Miss Chen
Miss Chen
If you have , you're in luck. This type of soil is preferred by vegetables as it is well-draining and, more often than not, richer in available nutrients than other soil types. is so preferable that gardeners without it amend their soils to get it. Why Loamy Soil? Soil is made up of particles that vary greatly in size, giving each type of soil its distinctive makeup. The three major particle types are sand, silt and clay. This is why different regions have sandy, silty or clayey soils. Sand particles are larger, grainy and course, allowing water to drain right through. Clay particles are small but heavy and hold water. Silt is in between the two. A loamy soil has all three particle types in balance with each other. It holds moisture enough to keep plant roots moist while draining well enough to prevent roots from becoming waterlogged. Summer Vegetables Summer vegetables, also known as warm-season crops, grow best under the hot sun of summer. These crops tend to be tender and sensitive to cold and frost. Tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum), eggplant (Solanum melongena), peppers (Capsicum spp.), pumpkins (Cucurbita pepo), cucumbers (Cucumis sativus) and cantaloupe (Cucumis melo var. cantalupensis) are examples of tender and very tender crops that do well in well-drained, fertile, loamy soil. Cucumbers, pumpkins, cantaloupes and many of their relatives thrive in warm soil; you must wait until the soil reaches over 70 degrees Fahrenheit. These three, in particular, are also heavy feeders. [图片]These crops germinate best when soil temperatures are between 80 and 95 degrees Fahrenheit. Some, including cantaloupe and eggplant, may become stunted when daytime temperatures stay at or below 55 degrees for a week. Cool-Season Crops Although summer vegetables take center stage, a large variety of crops do better in cooler temperatures. These are known as cool-season crops. Cool-season crops include most of the root and leafy crops -- most of which also prefer a rich, loamy soil. Some are considered semihardy, meaning they prefer cooler temperatures and can handle light frost. Others are hardy and thrive in -- believe it or not -- late fall, winter and early spring. Semihardy Crops Semihardy crops tolerate light frosts which typically occur when the temperature hits between 29 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Root crops in this category include carrots (Daucus carota subsp. sativus), which thrive in loose, deep loamy soil free of stones; beets (Beta vulgaris), which thrive in loamy soil high in organic matter; and rutabaga (Brassica napobrassica), which will grow in almost any soil but produces best when moisture-rich loamy soil is the growing medium. [图片]Leafy crops that are semihardy include lettuces (Lactuca sativum), raddichio (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum) and Swiss chard (Beta vulgaris