Miss Chen
Miss Chen
A few bok choy (Brassica rapa var. chinensis) flowers before the harvest don't have to mean total failure. The flower stalks indicate the first stages of the end of life for this cool-season vegetable, meaning no more leaves for the harvest. When the first yellow flowers appear, you have a few options to make the best of the situation. [图片]Harvest the Crop When one or two bok choy plants send up a flower stalk, the rest of the plants generally aren't far behind. At this point, harvest the rest of the bok choy plants by cutting each plant at the base, slightly above the soil line, with a knife. Cut carefully away from yourself to avoid injury. Disinfect the harvest knife in hot, soapy water or a solution of 1 part rubbing alcohol to 1 part water. Use bok choy fresh or store it in the refrigerator for two to three weeks. Pick the Flowers The bok choy's edible flowers taste best right before they open. If your bok choy crop is starting to produce elongated stalks and flowers from the center of each plant, pluck off the flower stalks and add them to salads. If the plant has only just begun to flower, you may still get a leaf crop. Pick a few leaves and taste them. If they're woody, pick the rest of the flowers and toss the plants on the compost pile. Otherwise, harvest the best tender leaves and flower stalks before discarding the plants. Collect the Seeds When bok choy flowers, you can harvest the seeds. Allow a group of plants to remain standing -- ideally two to three or more for pollination purposes -- until the flowers turn into seed pods. As the seeds mature, the pods turn from green to brown as they dry out. Cut off the pods and put them in a paper bag for a few weeks then break open the pods and dump the seeds into a separate paper bag. Store them in a dry spot until next planting season. Properly stored seeds can remain viable for up to five years. [图片]Prevent Flowering Bok choy bolts -- flowering and then going to seed -- rapidly in hot weather but you can slow the process by growing them from seed in late summer and early fall. In mild climates, plant bok choy in late fall and grow it through the winter. Bolting also occurs when optimal spring temperatures turn cold for a prolonged period and then suddenly warm again. Plants that are larger and more mature are affected the most by these changes in temperatures. You can even grow bok choy through the winter even in areas with mild frosts. Bolting is less likely to occur by planting transplants that haven't been stressed, keeping the garden weed-free and maintaining consistent water practices. Also, look for bolt-resistant varieties like "Joi-choi" and "Chin-Chiang." Before you plant, keep in mind that this plant can spread invasively in some areas.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
