Miss Chen
Miss Chen
Gracias a las propiedades y beneficios medicinales del clavo de olor (Syzygium aromaticum), éste ha sido un remedio natural utilizado desde hace más de 2.000 años. Originarios de Indonesia, los aprovechaban desde los egipcios hasta los chinos, pasando por griegos y árabes. Los clavos de olor se empleaban tanto por sus cualidades culinarias como terapéuticas. Ya antiguamente en la cocina se incluían en la elaboración de vinos y otras bebidas, así como en postres o estofados y otros platos salados. Para remedios caseros se puede preparar haciendo una infusión con los clavos o usando el aceite esencial de clavo (mucho más concentrado) [图片]Propiedades y usos medicinales del clavo de olor: – Elimina las infecciones vaginales como la candida albicans – Gracias a sus propiedades expectorantes es un buen remedio para eliminar mucosidad y flemas de las vías respiratorias, para aliviar los síntomas de los resfriados o combatir la bronquitis. – Alivia el dolor de muela – Protege la salud bucodental (enjuague) – Combate el mareo y los vómitos, típicos en los viajes – Su acción analgésica disminuye el dolor – Es un repelente natural de mosquitos – Tiene propiedades antibacterianas, antivirales y antifúngicas – Combate el ardor de estómago [图片]– Corta las diarreas – Posee efecto antiinflamatorio – Por su acción anestésica bloquea el dolor – Es capaz de aliviar las hemorroides (aplicado localmente) – Por su acción sedante combate el insomnio – Gracias a sus propiedades antisépticas se utiliza para combatir infecciones – Elimina los parásitos intestinales – Se utiliza para tener un buen aliento y combatir la halitosis – Favorece el parto – Muy efectivo para limpiar heridas en la piel – Combate problemas intestinales como diarreas, vómitos o gases – Favorece la buena digestión y evita la hinchazón – Elimina los hongos (como el de pie de atleta) de la piel y de las uñas. – Cura las úlceras de la boca (enjuagues) Cómo hacer tu propio aceite de clavo de olor en casa: * Muele un puñado de clavos de olor y ponlos en una tela de algodón u otro tejido natural. Ciérrala bien. * Pon la bolsita con los clavos molidos en un bote con cierre hermético y añade aceite de oliva ecológico (como mínimo que cubra la bolsa) * Lo dejaremos entre 3 y 4 semanas en un lugar donde reciba luz pero no directamente. Muévelo todos los días un poco * Saca la bolsa, escúrrela bien y ya tienes listo tu aceite medicinal de clavo de olor para utilizar durante un año.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La infusión es la forma más común y sencilla de utilizar y aprovechar las propiedades de las plantas medicinales. A la hora de comprar plantas medicinales opta por las que se encuentran a granel en lugar de las que están ya en bolsitas. La cantidad estándar que se suele utilizar de planta medicinal es de una cucharadita (unos 5 gr) por taza (200 ml) en el caso de que la planta esté seca, si es fresca necesitarás el doble de cantidad. [图片]¿Sabías que si utilizas varias plantas distintas en la misma preparación, ésta recibe el nombre de tisiana? Una opción para endulzar las infusiones y tisianas es el sirope de agave. Cómo hacer una infusión de plantas medicinales Las infusiones las podemos elaborar de dos formas: en frío o en caliente. Infusión en frío: en una taza ponemos la hierba medicinal y añadimos agua a temperatura ambiente. Tapamos y dejamos así durante 8 horas o toda la noche. Colamos y podemos endulzar con stevia, sirope de yacón, de ágave, canela, panela, o incluso puedes añadir unas gotitas de limón. Así aprovechamos al máximo los principios activos de la planta. Infusión en caliente: ponemos la planta medicinal en la taza y pones a calentar el agua, antes de que vaya a hervir echamos el agua en la taza. Tapamos y dejamos reposar entre 3 y 10 minutos. Después colamos, endulzamos si así lo deseamos y bebemos poco a poco cuando se ha enfriado. [图片]Igualmente, de esta misma forma también puedes preparar Té, que se realiza con la planta Camellia Sinensis Partiendo de una de estas dos formas de preparar las infusiones y los tés, también puedes hacer Té helado, con hielo o limonadas con plantas medicinales. Como esta limonada con diente de león que resulta muy beneficiosa para la salud. Es importante que no olvides el paso en el que tapamos la infusión una vez incorporada el agua para que así no se evaporen y se pierdan ni los aceites esenciales ni los principios activos. Así nos aseguramos de que aprovechamos todas las bondades que nos ofrecen las hierbas medicinales. Es aconsejable no utilizar azúcar blanco o refinado ni sacarina para endulzar las infusiones ni los tés, además de ser muy perjudiciales para la salud son adictivos. Está totalmente desaconsejado utilizar el microondas para calentar el agua.
