美丽的#玉蝶 呀!简直是精致中的艺术品,当然花友把它养成多肉盆景的不在少数。这种多肉比较常见,养护简单,但是想要养得出色一点,则要费一番心思了! PS:养护的时候在盆土上面铺上一些铺面石,会更具观赏性哦! [图片]一、简单介绍 玉蝶的名字很多,有人叫它石莲花、宝石花、莲花掌等,优雅、规整的莲座形状是它的标志,无论看多少次,它真的很别致呐! 注意事项:它的叶子上会有一层淡淡的白粉,那是它的保护层,不要随便触碰或刮掉哦! [图片]肥厚丰满的叶片已经非常出彩了,况且是它的花儿? 长长的花梗从叶腋中抽出,它长着穗状的花序,花冠是美丽的淡黄色,当然也有小白色的,都很美呀! 地栽多年的玉蝶往往是成片生长,叶子是标准的莲座状排列,叶短匙形,稍直立,看起来略微圆润,叶色浅绿或蓝绿。 [图片]玉蝶原产墨西哥,喜温暖和阳光充足的环境,比较耐寒冷,无明显休眠期。习性强健,对环境要求不太严格。 在温暖、干燥和阳光充足的条件下生长良好,耐干旱和半阴,不耐寒,忌阴湿。 4~10月的生长期可放在室外阳光充足或半阴处养护,即使盛夏也不必遮光,但要求通风良好,也可常年放在室内光线明亮处。 [图片]用土以颗粒土为主,做到透气透水,冬季低于10度断水,夏季高温时注意遮阴并控水,盆土见干才浇,一次浇透,需要很好的光照以及良好的通风环境。 玉蝶的繁殖可结合春季换盆进行分株,也可在生长季节剪取旁生的小莲座叶丛进行扦插,都很容易成活; 如果想要大量繁殖,那就在生长期用健壮充实的肉质叶,晾1~2天后进行叶插,平放在微潮的盆土上,3周后叶片基部可长出新芽并生根,成为新的植株。 下面这个就是玉蝶锦了!也有惊艳的感觉吧?
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Sedum morganianum E. Walther [图片]Common Names Burro’s Tail, Donkey’s Tail, Lamb’s Tail, Horse’s Tail, Sedum Burrito Scientific Classification Family: Crassulaceae Subfamily: Sedoideae Tribe: Sedeae Subtribe: Sedinae Genus: Sedum [图片]Flower Color: Pink Bloom Time: Summer Description Sedum morganianum is an evergreen trailing succulent with many over 2 feet (60 cm) long or more, pendent stems arising from base. The leaves are fleshy blue-green, up to 0.5 inch ( 13 mm) long, crowded along stems. Flowers readily emerge in late summer in hanging clusters of small blossoms in pink to red. [图片]How to Grow and Care Donkey’s Tails are pretty forgiving plants—if you forget to water them once or twice, they’ll probably be just fine. If you want your plant to really thrive, make sure to provide strong light, fertilizer during the growing season, and adequate moisture during the growing season. Too often, these are left to fend for themselves, simply because they can. But with a little effort, the plant can be a remarkable specimen. Repot as needed, preferably during the warm season. To repot a Donkey’s Tail, make sure the soil is dry before repotting, then gently remove the pot. Knock away the old soil from the roots, making sure to remove any rotted or dead roots in the process. Treat any cuts with a fungicide. Place the plant in its new pot and backfill with potting soil, spreading the roots out as you repot. Leave the plant dry for a week or so, then begin to water lightly to reduce the risk of root rot. Propagation is by seed or by cuttings. Individual leaves can be sprouted by placing them into a succulent or cactus potting soil, then covering the dish until they sprout. Large Donkey’s Tail plants can also be divided during repotting. Origin Native to Southern Mexico and Honduras.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Scilla siberica Haw. [图片]Common Names Siberian Squill, Wood Squill Synonyms Scilla siberica subsp. siberica, Othocallis siberica, Scilla cernua Scientific Classification Family: Asparagaceae Subfamily: Scilloideae Tribe: Hyacintheae Subtribe: Hyacinthinae Genus: Scilla [图片]Flower Color: Deep violet-blue Bloom Time: Early to late spring Description Scilla siberica is a bulbous perennial up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall and up to 2 inches (5 cm) wide, with 2 to 4 strap-shaped leaves appearing in early spring, at the same time as the nodding, blue, bell-shaped flowers. The flowers have 6 petals and 6 stamens, and are arranged singly or in racemes of 2 or 3. Petals may be reflexed to the horizontal when sunlight is bright, but are more often cup-shaped. After flowering, the flower stems become limp as capsules (pods) mature. At maturity, the capsules become purple and split open, releasing small, dark brown seeds. