Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Strelitzia alba (L.f.) Skeels [图片]Common Names White Bird of Paradise, White Strelitzia Synonyms Heliconia alba (basionym), Heliconia augusta, Strelitzia alba subsp. augusta, Strelitzia angusta, Strelitzia augusta Scientific Classification Family: Strelitziaceae Genus: Strelitzia [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: Usually between July and December Description Strelitzia alba is a frost-sensitive, clump-forming perennial up to 33 feet (10 m) tall. The leaves are up to 6.6 feet (2 m) long and up to 2 feet (60 cm) wide. They are often tattered by strong winds or hail. The flowers are completely white and lack the blue color found in other species. Flowering may take place at any time of the year, but is usually between July and December. The up to 1 feet (30 cm) long, boat-shaped bract encloses from 5 to 10 flowers which emerge in sequence. The fruit is a woody capsule, splitting into 3 lobes to reveal black seeds with a yellow-orange tufty aril. The clean trunk bears the scars of old leaf-bases. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 10a to 11b: from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Bird of Paradise are easier to grow than many tropical plants. The plant is a vigorous, rapidly growing indoor plant. They can be moved outside in the summer, and in warmer climes, will thrive for half the year outside. They typically flower in the late winter or early spring, but under optimal conditions, will flower at various times. Strelitzia is a genus of about 5 or 6 species (depending on who you listen to). Strelitzia reginae is the most well known species and is frequently grown as house plants. It is a beautiful plant and can be very successfully grown inside. The biggest drawback is typically its size (they grow up to 5 feet/1.5 m) and the fact that plants need 3 to 5 years before they will flower. They work well in massed plantings or as specimen plants, and their flowers will rise above the foliage for an impressive display. The trick to successful growth is providing lots of bright light (with some gentle direct sun), water, warmth and food. Origin It is endemic to the Garden Route along the southernmost coastal regions of the Eastern and Western Cape in South Africa.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel [图片]Common Names Peace Lily, White Sails, Spathe Flower Scientific Classification Family: Araceae Subfamily: Monsteroideae Tribe: Spathiphylleae Genus: Spathiphyllum [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: Sporadically throughout the year Description Spathiphyllum wallisii is an evergreen, herbaceous, perennial up to 3 feet (90 cm) tall. It is a very popular indoor house plant. The lance shaped, up to 6 inches (15 cm) long, dark green, glossy leaves grow outwards and droop. The white lily flowers begin blooming with a twist at first before flourishing and revealing it’s yellow or white spadix in the center. [图片]How to Grow and Care Peace Lilies like indirect light and shade, making them ideal for indoor environments. They’re even known to do well in offices with fluorescent lights and no windows! South- or west-facing windows tend to be the best locations for Peace Lilies, providing the right mix of light. Your Peace Lily will tell you if it’s getting too much light. Yellow leaves indicate too much light, while brown streaks are a sign of scorching from direct sunlight. Move your Peace Lily if its leaves exhibit these signs. Peace Lilies are more tolerant of under-watering than over-watering. Keep plants evenly moist by watering when soil feels dry to the touch. Take care not to over-water. If your tap water has a lot of chlorine, leave it out overnight to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Peace Lily leaves also enjoy a good misting, which you can do when you water throughout the summer. Watering is another area in which your Peace Lily will communicate with you. If leaves begin to droop, it’s time to water and your plant won’t be any worse for the little bit of wear. Origin Native to South America.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum (Liebm.) Engl. [图片]Common Names Cupido Peace Lily, Peace Lily, White Peace Lily Synonyms Hydnostachyon cochlearispathum, Hydnostachyon longirostre, Massowia heliconiifolia, Massowia lanceolata, Spathiphyllum heliconiifolium, Spathiphyllum lacustre, Spathiphyllum lanceolatum, Spathiphyllum liebmannii, Spathiphyllum longirostre Scientific Classification Family: Araceae Subfamily: Monsteroideae Tribe: Spathiphylleae Genus: Spathiphyllum [图片]Flower Color: White Bloom Time: Year-round Description Spathiphyllum cochlearispathum is an evergreen, herbaceous perennial, commonly up to 3.3 feet (1 m), rarely up to 6 feet (1.8 m) tall. The leaves are elliptical to lanceolate, glossy, up to 26 inches (65 cm) long (including petiole) and up to 10 inches (25 cm) wide. The large white inflorescences bloom year-round and may persist for up to a month. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 10a to 11b: from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Peace Lilies like indirect light and shade, making them ideal for indoor environments. They’re even known to do well in offices with fluorescent lights and no windows! South- or west-facing windows tend to be the best locations for Peace Lilies, providing the right mix of light. Your Peace Lily will tell you if it’s getting too much light. Yellow leaves indicate too much light, while brown streaks are a sign of scorching from direct sunlight. Move your Peace Lily if its leaves exhibit these signs. Peace Lilies are more tolerant of under-watering than over-watering. Keep plants evenly moist by watering when soil feels dry to the touch. Take care not to over-water. If your tap water has a lot of chlorine, leave it out overnight to allow the chlorine to evaporate. Peace Lily leaves also enjoy a good misting, which you can do when you water throughout the summer. Watering is another area in which your Peace Lily will communicate with you. If leaves begin to droop, it’s time to water and your plant won’t be any worse for the little bit of wear. Origin Native to southern Mexico.