sups. vulgaris). Hardy Vegetables Hardy vegetables are those that can't take the heat -- they need the coolness of fall, winter and early spring for overall health and to produce the best flavor. Several cole crops -- many varieties of the mustard family -- take center stage here. According to University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, cole crops do best in well-drained loams. Cole crops include kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica), broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera) and collards (Brassica oleracea var. acephala). [图片]Other hardy vegetables include radish (Raphanus sativus), spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and turnip (Brassica rapa subsp. rapa). Understanding Plant Requirements Most vegetables will list "moist, well-drained soil" on their plant tags. This is a vague term, but it does hold value. The term means your soil needs to allow water to drain through quick enough that it doesn't form standing water or hold water on the roots. It should also have particles and a texture capable of holding moisture without pooling. All these vegetables do best in moist, well-drained soil, making loamy soil the ideal growing medium.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Whether you're looking forward to a sprawling pumpkin patch in your backyard or just devouring pumpkin-related dishes on the regular, this versatile fruit has a lot going on, both in the garden and on your plate. Pumpkins are delicious, nutritious and can be grown right in your garden, and may become your favorite way to incorporate some home-grown decor in the fall. [图片]Pumpkins Are Actually a Fruit While we often tend to think of pumpkin dishes as a savory meal (pumpkin pie aside, of course), the edible part is actually the product of a flowering plant and contains seeds, which is the definition of a fruit-bearing plant. Vegetables, on the other hand, are the parts of a plant itself – the leaves, roots, stems, flowers or tubers. Pumpkins Are Members of the Cucurbit Family Pumpkins do not stand alone on their own unique, botanical island. They are related to other similar plants as part of the Cucurbit family, which includes squash and gourds. Also, all pumpkins are not exactly the same. There are decorative pumpkins, pumpkins you can eat and pumpkins you can carve as the fall holidays roll around. Pumpkins Come From (Some) Flowers Like other flowering, fruit-producing plants, pumpkins get their start with blossoms that eventually give way to fruit. Only the female flowers produce fruit, while the male flowers create pollen for the females. Pumpkin flowers tend to be large and of a yellow-orange hue, and the pumpkin itself develops directly below this flower, starting very small and growing over time. [图片]How to Grow Your Own Pumpkin Patch If you're interested in growing pumpkins, it can be done. All you need is some land (many pumpkin varieties have vines that sprawl outwards) in a spot that's favored by full sun and you need to water and weed the area. Well-drained soils work best – choose a spot that has light, sandy soil. You'll have oodles of choices at your local nursery, so pick one that suits your needs and keep in mind that pumpkin plants do best when seeds are directly planted into the ground. Be sure to read the seed packet and note what you'll get and plant (and care for) accordingly. Pumpkins Are Loaded With Nutrition If you're into eating pumpkins, there's some excellent news. The flesh of the fruit is loaded with vitamin A, is low in carbs, is a good source of fiber and has a decent amount of minerals, such as potassium, copper and manganese. If you're partial to seeds, scoop them out, separate them from the pulp and roast them. They're a nutrient-dense snack full of protein, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 fatty acids and magnesium.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Determining the water needs of a cucumber plant requires more than reading the seed packet. The quality of the soil, local climate and irrigation method used all affect the amount of water necessary to grow productive cucumbers. Irrigation needs change throughout the gardening season. You must remain attentive throughout the gardening season and determine the cucumber's water needs on a weekly basis. [图片]Soil and Moisture The type and quality of the soil in the garden influences the water needs of the cucumber plants. The optimum garden provides rich, well-drained soil, but cucumbers can grow successfully in less-optimum soils with proper irrigation. Sandy soils drain quickly so they dry out more often. Cucumbers grown in sandy soil usually require additional irrigation. Clay soil retains water and tends to compact, which inhibits water movement around the cucumber roots. Adding compost or peat moss to the bed before planting aids drainage in heavy soils. Watering Schedule Cucumbers typically need 1 to 2 inches of water each week. The plants may require no irrigation when rainfall supplies the required amount of moisture. Feeling the soil before irrigating is a more reliable method of supplying sufficient moisture than sticking to a rigid watering schedule. Cucumbers require watering when the top inch of soil is dry, but before the soil dries at a greater depth. Feel the soil two to three times a week when there is no rainfall and water when necessary. An inch of water thoroughly moistens the top 6 inches of the soil. Mulch and Water Needs Mulch affects the amount of watering necessary to maintain your cucumber plants. Plastic mulch applied over the bed before you plant retains the most moisture in the soil, so less watering is necessary. Plastic makes it more difficult to check the soil and deliver water. Installing drip irrigation under the mulch ensures the moisture reaches