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Scientific Name Hypericum olympicum L. [图片]Common Names Mount Olympus St. John’s Wort Synonyms Androsaemum adenophyllum, Hypericum adenophyllum, Hypericum dimoniei, Olympia glauca Scientific Classification Family: Hypericaceae Genus: Hypericum [图片]Flower Coor: Bright yellow Bloom Time: Summer Description Hypericum olympicum is a dwarf, deciduous subshrub, up to 10 inches (25 cm) tall, up to 12 inches (30 cm) broad, with erect stems crowded with small, oval, grey-green leaves. The flowers are bright yellow, up to 2 inches (5 cm) wide, in small clusters. [图片]How to Grow and Care If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 or 6 to 10 and have a partially shaded site, you can probably grow St. John’s Wort. The plant isn’t particular about the soil type. It grows well in sand, clay, rocky soil or loam, and tolerates acidic to slightly alkaline pH. St. John’s Wort adapts to both moist and dry soil, and even tolerates occasional flooding. It also withstands drought but grows best with irrigation during prolonged dry spells. You won’t find a plant that will thrive in more situations. Growing St. John’s Wort herb in a location with too much sun can lead to leaf scorch, while too much shade reduces the number of flowers. The best location is one with bright morning sunlight and a little shade in the hottest part of the afternoon. If your soil isn’t particularly fertile, prepare the bed before transplanting. Spread about 2 inches (5 cm) of compost or rotted manure over the area and dig it in to a depth of at least 8 inches (20 cm). Transplant the shrubs into the garden, setting them at the height at which they grew in their containers. They grow only 1 to 3 feet (30 to 90 cm) tall with a spread of 1.5 to 2 feet (45 to 60 cm), so space them 2 to 3 feet (60 to 90 cm) apart. Water slowly and deeply after planting and keep the soil moist until the transplants are well-established. Origin Native to Eurasia, including Albania, Bulgaria, the states of the former Yugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, and Syria.
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Scientific Name Hoya macgillivrayi F. M. Bailey [图片]Synonyms Hypericum assurgens, Hypericum deidesheimense, Hypericum lineolatum, Hypericum marylandicum Scientific Classification Family: Apocynaceae Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae Tribe: Marsdenieae Genus: Hoya [图片]Flower Color: Dark burgundy Bloom Time: Mid spring to early summer Description Hoya macgillivrayi is a fast-growing root climber and twiner with thick, oval, pointed leaves which are light green and set opposite each other on the twining stems. The flowers are up to 2.4 inches (6 cm) wide on long stalks and are borne in umbels of 6 to 10 flowers that are each connected at a central axis. Each flower is a dark burgundy color with five sepals and five petals. The stamen are enclosed in the corona. The fruit produced are two pairs of follicles that are 10 inches (25 cm) long from which a flat seed is produced that is distributed by the wind. [图片]How to Grow and Care Hoya plants don’t ask for much, beyond the well-draining soil and the warm humid conditions that many tropical flowers crave. They don’t like wet feet or heavy soil, and as many grow as epiphytes in nature (similar to bromeliads and orchids). Give them at least a half day of sunshine, and bring them indoors when temperatures drop below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). When your Hoyas finishes blooming, leave the flower stalk, as it may produce new flowers. Removing the stalk forces the plant to produce a new stalk, which delays blooming and wastes the plant’s energy. They are light feeders, and a monthly drink of compost tea or dilute fish emulsion provides all the nutrition these tropicals need. Hoyas like the security of a snug pot, and plants that are a bit root bound will flower more prolifically than those that are swimming around in a giant pot. Origin Native to northeastern Australia.
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Scientific Name Hoya carnosa (L.f.) R.Br. [图片]Common Names Wax Plant, Porcelain Flower Synonyms Asclepias carnosa, Cynanchum carnosum, Schollia carnosa Scientific Classification Family: Apocynaceae Subfamily: Asclepiadoideae Tribe: Marsdenieae Genus: Hoya [图片]Flower Color: Typically light pink Bloom Time: Mid spring to early summer Description Hoya carnosa is a vining succulent that roots along it long, branching stems. In the wild it climbs trees and scrambles over rocks, growing continuously and reaching lengths of 20 feet (6 m) or more. The leaves are smooth, thick and fleshy, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) long, and paired on opposite sides along the stems. Twenty or more star shaped flowers up to 0.5 inch (1.5 cm) across, typically light pink (but may vary from near-white to dark pink), are borne in pendulous convex clusters, 2 or 3 inches (5 or 8 cm) across. [图片]How to Grow and Care Hoya plants don’t ask for much, beyond the well-draining soil and the warm humid conditions that many tropical flowers crave. They don’t like wet feet or heavy soil, and as many grow as epiphytes in nature (similar to bromeliads and orchids). Give them at least a half day of sunshine, and bring them indoors when temperatures drop below 50 degrees F (10 degrees C). When your Hoyas finishes blooming, leave the flower stalk, as it may produce new flowers. Removing the stalk forces the plant to produce a new stalk, which delays blooming and wastes the plant’s energy. They are light feeders, and a monthly drink of compost tea or dilute fish emulsion provides all the nutrition these tropicals need. Hoyas like the security of a snug pot, and plants that are a bit root bound will flower more prolifically than those that are swimming around in a giant pot. Origin Native to Eastern Asia and Australia.
