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Dummer. ゛☀
What is a rumberry tree? If you are an adult beverage enthusiast, you may be more familiar with its alternate name of guavaberry. Guavaberry liquor is made from rum and the fruit of the rumberry. It is a common Christmas drink on many Caribbean islands, especially on St. Maarten and the Virgin Islands. What are some other rumberry tree uses? Read on to find out what other rumberry tree information we can dig up.[图片]What is a Rumberry Tree? Growing rumberry trees (Myrciaria floribunda) are native to the Caribbean islands, Central and South America through North Brazil. Rumberry is shrub or slim tree that reaches 33 feet and up to 50 feet in height. It has reddish brown branches and flakey bark. An evergreen, the leaves are wide, glossy and slightly leathery – dotted speckled with oil glands.[图片]Blossoms are born in small clusters and are white with about 75 obvious stamens. The resulting fruit is small, (the size of a cherry) round, dark red to nearly black or yellow/orange. They are extremely fragrant, redolent of pine resin, tangy and acidic accompanied by a degree of sweetness. There is a large pit or stone surrounded by translucent flesh that is discarded. As mentioned, native growing rumberry trees are found throughout parts of the Caribbean and Central and South America. Specifically, they have a broad reach and spread out over Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, St. Martin, St Eustatius, St. Kitts, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Trinidad, southern Mexico, Guiana and eastern Brazil.[图片]Care of Rumberry Tree It is not generally cultivated for commercial harvest. Where it grows wild, however, when land is cleared for pasture, the trees are left standing for continued harvest of the wild fruit. Only minimal attempts have been made growing rumberry trees for study and almost none for commercial production. Because of this, there is very little information on the care of rumberry trees. The trees do tolerate a short frost to the upper 20 degrees F. (-6 C.). They thrive in both dry and moist climates in warm temperatures. They grow naturally along coastal forests from sea level up to 700 feet in elevation as well as in dry forests in some countries up to 1,000 feet.[图片]Rumberry Tree Uses Besides the celebratory aperitif mentioned above, rumberry can be eaten fresh, juiced, or made into jams or desserts such as tarts. The guavaberry liqueur is made from the fruit along with rum, pure grain alcohol, raw sugar and spices. The fruit also used to be made into a wine and liqueur beverage that was exported from St. Thomas to Denmark. Rumberry is also purported to have medicinal effects and is sold by herbalists in Cuba to treat liver ailments and as a cleansing remedy.
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Redwood trees (Sequoia sempervirens) are the largest trees in North America and the second largest trees in the world. Would you like to know more about these amazing trees? Read on for redwood tree information.[图片]Facts About Redwood Trees Of the three types of redwoods, only two grow in North America. These are the giant redwoods and coast redwood, sometimes simply called redwoods. The other species – the dawn redwood – grows in China. This article covers some interesting facts about the redwood trees that grow in North America. For such a large tree, the coast redwood has a relatively small habitat. You’ll find redwood forests in a narrow strip of land on the West Coast that runs from Southern Oregon to just south of Monterey in Northwestern California. They enjoy mild, even temperatures and high levels of moisture from winter rains and summer fogs typical of the area. Over time, the forests seem to be receding in the south and expanding in the north. Giant redwoods grow in the Sierra Nevada at elevations between 5,000 and 8,000 feet.[图片]Most coast redwood trees in old growth forests are between 50 and 100 years old, but some are documented to be as much as 2,200 years old. Foresters in the area believe that some are much older. The tallest living coast redwood is about 365 feet tall, and it’s possible for them to reach heights of nearly 400 feet. That’s about six stories taller than the Statue of Liberty. When they are young, coast redwoods grow up to six feet per year. Giant redwoods don’t grow as tall, with the tallest measuring in at a little over 300 feet, but they live much longer. Some giant redwood trees are documented as being more than 3,200 years old. Redwood tree identification is by location since their habitats never overlap.