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Dummer. ゛☀
Across the midwest United States, you may find a bright green tree with lacy panicles of creamy white flowers. The catalpa is native to parts of North America and frequently grows in hot dry soils. What is a catalpa tree? It is a softly rounded tree with lovely flowers and interesting pod-like fruit. The plant has an interesting use for fishermen and is an important tree for land reclamation. Try growing a catalpa tree in your yard and admire the attractive leaves and showy spring showers of white flowers.[图片]What is a Catalpa Tree? Catalpa trees are 40- to 70-foot tall trees with arching canopies and an average lifespan of 60 years. The deciduous plants are hardy to USDA planting zones 4 to 8 and can tolerate moist soils but are more suited to dry areas. The leaves are arrow-shaped and glossy bright green. In fall they turn a bright yellow-green before dropping as cold temperatures and chilly winds arrive. Flowers appear in spring and last into early summer. The fruit is a long bean-shaped pod, 8 to 20 inches long. The tree is useful as a shade tree, along streets and in dry, hard-to-plant sites. However, the pods can become a litter problem.[图片]How to Grow a Catalpa Tree Catalpa trees are quite adaptable to different soil conditions. They perform well in both full sun to partial shade locations. Growing catalpa trees is easy but they have the tendency to naturalize in areas where the tree isn’t native. This potentially invasive potential is more common in border states around the plant’s natural range. Trees may start from dropped seed but this is easily avoided by raking up the dropped seed pods. The tree is regularly planted to attract catalpa worms, which fishermen freeze and use to attract fish. The ease of catalpa tree care and its rapid growth make it ideal for areas where a quickly maturing tree line is desired.[图片]Catalpa Tree Planting Choose a bright sunny location for growing Catalpa trees. Ideally, the soil should be moist and rich, although the plant can tolerate dry and inhospitable sites. Dig a hole twice as deep and twice as wide as the root ball. Fluff out the roots to the edges of the hole and fill in around them with well worked soil. Use a stake on young trees to ensure straight growth. Water the plant well and every week until it has established. Once the tree has rooted, water is only needed in periods of extreme drought.[图片]Catalpa Tree Care Young trees should be pruned to encourage good growth. Prune in spring one year after planting. Remove suckers and train the tree to a straight leader trunk. Once the tree is mature, it is necessary to prune it to keep low growing branches from impeding maintenance under the plant. These are tough trees and don’t require much babying. Fertilize in spring with a balanced fertilizer to promote health. Watch for insects and other pests and avoid overhead watering, which can cause mildew and fungal problems.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Carrotwoods (Cupaniopsis anacardioides) are named for their bright orange wood concealed under a layer of bark. These attractive little trees fit into almost any size landscape, but are carrotwood tree roots invasive? Find out about the invasive potential of these trees as well as how to grow them in this article.[图片]Carrotwood Tree Information What is a carrotwood tree? Growing only 30 to 40 feet tall with a spread of twenty to thirty feet, carrotwoods are decorative little trees with a lot of potential in the home landscape. Many small trees are a disaster around patios and decks because they drop litter in the form of leaves, flowers and fruit, but carrotwoods are neat trees that don’t require constant cleanup. Their leathery, evergreen leaves create year-round interest. That being said, in warm, moist climates such as those found in Hawaii and Florida, carrotwood trees can become an ecological disaster. They readily escape cultivation and take root in unwanted places. They don’t have the natural controls that are present in their native Australia and New Guinea regions, so they spread to crowd out native species. Before planting a carrotwood tree, consult your local Cooperative Extension agent about the tree’s invasive potential in your area.[图片]How to Plant Carrotwood Trees Plant carrotwood trees in a sunny location with average, moderately moist soil. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. Set the tree in the hole and backfill with the soil you removed from the hole. It’s a good idea to fill the hole with water when it’s half full of soil to allow any air pockets to settle, and then continue to backfill until the soil in the hole is level with the surrounding soil. Don’t mound the excess soil around the base of the tree. Once the hole is full, press down gently with your foot.[图片]Carrotwood Tree Care This lovely little tree looks light and airy and makes a well-behaved street tree. It’s right at home growing in the lawn as a specimen or providing light shade for a patio. Slow growth and limited size means that it won’t take over small yards. The tree is undemanding, and nothing could be easier than carrotwood tree care. Newly planted trees need weekly watering in the absence of rain until they become established. Once they are growing on their own, they only need water during prolonged drought.[图片]They don’t usually need fertilizer, but if you feel that your tree isn’t growing as it should, sprinkle a little complete and balanced fertilizer around the root zone. You can grow a carrotwood tree as a single-trunked specimen or with multiple trunks. More trunks means a wider spread, so allow room for it to grow. Creating a single-trunked tree is simply a matter of removing unwanted stems.
