Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The scientific name Sempervivum tectorum means “always alive on the roof”, reflecting where this plant could mainly be found in the past. It can still be found on roofs of cottagers in rural Mid and South West Wales in the UK. If the Welsh have a Houseleek on their roof, they will want to keep it there as it is believed that if it is removed or picked by a stranger, bad luck and perhaps the death of one of the family will ensue. The Houseleek protects the house from fire and lightning and keeps the household members safe and prosperous. It is also believed that it protects the household against witchcraft. If the plant has to be moved, it will be safely transplanted to a rockery (these plants don’t need much soil and can withstand drought) and used for stings, as it has superb anti-inflammatory properties and relieves the pain of insect bites and stings virtually immediately. You might think it strange that it can grow on roofs, but in Wales people in remote rural areas have roof gardens. From the road you can’t tell that there is a house under the garden where typically daffodils, but not leeks (the vegetables) grow. [图片]The Holy Roman Emperor Charlemagne (742-814 AD) ordered all his subjects to grow houseleeks on their roofs, presumably to offer protection against lightning as it was believed in ancient times (pre-Charlemagne) that the Houseleek was connected with Jupiter (the Thunderer) and with Thor, the Norse god of Thunder. Some of the names the Houseleek has been known by are Jupiter’s Beard (because the huge numbers of flowers were supposed to resemble Jupiter’s beard) Jupiter’s Eye, Bullock’s Eye, and in Anglo-Saxon, Sengreen, Ayran and Ayegreen (meaning evergreen). In German it is called Donnersoart (Thunder Beard). The Houseleek is native to Central and Southern Europe and the Greek islands, and is known as the Common Houseleek. There are several other varieties of Houseleek, one of which is known as Stonecrop. One variety is native to Western Asia. It is believed to have been introduced into Britain by the Romans, like the Wild Rose or Dog Rose as it is called. The flowers have no perfume, but bees and butterflies love them. The botanist Linnaeus mentions that in the 17th century the Swedes used to grow it on their roofs because it helped preserve the thatching materials used. [图片]The word “leek” comes from the Anglo-Saxon word leac which means plant, so the name means house plant, and it was one literally in Roman households as they used to grow Houseleeks in vases near their windows. Dioscorides says that the Houseleek should be used for weak eyesight and inflamed eyes. The juice from the plant would be used to soothe the eyes. Pliny believed that the juice if taken internally would cure insomnia. The juice and leaves have been used in folk remedies for centuries, for their coolant, anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic properties. Bruised leaves of the fresh plant or the juice from the plant can be used as poultices for burns, scalds, ulcers and any inflammation as the pain is quickly reduced. Honey mixed with the juice helps relieve the pain of mouth ulcers. The juice can be used as a purgative if taken in large doses. According to Parkinson it takes corns from the toes if feet are bathed in the juice and then the toes wrapped in the Houseleek’s leaves. He also said the juice could remove warts. Culpeper thought that it was good for all inflammatory problems and that if the juice was made into a hot drink with honey, it would bring down the temperature of a fever sufferer. He went on to say that if a drop or two of juice were put into ears, it would cure earache. He also used it to treat ringworm and apparently it is also good for impetigo and ringworm according to modern medical research. He also claimed that it “easeth the pain of the gout”. Another of Culpeper’s remedies was to apply the juice to the forehead or temples for relief of headaches. He also recommended that the bruised leaves should be put on the “crown or seam of the head” to stop a nose bleed. Gerard merely agreed with Culpeper and Parkinson. [图片]The Houseleek was once used in Italy as a love charm. However, that use for it has fallen out of fashion. Modern medical research has shown that the Houseleek contains carbohydrates, isocitric acid, citric acid, malic acid, malonic acid, free amino acids (asparagines), phenol carbonic acid, flavonoids and mucilage. The flavonoids it contains contribute to its anti-inflammatory properties. So once again, modern scientists can confirm what the ancients and rustics have known for centuries.