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Miss Chen
Miss Chen
La próstata es la glándula que produce el líquido seminal y que forma parte del aparato reproductor masculino (en concreto se encuentra justo debajo de la vejiga) y cuando ésta se inflama se produce la prostatitis. Puede ocurrir frecuentemente en hombres jóvenes y de mediana edad. La prostatitis es una infección puede ser aguda o crónica, siendo sus síntomas más comunes la necesidad constante de orina, el escozor y dificultad al orinar, eyaculación dolorosa e incluso escalofríos.Entre las causas más habituales de la prostatitis aguda se encuentran el contagio sexual o al realizar un exploración médica. En la prostatitis crónica las causas pueden ser otras infecciones en el aparato urinario o incluso una prostatitis agua mal curada. Hay hábitos que favorecen la aparición y desarrollo de la prostatitis, como dietas ricas en grasas, no beber suficiente agua, el consumo de lácteos y derivados, el alcohol, productos ricos en azúcares o el estreñimiento. La alimentación es una parte muy importante en la prevención y cuidado de la prostatitis, siendo los alimentos ricos en Zinc y en Vitamina E, muy recomendables debido a sus propiedades antiinflamatorias y antitumorales. Alimentos y plantas medicinales para la prostatitis o inflamación de la próstata * Alfalfa Los brotes germinados son especialmente beneficiosos para la salud en general y para ayudar a evitar y combatir la prostatitis, en concreto gracias a las isoflavonas que contiene. Es rica en vitaminas A, C y E, por lo que resulta excelente, no sólo para el cuidado de la próstata, sino además para cuidar los riñones y la salud de la vegija. * Apio, higos, espárragos, berenjena, borraja, melocotones, almendras, batatas, papayas y anacardos Todos estos alimentos tienen en común que tienen excelentes niveles de zinc, el cual resulta altamente beneficioso tanto para la prevención como para el tratamiento de la hiperplasia prostática benigna. * Tomates Su gran contenido en glutatión y licopeno los hacen excelentes para cuidar la glándula de la próstata y para evitar el desarrollo de células cancerosas. * Col, coles de Bruselas o brócoli Su riqueza en vitamina C, glucosinatos, cisteína, sulforafano y en general antioxidantes y nutrientes que protegen ante la prostatitis y el desarrollo de tumores. Se debe incluir, al menos, una vez al día. * Calabaza y las semillas de calabaza o zapallo: Gracias a su contenido en carotenos, tanto la calabaza como sus semillas son muy importantes para evitar el crecimiento de la próstata y reducir los efectos y síntomas de la prostatitis. Además las semillas de calabaza o zapallo son muy beneficiosas para mejorar el funcionamiento de las vías urinarias. * Frutos secos y Verduras de hoja verde Ambos grupos poseen excelentes cantidades de vitamina E y además los frutos secos y las semillas (como el lino o linaza) son excelente fuente de ácidos grasos beneficiosos como el Omega 3, destacando dentro de este grupo las nueces y las almendras. * La Ortiga (Urtica dioica L.) La Ortiga mejora el funcionamiento de las vías urinarias y combate los síntomas de la prostatitis, en especial la dificultad para orinar. Se puede consumir la hoja fresca incluyéndola en sopas, purés, etc. o bien realizar una infusión con la planta seca o natural. * La uña de gato (Uncaria tomentosa) estimula el sistema inmunológico y consigue que la próstata disminuya y se desinflame, especialmente cuando la prostatitis está causada por una infección de bacterias. Además reduce los síntomas tan molestos derivados de la prostatitis. * El Sabal (Sabal serrulata Roem. et Schulz) El dátil de esta palmera es un gran remedio natural para tratar las dolencias de la próstata. Es capaz de regenerar el tejido prostático y de combatir la infección. Además a probado ser un remedio muy efectivo para la hiperplasia benigna de próstata o el agrandamiento de la glándula prostática. Además reduce los síntomas como el flujo escaso e irregular de la orina, dolor al orinar y la necesidad de hacerlo constantemente. Se pueden aprovechar sus propiedades medicinales comiendo los dátiles o tomarla en tintura.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