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Dummer. ゛☀
While little known to many people, carob trees (Ceratonia siliqua) have a lot to offer to the home landscape given suitable growing conditions. This age-old tree has an interesting history as well as a number of uses. Keep reading for more carob tree information.[图片]What are Carobs? Chocolate, how do I love thee. Let me count the ways…and calories. Made up of about half fat, chocolate addictions (such as mine) beg for a solution. Carob is just that solution. Rich not only in sucrose but also 8% protein, containing vitamins A and B plus several minerals, and about one-third the calories of chocolate without the fat (yep, fat free!), carob makes an ideal substitute for chocolate. So, what are carobs? Carob growing in the their native habitat can be found in the eastern Mediterranean, probably in the Middle East, where it has been cultivated for over 4,000 years. Carob growing has also been referred to in the Bible and was known to the ancient Greeks as well. In the Bible, the carob tree is also called St. John’s bean or locust bean in reference to the “locusts” eaten by John the Baptist, which were represented by the hanging pods or legumes of the plant. A member of the Fabaceae or Legume family, carob tree information states that it is an evergreen tree with pinnate leaves of two to six oval pairs that grows to about 50 to 55 feet tall.[图片]Additional Carob Tree Information Cultivated around the world for its sweet and nutritious fruits, carob seeds were once used to weigh gold, which is where the word ‘carat’ is derived. The Spanish brought carob growing to Mexico and South America, and the British introduced carob trees to South Africa, India and Australia. Introduced into the United States in 1854, carob trees are now a familiar sight throughout California where its warm, drier climate is ideal for carob growing. Thriving in Mediterranean-like climes, carob grows well anywhere that citrus grows and is grown for its fruit (pod), which is most familiarly known for its use ground into a flour and substituted for cocoa beans. The long, flat brown carob pods (4 to 12 inches) also contain a polysaccharide gum, which is odorless, tasteless and colorless, and is used in many products. Livestock may also be fed carob pods, while people have long used the pod husks for medicinal purposes such as that of a throat balm or chewing lozenge to relieve hoarseness.[图片]How to Grow Carob Trees Sowing seed directly is probably the most common method for how to grow carob trees. Fresh seeds germinate quickly, while dried seeds need to be scarred and then soaked for a period of time until swollen two to three times in size. Traditionally planted in flats and then transplanted once the seedlings attain a second set of leaves, germination for carob trees is only about 25 percent certain. Carob should be spaced 9 inches apart in the garden. For the home gardener, an established 1-gallon carob tree start might more prudently be purchased from a nursery. Keep in mind that conditions in your garden must closely mimic those of the Mediterranean, or grow carob in a greenhouse or in a container, which can be moved into a protected area indoors. Carob trees may be grown in USDA zones 9-11. Be patient as carob trees grow slowly at first but begin to bear in the sixth year of planting and may remain productive for 80 to 100 years.[图片]Carob Tree Care Carob tree care dictates establishing the carob tree in an area of the landscape in full sun and well drained soil. While carob can withstand drought and alkalinity, it does not tolerate acidic soil or overly wet conditions. Water the carob infrequently, or not at all, depending on your climate. Once established, carob trees are strong and resilient and are affected by few diseases or pests, although scale may be an issue. Severe infestation of these immovable armored insects may cause oddly shaped and yellowing leaves, oozing bark, and general stunting of the carob tree. Prune out any areas that are afflicted with scale.[图片]Some other insects, such as predatory lady beetles or parasitic wasps, may afflict the carob as well and can be treated with horticultural oil if absolutely necessary. Really, the biggest threat to the carob is its dislike for soggy soil and overly wet conditions, which lead to stunted trees and inability to absorb nutrition, causing yellowing and leaf drop. Generally, an established plant will not need to be fertilized, but if these problems are plaguing the tree, a dose of fertilizer may be beneficial and, of course, cut back on irrigation.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The Canary Island date palm (Phoenix canariensis) is a beautiful tree, native to the warm Canary Islands. You can consider planting a Canary Island date palm outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 11, or indoors in a container anywhere. With its shiny, feathery fronds, arching branches and ornamental fruit, this tree is not of the low-maintenance school. You’ll want to read up on care of Canary Island palm trees to be sure the plant stays healthy and happy.