the soil beneath the mulch. An organic mulch, such as straw, also retains moisture so less watering is necessary. It's possible to water plants with a hose or watering can when organic mulch is applied, and you can still feel the soil beneath the mulch to determine the moisture level. [图片]Watering Tips Watering the cucumbers in the morning ensures the moisture penetrates to the root zone of the plants before the water evaporates during the heat of the day. Plants watered in the morning may require less irrigation than those watered in the afternoon. Supply the water directly to the soil at the base of instead of from overhead. Overhead watering makes the foliage wet and more prone to fungal growth. More moisture is also lost to evaporation when you overhead water, necessitating more frequent irrigation.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Okra plants turning yellow signal potentially disastrous problems. Yellowed leaves lack chlorophyll, the catalyst that converts sunlight to food for the plant. As the plant starves, okra's natural resistance to insects and disease declines. Yellowed leaves sometimes indicate problems gardeners can easily remedy, but other issues require long-term solutions, such as crop rotation and soil improvement. [图片]Poor Soil Planting okra seed in soil colder than 65 degrees Fahrenheit could cause immediate root problems. Waiting to plant until about 10 days after the last frost date gives soil time to warm enough for okra. Mounding the planting row also raises the soil temperature. Lack of nitrogen could also cause yellowing problems in okra, which needs rich well-drained soil for proper growth. Increasing the amount of organic material in the ground improves drainage and reduces okra problems in heavy clay. Cultivate the ground deeply before planting, turning over the top 8 to 10 inches of soil. Fungal Infection Dense clay soils with poor drainage provide favorable conditions for fungal disease in okra. Okra shows no resistance to verticillium wilt, which damages okra roots and causes wilting and yellowing of the plant above ground. Lower leaves show symptoms first, and problems move higher on the plant as the disease spreads. Leaves shrivel and die in the final stages of the infection. No chemical treatment will help okra infected with verticillium wilt. Fungal spores overwinter in soil, setting the stage for more problems. Solarization by heating the upper layers of soil under clear plastic sheeting reduces the incidence of verticillium wilt. Insect Problems Sucking insects could attack okra, and cause loss of vigor and dying leaves. Red spider mites suck the plant's sap from leaf surfaces, causing a speckled, white or yellow pattern on leaves. In heavy infestations, leaves turn pale and then shrivel and brown. Aphids also drain the plant of nourishment by sucking fluid from leaves and stems. Both adult tobacco whiteflies and