A relative of willow, aspen, alder, ponderosa pine and snowberry, growing chokecherry trees are commonly found in the foothills and mountain canyons, at elevation of 4,900 to 10,200 feet and along streams or other damp areas. Let’s learn more about how to use chokecherries in the home landscape.[图片]What is a Chokecherry? So, what is a chokecherry? Growing chokecherry trees are large suckering shrubs (small trees) that are indigenous to the Southeastern United States but may be grown as a perennial landscape specimen elsewhere. Prunus viginiana can attain heights of up to 41 feet tall with a canopy of 28 feet across; of course, this is extremely rare and generally the plant can be maintained to a size of about 12 feet tall by 10 feet wide. Chokecherry trees bear 3- to 6-inch long creamy white blooms, which become dark red fleshy fruit, maturing into a mature purple black with a pit in the center. This fruit is used to make jams, jellies, syrups and wines. The bark has at times been used to flavor cough syrups. Native Americans utilized the bark extract as a cure for diarrhea. Fruit from growing chokecherry trees was added to pemmican and used to treat canker sores and cold sores. Leaves and twigs were steeped to create a tea to ease colds and rheumatism while the wood of the chokecherry was made into arrows, bows and pipe stems.[图片]How to Use Chokecherry in the Landscape Chokecherry is commonly used as a windbreak on farms, riparian plantings, and for highway beautification. Due to its suckering habitat (and potential toxicity), care should be take when determining where to plant chokecherries. In the garden landscape, chokecherry may be utilized as a screen or in mass plantings, being aware of its propensity for suckering and multiplying. Also, keep in mind that deer love to graze on chokecherry trees, so if you don’t want deer, you don’t want chokecherry trees.[图片]As a landscape planting, you can grow and harvest chokecherry fruit in the fall; the later the reaping, the sweeter the fruit. Remove the toxic stems and leaves when cleaning the berries and do not crush the seeds when cooking or juice extracting. Thus, common sense would tell you not to put the berries in the blender! Chokecherry fruit is a rich source of dietary fiber with 68 percent of the daily recommended allowance, 37 percent DRA of vitamin K, and a terrific source of manganese, potassium and vitamin B6 with just 158 calories per half cup.[图片]Chokecherry Planting Instructions Chokecherry shrubs grow most abundantly in moist soils but are adaptable to a variety of soil mediums in the soil pH arena of 5.0 to 8.0. Cold hardy to USDA zone 2, wind resistant, moderately drought and shade tolerant, chokecherry planting instructions are pretty minimal as it is not particularly picky about where it is situated. That said, in nature, growing chokeberry trees are often found near water sources and will, thus, be most lush with adequate irrigation while full sun also promotes fruiting.[图片]Additional Information on Growing Chokecherry Trees In the wild, chokecherry is primarily noted for its role in providing habitat, as a valuable food source for wildlife and watershed protection. All parts of the growing chokecherry trees are eaten by large mammals such as bears, moose, coyotes, bighorn sheep, pronghorn, elk and deer. Birds munch on its fruit, and even domestic cattle and sheep browse on the chokecherry. The leaves, stems and seeds contain a toxin, called hydrocyanic acid, which may rarely cause poisoning in domestic animals. Livestock must eat significant quantities of the toxic plant parts which do not normally occur except in times of drought/famine. Poisoning signs are distress, bluish tinge to the mouth, rapid breathing, salivation, muscle spasm, and finally coma and death.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
