[图片]一、#盆栽竹子 的施肥技巧 1、刚刚栽种竹子时应该使用酸性或中性土壤,土壤里最好含有一些砂质,农田土也可。刚种植入盆时就可以适当的放入点有机肥了。 1、盆栽竹子是喜欢水的,但是大家往往没注意到。为什么呢?竹子生命力很旺盛,所以施肥浇水的时候都可以量稍微大一点,这样它们才能更好的生长。 2、盆栽竹子的施肥时间可以定为一个月一次,这个速度相对来说是对竹子最好的。 二、盆栽竹子施什么肥 1、盆栽竹子尽量使用有机肥,此种肥料中有大量的钾钙元素,竹子生长全靠它。除了对竹子本身比较好以外,还能减少污染,何乐而不为。 2、生长过程中缺肥或施肥过量都会引起疾病,所以要注意施基础肥料。因为盆栽的营养有限,春夏时节肥要薄,次数可以稍勤一点,不断补充盆土养分。 3、盆栽竹子一定要用有机肥。 [图片]温馨提示 给盆栽竹子施肥的问题解决了总会问到浇水怎么办。竹子是非常喜欢水的植物,所以盆土要处于水润状态,不能缺水。环境如果干燥,可以选择稍微多浇水,还有,在生长黄金时期应该多浇水。 [图片]
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[图片]褐斑病 #褐斑病 对叶片能够产生较大的危害,通常叶片上会产生一种圆形的褐色斑点,这种病菌能够通过雨水传播,残留的病菌附着到叶片引起病发。 预防这种病的产生可以将植株扩大间隔,良好的通风能够有效的预防这种病的发生,发病期间,要少浇水少施肥,适当的喷洒一定的药物进行防治。 [图片]灰霉病 灰霉病一般会发生在生长中期阶段,会对植株的茎和叶造成伤害。土壤中会留存这种饼的病菌,每年春季来临的时候,随着空气在空中落到植株上进行侵害。遭遇这种病时,可以通过多施肥,勤浇水的方法来医治,这样能够提高植株的抗病能力。配合一定量的药剂,不长时间就能减缓疾病的带来的伤害。 [图片]苗腐病 它能够使植物的幼苗根茎产生病变。开始时呈现出不同形状的病斑,然后病斑会变成黑色,产生腐烂,植株就会死亡。植株生病的部位会产生白色丝状物,甚至可能穿透叶片。 这种病通过水分传播,在农田的低洼处,病菌的生存率较高,是导致植株染病的重要问题所在。通常可以将病株铲除,适当的进行浇水,避免水分的堆积。同时配合药物进行喷洒,能够有效的治理这种病。 [图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Succulents don’t always fare well when exposed to the hot sun day in and day out. In nature, succulents often grow under or near a shrub or tree where they receive bright light but not constant direct sunlight. Don’t automatically plant your succulent smack-dab in the middle of the garden, where it receives endless hours of direct sunlight, especially during the summer. Instead, carefully select its growing location where your succulent will receive enough sunlight, but not too much. [图片]1. Determine how much direct sunlight your succulent should receive each day. Consider whether your succulent plant requires only 4 hours of direct sunlight a day, which is the case with most succulents. Plan to provide succulents with afternoon shade in areas that are scorched by hot summer sun. 2. Plant your succulent on the east side of a building, tree or another structure that is exposed to morning sun if your plant should be protected from the afternoon sun. Plant it under a tree, if desired, that receives filtered sunlight throughout the day during the summer, which also protects it from the afternoon sun. Alternatively, plant your succulent in a sunnier location, such as on the west or south side of your home, if your climate is mild during the summer and is not afflicted with hot, scorching summer days. [图片]3. Examine your succulent 2 to 4 weeks after planting and several times during the summer. Notice whether it is indented, or has a tan, yellow or red color on the side that faces the most sun, both of which indicate that your plant is receiving too much direct sunlight. Determine whether your succulent is not growing well, which could mean that it needs more sunlight, especially if you are providing it with proper water and fertilizer. 