动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Rosaceae Stems - Woody, multiple from base, suckering, erect to reclining or clambering, to +2m tall, glabrous, terete, often terminating with a thick thorn.
Leaves - Alternate, sessile to short petiolate, stipulate. Stipules large, foliaceous. Petioles to 5mm long. Blade obovate to elliptic-ovate or oblong, tapering to base, shiny green above, dull grey-green below, obtuse to acute, crenulate, to +/-7cm long, +/-4cm broad. Inflorescence - Flowers appearing just before or with new seasons leaves. Flowers axillary on previous seasons buds.
Flowers - Corolla rotate, 3.5-4cm broad. Petals 5, free, clawed, glabrous, suborbicular, to 1.6cm in diameter, typically pinkish-rose but also white or red. Stamens +40, in few whorls. Filaments glabrous, +1cm long. Anthers 1-2mm long, yellow. Styles 5, slightly thickened below stigmas. Ovary inferior, 5-locular. Placentation axile. Hypanthium campanulate, constricted at base, -8mm in diameter, 7mm long (tall), pinkish-rose to greenish-pink, glabrous. Sepals 5, alternating with petals, 5-6mm long, 4-5mm broad, obtuse at apex. Pome ellipsoid to ovoid or pyriform, to +6cm long, greenish-purple, bitter in flavor.
Flowering - March - May. Habitat - Cultivated. Origin - Native to Asia. Other info. - This is a very popular plant in cultivation in Missouri and elsewhere. The common name is "Flowering Quince" but true Quince is a different plant, Cydonia oblonga Miller. (Rosaceae). The fruit of C. lagenaria is edible but it is very bitter. The fruit gets more medicinal use than culinary use as it is believed to cure many ailments. The flowers of this species are typically pinkish-rose but the purely red form, form rubra, is very common also. There is also a white form called - "Snow" and I will post pictures of it in the "White Flowers Alternate" section of this website. A synonym for the species is C. speciosa (Sweet) Nakai.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Scrophulariaceae Stems - To +40cm tall, simple or branching above, multiple from slightly thickened roots, purple, hollow, hirsute.
Leaves - Basal leaves in rosette, oblanceolate, to +10cm long, +2cm broad. Cauline leaves to +10cm long, +1cm broad, linear-lanceolate, with prominent parallel venation, pubescent on veins below, pubescent above, sessile, reduced upward, three-lobed. Lobes linear. Central lobe more broad and long than lateral lobes.
Inflorescence - Compact spikes, elongating in fruit. Flowers subtended by colored foliaceous bracts. Flowers - Calyx tubular, to +2cm long, +/-5mm in diameter, pilose in lower half near base, pubescent in upper half near apex, laterally two lobed, colored at apex, pubescent internally. Lobes about 1/3 the length of calyx, truncate at apex. Corolla not showy, tubular, bilabiate, to +2.5cm long, longer than calyx. Upper lip galeate. Stamens 4, didynamous, adnate about middle of corolla tube, included in galea. Style filiform, to +2.5cm long, glabrous, exserted. Stigma somewhat biglobose. Ovary superior, green, glabrous, 4-5mm long, 2mm in diameter. Locules 2. Placentation axile. Septum with protrusion into locule, seeds (ovules) many. Capsule to 1cm long.
Flowering - April - July. Habitat - Pastures, prairies, wet meadows, glades, open woods, thickets, roadsides. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - It's hard not to notice the brilliant splash of colors these plants produce in the spring. The brilliant calyx and bract serve to draw attention to an otherwise dull corolla. Many insects are attracted to the plant. Steyermark lists two forms based on calyx and bract color. Form coccinea, shown above, has reddish coloration and is more common. Form lutescens Farw. has yellow or cream coloration. Here it is:
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Asclepiadaceae Stems - To +/-60cm tall, erect or ascending, herbaceous, hirsute and also with vertical lines of hairs from leaf bases, (the hairs small and curled), typically simple but branching near apex, from a woody crown.