[图片]Planting Redwood Trees Redwood trees aren’t a good choice for the home gardener, even if you have a very large property. They have a huge root structure and need an extraordinary amount of water. They will eventually shade out the lawn as well as most other plants on the property, and they outcompete other plants for available moisture. You should also be aware that redwoods planted outside their natural habitat never look very healthy. Redwoods won’t grow from cuttings, so you must start young saplings from seeds. Plant the saplings outdoors in a sunny location with loose, deep, organically rich soil that drains freely, and keep the soil moist at all times.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Australia is home to a wealth of native plants many of which most of us have never heard of. Unless you were born down under, chances are you have never heard of quandong fruit trees. What is a quandong tree and what are some uses for quandong fruit? Let’s learn more.[图片]Quandong Facts What is a quandong tree? Quandong fruit trees are native to Australia and vary in size from 7 to 25 feet in height. Growing quandong fruit is found in the semi-arid regions of Southern Australia and are tolerant of both drought and salinity. Trees have drooping, leathery, light grey-green foliage. Insignificant greenish blossoms appear in clusters from October to March. Quandong is actually the name of three wild bush fruits. Desert quandong (Santulum acuminatum), also known as sweet quandong, is the fruit that is written about here, but there is also blue quandong (Elaeocarpus grandis) and bitter quandong (S. murrayannum). Both desert and bitter quandong are in the same genus, that of the sandalwoods, while blue quandong is unrelated. Desert quandong is categorized as a non-obligate root parasite, meaning that the tree uses the roots of other trees or plants to garner its nourishment. This makes growing quandong fruit difficult to cultivate commercially, as there must be suitable host plants co-planted amongst the quandong.[图片]Uses for Quandong Prized by the native Aboriginals for the bright red inch-long fruit, quandong is an ancient specimen dating back to at least 40 million years ago. Growing quandong fruit may be present at the same time as blossoms, accounting for a lengthy harvesting season. Quandong is said to smell like dry lentils or beans if slightly fermented. The fruit tastes both mildly sour and salty with varying degrees of sweetness. Fruit is picked and then dried (for up to 8 years!) or peeled and used to make delicacies such as jams, chutneys, and pies. There are other uses for quandong other than as a food source. Indigenous people also dried the fruit to use as ornamentation for necklaces or buttons as well as gaming pieces.[图片]Up until 1973, quandong fruit was the exclusive province of the Aboriginal people. In the early 70’s though, the Australian Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation began to investigate the importance of this fruit as a native food crop and its potential for cultivation for distribution to a larger audience.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Plane trees, also called London plane trees, are natural hybrids that developed in the wild in Europe. In French, the tree is called “platane à feuilles d’érable,” meaning platane tree with leaves like oaks. The plane tree is a member of the sycamore family and bears the scientific name Platanus x acerifolia. It is a tough, hardy tree with a lovely straight trunk and green leaves that are lobed like the leaves of oak trees. Read on for more plane tree information.[图片]Plane Tree Information London plane trees grow wild in Europe and are increasingly cultivated in the United States. These are tall, sturdy, easy-grow trees that can get to 100 feet tall and 80 feet wide. The trunks of London plane trees are straight, while the spreading branches droop slightly, creating graceful ornamental specimens for large backyards. The leaves are lobed like stars. They are bright green and huge. Some grow to 12 inches across. The bark on London plane trees is very attractive. It is silvery taupe but flakes off in patches to create a camouflage pattern, revealing the olive green or cream-colored inner bark. The fruits are also ornamental, tan spikey balls that hang in groups from stalks.[图片]London Plane Tree Growing London plane tree growing is not difficult if you live in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 9a. The tree grows in almost any soil – acidic or alkaline, loamy, sandy or clay. It accepts wet or dry soil. Plane tree information suggests that plane trees grow best in full sun, but they also thrive in partial shade. The trees are easy to propagate from cuttings, and European farmers make hedgerows by thrusting trimmed branches into the soil along property lines.[图片]Plane Tree Care If you plant London plane trees, you’ll need to provide water for the first growing season, until the root system develops. But plane tree care is minimal once the tree is mature. This tree survives extended flooding and is highly drought tolerant. Some gardeners consider it a nuisance, since the big leaves do not decompose quickly. However, they are excellent additions to your compost pile.