4. Transplant your succulent to a sunnier spot, or prune nearby trees and shrubs to increase sunlight exposure, if necessary. Alternatively, transplant your succulent to a shadier site, or plant a shrub or other plants near it to provide more shade if your plant is getting too much sunlight. [图片]Tip Keep your succulent in a container for the first growing season so you can easily move it around until you find the best location. Slowly acclimate your succulent to its new growing location before planting it, especially if it was previously an indoor plant. Place it in the sun for 2 hours a day for 1 or 2 days. Increase the amount of time it spends in direct sunlight by one-half hour every day until it is exposed to the same amount of sunlight as it will get in its new location. Sketch your landscape and mark possible planting locations. Take a day to examine and record the amount of sunlight each area gets and what time of day.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
#蔷薇长管蚜 相关图片 [图片]分布与危害 分布全国。危害蔷薇、月季、丰花月季、藤蔓月季、玫瑰、野蔷薇等。 形态特征 无翅雌蚜长约3mm,长卵形,头部浅绿色,胸、腹草绿色,有时略带红色;腹管和尾片浅绿色,尾片较长,圆锥形,着生曲毛7-9根。有翅雌蚜体草绿色,尾片上有曲毛9-11根。若蚜无翅,形似成蚜。 发生规律 一年发生10多代,京沪杭地区约20代,以卵在寄主幼枝等处越冬。翌年月季萌芽时卵孵化,为害新梢幼叶,5月后产生有翅蚜迁移到杂草为害新梢幼叶,并繁殖。秋季又迁回月季等蔷薇科花木上为害与产卵。以5-6月和9-10月发生为害严重,江浙地区以5-6月和10月发生最重。气候干燥、气温约20℃时,有利于发生与繁殖。北方冬季温室内可继续发生为害。 防治方法 1.温室和花卉大棚内,采用黄绿色灯光或粘胶板诱杀有翅蚜虫。 2. 蚜虫繁殖快,世代多,用药易产生抗性。选药时建议用复配药剂或轮换用药,可用50%啶虫咪水分散粒剂(国光崇刻)3000倍液,10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂(如国光毙克)1000倍液,40%啶虫.毒乳油(如国光必治)1500-2000倍液,或啶虫咪水分散粒剂(国光崇刻)3000倍液+5.7%甲维盐乳油(国光乐克)2000倍混合液喷雾均可针对性防治 ,防治时建议在常规用药基础上缩短用药间隔期,连用2-3次。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Astroloba is a genus of flowering plants in the family Asphodelaceae, native to the Cape Province of South Africa. The name of the genus is derived from the Greek words “astros” (star), and “lobos” (lobe), and refers to the starlike shape of the petals, which appear at the end of the tube-like flowers. They are very closely related to the Haworthia genus, but are distinguished by their flowers being regular and not double-tipped. The flowers are small and white, and appear clustered on slender racemes. Astrolobas bear very regular, sharp, triangular, succulent leaves along their symmetrical columnar stems. They are slow growing, multi-stemmed, and their longer stems tend to sprawl in their rocky natural habitat. [图片]Growing Conditions and General Care Astroloba plants are increasingly popular as succulent ornamental, due to the extraordinary beauty of their leaf structure. Some have intricate patterns of lines, margins, spots and raised tubercles on their leaves. Nearly all of them display a crystal-like regularity in their leaf arrangement. This is not always apparent in wild plants, which are usually disfigured by their harsh habitat. In cultivation, Astrolobas are at their best when provided with some protection from full sun. In a semi-shade environment, with extremely well-drained soil and gentle conditions, Astrolobas can become remarkably beautiful and ornate. Unfortunately, when conditions are not ideal, occasional random leaves can die, shrivel up and go brown, all along its stem. This is unfortunate because, as explained, much of the beauty of the plants comes from the intricate, crystalline pattern of their leaves. However