Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) are favorites in the home vegetable garden due to their versatility and flavor. Unfortunately, cucumbers and other cucurbits are prone to a number of diseases and pests. Several of these cause the leaves to yellow; proper identification of the culprit is necessary to curb the problem. [图片]General Care Healthy plants are less susceptible to pests and diseases, although not immune. The ideal site for cucumbers is one with full sun and an extremely fertile, well-drained soil with plenty of organic matter. Planting too early can cause issues, as well, as drastic changes in temperature from day to night can cause issues with plant production. Arthropod Pests Whiteflies and spider mites can cause the leaves of your cucumber vines to yellow, albeit differently. Whiteflies congregate on the undersides of leaves. The tops of leaves will become yellowish while a sooty mold will be underneath. When the cucumber vine is disturbed, these tiny, white insects disperse into a cloud of flying insects. Removing infested leaves can help curb their population and damage. Spider mites, on the other hand, cause yellow stippling of the leaves that can eventually result in completely yellow, then bronze, leaves. You may notice web-like materials on the undersides of leaves. In the case of either pest, spray a ready-to-use insecticidal soap over the entire plant, including the undersides of leaves. Insecticidal soaps must come in contact with the pests to be effective. Repeat every other week as needed; some insecticidal soaps are safe enough to use up to the day of harvest. Cucumber beetle infestations create other problems that create yellowing in plants like fusarium wilt. The green-yellow spotted cucumber beetle has a black head with black spots, while the striped cucumber beetle has black stripes on its wings. Both beetles attack the cucumber's foliage, runners and immature fruit, leaving holes or a skeletonized appearance. Remove the beetles by hand-picking and dumping into a container of soapy water. [图片]Fungal Diseases A few fungal diseases of cucumber can result in yellow leaves. Fusarium wilt, a soil-borne fungal disease which can be carried by cucumber beetles, causes plants to become stunted and yellow; the runners die slowly. Fungicides are not effective against this disease. Dig up and destroy any infected plants. In future years, rotate crops and select disease-resistant cucumber varieties. Downy mildew, another fungal disease, is caused by poor air circulation, wet and humid conditions, too much nitrogen fertilizer, weeds in the garden and lack of proper sunlight. Symptoms first