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Dummer. ゛☀
When you think of Florida, you immediately think of palm trees. However, not all palm species do well in colder regions of the state where temperatures may dip down to 5 F. (-15 C.). Pindo palm trees (Butia capitata) are one type of palm that will tolerate cooler temperatures and can even be found along the East Coast up to the Carolinas. Let’s find out how to care for a pindo palm.[图片]Hardy Pindo Info Pindo palms, also known as jelly palms, grow slowly to a mature height of 15-20 feet with a trunk diameter of 1 to 1 1/2 feet. Flowers can be red, white or yellow and occur in groups of two male flowers and one female flower. The fruit of this graceful palm is light orange to brownish red and can be used to make jelly. The seeds can even be roasted for a coffee substitute. Pindo palms are often used as a specimen tree and draw a variety of wildlife with their sweet fruit.[图片]Growing Pindo Palm Trees Pindo palms will grow in full sun or partial shade and any type of soil as long as it is moderately salt tolerant and has good drainage. Falling fruit can make a mess, so it is recommended that pindo palms be planted at least ten feet from decks, patios or paved surfaces. Since these trees grow so slowly, it is best to buy at least a three-year-old nursery stock tree unless you are extremely patient.[图片]How to Care of a Pindo Palm Pindo palm care is not difficult at all. There are no diseases or insect problems with this tree, other than the odd micro-nutrient deficiency. Regular fertilization will help keep the pindo palm looking its best. Pindo palms are able to survive hot and windy conditions, but it is always best to keep the soil adequately moist. This Brazil native requires some pruning of dead fronds to keep its appearance tidy.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The pindo palm (Butia capitata) is a thick, slow growing palm tree that is popular in zones 8 through 11, where it’s winter hardy. Palm trees come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and species, and it’s not always clear how much each tree needs to be pruned, if at all. Keep reading to learn more about how and when to prune a pindo palm tree.[图片]Do I Prune a Pindo Palm? Do pindo palms need to be pruned? If you are lucky enough to have a pindo palm growing in your garden, you might be tempted to cut it back. As the palm grows, it does have a tendency to get a little ragged looking. Each year the tree will produce eight new leaves. The leaves actually consist of a 4 foot (1.2 m.) long stem that’s covered in spines and 10 inch (25 cm.) long leaves that grow out of it in opposite directions. As these branches of leaves age, they curl down toward the trunk of the tree. Eventually, the older leaves will yellow and finally brown. While it may be tempting, you should not cut back the leaves unless they are completely dead, and even then you need to be careful about it.[图片]How to Prune a Pindo Palm Cutting a pindo palm back should only be done if the leaves are completely brown. Even then, make sure not to cut them down flush with the trunk. The rough appearance of a pindo palm’s trunk is actually made up of the stubs of dead leaves. Make sure to leave several inches of stem or you risk opening up the tree to infection.[图片]One case in which cutting a pindo palm back is completely okay is when the tree produces flowers. If left in place, the flowers will give way to fruit that, while edible, is often a nuisance when it drops. You can cut the faded flower stalks off to avoid the trouble of fruit litter.
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Dummer. ゛☀
A wide variety of palms, like sago palms, date palms or ponytail palms, will produce offshoots that are commonly known as pups. These palm pups are an excellent way to propagate the plant, but you need to know how to transplant a palm pup from the mother plant. Below you will find the steps for transplanting palm pups and tips for growing palm pups once you have transplanted them.[图片]How to Transplant a Palm Pup Before you remove a palm pup from the mother plant, you need to make sure that the palm pup is large enough to be taken from the mother plant. A palm offshoot should stay on the mother plant for at least one year. Allowing it to stay two to five years is ideal though, as this will allow the palm pup to develop its own healthy root system, which will in turn increase your success rate with transplanting the palm pups. Also, the more pups a palm tree has, the slower the pups will grow. If you plan on transplanting palm pups from a palm tree that has several pups, you may be best off selecting one to two of the strongest pups and removing the others.