Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Before you start a garden in Arizona, remember that your soil is mostly sand. Because sand has almost no nutrients, it will have to be amended with decaying organic matter. Compost is the answer to most of your soil problems in Arizona. Digging in or adding 2 inches of compost on top of the soil will result in more water in the soil and less watering, another highly important element to consider in desert gardening. Grow veggies in raised beds or containers for greater control over soil quality and wind protection. Hot and Sweet Peppers [图片]Peppers prefer the cooler seasons in Arizona, spring and fall. Plant them in early March from nursery stock (if you can find it) or sprout seeds indoors in the winter to transplant in early March. Or, continue to grow them in containers. Feed peppers plenty of food—water-soluble fertilizer or organic compost—because they are hungry plants. Eggplant [图片]Eggplant, according to Phoenix Tropicals, grows very well in Arizona, but it is a heavy feeder and needs a lot of water. Grow eggplant in a raised bed to take advantage of the shade that foliage provides for the soil. This will help your soil conserve water. Plant eggplant in March, so its growing season is long enough to avoid winter's killing frosts. Melons [图片]Melons do well in the Arizona heat but they are also a favorite of whiteflies, which descend en masse in early June. If they survive the onslaught, they will be delicious. Plant them as early as possible in spring to get as much growth as possible before the flies descend. Herbs [图片]Rosemary, oregano and dill are extremely easy to grow in desert conditions. Rosemary requires very little water and loves the sun. Grow it in pots or as a bushy groundcover as part of the landscape. Phoenix Tropicals categorizes dill as a weed in Arizona: It will grow everywhere, even if you aren't all that interested in it. Oregano needs some light shade and weekly watering to thrive. Of course, many herbs will grow very well indoors in pots, on the windowsill or in a sunny room. Tomatoes [图片]While tomatoes are everyone's favorite, they are also the favorite of nearly every garden pest that exists in Arizona. The irony is that Arizona is the tomato-production capital of the United States, but almost all of those tomatoes are grown hydroponically; lack of soil eliminates pests. If you can grow them in containers, the risk of insect infestation and disease is greatly reduced. Remember, any plant grown for its fruit requires at least five hours of sun each day. The Maricopa County Extension Office recommends the addition of reflective material around container plants: aluminum foil, white-painted surfaces or marble chips.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Many gardeners enjoy planting a large variety of different vegetables, trying new types each year. There are two basic types of vegetables from which you can choose; vegetables that grow underneath the ground and those that grow above ground. If you dream of sun-ripened food and plants with their bounty displayed in full view, there are a wide variety from which to choose. [图片]Lettuce Lettuce is one of the earliest vegetables to be picked in the spring, giving home gardeners a welcome taste of fresh green crunchiness early in the season. Lettuce can grow as separate leaves or bunched into heads. The entire lettuce plant above the ground consists of leaves, and everything that grows can be eaten. Many seed companies sell mixed packets of lettuces so that you can try many different varieties for your salads. Cucumbers Cucumbers are long thin vegetables that grow on vines. The sturdy vines grow up trellises or fences quite easily, making them a common vegetables for the home gardener to produce. 6- to 8-inch cucumbers will be ready to pick in the middle of summer, and will continue to ripen throughout the season as long as you continue to pick them every three days or so. Pumpkin Pumpkins are classically thought of as material for Halloween decorations, but they are much more than that. Pumpkins can be turned into pumpkin butter, pumpkin bread, pies, custards and soup. This gourd loves warm weather, so don't plant until all chance of frost has gone past. Pumpkin vines grow very large, so plant them 3 to 5 feet apart. The pumpkins will appear in early summer and grow until the frost has appeared in the fall. Many people keep one plant separate to try to grow a giant pumpkin for Halloween, but the smaller versions are easier to deal with for cooking and eating. Tomato More tomato plants are grown by gardeners than any other vegetable, and deservedly so. This versatile veggie is tasty eaten fresh in salads and sandwiches, and preserves easily by canning or freezing for use in sauces, soups and stews later in the year. There are hundreds of tomato varieties, from tiny cherry tomatoes to sandwich-sized beefsteaks. There are heirloom varieties that have been around for generations and hybrids that were developed in the past couple of years for resistance to particular plant diseases or to produce new colors or flavors.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Eggplants (Solanum melongena) do not have a male or female gender, but they are endowed with cross-pollinating male and female flowers on each plant. We tend to think of the eggplant as a vegetable, but like the tomato, it is classified as a fruit. Fruit or veggie, eggplants do not have a gender. [图片]Dimple Differences Two types of eggplant may develop on one plant, and that is likely the reason the myth of gender got started. One type has a roundish dimpled area at the blossom end, and the other type has a more oval-shaped dimpled area. The oval-dimpled eggplants are said to have more seeds and be less meaty than the roundish dimpled eggplants. Agriculture experts at the University of Illinois Extension describe the differences as a product of reproduction, not differences of gender. Good Things About Eggplants Eggplants love hot weather and grow well where more tender, leafy vegetables may wilt. They like growing conditions similar to tomatoes; they are from the same