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 2a to 8b: from −50 °F (−45.6 °C) to 20 °F (−6.7 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Scilla is adapted to full sun or dappled shade and likes well-drained soil. It naturally grows in rocky wooded areas, so it is just at home in dryish semi-wild parts of the landscape as it is in a rich, moist garden bed. Bulbs should be planted in fall. Plant the bulbs in loose soil three to four inches deep and 8 inches (20 cm) apart with the tapered end pointed up. Scilla should receive regular water during the spring flush of growth. However, since the weather tends to be cool and moist during this time, it is generally not necessary to irrigate. In fact, it is important to not over water, as the bulbs can rot. The foliage should be left after the flowers fade, though it, too, fades in the heat of summer. Once Scilla leaves are all yellow they may be cut to the ground, and the plant allowed to remain dormant until the following spring. It is important that the bulbs not be watered during the dormant period. Origin Native to southwestern Russia, the Caucasus, and Turkey. Despite its name, it is not native to Siberia.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Scilla peruviana L. [图片]Common Names Portuguese Squill, Peruvian Scilla, Giant Squill, Giant Scilla, Peruvian Lily, Caribbean Jewels, Cuban Lily, Hyacinth of Peru Synonyms Scilla hemisphaerica Scientific Classification Family: Asparagaceae Subfamily: Scilloideae Tribe: Hyacintheae Subtribe: Hyacinthinae Genus: Scilla [图片]Flower Color: Deep blue Bloom Time: Spring Description Scilla peruviana is a bulb-bearing herbaceous perennial plant. Leaves are dark green, strap-shaped, up to 2 feet (60 cm) long and up to 1.6 inch (4 cm) wide. Flowering stem is up to 1.3 feet (40 cm) tall, bearing a dense pyramidal raceme of 40 – 100 flowers. Each flower is blue, up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) in diameter, with six tepals. Bulb is up to 3.1 inches (8 cm) in diameter, white with a covering of brown scales. [图片]How to Grow and Care Scilla is adapted to full sun or dappled shade and likes well-drained soil. It naturally grows in rocky wooded areas, so it is just at home in dryish semi-wild parts of the landscape as it is in a rich, moist garden bed. Bulbs should be planted in fall. Plant the bulbs in loose soil three to four inches deep and 8 inches (20 cm) apart with the tapered end pointed up. Scilla should receive regular water during the spring flush of growth. However, since the weather tends to be cool and moist during this time, it is generally not necessary to irrigate. In fact, it is important to not over water, as the bulbs can rot. The foliage should be left after the flowers fade, though it, too, fades in the heat of summer. Once Scilla leaves are all yellow they may be cut to the ground, and the plant allowed to remain dormant until the following spring. It is important that the bulbs not be watered during the dormant period. Origin Native to the western Mediterranean region in Iberia, Italy, and northwest Africa.