[图片]To check to see if a palm pup is ready to be transplanted, remove some of the dirt around the palm pup. Do this carefully, as damage palm pup roots tend to die back and this will set the pup back. Look for developed roots on the palm pup. If the pup has roots, it can be transplanted. But keep in mind, more roots equals a better transplant so if the roots are sparse, you may want to wait longer. Once the palm pups have a sufficient root system, they are ready to be removed from the mother tree. First, remove the dirt from around the palm pup, making sure not to damage the roots. We recommend that you leave a ball of soil intact around the main root ball to help minimize damage to the roots. After the soil is removed, use a sharp knife to cut the palm pup away from the mother plant. Make sure that the palm pup comes away from the mother plant with plenty of roots.[图片]Tips for Growing Palm Pups Once the palm pup is removed from the mother plant, move it immediately to a container filled with damp, nutrient rich potting soil. When you plant the palm pup, it should sit with the base with the start of the leaves above the soil line. After the palm pup is in the container, cover the container with a plastic bag. Do not allow the plastic to touch the growing palm pup. Using sticks to keep the plastic off the palm pup is helpful. Place the palm pup in a location where it will get bright but indirect light. Check the transplanted palm pup frequently to make sure the soil stays moist.[图片]Once you see that the palm pup is putting out growth on its own, you can remove the plastic bag. You can transplant your established palm pup into the ground in either the spring or the fall. Make sure to provide plenty of water to your palm pup for at least the first year after it has been moved into the ground.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Winter’s icy winds and heavy snows are subsiding and the kiss of summer sun is on the horizon. Now is the time to take stock of the damage to your plants. Fraying palm tips are common sights after storms. They may also be caused by mechanical damage, desiccation, disease and even nutrient deficiency or excesses. Identify the cause and learn what to do about your palm tree shedding and fraying.[图片]Palm Tree Shedding and Fraying Foliage Fraying or shedding palm fronds occur naturally or as the result of pest damage or disease. They are unsightly but usually don’t affect the plant’s health unless all the foliage is heavily tattered, which can affect photosynthesis. This reduces the plant’s ability to collect solar energy to turn into important carbohydrates. Most damage from wind, ice and snow is limited to the most exposed leaves and can simply be cut out after all danger of frost has passed. Other reasons for the damage may require a more thorough solution.[图片]Natural Fraying and Shedding of Palms Palm trees regularly grow new leaves and shed the old ones. This palm tree shedding is part of the tree’s natural growth and is not cause for concern. Some palms do not self clean, so you can prune out the dead leaves. Palm leaf shedding starts with fraying foliage, which eventually leaves the entire frond and stem brown and dead. Frayed palm leaves may also be caused from ice damage. Although it mars the appearance of the lovely foliage, it is not necessary to trim the ends unless it really offends you. Fraying or shedding palm fronds may be yellow, black or brown at just the ends or on the entire leaf and stem. This distinction can help you diagnose the cause.[图片]Site Conditions for Damaged Palm Fronds Wind and icy weather causes tip damage, which is usually brown from ice and yellow to brown from wind. Dryness is also a factor. Palm trees are often native to warm climes but they still need additional water to prevent the foliage from drying out when the area is extremely arid. The tips will start to dry and discolor and eventually the entire frond will turn brown. Yellow fronds indicate that the plant is receiving too much water. Soil acidity is another factor in fraying palm tips. Clues that the soil is too salty or alkaline will appear in the form of blackened fraying palm tips. Add a little gypsum or sulfur to combat this issue.[图片]Bugs and Other Pests Causing Frayed Palm Leaves Scale, whiteflies, and aphids are frequent eaters at the palm tree buffet. Their feeding habits suck vital fluids from the plant, causing reduced vigor and discolored leaves. Rodents nibble at the ends of the new growth producing frayed palm leaves. Gophers and rabbits will also add their feed damage, which is unfortunate for the tree’s health when they eat off all the baby leaves. This inhibits regular healthy growth, so it is important to get a handle on any furry pests in the area.[图片]Diseases Causing Palm Leaf Damage Fungal diseases occur when conditions are moist and warm. Avoid overhead watering which can increase the spore growth and reduce leaf health. Diseases that attack palms may include false smut. It is also called Graphiola leaf spot and has an appearance similar to the normal smut or speckled discoloration found on many palm species when the fronds are young. In this case, the false smut starts out as warty black spots on fronds and can progress to killing the entire leaf and petiole. Copper fungicides and the removal of infected leaves will prevent the spread of the disease and further palm leaves shedding from damage.