Miss Chen
Miss Chen
常言道:“雅室何须大,花香不在多。”放一些花草在室内,绿叶繁花,四季常青,真是春意盎然,生机勃勃,最主要的是还可以净化空气,有利于健康。 [图片]健康的居室功臣们:天然制氧机-仙人掌等,原产于热带干旱地区的多肉植物,其肉质茎上的气孔白天关闭,夜间打开,在吸收二氧化碳的同时,制造氧气,使室内空气中的负离子浓度增加。虎皮兰、虎尾兰、龙舌兰以及褐毛掌、伽蓝菜、景天、落地生根、栽培凤梨等植物也能在夜间净化空气。 精神增效剂-丁香、茉莉、玫瑰、紫罗兰、薄荷等植物可使人放松、精神愉快,有利于睡眠,还能提高工作效率。 有效防疾病-蔷薇、石竹、铃兰、紫罗兰、玫瑰、桂花等植物散发的香味对结核杆菌、肺炎球菌、葡萄球菌的生长繁殖具有明显的抑制作用。 空气清道夫-芦荟、吊兰、虎尾兰、一叶兰、龟背竹是天然的清道夫,可以清除空气中的有害物质。研究表明,虎尾兰和吊兰可吸收室内80%以上的有害气体,吸收甲醛的能力超强;芦荟可以吸收1立方米空气中所含的90%的甲醛;常青藤、铁树、菊花、金橘、石榴、半支莲、山茶、米兰、雏菊、腊梅、万寿菊等能有效地清除二氧化硫、氯、乙醚、乙烯、一氧化碳、过氧化氮等有害物。 [图片]天然吸尘器-桂花、腊梅、花叶芋、红背桂等是天然的除尘器,其纤毛能截留并吸滞空气中的飘浮微粒及烟尘。 月季花-所散发的浓郁香味,会使个别人闻后突然感到胸闷不适,呼吸困难。敏感者不宜在室内栽培。 夜来香-在夜间停止光合作用后会排出大量废气,这种废气闻起来很香,但对人体健康不利。如果长期把它放在室内,会引起头昏、咳嗽,甚至气喘、失眠。因此,白天把夜来香放在室内,傍晚就应搬到室外。 杀菌消毒剂-玫瑰、桂花、紫罗兰、茉莉、柠檬、蔷薇、石竹、铃兰、紫薇等芳香花卉产生的挥发性油类具有显著的杀菌作用。紫薇、茉莉、柠檬等植物,5分钟内就可以杀死白喉菌和痢疾菌等原生菌。蔷薇、石竹、铃兰、紫罗兰、玫瑰、桂花等植物散发的香味对结核杆菌、肺炎球菌、葡萄球菌的生长繁殖具有明显的抑制作用。 降温赛空调-在家居周围栽种爬山虎、葡萄、牵牛花、紫藤、蔷薇等攀援植物,让它们顺墙或顺架攀附,形成一个绿色的凉棚,能够有效地减少阳光辐射,大大降低室内温度。 哪些花卉不宜在室内摆放 郁金香-花中含有毒碱,人和动物在这种花丛中呆上2小时-3小时,就会头昏脑胀,出现中毒症状,严重者还会使毛发脱落,家中不宜栽种。 紫荆花-它所散发出来的花粉人接触过久,会诱发哮喘或使咳嗽症状加重。 松柏-此类花木所散发出来的芳香气味对人体的肠胃有刺激作用,如闻之过久,不仅影响人的食欲,而且会使孕妇感到心烦意乱,恶心欲吐,头晕目眩。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
家庭养花一定要了解的一些技巧 花卉以它绚丽的风采,把大自然装饰得分外美丽,给人以美的享受。养花,可 以丰富和调剂人们的文化生活,增添乐趣,陶冶性情,增进健康;还能增加科学知识,提高文化艺术素养。养花,可以绿化、美化祖国大地,保护和改善环境,净化空气,是人们能在优美的环境中工作和学习,生活更加美好。养花,不仅可供观赏 ,而且还有许多重要的经济价值。 [图片]家庭养花应掌握好哪些技巧-室内盆栽花卉养殖 要养好花,却并不是一件简单的事情,许多本来可以多年生长的花卉,由于人们不懂管理而很快出现黄叶、枯萎而死亡。因此,必须根据家庭实际环境,科学地进行栽培管理,从而减少不必要的损失。 花卉是大自然的精华,以它绰约的风姿,斑澜的色彩,沁人的芳香,把大自然装饰得分外美丽,越来越受到人们的青睐。地属亚热带气候很适合家庭养花种草,把花卉引入家庭,从中呼吸新鲜空气,享受无穷的乐趣,已成为现代文明生活的一种象征。 适时施肥 家庭花卉一般不需要太多肥料,尤其是目前较受欢迎的观叶花卉为巴西铁柱、发财树等,由于要保持原有株形,防止徒长老化,一般在春秋雨季各施肥12次,其它生势较为旺盛的花卉,一般每月施肥一次即可,肥料可选用氮磷钾复合肥500-800倍淋施,亦可自制有机肥,如将淘米水、洗奶瓶水,加入桔皮、蛋壳密封浸泡半个月后,就成为无臭味优质有机复合肥料。 [图片]合理浇水 水分是花卉生存和繁衍的必要条件,合理浇水是养花成功的关键,花卉的种类、环境及气候的不同,需水情况有很大差异,家庭养花,尤其是客厅中室内花卉,由于没有阳光直射,花卉蒸腾作用较弱,不能浇水过勤,否则,土壤经常处于渍水状态,根系会窒室而死,浇水过多过勤是许多家庭养花不成功的重要原因。一般而言,置阳台的花卉多浇,室内的花卉少浇;气温炎热时多浇,气温凉爽时少浇,草本多浇,木本少浇,并按照干湿交替进行,即在土壤相对较干时才浇水,每次浇水要浇至盆底有水渗出为止。 无污染治虫方法 家庭养花,主要害虫有蚜虫、红蜘蛛、介壳虫、和土壤中的蚂蚁、蛴螬等,因一般化学农药毒性较高,容易污染环境,对人体造成伤害,最好以人工捕捉为主,也可自制无公害花药喷杀,如将大蒜捣汁加入少量洗衣粉,稀释50倍;或将烟丝加水25倍,浸泡48小时,取其滤液加适量洗衣粉,或用风油精加水500倍等,对一般害虫均有明显的毒杀效果。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
趣蝶莲株形奇特,对称的叶片宽大肥厚,富有光泽,叶缘处的红色鲜艳醒目,甸甸枝顶部的小植株更如翩翩起舞的蝴蝶。若用盆栽装饰窗前、柜顶、书桌等处或直接用吊盆栽植点缀室内环境,会给人以清新幽雅、生动有趣的感受,深受人们喜爱。今天要给友友们分享的是蝶趣莲四季养护技巧。 [图片]11-3月:喜温暖,不耐寒,越冬温度不得低于5度,冬季要给予充足的阳光,控制浇水,保持盆土比较干燥的状态. 4月:给予充足的阳光,耐干旱,忌积水,盆土过湿,易致根第腐烂,追施一次氮磷钾结合的肥料,以促使植株枝叶的生长,并使叶缘的红色更为鲜艳. 结合翻盆进行分株繁殖:成株叶腋处长出的匍匐树会顶生不定芽,可随时将不定芽剪下,直接进行盆栽.. 5-6月:此时是趣蝶莲生长最为旺盛的时期,喜阳,耐半阴,夏季高温时需适当遮阳,但不宜过阴,否则叶片会变得柔软,变形,不挻拔,,叶色也会变成暗黄色,每月应追施一次氮磷钾结合的肥料,施肥时要防止肥液溅到叶片上,不否则会出现难看的斑点.这个季节可进行扦插繁殖:将成熟充实的叶片切下,待伤口晾干后插入基质,插入后只需保持基质稍湿润的状态,经20-25天可生根,几周后可长出小芽.等小植株稍大时,可上盆种植. [图片]趣蝶莲具短茎,叶肉质,对生卵形,有短柄,叶长6~14厘米,宽4~6厘米,叶缘有锯齿状缺刻。叶灰绿色中略带红色,叶缘呈红色。长而细的花葶从叶腋处抽出,小花悬垂铃状,黄绿色。有趣的是,当植株长到一定大小时,叶腋处会抽出细而长的匍匐枝(走茎),每个匍匐枝顶部都会生出形似蝴蝶的不定芽,这些不定芽很快就会发育成带根的小植株。 趣蝶莲宜温暖干燥和阳光充足的环境,耐干旱和半阴,怕低温和积水。栽培中不宜浇水过多,以免因盆土过湿而引起根部腐烂,但可在空气干燥时向叶面喷水,盛夏和冬季更应该严格控制浇水。夏季要适当遮荫,以防烈日曝晒,但也不能过于荫蔽,以光线明亮、无直射阳光为佳。因为光线不足,会使叶片柔软、变形、不挺拔,叶色也转为暗黄色,直接影响株形的优美。 此外,夏季高温时还要加强通风,以防闷热的环境对植株损害。其它季节则尽可能地多见阳光。生长期每月施一次稀薄的液肥,施肥时注意肥液不要溅到叶片上,以免出现难看的斑点。冬季放在室内阳光充足的窗前养护,维持5℃以上即可安全越冬。每年的春季应对植株进行换盆,盆土宜用疏松、肥沃的沙壤土。