动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Rosaceae Stems - Woody, with dense straight prickles, hirsute, erect to clambering, to +1m tall. Prickles pubescent (at least at base).
Leaves - Alternate, odd-pinnate, with 5-7 leaflets. Stipules to 3cm long, 1cm broad, ciliate and glandular margined, glandular and pubescent below, glabrous above. Leaf rachis with prickles below, densely pubescent. Leaflets elliptic to rotund, crenate-serrate, glandular and pubescent below, glabrous and shiny above, rugose, 5-6cm long, 3-4cm broad.
Inflorescence - Single flowers from upper leaf axils. Peduncles to 1.7cm long, 3mm in diameter, densely glandular pubescent and non-glandular pubescent. Flowers - Petals 5, rose, 4.5cm broad, 4cm long, free, glabrous, emarginate to obcordate, scented. Stamens very many (+100). Filaments white, glabrous, 6-7mm long. Anthers yellow, 2.1mm long, 1.2mm broad. Sepals 5, alternating with petals, lanceolate, joined at base, densely glandular pubescent below, pubescent above and on margins. Hypanthium subglobose, somewhat flattened, glaucous to moderately covered with prickles. Seeds many, crinite, with a hornlike protrusion.
Flowering - May - September. Habitat - Cultivated and rarely escaped. Origin - Native to Asia. Other info. - I first read about R. rugosa in "This Old House Magazine", Sept./Oct. 1996. It's a great article and talks about the history and uses of the plant. Apparently the plant is quite popular on the island of Nantucket. Personally, I'm not a huge rose fan, but this plant is nice. Nice to look at perhaps, but don't touch it. The stems are dense with stiff prickles. They may not be hooked prickles, but they can do damage none the less.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Rosaceae Stems - Woody, erect, branching, to -1m tall but typically seen much less. New growth and last seasons twigs olive green, glabrous, with a few (to moderate) straight needle-like thorns.
Leaves - Alternate, odd-pinnate, stipulate. Stipules to +1cm long, entire, acuminate at the apex, with a few piose hairs and distinct red glands on the margins. Rachis of leaf with a few pilose hairs or glabrous. Leaflets typically 5. Lateral leaflets sessile, terminal leaflet stalked. All leaflets ovate to oblong-lanceolate, serrate, to +/-4cm long, +/-2cm broad, deep green and glabrous adaxially, light green and mostly glabrous abaxially but with a few hairs on the midrib or villous.
Inflorescence - Terminal single flower on new seasons growth. Pedicel to +/-1cm long, with a few stalked glands. Flowers - Fragrant. Petals 5, pinkish, glabrous, distinct, spreading, to +2.5cm long, +2cm broad at the apex, emarginate to notched at the apex. Stamens many (+50), spreading. Filaments yellow, glabrous, to 8mm long. Anthers yellow, to 3mm long. Carpels many, with yellow stigmas, slightly exserted from the hypanthium, densely pubescent. Sepals 5, reflexed in flower, long-attenuate, with moderate glandular and arachnoid pubescence abaxially, to -2cm long, with moderate white arachnoid pubescence adaxially and on the margins. Hypanthium green (light), with few to many stalked glands.
Flowering - May - June. Habitat - Open woods, glades, prairies, thickets, clearings, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This is a common species found throughout Missouri. The plant is variable in flower size, leaflets shape, and leaf pubescence. It grows well from seed and would make a good garden subject. Although there are approximately 15 species of roses growing wild in Missouri, this species and another, R. setigera Michx., make up the bulk of the native rose flora in the state.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Polygonaceae Stems - To -1m tall, glabrous, branching at base, erect, herbaceous, from taproot, typically reddish at nodes.
Leaves - Alternate, lanceolate to linear lanceolate, short-petiolate to sessile above, to +11cm long, +/-2cm broad, glabrous to sparse appressed pubescent, typically with purple splotch near middle of blade, entire. Ocrea appressed pubescent friged with cilia. Petioles to 6mm long, red, sparse appressed antrorse pubescent.
Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary racemes +3cm long, +/-1cm in diameter, dense. Bracts subtending flowers (ocreolae) with or without short cilia (-1mm) at summit. Flowers - Perianth pink to rose or typically whitish at anthesis, to 3.5mm long. Perianth parts glabrous, ovate to orbicular. Stamens 5, 1.7mm long, white, glabrous, adnate to base of perianth parts. Anthers pale yellow to white, .1mm broad. Styles typically 2, .8mm long, white, glabrous. Achenes typically 2-sided, black, shiny, to +/-2mm long.
Flowering - May - October. Habitat - Moist to wet waste ground, disturbed sites, meadows, streambanks, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to Europe. Other info. - This species is recognized by the characteristic purple splotch in the center of the leaf. The spot is not always present but typically is. The perianth is somewhat variable in color. The plant is common in the habitats mentioned above and is somewhat toxic. This species somewhat resembles P. cespitosum Bl. but the latter has a more rose-colored perianth and the bracts of the inflorescence have cilia which typically are longer than the flowers.
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