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Romans used to plant it in front of the windows because they believed this plant was a love medicine. Others believed that this plant could protect them from witchcraft and thunder. For centuries, juice made from Houseleek has been used for skin and eye treatments. [图片]What Is Houseleek? Most of us are familiar with Houseleek and surely many of us have seen it or, at least, heard some of the stories and legends surrounding this plant. Many different cultures and civilizations were familiar with this peculiar plant, thus various stories they produced seem to discover the popularity and necessity of Houseleek. The very first interesting thing that shed some light on this plant’s popularity stems from its various names. Houseleek or Sempervivum is in fact a genus of about 40 plants in the family Crassulaceae. The Latin name Sepmrevivum tells us a lot about the characteristic of this plant. The name is formed of two words: Semper that means “always” and Vivus that means “living”, indicating that this plant is perennial, and that can grow in very difficult conditions. It is believed that if you plant Houseleek on the roofs of the houses, it can protect you from lightning strikes. For others, this plant is known as Live-Forever and Hen and Chicks or Hen and Chickens. Many names of the Gods are also associated with this plant. Thus, some people called it Thor’s Beard indicating the name of the Norse God of Thunder, Thor, and other Jupiter’s Beard. It is also known as Devil’s Beard, Jove’s Beard, St. George’s Beard, and Bullock’s Beard. The most interesting name is certainly Welcome-Home-Husband-Though-Never-so-Drunk, that shares with a plant Sedum acre. It is believed that its ancestors were subtropical plants. The origin of this genus is Mexico but it can grow almost everywhere: in Carpathians, the Alps, Balkan Mountains, Sahara deserts, because it can store water in the leaves. The particular plant from this genus we are writing about is Semprevivum tectorum and this specie is the most popular one. This plant has small and thick leaves that form a rosette. It can grow up to 15 centimeters tall, and 50 centimeters broad, with beautiful red flowers that bears in summer. This plant is resistant to drought and high temperatures and today is famous garden plant. [图片]Health Benefits of Houseleek Houseleek has been used in folk medicine due to its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and astringent properties. Modern medicine confirmed that Houseleek has important acids (citric, malic, malonic, isocitric, free amino acid, and phenol carbonic acid), flavanoids and carbohydrates. This plant has two major benefits; it is on the first place famous for its skin treatment, in particular burns, and for the treatment of the earache, and ear pain in general (otalgia). Moreover, the juice made from Houseleek leaves is also very famous immune system remedy. [图片]Skin Treatment The effects on the skin that Houseleek has are very similar to those of Aloe plant. Moreover, it is considered one of the safest natural remedies for skin infections and different conditions. In addition, Houseleek is a very popular skin remedy because it almost has no side effect, and those that might occur depend on other conditions. Skin healing can differ; one can use juicy fluid from the leaves, cremes, or tinctures. Until know, Houseleek has been very lucrative in treating burns, sun burns, insect bites, and frostbites. Moreover, one can treat redness, swelling, scratches, abrasions, and other inflammatory diseases. [图片]Ear Treatment For years, even known to ancient civilization, Houseleek has been used to treat otitis, and hearing loss and damages. Ear pain can be caused by excessive accumulation of earwax and its huge buildups. Although cerumen protects ear canal in general, as well as from bacteria, fungi and water, and assist in lubrication, impacted cerumen can press against the eardrum, threaten the external auditory canal, and cause conductive hearing loss. The juice of Houseleek leaves can dissolve cerumen thus ease the pain in general. The best treatment is quite simple; just squeeze some drops of the juice in the ear. If the pain is severe, one can soak a cotton wool in the juice, place it in the opening of the ear, and leave it for several hours. [图片]Houseleek Juice Benefits The science confirmed that Houseleek is rich with polysaccharides and other antibacterial ingredients that are very efficient in protecting the immune system. Similar to Aloe plant, freshly squeezed juice from the leaves is used to treat nervous system, especially nervous derangement, various unrealistic fears, and falling sickness. The