裂片裂得更深,几乎达到基部。  鸡爪槭和红枫的区别4: 鸡爪槭春天和夏天叶子是绿色的,等到秋天变红,冬天就落叶了.而红枫春夏秋都是红色的,冬天也是落叶的,一般来说正常的鸡爪槭树型比红枫要舒展。   鸡爪槭和红枫的区别就和大家介绍到这里了,不管是鸡爪槭还是红枫,他们都是很好的观叶植物,如果大家喜欢可以多了解下。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
养殖过风信子的人都知道是用种球来培植的,很多人在风信子花开凋谢之后,通常就会把其扔掉,其实这样做是挺浪费的,只要适当的保存,风信子明年也能继续开花。下面小编来和大家说说风信子种球保存方法等内容:  风信子种球保存方法:  1、把过了花期叶片已经开始烂掉的风信子从水里拿出来(通常为水养),然后用手把叶片拔掉,记得要把叶片最底部也要清除干净,如果用手清除不干净,可以用戒刀适当切一下。 2、把风信子外表腐烂的部分用牙刷刷掉,牙刷刷不掉的,也可以用戒刀适当剥一下,注意,剥掉腐烂,软的的部分就可以了,千万不要剥得太深。 3、把风信子的地步也用牙刷刷干净,然后把根部用剪刀剪干净。然后用清水把风信子的黏液洗干净。  4、把风信子用高锰酸钾溶液(大概一个1g的小颗粒先用一个最大的可乐瓶兑水填满,再从里面的稀释溶液中取一两滴滴入另外一个大可乐瓶中兑水填满,这样制作出来的最稀的高锰酸钾溶液就是我们所需要的)浸泡1个小时左右。5、最后再用清水把种球清洗干净(虽然无论怎么洗,种球还会是紫黑紫黑的),把风信子放进没盖的盒子里,并且用沙把风信子浅埋住放在阳关下晾干几个小时,最后只要移至通风透气干燥的地方就可以保存了。
风信子种球怎么种?  风信子种球水培方法:首先将多菌灵兑水稀释(大约一碗水),搅匀后,把风信子放置里面浸泡1个小时左右,然后取出用餐巾纸擦干,置于通风处晾干(不要被太阳晒),然后在专用瓶子里面加入自来水,大约到瓶颈那里,在水里滴入4-5滴营养液,再把种球放置在瓶子上,注意:种球放上去的时候看好了,水不要沾到球体上,只能沾到种球下面的根盘即可,如果水多了,可以稍微倒掉一点,水少了可以再添加一点,直至根部碰到一点水面就可以了,这些做好后,找报纸或者纸盒之类的把这个包起来,等跟长出5厘米左右就可以撤掉。这样您就等着开出美丽的花朵吧。 风信子种球水培注意事项:风信子种球保存难免会有霉菌的入侵(事实上,70%左右的球都会有霉斑的存在),建议大家首先对球根消毒杀菌,防止腐烂。方法:将种球干枯的表皮及老根除去,泡在1000倍多菌灵溶液里半小时左右,进行侵泡消毒。然后捞起来稍微晾干即可种植。  风信子种球发霉怎么处理?  风信子种球发霉是比较常见的,碰到这种情况最简单的处理方式就是:立即将发霉腐烂的部分去除,只要鳞茎盘不受损伤,就不会影响日后的生长和开花,发霉的地方剥掉或者削掉最好使用多菌灵进行浸泡杀毒清洁一下,然后再重新种到土里。如果选择水培风信子,要注意水位线要与鳞茎盘保持2、3厘米的间隙,不要让水没过鳞茎盘,不然也很容易导致风信子种球发霉。 如何预防风信子种球发霉?  1、风信子不能在强烈日光下暴晒,但还是需要接受散射阳光,也就是在其它植物底下,或者窗帘、遮阳网等背后,阳光可以分散照进来的地方。 2、必须通风良好。如果四周密闭,通风不佳,这会严重影响风信子的正常生长。 3、阴雨天,不能浇水。另外,平时盆土保持略微湿润即可,不要过度潮湿,更不能积水、水涝。在种球阶段,如果浇水过多、盆土过于潮湿,很容易引致霉菌感染,并且会进一步导致种球腐烂。所以要先把它放在窗台上面,保持四周通风;控水几天,让盆土基本干燥,这样,会逐渐消灭霉斑,恢复正常生长的。还有就是所施加的任何肥料,千万不要直接接触种球,必须有土层与种球、根须隔开。 风信子种球保存方法以及种球发霉的处理技巧就和大家分享到这里了,希望能帮到大家,更多相关信息请继续关注齐家网学装修花卉栏目。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