appear as irregularly shaped yellow spots on the upper part of leaves and a powdery mold on the undersides. Thin out leaves and plants to improve air circulation to avoid the problem, avoid overhead irrigation and remove infected plants to reduce the risk of spread. When removing infected plants from the garden, be sure not to spread the disease through handling healthy plants or through infected tools. Sterilize your tools by wiping them off with alcohol before using them on unaffected plants and wash your hands. Many varieties of cucumbers are resistant to this common disease. Nutritional and Environmental Issues Cucumbers are heavy feeders, meaning they may need more fertilizer or organic matter in the soil than other veggies. Pale, yellowing leaves may be a sign of nitrogen deficiency. If this is the case, apply 1 tablespoon of high-nitrogen fertilizer, such as 33-0-0, around each cucumber hill one week after blooms develop; repeat in three weeks. Water thoroughly after fertilizing. Another issue may be low levels of sunlight reaching certain leaves. If the lower leaves are yellowing, consider clipping a few of the upper leaves on the vine to allow more sunlight and air circulation to this part of the plant.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
很多人都特别喜欢在家里放写鲜花,一来可以美化家中环境,其次可以使家里的空气更加清新、优雅,因为每个人都喜欢充满自然气息的生活环境,所以在家里摆放几盆鲜花,也成了大众人的嗜好,可是很多花都有毒性,并不适合摆放在居室内,下面就一起来看看有毒的花有哪些? [图片]1.夹竹桃 夹竹桃又名柳叶桃,夹竹桃科多年生木本植物。其茎、叶、皮含有夹竹桃苷、生物碱等有毒物质,经常接触或误食极易引起中毒,严重者危及生命。(夹竹桃:又名水甘草,原产印度,现我国各地均有栽培。茎高十余尺,叶革质,线状披针形,常三叶轮生。夏日开花,红或白色,聚伞花序,有单瓣和复瓣之变化。 2.曼陀罗 曼陀罗又名曼罗花、洋金花等,茄科一年生或多年生草本植物。其叶、花、种子毒性较大(含托品类生物碱等),误食会导致神经性中毒,严重者危及生命。果实有剧毒。 3.夜来香 夜来香又名夜丁香等,茄科多年生木本植物。其花、叶在夜间吐放的浓香气味(含丁香生物碱等毒素),容易使人头晕、失眠、甚至气喘、胸闷、全身不适。因此,不宜将此花摆在卧室、客厅。 4.飞燕草 飞燕草又名翠雀花等,毛莨科一年生草本植物。其茎叶种子含有毒性较大的萜生物碱等成分,误食会导致神经系统中毒。 5.花叶万年青 花叶内含有草酸和天门冬素,误食后则会引起口腔、咽喉、食道、胃肠肿痛,甚至伤害声带,使人变哑。 6.含羞草 含羞草又名知羞草,豆科多年生草本植物。其全株含有羞草碱等有毒成分,接触过多会引起眉毛稀疏、毛发变黄,严重者还会引起毛发脱落。 7.虞美人 虞美人又名丽春花等,为罂粟科一年生草本植物。它的全株含有生物碱等多种毒素,果实毒性尤大。误食会引起抑制中枢神经系统中毒,严重者危及生命。 8.一品红 一品红又名猩猩草等,为大戟科多年生半木本植物。其枝叶含有的白红色液汁(含茶酚、生物碱等毒素)毒性较大,若触及皮肤会引发过敏性反应。 9.郁金香 郁金香花中含有毒碱。人在这种花丛中呆上两小时就会头昏脑胀,出现中毒症状,严重者可有毛发脱落。 10.水仙花 水仙花其鳞茎内含有拉丁可毒素,误食后会引起呕吐、肠炎。叶和花的汁液可使皮肤红肿,特别当心不要把这种汁涂弄到眼睛里去。 11.石蒜 石蒜又名曼珠沙华、彼岸花、蟑螂花,可以说是鼎鼎大名。内含石蒜生物碱,全株有毒,种子毒性更大,主要含萜生物碱。如果误食会引起神经系统中毒,严重的发生痉挛、呼吸衰竭而亡。 12.马蹄莲 马蹄莲花有毒,内含大量草本钙结晶和生物碱等,误食会引起昏迷等中毒症状。 13.南天竹 南天竹又名天竹,全株有毒,主要含天竹碱、天竹苷等,误食会引起全身抽搐、痉挛、昏迷等中毒症状。 14.毛白杜鹃 毛白杜鹃又名白毛杜鹃,为杜鹃花科多年生木本植物。其花含有四环二萜类毒素,经常接触,极易引起呕吐、呼吸困难、四肢麻木等病症。黄色杜鹃花也同样有毒。 15.香豌豆 香豌豆又名花豌豆,豆科一年生草本植物。其种子及花期的茎叶含有毒氨基酸等有毒成分,误食极易导致脊髓功能障碍。 16.松柏 此类花木所散发出来的芳香气味对人体的肠胃有刺激作用,如闻之过久,不仅影响人的食欲,而且会使孕妇感到心烦意乱,恶心欲吐,头晕目眩。 17.紫荆花 此花所散发出来的花粉接触过久,会诱发哮喘症或使咳嗽状加重。 18.仙人掌 仙人掌类植物刺内含有毒汁,人体被刺后会引起皮肤红肿疼痛、瘙痒等过敏性症状,导致全身难受,心神不定。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