[图片]Information on Canary Date Palms If you are dreaming of Canary palm trees growing in your backyard, you’ll need lots of room. Information on Canary date palms lists these trees as growing up to 65 feet tall with a potential spread of 40 feet. However, planting a Canary Island date palm is not entirely out of the question if you have a small backyard. Canary palm trees growing speed is slow, and your specimen will only get to 10 feet tall during its first 15 years in the backyard. Other information on Canary date palms notes the long leaves of the species – from 8 to 20 feet long – and the extremely sharp spines at the frond base. The trunk can grow to 4 feet in diameter. Small white or gray blossoms produce showy ornamental date-like fruits in the summer.[图片]Care of Canary Island Palm Trees Planting a Canary Island date palm requires a full sun location and plenty of irrigation when the palm is young. As far as Canary palm tree care, think about providing water every week to help the plant establish deep roots. Once the tree is mature, you can reduce irrigation. Canary palm tree care includes feeding the tree. You’ll want to fertilize it every spring just before new growth appears. These trees need high levels of potassium and magnesium as part of Canary palm tree care. They can easily come down with deficiencies of these nutrients under landscape conditions. You’ll identify potassium deficiency by the pale color or spotting of the oldest fronds. As the deficiency progresses, the frond tips get brown and brittle.[图片]Your tree has a magnesium deficiency if you see lemon yellow bands along the outer margins of older leaves. Sometimes, the trees have both potassium and magnesium deficiencies at the same time. Fortunately, the palm usually has few disease or pest issues.
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Dummer. ゛☀
The calabash tree (Crescentia cujete) is a small evergreen that grows up to 25 feet tall and produces unusual flowers and fruits. The flowers are greenish yellow with red veins, while the fruit – large, round and hard – hang directly beneath the branches. Read on for more calabash tree facts, including information about how to grow a calabash tree.[图片]Calabash Tree Information The calabash tree has a broad, irregular crown with wide, spreading branched. The leaves are two to six inches long. Orchids grow in the bark of these trees in the wild. Calabash tree facts indicate that the tree’s flowers, each about two inches wide, are cup shaped. They seem to grow directly from the calabash branches. They only bloom at night and emit a slight odor. By noon of the following day, the flowers wilt and die.[图片]The calabash tree flowers are pollinated by bats during the night. In time, the trees produce the round fruit. These large fruits take six months to ripen. Calabash tree facts make clear that the fruits are not edible to humans but they are used for a variety of ornamental purposes. For example, the shells are used to make musical instruments. Horses, however, are said to crack open the hard shells. They eat the fruit without detrimental effect. Black calabash trees (Amphitecna latifolia) share many of the same characteristics of the calabash and are from the same family. They grow to about the same height, and produce leaves and flowers that resemble those of the calabash. The black calabash fruits, however, are edible. DO NOT confuse the two trees.[图片]How to Grow a Calabash Tree If you are wondering how to grow a calabash tree, the trees grow from the seeds inside the fruit. The shell of the fruit is surrounded by pulp in which the brown seeds are located. Plant the seeds in almost any type of soil, and be sure to keep the soil moist. The calabash tree, whether a seedling or a mature specimen, cannot tolerate drought.[图片]A calabash tree can only be planted in areas without frost. The tree cannot tolerate even the lightest frost. It thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 10b through 11. Calabash tree care includes providing regular water to the tree. Be careful if planting a calabash near the sea, as it has no salt tolerance.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Also called Sabal palms, cabbage tree palms (Livistona australis) are a native American tree that ideal for warm, coastal areas. When planted as street trees or in groups, they give the entire area a tropical atmosphere. Showy white flowers on long, branching stalks bloom in early summer, followed by dark, edible berries in fall. The fruit is edible, but more appealing to wildlife than humans.[图片]What are Cabbage Palms? Cabbage palms are capable of reaching heights of 90 feet or more in the wild, but in cultivation they usually grow only 40 to 60 feet tall. The tree’s 18- to 24-inch wide trunk is topped by a rounded canopy of long fronds. It isn’t usually considered a good shade tree, but clusters of cabbage palms can provide moderate shade. The lower fronds sometimes drop from the tree leaving their base, called a boot, attached to the trunk. These boots create the cross-hatched pattern on the trunk of the tree. As the tree matures, the older boots fall off leaving the lower part of the trunk smooth.