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回到家里如果想要感受自然清新的感觉,在家里种一些健康的绿植就非常有必要,植物不仅能让人舒缓压力,还能给人一种生机勃勃的感觉,将活力感染人,家里有一些绿植的陪伴是非常棒的,甚至能让你一天的疲惫得到缓解。 1、后院门前布置 [图片]盆栽植物加入室内之后,会让整个家庭都充满活力和绿意,让家里的生活更加自然惬意。 如上图,布置的植物就选择了大型的盆栽和一些耐半阴的植物,大型的橡皮树、幸福树,搭配一些喜欢散射光和半阴环境的君子兰,一眼看过去高低不同的布局,屋檐下还有一些爬藤植物的装饰,看上去特别自然。 2、客厅绿植布置 [图片]客厅的光线明亮,加上空间比较充足,除了布置一些大型的绿植,还能设置花架,也能搭配一些水培植物,不仅能增加环境湿度,也有利观赏。 在客厅阴凉处可以布置一些绿萝、波斯顿蕨、虎皮兰和龟背竹,一些光线较为明亮的地方则可以养一些鹤望兰、八角金盘、仙人掌和棕竹等绿植。 [图片]客厅的角落或桌面上能够布置的开花植物不多,一般是选择白掌或长寿花,白掌有很强的净化空气的能力,而且耐阴性和耐旱性都很不错,还能水培养护,生长非常容易。 3、休息室绿植选择 [图片]在休息室会会用来作为宠物的房间,光线还是会有的,这时候就可以布置不同类型的植物,窗前可以养一些洋兰、蝴蝶兰,有散射光的地方则可以养水竹、君子兰和长寿花,阴凉处则可以养合果芋、绿萝和常青藤等植物。 4、厨房植物选择: [图片]厨房也是水汽比较足的地方,湿度较大,那么就可以多养一些喜欢温暖湿润的植物,但是要避免养一些有毒植物,可以选择的植物包括波斯顿蕨、鸟巢蕨、常青藤、薄荷、罗勒和九里香等植物。 波斯顿蕨、鸟巢蕨和常青藤属于耐阴植物,可以养在遮阴通风的地方,不需要光照也能养活。 在有光照的窗台上,则可以选择各种类型的香草植物,包括薄荷、罗勒和九里香等植物。 5、室内开花植物和多肉植物 在有较多阳光的窗台上,可以养一些开花植物,如果有光照的地方位置不大,那么就可以养一些非洲紫罗兰、长寿花或薰衣草之类的小型盆栽。 多肉植物则可以选择一些景天科的多肉,或者是一些耐旱的仙人掌植物,它们都十分非常耐旱的,不需要经常管理。 6、浴室植物选择 [图片]浴室是一个空气湿润的地方,而且增湿增温比较容易,所以要养一些喜欢高温高湿的植物,最适宜选择的植物就包括:白掌、绿萝、常青藤、龟背竹等植物。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Scilla bifolia L. [图片]Common Names Alpine Squill, Two-leaf Squill Synonyms Adenoscilla bifolia, Adenoscilla nivalis, Adenoscilla unifolia, Anthericum bifolium, Genlisa bifolia, Hyacinthus bifolius, Ornithogalum bifolium, Rinopodium bifolia, Scilla buekkensis, Scilla bulgarica, Scilla carnea, Scilla chladnii, Scilla concinna, Scilla decidua, Scilla dedea, Scilla drunensis, Scilla dubia, Scilla hohenackeri, Scilla laxa, Scilla longistylosa, Scilla lusitanica, Scilla minor, Scilla nivalis, Scilla pleiophylla, Scilla pneumonanthe, Scilla praecox, Scilla pruinosa, Scilla resslii, Scilla rosea, Scilla secunda, Scilla spetana, Scilla subnivalis, Scilla trifolia, Scilla uluensis, Scilla vernalis, Scilla xanthandra, Stellaris bifolia Scientific Classification Family: Asparagaceae Subfamily: Scilloideae Tribe: Hyacintheae Subtribe: Hyacinthinae Genus: Scilla [图片]Flower Color: Deep violet-blue Bloom Time: Early to late spring Description Scilla bifolia is a herbaceous perennial growing from an underground bulb up to 0.8 inch (2 cm) across. There are two or rarely three lance-shaped, curved, fleshy and shiny leaves. The bases of the leaves clasp up to about the half of the stem. The flowering stems are erect and unbranched, up to 8 inches (20 cm) tall. The raceme bears 6 to 10 flowers, each up to 0.4 inch (1 cm) across. The flowers are upward-facing, unlike the nodding flowers of Scilla siberica. They bloom from early to late spring. The 6 tepals are deep violet-blue, more rarely white, pink, or purple. The fruit is a capsule up to 0.3 inch (8 mm) across. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 4a to 8b: from −30 °F (−34.4 °C) to 20 °F (−6.7 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care Scilla is adapted to full sun or dappled shade and likes well-drained soil. It naturally grows in rocky wooded areas, so it is just at home in dryish semi-wild parts of the landscape as it is in a rich, moist garden bed. Bulbs should be planted in fall. Plant the bulbs in loose soil three to four inches deep and 8 inches (20 cm) apart with the tapered end pointed up. Scilla should receive regular water during the spring flush of growth. However, since the weather tends to be cool and moist during this time, it is generally not necessary to irrigate. In fact, it is important to not over water, as the bulbs can rot. The foliage should be left after the flowers fade, though it, too, fades in the heat of summer. Once Scilla leaves are all yellow they may be cut to the ground, and the plant allowed to remain dormant until the following spring. It is important that the bulbs not be watered during the dormant period. Origin Native to Europe and western Russia south through Turkey to Syria.