竹:彰显气节,虽不粗壮,但却正直,坚韧挺拔;不惧严寒酷暑,万古长青。 竹是君子的化身,是“四君子”中的君子。 竹之七德 竹身形挺直,宁折不弯;是曰正直。 竹虽有竹节,却不止步;是曰奋进。 竹外直中空,襟怀若谷;是曰虚怀。 竹有花不开,素面朝天;是曰质朴。 竹超然独立,顶天立地;是曰卓尔。 竹虽曰卓尔,却不似松;是曰善群。 竹载文传世,任劳任怨;是曰担当。 [图片]那竹子开花寓意是什么,竹子开花的原因及解救方法有哪些呢? 竹子开花吗? 由于竹子的种类不同,开花周期长短也不一样,这也是受遗传性的影响,同时与自然环境也有关。有的竹子十几年、几十年才开花,如牡竹、版纳甜竹需要30年左右才开花,茨竹、马甲竹需要32年才开花,箣竹属有的种类需要80多年才开花;有的甚至长达百年才开花,如桂竹需要120年才开花。当然,也有少数例外,如群蕊竹、线痕箣竹,一年左右开一次花;而唐竹、孝顺竹,则开花无规律性。 竹子开花就会死的原因: 为什么竹子开花后成片枯死呢?这是人们长期感到迷惑不解的问题,科学家对此也持有不同观点。有的科学家认为,竹子生长到一定的年龄,必然会出现衰老,为繁衍后代,在生命结束之前开花、结果。他们作了如下解释:植物的根、茎、叶叫做营养器官,它们的生长称为营养生长;植物的花、果实、种子叫生殖器官,它们的生长称为生殖生长。 植物的开花习性可分为两大类:一类是一次开花植物,如稻、麦、竹子等;另一类是多次开花植物,如苹果、梨等。一次开花植物一生就开一次花,其特点是,生长前期营养生长占优势,当营养生长达到一定阶段后,生殖生长就渐渐转向优势,最后开花结实。因为开花结实要消耗掉大量的有机养料,而这些养料来自根、茎、叶,所以开花结实后,营养器官中贮存的养料大部分被消耗,不能再生活下去,就逐渐枯死了。一次开花植物小麦和水稻是这样,当然竹子也不例外。 [图片]竹子开花,使竹鞭和竹竿贮藏的养分被消耗尽,多数种类,如毛竹、梨竹等,开花后地上和地下部分全部枯死。但是,像斑竹、桂竹、雅竹等少数竹种,开花后地上部分死亡,而地下部分的芽仍能复壮更新;也有个别竹种如水竹、花竹等,开花后植株叶片仍保持绿色,地下部分也不枯死。不过,应尽快砍去花枝,以减少营养消耗,从而保证竹林的正常生长。 竹子开花预防: 竹子开花一年四季都可以发生,但还因竹种不同而异,一般花期在4至5月换叶的时候。开花前,竹株或竹丛常会出现一些反常现象,如生长减弱,出笋量明显下降,竹笋很少甚至不出笋,竹叶变为枯黄色或全部脱落,小枝上生出短小变形的变态叶,植株矮小发黄,很难抽生枝叶等,都是竹子要开花的征兆。发现竹子出现开花预兆就得开始做好预防工作: 1、加强抚育管理,采取松土、施肥、盖土、浇水等措施改善水肥条件,防治病虫为害,为竹子创造适宜的生长环境,促进营养生长,使之不断生鞭发笋,有可能推迟竹林或竹丛的衰老成熟,抑制开花结实。 2、不断挖去竹蔸和较老的竹鞭,及时砍去较老的竹株,经常保持竹株个体幼龄化。当竹林出现个别竹株开花时,及时挖掉开花的竹株,挖出老鞭,并进行全面松土,每亩施10公斤尿素,可推迟和抑制开花。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
含羞草的叶子如果用手触摸、浇水或遇台风,便会蜷缩起来。就好象在向人鞠躬一样。是个彬彬有礼的植物。因此,它的花语是“礼貌”。凡是受到这种花祝福而诞生的人,是个行为规距、受年长者喜爱的人。但是却让同侪有张惧之感,所以应该偶尔放松一下自己,因为过于严肃规矩,连异性也会惧而不敢亲近。你知道含羞草为什么会害羞吗? [图片]一、含羞草简介 中文名:含羞草学名:Mimosapudica别名:见笑草、感应草、喝呼草、知羞草、怕丑草、怕羞草和夫妻草科:豆科Fabaceae属:含羞草属Mimosa 产地分布:含羞草原产于美洲热带地区,现已扩散至世界许多地方。由于生长力顽强,在不少国家都被当成野草处理。 形态特征:多年生草本植物。花为粉红色,形状似绒球。开花后结荚果,果实呈扁圆形。叶为羽毛状复叶互生,呈掌状排列,受到外界触动时,叶柄下垂,小叶片合闭。 二、含羞草为什么会害羞 其实,含羞草这种收起叶柄,并且把头低下的现象并不是因为害羞,而是植物受到刺激和震动后的一种反应。这种反应在生物学上称为感性运动,是含羞草受到外界刺激后,细胞紧张改变的结果。 含羞草的老家在热带南美洲的巴西,那里常有大风大雨。每当第一滴雨打着叶子时,它会立即把叶片闭合,叶柄下垂,以减轻狂风暴雨对它的伤害。这是它适应外界环境条件变化的一种方法。另外,含羞草的这种反应也可以看作是一种自卫方式,动物稍一碰它,它就合拢叶子,动物也就不敢再吃它了。 [图片]含羞草害羞的原因与它的原生环境密切相关。含羞草原产自热带南美,那里气候恶劣,常有狂风暴雨肆虐。为了保护好自己,当第一滴雨水打落在含羞草叶片上时,它就会及时有效地迅速闭合叶片,垂下叶柄,避免了暴风雨的伤害,这也就是生物界的自适应性。 在叶柄基部和复叶的小叶基部,都有一个比较膨大的部分,叫做叶枕。当震动传到叶枕时,叶枕的上半部薄壁细胞里的细胞液,被排出到细胞间隙中,使叶枕上半部细胞的膨压降低,而下半部薄壁细胞间隙仍然保持原来的膨压,结果引起小叶片的直立,两个小叶片闭合起来,甚至于整个叶子垂下来。 有人做过研究,含羞草在受到刺激后的0.088秒钟内,叶子就会闭合,稍过一段时间,小叶子又重新展开,叶柄也竖立起来。恢复的时间一般为5~10分钟。但是,如果我们继续逗弄,接连不断地刺激它的叶子,它就会产生“厌烦”之感,不再发生任何反应。这是因为连续的刺激使得叶枕细胞内控制开合的细胞液流失了,不能及时得到补充的缘故。很有意思吧! 以上就是小编介绍的含羞草为什么会害羞的原因,这回你知道了含羞草害羞的原因了吧。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