[图片]Cabbage Palm Growing Region The cabbage palm growing region includes USDA plant hardiness zones 8b through 11. Temperatures below 11 F. (-11 C.) can kill the plant. Cabbage palms are particularly well-adapted to the Southeast, and they are the state tree of both South Carolina and Florida. Nearly hurricane-proof, the tree remains standing against the wind long after pine trees snap in two and oaks are uprooted. Choose a sunny or partly shaded site in any well-drained soil. The hardest part about growing a cabbage palm tree is getting it planted just right. Take care with the roots when transplanting the tree. Cabbage palms are drought-tolerant, but only after all the roots that were damaged during transplanting regrow from the base of the tree. Until then, you’ll have to water deeply and often to make sure the tree gets the moisture it needs.[图片]Cabbage palm care is easy once the tree is established. In fact, it will do just fine if left to its own devices. One thing you may want to do is remove the little seedlings that come up where the fruit falls to the ground because they can become weedy.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Ohio’s state tree and the symbol for Ohio State University’s intercollegiate athletics, Ohio buckeye trees (Aesculus glabra) are the best known of the 13 species of buckeyes. Other members of the genus include medium to large trees such as the horse chestnut (A. hippocastanum) and large shrubs like the red buckeye (A. pavia). Read on for information about buckeye tree planting and some interesting buckeye tree facts.[图片]Buckeye Tree Facts Buckeye leaves are made up of five leaflets that are arranged like spread fingers on a hand. They are bright green when they emerge and darken as they age. The flowers, which are arranged in long panicles, bloom in spring. Green, leathery fruit replace the flowers in summer. Buckeyes are one of the first trees to leaf out in spring, and also the first to drop their foliage in fall. Most of the trees in North America called “chestnuts” are actually horse chestnuts or buckeyes. A fungal blight wiped out most of the true chestnuts between 1900 and 1940 and very few specimens survived. The nuts from buckeyes and horse chestnuts are poisonous to humans.[图片]How to Plant a Buckeye Tree Plant buckeye trees in spring or fall. They grow well in full sun or partial shade and adapt to most any soil, but they don’t like an extremely dry environment. Dig the hole deep enough to accommodate the root ball and at least twice as wide. When you set the tree in the hole, lay a yardstick or flat tool handle across the hole to make sure the soil line on the tree is even with the surrounding soil. Trees that are buried too deep are susceptible to rot. Backfill the hole with unamended soil. There is no need to fertilize or add soil amendments until the following spring.[图片]Water deeply and in the absence of rain, following up with weekly waterings until the tree is established and beginning to grow. A 2- to 3-inch layer of mulch around the tree will help keep the soil evenly moist. Pull the mulch back a few inches from the trunk to discourage rot. The main reason you don’t see more buckeyes as a yard tree is the litter they create. From dead flowers to leaves to the leathery and sometimes spiny fruit, it seems that something is always falling from the trees. Most property owners prefer to grow buckeyes in woodland settings and out-of-the-way areas.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Red buckeye trees are relatively easy to care for, medium sized trees or shrubs that produce showy red flowers in the spring. They are a great choice for large, easy decoration along borders. Keep reading to learn more about red buckeye tree care and red buckeye tree growth.[图片]Red Buckeye Tree Growth What is a red buckeye tree? Red buckeye trees (Aesculus pavia) are North American natives from southern Missouri. They grow in USDA zones 4 through 8. For several weeks in the spring the trees produce bright red panicles of tube-shaped flowers. The flowers have no real scent, but they are striking in color and very attractive to hummingbirds. Once the flowers fade, they are replaced by dry, round, orange fruits. These fruits are toxic to both animals and humans. Keep this in mind when choosing a planting location. The trees produce a lot of fruit, and when it drops it can be a nuisance to clean up and a real danger to pets and children. Red buckeye trees are deciduous, but their leaves aren’t showy in the fall. They barely change color and drop relatively early.[图片]Red Buckeye Tree Care Planting a red buckeye tree is relatively easy. The trees can be grown very successfully from seed and should bloom within three years. Red buckeye tree growth is best in rich soil that is well drained but moist. The trees do not handle drought well. They will grow in both shade and sun, but they’ll stay smaller and won’t fill out as nicely in the shade. In sun, the trees tend to grow between 15 and 20 feet in height, though they will sometimes reach as high as 35 feet.[图片]