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. grotei (Engler) I. Darbysh. [图片]Common Names African Violet Synonyms Saintpaulia grotei (basionym), Saintpaulia confusa, Saintpaulia amaniensis, Saintpaulia difficilis, Saintpaulia magungensis Scientific Classification Family: Gesneriaceae Genus: Saintpaulia [图片]Flower Color: Purple Bloom Time: Flowers freely Description Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. grotei is a tender, herbaceous, flowering, indoor perennial, up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall and up to 12 inches (30 cm) wide. May be multiple-stemmed, but usually grows as a single-crowned plant. It has purple flowers and medium, green, slightly serrated and quilted leaves. Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. grotei - African Violet. Hardiness USDA hardiness zone 11a to 12b: from 40 °F (+4.4 °C) to 60 °F (15.6 °C). [图片]How to Grow and Care African Violets will thrive in bright, warm and humid conditions. Keep water from touching their leaves or it will leave brown spots. Remove dead flowers and leaves as soon as you seen them to encourage a healthier plant. Regularly check the soil and plant to make sure there is no accumulation of dead leaves. This will encourage rot. Growing these houseplants is really a matter of balance; you have to make sure that the different factors that go into their cultivation all are weighted against each other. They should be kept in moist enough conditions that they don’t dry out, yet still exposed to a fresh breeze to avoid letting them get too stuffy, and exposed to sunlight without damaging their leaf tips. Don’t be discouraged if your African Violets suffer some damage — it’s all part of the process. African Violets do better when they are slightly underpotted. Repot only when necessary into a pot that is one size up. To repot these plants, simply grab the plant as a whole, lift it, and replace it into a larger container, making sure not to damage their root systems in the process. Origin Native to Kenya and Tanzania.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Sandersonia aurantiaca Hook. [图片]Common Names Chinese Lantern Lily, Christmas Bells, Golden Lily of the Valley Scientific Classification Family: Colchicaceae Genus: Sandersonia [图片]Flower Color: Orange Bloom Time: Late spring and summer Description Sandersonia aurantiaca – Christmas Bells is a slender-stemmed perennial plant and a climber that can reach up to 30 inches (76 cm) in height, with lance-shaped, medium green leaves. The flowers are bell-shaped and bright orange in color. Blooms in late spring and summer. [图片]How to Grow and Care Sandersonia loves a sunny spot with well drained loamy soil enriched with complete fertilizer. They only require water during the growing period until the flowers have finished, we then find it to be more drought tolerant than we expected. However they do not like to be too wet over winter. The tuber has two fleshy prongs emerging from the central ‘bulb’. These prongs should be planted down and covered with 2 inches (5 cm) of top soil with about 3.1 inches (8 cm) between each tuber. When shoots emerge they need to be protected from snails and slugs as they find them most desirable. They will do well in a pot or container so long as there is good drainage. They increase by making a new tuber each from the growing prong and often a small ‘nut’ on the other prong. They can also be grown from seed which is usually ready to harvest about the end of April. Seed should be planted early winter, sown thinly in trays or pots using a very well drained potting medium and covered with 0.4 inch (1 cm) of mixture. Origin Native to South Africa.