春兰 空山幽谷是故乡,叶重色凝锁春光。但得案头多繁茂,无尽墨绿透叶长。 夏竹 青枝蔓叶多修长,做笛笙萧编箩筐。惟有独立添色彩,雅俗共赏不寻常。 秋菊 花繁蕊秀着素装,层层叠叠自风凉。莫道秋霜染秋色,恰似缤纷看叶黄。 冬梅 冰清玉洁多冷霜,唯有如故暗飘香。雪压枝头苦争春,花开时节妒群芳。 [图片]关于梅兰竹菊对梅兰竹菊的诗一般的感受,是以深厚的民族文化精神为背景的。梅兰竹菊,占尽春夏秋冬,中国文人以其为"四君子",正表现了文人对时间秩序和生命意义的感悟。梅高洁傲岸,兰幽雅空灵,竹虚心有节,菊冷艳清贞。中国人在一花一草、一石一木中负载了自己的一片真情,从而使花木草石脱离或拓展了原有的意义,而成为人格襟抱的象征和隐喻。 一、梅兰竹菊的象征意义之梅 咏物诗中,很少有以百首的篇幅来咏一种事物的,而对梅花完成"百咏"的诗人最多。梅花最令诗人倾倒的气质,是一种寂寞中的自足,一种"凌寒独自开"的孤傲。它不屑与凡桃俗李在春光中争艳,而是在天寒地冻、万木不禁寒风时,独自傲然挺立,在大雪中开出繁花满树,幽幽冷香,随风袭人。 从梅花的这一品性中,中国诗人们看到了自己的理想人格模式,就是那样一种"冲寂自妍,不求识赏"的孤清,所以诗人常用"清逸"来写梅花的神韵,如宋代"梅妻鹤子"的林和靖那著名的诗句:"疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏"。"清逸"不仅是古代隐士的品格,而且是士大夫的传统文化性格。梅花所表现的正是诗人共有的一种品质,因而诗人倍加珍爱。 梅花以清癯见长,象征隐逸淡泊,坚贞自守。那"高标独秀"的气质,倜傥超拔的形象,使诗人带着无限企慕的心情,以一往情深的想象,盼望与梅花在一起深心相契的欢晤:"雪满山中高士卧,月明林下美人来。"梅花的冷香色,含蕴着道德精神与人格*守的价值,因而深为诗人所珍视。 [图片]二、梅兰竹菊的象征意义之兰 空谷生幽兰,兰最令人倾倒之处是"幽",因其生长在深山野谷,才能洗净那种绮丽香泽的姿态,以清婉素淡的香气长葆本性之美。这种不以无人而不芳的"幽",不只是属于林泉隐士的气质,更是一种文化通性,一种"人不知而不愠"的君子风格,一种不求仕途通达、不沽名钓誉、只追求胸中志向的坦荡胸襟,象征着疏远污浊政治、保全自己美好人格的品质。兰花从不取媚于人,也不愿移植于繁华都市,一旦离开清幽净土,则不免为尘垢玷污。因此,兰花只适宜于开在人迹罕至的幽深所在,只适宜于开在诗人们的理想境界中。 宋人郑思肖在南宋灭亡之后,隐居吴中(今苏州),为表示自己不忘故国,坐卧都朝南方。常画"露根兰",笔墨纯净,枝叶萧疏,兰花的根茎园艺,不着泥土,隐喻大好河山为异族践踏,表现自己不愿生活在元朝的土地上,不与统治者同流合污的气节。寥寥数笔,却笔笔血泪。倪瓒曾为其题诗:"只有所南心不改,泪泉和墨写《离骚》。"所以,诗人爱兰咏兰画兰,是透过兰花来展现自己的人格襟抱,在兰花孤芳自赏的贞洁幽美之中,认同自己的一份精神品性。 明月如霜,好风如水,凉爽的闲庭中,翠竹依阶低吟,挺拔劲节,清翠欲滴,婆娑可爱,既有梅凌寒傲雪的铁骨,又有兰翠色长存的高洁,并以它那"劲节"、"虚空"、"萧疏"的个性,使诗人在其中充分玩味自己的君子之风。它的"劲节",代表不屈的节*;它的"虚空",代表谦逊的胸怀,它的"萧疏",代表诗人超群脱俗。三、梅兰竹菊的象征意义之竹 竹在清风中簌簌的声音,在夜月下疏朗的影子,都让诗人深深感动,而竹于风霜凌厉中苍翠俨然的品格,更让诗人引为同道,因而中国文人的居室住宅中大多植有竹子。王子酞说:"何可一日无此君!"苏东坡说:"宁可食无肉,不可居无竹。无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。人瘦尚可肥,士俗不可医。"朴实直白的语言,显示出那悠久的文化精神已深入士人骨髓。 四、梅兰竹菊的象征意义之菊 如果说,冬梅斗霜冒雪,是一种烈士不屈不挠的人格,春兰空谷自适,是一种高士遗世独立的情怀,那么,秋菊财兼有烈士与高士的两种品格。晚秋时节,斜阳下,矮篱畔,一丛黄菊傲然开放,不畏严霜,不辞寂寞,无论出处进退,都显示出可贵的品质。 两千多年以来,儒道两种人格精神一直影响着中国的士大夫,文人多怀有一种"穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下"的思想。尽管世事维艰,文人心中也有隐退的志愿,但是,那种达观乐天的胸襟,开朗进取的气质,使他们始终不肯放弃高远的目标,而菊花最足以体现这种人文性格。咏菊的诗人可以上溯到战国时代的屈原,而当晋代陶渊明深情地吟咏过菊花之后,千载以下,菊花更作为士人双重人格的象征而出现在诗中画里,那种冲和恬淡的疏散气质,与诗人经历了苦闷彷徨之后而获得的精神上的安详宁静相契合。因而对菊花的欣赏,俨然成为君子自得自乐、儒道双修的精神象证。 通过对梅兰竹菊的象征意义的了解,你感觉你是四君子中的哪一位呢?梅兰竹菊各有各的品质,也希望你兼备四君子的精神品质。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
令箭荷花花色品种繁多,以其娇丽轻盈的姿态,艳丽的色彩和幽郁的香气,深受人们喜爱。以盆栽观赏为主,在温室中多采用品种搭配,可提高观赏效果。用来点缀客厅、书房的窗前、阳台、门廊,为色彩、姿态、香气俱佳的室内优良盆花。 [图片]在人们的印象中,跟“荷花”挂钩的花卉是长在水中的,但令箭荷花是个例外,那令箭荷花到底长什么样,还不好看,用来布置家居可以吗,我们了解下: 令箭荷花的形态特征: 间有短刺,单花生于茎先端两侧,花大呈钟状,花被张开并翻卷,花丝、花柱弯曲,花色有紫、红、粉、黄、白等色。花期春夏季白天开放,单花开放1~2天。本属两种,另一种小花令箭荷花(N·phyllanthoides)花小,着花繁密。 附生类仙人掌植物,茎直立,多分枝,群生灌木状,高约50~100厘米。植株基部主干细圆,分枝扁平呈令箭状,绿色。茎的边缘呈钝齿形。齿凹入部分有刺座,具0.3~0.5厘米长的细刺。扁平茎中脉明显突出。花从茎节两侧的刺座中开出,花筒细长,喇叭状的大花,白天开花,夜晚闭合,一朵花仅开1~2天,花色有紫红、大红、粉红、洋红、黄、白、蓝紫等,夏季白天开花,花期为4~6月。果实隗椭圆形红色浆果,种子黑色。 令箭荷花的生长习性: 令箭荷花,喜温暖湿润的环境,忌阳光直射,耐干旱,耐半阴,怕雨淋,要求肥沃、疏松、排水良好的中性或微酸性的砂质壤土。生长期最适温度20~25℃,花芽分化的最适温度在10~15℃之间,冬季温度不能低于5℃,花期4月。 令箭荷花应该栽培在疏松肥沃而且排水良好的土壤中,而且它喜肥,生长期要多施肥,才可以让它按时开花,开出美丽的花。