this disfigurement can be avoided by keeping the plants in optimal, fertile conditions – growing steadily and sheltered from stress. [图片]Propagation All Astrolobas can be propagated by seed, by cuttings/offsets, and by division of clumps. Cuttings or offsets should be dried for several days to weeks, in a cool, shady environment, before being planted in well-drained sand. Seeds should be collected and sown on well-drained soil. It is optional to cover them with a very thin, fine layer of sand. Keep moist until they germinate, and continue to water regularly until they are relatively large and strong. Keep in a bright spot, but out of direct sunlight. [图片]Hybrids can be made between all the Astroloba species (except for A. rubriflora, which has evolved a highly distinct chemistry in its flowers). Astrolobas can also be hybridized with other related genera, such as Tulista, Gasteria and Aloe.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
#南美斑潜蝇 相关图片 [图片][图片][图片][图片]分布与危害 分布广东、云南、贵州、四川|、福建、山 东、河北、河南、北京、天津及辽宁、吉林。危害菊花、翠菊、非洲菊、满天星、石竹、灯盏菊、孔雀草、六出花、飞燕草、鸡冠花、香豌豆及多种蔬菜、粮食作物、经济作物等。 形态特征 雌成虫体长3.2-3.7mm,雄成虫体 长2.8-3mm;头部额区黄色,眼眶突出于复眼,头顶鬓黑褐色,上下眶鬓各2根,眶毛等距排列和后侃触角3节,第1和2节橙黄色,第3节褐色,触角芒黑褐色;中胸背板黑色,略带光泽,小盾片黄色;前翅长1.7-2.3mm,平衡棒黄色;腹部7节,背板黑褐色,膜质区带黄色;产卵器长锥状,黑色。卵长卵形,长约O.25mm,宽约O.15mm,白色,半透明,近孵化时浅黄色。幼虫3龄,初孵时体长0.5mm,无色,半透明;老熟幼虫长约3mm,淡黄色,后气门有小泡6-9个。蛹椭圆形,初为黄色,后变褐 色,长1.3-2.3mm,蛹围0.5-0.75mm。雄性外生殖器:端阳体与骨化强的中阳体前部体之间以膜相连,呈空隙状,中间后段几乎透明。精泵黑褐色,柄短,叶片小,背针突具1齿。蛹初期呈黄色,逐渐加深直至呈深褐色,比美洲斑潜蝇颜色深且体形大。后气门突起与幼虫相似。 发生规律 滇中及昆明地区一年发生约16代,繁殖力强,生活周期短,世代重叠。卵的发育起点温度为6.6°C,发育积温为50.5°C幼虫发育起点温度为7.2°C,发育积温为84.2°C;雌成虫寿命平均14 天,雄成虫寿命平均5天。9-11月为发生高峰期,湿度过高对其生长发育不利。成虫羽化多在8-10 时,活动多在10-12时和14 -16时;每雌虫平均产卵380粒,以幼虫潜藏于叶片中为害。成虫趋黄性较强。 防治方法 1.植物生长期叶部组织柔嫩,最易受害,所以防治重点应在花木的幼苗期和新叶萌发的春季。 2.利用斑潜蝇的趋黄习性,于花木养殖区 或花棚内设置黄色胶卡诱杀成虫;于成虫羽化和活动高峰期用捕虫网来回挥动捕杀成虫。 3.在斑潜蝇 发生高峰期(3-4月、6-7月、10-11月)选用45%丙溴辛硫磷(国光依它)1000倍液,或国光乙刻(20%氰戊菊酯)1500倍液+乐克(5.7%甲维盐)2000倍混合液,40%啶虫.毒(必治)1500-2000倍液喷杀幼虫,可连用1-2次,间隔7-10天。可轮换用药,以延缓抗性的产生。 4.保护潜蝇姬小蜂等天敌。 5.摘除虫叶集中销毁。做好检疫工作,防止虫源扩散。
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Succulents are the perfect plant for forgetful and sometimes neglectful gardeners. They don’t require much care and are easy to grow inside as well as out. They come in a variety of colors and textures and look lovely potted or landscaped. [图片]Succulents are a diverse group of plants that come in many colors and shapes. There are over 20,000 varieties with kinds suited for all growing conditions. They store water in their leaves which tend to be thick and plump, although some have thinner leaves. They often grow in dry climates without much humidity. They do need to be watered, but can stand periods of drought instead pulling water that is stored in the leaves. They do not do well in wet conditions as their roots will start to rot if sitting in water for too long. Succulents often prefer warm weather can will not survive freezing temperatures. The stored water in the leaves will freeze and destroy the plant. Some species, however, can survive a freezing winter. The most common