juice is also a remedy that can remove warts, treat open wounds and sunspots. Moreover, it can help relieve the pain from insects’ bites. When mixed with honey, the juice is used to treat soreness, ulcerated conditions of the mouth and bronchitis, while the mixture with honey and hot water can bring down the temperature or a fever. [图片]Benefits of Houseleek Tea There is a difference in usage between Houseleek juice and tea. Although both are very efficient and lucrative, tea is especially good for heavy periods, menstrual cramps, and ulcers. It is very easy to prepare a Houseleek tea; one should add 12 grams of dried leaves or 10 grams of fresh leaves into 4 liter of water and cook it for 15 minutes, then strain it and leave it to cool down. One should drink one cup of tea early in the morning on empty stomach. After that, take one tablespoon of tea every hour. [图片]Daily Dosage and Side Effect Daily dosage of Houseleek depends on user’s age, health and other conditions. As for the side effects, some people can be allergic, but that is very rare. It is advised not to take Houseleek when breast-feeding or pregnant.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Old movies and television programs have made Barrel Cactus famous. For years, popular media touted the Barrel Cactus as a provider of life-saving water for lost and thirsty travelers. The story was based on the cactus’ remarkably juicy interior that could be squeezed to release a distasteful fluid. A recent chemical evaluation of the liquid, however, indicates it is too alkaline to quench one’s thirst. In truth, a person would be worse off after drinking it. The Seri Indians of Mexico’s Sonoran Desert were aware of this fact and described how the liquid was not considered potable and caused headaches, diarrhea and pain in the extremities if consumed. [图片]The California Barrel Cactus (Ferocactus cylindraceus) was introduced to the scientific community by German-born botanist George Engelmann in 1853. He characterized the species as having a cylindrical shape, vertical rows of curved spines and large yellow blossoms often forming a circular crown on top of a single, swollen stem. (Most plants have one stem though occasionally multi-stemmed individuals are found. The condition is thought to be a result of rodents or other mammals gnawing the less well-armed base of the plant.) Providing a cactus does not succumb to multiple-years of drought, depredations of woodrats searching for moist food, or being carried away by a flash flood, a Barrel Cactus can survive for nearly a century. Such old plants may reach ten feet in height and may finally die when toppled by strong winds. In historic times, all products of the plant’s reproductive cycle were collected by Native Americans. In spring, Indian women collected buds and flowers. In summer ripened fruits were harvested. In both seasons reproductive parts were plucked from the top of cacti with sticks to avoid sharp spines. Buds, flowers and fruits were parboiled to remove bitterness. After cooking, harvested parts were either eaten immediately or sun dried and stored. [图片]There are twenty-five species in the genus Ferocactus with the largest number occurring in Mexico. Only Ferocactus cylindraceus occurs in the deserts of California. A second species, Ferocactus viridescens (San Diego Barrel Cactus), is found on the coastal side of the mountains in Southern California’s San Diego County. Two additional species, Ferocactus wislizeni (Arizona Barrel Cactus) and Ferocactus covillei (Coville’s Barrel Cactus) also occur in the Sonoran Desert but only in Arizona and adjacent Mexico. [图片]California Barrel Cacti are found on coarse-grained (well-drained) soils of hillsides, alluvial fans and bajadas in both the Sonoran and Mojave deserts of California. The species is particularly abundant on eastern slopes of the Peninsular Ranges and in the eastern Mojave Desert. Both locations are centered where summer rains are more likely than in other parts of the desert. The species has been discovered at elevations up to 5,000 feet on south-facing slopes. In the Coachella Valley, the best places to view and photograph California Barrel Cacti include the Indian Canyons Tribal Park south of Palm Springs and Devil’s Garden about 1.5 miles (2.4 km) northwest of Highway 62 on Mission Creek Road. At the latter location, park at the concrete berm and walk directly west.