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Jalapenos are easy-to-grow pepper plants that produce abundantly if you live in an area with plenty of sunshine. The amount of time jalapenos produce in the garden depends on the length of your growing season. They begin bearing ripe fruit two to three months after being transplanted and continue to ripen fruit until frost. [图片]About Jalapenos Like all peppers, jalapenos are warm-weather crops and shouldn't be transplanted outside until both air and soil temperatures have warmed in the spring. Wait until night temperatures remain above 50 degrees Fahrenheit or you risk cold damage to the plants. Transplants will begin to bear ripe fruit in 70 to 85 days, depending on cultivar. Most gardeners start pepper plants indoors six to eight weeks before the anticipated set-out date, since jalapenos started from seed outdoors won't have harvestable fruit for about four months. Temperature Requirements for Fruit Set Jalapenos have a narrow temperature range during which they'll set fruit. Night temperatures must be above 60 F and below 75 F for successful fruit set; outside of that range the blossoms will fall off and fruit won't form. In addition, daytime temperatures above 90 F inhibits fruit formation, but fruiting will recommence once temperatures drop back below 90. In the Fall Jalapenos continue to ripen already-formed fruit throughout the fall, even if night temperatures are too cool for continued fruit set. However, the plants will die once subjected to frost. If frost is forecast for your area, either pull the entire plant and hang it in a warm, sheltered spot to allow the remaining fruit to ripen, or harvest all remaining fruit, regardless of size. Even small, immature jalapenos are tasty. [图片]Identifying Ripe Jalapenos Ripe jalapenos don't look very different than unripe ones, making it hard to tell when to pick them. The skin on ripe jalapenos should be dark green, smooth and shiny. Small cracks or lines that form on the shoulder of the fruit near the stem is an indication that the fruit is ripe. Darkened areas are also a sign that the fruit is ripe and is about to turn color. You can let jalapenos turn red on the vine, but their texture is softer and they won't keep as long as green ones. Red jalapenos are no hotter than ripe green fruit.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
After harvesting cucumbers, you need to properly care for and store them to maintain their freshness. Cucumbers begin to rot if they are left on the vines for too long. However, cucumbers that have been harvested and left to rest in less than ideal conditions will begin to rot even more quickly. [图片]Softening Cucumbers will begin to soften after harvesting, as the water from the fruit begins to evaporate. Without the additional water that the vine supplies to the cucumber, the cucumber itself will begin to soften as the water from the cells of the cucumber begins to evaporate. This is a natural process, and will happen regardless of the type of cucumber. Storage Proper storage of cucumbers will help slow down the decomposition process. Storing picked cucumbers in a humidity-controlled space that is kept at a cool temperature and a darkly lit space will help the cucumber stay crisper for a longer period of time. Many modern refrigerators have a crisper or vegetable drawer, which is an ideal place to store cucumbers. Another option is to store the cucumbers in a root cellar where the temperature is significantly