If you are looking for a tree suitable for a xeriscape landscape, one with ornamental attributes which also fulfills a valuable niche for wildlife, look no further than the Chinese pistache tree. If this piques your interest, read on for additional Chinese pistache facts and care of Chinese pistache.[图片]Chinese Pistache Facts The Chinese pistache tree is, as mentioned, a notable ornamental tree, especially during the fall season when the normally dark green foliage changes to a dramatic profusion of orange and red leaves. An excellent shade tree with a broad canopy, Chinese pistache will attain heights of between 30-60 feet. A deciduous tree, the one foot long pinnate leaves consist of between 10-16 leaflets. These leaves are mildly aromatic when bruised. Pistacia chinensis, as the name suggests, is related to the pistachio; however, it does not produce nuts. Instead, if a male Chinese pistache tree is present, the female trees bloom in April with inconspicuous green blossoms that develop into clumps of brilliant red berries in the fall, changing to a blue-purple hue in the winter.[图片]While the berries are inedible for human consumption, the birds go nuts for them. Keep in mind that the bright colored berries will drop and may stain or create a slippery walkway. If this is a concern, consider planting P. chinensis ‘Keith Davey,’ a fruitless male clone. Native to China, Taiwan and the Philippines, Chinese pistache grows at a moderate pace (13-24 inches per year) and is relatively long lived. It is also tolerant of many soil types as well as being drought tolerant with roots that grow deep into the soil. The bark of growing Chinese pistache is grayish-brown and, if peeled from the tree, reveals a shocking salmon pink interior. So what are some landscape uses for Chinese pistache trees?[图片]Chinese Pistache Uses Chinese pistache is not a fussy tree. It can be grown in USDA zones 6-9 in a variety of soils as long as the soil is well draining. It is a sturdy tree with deep roots that make it an ideal specimen for near patios and sidewalks. It is heat and drought tolerant and winter hardy to 20 degrees F. (-6 C.) as well as relatively pest and fire resistant. Use Chinese pistache anywhere you would like to add a shade addition to the landscape with the bonus of an opulent fall appearance. This member of the Anacardiaceae family also makes a lovely container specimen for the patio or garden.[图片]Care of Chinese Pistache The Chinese pistache is a sun lover and should be situated in an area of at least 6 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight per day. As mentioned, Chinese pistache isn’t picky about the soil it’s grown in as long as it drains well. Choose a site of not only plenty of sun, but with fertile soil deep enough to accommodate the long taproots and at least 15 feet away from nearby structures to account for their growing canopies. Dig a hole as deep as and 3-5 times as wide as the root ball of the tree. Center the tree in the hole, spreading the roots out evenly. Refill the hole; don’t amend it, as it is not necessary. Tamp the dirt down lightly around the base of the tree to remove any air pockets. Water the tree in well and spread a 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch around the base, away from the trunk to discourage fungal disease, rodents and insects.[图片]Although Chinese pistache trees are fairly disease and pest resistant, they are susceptible to verticillium wilt. Avoid planting them in any area that has had previous contamination. Once the tree has been planted, continue to water twice a week for the next month while the tree acclimates. Thereafter, check the soil once a week and water only when the top one inch is dry. Feed trees under 5 years old in the spring and fall with a nitrogen based fertilizer. Use one that is supplemented with superphosphate only if they are growing less than 2-3 feet per year to give them a boost.[图片]Young Chinese pistache should be pruned in January or February to facilitate their signature umbrella shape. When trees are six feet tall, prune the tops of the trees. As branches emerge, choose one as the trunk, another as a branch and prune out the remainder. When the tree has grown another three feet, prune them to 2 feet above the previous cut to encourage branching. Repeat this process until the trees are symmetrical with an open canopy. Keep leaf debris and fallen berries raked up from around the trees to prevent unwanted seedlings.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Yangmei fruit trees (Myrica rubra) are predominantly found in China where they are cultivated for their fruit and used as an ornamental along streets and in parks. They are also referred to as Chinese bayberry, Japanese bayberry, Yumberry, or Chinese strawberry trees. Because they are indigenous to eastern Asia, you’re probably not familiar with the tree or its fruit and right about now are wondering what the heck is yangmei fruit. Read on to find out about growing Chinese bayberry trees and other interesting Chinese bayberry info.