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The healing power of Aloe vera has been embraced since ancient times. In traditional Indian medicine, it has a history of use for skin conditions and infections, among a plethora of other ailments, while in China, it is employed to combat fungal diseases. In the West, it is known that Aloe vera cannot be beat to ease the pain of a nasty sunburn. [图片]One notable benefit of Aloe vera is its potential as an anti-aging serum. A study performed at the Seoul National University Boramae Hospital in Korea sought to examine these effects. Researchers gave 30 healthy female participants over the age of 45 Aloe vera gel to apply to their skin, some in high doses, and some in low. The participants applied the gel for 90 days, at which time their facial wrinkles and elasticity were analyzed. Results of the analysis showed that in both the high and low dose groups, facial wrinkles had significantly diminished, while elasticity was markedly improved in the low dose group. It was not clear why the low dose group had greater improvement in elasticity than the high dose group, and researchers concluded that, “no dose-response relationship was found between the low-dose and high-dose groups.” It is possible that the dosage discrepancy in the Seoul study was due to the fact that Aloe vera is very much intended to be used in its natural form, as opposed to a concentrate mixed into a gel. Pure Aloe vera is ready to be applied straight from a cut leaf of the plant. When commercial Aloe vera is produced, however, its natural healing properties become compromised. In their Evaluation of the Nutritional and Metabolic Effects of Aloe vera, authors Meika Foster, Duncan Hunger and Samir Samman explain that when Aloe vera is processed, the whole leaf is first pulverized to produce the juice, and then undergoes processes of filtration and stabilization until the desired extract potency is reached. [图片]The authors write, “this method provides ease of processing and higher efficiency in the recovery of the solids, but it can result in a product that contains little or no active ingredients.” They also explain that heating Aloe vera, as often occurs during processing, changes its molecular structure. Commercial Aloe vera gels also often include fillers such as maltodextrin (a corn sugar that likely comes from GMO corn), glycerin, glucose and malic acid, and sometimes an array of other chemicals that you probably do not want seeping into your skin. [图片]Luckily, if you’ve got ample sunlight in your home, growing your own Aloe vera is easy. Plant an existing Aloe vera plant in a wide pot with well-draining soil. It should be watered generously, but allowed to dry to an inch or 2 (2.5 or 5 cm) deep between waterings. To use, simply cut a leaf from a mature plant, squeeze out the gel, and smooth over skin. The cooling sensation is highly pleasant, and the anti-aging potential of the plant may produce significant results in your complexion.
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Dummer. ゛☀
People have been growing Aloe vera for literally thousands of years. It is one of the most widely used medicinal plants on the planet. If you are wondering, “How can I grow an aloe plant?” We are here to tell you that taking care of an Aloe Vera plant in your home is easy. Keep reading to learn more about how to grow and care for an Aloe Vera plant. [图片]Growing Conditions The first step in Aloe Vera care is to realize that this plant is a succulent. Like cacti, succulents do best in dry conditions. When growing Aloe Vera plants, plant them in a cactus potting soil mix or a regular potting soil that has been amended with additional perlite or building sand. Also, make sure that the pot has plenty of drainage holes. It cannot tolerate standing water. One important thing in the care of Aloe Vera houseplants is that they have proper light. They need bright light, so they do best in south- or west-facing windows. [图片]General Care Another important part of how to grow an Aloe Vera is to water the plant properly. The soil should be allowed to go completely dry before being watered. When the plant is watered, the soil should be thoroughly drenched, but the water should be allowed to drain freely from the soil. The most common reason an Aloe Vera dies is that the owners water too often or do not allow the water to drain. Do not make this mistake when taking care of Aloe houseplants. You can fertilize your Aloe Vera, but Aloes do not need to be fertilized. If you decide to add fertilizing to part of your Aloe Vera plant care routine, plants should be fertilized once a year in the spring. You can use a phosphorus-heavy water-based fertilizer at half strength. Growing Aloe Vera houseplants is not only easy but can also provide your family with a plant that can help treat minor burns and rashes. Now that you know a little more about how to care for an Aloe Vera plant, you need never be without this lovely and helpful plant.