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Saintpaulia ionantha H. Wendl. [图片]Common Names African Violet, Usambara Violet Synonyms Petrocosmea ionantha, Streptocarpus ionanthus Scientific Classification Family: Gesneriaceae Genus: Saintpaulia [图片]Flower Color: Violet, purple, bright violet-blue Bloom Time: Flowers freely Description Saintpaulia ionantha is a tender, herbaceous, flowering, indoor perennial, up to 6 inches (15 cm) tall and up to 12 inches (30 cm) wide. It is a low, compact plant with attractive dark green, thick, hairy leaves, up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) long. The bright violet-blue flowers are up to 3 cm in diameter, borne in small panicles just above the foliage. [图片]How to Grow and Care African Violets will thrive in bright, warm and humid conditions. Keep water from touching their leaves or it will leave brown spots. Remove dead flowers and leaves as soon as you seen them to encourage a healthier plant. Regularly check the soil and plant to make sure there is no accumulation of dead leaves. This will encourage rot. Growing these houseplants is really a matter of balance; you have to make sure that the different factors that go into their cultivation all are weighted against each other. They should be kept in moist enough conditions that they don’t dry out, yet still exposed to a fresh breeze to avoid letting them get too stuffy, and exposed to sunlight without damaging their leaf tips. Don’t be discouraged if your African Violets suffer some damage — it’s all part of the process. African Violets do better when they are slightly underpotted. Repot only when necessary into a pot that is one size up. To repot these plants, simply grab the plant as a whole, lift it, and replace it into a larger container, making sure not to damage their root systems in the process. Origin Native to Kenya and Tanzania. Subspecies, Varieties, Forms, Cultivars and Hybrids Saintpaulia ionantha subsp. grotei
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Scientific Name Kohleria warszewiczii (Regel) Hanst. [图片]Synonyms Kohleria digitaliflora, Gesneria regeliana, Isoloma digitaliflorum, Isoloma regelianum, Isoloma warszewiczii, Kohleria violacea, Sciadocalyx digitaliflora, Sciadocalyx warszewiczii Scientific Classification Family: Gesneriaceae Subfamily: Cactoideae Tribe: Cacteae Genus: Kohleria [图片]Flower Color: Purple Bloom Time: Summer to autumn Description Kohleria warszewiczii is a perennial plant up to 2 feet (60 cm) tall, with an upright to spreading habit. The flowers are nodding, rich purple, with furry trumpets. Flowering period extends from summer through the autumn. [图片]How to Grow and Care Put your Kohleria where it’ll get plenty of light, but out of direct sun. Filtered light from a south- or west-facing window will give it the light it needs. Keep the soil evenly moist during the growing season, but take care not to overwater. Dry soil will cause the plant to go dormant. Soggy soil will quickly cause the rhizomes to rot. You can expect dozens of blooms on plants in spring and summer. You’ll get the most blooms by providing plenty of bright, indirect light. This one likes to be slightly pot-bound, and blooms best this way. Repot in spring when it has outgrown its pot. Always use a container with drainage holes to prevent soggy soil. Divide rhizomes in spring and pot separately. Or take 4-inch (10 cm) leaf tip cuttings with at least 1 pair of leaves attached and root in moist potting mix. Cover the whole thing with plastic or a glass cloche to hold in moisture. Cuttings root easily in about 4 to 6 weeks. Origin Native to Colombia.
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