types of succulents that you’ll be able to find are Agave, Yucca, Aloe, cacti, Sedum, Sempervivum, Echeveria, Euphorbia, and even some orchids. [图片]Succulent Care As with all plants the four things to consider when caring for succulents are light, water, soil, and temperature. Light Both indoor and outdoor succulents generally need at least 3 hours of direct sun daily. Morning sunlight would be preferable as the afternoon sun can be too harsh. Some succulents that receive too much sun may be damaged and look sunburned with scars on their leaves or a washed out color. Especially in hot climates where the sun is the most direct be sure to keep your succulents in areas with filtered sunlight. Alternatively, succulents that don’t receive enough sun may begin to grow or reach toward the sun. The plants may begin to grow tall with the leaves more spaced out. Succulents that are colored may also turn green if not receiving enough light. Water Succulents are made to grow in arid climates and as a result do not need much water. They instead store their water in their leaves or stems. When watering your succulents be sure the soil is dry before you water. Soak the soil around the plant and don’t water again until the soil is completely dry. If the roots stay wet for long periods of time they may begin to rot causing the plant to rot. You will be able to tell this is occurring because the leaves will turn black and mushy and may start to grow mold. Generally, most succulents need to be watered only once a week. This will vary depending on your climate and soil conditions. If you are unsure how often to water your succulents it is better to underwater rather than overwater. Soil Well-draining soil is vital for succulents. This is important as too much moisture will cause the plant to rot. Unlike typical plants, succulent roots don’t absorb water through direct contact, but instead they get their water from the air. That is why well-draining soil is important. If you grow your succulents in pots, but sure the pot has drainage holes. When planting succulents look for cactus mix potting soil. This mix is designed to drain better than regular potting soil. If you are unable to find cactus mix you can make your own by mixing 1 part stone pebbles, 1 part wood mulch, and 1 part clay pebbles. The stone pebbles don’t absorb water and create pockets in the mix for the water to drain. The mulch and clay absorb moisture and slowly releases it allowing the roots to receive water. Temperature Most succulents are able to tolerate a large range of temperatures if they get the right amount of sun and water. However, the more delicate succulents should not be kept in temperatures above 95 degrees Fahrenheit (35 degrees Celsius) or below freezing. These are the types with really thick leaves. The extreme heat will cause them to droop when the soil gets too hot and dry and below freezing will freeze the water in their leaves. [图片]Propagating One of the excellent qualities of succulents is their ability to propagate