动态 (3585)
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Polygonaceae Stems - To +80cm tall, herbaceous, erect to ascending, widely branching at or near base, mostly glabrous but glandular pubescent near inflorescence, from big taproot.
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate, sheathing. Ocrea glabrous, NOT fringed. Petiole to 1.5cm long, glabrous. Blade typically lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous (or scabrous just on midrib), punctate below, entire, to 15cm long, +3cm wide, slightly decurrent on petiole. Margins antrorse strigillose. Inflorescence - Terminal and axillary racemes to 4-5cm long, 1.5cm thick. Peduncles glandular pubescent. Ocreolae NOT fringed. Pedicels to 2.5mm long, glabrous.
Flowers - Perianth segments 5, 3mm long, 2.1mm broad, broadly elliptic, glabrous, whitish-pink to white. Stamens 10, mostly included to barely exserted. Filaments to -3mm long, glabrous. Anthers pale pink to pinkish-rose. Styles 2, joined for about half their length, free above, whitish, glabrous. Stigmas globose. Ovary green, glabrous, compressed, rotund, .9mm in diameter. Mature achene brown, slightly 3-sided, -3mm in diameter, shiny, glabrous, with concave sides.
Flowering - May - October. Habitat - Moist to wet locations, gravel bars, disturbed sites, waste ground, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - The perianth of this species is variable between pink and white. Steyermark breaks the species apart into 3 varieties and 3 forms depending on leaf and stem pubescence and flower color. The plant described above is P. pensylvanicum var. laevigatum f. laevigatum. P. pensylvanicum var. laevigatum f. albineum Farw. has pure white flowers. Variety pensylvanicum has either leaves which are appressed pubescent below OR peduncles which are glabrous instead of the usual glandular pubescent. Regardless of which variety or form you find, this species resembles another species, P. bicorne Raf., which is much less common in Missouri.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Polygonaceae Stems - To 1.5m tall, herbaceous, erect, typically simple to branching above, rhizomatous, glabrous below, densely antrorse pubescent above, reddish-green. Leaves - Alternate, sheathing, petiolate. Ocrea large, antrorse appressed pubescent, NOT fringed at apex. Petiole to 2.5cm long, antrorse appressed pubescent, from around the midpoint of the ocrea. Blade to -20cm long, -6cm broad, entire, often undulate, sericeous, rounded to sub-cordate at base, acuminate, lanceolate to lance-elliptic or lance-ovate.
Inflorescence - Dense terminal spikes to +6cm long, 1.4cm in diameter, erect. Peduncles dense antrorse pubescent. Ocreolae fringed and pubescent, +/-1mm long.
Flowers - Perinath segments 5, rose-pink, to -4mm long, glabrous. Stamens typically 5, adnate at base of perianth segments. Filaments .5mm long, glabrous. Anthers pink, .6mm long. Styles 2, united in lower half, free above, well exserted, whitish-pink, 4-5mm long, glabrous. Stigmas capitate. Ovary compressed, glabrous, reddish-green, 1mm in diameter. Mature achene to 2.5mm in diameter, dark, shiny.
Flowering - June - October. Habitat - Pond and lake margins, stream banks, wet meadows, roadside ditches, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This is an attractive species can be found scattered throughout Missouri but is apparently absent from many of the counties in the Ozark region of the state. This is a variable and somewhat confusing species with many growth forms. This is what the aquatic form looks like:
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Fabaceae Stems - To +2m long, vining, twining, herbaceous, multiple from the base, branching, pubescent (a few hairs uncinate), angled in younger portions, typically semi-hollow.