可观赏可食用的灯笼椒美味吃法 灯笼椒,是辣椒属(Capsicum)植物,肉质厚而柔软的辣椒。果形较大,蓬松,颜色各异,一般钟状,有沟纹,可做沙拉或菜肴。可观赏也可食用,观赏期达半年之久。灯笼椒适应性强,栽培容易与一般椒类相同,但在生长期要注意枯萎病的防治。下面小编为大家介绍一下灯笼椒以及灯笼椒的做法。 [图片]一、灯笼椒营养成分 以每100克灯笼椒为单位,热量是18kcal左右,营养成分为:水分:94.5克蛋白质:1.1克脂肪:0.3克碳水化合物:2.9克纤维:1.0克其它营养:钙、磷、铁、胡萝卜素、维生素C&P其功能:去湿、舒缓神经、解毒利尿、防止坏血病等,常吃可令皮肤细腻洁白及增强身体抵抗力,更可令发质乌黑亮丽,及减轻皮肤因受太阳暴晒而导致的黑色素斑点。 二、灯笼椒的做法 油焖青椒 材料 青椒(尖椒),生抽,盐 做法 1.青椒洗净去根蒂去籽,用刀背压扁2.炒锅烧热放油,转小火放入青椒微煎,上盖焖2分钟左右,翻面继续焖,直到青椒皮起皱变软,放适量盐,生抽,加少量水上盖焖至青椒入味熟透即可 小诀窍 青椒与苦瓜同食,可以使人体吸收的营养更全面,而且还有美容养颜,瘦身健体的效果。青椒与空心菜同食,有降低血压、止痛消炎的作用。青椒与肉类同食,可以促进人体对营养的消化和吸收。青椒与鳝鱼同食,不但开胃爽口,还可以降低血糖。青椒忌与黄瓜同食,会影响人体对维生素C的吸收,降低其营养价值。 [图片]豆豉虎皮青椒 材料 青椒、豆豉、蒜、油、盐、糖、生抽、醋 做法 1、炒锅倒入油,大火烧至八成热,改中火,放入青椒。2、用锅铲背压住青椒在锅底划圈,然后再翻炒,再划圈。3、直到青椒变软,表皮有金黄色的焦皮泛起后留锅中底油,将青椒盛出备用。4、炒锅中放入豆豉和蒜末爆香。5、加入青椒、少量水、盐、糖、生抽、醋、鸡精,将调料炒匀即可。注意不要翻炒过度不然青椒会过蔫。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
金鱼藻常年生长在很少流动的水体深处。很多人喜爱把它养在室内,可见其观赏性居高。若是在适合它的环境下生长,恐怕连你的鱼缸都装不下它,没错,它的生长速度之快,是你无法想像的。快用它来装点一下你的室内哟。 [图片]一、金鱼藻简介 金鱼藻,被子植物,别名细草、鱼草、软草、松藻,拉丁文名:CeratophyllumdemersumL.金鱼藻科、金鱼藻属悬浮于水中的多年水生草本植物,有根。叶轮生,边缘有散生的刺状细齿;茎平滑而细长,可达60厘米左右。金鱼藻多年生长于小湖泊静水处,于池塘、水沟等处常见,可做猪、鱼及家禽饲料。以全草入药,四季可采,晒干。主治血热吐血;咳血;热淋涩痛。沉水性多年生水草,全株深绿色。长20-40余厘米,疏生短枝。每5-9(13)枚集成一轮,无柄,长1.2-1.5(2.0)厘米,通常为1回二叉状分歧,有时为2回二叉状分歧,裂片丝状线形或线形,稍脆硬,先端具2个短刺尖。 [图片]二、金鱼藻怎么养 首先,金鱼藻种植适合密集而不能稀疏。养殖者要想夺得高产,基本苗不足,那产量就难以上去。一般来说,养殖这种水草,应该按亩水域移栽200蓬为宜。 其次,养殖过程中肥料应该肥而不能瘦。如果选择那些不能养鱼养虾的荒芜水面种植金鱼藻。这些较劣质的水域在种植前应该捞去水苔和其它杂草,然后按照每亩水面施过磷酸钙25千克作基肥,氮肥少施,以防绿藻占领水面。然后在栽种金鱼藻。 第三,种植金鱼藻的水域不能过深,一般保持在1米范围之内最合适。因为,水过深纲粗叶就会少,使得产量大大降低,水草的利用率也降低,从而降低种植金鱼藻的商业价值。 此外,正常情况下,从栽种金鱼藻到第一次采收一般为50天。采收的过程中需要注意,要将棍子拎起抖一抖,在水中转上4-5转,将棍子一横两手往上一拎。而第二次采收的时间应该是在30天后,第三次采收只要相隔几天即可。 三、金鱼藻危害 危害:金鱼藻分布全中国,特别是在水中富含有机质、水层较深、长期浸水的稻田中分布较多,危害较重。此外,静水池塘、湖泊、沟渠中亦有分布。由于金鱼藻吸氮能力极强,同时降低水温,严重影响水稻分蘖及生长发育。 治理:防除应采取农艺措施和化学除草相结合的方法。 (1)农艺措施主要有:一是建立地平沟畅、保水性好、灌溉自如的水稻生产环境;二是结合种子处理清除杂草的种子,并结合耕翻、整地,消灭土表的杂草种子;三是实行定期的水旱轮作,减少杂草的发生;四是提高播种的质量,一播全苗,以苗压草。 (2)化学除草,多数地方采用一次性封杀,就是在播种(催芽)后1-3天内,亩用40%“直播青”可湿性粉剂60克,兑水40-50公斤,均匀喷雾,施药时田板保持湿润。3天后恢复正常灌水和田间管理。通过化除后,如果后期仍有一定量的杂草,可采取针对法进行补除。 以上就是小编为大家介绍的金鱼藻的相关内容,希望能够帮助到您。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
金钻又名春芋,为天南星科喜林芋属多年生常绿革本植物。茎极短,丛生。叶片从茎的顶部向四方扩展,叶片宽心脏形,全叶羽状深裂,革质,浓绿色,光滑且有光泽。叶柄长30~80厘米。金钻株矮丛生,株形整齐,叶形奇特,常年浓绿,是近年来从国外引进的优良室内盆栽观叶花卉之一,既可陈列在厅堂。也可在一般家庭室内摆设,颇受人们喜爱,下面为你详细介绍金钻怎么养: [图片]金钻的基本信息: 金钻,也叫春羽、春芋、羽裂喜林芋等,是一种多年常绿草本植物,比较耐阴,金钻株植茂密,叶片宽大奇特,叶色青翠碧绿,是现在很常见的家居室内或公共场合的观叶植物,株型有大有小,一般小的会摆放在书桌、窗台等地方,大株植的会放在客厅等比较宽敞的地方。  金钻的养殖方法:  1、土壤:金钻养殖对土壤要求不严,用富含腐殖质排水良好的砂质壤土比较好,盆栽一般用泥炭、珍珠岩混合制作。 2、浇水:金钻原产自热带雨林,喜欢湿润的环境,而且金钻的页面宽大而薄,对水分的需求比较大,所以生长周期中需要保持盆土湿润,尤其在夏季高温期不能缺水,但也不能浇水过多,盆土积水容易导致金钻植株根系腐烂而死亡。  