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Scientific Name Hibiscus sabdariffa L. [图片]Common Names Roselle Synonyms Abelmoschus cruentus, Furcaria sabdariffa, Hibiscus acetosus, Hibiscus cruentus, Hibiscus fraternus, Hibiscus gossypifolius, Hibiscus palmatilobus, Hibiscus sanguineus, Sabdariffa rubra Scientific Classification Family: Malvaceae Tribe: Hibisceae Genus: Hibiscus [图片]Flower Color: White to pale yellow Bloom Time: Summer Description Hibiscus sabdariffa is an annual or perennial herb or woody-based subshrub, growing up to 8 feet (2.4 m) tall. The leaves are deeply 3- to 5-lobed, up to 6 inches (15 cm) long, arranged alternately on the stems. The flowers are up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter, white to pale yellow with a dark red spot at the base of each petal, and have a stout fleshy calyx at the base, up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) wide, enlarging up to 1.4 inches (3.5 cm), fleshy and bright red as the fruit matures. They take about 6 months to mature. [图片]How to Grow and Care Hibiscus should be moved outside in the summer, then back inside during the winter. Tips for a successful transition include: Trim the plant hard before moving it inside for the winter. It will go into near dormancy until late winter; After you trim it, but before you bring it in, treat it thoroughly for insects. Neem oil and liquid detergent work well, or use a hose to blast off insects; Once inside, don’t overwater, but provide as much humidity as possible, including daily mistings. Don’t expose to blowing air from vents; When the weather warms to above 50ºF (10ºC) at night, move it back outside and acclimate slowly. Repot as necessary, yearly or biannually. Hibiscus will grow into trees in their native habitats, but this may be unwieldy in a home setting. There’s also some benefit to keeping the Hibiscus in a relatively smaller pot, as it will make for easier pruning and moving. Failure to repot these plants often can leave them in soil without adequate nutrients for their survival, and repotting will often spur on growth if you’re finding that your Hibiscus plants seem to have stalled out. Watch out for falling leaves or other signs of stress. Origin Native to West Africa.
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Scientific Name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. [图片]Common Names Rose Mallow, Chinese Hibiscus, Hawaiian Hibiscus, China Rose, Rose of China, Shoe Flower Synonyms Hibiscus boryanus, Hibiscus festalis, Hibiscus storckii Scientific Classification Family: Malvaceae Tribe: Hibisceae Genus: Hibiscus [图片]Flower Color: Red to dark red Bloom Time: In summer and autumn Description Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is a bushy, evergreen shrub or small tree, up to 16 feet (5 m) tall and up to 10 feet (3 m) wide. The dark green, toothed leaves are up to 6 inches (15 cm) long, arranged alternately on the branches and ovate in shape. The brilliant red, 5-petaled flowers are 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter. The fruit is a dry, five parted capsule that contains up to three seeds. [图片]How to Grow and Care Hibiscus should be moved outside in the summer, then back inside during the winter. Tips for a successful transition include: Trim the plant hard before moving it inside for the winter. It will go into near dormancy until late winter; After you trim it, but before you bring it in, treat it thoroughly for insects. Neem oil and liquid detergent work well, or use a hose to blast off insects; Once inside, don’t overwater, but provide as much humidity as possible, including daily mistings. Don’t expose to blowing air from vents; When the weather warms to above 50ºF (10ºC) at night, move it back outside and acclimate slowly. Repot as necessary, yearly or biannually. Hibiscus will grow into trees in their native habitats, but this may be unwieldy in a home setting. There’s also some benefit to keeping the Hibiscus in a relatively smaller pot, as it will make for easier pruning and moving. Failure to repot these plants often can leave them in soil without adequate nutrients for their survival, and repotting will often spur on growth if you’re finding that your Hibiscus plants seem to have stalled out. Watch out for falling leaves or other signs of stress. Origin Native to East Asia.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Heuchera maxima Greene [图片]Common Names Island Alum Root, Channel Islands Coral Bells, Jill of the Rocks Scientific Classification Family: Saxifragaceae Genus: Heuchera [图片]Flower Color: White or pink Bloom Time: Spring Description Heuchera maxima is a rhizomatous perennial up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall, growing a broad patch of large, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) wide, rounded, multilobed, dark green leaves with long petioles and a fringe of hairs along the edges. It produces an erect inflorescence up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall, with many clusters of hairy, glandular flowers. Each flower is rounded with fleshy white or pink lobes and tiny