Miss Chen
Miss Chen
植物养护中很较重要的一步就是给植物更换盆土,良好的培养土能使盆栽植物长势良好。常常通过判断土壤的酸碱度对土壤是不是适合植物生长做出判断,那么在我们要如何判断土壤的酸碱度呢?接下来就跟小编一起来了解一下吧。 [图片]一、看质地:酸性土壤质地疏松,透气透水性强;碱性土壤质地坚硬,容易板结成块,通气透水性差。 二、看土源:一般采自山川,沟壑的腐殖土,多呈黑褐色,比较疏松,肥沃,通透性良好,是比较理想的酸性腐殖土。如:松针腐殖土,草炭腐殖土等。 三、看土色:酸性土壤一般颜色较深,多为黑褐色,而碱性土壤颜色多呈白、黄等浅色。有些盐碱地区,土表经常有一层白粉状的碱性物质。 四、凭手感:酸性土壤握在手中有一种“松软”的感觉,松手以后,土壤容易散开,不易结块;碱性土壤握在手中有一种“硬实”的感觉,松手以后容易结块而不散开。 五、看地表植物:在野外采掘花土时,可以观察一下地表生长的植物,一般生长野杜鹃、松树、杉类植物的土壤多为酸性土;而生长柽柳、谷子、高梁等地段的土多为碱性土。 [图片]六、用pH试纸来测土壤的酸碱性,方法为:取部分土样浸泡于凉开水中,将试纸的一部分浸入浸泡液,后取出,观察其颜色的变化,然后将试纸与比色卡相比较,若pH值=7,土壤为中性;若pH值<7,则为酸性;若pH值>7,则为碱性。 七、看浇水后的情形:酸性土壤浇水以后下渗较快,不冒白泡,水面较浑;碱性土壤浇水后,下渗较慢,水面冒白泡,起白沫,有时花盆外围还有一层白色的碱性物质。 酸性土壤和碱性土壤并没有谁优谁劣,因为植物的生长环境不同,所以植物租赁在更换植物土壤的时候,应该根据植物的生长需要,选择酸性土壤还是碱性土壤作为盆土。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
[图片]Q:水生植物适合放在室内吗? A:首先考虑摆放位置的光线是否充足,一般居家的南向及西向窗台较为适合,如果光照不足,可尝试以日光灯补充日照,或是先移到室内观赏2-4天,再回到阳台1-2周。 成都花卉租赁问答:花卉养殖问答-水生植物 Q:如何照顾不同种类的水生植物呢? A:水生植物可分为挺水性,浮水性和沉水性三大类,大多数都需要充足日照,尤其生长期间,当光照不足就会发生茎节徒长,叶片变小而薄,或是不开花等现象,同时也要注意时常补充足够的水。 Q:水生植物需要施肥吗? A:建议使用化学肥料为佳,以避免污染水质,施用量必须较一般植物稀释10倍。开花型水生植物,可以每3个月施用一次长效性固体肥料,观叶型水生植物,于春、秋季期间每个月施用1次液体肥料。冬季休眠期不要施肥。 [图片]Q:草花放在阳台可以养活吗? A:如果家中为日照充足的南、西向阳台或是顶楼的话,对于大部分的草花都无问题。东向与北向阳台,可以种植稍耐阴的凤仙花类与四季秋海棠。 成都花卉租赁攻略:花卉养殖问答-草花植物 Q:该如何帮草花、盆花浇水呢? A:建议直接浇水于介质里,以免水滴滞留在花朵之上,造成花瓣损伤甚至腐烂。 Q:为什么草花花期过后不适合继续栽培呢? A:这是因为草花多属于一年生植物;而具有多年生长特性的草花,在酷热的季节,需要特别细心照顾才能在下一个生长期继续开花,但付出的心力所获得的栽培结果,仍不及买一株新的回来种。草花价格十分低廉,因此多建议作为当季栽培观赏即可。 [图片]Q:多肉植物是不是都不用浇水? A:其实多肉植物还是需要水的,但是请谨记“干燥再浇,一次要浇透”的原则,不需要每天给水。此外,当气候闷热的夏季,部分多肉植物都会进入休眠期,可以浇水间隔再拉长以帮助适应环境。 成都花卉租赁之花卉养殖问答-多肉植物 Q:多肉植物都喜欢炎热的气候? A:多肉植物喜欢的是“高温差”的环境,而非“高温”。春秋季天气凉爽多变化的时候,是多肉植物最佳的生长季,换盆、繁殖等动作都可以把握这个时机进行。 Q:多肉植物会有病虫害吗? A:当较为闷热潮湿或长期缺水的时候,介壳虫算是比较容易发生的一种病虫害,尽速用刷子去除即可。相较于一般植物,多肉植物算是少有病虫害的一个族群。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
A close relative to other vining crops such as zucchini, melons and squash, the cucumber (Cucumis sativus) grows as an annual vine that does not survive frost. Its prickly stems clamber across the warm soil surface, producing yellow flowers that later become the familiar elongated fruits. Cucumbers are harvested when immature and small. Ripe cucumbers are large and plump with yellow skin, watery flesh and a bitter flavor. Plant cucumbers in a sunny garden plot two weeks after the last spring frost. [图片]Types Cucumber plants spread and take up at least 25 square feet in the vegetable garden. Regular cucumbers often produce vines as long as 8 to 10 feet. Look at the seed packet or seedling label to learn the size of a mature plant. Bush cucumbers genetically develop much shorter stems and a compact overall plant size. Bush types make exceptional choices for small-sized gardens or for growing in containers. Either type may be grown on a trellis of an appropriate height to meet the mature length of the cucumber variety's stems. Planting Options Cucumbers may be grown in rows or hills. Row planting requires a long furrow that is 1/2 to 1 inch deep. Place seeds in the furrow spaced 12 inches apart. If you know the cucumber variety is very large growing, increase the spacing in the furrow to 18 to 36 inches apart. Another planting option for cucumber planting is sowing in hills. Make a wide basin about 10 inches wide and 1 inch deep. Place four or five seeds in the hill, each spaced 2 to 3 inches apart across the basin. Row Spacing Space additional straight rows of cucumbers at least 36 inches apart. Space hills 36 inches apart as well. Increase the distance among rows or hills up to 5 feet if the cucumber variety is known to grow large. Planting cucumbers too closely together causes leaves and vines to compete with each other for sunlight and reduces air circulation, which can encourage diseases. A dense matrix of cucumber