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今天我们要欣赏的花卉是一种长相特别的多肉植物,它是原生于沙漠地区的多肉,具有较强的耐旱能力,对水分非常敏感,它像是一个个小宝石,从沙土中冒出来,有的朋友会觉得它们特别可爱,但是有的人却觉得它们很恐怖。 [图片]它的名字叫#藻铃玉 ,养护方法和生石花有点类似,喜欢一些精致的多肉的朋友就不要错过,而且它是一种很适合播种繁殖的植物,只要买到对版的种子,就能种出一小片的藻铃玉,它的幼苗和成株观赏性都是不错的。 下图就是一些原生于南非荒漠上的藻铃玉,它们是生长在一些石头堆上面,根茎会扎根在沙质土下面,旁边都是一些碎石,如果不开花,就很难将它们和石头区分开花了。 [图片]藻铃玉最美的状态就是它开花的时候了,它的花朵比较大,而且花色艳丽,秋季开花,数额一般是黄色、粉色、紫色或白色,用来吸收昆虫授粉。 [图片]藻铃玉的花朵是直接从两个驼峰中间抽出来,一个小植株只能开出一朵小花,花朵在光照较为充足的时候开放,下午的时候花朵是最灿烂的,到了晚上花朵才会彻底开放,一朵花一般都有一周的寿命。 [图片]花期想要延长花期可以搬到挡雨的地方,避免被雨水淋到,不然花朵很快枯萎,不过还是要有光照。 [图片]养护藻铃玉就是要保持常年温暖干燥的环境,保持通风的环境,每天保持有8小时以上的直射光,夏季温度过高的时候可以适当遮阴。 栽培的土壤可以用疏松排水好的沙质土,可以选择泥炭土混合河沙,适当添加一些缓效型的有机肥和一些颗粒土,适当混入火山石,这样就能保证介质疏松透气了。 栽种藻铃玉的温度最好是保持在10度以上,最低养护温度要高于5度,冬季搬到室内窗台上养护,注意防寒。夏季温度过高要控水,高温和低温的时候都要控制浇水,夏季加强通风,拉遮阳网,避免暴晒,地面可以喷水降温。 播种操作步骤: 藻铃玉的最佳播种季节是秋季和春季,春季播种的幼苗到了夏季很难存活,秋季温度在15~25度之间播种是最好的。 播种后幼苗萌发之后就要适当给予散射光,避免暴晒或过度遮阴。 [图片]播种的介质最好是用泥炭土混合一些鹿沼土,鹿沼土和泥炭土的比例大概是4:2左右,要用小颗粒的鹿沼土,也可以混入其他的小颗粒的火山石。 播种育苗之前要对容器和土壤进行消毒杀菌,育苗长出来之后黑腐或根茎腐烂。 可以可以用多菌灵或高锰酸钾溶液浇灌,使用的浓度不宜过高。 [图片]播种之前要将土壤完全浇透,之后用将种子均匀撒播在土壤中,不用覆土,用喷雾式的水壶适当喷一些水。 之后就在容器上面覆盖一层薄膜,可以在薄膜上适当戳几个孔,用来透气。 之后就要没三天喷一次多菌灵溶液,避免感染病菌,一般最后就能生根发芽,期间要保证土壤微润,喷水的水力要小,避免水大冲走种子。 幼苗出来之后要适当见光,不要完全遮阴,也不能暴晒,小新养护,介质干了就适当喷水微润。 [图片]等到藻铃玉的幼苗开始长高之后,容易长歪,这个时候就要在幼苗旁边撒一些小颗粒的火山石,平常的1~2毫米的鹿沼土或蛭石都可以。随着幼苗长壮,就要慢慢减少浇水的频率。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Solidago virgaurea L. [图片]Common Names Goldenrod, European Goldenrod, Woundwort Synonyms Aster virgaurea, Dectis decurrens, Doria virgaurea, Solidago cantoniensis, Solidago corsica, Solidago minor, Solidago nudiflora, Solidago virgaurea subsp. virgaurea, Solidago virgaurea var. virgaurea, Solidago vulgaris Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Tribe: Astereae Genus: Solidago [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: August and September Description Solidago virgaurea is an herbaceous perennial plant with single woody stems, up to 7 feet (2 m) tall. The leaves are clear green, alternate, toothed or with fine edges. Flowers are arranged in dense clusters, up to 0.25 inch (6 mm) wide, yellow in color, and generally appear in August and September. [图片]How to Grow and Care Growing and planting Goldenrod is easy, as this plant will survive just about anywhere, though it does prefer to be grown in full sun. Goldenrod also tolerates various soil types as long as it’s well draining. Goldenrod care is minimal once established in the landscape, with plants returning each year. They require little, if any watering, and are drought tolerant. Clumps need division every four to five years. Cuttings may also be taken in spring and planted in the garden. Learning how to grow Goldenrod offers many advantages. Bad bugs can be drawn to the plant and consumed by beneficial insects that hatch their young there. Planting Goldenrod adds beauty and attracts butterflies to your landscape. Origin Native to Europe.