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Palm trees don’t just make an appearance in Hollywood. Different varieties can be grown around the United States, even places where snow is a regular winter feature. Snow and freezing temps aren’t exactly a palm trees milieu, so what kind of winter protection must you provide for palms?[图片]Winter Palm Tree Care Frost and freezing temperatures damage the tissue of plants, in general weakening them and leaving them susceptible to diseases. Cold snaps, in particular, are of concern. Winterizing your palm tree to protect it from cold damage may be of paramount importance, especially depending on your region. Winter palm tree care usually requires wrapping palm trees in winter. The question is how to wrap the palm tree for winter and with what?[图片]How to Wrap Palm Trees for Winter If your palm is small, you can cover it with a box or blanket and weigh it down. Don’t leave the cover on for longer than 5 days. You can also cover a small palm with straw or similar mulch. Remove the mulch immediately when the weather warms up. As to winterizing a palm tree by wrapping it, there are 4 basic methods: stringing Christmas lights, the chicken wire method, utilizing heat tape and using water pipe insulation. Christmas lights – Christmas lights to wrap the palm are the easiest method. Do not use the newer LED lights, but stick with good old-fashioned bulbs. Tie the leaves together into a bundle and wrap them with a string of lights. The heat emitted by the lights should be enough to protect the tree, and it looks festive![图片]Chicken wire – When using the chicken wire method, lace 4 stakes, 3 feet apart, in a square with the palm at the center. Wrap 1-2” chicken wire or fencing wire around the posts to create a basket of about 3-4 feet high. Fill the “basket” with leaves. Remove the leaves in early March. Pipe insulation – When using water pipe insulation, cover the soil around the trees with mulch to protect the roots. Wrap the first 3-6 leaves and the trunk with water pipe insulation. Fold the top over to keep water from getting inside the insulation. Again, in March, remove the wrapping and mulch. Heat tape – Lastly, you can winterize the palm tree by using heat tape. Pull the fronds back and tie them. Wrap a heat tape (bought at a building supply store), around the trunk beginning at the base. Leave the thermostat out at the bottom of the trunk. Continue wrapping around the entire trunk up to the top. One 4′ tall palm needs a 15′ long heat tape. Then, wrap the trunk with 3-4 layer of burlap and secure with duct tape. Over top of all of this, wrap the entirety, including the fronds, with plastic wrap. Plug the tape into a ground fault receptacle. Remove the wrapping just as the weather begins to warm up lest you risk rotting the tree.[图片]All of that is too much work for me. I am lazy. I use the Christmas lights and keep my fingers crossed. I am sure there are many other winter protection methods for palms. Use your imagination and be sure not to wrap the tree too far ahead of the cold and to unwrap it just as the weather warms.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Small palm trees are an excellent and versatile addition to a yard. Miniature palm trees are generally defined as being under 20 feet tall, which in terms of palms is really quite short. Within this category there are two types of palm trees: small tree and bushy. Each has its own uses and comes in many varieties. Read on to learn more about these types of palm trees.[图片]Low Growing Palm Trees Small palm trees that grow up from a single trunk are excellent for front yard garden beds because they have such small root balls. You can plant small palm trees close to your house and avoid the damage to your foundation another tree’s roots might cause, while adding an interesting extra level of height to your landscape. So what are some short height palm trees? The following palms all reach heights under 12 feet at maturity: Pygmy Date Palm Bottle Palm Sago Palm Spindle Palm Parlor Palm[图片]Palms that grow between 15 and 25 feet include: Christmas Palm Pindo or Jelly Palm Florida Thatch Palm[图片]Bushy Types of Palm Trees Many palm trees feature underground trunks or low-to-the-ground clustering branches that give them the appearance of a bush and make them excellent ground cover or property dividers. The Serenoa repens palm has a trunk that grows horizontally with dense leaves that give it a bush-like appearance. It usually reaches heights of 6 feet. The Sabal minor grows in the same way but gets no taller than 5 feet. The Chinese needle and dwarf palmetto are both short, slow-growing groundcover palms with fanning leaves.[图片]Coontie palms reach only 3-5 feet in height and take on the appearance of small, manageable bushes. The Cardboard Palm is a close relative with many small, broad leaves and a nearly unnoticeable trunk. Now that you know a little more about low growing palm trees, take advantage of their short features and add one or two to your landscape.
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