[图片]What is Yangmei Fruit? Yangmei fruit trees are evergreens that produce purplish round fruit that looks somewhat like a berry, hence their alternate name of Chinese strawberry. The fruit is actually not a berry, however, but a drupe like cherries. That means that there is a single stone seed in the center of the fruit surrounded by juicy pulp. The fruit is sweet/tart and high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. The fruit is often used to make healthy juices as well as being canned, dried, pickled and even made into an alcoholic wine-like beverage. More often marketed as “Yumberry,” production has increased rapidly in China and is now also being imported into the United States.[图片]Additional Chinese Bayberry Info Chinese bayberry is of significant economic value south of the Yangtze River in China. In Japan, it is the prefectural flower of Kochi and the prefectural tree of Tokushima where it is commonly referenced in ancient Japanese poems. The tree has been of medicinal use for over 2,000 years for its digestive qualities. The bark is used as an astringent and to treat arsenic poisoning as well as skin disorders, wounds and ulcers. Seeds are used to treat cholera, heart problems and stomach issues like ulcers.[图片]Modern medicine is looking at the high levels of antioxidants in the fruit. They are believed to sweep free radicals completely from the body. They also protect the brain and nervous system and are purported to prevent cataracts, skin aging, and to relieve arthritis. The fruit juice has also been used to reduce blood pressure and to restore the malleability of blood vessels as well as to treat diabetes.[图片]Growing Chinese Bayberry It is a small to medium sized tree with smooth gray bark and a rounded habit. The tree is dioecious, meaning male and female flowers bloom on individual trees. When immature, the fruit is green and matures into a dark red to purple-red color. If you’re interested in growing your own Chinese bayberry plants, they are hardy to USDA zone 10 and thrive in sub-tropical, coastal regions. Yangmei do best in sun to partial shade. They have a shallow root system that does best in sandy, loamy, or clay soil with excellent drainage and that is either slightly acidic or neutral.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
The Chilean myrtle tree is native to Chile and western Argentina. Ancient groves exist in these areas with trees that are up to 600 years old. These plants have little cold tolerance and should be grown only in United States Department of Agriculture zone 8 and above. Other regions will have to utilize a greenhouse to enjoy the plant. Among the interesting tidbits of Chilean myrtle information is its use as a medicinal and its inclusion as a bonsai species of note.[图片]Chilean Myrtle Information Chilean myrtle trees go by many other names. Among these are Arrayan, Palo Colorado, Temu, Collimamul (kellumamul-orange wood), Short Leaf Stopper and its scientific designation, Luma apiculata. It is a lovely evergreen tree with glossy green leaves and edible fruits. In its wild habitat, the plant is protected in large forests situated along major water bodies. Trees can reach 60 feet or more in the wild, but in the home landscape, the plants tend to be large shrubs to small trees.[图片]Chilean myrtle is an evergreen tree with cinnamon sloughing bark that reveals a creamy orange pith. The shiny leaves are oval to elliptical, waxy and bear a faint lemon scent. Plants in cultivation reach 10 to 20 feet in height. The flowers are an inch across, white and have prominent anthers, giving the bloom a tasseled appearance. They are attractive to bees, which make a tasty honey from the nectar. The berries are deeply purple black, rounded and very sweet. Fruits are made into beverages and used in baking. The tree is also popular as a bonsai. Interestingly, the inner bark foams much like soap.