whitefly nymphs feed on okra sap and could cause plants to wilt and yellow. Checking the undersides of leaves and the stems of okra plants should reveal any insect problems. Spraying the plants with insecticidal soap destroys soft-bodied pests. [图片]Nematodes Nematodes could cause serious damage to okra as the small roundworms bore into roots. When the plant's wound heals, galls or root-knots form. Severely affected okra plants lose the ability to draw up water and nutrition from the soil. The upper plant yellows and dies. No chemical treatments are approved for nematode problems in the home garden, according to the University of Florida Extension. Gardeners can control nematodes through crop rotation, planting okra after crops such as corn, brassicas or onions. Cover cropping with marigolds and turning the plants under reduces nematode numbers. Improving soil quality by adding humus and repeatedly tilling the ground also prepares a healthier plot for okra.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
The ideal temperature to store potatoes is 42 to 50 degrees. Most refrigerators are set at 37 degrees, which is a few degrees colder than this. Room temperature is usually much higher, at 65 to 70 degrees. If you do not have a cool location, you can store potatoes in the fridge. Put them in a perforated plastic bag to retain humidity and provide ventilation. Do not store potatoes with apples. [图片]Temperature You can store potatoes at room temperature for up to a few weeks. They will become soft and may begin to sprout if you store them at 65 to 70 degrees for more than a few weeks. Warm temperatures also make them more susceptible to disease. Storing potatoes in the fridge causes the starch in them to convert to sugar, which makes them turn darker if you fry them. They are safe to eat but will not look like golden fries. Boiling or baking does not affect the color. Do not freeze potatoes. Humidity and Darkness Potatoes need darkness, humidity and ventilation. Ideal conditions are 90 to 95 percent humidity. If you store potatoes in the fridge for more than a few weeks, check the bag to be sure they are not molding due to lack of ventilation. Light causes potatoes to accumulate chlorophyll and turn green. You can cut off small portions of green, but discard potatoes with large amounts of green because they can contain toxic compounds. Store them in dark-colored bags or a cardboard box. Storing Harvested Potatoes Do not wash harvested potatoes before you store them. A root cellar or storage cabinet that can be maintained at the ideal temperature and humidity is best for long-term storage of large quantities of potatoes. You can improvise with an extra refrigerator set to the ideal temperature of 42 degrees. Potatoes will keep for several months at this temperature before they begin to sprout. Take them out of the fridge four to six weeks before planting time to encourage