easily. You can often start a new plant from leaf or a plant cutting. Some types of succulents propagate better from a cutting rather than a leaf. The succulents with the thick, fleshy leaves are best suited to leaf propagation. The best way to remove a leaf for propagation is to gently twist the leaf from the stem. You’ll want the entire leaf so nothing should be left on the stem. For succulents that propagate best from cuttings use sharp scissors or pruning shears and cut off a stem right above a leaf. This can be either the top of the succulent, or a new shoot. After removing the leaf or cutting you’ll want the end to dry out and scab over a bit before planting. If you plant it freshly cut it may absorb too much moisture. Depending on your climate and humidity this may take 1 to 3 days. The leaf or cutting may shrivel slightly. You’ll want to plant it before it dries out too much. When the end of the cutting is dry it is time to plant it. The leaf does not need to be planted and instead should be laid on top of soil. Mist the cutting or leaf with water whenever the soil is dry. You do not need to soak the soil. The leaves will begin to grow tiny roots within 4 to 6 weeks. When you begin to see roots cover them with soil so they don’t dry out. Propagating new plants from leaves and cuttings is not a quick process as it may take up to a year for the new plant to be fully grown. [图片]Identifying Often times when you buy a succulent at the store it may not be labeled. Or it will be labeled simply as “succulent” or “succulent variety”. This can be frustrating as different succulent have different growth requirements. There are many avenues you can take to help you identify your plant. The first may be to simply ask the seller. If they are unsure you may be able to identify your succulent with a photo using an online forum. The more difficult way to identify your succulent is to look at the characteristics of the plant such as leaf shape and growing habits. Leaf shape Succulents come in many shapes, sizes, and colors. The leaf shapes of succulent can vary greatly among the different kinds. Leaves are generally long and spikey or small and circular. Succulents that have long spikey leaves include Aloe vera, Agave, and Gasteria. Within the spikey-leaved category the leaves may be grass-like or fleshy. The succulents with circular leaves are rose-shaped, called rosette forming succulents. Rosette-forming, circular leaved succulents include Aeonium, Echeveria, and Graptopeltum. Rosette type Succulents that grow in the rosette-form feature close clusters of leaves that radiate from the center as a flower would. These leaves may be pointed or round, fleshy or grass-like. Jobivarva succulents feature rounded leaves and hen-and-chick feature pointed leaves. Configuration Some succulents grow in long stalks and others grow close to the ground and spread out. Succulents may change in configuration as they mature so waiting until they have aged may help in making an identification. Plant size The