Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Broccoli, a biennial member of the cruciferous family of vegetables, along with cabbage and Brussels sprouts, relies on sexual reproduction just like other fruits and vegetables do. Introduction [图片]Broccoli in bloom Parts of a broccoli flower [图片]There are thousands of tiny flowers in a head of broccoli If you look closely at broccoli that's ready to harvest, you will see a tightly packed head with a rough, lumpy surface and thick compact stems--the familiar look of broccoli that is harvested and sold in stores. The lumpy surface contains thousand of immature flower buds. When the broccoli flowers open, they have petals, stamen, stigma, pistle, ovule and pollen. Pollination [图片]Broccoli seeds look like mustard seed when harvested Pollen contains male gametes (sperm), and the ovule contains female gametes (eggs). The two have to be brought together for pollination to take place. Broccoli relies on pollination to reproduce just like other fruits and vegetables do. Pollination takes place when insects or birds attracted by the scent and color of the flowers feed off nectar on the stigma or around the base of the ovule. The insects transfer pollen from the stamens to the stigma, where it fertilizes the female gametes in the ovule. Gestation to harvest [图片]Parts of a flower--broccoli blossoms have them, too As the newly fertilized seeds inside the ovule grow, the ovule lengthens into a pod where the seeds will mature after several weeks. Broccoli plants produce dozens of pods, each with eight to 10 small, hard, dark brown seeds inside. The seeds are about the size and shape of brown mustard seeds and have a pleasant peppery taste.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) spears are the new shoots of asparagus plants that grow in spring. Asparagus grows from seed, and plants live 20 to 30 years in good growing conditions. In U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4 through 8, asparagus is hardy, and plants grow 3 to 5 feet tall. Young asparagus shoots can sometimes cause skin irritation, and the red berries produced by female asparagus plants are poisonous. [图片]Asparagus Roots Asparagus root systems are called crowns. Asparagus growers start plants from seed and sell asparagus crowns that are one or two years old. Each crown has a central bud, and thick roots spreading out sideways. Shoots grow from the central bud. Asparagus roots grow horizontally, not vertically. Over time, they form a wide, tuberous mat. When growing asparagus, it's important to select a growing area that can be left undisturbed for years. After planting, asparagus roots should not be moved. Asparagus Plants Asparagus plants develop many branched stems, which die down at the end of the growing season. Shoots develop daily on asparagus plants in spring. Newly planted crowns can produce shoots five or six weeks after planting. After a crop of young shoots is harvested, later shoots are allowed to develop so the plants can store energy for next year's crop. As shoots grow, they produce many stems, which branch off into smaller stems. Rings of thin, hairlike structures appear on the smaller stems, which give mature asparagus plants a feathery appearance. True asparagus leaves are scalelike and tiny, and they can be seen most easily on new shoots. Asparagus stems turn yellow and wither in fall, often after the first frost. Female and Male Asparagus Asparagus plants are female or male. Female plants produce more stems than male plants, but the stems are thinner. Female asparagus plants also produce bright red summer berries, which contain the plant's seeds. Seeds from fallen berries can create problems the following year, when the asparagus bed becomes overrun with asparagus seedlings. Newer varieties of asparagus are mostly male or all male plants. Male plants put all their energy into shoot production and don't waste energy on producing fruit. They also don't create problems with asparagus seedlings. [图片]New Varieties New asparagus varieties offer disease resistance and a range of colors. Asparagus "Jersey Knight" (Asparagus officinalis "Jersey Knight") is resistant to rust, fusarium wilt, and root and crown rot. Asparagus "Purple Passion" (Asparagus "Purple Passion") features purple spears, though these turn green when cooked. "Jersey Knight" and "Purple Passion" are hardy in USDA zones 3 through 10. Asparagus "Jersey Giant" (Asparagus officinalis "Jersey Giant"), which is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 7, produces green spears with purple bracts. Bracts are leaflike structures. "Jersey Giant" produces two to three times more spears than some older varieties.