3、阳光:金钻喜欢半阴的环境,对光线的要求不严,但不耐受长期的荫蔽环境,否则会造成金钻叶色变浅,叶柄变长,叶片下垂而观赏性降低;也不能让金钻被强光直射,否则叶片容易出现叶尖干枯、叶缘焦边、叶色白化并失去光泽,所以金钻最适合半阴或者散光充足的环境来养护。  [图片]4、施肥:金钻在生长旺盛时期需要提供充足的肥料,以氮肥为主比较好,同时注意一次不能施肥过多,最好能薄肥勤施。进入秋季之后就要注意控制施肥量,方便过冬,温度低于20℃时,就要停止施肥。  5、虫害病:金钻常见的病害有叶斑病、炭疽病等,一般用多菌灵、甲基托布津、代森锌等可湿性粉剂进行防治,效果比较明显。虫害方面主要有红蜘蛛、介壳虫等,可喷药防治,同时也要加强养护环境管理。  6、修剪:养殖一段时间金钻就会开始出现黄、枯、焦等叶,这就要检查了,如果不是病害等引起只是简单的新陈代谢,那就需要及时修剪老叶,以减少株植养分的损耗。  金钻的养殖注意事项: 1、金钻喜欢温暖的气候,养殖在温度上需要保持在20℃左右,不能低于10℃,还要避开暖气、空调及冷风的吹袭。  2、金钻产自热带雨林,对水有比较大的需求,一般空气湿度要求保持在50~75%之间,低于50%易黄叶干边,可以通过喷水、洒水来增加空气湿度。  3、金钻浇水最好以盆土表面见干时进行,夏季高温期可保持湿润,冬季若环境温度低于15℃,需要干湿交替浇水。  4、金钻喜光照,但又忌强烈的光照直射,养护环境最好以半阴或散射充足的地方为好,不可以长期养护在荫蔽的环境下,否则叶片容易发黄,光照也不能过强,免得叶片白化没有光泽。  5、金钻施肥以薄肥勤施为原则,并以氮肥为主即可。 金钻的花语: 枝繁叶茂的金钻给人一种欣欣向荣的感觉,而且金钻的生命力极强,叶片翠绿青翠,象征着勃勃的生机,因此,它的花语是多子多福。  金钻的繁殖: 春羽的繁殖方法多采用扦插、播种、分株法进行,家庭中最好采用扦插、分株法,操作相对简单些。 扦插繁殖:扦插繁殖以5-9月间为宜,剪取生长健壮且枝干较长的茎干,直接插入干净的河沙中置于半阴处,保持较高的空气湿度,温度以25℃左右为宜,20-25天即可生根。 分株繁殖:分株繁殖需要在老株基部生有小株时,将小株从老株上小心分离,尽量不伤老株不伤根。也可选择将侧株摘心,既能矮化植株,又能多生侧株,当新生的侧株有15厘米左右时,带气生根剪下另植即可。 金钻的养殖方法和注意事项就和大家说到这里了,金钻是很好的一种观叶植物,不管是室内客厅书房,或是室外庭院阳台,金钻的布置都会有很好的美化效果。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
金银花与它的“孪生姐妹”山银花长得十分相似,不容易区分。下面就让小编来告诉大家金银花和山银花的区别吧! [图片]什么是山银花? 山银花是忍冬科植物灰毡毛忍冬、红腺忍冬、华南忍冬或黄褐毛忍冬的干燥花蕾或带初开的花。生于溪边、旷野疏林下或灌木丛中。产于我国南方各地。性味归经:甘,寒。归肺,心、胃经。开放者花冠裂片,不及全长之半,质稍硬,手捏之稍有弹性,气清香,味微苦甘。主要成份为绿原酸、木犀草苷等。  [图片]什么是金银花? 金银花,又名忍冬,花开时,先是白色,其后变黄,白时如银,黄时似金,金银相映,绚烂多姿,所以被称为金银花。又因为一蒂二花,两条花蕊探在外,成双成对,形影不离,状如雄雌相伴,又似鸳鸯对舞,故有鸳鸯藤之称。金银花自古被誉为清热解毒的良药。它性甘寒气芳香,甘寒清热而不伤胃,芳香透达又可祛邪。金银花既能宣散风热,还善清解血毒,用于各种热性病,如身热、发疹、发斑、热毒疮痈、咽喉肿痛等症,均效果显著。  山银花与金银花的区别  山银花与金银花的区1:来源 金银花为忍冬科植物忍冬的干燥花蕾或带初开的花。山银花为忍冬科植物灰毡毛忍冬、红腺忍冬或华南忍冬的干燥花蕾或带初开的花。  山银花与金银花的区别2:成分含量 金银花含绿原酸,2005年版《药典》规定:绿原酸照高效液相色谱法测定:本品按干燥品计算,含绿原酸不得少于1.5%。 金银花含木樨草苷,2005年版《药典》规定:木樨草苷照高效液相色谱法测定:本品按干燥品计算,含木樨草苷不得少于0.10%。 山银花含酸原酸2005年版药典规定:绿原酸照高效液相色谱法测定:本品按干燥品计算,含绿原酸不得少于1.5%。 山银花与金银花的区别3:功效 凉茶中的金银花不能用山银花代替,主要是因为山银花与金银花的功效不同,并且是完全相反。中医认为金银花性寒,味甘,略有酸味,其具有清热解毒、凉血、通经活络的作用,可用于痈肿疔疮,喉痹,丹毒,热毒血痢,风热感冒,温病发热;但是山银花药性为热性,不具有清热解毒的作用,其功效与金银花完全相反。并且金银花中的主要成分为木犀草苷,而山银花中几乎不含有木犀草苷,只是其绿源酸含量较金银花高。 山银花与金银花的区别4:植物形态 金银花呈棒状,上粗下细,略弯曲,长2~3cm,上部直径3mm,下部直径1.5mm,表面黄白色或绿白色,密被短柔毛。偶见叶状苞片,花萼绿色、先端5裂,裂片有毛,长约2mm,开放者花冠筒状,先端二唇形,雄蕊5附于筒壁,黄色;雌蕊1个,子房无毛,气清香,味淡微苦。  灰毡毛忍冬呈棒状而销弯,长3~4.5cm,上部直径2mm,下部直径1mm,表面绿棕色至黄白色。总花梗集结成簇。开放者花冠裂片,不及全长之半,质稍硬,手捏之稍有弹性,气清香,味微苦甘。  红腺忍冬长2.5~4.5cm,直径0.8~2mm,表面黄白色至黄棕色,无毛或疏被毛、萼筒无毛。 华南忍冬长1.6~3.5cm,直径0.5~2mm,萼筒和花冠密被灰白色毛,子房有毛。 总的来说就是可以通过下面四个方面区别:  (1)气味:山银花与金银花的气味有很明显的区别,山银花气味沉着,而金银花的气味比较清香。  (2)大小:金银花的花朵比山银花的较大一些,并且其花蕾要比山银花更加饱满一点。  (3)颜色:山银花和金银花的花色也有者差别,山银花颜色比金银花的颜色深一些,其色墨绿可能带一些紫色。 (4)花蕾:金银花学名忍冬花,其花被称为金银花,并且凉茶中采用的药物是忍冬花的花蕾,因此,花蕾的区别很重要,金银花的花蕾绒毛比较多,摸起来很软有弹性,而山银花的花蕾手感很硬,花蕊上的绒毛比较少。 山银花与金银花的区别可以从两者的来源、植物形态、成分以及功效作用等四大方面来区分,两者有很大不同,所以在使用中一定要注意。 山银花与金银花的区别等相关内容就和大家分享到这里了,更多相关信息请继续关注我们。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