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Aloe vera is a succulent plant species of the genus Aloe. It grows wild in tropical climates around the world and is cultivated for agricultural and medicinal uses. Aloe vera also is used for decorative purposes and grows successfully indoors as a potted plant. We bring you forty fabulous uses from this “plant of immortality”, as affectionately dubbed by the Egyptians 6,000 years ago. [图片]That’s right; the spiky, green gem has a rich history of various cultures and personalities who used the plant’s moist middle in a plethora of practical uses. Like Cleopatra who applied the gel to her body as part of her beauty regimen, the ancient Greeks who used it to cure everything from baldness to insomnia to the Native Americans who called Aloe vera the “Wand of the Heaven.” It doesn’t hurt that Aloe vera produces at least six natural antiseptics, which are able to kill mold, bacteria, funguses, and viruses. In fact, the plant is so powerful that researchers and scientists are looking into its potential as an AIDS and cancer-fighter. From all-around health elixirs to simple beauty aids, learn about the various ways to put your little plant to maximal use after splitting the leaves lengthwise down the middle. For both topical and oral applications, it’s always recommended to consult your doctor beforehand. [图片]1. Pamper yourself to a soothing body rub. Slice Aloe vera leaves lengthwise and use the inner sides as a biodegradable body scrub in the shower. 2. Treat burns from minor mishaps in the kitchen—from grease splatters or hot utensils. 3. For more major kitchen mishaps like a scald, mix some aloe gel and vitamin E oil into a little jar for a homemade burn healer. 4. Banish black and blue bruises by swapping on the good goo. 5. Soothe and heal sunburns the feel-good way. Aloe vera contains cooling properties similar to menthol. 6. Take the sting or itch out of insect bites. 7. Reduce tissue damage from frostbite. 8. Alleviate mysterious rashes. 9. Make feet baby soft with an exfoliating foot mask by mixing together a half cup of oatmeal, a half cup of corn meal, four tbsp. of Aloe vera gel and a half cup of unscented body lotion. 10. Help heal herpes outbreaks. 11. Fight Athlete’s Foot. 12. Swab over blisters for quick relief. 13. Use as an antidote to allergic skin reactions. 14. Replace creams and lotions as a general moisturizer for dry skin. Aloe vera is fast absorbing! 15. Prevent pesky pimples and treat acne. 16. Soothe Psoriasis. 17. Prevent scarring and stretch marks. 18. Help rid of Rosacea. 19. Shrink warts. 20. Reverse signs of aging skin and wrinkles. Cleopatra did! 21. Help eliminate Eczema. 22. Brighten skin. Aloe can decrease pigmentation and dark spots. 23. Make skin new again with an exfoliating, organic sugar scrub by mixing together two tbsp. of Aloe vera, 2 tbsp. of organic brown sugar and 1 tsp. of organic lemon juice. 24. For rougher patches mix together an organic salt skin scrub using two cups of sea salt, one cup of Aloe vera, one cup of organic coconut oil and two tbsp. of local, organic honey. 25. Speed up hair growth by massaging aloe into the scalp, letting it sit for 30 minutes, and rinsing. 26. Reduce hair dandruff by mixing Aloe vera juice with coconut milk and wheat germ oil. Massage into scalp and rinse. 27. Replace Aloe vera with conditioner for silkier, smoother hair. 28. Remove eye makeup. 29. Treat minor vaginal irritations. [图片]30. Drink Aloe vera juice to relieve gastrointestinal disorders like indigestion. 31. Sip it to aid in elimination. Many times, it’s recommended for its laxative effects. 32. Take a swig to reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome including bloating and discomfort. 33. Take Aloe vera orally to relieve heartburn, arthritis and rheumatism pain. 34. Boil leaves in a pan of water and breathe in the vapor to alleviate asthma. 35. Drink to lower blood sugar levels—especially for diabetics. 36. Strengthen gums and promote strong, healthy teeth by taking orally or use toothpaste with Aloe vera ingredients. 37. Drink to help ease congestion, stomach ulcers, colitis, hemorrhoids, urinary tract infections and prostate problems. 38. Take orally to reduce cholesterol and triglycerides for a healthy heart. 39. Sip to minimize inflammation and infection of the eye and ear. 40. Toast to its general detoxifier and health boosting qualities!
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Dummer. ゛☀