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Solidago canadensis L. [图片]Common Names Canada Goldenrod, Canadian Goldenrod Synonyms Solidago canadensis f. canadensis, Solidago canadensis subsp. canadensis, Solidago canadensis var. canadensis, Aster canadensis, Doria canadensis Scientific Classification Family: Asteraceae Tribe: Astereae Genus: Solidago [图片]Flower Color: Yellow Bloom Time: Late summer to fall Description Solidago canadensis is a rhizomatous, upright perennial up to 5 feet (1.5 m) tall. Central stems are clad with numerous, narrow, alternate, lance-shaped, sharply-toothed, stalkless to short-stalked green leaves up to 6 inches (15 cm) long and up to 1 inch (2.5 cm) wide, which are hairless above but hairy beneath and tapered at each end. Central stems are hairless near the base but soft hairy above the middle. Central stems are topped in late summer to fall with large, horizontally branched, terminal, pyramidal panicles containing one-sided recurving branches filled with masses of tiny yellow flowers. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 3a to 9b: from −40 °F (−40 °C) to 30 °F (−1.1 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Growing and planting Goldenrod is easy, as this plant will survive just about anywhere, though it does prefer to be grown in full sun. Goldenrod also tolerates various soil types as long as it’s well draining. Goldenrod care is minimal once established in the landscape, with plants returning each year. They require little, if any watering, and are drought tolerant. Clumps need division every four to five years. Cuttings may also be taken in spring and planted in the garden. Learning how to grow Goldenrod offers many advantages. Bad bugs can be drawn to the plant and consumed by beneficial insects that hatch their young there. Planting Goldenrod adds beauty and attracts butterflies to your landscape. Origin Native to northeastern and north-central North America.
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在我的印象中#桂花 都是一些地栽的植物,在偏南地区桂花还会作为绿化植物,桂花的品种较多,包括清香的金桂、丹桂、银桂,还有可以四季开花的四季桂等,不过现在有很多人将桂花作为室内盆栽养护,怎么才能更好开花呢? [图片]桂花是一种喜欢微酸性的植物,养护除了保持养护环境通风和较为充足的光照,还要注意避免土壤积水,保持常年温暖的环境,另外注意定期清洁叶面,注意保持土壤的微酸性,避免土壤偏碱。 盆栽的桂花要注意避免频繁浇水,定期浇水,盆土干透浇透,土壤水分过多就容易造成烂根或职业枯萎,还容易掉叶子。 [图片]北方的朋友养桂花的时候可以选择一些略微耐寒的品种,如常见的小叶四季桂或红双喜等,比常见的品种略微耐寒。 如果是地栽的桂花想要安全越冬,除了入冬前浇透一次防冻水,还要注意在根茎下面铺上防冻土,根茎可以包裹一些毛毡或一些报纸,这样就能增强它的耐寒能力。 [图片]1、栽培的土壤 桂花对土壤是不太挑剔的,保证土壤的疏松性和微酸性的土质,如果能适当在土壤中添加堆肥土或泥炭土就更好了,再适当混入河沙,这样就能保证土壤疏松透气。 2、栽种时机 春天和秋天都是栽种桂花的最佳时间,秋季阴雨天的时候栽种也是比较好的,移栽注意适当遮阴,盆栽养护环境要保持通风和温暖,保持土壤良好的排水性,适应一两周之后再慢慢增加光照。 3、养护的位置 栽种桂花需要温暖湿润的环境,要注意防寒,另外就是要给予较为充足的光照,保证常年温度在5度以上,室外养护的,一般是在温度在10度左右就要搬到室内了,放在朝南的窗台上是比较合适的。 4、适当给水 盆土栽培需要在土壤中适当混入腐熟的有机肥,栽种之后就要浇透水,根茎还没有长好之前保持盆土微润,刚栽种要遮阴通风,避免施肥。 [图片]给桂花浇水尽量要用软水,避免经常使用自来水浇花,不然容易让土壤偏碱。可以多用雨水或放置两三天的自来水。 其他注意: 养护桂花要定期修剪,将一些徒长枝、弱枝和病枝通通剪掉,这样有利植株的恢复生长,促进长出更多的分枝,修剪的切口为了避免伤口感染,可以适当抹草木灰消毒杀菌。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Sempervivum tectorum L. [图片]Common Names Houseleek, Common Houseleek, Liveforever, Hen and Chickens, Old Man and Woman, Roof Houseleek, Hens and Chicks, Bullock’s Beard, Bullock’s Eye, Devil’s Beard, Earwort, Fuet, Healing Blade, Homewort, Imbroke, Jove’s Beard, Jupiter’s Beard, Jupiter’s Eye, Poor Jan’s Leaf, Roof Foil, Sengreen, St Patrick’s Cabbage, Thunder Plant, Welcome-Home-Husband-However-Drunk-You-Be Scientific Classification Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Sedeae Subtribe: Sedinae Genus: Sempervivum [图片]Flower Color: Red-purple Bloom Time: Summer Description Sempervivum tectorum is a evergreen, perennial, mat-forming succulent that typically forms rosettes up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diamter. The leaves are glabrous, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) long, grey-green and sometimes purple-tipped. Rosette foliage typically