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Your kitchen trash can may contain a vegetable garden just waiting to happen. The roots, shoots and seeds of many plants can regrow instead of languishing in the garbage. Success will vary because grocery store plants are often grown from sterile hybrids or they are treated to retard growth, but with experimentation you may grow a successful garden for just the cost of time. Plant Choices [图片]Not all scraps are suitable gardening stock. Seeds from summer and winter squashes (Curcubita spp.), peppers (Capsicum annuum) and beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) will often sprout and grow, but the fruits may not be the same quality as the original. You can regrow whole garlic bulbs (Allium sativum), a biennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 8, from a single leftover clove, for example. Some plants grow back from their roots if you carefully save them. Ginger (Zingiber officinale), which grows in USDA zones 9 through 12, along with green onions (Allium cepa) and the leafy tops of radishes (Raphanus sativus) are some examples. Pick a Spot [图片]The season and your climate help determine whether pots or beds are the better choice. Spring and summer vegetables, like squash and peppers, grow best outdoors in a bed or container garden. Garlic performs best in a bed in almost any climate, while tender ginger requires a pot so you can overwinter it indoors in cool climates. Cool-season vegetables, like radish tops, do well both outdoors or inside. If you plant in containers, use pots with at least one bottom drainage hole. Successful Planting [图片]Preparing to plant is just as important as selecting the right kitchen scraps. Most vegetables need rich, well-draining soil in an area that receives six or more hours of daily sun. When planting seeds, sow larger seeds like beans and squash 1 to 2 inches deep, and smaller seeds, such as peppers, 1/4 inch deep. Leave the top of the root attached to leafy greens, such as radish, and push the cut end of the root into the soil slightly. Garlic cloves are planted 1 to 2 inches deep in late fall. For ginger, cut the root into sections , with each section containing at least one growing node, which resembles a raised bump. Plant those sections. If you plant in pots, fill them with a well-drained, moistened potting soil. Keep Them Growing [图片]Vegetables usually need about 1 inch of water a week. Container plants need watering when the top 1 inch of soil feels dry. Water these until the excess water drains from the pot's bottom. Although fertilizer helps a plant grow, wait to fertilize until after new growth begins to emerge from the planted scraps, or wait for about four to six weeks if you plant seeds. Each vegetable has its own fertilizer requirements, but a general application of a 24-8-16 soluble fertilizer, diluted at the rate of 1/2 teaspoon per 1 gallon of water and applied at 14-day intervals, is suitable for most container vegetables. For garden beds, sprinkle 4 tablespoons of a slow-release 12-4-8 blend over every 4 square feet of soil six weeks after planting, keeping the fertilizer off the leaves and stems of the plants.