绿萝又名黄金葛、抽叶藤,为天南星科绿萝属多年生常绿藤本植物。原产于亚洲马来半岛和南美巴西一带的热带雨林。绿萝作为一种耐阴观叶植物,十分适合于室内栽培、观赏,是一种不可多得的室内盆栽观叶植物。其缠绕性强,气根发达,可以水培种植。那么,绿萝长高了怎么办呢?该如何处理? [图片]一、绿萝长高了怎么办 绿萝长高了怎么办,有一些花友家里的绿萝很给力,结果长的太高了,这里需要和花友普及一些关于绿萝的基础知识,绿萝是常绿藤本植物,生长于热带地区常攀援生长在雨林的岩石和树干上,可长成巨大的藤本植物。绿色的缠绕性强,气根发达,既可让其攀附于用棕扎成的圆柱上。 知道绿萝是怎么一回事就要说说绿萝长高了要怎么办了,其实这个问题没有一个标准的固定答案,只能说花友根据个人的喜好来选择,这里我们说几种常见的处理方法。 1、让生长点向下继续生长的方法,让其再向下生长。 2、将上部的嫩枝剪下扦插,作为垂吊欣赏。 3、离盆土15-20厘米处全部剪断,让其重新生长新的枝叶,此为更新法,但周期较长。 另外要说明的就是由于绿萝生长块,所以盆栽的绿萝不可能永远保持刚买来的形态,而且绿萝不易发侧枝,修剪并不能解决长高的问题,另外随着时间变化绿萝底部会逐渐枯黄,影响美观,所以花友可以养成扦插繁殖绿萝的习惯,这样可以达到不断补充新绿萝的目的。 [图片]二、绿萝日常管理 水培绿萝一般放在室内的朝阳地方生长可以保持温暖的温度和比较好的光照促进植物生长,另外它不可以直接接受太阳的照射,冬季尤其是在我国北方种植的冬季非常寒冷这时候要适当地采取保温措施。在水培绿萝生长不同阶段要根据生长需要进行追加施肥保证营养供给。水培绿萝对水分要求比较大,要使的土壤保持湿润,一个月浇一次大水,然后每天可以擦拭叶子保证鲜活。定期对水培绿萝进行修剪保持枝叶的有型和翠绿,并要对病虫害进行预防和治疗。 以上就是小编为大家介绍的绿萝长高了怎么办,希望能够帮助到您。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Watermelon on the Fourth of July is about as American as apple pie, but the fruit actually originated in Africa, the University of Arkansas Extension reports. Today, the melons -- a warm-season crop -- grow commercially and in backyard gardens in many parts of the United States. The warm summers in zone 6 -- which includes much of Kentucky and Tennessee as well as portions of Kansas, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia -- are suitable for growing watermelons. [图片]Step 1 Create soil hills in your garden space by piling soil in mounds. If you intend to plant several watermelons, set the hills 6 feet apart, the University of Arkansas Extension advises. Plant rows of watermelons 7 feet to 10 feet apart. Step 2 Plant several watermelon seeds 1/2 inch deep in the hills, covering them carefully with soil. Watermelons should be planted when the threat of frost has passed and the soil has warmed. In zone 6, this generally occurs in the middle of May. Step 3 Water the plants carefully at planting time so that they can begin to establish their roots. Continue watering as necessary during the growing season so the soil does not dry out. In general, watering is only required during extended dry periods because the plants have a deep root system that can meet their moisture needs. [图片]Step 4 Remove the smallest young plants after they sprout through the soil, leaving only two to three seedlings in each hill. It's always best to keep the largest, most healthy-looking plants and thin out the small or weak plants. Step 5 Weed the garden space regularly, either by hand or with a hoe. Weeding is especially important early in the season, when the plants are setting their roots. Step 6 Monitor the plants for signs the melons are ripe starting about 80 days after you planted them. Gardeners often have difficulty determining when to harvest watermelons, but there are several signs to watch for. First, a ripe watermelon will have a dull green color. The tendrils will turn from green to brown and the spot where the melon sits on the ground will turn from green to yellow.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