[图片]Growing Chilean Myrtle Plants This is a very adaptive plant which does well in full to partial sun and can even thrive in shade, but flower and fruit production may be compromised. Chilean myrtles preferred soil that is acidic and well drained. Organic rich soil develops the healthiest trees. A key to Chilean myrtle care is plenty of water but they cannot support themselves in boggy soil. It makes an excellent stand-alone specimen or produces a lovely hedge. These trees can also withstand a great deal of abuse, which is why they make such excellent bonsai selections. Luma apiculata can be a difficult tree to source but many online vendors have young trees available. California has been commercially growing Chilean myrtle plants successfully since the late 1800’s.[图片]Chilean Myrtle Care Provided the plant is kept moist and in a high humidity area, care for Chilean myrtle is easy. Young plants benefit from fertilizer in spring during the first few years. In containers, fertilize the plant every month. A thick layer of mulch around the root zone prevents competitive weeds and grass, and slowly enhances the soil. Keep the tree well watered, especially in summer. Prune young trees to promote a healthy canopy and dense growth.[图片]If you are growing in an area that will experience frost, container growth is preferred. Bring in plants before freezes are expected. During winter, reduce watering by half and keep the plant in a brightly lit area. Container grown plants and bonsai should be repotted every few years. Chilean myrtle has no listed pests and few disease issues.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Vitex (chaste tree, Vitex agnus-castus) blooms from late spring until early fall with long, upright spikes of pink, lilac and white flowers. Any shrub or tree that blooms all summer is well worth planting, but when it also has pleasantly fragrant flowers and foliage, it becomes a must-have plant. Chaste tree garden care is easy, but there are a few care essentials you need to know to get the most from this outstanding plant.[图片]Chaste Tree Info The chaste tree is a native of China, but it has a long history in the U.S. It was first cultivated in 1670, and since that time it has become naturalized throughout the Southern part of the country. Many southerners use it as a replacement for lilacs, which don’t tolerate hot summers. Chaste trees, which are considered shrubs or small trees, grow 15 to 20 feet tall with a spread of 10 to 15 feet. It attracts butterflies and bees, and it makes an excellent honey plant. Wildlife shuns the seeds, and it’s just as well because you’ll have to remove the flower spikes before they go to seed to keep the plant flowering.[图片]Chaste Tree Cultivation Chaste trees need full sun and very well-drained soil. It’s best not to plant them in soil that is rich in organic matter because organically rich soils hold too much moisture close to the roots. Chaste trees do very well in xeric gardens where water is scarce. Once established, you’ll probably never have to water a chaste tree. Inorganic mulch, such as pebbles or stones, allows the soil to dry between rains. Avoid using organic mulches such as bark, shredded wood or straw. Fertilize the plant every year or two with general-purpose fertilizer.[图片]Chaste trees freeze and die back to ground level during severe weather. This isn’t a cause for concern because they regrow quickly from the roots. Nurseries sometimes prune the plant into a small tree by removing some of the main stems and all of the lower branches; but when it regrows, it will be a multi-stemmed shrub. You’ll need to prune annually to control the shape and size and encourage branching. In addition, you should remove the flower spikes when the blossoms fade. Allowing the seeds that follow the flowers to mature reduces the number of flower spikes late in the season.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
Chaste trees (Vitex agnus-castus) get their name from properties of the seed within the edible berries that are said to reduce libido. This property also explains another common name—Monk’s pepper. Chaste tree trimming is an important part of caring for the tree. Once you know when and how to prune chaste trees, you can keep them looking neat and blooming all summer.[图片]Chaste Tree Pruning Info There are several reasons to prune a chaste tree. Left to their own devices, they grow 15 to 20 feet tall and 10 to 15 feet wide, but you can control the size through pruning chaste trees. You can also control the shape by chaste tree trimming. Carefully placed cuts can encourage the shrub to put on new growth. Another type of pruning, called deadheading, is important to keep chaste trees blooming all summer.