vines also is difficult to navigate later when you walk through the patch to harvest fruits. [图片]Vegetable Garden Planning Cucumbers do not cross-pollinate other vining crops in the garden, contrary to a common American garden myth. While you don't want crops growing into each other to create a tangle of vines, misshapen or poorly tasting cucumbers because of the pollen from nearby melons, squashes or zucchini plants. Only other cucumber varieties cross-pollinate -- all are the same botanical species. Cross-pollination does not affect cucumber fruit features or qualities, but it does yield hybridized seeds.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Green peppers are often referred to as sweet or bell peppers and come in many varieties. Pepper plants originated in tropical areas of the world where they grow as perennials. However, these tender warm-season vegetables are usually planted annually in summer vegetable gardens. Most pepper plants can take from 60 to 95 days from sowing to harvest, but you may not know that green peppers are actually not fully mature. [图片]Temperature Requirements Most gardeners either start green peppers from seeds indoors seven to 10 weeks ahead of the proposed planting date or purchase green pepper transplants in the spring because of the temperatures required for growing these tender plants. The best temperature for growing peppers is no more than 80 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and not less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night. You must wait until the soil has warmed in the spring and there is no more chance of frost to plant peppers outside. Soil and Light Requirements Providing the ideal growing environment for the green pepper plants to develop and begin producing fruits starts with the planting location. Pepper plants prefer well-drained, moderately rich soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. If possible, test your soil and alter it accordingly depending on the results. Amending the soil with 3 inches of organic matter is a common practice to enrich the soil without testing. Green peppers require full sunlight for more than six hours. Planting Green Peppers Only purchase healthy green pepper plants with three or more sets of leaves and no blossoms. Water the plants well before planting. Wait for a cloudy, cool day to place the transplants in the vegetable garden. Space the pepper transplants at least 18 inches apart and in rows at least 24 inches apart. Dig holes to plant them at the same depth and saturate the soil to remove any air pockets. Apply a starter fertilizer at half-strength to each plant. [图片]Maintenance and Harvest Maintain the plants properly to ensure ideal growth and development occurs. Place a layer of mulch around the peppers to retain soil moisture and avert weeds or remove the weeds manually. Water the green pepper plants as needed to maintain moist but not soggy soil. Apply a vegetable fertilizer as directed while the plants are growing. Harvest the green peppers when the fruits have reached the size desired. Remove the peppers from the plants with a sharp knife or pruner to prevent damage. Varieties and Days to Harvest Sweet bell hybrid peppers change from green to red, including varieties like Bell Boy, Brigadier and Enterprise (71 days) and Palidin, Ranger and Sentry (75 days). Green ornamental peppers include NeMex Twilight and Thai Hot (70 days). Hot hybrid green peppers include Ancho Ranchero (70 days), Ancho Vila (80 days), Cherry Bomb (68 days), Grande and Super Chili (75 days). Open-pollinated sweet and hot green peppers include Queen (68 days), Valencia (70 days), Red Chill (82 days) and Ancho Gigantia (90 days).