All plants have roots through which they derive nutrients from the soil. When these roots are edible, they are called "root vegetables." When preparing carrots, for example, it is usual to cut off and discard their leaves, known as greens, and eat the long, orange roots. Consumption of root vegetables is common around the world. Some vegetables of similar appearance, especially nonroot tubers, are occasionally incorrectly considered root vegetables. Taproots [图片]Taproots are long, sometimes slender roots that plunge deep into the soil. Carrots are the most familiar taproots in everyday use. Carrots are related to parsley, which are prized for the green leaves. Carrots originated in Afghanistan but are now grown and eaten around the world. Other taproots include parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, daikons, celeriac, radishes and beets. Although some taproots, such as parsnips, are most often served cooked, many can be eaten raw or incorporated raw in salads and other dishes. Tuber Roots [图片]Tubers, in comparison to taproots, tend to be larger and more squat in shape. Tuber roots can store large quantities of nutrients, which helps some plants make it through long winters. Sweet potatoes and yams are familiar examples of tuber roots. They are often confused because they have a similar appearance and flavor. Traditionally sweet potatoes grown and eaten in the southern U.S. are called yams even though, strictly speaking, they are sweet potatoes. Often large and high in sugar, sweet potatoes and yams are best cooked before eating. Other examples of tuber root vegetables include cassava, yucca and manioc. Potatoes [图片]Although potatoes are tubers, not root vegetables, they are often grouped with yams and sweet potatoes, which are tuber roots and true root vegetables. The potato is technically a stem rather than a root. Indeed, anyone who has kept potatoes too long will have seen them sprout roots. The potato does perform a similar function to a tuber root, storing nutrients from the soil. Potatoes are one of the world's main dietary staples. Other Similar Vegetables [图片]In addition to the potato, other tubers and some bulbs are sometimes classed with root vegetables, although in strict botanical terms they are not roots. Among these are tigernuts, groundnuts, sunchokes, arrowroot and lotus root. Members of the onion family -- including onions, shallots, garlic -- are bulbs rather than roots.