Even if you’re not a huge enthusiast when it comes to natural remedies, chances are you’ve heard of some of the health benefits of Aloe vera. Aloe vera has been used as a traditional medicinal treatment in various cultures for millennia. References can be found in Greece, Egypt, India, Mexico, Japan and China. There are two major components of the Aloe vera plant which are often confused when it comes to natural remedies: Aloe vera gel and Aloe vera juice. Aloe vera juice is a yellow compound found in a thin layer under the plant’s skin. It tastes very bitter and has a completely different chemical make-up to the gel, which is what we’re after. Aloe vera juice is also known as Aloe vera latex or sap. Most medical and food products labelled as containing Aloe vera are made up of the gel. This is the substance in the middle of the leaf with a high water content. Its effect on the human body is much milder as it doesn’t contain anthraquinones. The reason for the interest in this particular plant is undoubtedly its numerous health benefits. Ranging from digestion to skincare to the heart and circulatory system, let’s separate fact from speculation and check out the health benefits of Aloe vera. [图片]Digestion If you are suffering from severe constipation and want something natural to treat it, Aloe vera could be an option. The gel does have a high fiber content, so this alone will improve digestion. [图片]Vitamin and Mineral Boost Incorporating Aloe vera products into your diet can provide a not-insignificant vitamin and mineral boost. Livestrong lists some of the benefits of the particular nutrients in Aloe vera, including: B-12: helps make DNA, maintains blood and nerve cells Folic acid: involved in formation of new cells and preventing birth defects during pregnancy Choline: involved in nerve signalling Vitamins A, C and E: have antioxidant capabilities. [图片]Wound Healing If you’ve been to your local pharmacy, you’ve probably seen an Aloe vera gel for treating skin wounds or specifically burns. It’s said that Aloe vera can speed up wound healing. Aloe vera seems to do this by improving blood circulation to the damaged spot and stopping cell death around a wound. The cooling sensation of the gel will also provide some physical relief.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Herbs are plants, even those we might consider weeds, that have useful purposes. They may be used for flavorings, fragrances, pesticides, medicines or dyes. Succulent plants are generally recognized has having fleshy parts, such as leaves, stems or trunks; this fleshiness is a result of water storage in the plant’s tissues. Although there aren’t many plants that are both succulent and herbal, a few genera possess both qualities. [图片]Purslane Purslane (Portulaca oleracea), hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10, is one of those plants that are considered weedy by most gardeners. It has small, green leaves on fleshy red stems and stays low to the ground. It has a slightly sour and lemony flavor and is eaten in a variety of ways. Most people just eat it raw in salads, but it can be sauteed and seasoned in the same way one would cook spinach, and even pickled with garlic and peppercorns. It is also known as Little Hogweed. [图片]Aloe Aloe may likely be one of the more popular succulent herbs. Aloes form a rosette of thick, fleshy leaves with a slightly frosty blue-green color. Aloe vera is probably the best-known species. It is most often used as a houseplant but can be grown outside in USDA zones 10 through 11. Because it is not frost hardy, some people in zone 9 choose to grow Aloe ferox, which has much the same appearance but is slightly hardier. These Aloes are often used medicinally. The jelly-like substance that exudes from the cut leaves is often applied to minor wounds or burns. [图片]Indian Borage and Cuban Oregano Indian Borage (Plectranthus aromaticus or Coleus aromaticus) is also called the All Purpose Herb. The leaves are strongly oregano-flavored but not particularly palatable for salads because of their fuzzy leaves. The leaves are commonly used to flavor meats; however, there are also some traditional medicinal uses as well. Cuban Oregano (Plectranthus amboinicus, also called French or Mexican Oregano) also has similar culinary and medicinal uses and has a similar flavor. There is a pretty variegated variety (Plectranthus amboinicus ‘Variegata’) that has a thin cream edge, making it an attractive garden plant. Both of these herb species are hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11 but are grown as annuals elsewhere. [图片]Other Succulent Herbs The herb Jewels of Opar (Talinum paniculatum) forms a mound of glossy green leaves and clouds of small pink flowers on wiry stems. The foliage is used medicinally and the tangy leaves are eaten fresh or sauteed. The cultivar Talinum paniculatum ‘Limon’ bears chartreuse leaves, and Talinum paniculatum ‘Variegatum’ has creamy white variegation. All are hardy in USDA zones 10 through 11. Samphire, or Sea Fennel (Crithmum maritimum), hardy in USDA zones 7 through 11, has feathery blue-green leaves and pale yellow flower clusters. Leaves are eaten fresh or pickled, and they have traditional medicinal uses as well.