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Vine-variety cucumbers, Cucumis sativus, require a lot of space to produce a healthy, continuous crop throughout the season. Using tomato cages to train cucumbers for vertical growth gives the plants lots of breathing room, aids in the formation of perfectly straight fruits and helps keep pests and soil-borne diseases at bay. When garden space is at a premium, training cucumbers vertically can also free up a great deal of garden real estate. Play in the Dirt [图片]Cucumbers favor well-draining, slightly acidic soil with a pH level of 5.8 to 6.5. Have the soil tested to determine its exact pH level and follow the the testing laboratory's recommendations regarding the application of amendments to correct the soil's pH. Incorporate 1 to 2 inches of organic compost and sand into the soil to create a nutrient-rich base for the new plants. The Clemson Cooperative Extension recommends adding a pre-planting application of a 5-10-10 fertilizer if soil has not been tested. Feel the Heat [图片]Cucumbers are tender annual vegetables that refuse to germinate in cold soil and thrive in temperatures ranging from 75 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. For best results, start cucumber seeds directly outdoors after all chance of frost has passed and the soil reaches 70 degrees Fahrenheit at a depth of at least 1 inch. Early to Rise [图片]For an early harvest, start cucumber seeds indoors two to four weeks before the last expected frost date. Sow two to three seeds in peat pots or pellets and thin to one seedling in each pot after sprouting. Transplant the seedlings to the outdoor planting site when all chance of frost has passed, soil temperature measures 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the seedlings have developed three to four sets of true leaves. Plant established seedlings at least 10 to 12 inches apart beneath tomato cages. Containing the Cucumbers [图片]Choose sturdily constructed tomato cages, at least 3 to 4 feet tall, that won't be easily rattled by a stiff breeze or the weight of the developing cucumbers. Insert the cages into the soil directly above the planting location and then sow 1 to 2 cucumber seeds inside each cage, at a depth of 1/2 to 1 inch, spaced approximately 4 to 6 inches apart. Once the vines begin to grow, nudge them toward the sides of the cages where their grabby tendrils can attach to the cage wires as they begin growing in an upright fashion. As the vines lengthen, they can be secured to the cages with loosely tied twine until they reach the top of the cage and start to hang down. Water, Water, Everywhere [图片]Cucumbers require consistent moisture during the growing season and especially when the blooms appear and fruits begin to set. When cucumbers are water-stressed, fruits can become misshapen and develop an unpleasant bitter flavor. Water cucumbers at least once per week, making sure to moisten the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches. If the soil is sandy, additional watering will be required to keep the soil adequately hydrated. To help with moisture retention throughout the season, add a 1- to 2-inch layer of organic mulch over the planting location. It's Dinner Time [图片]Cucumbers, which are moderate feeders, need a dose of nitrogen fertilizer when the plants start to vine and about a week after blooms first appear. The University of Minnesota recommends adding 1/2 cup of a 46-0-0 fertilizer for every 25 feet of planting space. Apply the fertilizer along the side of the row and approximately 4 to 6 inches from each plant. Additional feedings may not be necessary if the soil is enriched with organic compost.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Pumpkins take up a large space in the home garden. To grow them successfully, you need to know how to prepare the soil, when to start the seeds, how far apart to space them and when to harvest the pumpkins. [图片]Step 1 Check the back of the seed packet for the number of days until maturity. If you are growing pumpkins for Halloween, add a week or two and then count backwards to arrive at the best planting date. It will most likely be in late spring or early summer. Pumpkin seedlings do not tolerate frost, but the pumpkins will rot before Halloween if you plant them too soon in a warm climate. Step 2 Prepare the soil for the pumpkin bed in an area that receives sun. Because pumpkins are heavy feeders, dig a hole 2 feet across and 1 foot deep. Fill it with a mix of compost and soil to which you've added a handful of slow-release fertilizer. Form a mound over the hole about 4 inches high in the center. Step 3 Make additional mounds. Space them 10 feet apart. Pumpkins like to sprawl and require plenty of room. Step 4 Sow six seeds in a circle