Leaves - Mostly alternate but sometimes opposite by inflorescence, dense on the stems, short-petiolate. Petioles to 3mm long. Blades linear-oblong to linear-lanceolate, entire, acute, truncate at the base, often with slightly revolute margins, pubescent above, more so below, green above, lighter green below, to 10cm long, +/-2.5cm broad. Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary umbellate cymes with +/-25 flowers. Pedicels subtended by linear bracts to 1cm long, 1.2mm broad. Pedicels +/-2cm long, with antrorse pubescence, light green.
Flowers - Petals 5, orange, reflexed, 8-9mm long, 2.2mm broad, glabrous, acute. Hoods orange, glabrous, 5-6mm long, 1.5mm broad, distinct. Horns to 3mm long, orange. Column 3mm long(tall), greenish. Pollinia 2mm long, translator deep purple. Pistils 2, 2.1mm long, with a few antrorse hairs at apex. Follicles erect, to 15cm long, 1.5cm wide, pubescent. Seeds oval, to +5mm long, with coma.
Flowering - May - September. Habitat - Prairies, glades, open woods, disturbed sites, waste ground, roadsides, railroads. Also cultivated. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This plant is used much by gardeners wishing to attract butterflies to the area. The flowers produced copious amounts of nectar and the plant itself is eaten by the larva of Monarchs (Danaus plexippus) which indeed belong to the group of butterflies known as the "Milkweed Butterflies", family Danaidae. The butterflies store the cardiac glycosides produced by the plant and hence become distasteful and even dangerous to predators. Asclepias tuberosa is the only species of the genus in Missouri not to have the milky white juice so commonly associated with the genus. The subspecies most commonly found in this state is subsp. interior Woods., pictured above, which has leaves which are mostly cordate at the base. This subspecies has two forms. The red-flowered from (shown above) is form interior. Form lutea has yellow flowers and is rare in the state. This striking form is shown below:
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Ranunculaceae Stems - To +60cm tall, multiple from base, branching above, red to green, herbaceous, thin, glabrous to glandular pubescent in upper portions, sparsely pilose below.
Leaves - Basal leaves on long petioles, biternate. Petioles to +10cm long, sparse pilose to glabrous. Cauline leaves becoming sessile above. Leaflets lobed, deep green and glabrous above, glaucous below with some pubescence near base or not. Ultimate divisions obtuse at apex, with main veins coming together at apex forming tiny white tip.
Inflorescence - Single flowers from leaf axils on long peduncles, nodding. Flowers - Petals 5, spurred, yellowish at tip red for rest of length, +/-4cm long, expanded upper lip to 7mm broad. Sepals 5, reddish, yellow at apex, alternating with petals, to 2cm long, lanceolate. Stamens +20, of different lengths, those closer to pistil longer than outer. Filaments to +1.7cm long, flattened and expanded at base, glabrous. Anthers yellow, 2mm long and broad. Styles to 1.3cm long, filiform, glabrous. Ovaries 4, 5mm long, tomentose, pale yellow-green.
Fruit - Follicles to 3cm long, beaked. Flowering - April - July. Habitat - Rocky ledges, rocky slopes, low woods. Also cultivated. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - The spurs of the petals contain nectaries and are very attractive to insects equipped with long proboscises. This and other species of Aquilegia are highly cultivated and easy to grow. In Italian "Aquila" means "Eagle" and indeed the genus is so named because of the talon shaped spurs of the petals. Steyermark lists two forms for the plant in Missouri. Form canadensis, (pictured above), has the typical red and yellow corolla. Form flaviflora (Tenny) Britt. has a corolla which is completely yellow. This form is rare. Some cultivated forms have white or pink corollas and can be double flowered also.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Fabaceae Stems - Twining, thin, herbaceous, glabrous to appressed pubescent, terete, from rhizomes. Rhizomes often thickened into large tubers to +/-5cm in diameter. Leaves - Alternate, odd pinnate with 3-7 leaflets, stipulate. Stipules linear, 5-6mm long, pubescent. Petiole thickened at base for 6-7mm, glabrous to sparse appressed pubescent, to +/-6cm long, with adaxial groove. Leaflets on short petiolules to 4mm long. Lateral leaflets ovate to ovate-lanceolate, entire, with some cilia on margins, glabrous above, glabrous to sparse pubescent below, acute to acuminate, to +6cm long, +2.5cm broad. Terminal leaflet more broad than lateral leaflets, on petiolule to 1.5cm long.