它适合在温暖湿润的环境生存,不要让阳台直射,耐干旱怕雨,虽然喜欢湿润,但是种植令箭荷花的土壤还是要求偏干一点,否则会引起根部霉烂。 令箭荷花花色品种繁多,花色艳丽,而且花朵比较大,一般在盛夏时节开花,是窗前、阳台和门厅点缀的佳品,所以如果喜欢令箭荷花的不妨考虑一下。 [图片]令箭荷花的欣赏价值: 令箭荷花花色品种繁多,以其娇丽轻盈的姿态,艳丽的色彩和幽郁的香气,深受人们喜爱。以盆栽观赏为主在温室中多采用品种搭配,可提高观赏效果。用来点缀客厅、书房的窗前、阳台、门廊,为色彩、姿态、香气俱佳的室内优良盆花。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Unlike most other vegetables, asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) is a perennial, and plants can produce for as long as 20 years or longers after the first harvest. That first harvest is a long time in coming, however, because it doesn't occur until three years after seeds are planted. That's why most gardeners plant crowns instead of seeds; it cuts the time to the first harvest by a year. Asparagus grows well in U.S. Department of Agriculture zones 2 through 8. People in colder climates benefit by planting 'Guelph Millennium,' a variety that emerges late, while those in warmer climates should plant 'Apollo' or 'UC-157,' which produce before the onset of hot weather. 'Jersey Knight' is a hybrid that grows especially well in USDA zones 4 through 6. Germinating and Transplanting Asparagus seeds take a long time to germinate, which is one reason many gardeners prefer to grow the plants from crowns. Depending on the temperature of the soil, it can take asparagus seeds up to two months to germinate. Time the planting to be ready to transplant the shoots 10 to 12 weeks later. The best time to plant the shoots is in early spring, after all danger of frost has passed. Asparagus thrives in cool temperatures and full sun, and the pH of the soil should be between 6.5 and 7.5. Gardeners should perform a soil test approximately six months before planting the asparagus as it takes this long to adjust the soil's pH. If the soil's pH tests too high, apply 1/4 pound of sulfur for every 100 square feet of garden bed. If the results of the soil test states the pH is too low, adjust by applying 5 pounds of lime for every 100 square feet of garden bed. [图片]Step 1 Soak seeds for two hours prior to sowing. Step 2 Place each seed in a separate 2-inch pot filled with sterile sowing mix. Sow the seed 1/4 inch below the surface. Make sure the container has bottom drain holes so it doesn't retain too much moisture and the seeds rot. Step 3 Place the pots in a warm place and keep the soil moist. Sprouts should appear in two to eight weeks, depending on the soil temperature; they'll sprout faster if the soil is warm. [图片]Step 4 Prepare a well-draining soil bed by removing all the weeds and working in 1 to 2 pounds of 5-10-10 fertilizer per 100 square feet. Water the fertilizer into the soil after applying. Transplant the shoots