grows up to 4 inches (10 cm) tall. The mother rosette spreads in all directions by horizontal stems to form offsets. In summer, leafy, pubescent, upright flowering stalks rise from the mother rosette to as much as 12 inches (30 cm) tall topped with cymes of red-purple flowers. [图片]How to Grow and Care Sempervivum are not difficult to grow, provided they are not waterlogged and killed from excess watering. They can be easily grown outdoors and in containers, and they earned the name “Houseleeks” from their tendency to root on the roofs of houses. After the mother plant flowers, it will naturally die, but by this time, the plant has likely produced many offsets that will continue to grow. These are excellent for cold windows. Sempervivum earned their popular name “Hen and Chicks” from their growth habit. The mother plant, or hen, sends off numerous offsets, which will cluster around her base like chicks. These offsets can be easily repotted, or the plants can be left to form a clumping mat. Uses The juice and leaves have been used in folk remedies for centuries, for their coolant, anti-inflammatory, astringent and diuretic properties. Bruised leaves of the fresh plant or the juice from the plant can be used as poultices for burns, scalds, ulcers and any inflammation as the pain is quickly reduced. Honey mixed with the juice helps relieve the pain of mouth ulcers. Origin Native ti the Mountains of Western, Central and Southern Europe, from Pyrenees to Alps, Apennines and Dinarides.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Sedum nussbaumerianum Bitter [图片]Common Names Coppertone Stonecrop, Nussbaumer’s Sedum Scientific Classification Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Sedeae Subtribe: Sedinae Genus: Sedum [图片]Flower Color: Pure white Bloom Time: Late winter to spring Description Sedum nussbaumerianum is a low growing, evergreen, perennial subshrub, up to 8 inches 20 cm) tall, with reddish-brown stems that hold elongating up to 3 inch (7.5 cm) wide rosettes of yellow-green to coppery-red, rounded, up to 1.6 inches (4 cm) long leaves pointed at tips. The flowers are small, pure white, star-shaped and fragrant. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 10a to 11b: from 30 °F (−1.1 °C) to 50 °F (+10 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care When growing Sedum, keep in mind that Sedum plants need very little attention or care. They will thrive in conditions that many other plants thrive in, but will do just as well in less hospitable areas. They are ideal for that part of your yard that gets too much sun or too little water to grow anything else. A common name for Sedum is Stonecrop, due to the fact that many gardeners joke that only stones need less care and live longer. Sedum is easily planted. For shorter varieties, simply laying the Sedum on the ground where you want it to grow is normally enough to get the Sedum plant started there. They will send out roots from wherever the stem is touching the ground and root itself. If you would like to further ensure that the plant will start there, you can add a very thin covering of soil over the plant. For taller Sedum varieties, you can break off one of the stems and push it into the ground where you would like to grow it. Origin Native to Mexico.
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