Leaves - Alternate, stipulate, trifoliolate, petiolate. Stipules typically spreading, to +/-3mm long, subulate, acute, pubescent abaxially, glabrous adaxially, with ciliolate margins. Petioles to +/-9cm long, (thickened portion at base to 7mm long), puberulent. Petiolules of lateral leaflets to 4mm long, puberulent. Petiolule of terminal leaflet to +/-3cm long. Stiples on all leaflets to 1.5mm long. Lateral leaflets to 12cm long, 7cm broad, ovate but oblique, entire, acuminate. Terminal leaflet to 12cm long, +/-8cm broad, ovate, acuminate, entire. All leaflets deep green above, light green below, pubescent above, with uncinate hairs below which create a "velcro" effect when pressed against cloth and removed quickly.
Inflorescence - Axillary racemes or panicles to +15cm long. Axis puberulent with uncinate hairs. Pedicels to 8-9mm long in fruit, sparse puberulent. Each flower subtended by a small bract. Bract attenuate, to +/-3mm long, pubescent as the stipules. Flowers - Corolla papilionaceous, pinkish, fading to tan. Standard deflexed, to 1cm broad, hooded, glabrous or sparse pubescent externally, glabrous internally. Wings mostly spreading, 8-9mm long, lilac to pinkish. Keels curled back and touching the standard, lilac to pinkish, glabrous, enclosing the fertile floral organs. Stamens diadelphous, the tube white and glabrous. Anthers yellow, .7mm long. Ovary green, glabrous, compressed, 4mm long, subtended by a ringlike nectary, on a short stalk (to 1mm long). Style white, glabrous, 8mm long. Calyx bilabiate, puberulent. Tube to 2mm long, pubescent internally. Upper lip shallow and notched at the apex. Lower lip 3-lobed. Lobes acute, +/-1.2mm long.
Flowering - July - September. Habitat - Low and upland rocky woods, bluffs, slopes, thickets. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This attractive species can be found n the lower 1/2 of Missouri. The plant is easy to ID in flower because of its showy flowers and large leaves which stick to clothing and hair. The fruits of this species are relatively small but can be prepared just as the common bean, P. vulgaris L., which is also native to the U.S.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Fabaceae Stems - To -1m tall, simple or branching above, Multiple from base, erect to ascending, glabrous to densely villous, herbaceous.
Leaves - Alternate, odd-pinnate, stipulate, to -5cm long. Stipules linear, 5mm long. Leaflets typically 3-5, linear to linear-oblong, involute, opposite, -2cm long, 2mm broad, entire, sparse villous, glandular punctate below, subsessile or on very short petiolule to .7mm long. Petiole punctate glandular, villous, with adaxial groove. Inflorescence - Dense, indeterminate, cylindrical spikes to 7cm tall, 1.2cm in diameter, terminating stems. Each flower subtended by an apiculate bract to 5mm long, +/-2mm broad. Bracts cupped and pubescent below tip.
Flowers - Petals purplish-pink, clawed, connected to staminal column (column to 3mm long, white, glabrous), 4-6mm long, 1mm broad. Claws to -4mm long. Stamens 5, monodelphous. Filaments 5-6mm long, purplish. Anthers .9mm long, orange. Style 8-9mm long, white to pinkish, mostly glabrous but bearded below, filiform. Ovary 1.4mm long, pubescent at apex. Calyx tube to 3mm long, white, dense pubescent, 5-lobed. Lobes green acute, 1.2mm long, equal, dense pubescent.
Flowering - June - September. Habitat - Prairies, glades, open woods, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - At first glance the flowers and spikes of this plant appear somewhat uncharacteristic of most plants in the bean family. Closer examination reveals that indeed the plant is properly placed. This plant is common yet striking to look at. The foliage and stems can be glabrous or very pubescent and some authors split the species up into different varieties based on this and other characteristics. The plants are frequented by flying insects such as butterflies. Synonyms for the plant include P. purpureum and Dalea purpurea Vent.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Onagraceae Stems - To 50cm tall, herbaceous, simple, glabrous to pubescent, erect or spreading, from taproot, typically multiple from base.
Leaves - Alternate, sessile to very short-petiolate, to 10cm long, 4cm broad, dentate-serrate to pinnatifid, variable in shape from linear to obovate, pubescent.