nightshade family of plants. Eggplants thrive in direct sunlight for six to eight hours per day. There are several to grow , including egg-shaped 'Black Bell' and the long, slender variety called 'Ichiban.' The dimple differences can appear on fruit from every variety. Easy To Grow Once you have found the warm spot in the garden to grow your eggplants, start seeds or seedlings when nighttime temperatures are consistently at or above 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Their root systems are subject to cold damage and do not recover easily once they are affected. Allow 2 to 3 feet of growing space between plants. Give eggplant a steady supply of moisture but not enough to create soggy soil conditions. Test for dryness by inserting your finger in the soil; it should feel moist up to the first joint. A soaker hose or drip system is ideal for giving a slow, steady supply of moisture. Harvest Time and the Dimples Eggplants bloom with violet flowers in mid- to late summer, and small fruit begin to develop. The time from seed germination to harvest is 16 to 24 weeks, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Plants with a heavy load of fruit may fall over and need to be staked or propped up with a small tomato cage. [图片]Eggplants are ready to pick when their skin is bright and glossy. If they are dull colored, the fruit has been left too long on the plant and may be bitter. Now is the time to turn the fruit upside down, see whether you have a round-dimpled eggplant or an oval-dimpled eggplant, and begin the enjoyment of and eating your eggplant.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Pumpkins are a popular vegetable for a reason: they are delicious, fun and easy to grow. It doesn't take all that much to cultivate pumpkins in your yard: soil, space, water and sunlight. But if you want to grow big pumpkins, the kind you might see winning the blue ribbon at a county fair, it takes a little extra effort, and some good old fashioned tricks. Feeding sugar to your pumpkins, for instance, can make them grow much bigger than just sun and water alone will. [图片]Step 1 Choose a spot in your yard or garden with at least six hours of full sun per day, an even pH balance and well-draining soil. Step 2 Buy a bag of compost, and mix two or three trowel-fulls into each square foot of growing space. Step 3 Place a group of two to three seedlings 2 or 3 inches apart from each other and cover their roots with soil. If you want to grow more than one pumpkin, place another patch of one or two seedlings at least 5 feet away. Step 4 Water your pumpkin plants between four and seven times a week, so that they are always damp, and get about 2 inches of water per week. Step 5 Wait until a pumpkin develops, and has grown to be about 6 inches across. [图片]Step 6 Fill a bowl with 50 percent water and 50 percent white granulated sugar. If you want to use milk instead of water, this will work well too. Dunk your cotton string into this mixture. Step 7 Make a small slit with your knife in the base of the pumpkin's stem, about 4 inches above the pumpkin. Insert one end of your cotton string into the slit, and keep the other end in your sugar water mixture. The pumpkin will slowly suck up the sugar mixture, helping it grow bigger. Step 8 Keep an eye on the sugar mixture, and replenish the bowl when it is empty. Keep this up for at least two weeks, or until you are ready to harvest your large pumpkin.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
When grown in the ground, asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) needs plenty of room for its large root system. When garden space is at a premium, however, you can grow asparagus in a container, as long as you're prepared for a smaller plant and a less bountiful harvest than you'd get with in-ground asparagus. Asparagus also spreads. So growing it in a container can help keep it from getting into parts of the garden where you don't want it to be. Asparagus grows as a perennial plant in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 2 through 8, but some of its varieties are perennial in different USDA zones. [图片]Choosing Varieties Because container-grown asparagus plants do not produce as prolifically as asparagus grown in the ground, the best cultivars for container-growing are those that produce the highest yields per plant. 'Jersey Knight' is one such cultivar. It produces many large spears, which are the plant's edible, new shoots, and it is perennial in USDA zones 3 through 10. Container-grown asparagus needs a fast start. So choose asparagus crowns -- 1-year-old, bare-root plants -- rather than trying to grow the plants from seeds. Selecting a Container Asparagus plants need a deep container that is wide enough not to crowd them. Each plant's container should be at least 18 inches deep and 1 foot wide, or give each plant that much width in a wider container. A ceramic, plastic or wooden container will work, and a large plastic storage bin is an option. The plants require good drainage, though. So if a container you choose does not have drainage holes in its base, then drill them yourself. Planting Crowns In spring, add organic potting soil to your container until the top of the soil is about 6 1/2 inches from the top of the container. Work about 1 ounce of granular 5-10-10 fertilizer per 3 square feet of soil surface area into the top few inches of the soil. [图片]Set the asparagus crowns about 6 inches apart, and spread their roots on the top of the soil. Cover the crowns with 3 inches of soil, and water the soil thoroughly. Set the container in a spot that gets about eight hours of direct sunshine per day. When the crowns have grown to about 3 inches in height, cover them with 3 more inches of soil. Fertilizing and Watering the Plants Monitor the soil's moisture, and provide water whenever the soil dries out to a depth of about 2 inches. During hot, dry periods, the soil may need water daily. Fertilize every spring with a handful of granular 5-10-10 fertilizer, scattering it around the crowns and lightly scratching it into the surface of the soil. Water thoroughly after applying the fertilizer. Overwintering with Mulch After the asparagus plants' foliage dies back in fall, cover the plants with mulch to protect them through winter. The plants' own die-back foliage can function as a convenient mulch. Harvesting Spears The plants probably will be ready for harvest in the third year after they were planted. In the third year, harvest the plants' spears one time after they reach 6 to 8 inches in height. In following years, you can harvest spears continuously for six to eight weeks. The spears emerge above ground from the root crowns. Asparagus plants grown in the ground may continue to produce well for as long as 20 years, but container-grown plants will likely be productive for only three to five years.