in each mound. Push them about one inch deep into the soil and spaced four to six inches apart. After the seeds sprout, remove all but the strongest two seedlings. If you don't, you'll have all foliage and no pumpkins. [图片]Step 5 Weed the bed regularly. Pumpkins can tolerate short periods of hot, dry weather, but if you have extended periods of heat, water them. As the pumpkins grow, slip a shingle or tile under each one to lift it slightly from the soil. This foils some insects and improves the appearance of the pumpkin on that side. Step 6 Harvest all the pumpkins when they turn orange and before a heavy frost hits. To harvest pumpkins, cut the stem about three inches from the pumpkin. Pumpkins broken from their stems do not keep well.
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[图片]藤本类 藤本类植物如藤本月季、蔷薇,在夏季生长非常迅速,过度密集缠枝不仅造型不好看,还容易发生病虫害,必须要修剪,两三年内栽培的不需要修剪。 [图片]修剪技巧 1、花前修剪:晚冬或早春时,剪掉1/4的老枝条,调整剩余枝条的大小形态。侧枝保留2~3个芽点,待新芽长到3~4厘米时,只保留1~2个芽,整盆月季保留4~6个花芽,使营养集中,其余新芽全部抹除。 2、花期修枝:主枝保留,随时剪掉枯枝、弱枝、病枝,并根据生长的空间大小,剪短过长侧枝(5~8cm),使花枝匀称通光,留足生长空间。 3、花后修剪:一般在6月~7月,随时摘除开败的残花;另外将健壮的枝条,剪掉枝条的1/3~1/2,细枝条可剪掉2/3的长度,过于细弱的枝条则应全部剪掉。 木本类 木本类植物一般有两种枝条,一是长枝,用来培育主干,夏季生长过长过密可以剪短,另一种是开花的短枝,开花后小幅度修剪。 [图片]栀子花 栀子花在夏季生长旺盛,容易出现徒长,开花少,必须要修剪。 修剪技巧 1、生长初期:出芽后轻剪,主要是将顶端的花枝剪下一些,以促进侧枝的发育,增加后期花蕾数量。 2、生长旺盛阶段:修剪杂乱重叠的花枝、弱枝、平行枝、交叉枝等,并摘除过密的顶芽,一般一个枝上留2~3个芽。 3、开花阶段:长出花蕾后,每个粗枝上可以留2~3个,弱枝上留1个,其余都剪掉,保证开花养分集中。 4、花谢后:及时剪掉花枝,促进新芽的萌发,待新芽长到两三个节时,进行摘心;同时,将部分腋芽剪掉,促进主枝条的生长。 茉莉花 茉莉花在养护时如果不注意修剪,生长过于密集,同样会导致花枝瘦弱、开花少。 修剪技巧 1、春季要及时剪掉越冬后的枯枝、弱枝、细枝,健壮的粗枝剪至15cm左右,用来萌发新芽。 2、当春梢长到4~5节时进行摘心,对于顶端不长花蕾的枝条,摘除两对嫩叶,促进孕育花蕾。 3、夏季可以将徒长的枝条全部剪掉,留在上面会浪费营养。剪掉过长枝条,使空间布局合理。 4、花谢后摘除残花,在花下1~3节之间剪掉残枝、枯枝,保留养分,半个月左右还可以开花。 夏季休眠类 很多花一到高温夏季,就容易休眠,生长迟缓,开花艰难,比如蟹爪兰,但如果在养护期做好修剪工作,就不用担心度夏问题。 [图片]修剪技巧 1、花谢后,要及时清除残花,并将花下的3~4片茎节剪短,选择晴天进行修剪。 2、栽培3~5年的蟹爪兰要进行大剪,除去过于密集的枝叶和老化病变的枝条,保证生长空间充足、通风呼吸;夏季不可修剪,但在养护时应放在北窗台等散光处,尽量少浇水不施肥,避免太闷太湿就能安全度夏。 草花类 夏季草花一开就满盆爆,速度很快,但是花谢的也很快,延长花期、不断爆盆的一个小窍门就是——强剪!下面花花就以矮牵牛为例介绍一下。 [图片]修剪技巧 1、一般在生长初期摘心,当新枝长出5、6片叶子时,摘除顶端2片叶子,侧枝长出新叶子后也要摘心。 2、开花后,当矮牵牛爆盆,花朵会越长越小,这时要毫不犹豫的强剪,剪掉所有花枝,留足营养给新出的花苞,一周后就能继续爆盆。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Nothing spices up cooking like fresh jalapeno peppers. Buying them at the store can be costly and inconvenient. Since jalapeno pepper plants are fairly easy to grow, why not add a few plants to your kitchen and enjoy fresh peppers year round? [图片]Step 1 Buy healthy looking jalapeno plants at your home and garden store. Look for leaves that are a rich green in color, and that when pinched gently tend to spring back to life. Avoid plants that seem overly dry or that smell moldy. Be prepared to re-pot your plant once you bring it home. Step 2 Line the bottom of the plant pot with small rocks or stones. This provides ample drainage for your jalapeno plant. Too much moisture will cause your plant to rot and won't yield any peppers. [图片]Use good soil in your jalapeno plant. Rich soils are made specifically for plant and flower growth. Nutrients in rich soil fall into two categories; non-mineral nutrients and mineral nutrients. Non-mineral nutrient include hydrogen, carbon and oxygen. Mineral nutrients include nitrogen, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, boron, copper, iron, chloride, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc. Re-pot your jalapeno plant using a dark, nutrient-rich soil. Step 4 Place your jalapeno plant in a window that receives at least a couple of hours of direct sunlight each day. Water your plant two to three times per week. Step 5 Transfer your jalapeno plant into a larger pot when it reaches about one foot in height. Full grown plants may grow up to two feet high, so plan accordingly for that kind of growth. Step 6 Pluck off any dried or dead leaves as needed. Allow the peppers to ripen on the plant for optimal taste.