Inflorescence - Single flowers upper leaf axils, often nodding before anthesis. Pedicels typically antrorse strigose, subtended by pair of linear-subulate bracts. Flowers - Corolla pinkish to whitish, to 6cm broad. Petals 4, to 4cm long, +3cm broad, broadly obovate, emarginate to obtuse at apex, yellowish at base, mostly distinct but joined at base into short tube. Stamens 8, adnate at base of corolla. Filaments pale yellow to typically white, +1cm long, filiform, glabrous. Anthers yellow, to 7mm long. Style to +2.5cm long, filiform, greenish near base, whitish at apex. Stigma 4 lobed, (the lobes spreading). Ovary inferior. Floral tube to +1cm long, antrorse strigose. Sepals 4, sharply reflexed to one side, Typically connate and free at apex for 1-2mm, glabrous, often with reddish margins, yellow-green, to +2cm long, +/-3mm broad at base, lanceolate to subulate.
Flowering - May - July. Habitat - Waste ground, disturbed sites, fields, slopes, open woods, roadsides, railroads. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This and other species of Oenothera typically flower in the pre-dawn hours and the flowers only stay open until hot direct sun hits them. This species has large and showy flowers and the species designation "speciosa" means "showy". The flowers are frequented by many insects but moths are the most common since the flowers are mostly open at night. O. speciosa is becoming common in cultivation and other color forms are being developed.
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Family - Rosaceae Stems - A small tree to 10m tall. Trunk to 30cm in diameter. Bark thin (-1cm thick), scaly, narrowly ridged, reddish-brown to brownish-gray. Older twigs with round lenticels, grayish-brown. New season's growth tomentose but quickly becoming glabrate. Previous season's twigs frequently tapering to a point and forming "thorns."
Leaves - Alternate, petiolate, tomentose when new but quickly glabrate. Petioles pilose, to +1.5cm long, frequently with a pair of linear stipules at the base. Stipules to 2mm long. Petioles with an adaxial groove. Blades ovate-lanceolate, crenate to crenate-serrate, green above, lighter below, with a few reddish glands on the midrib adaxially, to +6cm long, +3cm broad, blunt to acute at the apex. Inflorescence - 1-4 flowers terminating new season's growth. Pedicels to +/-2cm long, sparse to densely pubescent (pilose), green and reddish-green.
Flowers - Petals 5, spreading, pink to white, clawed, 2-2.5cm long total, +/-1cm broad (blade), rounded at the apex. Blade mostly glabrous, claw pilose and with pilose margins. Claw +/-5mm long. Margins of blade slightly erose. Stamens +/-20, well exserted, erect, borne at the apex of the hypanthium. Filaments to +/-1.3cm long, pink to white, glabrous. Anthers yellow to brown, 2mm long. Pollen yellow. Styles 5, borne at the base of the hypanthium, +/-1.3cm long, densely pilose in the basal 1/3, glabrous above, slightly expanded below the stigmas, translucent-white. Stigmas capitate, small. Ovary inferior, 5-carpellate, with 10 ovules. Hypanthium green, glabrous internally and externally, 3-4mm long, campanulate to cupulate, +2mm in diameter. Sepals 5, mostly glabrous and green externally, tomentose internally, subulate, 3-5mm long, to 2mm broad at the base, apiculate.
Flowering - April - May. Habitat - Lowland and upland woods and thickets of the Crowley Ridge. Also cultivated. Origin - Native to U.S. Other info. - This showy species is rare in Missouri and can be found wild in just one county from the bootheel of the state. It is much more common in cultivation and wild in states to the south and east. The plant can be identified by its ovate-lanceolate leaves, glabrous pedicels and hypanthia, whitish-pink flowers, and small fruits. The fruits of M. angustifolia are eaten by wildlife. Humans use the fruit to make jelly, preserves, and cider. The wood of the plant is hard and tough and is good for making tool handles and small items.
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