cooler. [图片]Temperature Cucumbers should be stored between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit in order to ensure the longest shelf length possible for the vegetables. Too cold of a temperature can cause the delicate fruit to freeze. Too high of a temperature can cause a quicker pace of dehydration. Preservation Another option for storing cucumbers before they go soft is to preserve the cucumbers soon after they have ripened. You can easily make refrigerator pickles by making a homemade brine of vinegar, spices, sugar and salt to keep slices of cucumbers in. If you would like to, you can also can the cucumbers to make homemade pickles. You can even do this with cucumbers that have already softened slightly.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Zucchinis (Cucurbita pepo) and cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) are both members of the Cucurbit family, so it's no wonder people confuse these two long, slender green vegetables. While it's more obvious when you're harvesting the annual vegetables, the young plants look similar to the untrained eye. When you've planted the vines, you'll remember which is which, especially if you've labeled your garden, but volunteer squash and zucchini plants in unplanned spots require identification from the seedling stage. Seedling Stage [图片]Zucchini and cucumber plants look most similar in the seedling stage when there are fewer leaves and other identifying characteristics. The seed sometimes remains attached to the leaflets when the seedlings pop through the ground. Cucumber seeds are narrow, long and smooth, while zucchini seeds are short, wide, and have a small ridge around the perimeter. The first two leaves of zucchini and cucumber seedlings are oval and virtually indistinguishable. Likewise, the second and subsequent sets of leaves are both heart-shaped with wavy edges. As the seedlings grow, cucumber seedlings tend to spread as vines, while zucchini growth is more upright. [图片]The differences between zucchini and cucumber plants become more apparent as the plants mature. While leaf shape is similar, cucumber leaves are much smaller, at 4 to 5 inches in diameter, while zucchini leaves grow 12 inches in diameter or wider. Zucchini plants are often considered vines, although their growth habit is more bushlike, with stems that might spread as much as 3 feet with a basically upright growth habit. Leaves are supported by thick, hollow stalks that are covered with stiff, prickly hairs. The vining habit of a cucumber is much more obvious than with zucchini. The stems are similar, but cucumber stems are narrower and produce fine tendrils for climbing as they grow. Even bush-type cucumber plants tend to spread vines along the ground, while some cucumber vines grow over 12 fee long and require trellising. Zucchini plants produces large, trumpet-shaped, yellow or orange flowers, while yellow cucumber flowers are smaller and bell-shaped. [图片]At first glance, cucumbers and zucchinis bear a striking resemblance, particularly if zucchinis are picked when small and closer in size to cucumbers. The first clue is the stem end of the fruit -- zucchini has a woody stem at the end while a cucumber has a small, circular scar. Feel the two in your hand and you'll notice cucumbers have a waxy skin, while zucchini