size of the plant may help you identify the plant as well as determine where it should be grown. Smaller plants, those that are just a couple inches tall and wide, may be best suited indoors. Larger plants may be best to grow outside. [图片]Flower shape and color Flowers are one of the easiest ways to identify a plant. If your succulent blooms pay attention to the shape, size, color, and even the time of year that it blooms. The Christmas Cactus, for example, blooms only once a year, in midwinter. Indoor Succulents Succulents are a popular choice for houseplants because they don’t require a lot of maintenance. A Jade Plant is a classic choice and is easy to grow. Aloe vera is also popular and can be used to treat sunburns or wounds. Burro’s Tail is a pretty plant that can add some interest to your interior. It has overlapping leaves which can reach up to 3 feet (90 cm) in length and hang over the flower pot. Christmas Cactus and Thanksgiving Cactus are succulents that bloom during the holidays and offer some color during the time of year when it can be hard to find. Keep this succulent outside in a sheltered area in the summer and fall. Bring it indoors when the overnight temperatures begin to drop into the 40s. Fertilize the plant three times during the summer and keep it drier in the winter than in the spring and summer. One of the easiest houseplants to keep is the Snake Plant. It gets its name from the shape of its leaves. This is an indestructible houseplant that strives on neglect. It grows upright and can fit into many locations in the home. There are also many varieties, some that are variegated in color, to offer many options. [图片]Outdoor Succulents The most common succulents you’ll find to grow outside are Yucca, Prickly Pear Cactus, and Agave. These plants are great for landscaping and can be used alone or for all of the landscape. Yucca and Agave are hardy for most of the United States. Hen-and-chick are a type of Sempervivum and get their name from the mother plant, or the hen, that produces cluster of offsets, the chicks. They are an easy plant to grow in the sunny part of the yard. They are low-growing and are also a good choice for a houseplant. When keeping it as a houseplant be sure to let the soil dry out completely between watering. Sedum, sometimes called Stonecrop, are a great succulent to use as groundcover as most types are low-growing. Some varieties are taller and look best in the middle of the garden. They grow well in a normal garden, but do best in drier conditions. They also grow well in full-sun or partial sun. [图片]Planting Succulents When planting succulents in your garden one thing you should pay attention to is the soil. If your soil is not naturally well draining you will need to mix in some sand or gravel to help the drainage. No succulents can tolerate standing water so well-drained soil is key. To help landscape the succulents consider adding a rock garden. This is a great way to achieve a natural looking succulent garden. Rock gardens feature various sizes of rocks and help mimic many of succulents native habits helping the landscaped succulents look more natural. You can also plant the succulents in groups to help them look purposeful and avoid planting in rows which can create the effect of soldiers in a row.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