妖艳火热的红掌、洁白优雅白掌大家见的都不少,不过柔和温馨的粉掌相信很多人见到的还是比较少的,不过现在市面上粉掌也越来越多,不少人都选择了粉掌用来布置美化家居,不过粉掌的养殖方法和注意事项有哪些,粉掌有毒吗,能否放在居室内?带着这些疑问我们来了解下: 粉掌的基本信息: 粉掌,也叫花烛、安祖花、火鹤花等,为多年生常绿草本花卉。性喜温热多湿而又排水良好的环境,怕干旱和强光暴晒。其适宜生长昼温为26~32℃,夜温为21~32℃。所能忍受的最高温为35℃,可忍受的低温为14℃。光强以16000~20000lx为宜,空气相对湿度(RH)以70%~80%为佳。其株高一般为50~80cm,因品种而异。具肉质根,无茎,叶从根茎抽出,具长柄,单生、心形,鲜绿色,叶脉凹陷。花腋生,佛焰苞蜡质,正圆形至卵圆形,鲜红色、橙红肉色、白色,肉穗花序,圆柱状,直立。四季开花。 盆栽粉掌的养殖方法: 1、土壤:在养殖粉掌时应以疏松透气、透水性好,且能保持水肥的土壤为宜,最好土壤含有一定的养分,可以选择腐叶土或泥炭土加一些珍珠岩或煤沙渣、基肥配成营养土。在盆底可加一些碎砖块,以有利于排水。 2、浇水:粉掌喜湿怕旱,应经常保持土壤湿润,在夏季可视土壤干湿程度浇水,大概一到两天浇水一次,切忌不能让盆里积水,以免损坏根部,特别是冬天,应减少浇水,如果水过多,会使根系腐烂。水分以微酸最好,可选用ph值达到4.5-5之间的水分。在干燥季节,还应给植株喷水。 3、光照:粉掌是喜阴植物,最好放置在有遮阳的地方,但是也不能完全接触不到光源,这样会使植株缺乏色光,在阳光下时应给予一定的遮挡,使其不完全暴露在阳光下。但冬天阳光较弱时,就没有必要遮挡了,可放心放在阳光下。 4、温度:粉掌喜温暖、怕寒冷,所以夏天应防高温、冬天应防冻害。适合生长温度为19-25度,低于13度时,植株进入休眠期,应放到屋内或用塑料袋包起来,以防止冻害。当温度高于32度时会停止生长,一般25度以上时,都需要开窗通风,以缓解高温带来的不利影响。 5、施肥:肥料可以促使粉掌的生长,施肥时可选择液体肥料或者选择氮磷钾比例为1:1:1的复合肥,大概每7-12天施肥一次,最好在早上或傍晚施肥,效果会更好,或者经常性的施肥水,就是在浇水时加入一两滴肥液在水中,肥水的话,一般每隔三天一次即可,但施肥方式只能选择一种,不可都用。 6、病虫害:粉掌常见的病害有叶枯病、根腐病等。叶枯病用小喷壶喷洒杀菌剂,如代森锰锌、菌毒清等防治,一个月左右喷1次即可。常见的害虫主要有白蚁、蚜虫等,数量不多时,可用刷子、毛笔、是湿步除掉。
粉掌的繁殖方法: 粉掌常用分株法繁殖。给老株换盆时,将带有3~4叶的侧枝带气生根剪下,另性栽种即可。水培粉掌的养殖方法:粉掌是很好的观赏植物,有很多花友不满足于土栽粉掌,开始尝试水培粉掌,但是屡屡不能成功,下面我们就来说说如何水培粉掌。 粉掌是天南星科的植物,是一种亲水性比较强的植物。但水培起来比吊兰绿萝要有有些难度的多。一般花友认为插到水里便可以成活是错误的想法,由于亲水性强,即使插到水里仍能成活几个月之久。 粉掌的根部呼吸非常强,直接入水很容易阻碍其呼吸。最好的方法是用基质,而最好的基质就是陶粒。由于粉掌的根为肉质根,叶片从根部抽出,一般定制兰+石头+容易的方法,不易发出小叶。