Inflorescence - Axillary pedunculate racemes to +/-8cm long. Peduncles typically glabrous, to 5cm long. Pedicels to 4mm in flower, subtended by small pubescent bract, with prominent gland in axil with stem.
Flowers - Corolla papilionaceous. Standard reflexed, deep purplish-maroon internally, lighter externally, whitish at base, 1cm long, 1.1cm broad. Wings deep brownish-purple. Keel lighter than other petals, greatly incurved, apex of keel tucked against the standard. Stamens 10, diadelphous. Stamen tube(connected filaments) white, glabrous. Anthers yellowish, .2mm long. Ovary pale green, 5-6mm long, pubescent. Style coiled as keel petals, white with green at apex, pubescent. Calyx glabrous, tubular, bilabiate. Upper lip with 3 lobes. Central lobe acute, 1.8mm long, with sparse pubescence externally. Lateral two lobes smaller, .6mm long. Lower lip with two shallow lobes. All lobes with minutely lacerate margins. Calyx tube 3mm long, green with some reddish tinge, glabrous internally. Fruit to +/-6cm long, -1cm broad.
Flowering - June - September. Habitat - Wet meadows, streambanks, pond margins, moist woodlands. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - The plants thickened rhizome portions were a big hit amongst the Indians and used by settlers in this area. The rhizomes contain up to 3 times the protein of potatoes and can be boiled, fried, or roasted. The seeds are edible also. The plant is a fast growing perennial and, as stated above, prefers moist areas. I ate some of the rhizomes from this very plant while camping. I must admit, they could have used a little salt.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Caprifoliaceae Stems - Single or multiple from the base, erect, herbaceous, fistulose, to 1m tall, simple, with short glandular pubescence and longer non-glandular hairs.
Leaves - Opposite, sessile to perfoliate (the lower and middle leaves perfoliate). Blades widest near the apex, acuminate, entire, dull green above, lighter green abaxially, densely short-pubescent abaxially, less pubescent adaxially, to +20cm long, +8cm broad. Veins expressed abaxially.
Inflorescence - 1-6 sessile flowers in the leaf axils. Flowers - Corolla yellowish to reddish-purple, tubular, glandular pubescent externally, mostly glabrous internally, -2cm long, 5-lobed, gibbous at the base with a small reservoir for collecting nectar. Lobes rounded at the apex, 5-6mm long, 5mm broad. Stamens 5, alternating with the corolla lobes, attached along the entire length on the corolla tube, included. Filaments free for half their length (+/-5mm), pubescent, yellow. Anthers yellow, 4-5mm long. Style exserted, to 2cm long, pubescent, whitish to pale yellow. Stigma capitate, 4-lobed, 2-3mm broad. Ovary inferior, 3-4-locular, 3-4-seeded(?). Calyx lobes 5, spreading, linear, glandular and simple pubescent, typically reddish, accrescent, +/-1.5cm long, +/-2mm broad in flower. Calyx tube green, subglobose, densely glandular and simple pubescent, 3mm in diameter in flower, accrescent.
Flowering - May - July. Habitat - Dry open woods and thickets. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This attractive species can be found throughout Missouri except in the extreme southeastern corner of the state. The plant is quite stout and would make an interesting garden specimen. Many flying insects are attracted to the tubular flowers.
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