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Daikon radishes have long, fleshy taproots that are used for a variety of purposes. Daikon radishes are generally 2 to 4 inches in diameter and 6 to 20 inches long. The three distinct shapes are spherical, oblong and cylindrical. The uses for Daikon radishes are as varied as the shapes, colors and sizes they come in. [图片]Origins of Daikon Radishes Also called oilseed radish, Daikon radishes (Raphanus sativus var. oleiferus) comes from two Japanese words: "dia" (meaning large) and "kon" (meaning root). Thought to have originated in the Mediterranian, Daikon radishes were brought to China around 500 B.C. and are still a staple in food dishes across Asia. Most Daikon radishes are white, but they can be yellow, green or black. Uses for Cover Cropping Daikon radishes are grown worldwide for cover cropping and food production. Cover cropping is using the natural properties of one or more plant species to help soil, reduce weeds and increase nutrient content for the benefit of the primary crop. Daikon radishes have been found to penetrate tough soils, absorb large amounts of nitrogen and provide a large above-ground foliage cover to suppress weeds. Daikon radishes germinate quickly, grow in cooler temperatures and are often planted in the fall. Left in the ground over winter to decompose, they then release the nitrogen back into the soil for next season's crop. [图片]Culinary Uses Daikon radishes are the most widely grown vegetable in Japan. Daikon can be eaten raw, fried, grilled or boiled. When eaten raw, Daikon radishes are spicy. They become mild when processed. Daikon radishes are a good source of vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium. Daikon radishes are also low in calories (only about 18 calories per 100g) and are rich in enzymes to help aid in digestion. When to Harvest When used as a food crop, Daikon radishes can be harvested approximately 60 days after planting. If used for processing, roots should be allowed to grow to 12 to 14 inches. For fresh market sales, harvest roots at 2 1/2 inches. Tops break off easily during harvesting, so radishes should be harvested by hand. Use a digging fork to gently lift and loosen the soil around the radishes, then gently pull on the tops as close to the ground as possible. If you plant several crops in a row, you can harvest Daikon radishes for several weeks.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Bean plants are among the easiest vegetables to grow. They germinate quickly under the right conditions and produce flowers and fruit within 50 to 65 days, depending on the variety. If planted too early, though, beans may be slow to germinate or fail to germinate at all. Pay close attention to planting times and seed depth. [图片]Time Frame Under good conditions, beans germinate in eight to 10 days. Beans may take two weeks or longer if the soil temperature is under 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Wait until daytime temperatures are above 75 degrees Fahrenheit before planting bean seeds for fast germination. Moisture Many people soak bean seeds before planting, but this procedure can actually hamper germination by causing the seeds to crack or rot. Beans germinate best in evenly moist, but not soggy soil. Heavy clay soils tend to stay wet longer in the spring. Amend them with organic matter such as compost or manure to improve drainage, or plant green beans in raised beds. Warmth In addition to improving drainage, raised beds warm up earlier in the spring, making them a good choice for gardeners in areas with short seasons. Another option is to lay black plastic over the soil two weeks before planting bean seeds. The plastic warms the soil and hastens seed germination. Remove the plastic before planting or cut slits in the plastic and leave it in place all summer. Plant green bean seeds 1 inch deep in sandy soils and 1/2 inch deep in clay soils that stay cold longer. [图片]Considerations Planting beans in cups is a common preschool or kindergarten activity because the seeds germinate predictably, offering a first lesson in gardening. Beans don't handle transplanting well, though. Plant seeds directly in the garden after the soil has warmed for best results, rather than starting seeds indoors.