而陶粒质地轻,空间足,容易使小叶抽出。。我现在办公室水培的粉掌就是用陶粒培育,已经养了2年了,都是一颗3花-4花。 用陶粒水培粉掌,首先要洗干净根部,修剪老根,残根,去花。然后将植株放入容器。填充满陶粒,然后将生根粉按比例稀释,喷湿陶粒,注意下面不要积水过多,水多的话要倒掉。经过漫长的等待后,你会惊喜的发现,粉掌的粗粗白白的肉根在四面生长,都贴着容器的边缘。此时就恭喜你了,一颗水培粉掌就算完成了,下面要做的就是定期添加营养液,呵护其生长。 盆栽粉掌的养殖注意事项: 1、盆栽时花盆不可过大,以适宜植株大小为宜,过大会因为浇水后,土壤久不能干,从而损伤根系。 2、不能使盆内积水,以土壤湿润为宜,也不宜浇水太勤。 3、冬季天冷时,应放入室内,夏季过高时也不要放置在阳光下。 4、冬天晚上不要浇水,因为昼夜温差大,晚上浇水,随着气温的降低,可能会冻坏根茎。 5、换盆一定要及时,以免影响植株生长,如果换陶制盆,新盆需要侵水一两天才可使用。 6、在换盆时应避免伤害到根系。 水培粉掌的养殖注意事项: 1、刚用陶粒水培的粉掌不易接受阳光直射,放阴面家即可。 2、刚开始水培不要加营养液体,加生根粉最好。 3、养粉掌容器要略大些,最好是上宽下窄,呈V字型,还要有一定高度。 4、水培粉掌能活多久,用陶粒水培的能活很长时间,我养了2年现在每年出叶,出花,估计时间还能在长些。 5、如果想水培粉掌,建议用陶粒诱导好以后,在转纯水培。不建议直接入水。粉掌的花语: 粉掌以“热烈、豪放、欢乐”的美好寓意,代表着一颗“火热、开朗的心”而频频用于节庆典礼、开业志喜、会见嘉宾等感人场面。也象征对爱情的向往。 粉掌有毒吗?粉掌适合放在家里养吗? 粉掌所谓的毒性其实主要来自折断茎叶后分泌出来的那种粘液,里面主要有两种成分,一种是草酸钙,对皮肤有轻微的刺激作用,另一种是成分是一种水解蛋白质,少数人会过敏。说有毒不是因为会挥发毒气,而且粉掌体内含有毒化学物质,只要你不吃它,怎么可能中毒。而且粉掌可以吸收空气中的苯、三氯乙烯,可以净化空气,养起来不错。只要注意不要经常用裸露皮肤触摸它,不要误食就没关系的。至于正常蒸腾作用分泌的气体完全无毒,可以放心养殖,放卧室里也没关系。 粉掌可以盆栽种植,也能水培,不管什么养殖方式,粉掌给人一种柔和舒适的感觉,用在家居中都会有很好的装饰效果,粉掌的养殖方法和注意事项就和大家分享到这里了,更多信息请继续关注我们。
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
A salad vegetable grown in almost every garden, leaf lettuce is also called loose-leaf lettuce. Some types of lettuce you may plant include romaine or cos with their upright, long heads, small, soft butterhead varieties, crisphead or iceberg lettuce, and asparagus or stem lettuce. Knowing how to trim your lettuces while still growing them in your garden or after harvesting will help your lettuce last longer and increase the quality, flavor and presentation of your produce.