petals curling away from the center. The protruding stamens are tipped with large anthers. [图片]How to Grow and Care Generally considered easy to grow and require little routine maintenance. To encourage continuous flowering or repeat bloom, deadhead the spent flower spikes as needed. Mulching during the summer months will help keep the soil moist and prevent injury to the shallow root system from heat. Coral Bells can be divided every 3 to 4 years if they lose vigor or when the crown gets too large. Coral Bells prefer to be planted in locations with a fertile, moist, well-drained soil. They particularly do not perform well in locations with poor drainage during the winter months. Most Heuchera cultivars will grow more vigorously and have the best leaf coloration when they are planted in locations with partial shade, particularly in the afternoon. Purple leafed cultivars can tolerate more direct sun; in general the darker the purple coloration the more exposure to sun they can tolerate. Conversely, the amber and gold leafed cultivars are less sun tolerant; the more yellow the leaf coloration, the less tolerant to sun they are. In locations with full sun or full shade, most cultivars will usually survive, but they will be smaller and not look as lively. Origin It is endemic to the four northern Channel Islands of California, within Channel Islands National Park. It grows on canyon cliffs in coastal sage scrub habitats.
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Scientific Name Heuchera elegans Abrams [图片]Common Names Urn-Flowered Alumroot, Urnflower Alumroot, Blunt-Fruited Water-Starwort Scientific Classification Family: Saxifragaceae Genus: Heuchera [图片]Flower Color: Pink or magenta Bloom Time: Mid spring to mid summer Description Heuchera elegans is a rhizomatous perennial herb, up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall and wide, with multi-lobed leaves. It produces an erect, drooping inflorescence which bears bright pink or magenta bell-shaped flowers, rising another 6 inches (15 cm) It flowers in mid spring to mid summer. [图片]How to Grow and Care Generally considered easy to grow and require little routine maintenance. To encourage continuous flowering or repeat bloom, deadhead the spent flower spikes as needed. Mulching during the summer months will help keep the soil moist and prevent injury to the shallow root system from heat. Coral Bells can be divided every 3 to 4 years if they lose vigor or when the crown gets too large. Coral Bells prefer to be planted in locations with a fertile, moist, well-drained soil. They particularly do not perform well in locations with poor drainage during the winter months. Most Heuchera cultivars will grow more vigorously and have the best leaf coloration when they are planted in locations with partial shade, particularly in the afternoon. Purple leafed cultivars can tolerate more direct sun; in general the darker the purple coloration the more exposure to sun they can tolerate. Conversely, the amber and gold leafed cultivars are less sun tolerant; the more yellow the leaf coloration, the less tolerant to sun they are. In locations with full sun or full shade, most cultivars will usually survive, but they will be smaller and not look as lively. Origin It is endemic to the San Gabriel Mountains of Southern California.
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Scientific Name Helleborus niger L. [图片]Common Names Christmas Rose, Black Hellebore, Black Helleborus Scientific Classification Family: Ranunculaceae Subfamily: Ranunculoideae Tribe: Helleboreae Genus: Helleborus [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: Midwinter to early spring Description Helleborus niger is an evergreen perennial, up to 12 inches (30 cm) tall, with dark green, leathery, pedate leaves carried on stems. The flowers are large and flat, white, or occasionally pink, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) wide, borne on short stems from midwinter to early spring. [图片]How to Grow and Care When planting from seed or division, place the Hellebore into well-draining, organic soil in a filtered sun or shady location. The Hellebore plant will return for many years; make sure the space will accommodate growth and has proper sunlight. Hellebores need no more than a few hours of dappled light and grow successfully in shady areas. Plant the Hellebore under deciduous trees or scattered through a woodland garden or shaded natural area. Soaking the soil in which the Hellebore is growing helps the Hellebore plant to look its best. Hellebore care includes removal of older leaves when they appear damaged. Care for Hellebores should also include careful fertilization. Too much nitrogen may result in lush foliage and a shortage of blooms. Plant Hellebore seeds in the fall. A 60-day moist chilling period is needed when planting seeds of the Hellebore plant. Planting seed in fall allows this to happen naturally in areas with cold winters. Wait three to four years for blooms on young plants grown from seed. Divide overgrown clumps in spring, after flowering or in autumn. Origin Native to southern Europe and Asia.