skins are dull. A zucchini is rarely perfectly round, instead featuring several flat sides that result in a mostly round appearance. Both vegetables can have mottled skin, but this is usually sporadic on cucumbers while zucchini skins are mottled throughout. Instead of perfectly smooth skin as you would find on zucchini, cucumbers are covered in tiny nubs that can even prick you before you gently rub them off with your thumbs. [图片]Flavor is a dead giveaway for distinguishing zucchinis and cucumbers, but you can tell the difference in the interior flesh without taking a single bite. Start by cutting through the zucchini and cucumber. Immediately, you'll notice the softness of the zucchini as your knife glides through the flesh when compared to the "snap" in the crunchy cucumber. Zucchini flesh is dry, soft and somewhat spongy -- push it with your finger and it will spring back a bit. Cucumbers are moist inside, with firm flesh. The interior color is mostly white for both vegetables, but cucumbers have a slight tint of green.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Romaine lettuce (Lactuca sativa), also called cos lettuce, makes a rather elegant statement in containers with its upright growth habit and narrow leaves. Well-suited for containers, romaine can grow alone, with other types of lettuce such as looseleaf, butterhead or crisphead, or in combination with colorful flowering plants. Grow a single plant in a 2-gallon pot or several plants in a 12-inch container. Numerous varieties exist; try combining cultivars with different leaf colors and plant heights. [图片]Container Choices Although a romaine lettuce can grow in containers as small as a 4-inch pot, growth is optimum in larger containers where the soil doesn't dry as fast and there's room for root growth. Begin with clean containers with multiple drainage holes. Wash used pots in hot, soapy water and rinse well. Soak pots for at least five minutes in a mixture of 1 part household bleach to 9 parts water; rinse well and let dry. Plastic pots are easier to keep clean than clay pots, weigh less and prevent the roots from drying out too quickly. Light Requirements Lettuce grows well in sun but can tolerate partial shade, although heads may not be as tightly furled. In hot summer areas, consider moving containers of romaine into partial shade as temperatures warm. Romaine is more tolerant of heat and slower to bolt - or form flower stalks - than other kinds of lettuce, but it will produce longer if protected from hottest exposures. When to Grow Romaine is basically a cool season annual plant. In cold winter areas, it grows best in spring and again in fall. In mild winter climates, grow it in fall, winter and spring. Sow the seeds directly in the container 1/4 inch deep and 1 inch apart. Keep the soil moist but not soggy. Thin seedlings after they germinate to the strongest seedlings spaced 6 to 8 inches apart, depending on the cultivar. Soil and Water Use a well-draining mix rich in organic material such as a quality soilless potting mix. Keep the soil evenly moist. For container lettuce, this might mean watering every day or every other day because soil in containers dries out more quickly than in garden beds. Romaine is sweeter-tasting than other lettuces, but lettuces can become bitter if the soil is allowed