Step 1 Use sharp garden scissors or shears to trim 2 to 4 inches from your lettuce leaves in the garden when they have grown 6 to 10 inches tall or cut your lettuce carefully to the crown, or the point where the lettuce root joins the stem at ground level. Step 2 Fertilize and water your lettuce greens after trimming; your lettuce greens will regrow and be ready for trimming again after two to three weeks. "Cut-and-come-again" represents this process of growing continuous harvests of lettuce, meaning that you do not have to wait until harvest time to enjoy your produce. Step 3 Cut off all brown leaf tissue, called "tipburn," from your lettuce. Tipburn is a disease where the tips and edges of the leaves decay from uneven watering during the high temperatures of summer. The rest of the lettuce will not be harmed when you remove the leaves with tipburn. Prevent tipburn by watering your lettuce lightly but frequently to keep the soil evenly moist.
Step 4 Trim soft lettuces after harvesting by removing damaged, discolored leaves. Soft lettuces include butter lettuce, Bibb and leaf lettuce. Step 5 Tear lettuce leaves into bite-size pieces when preparing them for a meal ahead of time rather than cutting them with a metal knife; otherwise, the lettuce leaf edges will rapidly become brown. Ascorbic acid oxidase also releases when you cut or chop lettuce with a knife, destroying its vitamin C content. Step 6 Trim the butt of crisphead lettuce, like iceberg lettuce, to within 1/8 to 1/4 inch of the bottom leaf when preparing lettuce for public exhibits, such as vegetable shows. Trim the heads of Bibb lettuce varieties and romaine lettuces by removing damaged, old leaves. Briefly soak the lettuces in water, spray them carefully with water, and then store the lettuces in a dry, cool area until ready for the vegetable show.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Soybeans (Glycine max) are a common annual farm crop produced for the oil market, as well as livestock feed and human consumption. The warm-weather legume grows under a variety of climate conditions, and many new hybrids offer shorter maturity dates, allowing northern farmers more options for growing soybeans. Soybeans should not be planted until the soil temperature is at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit and prefer average daytime temperatures in the 70s.
Maturity Dates and Varieties Different varieties of soybeans mature at different rates. This is often stated in seed packets as a number of days and reflects the estimated time between planting and crop maturity. Many soybean varieties have maturity dates ranging between 90 and 150 days, with some hybrids developed for northern regions maturing even faster. Select a variety suited for your local climate and its number of anticipated growing days. Late Planting Soybeans respond to the shortening days in the fall by accelerating the seed-maturing process. This means delayed planting may still lead to a harvestable crop in the fall. Purdue University estimates that for each three days spring planting is delayed, harvest is delayed one day. The acceleration of the maturity may lead to a smaller yield because the plant may set fewer pods. Plant Emergence It commonly takes a soybean seed about two days to germinate and sprout. The new plant doesn't emerge from the ground until about one week after planting. Plants are at the most vulnerable during this process and can be damaged by low temperatures or pests. If the initial planting is lost, the crop can sometimes be replanted with a shorter-maturing variety.
Harvest The best time to harvest soybeans is when the seeds are fully developed but the pod has not yet turned from green to yellow. Most commercial varieties of soybeans hold in this window of development for about a week before the pod starts to dry. Once the pod dries, it is likely to shatter during harvest, leading to seed loss. Harvest dates are determined by the crop conditions, since the maturity rate is affected by temperature and humidity levels. For example, a 100-day soybean may take 110 days from planting to maturity if conditions are cooler and wetter than normal.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Growing vegetables in your home garden requires a certain amount of attention to soil condition and pH level. The pH level of soil can critically affect the growth of vegetables, allowing (or preventing) roots to take up sufficient nutrition for the production of the flowers and fruit. If you live in a region with acidic soil, selecting vegetables that thrive in acidic soil will bring you a better harvest.
Potatoes Potatoes (both Irish potatoes and sweet potatoes) prefer acidic soil conditions. The ideal pH range for this crop is 4.8 to 5.5, according to the Cornell University Vegetable Growing Guide. Potatoes need a light, loose, well-draining soil that is high in organic matter. To add nutrients and help aerate the soil, work in soil amendment such as peat moss, compost or manure at planting time. Avoid adding too much nitrogen-rich fertilizer, which will encourage the potato plants to grow foliage at the expense of tuber production. Eggplant Eggplants also grow well in slightly acidic soil (pH level between 5.5 and 7.5). The eggplant is a heat-loving plant that requires full sun and frost-free temperatures. The crop will benefit from the addition of compost or manure to increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. Mulching plants helps to keep down weeds and retain moisture. Tomatoes Tomatoes prefer a slightly acidic soil with a pH range of 6.2 to 6.8, according to the University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program. A loamy, well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter will help tomato plants grow and produce. Tomatoes also benefit from the application of fertilizer that contains phosphorus, but fertilizer with too much nitrogen can inhibit fruit production. A 5-10-10 or 5-20-20 fertilizer is recommended. These numbers designate the percentages of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the fertilizer formula. Nitrogen is always the first number in the formula, phosphorus is the second and potassium is the third.