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Choosing the right type of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis ) for your garden means you'll get the taste and color you want and that it will work for your climate. Although cauliflower is technically a perennial, you'll be it as an annual and it may need up to 108 days from transplant to harvest, although some varieties mature faster. Most cauliflower varieties will grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 9. The cauliflower head is ready to harvest when its stunted flowers have formed into a dense, meaty "curd," which is white in classic cauliflower varieties, but can also be green, purple or orange. [图片]Fast Growers Many cauliflower hybrids were produced to take advantage of short growing seasons and can be planted late in the season. These types mature as early as 50 days after planting. To protect the heads of white varieties and prevent them from turning green, it's important to tie the leaves around them, a process that's called blanching. Some varieties are self-blanching -- the leaves wrap around the heads by themselves. 'Snowball' Originating in France, 'Snowball' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Snowball') is a snow-white heirloom variety that was introduced to North America in 1888. It features a 6-inch head with tightly wound curds, and can be planted just before the last frost. It takes approximately 68 days to mature. This variety that requires slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6.5 and 7.0 and full sun. This is a self-blanching variety. [图片]Related Hybrids 'Snow King' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Snow King') is a heat tolerant cultivar that matures quickly -- in as little as 50 days -- and produces a head that is 7 to 8 inches in diameter. 'Snow Crown' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Snow Crown') is another fast grower, reaching maturity 55 days after planting. The head grows to 7 or 8 inches in diameter. This variety is mildew resistant and keeps its flavor even if not harvested immediately. 'White Corona' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'White Corona') has relatively small heads of only 3 to 4 inches, but it's one of the fastest growers of them all, maturing in only 30 days. Rainbow Colors Not all cauliflowers have white curds, and those that don't usually take longer to mature, and they don't need blanching. Because they take longer to mature, these varieties are often dense and have complex flavors. [图片]'Alverda.pdf)' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Alverda') is similar to 'Romanesco' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Romanesco'), which is often misidentified as a type of broccoli but which, according to some, is not a cauliflower either. While 'Romanesco' is well-known for its geometric florets, 'Alverda' looks more like a traditional cauliflower. Sometimes called "broccoflower," it takes from 80 to 100 days to mature. Other greenish "broccoflowers" include: 'Green Goddess Hybrid' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Green Goddess Hybrid') 'Chartreuse Hybrid II' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Chartreuse Hybrid II') 'Vitaverde' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Vitaverde') [图片]'Violet Queen' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Violet Queen') is a warm-weather variety that grows best in USDA zones 7 through 11. It takes from 65 to 70 days to mature, and the purple florets, which are high in beta-carotene, are flavorful enough to eat raw. [图片]'Cheddar' (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis 'Cheddar') produces a curd that, like its namesake cheese, is orange in color, and mixing the melted cheese with the steamed vegetable is certainly recommended. Orange cauliflower was originally discovered in cauliflower patch in Canada, and has since been crossbred to produce the 'Cheddar' variety. It takes around 58 days to mature.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
第一步:摘心 通过钎插或播种繁殖的小苗大多采用摘心的方法,可促使其多分枝和多花头、多开花,形成优美的株形,此法在室内观叶花卉的植株调整中应用比较普及;摘心也叫打尖或打顶,是将植株顶端细小的生长点部分去掉;破坏其枝条或植株的顶端优势,促使其下部两个或更多个隐芽(或潜在芽)萌发成新的枝条;为了收到较好的效果,有时可连续2-3次摘心,使一个顶尖能萌发出6-8个分枝,摘心通常用于草本或小灌木状的观赏植物;另外,可以通过摘心抑制植株的过快生长,促进枝条生长得充实,花和果实更大,观赏效果更好。 [图片]第二步:疏剪 对生长过于旺盛的植株,应适时地疏剪植株内的枝条或摘除过密的叶片,以改善其通风透光条件,使其生长得健壮,花和果实的颜色更艳丽;有些盆栽花卉往往花蕾形成过多;如茶花,为了花开得好,使花开得艳丽而味香,必须适当地剥蕾,每一小枝留1-2朵花就可以了,多余的花蕾全部用手掰掉;疏花尽量提前进行,以免消耗过多的养分,一般应在能够区分出花芽和叶芽以后便可以进行;否则,长势比较弱的植株,开成花蕾多,若任其全部开放,植株养分消耗过多,会严重影响其以后的生长;另栽在室内的观叶植物,还应经常将植株上的枯黄叶片、枝条及时摘除和剪掉,以保持清洁和减轻病虫危害。 第三步:抹头 许多观叶植物栽种数年后,植株过于高大;有些在室内栽培有一定困难,或下部叶片脱落、株形较差,失去观赏价值,这时候需要彻底更新,进行重新修剪或抹头,如大型乔木植物橡皮树、大灌木状的千年林、鹅掌柴、大型草本植物大王黛粉叶等,生长到一定程度时均需进行重修剪;通常的作法是在春季新梢萌发之前抹头,将植株上部全部前掉;留主干的高低视不同种类而定,抹头后的植株根部亦需相应调整,应清理掉腐朽的老根和旧土,用新培养土重新栽植,待其重新萌发、生长成新的植株,剪下的枝条可用作钎插繁殖用材料。 [图片]第四步:去异 在室内观赏植物中,有许多花叶品种是绿叶植株芽变形成的,在花叶品种的栽培中常常出现返祖现象而萌发出完全绿色的枝条;这些完全绿色的枝条就称为异枝条,异枝条不具本品种的特性;同时因全绿色枝条生长速度远远超过花叶枝条,如果不及时将绿色枝条剪掉,则花叶部分很快全部被绿化枝叶覆盖,失去原来花叶品种的特点;因此对花叶品种的观叶植物,如花叶薜荔、花叶扶桑的栽培中,应经常注意随时剪掉植株上萌生出的全绿色枝条,以保持花叶观叶植物的正常生长和具有良好的观赏价值。
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