[图片]When to Prune Chaste Trees The best time to prune a chaste tree is in late winter. Even if you’ve never pruned a tree or shrub before, you can prune a chaste tree. These trees are very forgiving and quickly grow back to cover mistakes. In fact, you can cut off the entire tree at ground level and it will regrow at an astonishing pace.[图片]How to Prune a Chaste Tree In spring and summer, clip off the spent flowers before they have a chance to go to seed. This allows the plant to put its resources into making flowers rather than nurturing seeds. If you remove the flower spikes throughout the first half of the season, the tree may continue blooming into early fall. In winter, remove weak, twiggy growth from the center of the plant to keep it looking tidy. This is also the time to prune to encourage branching. Make cuts all the way back to a side branch whenever possible. If you must shorten rather than remove a branch, cut just above a twig or bud. New growth will take off in the direction of the bud.[图片]Pruning chaste trees to remove the lower limbs that droop and hang close to the ground is optional, but it you remove these branches it will make lawn and garden maintenance much easier, and you’ll be able to grow ornamentals under the tree.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Dummer. ゛☀
I love the aroma and flavor of cinnamon, especially when it means I’m about to devour a warm homemade cinnamon roll. I’m not alone in this love, but have you ever wondered exactly where cinnamon comes from. True cinnamon (Ceylon cinnamon) is derived from Cinnamomum zeylanicum plants generally grown in Sri Lanka. They are actually small, tropical, evergreen trees and it is their bark which imparts the lovely scent and taste of their essential oils – cinnamon. Is it possible to grow a true cinnamon tree? Read on to find out how to grow cinnamon trees and other Ceylon cinnamon care.[图片]True Cinnamon Tree So, I keep mentioning “true” cinnamon trees. What does that mean? The kind of cinnamon usually bought and used in the United States comes from C. cassia trees. True cinnamon comes from Ceylon cinnamon growing. The botanical name C. zeylanicum is Latin for Ceylon. Ceylon was an independent country in the Commonwealth of Nations between 1948 and 1972. In 1972, the country became a republic within the Commonwealth and changed its name to Sri Lanka. This island country in South Asia is where most true cinnamon comes from, where Ceylon cinnamon growing is cultivated for export. There are several distinctions between Cassia and Ceylon cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is light brown in color, is solid, thin, and cigar-like in appearance and has a pleasant delicate aroma and sweet flavor. Cassia cinnamon is dark brown with a thick, hard, hollow tube and a less subtle aroma and indifferent flavor.[图片]How to Grow Cinnamon Trees Cinnamomun zeylanicum plants, or rather trees, attain a height of between 32-49 feet. Young leaves are lovely with a pink hue at emergence, gradually turning a dark green. The tree bears clusters of small star-shaped flowers in the spring, becoming small, dark purple fruit. The fruit actually smells like cinnamon, but the spice is actually made from the bark of the tree. C. zeylanicum thrives in USDA zones 9-11 and can survive frosts down to 32 degrees F. (0 C.); otherwise, the tree will need protection. Grow Ceylon cinnamon in full sun to part shade. The tree prefers higher humidity of 50%, but will tolerate lower levels. They do well in containers and can be pruned to a smaller size of 3-8 feet. Plant the tree in an acidic potting medium of half peat moss and half perlite.[图片]Ceylon Cinnamon Care Now that you have your tree planted, what additional Ceylon cinnamon care is needed? Fertilize moderately, as excess fertilizer can contribute to root diseases as can cool temperatures. Maintain a consistent watering schedule but allow the soil to dry between watering. Prune the plant as desired to maintain its shape and desired size. Keep an eye on lower temps. If they dip into the low 30’s, it’s time to move Ceylon trees to protect them from cold damage or death.
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