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Scientific Name Helleborus lividus Aiton ex Curtis [图片]Common Names Majorcan Hellebore, Blue-Grey Hellebore, Purple Hellebore, Lenten Rose, Livid Lenten Rose Synonyms Helleborus trifolius subsp. lividus, Helleborus trifolius var. lividus, Helleborus triphyllus Scientific Classification Family: Ranunculaceae Subfamily: Ranunculoideae Tribe: Helleboreae Genus: Helleborus [图片]Flower Color: Pinkish-green Bloom Time: Midwinter to early spring Description Helleborus lividus is an evergreen perennial up to 18 inches (45 cm) tall and up to 12 inches (30 cm) wide, with biennial stems and deep green or bluish green, glossy leaves. The flowers are pinkish-green, up to 2 inches (5 cm) wide, borne in open clusters from midwinter to early spring. [图片]How to Grow and Care When planting from seed or division, place the Hellebore into well-draining, organic soil in a filtered sun or shady location. The Hellebore plant will return for many years; make sure the space will accommodate growth and has proper sunlight. Hellebores need no more than a few hours of dappled light and grow successfully in shady areas. Plant the Hellebore under deciduous trees or scattered through a woodland garden or shaded natural area. Soaking the soil in which the Hellebore is growing helps the Hellebore plant to look its best. Hellebore care includes removal of older leaves when they appear damaged. Care for Hellebores should also include careful fertilization. Too much nitrogen may result in lush foliage and a shortage of blooms. Plant Hellebore seeds in the fall. A 60-day moist chilling period is needed when planting seeds of the Hellebore plant. Planting seed in fall allows this to happen naturally in areas with cold winters. Wait three to four years for blooms on young plants grown from seed. Divide overgrown clumps in spring, after flowering or in autumn. Origin Native to Majorca and possibly nearby Cabrera, Spain.
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Scientific Name Helianthus annuus L. [图片]Common Names Sunflower, Grand Soleil (French), Tournesol (French), Sonnenblume (German), Girasole (Italian), Himawari (Japanese), Haebaragi (Korean), Girassol (Portuguese), Girasol (Spanish), Alizeti (Swahili), Solros (Swedish) Synonyms Helianthus annuus subsp. annuus, Helianthus annuus var. annuus, Helianthus annuus f. annuus, Helianthus aridus, Helianthus aridus var. aridus, Helianthus erythrocarpus, Helianthus indicus, Helianthus jaegeri, Helianthus lenticularis, Helianthus macrocarpus, Helianthus macrocarpus, Helianthus multiflorus, Helianthus ovatus, Helianthus platycephalus, Helianthus tubaeformis Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Subfamily: Asteroideae Tribe: Heliantheae Genus: Helianthus [图片]Flower Color: Yellow and brown Bloom Time: August to September Description Helianthus annuus is an annual herb, up to 10 feet (3 m) tall, with an erect, unbranched, rough-soft-hairy stem. The leaves are broad, coarsely toothed, rough and mostly alternate, up to 15 inches (40 cm) long. The flower is up to 15 inches (40 cm) in diameter and is actually a flower head of numerous small individual 5-petaled flowers (florets). The outer flowers which resemble petals are called ray flowers. The flowers in the center of the head are called disk flowers. The ray flowers are tongue-like and yellow in color, and the disk flowers are small, tubular and brownish. The fruit is long, flat-oval, slightly angular, smoothly haired–virtually glabrous cypsela, usually tipped with 2 withering bristles. [图片]How to Grow and Care If you decide to add Sunflowers to your garden, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind. First of all, they are called sunflowers for a reason. They need sun. Make sure that the location you choose for your Sunflowers gets full sun. Second, you do not need to worry about soil too much. They are not picky about the conditions of the soil, but they are plants. They will do better in better soil. Third, Sunflower seed shells do contain a substance that is toxic to grass. So, you will need to either harvest the Sunflower heads before the seeds begin to fall out or you will need to plant your Sunflowers in a location where you do not mind any nearby grass being killed. Fourth, keep in mind the height of the Sunflower variety you have chosen. A giant, twelve foot variety will end up acting very much like a small tree and may shade the surrounding flowers. Origin Native to the south-west of the United States, around the New Mexico area.
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