Green Peppers Green peppers can be grown in slightly acidic soil in the range of 6.0 to 6.8. They require well-draining soil with moderate fertility for best results. Peppers are warm season vegetables that will experience blossom drop if exposed to night temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. They will also suffer from poor fruiting if the blossoms develop into the fruit (called "fruit setting") when temperatures are above 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day, according to Ohio State horticulturist Marianne Riofrio. Squash Squash will grow in acidic soils with a pH range of 5.5 to 6.8, according to the University of Connecticut website. Add compost or manure at planting time to condition the soil and retain moisture. Mulching helps to control weeds that compete for nutrients with the squash plants. Do not mulch with grass clippings from lawns that have been treated with an herbicide. Kale Kale prefers soil in the pH range of 6.0 to 7.0 for best growth, according to the University of Rhode Island Landscape Horticulture Program. Kale is a cool weather crop that prefers daytime temperatures of 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Mulching will help to keep roots cool and free of weeds.
Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The humble potato, Solanum tuberosum, is native to North America but grown the world over as a nutritious staple food and delicious dinner vegetable fried, baked, mashed or roasted. Potatoes are easy to grow in the home garden and available in hundreds of different varieties. Once planted, potatoes emerge from the soil quickly, depending on temperature, planting conditions and the variety you are growing.
Soil Temperature Seed potatoes planted in garden soil at the recommended depth of about 4 inches should emerge from the soil in two to four weeks, according to Cornell University. However, if soil temperature is too cold or the ground is too wet or too dry, seed potato pieces are likely to rot in the ground and not sprout, or take considerably longer to emerge from the soil. As long as the ground has warmed, sprouting potatoes that may be killed back by late-spring frosts will emerge again and grow successfully through the summer season. Hill up soil around emerging potato plants; this practice will compel them to grow longer root systems that will produce more potatoes. Curing Seed Potatoes Small seed potatoes can be planted whole, while ones larger than a small egg should be cut into pieces, with each piece containing one or more eyes from which the growth will sprout. Curing the cut seed potato pieces before planting them will help to ensure better germination rates and faster emergence, according to Cornell University, although this is a point of disagreement among experts, with the Ohio State University Extension recommending planting immediately after seed potatoes are cut. To follow Cornell's recommended curing process, put cut seed potato pieces in a brown paper bag and store at room temperature for four to six days, shaking occasionally to prevent pieces from sticking together, then plant in a prepared trench in garden soil.
Sprouted Potatoes You can speed up the potato emergence process by pre-sprouting your potatoes, advises the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Science. Start with small, whole seed potatoes, and lay them out in a single layer in a room that receives sun and keeps a temperature consistently over 60 degrees. The potatoes will develop small green sprouts that, in large quantities, may be toxic, so don't eat your greened potatoes. Plant the sprouted potatoes about 4 inches deep, with the sprouts pointed upwards, and the potato plants will emerge from the soil faster than unsprouted plantings. Don't plant sprouted potatoes too deeply or you will delay their emergence. Straw Potatoes Market gardeners looking for perfectly-shaped potato tubers, and gardeners looking to submit prize-winning large potatoes at county fair competitions, often use a method called straw potato growing. Plant by placing seed potatoes at the surface of loosened, cultivated soil, then covering with 6 inches of loose straw. The potato plants will emerge through the straw, usually in just 2 to 3 weeks, because they do not have several inches of soil to grow through. Add more straw around the plants as they grow and as the earlier straw layers compact. Harvest at the end of the season by pulling back the straw, which eliminates the risk of slicing tubers when digging them out with a shovel.
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