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Dummer. ゛☀
Here’s a species of tree you might not see growing wild in your area. Kurrajong bottle trees (Brachychiton populneus) are hardy evergreens from Australia with bottle-shaped trunks that the tree uses for water storage. The trees are also called lacebark Kurrajongs. This is because the bark of the young trees stretch over time, and the old bark forms lacy patterns on the new bark beneath. Growing a Kurrajong bottle tree is not difficult since the species is tolerant of most soils. Read on for more information about bottle tree care.[图片]Kurrajong Tree Info The Australian bottle tree is a pretty specimen with a rounded canopy. It rises to some 50 feet high and wide, offering an evergreen canopy of shiny, lance-shaped or lobed leaves several inches long. It is fairly common to see leaves with three lobes or even five lobes, and Kurrajong bottle trees do not have thorns. The bell-shaped flowers are even more attractive when they arrive in early spring. They are creamy white, or off-white, and decorated with pink or red dots. In time, the flowers of the Australian bottle tree develop into edible seeds that grow encased in pods. The pods themselves appear in clusters in a star pattern. The seeds are hairy but, otherwise, look something like corn kernels. These are used as food by the Australia aborigines.[图片]Bottle Tree Care Growing a Kurrajong bottle tree is a rapid business, since this little tree gets to its mature height and breadth in no time. The principal growing requirement of the Australian bottle tree is sunshine; it cannot grow in shade. In most ways the tree is undemanding. It accepts almost any type of well-drained soil in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11, including clay, sand and loam. It grows in dry soil or moist soil, and tolerates both acidic and alkaline soil.[图片]However, if you are planting an Australian bottle tree, plant it in direct sun in a moderately fertile soil for best results. Avoid wet soil or shady areas. Kurrajong bottle trees are not demanding about irrigation either. Bottle tree care involves providing moderate amounts of water in dry weather. The trunks of Kurrajong bottle trees store water, when it is available.
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Dummer. ゛☀
Blackthorn (Prunus spinosa) is a berry producing tree native to Great Britain and throughout most of Europe, from Scandinavia south and east to the Mediterranean, Siberia and Iran. With such an extensive habitat, there must be some innovative uses for blackthorn berries and other interesting tidbits of information about blackthorn plants. Let’s read on to find out.[图片]Information about Blackthorn Plants Blackthorns are small, deciduous trees also referred to as ‘sloe.’ They grow in scrubs, thickets and woodlands in the wild. In the landscape, hedges are the most common use for growing blackthorn trees. A growing blackthorn tree is spiny and densely limbed. It has smooth, dark brown bark with straight side shoots that become thorned. The leaves are wrinkled, serrated ovals that are pointed at the tip and tapered at the base. They may live for up to 100 years. Blackthorn trees are hermaphrodites, having both male and female reproductive parts. The flowers appear before the tree leafs out in March and April and are then pollinated by insects. The results are blue-black fruit. Birds enjoy eating the fruit, but the question is, are blackthorn berries edible for human consumption?[图片]Uses for Blackthorn Berry Trees Blackthorn trees are extremely wildlife friendly. They provide food and nesting space for a variety of birds with protection from prey due to the spiny branches. They are also a great source of nectar and pollen for bees in the spring and provide food for caterpillars on their journey to becoming butterflies and moths. As mentioned, the trees make a terrific impenetrable hedge with an enclosure of painful spike laden interwoven branches. Blackthorn wood is also traditionally used for making the Irish shillelaghs or walking sticks. As to the berries, the birds eat them, but are blackthorn berries edible for humans? I wouldn’t recommend it. While a small amount of raw berry will probably have little effect, the berries do contain hydrogen cyanide, which in larger doses may definitely have toxic effect. However, the berries are processed commercially into sloe gin as well as in wine making and preserves.[图片]Prunus spinosa Care Very little is needed in the way of care for Prunus spinosa. It grows well in a variety of soil types from sun to partial sun exposures. It is, however, susceptible to several fungal diseases which can cause blossom wilt and, therefore, affect fruit production.
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