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Cabbages produce seeds from flowers but you don't usually see them do it because it takes more than a year. If you want to get your own seed from your cabbages, choose open-pollinated varieties rather than F1 hybrids, so they'll breed true. Cabbages cross easily, not only with other cabbages but with kale, kohlrabi, cauliflower, broccoli, collards and Brussels sprouts, so you'll need to protect your seed cabbages if other plants of the same species are blooming within 1,000 feet. [图片]Step 1 Plant your cabbage to mature as late in the fall as practical. Choose the best dozen heads to use for seed. If your winters are mild, rarely getting more than a few degrees below freezing, cover the heads with straw or other loose mulch to protect them from freezing. If your winters are severe, pull them up with roots intact and store them in a root cellar or bury them under at least a foot of dirt and mulch, deeper in the coldest climates. You want them to be kept cool but never frozen solid and damp enough so they don't dry out but not so damp that they mold. Step 2 Dig up or uncover the cabbage heads when the danger of hard freezing is past. Plant or transplant them 1/12 to 2 feet apart, spaced in a square or grid rather than a row if you'll need to protect them from cross-pollination. Plant them deep so the heads are at ground level. Cut an "x" in the top of each head, about an inch deep, to let the flowering stock emerge easily. Step 3 Set poles upright around the cabbages about 4 feet high and connect the tops with wire or heavy cord. When the seed stalks emerge in early summer but before they bloom, cover the framework with netting that's woven tightly enough that bees can't get through. When the flowers open, raise the cover long enough each morning to allow bees to enter and let them stay inside to pollinate the plants, then raise the cover to release them. Repeat while the plants are blooming, then remove the covering while the seeds mature. If no other plants that cross with cabbages are blooming at the same time within 1,000 feet, you can omit the protection and just let bees come and go to pollinate them naturally. [图片]Step 4 Tie the seed stalks loosely to poles to keep them from bending or breaking in strong wind or rain as the seeds mature. Wait several weeks for the seeds to ripen. Step 5 Pick the seedpods when they first turn brown, before they burst open and spill their seeds. Some mature before others, so pick them every few days. Lay them on a tray in the sun to finish drying. If you don't mind losing some, you can wait until the majority have turned brown, cut the whole seed stalk and lay it on a tray or sheet to dry. For the most viable seed, let the pods mature as long as possible on the plant. Step 6 Put the pods in a cloth bag and lightly pound it or crush it to knock the seeds loose, then carefully pour them out. Use a coarse sieve to separate them from larger debris or pour them from one container to another in a light breeze to let the lighter pieces of broken pod blow away. Keep the seeds in a dark, dry place until you want to plant them. They should keep several years.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The climate in the state of Missouri is continental, with a great variation between the local and regional areas. The average annual temperature in the state is 50 degrees in the northwest areas and about 60 degrees in the southeast. The Missouri boot heel area, considered the best in the state for vegetable production, offers good quality light or sandy soil. Tomatoes [图片]A number of varieties of tomatoes do well in Missouri, including Avalanche, Better Boy, Conquest, Jet Star, Pink Delight and Show Me. All these tomatoes mature in about 70 days. The soil used for growing tomatoes should be amended with 2.5 percent organic matter, which helps to improve soil tilth and moisture retention. When choosing tomatoes for Missouri, the University of Missouri Extension suggests avoiding the varieties with large fruit, green shoulders, tomatoes with a known tendency to crack, late maturing tomatoes or with a low resistance to disease. Rhubarb [图片]Rhubarb thrives in areas with moist, cool summers and winters just cold enough to freeze the ground several inches. Rhubarb does not do well in southern Missouri but grows well in higher elevations. Use well-drained, fertile soil for planting rhubarb and amend soil with rotted manure, sod, leaf mold or other organic matter. Rhubarb can be grown easily from seed or transplanted. The vegetable is best harvested in early spring and should be divided every 7 to 8 years. Potatoes [图片]Potatoes grow well in Missouri. The University of Missouri Extension site lists several varieties that do well in the state. Irish Cobbler and Kennebec are the recommended white skin varieties. Kennebec is late maturing, skins easily and is highly resistant to late blight. The red skin varieties include Red Norland, a smooth, early variety which is scab resistant and has shallow eyes; Dark Red Norland, also an early variety with scab resistance and smooth, dark red skin; and Red Pontiac, a good quality, late maturing variety. The recommended russet skin potatoes for Missouri include russet Burbank, Norgold Russet, considered the best russet, and Russet Norkotah, an early variety that is also a good baking potato.
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