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If you want an abundant crop of orange pumpkins for use at Halloween or for making pies for Thanksgiving, Ohioans must prepare a garden plot and plant after danger of frost passes in spring. Depending on pumpkin cultivar, a warm growing period of 100 to 120 days allows the pumpkin vine to flower and develop harvestable fruits. If possible, time the spring planting so that the pumpkins ripen on the vine in early October. [图片]Planting Time Pumpkins do not tolerate frost. Across the vast majority of Ohio, the last frost in spring occurs anytime from April 21 to May 10, depending on latitude and elevation. Contact your local cooperative extension office to learn of the last spring frost date in your county, or speak to staff at your local garden center. Wait an additional two to four weeks after your area's last frost date to allow the garden soil to sufficiently warm to at least 65 degrees Fahrenheit. An appropriate pumpkin planting time frame is from mid-May to early June in most parts of Ohio. Timing Considerations Because pumpkins take 100 to 120 days from germination to harvest, you don't want to plant pumpkin seeds or transplants too early in spring. Although you must avoid frost, cool soil temperatures inhibit growth and may lead to root rot. Pumpkins tend to soften and rot on the vine if they ripen too early, such as in late August or September. Aim for pumpkins to pick around October 1. Look at the pumpkin seed packet for the "days to harvest" data. Count backward that number of days from the target October harvest date. This provides you the ideal sowing date in your Ohio locale. Planting Pumpkin Seeds Sow pumpkin seeds in hills. A hill is a shallow planting basin about 1 inch deep and 6 to 10 inches wide. Place four or five pumpkin seeds in the hill and cover with 1 inch of soil. Additional hills need to be spaced 6 to 10 feet apart. Hills oriented in long rows need about 15 feet between rows. This allows room for the sprawling vines to grow and still receive ample sunlight. [图片]Growing Giant Pumpkins Everyone admires a gigantic pumpkin to use as a jack-o' lantern around Halloween. The pumpkin varieties that produce the largest fruits need at least 120 days to germinate, grow and produce ripe pumpkins. According to David A. Mangione of the Ohio State University Extension, it's behooving to start seeds of these long-maturation pumpkins indoors about two weeks before planting them outdoors. He suggests sowing seeds indoors in late April and transplanted them outdoors in May or June when soil is warm and frosts no longer occur.