#美洲斑潜蝇 相关图片 [图片][图片]分布与危害 美洲斑潜蝇原分布在巴西、加拿大、美国、墨西哥、古巴、巴拿马、智利等30多个国家和地区,我国1994年在海南首次发现后,现已扩散到广东;广西、云南、四川、山东、北京、天津等12个省、市自治区。 寄主植物达110余种,其中,以葫芦科、茄科和豆科植物受害最重。它对叶片的危害率可达10%~80%,常造成瓜菜减产、品质下降,严重时甚至绝收。 形态特征 成虫:小,体长1.3~2.3mm,浅灰黑色,胸背板亮黑色,体腹面黄色,雌虫体比雄虫大。 卵:米色,半透明,大小0.2~0.3×0.1~0.15mm。 幼虫:蛆状,初无色,后变为浅橙黄色至橙黄色,长3mm。 蛹:椭圆形,橙黄色,腹面稍扁平,大小1.7~2.3×0.5~0.75mm。 注:美洲斑潜蝇形态与番茄斑潜蝇极相似,美洲斑潜蝇成虫胸背板亮黑色,外顶鬃常着生在黑色区上,内顶鬃着生在黄色区或黑色区上,蛹后气门三孔。而番茄斑潜蝇成虫内、外顶鬃均着生在黑色区,蛹后气门7~12孔。 发生规律 一年发生代数随地域而异,夏季完成一个世代需15- 30天。雌虫以产卵器刺伤叶片产卵于表皮下,卵经3-5天孵化为幼虫,幼虫在叶内潜道取食,每叶潜道25 -70条,幼虫经4-7天后咬破叶表皮在叶外或土表层化虫雨,蛹期5-12天。此虫常造成园林植物大面积枯亡。 广东1年可发生14~17代。世代周期随温度变化而变化:15℃时,约54天;20℃时约16天;30℃时约12天。 成虫具有趋光、趋绿和趋化性,对黄色趋性更强。有一定飞翔能力。成虫吸取植株叶片汁液;卵产于植物叶片叶肉中;初孵幼虫潜食叶肉,主要取食栅栏组织,并形成隧道,隧道端部略膨大;老龄幼虫咬破隧道的上表皮爬出道外化蛹。主要随寄主植物的叶片、茎蔓、甚至鲜切花的调运而传播。 防治方法 1.严格检疫,防止传带或扩散虫体。 2.清洁绿地和花圃基地,清除杂草和植株残体,及时摘除和堆积区处理虫叶。 3.轮作倒茬,实行 喜食花卉(菊科、豆科)与非喜食花卉(十字花 科、百合科)轮作。 4.在发生期挂设粘虫黄板,诱杀成虫。 5.化学防治:防治时用45%丙溴辛硫磷(国光依它)1000倍液,或国光乙刻(20%氰戊菊酯)1500倍液+乐克(5.7%甲维盐)2000倍混合液,40%啶虫.毒(必治)1500-2000倍液喷杀幼虫,可连用1-2次,间隔7-10天。可轮换用药,以延缓抗性的产生。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
#巨马陆 相关图片 [图片][图片]分布与危害 分布全国。危害仙客来、瓜叶菊、洋兰、铁线莲、海棠、吊钟海棠及文竹等多种温室花卉。 形态特征 成虫雌雄异体,体长25-30mm,圆筒形,茶褐色,有光泽,全体分头、躯干两部分;头部有触角1对,背面两侧各有由若干单眼合成的集合眼1对,彼此靠近,腹面前端有口器;躯体无明 显胸腹之分,由大小相同的14-100体节组成,各腹节由2节愈合为1节,每节具附肢(行动足) 2 对和浅白色环带。卵白色,圆球形,外粘有一层透明胶性物质。幼虫初孵时白色,细长,经数次蜕皮后体色加深。 发生规律 二年繁殖1次。喜阴湿,怕光,在温室内多潜居于花盆底下、砖块下或盆架缝隙内。昼伏夜出,在盆底孔口内啃食盆花幼根或爬至盆面食害幼苗、嫩茎、嫩芽及嫩叶。雌虫成堆产卵,于盆地土表,每头雌体产卵约300粒,卵成块状,在适宜温度下约经20天孵化为幼体,幼体数月后成熟,寿命达1年以上。 防治方法 1.保持室内环境卫生,清除无用的砖块和花盆,扫除并烧毁残枝败叶,最大限度地减少马陆越冬场所。 2.在严重为害区,可向盆底四周表土喷洒50%辛硫磷乳油800倍液。
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
#蔷薇切叶蜂 相关图片 [图片][图片][图片]分布与危害 分布北京、河北、台湾等地。主要危害月季、蔷薇、荣莉等蔷薇科植物及兰花。 形态特征 成虫 雌成虫体长15mm,前翅长10mm左右,黑色有光泽,头胸部具棕灰色长毛。头刻点密,后缘略凹,额上部至头顶凹平;复眼黑褐色,单眼浅褐色;触角12节黑色;唇基长大于宽;上颚黑色强大,端具4齿;胸背刻点粗圆且浅,中盾沟不及背板的一半;小盾片新川形。后缘生密长毛。翅2对、浅褐色半透明,黑褐色脉纹不达外缘,前翅具1个闭锁的肘室。足黑褐色,中胫端距1根。后胫端距2根;第1跗节宽扁且长,大于第2~5跗节长之和;爪内侧近基部具小齿1个。腹部可见6节,各节前部2/3处刻点疏粗,后部细密,第1节前缘圆弧形凹切,第1~3节被灰白色长毛;第6腹板宽三角形。 雄成虫体长10mm,头,胸部被浓密黄毛,腹节间毛带黄色,无腹毛刷;上颚发达具齿。 卵 长椭圆形,乳白色。 幼虫 蛴螬型,无足;头小,黄褐色,上颚发达,胸、腹部乳白色,腹末尖细,体表多皱纹。茧近圆筒形,头端平载,尾端略尖,褐色。 蛹 离蛹,初化蛹为乳黄白色,后变为深褐色。 发生规律 月季切叶蜂年发生3~4代,世代重叠,以老熟幼虫在枯木树洞、石洞及其他天然洞穴中筑巢做茧越冬。第二年春化蛹,蛹期10~15天。越冬代发生集中而整齐。成虫4月中旬至5月初出现,南方4月下旬,北方5月中旬为成虫出现高峰期。成虫寿命约20~25天;卵期3~4天,幼虫期约20天。第一代成虫出现期南方5月中旬~6月下旬;北方6月中旬~7月中旬。第二代南方6月下旬~7月中旬;北方7月下旬-8月。第三代南方8月上旬~9月上、中旬;北方9月上旬~10月上旬。第四代只南方,为9月中旬~10月下旬、11月上旬。当气温高于20℃时雌蜂才开始出洞,从早到晚均可进行切叶,但以10~15时最盛。雌蜂切叶并非取食,而是用以筑巢,供贮藏"食料"和产卵之用。雌蜂喜欢选择嫩而薄,质地较柔软而充分展开的中上部叶片为筑巢材料。由于雌蜂重复切叶,而使叶片留下一些很规则的缺刻。 防治方法 (1).成虫出现高峰期以网捕捉,减少虫源。 (2).产卵期摘除有卵叶片。 (3)尽量选择在低龄幼虫期防治。此时虫口密度小,危害小,且虫的抗药性相对较弱。防治时用45%丙溴辛硫磷(国光依它)1000倍液,或国光乙刻(20%氰戊菊酯)1500倍液+乐克(5.7%甲维盐)2000倍混合液,40%啶虫.毒(必治)1500-2000倍液喷杀幼虫,可连用1-2次,间隔7-10天。可轮换用药,以延缓抗性的产生。
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