into holes about 4 inches deep and cover the crown with more soil as it grows. Space holes in each row 18 inches apart, and space rows 3 to 6 feet apart. Care and Maintenance Step 1 Fertilize the plants in the early spring, using 1 to 2 cups of 5-10-10 fertilizer per 10 feet of row, which amounts to a handful of fertilizer per plant. The best time to do this is after you've finished harvesting the spears. Avoid high-nitrogen fertilizers, as well as "hot" ones like hog, sheep or poultry manure. Instead, use bone meal and high dolomitic limestone. Water the fertilizer into the soil after applying. Step 2 Give each plant 1 inch of water every week. To help plants retain moisture, mulch them with straw. Mulch also helps control weeds and protects young shoots in the event of a late frost. Even with mulch, it's important to control weeds growing around the young plants by pulling them by the roots. Weeds will gradually get fewer as the asparagus plants grow and become bushier. Step 3 Trim the ferns down to about 2 inches in the late fall using hand pruners and throw them away to help prevent disease and control pests, such as the asparagus beetle, which overwinters in the top fronds. If pests aren't a problem, consider leaving the fronds -- they transfer energy to the roots. Harvesting It takes three years for asparagus plants to be strong enough to harvest. If the plant is growing vigorously, spears will appear in the first spring after planting, and for about two weeks you can break these off if they grow longer than 4 inches. That encourages the plant to produce more. In the second year, extend this harvest period to four weeks, and in the third year, extend it to six weeks. In the fourth year, when the plant is mature, you can harvest spears for up to eight weeks.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Cucumbers are one of the less finicky producers in a summer garden. With the right conditions, they tend to grow rather quickly and will be ripe and ready to eat within six weeks. Obtaining the right conditions for a long cuke over a stunted, rounded or crumpled one isn't that difficult if you pay attention to the details. [图片]Know the Type of Cucumber You're Getting You can choose vining cucumbers, perfect for container gardening or small gardens, or bush cucumbers. A vining cucumber loves a trellis to hold onto as it searches for higher ground with tiny tendrils. These are easier to pick and can be more prolific in their production than the bush variety. There are three main types to choose from: pickling, burpless (a less bitter variety) and slicing. Choose one that works best with your temperature and sun