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Fried potatoes are top choices for snacks and meals. A potato is usually fried by cooking potato pieces in hot oil. Potatoes are cut, chopped and fried as hash browns, french fries, steak fries, sliced potatoes and stir-fry cubes. Regional favorites are fried and seasoned with chili, cheese, garlic, rosemary or malt vinegar. The best potato for frying is usually a russet potato, but other potatoes have a place in the fry pan. Types [图片]Russet potatoes are the top potato for french fries due to their high starch content. They hold their shape and make a crispy fry. The oval shape of the russet is good for making long french or steak fries. The famous Idaho potato favored by fast-food restaurants is a Russet Burbank. Other potatoes suited for pan frying include red potatoes, new potatoes and sweet potatoes. Their shapes are too short for traditional long fries but suited to pan fries. Geography [图片]Potatoes are grown worldwide. They originated in the mountains of South America and grow best in a mountain plain. Potatoes do better with cool nights and warm days for the plants to develop starch in the tubers. High moisture content and a sandy loam soil allow the tuber to grow at a steady rate. Potatoes are easy to harvest and clean when the soil is light and does not stick to the mature vegetable. Idaho grows about a third of the potatoes in the United States. Benefits [图片]A basic potato is nutritious. It is high in fiber and potassium. A potato contains vitamin B6, iron and copper. The potato is low in calories and blends well with other foods and spices. The versatile potato is inexpensive and comes in a variety of sizes, colors and textures, and you can store it year-round. Considerations Sort potatoes and remove molding or sprouting potatoes. Store sorted potatoes in a cool, dark and well-ventilated area such as a potato bin or pantry. Refrigerator storage is not recommended as this can cause potato starch to turn into sugar. Remove or quickly use spongy or soft potatoes as they spoil quickly. Discard potatoes with green spots or greenish skin or remove these discolorations before cooking. The green areas may be mildly toxic. Warning [图片]Green spots or green tint on potato skin can indicate chlorophyll or higher amounts of glycoalkaloids. Glycoalkaloids are natural toxic compounds that protect the potato against disease and insects. Potatoes usually contain low amounts of glycoalkaloids such as solanine and chaconine. The levels of glycoalkaloids may increase when the potatoes age, are damaged or exposed to light. In people, high levels of glycoalkaloids can cause headaches, diarrhea and more serious problems. Trim off green areas or peel potatoes to minimize exposure to these potential hazards.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
At the young, green stage, black-eyed peas are removed from their plump pods, cooked and served as a hearty green vegetable side dish. Dry black-eyed peas are a cream-colored bean-like legume with distinctive dark-colored markings. Also known as cowpeas, they are soaked, then cooked for about two hours and served as a main dish, in soups or as a filling cold salad. Whether you have an abundance of fresh green cowpeas from the garden or leftovers from a dinner featuring cooked dry black-eyed peas, preserve them in the freezer for a quick start to a nutritious meal in the future. [图片]Step 1 Pop open the black-eyed pea pods with your fingers and scoop the small green peas out into a colander. Step 2 Rinse the shelled peas under cool running water. Pick out any debris and pod pieces that may have fallen into the peas. Step 3 Fill a large cooking pot two-thirds full of water. Bring it to a rolling boil over high heat. Step 4 Dump the black-eyed peas into the boiling water and cook them for two full minutes. Step 5 Pour the cooked peas back into the colander to drain out the hot water. [图片]Step 6 Place the drained black-eyed peas immediately into a large bowl filled with water and ice cubes. Swirl the peas around for a minute or two until they are completely cooled, then pour them into the colander to drain. Step 7 Spoon the cooled peas into pint-sized plastic containers, cover tightly with a lid and place the container into the freezer. If you prefer freezing in plastic bags, use the type specifically designed for use in freezers and press as much air out of the filled bag as possible before sealing. Dried Black-Eyed Peas Step 1 Place 1 or more cups of dry black-eyed peas in a large cooking pot. Cover them with 5 cups of water per cup of peas and put a lid on the pot. Step 2 Set the pot on a burner turned