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Growing lettuce (Lactuca sativa) in your garden means you can have the freshest leaves for perfectly crisp salads. To enjoy the best-tasting fruits of your labors, it all comes down to picking the lettuce leaves at the right time and storing the lettuce correctly after you've harvested it. [图片]Check Your Calendar How long it is since you sowed the seeds provides a quick way to estimate when lettuce should be ready for harvesting. A crisphead lettuce variety, which grows into a hard, tight head of leaves, is ready for harvesting approximately 75 days after planting. As their name implies, loose-leaf lettuces don't form a head and are ready in as little as 45 days. Butterhead varieties, which soft heads of loose leaves, are ready in 55 to 75 days. Romaine varieties grow into tall, cylindrical heads of folded leaves and take approximately 70 days to mature. Pick It Early Pick lettuce in the early morning before the heat of the day causes the lettuce leaves to lose their crispness. Lettuce is fresher and crisper at this time and also tastes sweeter. Test for Readiness For loose-leaf lettuce varieties, the outer leaves can be harvested on a continuous basis when the plant reaches its harvest-ready date. As you pick the outer leaves, the plant continues to grow from the middle. These leaves should be full sized and tender. Woody leaves were left on the plant too long and will taste bitter. Butterhead lettuce and other head varieties are ready for harvesting when the inner leaves have formed a head and the plants approach their variety-specific maturity date. To test if the head is ready, gently push down with the back of your hand. It should feel firm and crisp. [图片]Harvest Methods Harvest methods differ depending on the type of lettuce you're picking. For loose-leaf varieties, use your fingers to pinch off individual lettuce leaves at the base of the plant. For lettuce heads, use a sharp knife or pruning shears and cut off the entire head at its base, approximately 1 inch above soil level. Use cutting tools that have been wiped with a cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol. This helps prevent the spread of disease. Cleaning and Storing Lettuce Refrigerate lettuce leaves immediately after picking, as unrefrigerated leaves can wilt within 15 minutes of harvesting. Place the lettuce in a loose plastic bag, unwashed. Washed lettuce deteriorates quickly, but dry, unwashed lettuce can last for up to 14 days in your fridge's crisper drawer. When you're ready to use the lettuce, rinse each leaf under cold running water to get rid of dirt and any other debris.
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