sprouting. [图片]Other Considerations If you are buying potatoes and do not have a place to store them under ideal conditions, purchase only the quantity you will consume in a few weeks. If you are growing potatoes, consider how you will store your harvest and prepare the location in advance. If you use a root cellar or other method of storing loose potatoes, be sure to store potatoes and apples in separate compartments. Apples give off ethylene gas, which causes potatoes to sprout. Potatoes also cause apples to lose their flavor.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
水培植物越来越受到大家的喜爱,它抛去了土培植物泥土,让其根部完全暴露在阳光下,可以让我们尽情的去欣赏,同时还可以在其器皿中放几条小鱼,更是为植物增添了几许生机感。但相信很多友友都遇到过水培植物烂根的现象,今天小编就给大家分析一下其原因。 [图片]一、水培植物烂根的原因分析 1、 水培的营养液中溶解氧含量低,造成植物根系因缺氧而死亡。这个情况在夏季比较明显。这时你可以增加水泵的循环次数和时间。以提高营养液中的溶解氧的含量。 2、营养液淹没了所有的根系甚至是根茎部。这也是家庭无土栽培中人们容易忽略的地方。一般最好的栽培是将根的一半留在营养液中,而另一半暴露在空气中。这样可以使植物的根部氧气供氧量大大增加,可以有效的降低烂根现象的发生。 3、检查营养液水质。水质有残留植物碎片或者是残留基质、营养液沉淀等造成水质变坏,如发现水质比较浑浊或者有异味,应该及时的换水以保证植物的正常生长。 4、在种植过程中可以适当降低营养液的供应量,因为不同地区的水质情况是不一样的。水质硬的地区,在配置营养液的时候容易发生沉淀。如果您所在地区的水质较硬,可以选择使用正常剂量的1/2或者1/4来进行营养液的配置。 5、水的酸碱度变化幅度过大。一般情况下一个成熟的配方在规定的时间内添加或者更换营养液。PH变化不会发生太大的变化。但是,用户还是最好准备一本PH试纸。可以定期监测,做到心中有数。大多数植物的适应范围是PH5---7之间。当然特殊植物除外。 6、温度。这里的温度很大的一方面是指营养液的温度。因为高温会引起植物的根系的老化。所以营养液的最高温度不要长时间的维持在30度以上的环境中。这在夏天是很大的一个因素。一般的解决办法就是避免阳光直射储液箱。必要时加遮阳。 [图片]二、水培植物烂根的处理方法 1、发现烂根之后要尽快把烂掉的部分剪掉,然后放入多菌灵或甲基托布津进行消毒,可以把杀菌剂放到水里面浸泡根部一天之后,第二天再更换新的自来水。 2、植物烂根后,就只用清水来养就行了,等植物适应环境,长出新根之后再加营养液。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
儿童房选什么花卉好? [图片]专家建议:儿童居室宜选用少儿喜爱的色彩鲜艳、引人注目的花卉,如彩叶草、三色堇、蒲包花、变叶木、鹤望兰、生石花、佛肚树、八角金盘、球兰等。 但要注意少用或不用吊挂盆栽花饰,以防儿童蹦跳时,不慎坠落伤人;二要尽量避免使用多刺(如月季、玫瑰及仙人掌类植物等)、有毒(如花叶万年青、虎刺梅、石蒜等)、有特殊气味(如五色梅、天竺葵等)的花卉,以免儿童攀折花枝或误食,引起中毒或过敏反应。 也不宜摆放儿童喜欢用手摸着玩的含羞草,因为含羞草体内含有含羞草碱,过多的接触易引起头发脱落,眉毛稀疏。 室内选择花卉的方法 [图片]一般室内光照不足,空气湿度低,通风条件差。因此,应挑选能适应室内环境条件的花卉植物。这类植物大多数是阴生和能耐半阴的观叶植物,目前常用的主要有文竹、吊兰、冷水花、合果芋、椒草类、竹芋类、万年青类等草本植物和龟背竹、绿萝、常春藤类、龙血树类等木本植物。这些植物的共性是终年碧绿,可供人们四季欣赏。 一般家庭居室内的光照多是从单向射入的,因而房间内不同部位光照强度相差较大,同一个房间靠近窗户处与角落处也会有差别。如在距南窗50——80厘米以内的位置,宜摆放鹤望兰、观赏凤梨等喜光照的花卉。夏季中午前后要拉上窗帘,防止强光直射。在南窗80厘米以外和靠近东窗附近的位置,和室内其他有明亮散射光处,多数阴生或耐阴的观叶植物,如文竹、吊兰、网纹草、观赏蕨类等都能正常生长,而花叶竹芋、斑马竹芋、广东万年青、八角金盘等阴生植物,耐阴性则更强。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
夏季温度颇高,烈日炎炎,有些植物需要一天多次浇水,有些植物则还要保持较干的土壤,此时若浇水不当,很容易伤害的植物健康。今天小编教大家夏季如何正确浇水。 [图片]【引水】 采用灯芯、布条或鞋带等能吸水的东西,一头放在盆土上,另一头放在装满水的容器中,容器中的水位要高于盆土位置。水分会通过棉绳自动传输给土壤,土壤吸取足够的养分就自然不会继续从棉绳接收水分了,这样通过毛细管作用,水分就可不断供应给盆土。 除了简便的引水装置,同样的道理,还可以自制美观的引水花盆。 自制引水花盆 材料:大号饮料瓶子、棉绳多条、土壤适量 1. 把瓶子对半切开。然后在瓶盖上钻一个孔; 2. 把绳子打个结,穿过瓶盖; 3. 把瓶盖拧回去,装水装土壤,栽种绿植; 4.可以在花盆外面套上牛皮纸袋或棉麻袋,那样会更美观。 【坐水】 可用一只大盆,直径是花盆的一倍多,先往花盆里浇透水,然后将它放进大盆,接着往大盆里放水,水的高度不要超过花盆里泥土高度的一半。然后把它放到半阴处。 大盆里的水通过花盆底部的小孔往泥土里送,如此,盆土不会干旱,也不会让花盆里上层土壤浸在水里。而要保持大盆的水充足,可以通过自制坐水装置实现。 自制坐水装置 材料:饮料瓶一个、吸管两根、透明胶带、AB胶(如果没有,可以用其它防水胶水代替) 1. 在瓶壁上打孔,一上一下排列,开口位置别离瓶底太远; 2. 插上两根吸管,并用胶带把吸管长的一部分固定在一起; 3.把吸管下端修剪成一长一短,相差2-3厘米即可; 4. 用胶水粘合吸管和瓶壁连接处,使其密封; 5. 等胶干了以后,装上水,盖紧瓶盖,就可以给你的爱花浇水了! 装置原理:长短两根吸管深入水槽,当水槽里的水面低于短吸管的高度时,空气便会从短吸管进入瓶子里,排挤出等量的水,再从长吸管流入水槽,这样便完成了植物的“补水”过程。 [图片]不同的水能让花草更美 当然,大多数时候,我们还是可以在家中享受浇水乐趣的。而在日常浇水中,除了自来水外,还可以用许多经过特殊处理的水来浇花,能对花木产生特殊的功效,有的能治虫防病,有的能提早开花,有的能花繁叶茂…… 牛奶:发酵后的牛奶(变质牛奶)含有较多的磷、钾肥,用较多的水稀释后浇花,能让花园花繁叶茂。没有发酵的牛奶,不宜浇花。因为它发酵的时候,所产生的大量热量会“烧”根(即烂根)。 残茶水:用发酵的残茶水浇花,既能保持水份,又可缓慢地释放氮肥,改良盆土团粒结构。但是,要根据花盆温度的情况,有分寸地定期来浇,而不能随便倒残茶来浇。 食醋:每隔半个月左右,用水和食醋按50:1的比例配成的食醋水浇花,可防治杜鹃、茶花等喜酸性花卉的黄化病,且能促使花朵增大,花色鲜艳。 煮鸡蛋水:煮过鸡蛋的水含有丰富的矿物质,可使绿植花繁叶茂,花色鲜艳。 凉开水:凉开水对人来说不能喝,但是对于植物却有好的作用,它能够促进植物开花。 啤酒:用涮啤酒瓶水浇花,夏季可促进生长,冬浇能使叶片浓绿。若浇君子兰,能增加叶片宽度且脉纹清晰。现蕾时起浇灌菊花,能使花香气更浓。 摸清套路才能科学浇水 利用不同的水可以让身边的花草更美,而一定的浇水规律则是花草们安全度夏的基础。 浇水时间:夏季浇水在上午8点以前,下午在5点左右进行最好。 浇水方式:植物的水分和养分都是由根部吸收,因此保持土壤的水分很重要。另外,叶面喷水可以增加空气湿度、降低温度,冲洗掉植物叶片上的尘土,有利于植物光合作用 浇水量:植物种类不同,需浇水的量不同。一般来说,草本花卉要多浇水;木本花卉要少浇水。蕨类植物、兰科植物生长期要求丰富的水分;多浆类植物要求水分较少。 给它一点水分,它会还你一整个夏天的灿烂。晨起,或工作一天后,让花草们好好喝水,你也能感受到身边最清凉的呼吸。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
在我国传统文化中,梅花与兰、竹、菊并称为“花中四君子”,又与松、竹并称为“岁寒三友”,梅花一直是高洁、坚强的象征。在家里养几株梅花盆景,显得整个家特别有格调,特别的高雅。若想让你的梅花树桩盆景表现出古朴沧桑的感觉,那么这6点必须学会! [图片]1、切割 在梅花盆景的观赏正面,用刻刀对树皮进行切割、剥去,然后再用小凿子破坏木质部1/3左右。这样一来,树干上的斑疤会显得苍老。 2、嵌入 选择姿态良好的已枯死的梅桩,修去长枝,在其背面纵向凿槽,然后嵌人幼苗,外面用泥和苔藓填上,喷上水,再用绳扎紧,日久树苗主干随著长粗充满槽沟,除去绳子,此法不露人工痕迹,可达到以假乱真的效果,看上去犹如枯木逢春。 3、雕刻 在梅花盆景的观赏侧面,用刻刀在树干剥皮,然后用凿子破坏木质部,嵌人石子。雕疤不宜过多,要根据不同大小,不同形状的梅树桩灵活掌握。 [图片]4、撕枝 对树干的观赏面二侧多余枝,不用剪刀剪除,而用手将枝条从基部撕裂下来,使木质部愈合形成自然美观的树疤。总之,多余的枝都可用撕裂法处理,但要分期分批,在不影响树木生长的前提下进行。 5、锤击 要使梅花盆景苍老,首先要使干皮光滑的树皮呈现凸凹不平的老态。如何达到这一目的?可用锤击刺激方法:在树木生长期用锤子等硬物敲击树干下部,造成局部损伤,使细胞分裂加速,局部形成愈伤组织而增粗,形成局部隆起呈现凸凹不平的姿态。 6、撬皮 在树木生长的旺盛季节,用小刀插进树皮并轻轻撬动,使树皮与木质部分开,2月后伤口愈合,形成愈伤组织并隆起如瘤。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
几乎所有的女性都会憧憬向往浪漫的爱情,梦想着能有有一天可以遇见生命中的那个白马王子,那么什么样的植物会给对你的桃花运有所帮助呢?同时又该怎么摆放呢?下面一起来看一下吧。 [图片]1、要相信感情,憧憬美好的爱情,不要消极 其实人自己本身也是一种风水呢,要记得时时刻刻保持积极乐观的心态,要相信感情,憧憬美好的爱情,不要消极,不要压抑,这样乐观的你再加上下面这么多好的改变桃花的好方法,一定会让你幸福快乐的。 2、一盆水培植物或是四季小盆栽 今年滥桃花的女孩子可不少,尤其是金牛座的美眉,有滥桃花的美眉们可以在自己的房间中放置一盆水培植物或是四季小盆栽,记得水培植物要勤换水,这样会带来新鲜的气息,这是一个改变滥桃花的好方法,并可以防减少口舌,增进感情。 3、不要在床头放花,卧室中不要用黑色装点 已有情人的美眉们怕自己的爱人脚踏两只船吗,如果出现这样感情危机的美眉要注意千万不要在床头放花,这样会对你们之间的感情产生不好的影响,加快对方的背叛,切忌卧室中不要用黑色装点。要用红色,紫色,粉色,绿色,蓝色这几种颜色去装点。 [图片]4、屋内摆设成双对 怎么会让桃花变好?扔掉旧情人送你的礼物和他的东西吧,销毁掉这些东西,会增进你现在的桃花,大有重新开始的意味。把房间内单人的画像,画报取下来,房间里的摆设比如床头柜,音响,台灯尽量要成双成对。整理房间,清除过于女性化,过于破旧有菱角的东西,如果室内有仙人掌的话最好拿开,这样会帮助你早日脱离单身的生活。 5、绿色的饰品 已经有爱人的美眉们,是否三天两头和情人闹别弄,担心和伴侣相处不好呢,如果有这方面的问题,试试在约会的时候穿上绿色的衣服,或是带着绿色的饰品,并在布置家里的时候用绿色或者蓝色的床单,会让你和伴侣之间的关系变得和谐。 6、粉水晶,水晶苹果,碎水晶开运袋 再介绍一种开桃花的好东东,粉水晶,很多明星都用粉水晶来旺桃花,你可以佩戴粉水晶的手链,配件,也可以在自己的卧室中放置粉红色的水晶球或者水晶苹果来装饰,更可以用碎水晶做成一个开运袋,随身携带,睡觉的时候放在枕边,这会大大的改变你的桃花运,是很值得一试的好方法。 7、不要让你的床离窗户太近,不要在床前放置很大的镜子 桃花过旺或是有烂桃花的美眉们有出轨或者婚外情的危险,要怎么在风水方面避免这些情况的发生呢,首先要注意不要让你的床离窗户太近,窗外代表着外界,床代表着你们的恋情,如果离窗子太近,则代表你们的爱情有危险。不要在床前放置很大的镜子,植物要选一些大叶的植物,切忌仙人掌。 8、粉红色饰物留住可能会失去的爱情 是否你和爱人之间有解不开的心结,感觉他要离开你呢,这个时候应该怎么办呢,你一定有很多饰品,比如耳钉,耳环,手链,化妆盒,化妆包,可以将它们都换成粉红色的,在风水学里面,这些粉红色饰物会帮助你留住可能会失去的爱情。 9、西北方位和中宫方位放红色 爱情的方位你了解吗?今年西北方位和中宫方位是桃花气场最强的方位了,多多在这两个方位活动,可以把卧室或者客厅安排到这个方向,另外在这两个方向多放置些红色系的饰品和家用电器,比如红色地毯,紫色水晶,电脑,加湿器等等,也可墙壁油漆成红色,紫色或者粉色,会让你的好桃花变得更好,滥桃花变好桃花。
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