to its highest setting. When the water comes to a boil, allow the peas to cook for two full minutes. Step 3 Remove the pot from the stove and take off the lid. Let the peas sit undisturbed for at least two hours, then pour them into a colander to strain away the water. Step 4 Dump the drained black-eyed peas back into the water. Pour the same amount of water over the peas that you used when you originally soaked them. If you started with 1 cup of dried peas, for example, add 5 cups of water, even though the peas have expanded in volume through the soaking process. Step 5 Cover the pot with a lid and bring it to a boil over high heat. Turn the heat down to medium, or lower if necessary, to keep the liquid at a lightly bubbling simmer. Cook the peas for two hours or until they are tender and most of the liquid is absorbed. Step 6 Pour the cooked peas into a colander and run cold water over them for three to four minutes to start the cooling process. Let the colander sit for five to 10 minutes, shaking it several times, to allow excess water to drain completely. Step 7 Turn the black-eyed peas out into one or more large baking pans, spreading the peas out in a layer no deeper than 3 inches to facilitate faster cooling. Cover the pans with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for at least two hours, or until the peas are completely cooled. Step 8 Package the cooled black-eyed peas in pint- or quart-sized containers, whichever is most convenient for your cooking style. Cover the containers with lids that seal tightly. Use plastic bags specifically designed for freezer use if you want to flatten the filled bags to conserve space in your freezer.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Nothing says summer quite like zucchini for dinner. Sure, you can buy it all year, but there's something about the quality of a homegrown zucchini grown in your own garden and picked for supper that can't be found in the supermarket winter zucchinis shipped in from warmer areas. It's an easy plant to grow once you know a few of its likes and dislikes. [图片]Step 1 Prepare the site for your zucchini seeds. If it's still dropping into the 40s at night, it's too cold for zucchini. In the garden, work some compost into the soil and mound it into hills about 12 inches high. Tamp it down well so it doesn't wash away in the next rain. Keep the hills about 3 feet apart. Step 2 Start your seeds indoors in a simple potting soil and wait for the soil to warm, or plant the seeds or seedlings into the warm soil outside. Zucchini doesn't respond well to wet leaves or damp soil, so don't water unless the ground has become bone dry. The reason for the raised bed is to keep the moisture away from the leaves, forcing the roots to go deeper for moisture. Step 3 Pack some hay around the seedlings to help keep the leaves dry. The plant will grow very quickly in warm weather and will use the energy collected in the large leaves to produce massive amounts of fruit. Fertilize by adding grass clippings around the base of the plant. Step 4 Watch the plant closely when it starts blossoming. The first few days of blossoms are the male blossoms that don't produce fruit. The female blossoms will follow and will be pollinated by the male blossoms, so don't pick them. Step 5 Pick the zucchini fruit when it's about 8 to 10 inches long for the best flavor and tenderness. Cut it off the vine with a sharp knife, being careful not to pull the vine when lifting the fruit. Step 6 Protect your plant by handpicking any cucumber beetles. They lay their eggs under the leaves and multiply quickly, destroying the plant by sucking the sap from the vines and carrying disease. Step 7 Plant flowers including marigolds, geraniums and dill around your squash plants. They will encourage bees and beneficial wasps to come and will help in the pollination of your zucchini blossoms, as well as killing any aphids that might come along. [图片]Step 8 Spray your zucchini plants once a week with a solution of 1 part milk to 9 parts water. You can use any kind of milk available. This will keep your plants from getting powdery mildew, a serious threat to zucchini plants.
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