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Rhodiola rosea is a perennial succulent plant . There are many common names for this versatile and globally available herb, including Golden Root, Arctic Root, King’s Crown, and Roseroot, but they all describe the same plant. You can typically find this small, hardy perennial in cold regions, including Siberia, the Arctic, as well as northern parts of Asia, North America, Europe, and the UK. You can identify these plants by several stems growing from the same root, topped by small flowers of yellowish-white, and the plants commonly grow in cliffs or rocky sea regions. Rhodiola rosea has been used for thousands of years in certain traditional medicine treatments due to the high concentration of organic compounds, such as phenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, and quinones. [图片]There has been a wide variety of research studies conducted on the roots of these plants, as they are where most of the nutrients can be found. These roots have been sought out because they can be dried, powdered, and made into a very beneficial tea, which has been used in Indian and Chinese traditional medicines for centuries. It was initially popularized for its impact on stress and anxiety, but subsequent research has identified a number of other health concerns that can be treated with this versatile herb. You can also find Rhodiola rosea supplements in many herbal shops, which is the most popular way of consuming this herb in western cultures. Now, let’s take a closer look at the many health benefits of Rhodiola rosea. 1. Stress Relief The calming effects of Rhodiola rosea tea have been known for thousands of years, and from the stress of life in rural China to the depression-inducing weather of Siberia, this particular herbal tea has been soothing and calming people for generations. The chemical constituents found in Rhodiola rosea can affect the hormonal levels of the body and induce relaxation. 2. Depression One of the side effects of Rhodiola rosea is an increase in energy levels, and for those people suffering from fatigue-induced depression, this herbal approach can be life-changing. For people pursuing alternative medicine solutions to their depressive symptoms, Rhodiola rosea tea can be extremely effective. Some of the organic compounds in this widely available herb are considered adaptogenic, which means that it can actually cause long-lasting effects on our hormonal and metabolic states. In other words, rather than treating certain forms of depression and chronic stress, it can actually cure them! In fact, the proven usefulness of Rhodiola rosea extract has led it to be combined with numerous antidepressants on the market, and the results have been very encouraging. 3. Cognitive Abilities The two health benefits listed above certainly have an effect on the brain and hormone levels that affect mood, but the actual health of the brain is another major concern in modern medicine. Research has shown that Rhodiola rosea can have an effect on numerous aspects of cognitive health, including memory and concentration. For aging populations suffering through the onset of dementia or Alzheimer’s, Rhodiola rosea tea can become a daily treatment to boost cognition and memory, thereby keeping your faculties intact for longer. 4. Weight Loss Efforts Recent research has shown that using Rhodiola rosea extracts and teas for weight loss efforts can be highly effective. The release of adipose tissue is one of the keys to losing weight, and while researchers have been looking for a natural product containing the essential enzymes to do that, Golden Root has been under their nose the whole time. Essentially, Rhodiola rosea speeds up the fat-burning cells in your body, and when combined with exercise, this can seriously speed up your slim down results. 