exposure. Your local gardening group or collective will be able to tell you the exact best cucumber to grow in your area and may also hook you up with the proper fertilizer to get them growing long and green rather than stout, spotted and curled. Some cucumbers were bred to be different, round or bulbous, such as the lemon cucumber, which looks like a tennis ball with stripes. Know what to expect when you choose your cucumber so you don't panic if it leans more toward yellow, such as the tasty Chinese yellow cucumber. Why Cucumbers Become Round If you notice your cucumber becoming misshapen before it's ready to pick, there are a few ways to remedy the situation. Cucumbers need a lot of water, as well as good drainage, to keep them perky and perfectly formed over the weeks of growing. If you notice your cucumbers beginning to bend, check your fertilizer. A good rule for a fertilizer is a 10-7-7 mix of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Ensure that they aren't struggling to find sun exposure. If they have to work to get at least six hours of full sun, they may get weak and have a hard time producing. If the temperatures get to boiling, it can kill pollen and keep your crop from getting proper pollination. You can take a small paint brush and spread the pollen from bloom to bloom to give your plant a boost. [图片]How to Grow Great Cucumbers You can start cucumbers by seed indoors three to four weeks before you plan to put them in the ground. Once the soil is above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, you can transplant your seedlings or put seeds straight in the ground. Don't crowd your cukes. Plant seeds 36 inches apart at least as they like to spread their umbrella-like leaves. Vines can be placed a foot apart if they have a trellis to lean on. Cucumbers love it loose, so don't pack them into tight spots with hard soil. A nice, light sandy soil is preferred. A good mix of compost worked into the top two inches of the soil before planting will make the soil a happy home for cucumbers. If you have clay soil, you can add peat or compost to make it more hospitable. Add more compost to your soil after new shoots appear, about a month after initial planting. Make sure the area you plant in has good drainage because cucumbers do not like to get their feet wet and are susceptible to root rot if left in standing water for too long.