to dry. [图片]Fertilizer Needs Frequent, light fertilizing throughout the growing season helps develop rapid growth of full, crispy leaves, important if you're continually harvesting outer leaves or if you're using the cut-and-come-again method, where you cut the whole plant off above the soil line, leaving the base to sprout new small heads. Use a product such as 8-4-4 at the rate of 1 tablespoon per gallon of water. Every seven to 10 days, apply fertilizer to the container's soil until the solution comes out of the drainage holes. Romaine Cultivars Fit more plants in a container by choosing smaller-growing varieties such as compact, dark green "Monte Carlo" or dark red mini romaine "Truchas." For full-sized plants, consider disease-resistant, 10- to 12-inch-tall "Parris Island Cos." For bronzy-red leaves, similar sized heirloom "Cimarron" dates back to the 1700s. The cultivar "Freckles" is showy enough for ornamental use, with light green leaves randomly splashed with burgundy. Another heirloom variety, it's also known as "Flashy Troutback."
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
While gardeners grow a number of varieties of beans, the bush and pole types of the string or green bean is the most common. These beans produce a pod that is harvested before maturity for use green or allowed to mature for dry beans. In the case of dry beans the seeds are removed from the pods. [图片]Blooming In some circumstances bean plants bloom but fail to set pods. Common causes include excessive nitrogen fertilization or warm conditions with low humidity. Fertilize after the first harvest to avoid over fertilization although the weather is often outside the gardener's control. Harvest Time Harvest the beans about two weeks after the full bloom. Actual harvest may dates vary depending on weather and other factors. Bean plants continue to bloom as long as the pods are harvested before maturity. This results in an almost continuous cycle of blooms and harvests. Harvest about once a week to gather the pods at the proper size. The harvest cycle occurs more frequently than the length of time from bloom to harvest because not all plants will be at the same maturity point. [图片]Harvest Methods Harvest by hand working carefully to avoid breakage to stems and other blossom bearing structures. Avoid harvest during times the plants are damp or wet with rain or dew. This can spread diseases within the bean plants. Continued Harvest As long as the pods are harvested before maturity the plants will continue to develop blooms and pods until the plant is killed by fall frosts. The cycle of harvestable beans two weeks after the full blooms continues through the summer.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
桃叶珊瑚山茱萸科常绿灌木,小枝绿色,被柔毛,老枝具白色皮孔。叶对生,薄革质,长椭圆形至倒卵状披针形,长10~20厘米,叶端具有尾尖,叶基切性,全缘或中上部有疏齿,叶被硬毛,叶柄长约3厘米,花紫色,排成总状花序,核果浆果状,熟时深红色。果熟期11月至翌年2月。 [图片]桃叶珊瑚生长习性: 常生于海拔1000米以下的常绿阔叶林中。喜温暖湿润环境,耐荫性强,不耐寒,要求肥沃湿润、排水良好的土壤,属耐阴灌木,夏季怕强光暴晒,较耐寒。 桃叶珊瑚栽培方法: 桃叶珊瑚为雌雄异株植物,为多结种子须雌雄株搭配栽培。在春季换盆时,注意根部和地上部修剪。移栽宜在春季或雨季进行。夏季高温强光,保持土壤湿润和遮阴。每月施肥1次,秋季增施磷、钾肥1-2次。 [图片]桃叶珊瑚生长强健,管理粗放。栽培可以采用泥炭土(2份)和粗沙(1份)的混合土,栽植前要施放少量的基肥,生长期间每3~4周浇施1次液肥,并保持盆土湿润,放置在半荫处,避免强光直射。冬季温室温度保持在10℃以上,并减少浇水。极少受到病虫害危害。 可以采用播种法和扦插法进行繁殖,对于难以扦插成活的变种,可以用实生苗作砧木进行嫁接。时间以5-6月霉雨季节最好,选取当年生半木质化枝条,长15厘米,留2片叶,成活率在95%以上。
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