5. Energy Boost Some of the active compounds found in Rhodiola rosea have been directly linked with increasing metabolism and stimulating greater circulation of blood and oxygen within the body. When organ systems receive more oxygen, they function more efficiently, particularly when muscles, nerve cells, and the brain receive the benefit of that oxygen boost! This has even been relied on by professional athletes in Asia and Russia as a safe and legal energy enhancer. [图片]6. Heart Health One of the most dangerous substances for our body is actually already inside of us – stress hormones. By reducing the amount of corticosteroids and catecholamines released by the body, we are able to reduce the effects of those hormones on all of our organ systems, including the heart. Excess stress hormones can cause higher blood pressure, heart disease, and dangerous levels of potassium. Research has also shown that Rhodiola rosea can regulate the heartbeat and eliminate heart arrhythmia, as well as a reduction in the chances of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. 7. Cancer Prevention By increasing the body’s natural resistance to toxins, in conjunction with the high concentration of antioxidants found in the roots of Rhodiola rosea, this herb has become closely linked to preventing and treating certain types of cancer. Anti-tumor activity is just as important as antioxidant effects, and this herb boasts both of those. While research into the range of cancers that can be impacted remains ongoing, the early results are very encouraging, primarily with bladder cancer. 8. Immune System In addition to all of the other impressive health benefits of Rhodiola rosea, it also has a variety of effects on the immune system. This herb can stimulate the production of NK cells in the stomach and spleen, thereby improving the immune response and establishing homeostasis within the body. [图片]9. Sexual Health In some traditional and modern applications, Rhodiola rosea has also been prescribed for erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. This can lead to increased fertility, boosted libido, and a generally healthier sex life, which comes with its own range of psychological, emotional, and physical health. Warning: Side effects are quite rare following the use of Rhodiola rosea, but when they do occur, they are typically mild and include insomnia, irritability, chest tightness, and increased blood pressure. As always, before adding a new herbal element to your health regimen, you should consult a trained medical professional, and always get your herbal supplements from a trusted herbalist.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Hypericum perforatum L. [图片]Common Names Common St. John’s Wort, St. John’s Wort, Goatweed, Klamath Weed, Klamathweed, Perforate St. John’s Wort, Racecourseweed, Tipton’s Weed, Tiptonweed, Rosin Rose, Chase-Devil Synonyms Hypericum assurgens, Hypericum deidesheimense, Hypericum lineolatum, Hypericum marylandicum Scientific Classification Family: Hypericaceae Genus: Hypericum [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Between late spring and early to mid summer Description Hypericum perforatum has erect stems which can grow up to 100 inches (2.5 m) of height. Leaves are small, the size of up to 1.6 inches (4 cm), egg-shaped, opposite and stemless, full of small and translucent dots or glands filled with essential oils. The flowers appear in broad cymes at the ends of the upper branches, between late spring and early to mid summer. [图片]How to Grow and Care If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 or 6 to 10 and have a partially shaded site, you can probably grow St. John’s Wort. The plant isn’t particular about the soil type. It grows well in sand, clay, rocky soil or loam, and tolerates acidic to slightly alkaline pH. St. John’s Wort adapts to both moist and dry soil, and even tolerates occasional flooding. It also withstands drought but grows best with irrigation during prolonged dry spells. You won’t find a plant that will thrive in more situations. Growing St. John’s Wort herb in a location with too much sun can lead to leaf scorch, while too much shade reduces the number of flowers. The best location is one with bright morning sunlight and a little shade in the hottest part of the afternoon. If your soil isn’t particularly fertile, prepare the bed before transplanting. Spread about 2 inches (5 cm) of compost or rotted manure over the area and dig it in to a depth of at least 8 inches (20 cm). Transplant the shrubs into the garden, setting them at the height at which they grew in their containers. They grow only 1 to 3 feet (30 to 90 cm) tall with a spread of 1.5 to 2 feet (45 to 60 cm), so space them 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) apart. Water slowly and deeply after planting and keep the soil moist until the transplants are well-established. Origin Native to temperate and subtropical regions of Europe, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Middle East, India, and China.
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