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The definition of a vegetable is any edible portion of a plant that does not include a sweet fruit or seed. Vegetables typically consist of leafy, root and stem sections of plants; however, some plants labeled as vegetables are fruits by botanical definition. These mislabeled fruits are plants that contain seeds, but for culinary purposes, are vegetables because the plants lack sweetness. Tomatoes [图片]Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetables grown in home gardens, according to the University of Illinois. This warm season perennial has hundreds of cultivars in numerous shapes, sizes and colors. Tomatoes originate from South America and belong to the Solanaceae plant family. Tomatoes plants fall into two categories: determinate and indeterminate. Determinate tomato plants develop flower clusters that stop the growth of the plant vertically. Indeterminate tomato plants form lateral flower clusters that prevent horizontal growth but allow vertical. Some tomato plants need caging or staking because of the weight of the plant. Peppers [图片]Peppers are tender vegetables planted as warm season crops and are native to Mexico, Central and South America. These multi-purpose seed-containing vegetables belong to the Solanaceae plant family. Peppers come in multiple sizes and shapes including species like bell, sweet and hot peppers. Bell peppers include bell boy and lady bell cultivars. Sweet peppers used in salads are banana peppers and gypsy. Hot peppers entail varieties like jalapeno, red chili and cayenne. Peppers enjoy well-draining fertile soil with ample moisture. Eggplants [图片]Eggplants are part of the Solanaceae plant family. These purple and white colored cold-seasoned vegetables are native to India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladeshis. Eggplants come in many varieties including large oval-shaped, elongated and small oval-shaped. Smaller species have the ability to grow in containers. Eggplants require a nitrogen-based fertilizer with plenty of moisture. These seed-bearing vegetables enjoy the hot conditions of summer and need a long growing season. Two typical problems with eggplant crops are the verticillium wilt, a plant disease, and flea beetles. Cucumbers [图片]Cucumbers are warm-seasoned vegetables that originate from India. This dark green cylindrical vegetable from the Cucurbitaceae family develops from creeping vines. Cucumbers come in many varieties including long green slicing, compact long green slicing and pickling. Burpless is a long green slicing hybrid cucumber that takes 62 days to harvest, fanfare is a compact long green slicing hybrid that is disease resistant, and Carolina is a medium-sized pickling cucumber. Cucumbers also come in an assortment of dwarf cultivars. Cucumbers have shallow roots; therefore, they need plenty of moisture.
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